- Academy, Establishment of, 53
- Annexation to Connecticut in 1749, 44
- Bacon, Thomas, 26
- Black, James, 17
- Bowen, Lieut. Henry, 26
- Chandler, Captain John, 34
- —— Charles Church, 48
- —— Col. John, 55
- —— Col. Thomas, 47
- —— Hon. John Church, 55
- —— Judge John Winthrop, 55
- —— Rev. Thos. Bradbury, D.D., 55
- —— Winthrop, 55
- Characteristics of the place and people, 58
- Child, Captain Benjamin, 49
- —— Captain Elisha, 48, 49
- —— Lieut. Josiah, 49
- —— Nathaniel, 48
- Church, First built 1694, 32
- —— Fourth Congregational, established 1767, 40
- —— Third Congregational, established 1760, 40
- Churches, History of, 36
- Connecticut, First members to General Assembly of, 44
- “Connecticut Park,” 13
- Court, Establishment of, among Indians, 17
- Cradock, Governor, 14
- Curtis, John, 21
- Distinguished men of Woodstock, 55
- Dudley, Joseph, 20
- —— Thomas, Letter of, to Countess of Lincoln, March 12, 1630-1, 8
- Dwight, Rev. Josiah, first minister, installed October 17, 1690, 32
- Eaton, General William, 56
- Education, progress of, 53
- Eliot’s visit to Woodstock, Narrative of, by Gookin, 15
- Families represented in French and Indian War, 47
- Fines imposed for non-attendance at town meeting, 33
- Fox, Jabez, 49
- —— John, 49
- French and Indian War, Woodstock families represented in, 47
- Frizzel, William, 49
- Frontier service, Twenty men impressed for, 1724, 46
- General Court, First, in America, Boston, September 28, 1630, 9
- Gookin, Major Daniel, magistrate of all Indian towns, 1656, 14
- Grant, General U. S., Visit of, to Woodstock, 59
- Gravestone of Edward Morris (oldest in county—1689), 25
- Holmes, Abiel, 56
- —— Doctor David, 56
- —— Oliver Wendell, 56
- Home lots, Drawing lots for, 23
- Indian church, First, in America, established by Eliot at Natick in 1651, 14
- Indians, Religious instruction of, in 1629, 14
- —— Troubles with, 33
- King Philip’s war, Consequences of, 18
- Leonard, Rev. Abiel, installed pastor, 1763, 40
- —— —— appointed chaplain of Third Regiment of Connecticut,