(The numbers given refer to the recipes.) Soups. - Artichoke. 1.
- Asparagus. 2.
- Brown. 3.
- Carrot. 4.
- Celery. 5.
- Chestnut. 6.
- French bean. 7.
- Green kale. 8.
- Haricot bean. 9.
- Lentil. 10.
- broth. 11.
- tea. 12.
- Mulligatawny. 13.
- Oatmeal. 14.
- Onion. 15.
- Parsnip. 16.
- Pea. 17.
- dried green. 18.
- fresh. 19.
- Potato. 20.
- Rice. 21.
- Sea kale. 22.
- Semolina. 23.
- Stock, brown. 24.
- white. 25.
- Tomato. 26.
- Turnip. 27.
- Vegetable. 28.
- marrow. 29.
- Vermicelli. 30.
Stews. - Brighton. 31.
- Carrot. 32.
- Cucumber. 33.
- Cucumber and beetroot. 34.
- with sauce piquante. 35.
- braized, with tomato sauce. 36.
- Mushrooms. 37.
- Potato. 38.
- baked. 39.
- Pea, fresh green. 40.
- and lettuce. 41.
- and potato. 42.
- Haricot bean. 43, 44, 45.
- ragoÛt. 46.
- and green pea. 47.
- Irish. 48.
- Lentil, with forcemeat cutlets. 49.
- Rice. 50.
- Spanish onion. 51.
- Tennis. 52.
- Tomato ragoÛt. 53.
- Vegetable, rich baked. 54.
- ragoÛt. 55.
- marrow. 56.
Fritters, Etc. - Almond, savoury. 57.
- Batter. 58.
- Brazil rissoles. 59.
- Egg and tomato. 60.
- Golden marbles. 61.
- Haricot bean croquettes. 62.
- Kromskies. 63.
- Mushroom croquettes. 64.
- Potato. 65.
- Savoury. 66.
- queen. 67.
- Semolina, sweet. 68.
- Vermicelli and cheese. 69, 70.
Savouries. - Asparagus and egg on toast. 71.
- Batter, rolled, stuffed with forcemeat. 72.
- boiled. 73.
- Cheese mixture. 74.
- Chestnuts, with Maitre d'Hotel sauce. 75.
- Eggs on toast. 76.
- Forcemeat. 77.
- balls. 78.
- Haricot beans on bread. 79.
- on toast. 80.
- with eggs. 81.
- garnished. 82.
- mould. 83.
- Lentil cakes. 84.
- Mixture. 85, 86.
- Mushrooms À la FranÇaise. 87.
- Pancakes. 88.
- Peas, green, and carrots on toast. 89.
- Potato, baked, with sage and onion. 90.
- casserole of. 91.
- and celery balls. 92.
- and eggs with celery sauce. 93.
- fried with eggs. 94.
- olives. 95.
- pyramids. 96.
- stuffed. 97, 98.
- Rice balls. 99.
- Rissoles. 100.
- Sage and onion patties. 101.
- Sausages. 102.
- in batter. 103.
- Brussels sprout. 104.
- curry flavour. 105.
- lentil and tomato. 106.
- savoury. 107.
- semolina. 108.
- Semolina. 109.
- and cheese. 110.
- Spanish onions stuffed. 111.
- Spinach with peas and tomatoes. 112.
- Surprise balls. 113.
- Toad-in-the-hole. 114.
- Tomatoes in batter, plain. 115.
- in batter, seasoned. 116.
- and eggs on toast. 117.
- Turnips with poached eggs. 118.
- Vegetable marrow with potato balls. 119.
- marrow rings with tomato batter. 120.
- marrow stuffed. 121, 122.
- Vermicelli and cheese. 123.
SoufflÉs. - Bread. 124.
- Cauliflower. 125.
- Cauliflower and potato. 126.
- Garnie. 127.
- Moulded. 128.
- Haricot bean. 129.
- with BÉchamel sauce. 130.
- and spinach. 131.
- Lentil. 132.
- Pea, fresh green. 133.
- Petites. 134.
- Tomato. 135.
Curries. - Beetroot and cucumber. 136.
- Eggs. 137.
- Haricot beans. 138, 139.
- Lentils. 140.
- Tomatoes. 141.
- Turnips. 142.
Vegetables. - Artichokes with sauce royale. 143.
- Beetroot, fried. 144.
- Brussels sprouts. 145.
- French beans. 146.
- Greens, a nice way. 147.
- tasty. 148.
- Haricot beans. 149.
- Mushrooms, baked. 150.
- Peas, green. 151.
- Potatoes, mashed. 152.
- new, fried. 153.
- Salsify. 154.
- Tomatoes. 155.
Sauces. Salads. Pies, Puddings, Etc. - Alexandra pie. 195.
- Asparagus pudding. 196.
- Batter, baked. 197.
- Biscuits, whole meal. 198.
- Cherry tartlets. 199.
- Chestnut cakes. 200.
- French plum pasties. 201.
- Haricot beans, potted. 202.
- Lentil pudding. 203.
- Lentils, potted. 204.
- Mushroom pudding, baked. 205.
- boiled. 206.
- Paste, plain. 207.
- puff. 208.
- Potato pie. 209.
- pudding. 210.
- Rice, boiled, plain. 211.
- Summer pie. 212.
- Vermicelli and tomato pudding. 213.
Fruits. - Apples, purÉe of. 214.
- stewed. 215.
- stewed À la gloire. 216.
- French plums. 217.
- Pears, masked. 218.
- stewed. 219.
- Rhubarb, early, stewed. 220.
- Strawberries in syrup. 221.