The errors noted in the Errata have been corrected. Errors in punctuations and inconsistent hyphenation were not corrected unless otherwise noted. For instance, sometimes Wurtemberg is used instead of WÜrttemberg. In the table of contents, "Inter-many's" was replaced with "Internationale—Germany's". On page 33, "epecially" was replaced with "especially". On page 34, "occured" was replaced with "occurred". On page 41, "arbitary" was replaced with "arbitrary". On page 53, "Wilheim" was replaced with "Wilhelm". On page 65, "ninteen" was replaced with "nineteen". On page 91, "Dittman" was replaced with "Dittmann". On page 105, "agressively" was replaced with "aggressively". On page 107, "beween" was replaced with "between". On page 115, "situtation" was replaced with "situation". On page 121, "possiblities" was replaced with "possibilities". On page 125, "cooperate" was replaced with "coÖperate". On page 128, there is reference to the "Narodini Listy," although some other sources refer to it as "Narodni List". On page 136, "panic-striken" was replaced with "panic-stricken". On page 137, "cantagion" was replaced with "contagion". On page 157, "hoplessness" was replaced with "hopelessness". On page 165, in footnote 36, a quotation mark was put before "class-conscious" On page 168, "abdiction" was replaced with "abdication". On page 244, "Februry" was replaced with "February". On page 255, "Februry" was replaced with "February". On page 266, the comma after "Republican Germany" was replaced with a period. On page 282, in footnote 76, "sems" was replaced with "seems". On page 328, "agricultral" was replaced with "agricultural". |