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BUCKLE, H. TH. History of Civilisation in England. (Longman, Green and Co., London, 1903.)

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CABE, JOSEPH MAC. Woman in Political Evolution. (Watts and Co., London, 1909.)

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CHAPONE, HESTER. Letters on the Improvement of the Mind.

CHESTERFIELD, Lord. Letters. (Ed. J. Bradshaw.)

CLIMENSON, E. J. Mrs. Montagu.

COMPAYRÉ, G. Histoire critique des doctrines de l'Éducation en France.

DAY, THOMAS. Sandford and Merton.

DEFOE, DANIEL. Essay upon Projects.

DELANY, Mrs. (Mary Granville). Correspondence.

DODDS, M. HOPE. Fulfilment. (An article about Mary Astell in "The Englishwoman".)

DORAN, Dr. J. A Lady of the Last Century. (Mrs. Montagu.)

DOWDEN, E. The French Revolution and English Literature.

ELWOOD, Mrs. A. K. Memoirs of Female Writers in England.

FORSYTH, W. Eighteenth Century Novels and Novelists.

GODWIN, W. Political Justice.

GODWIN, W. Caleb Williams.

GODWIN, W. Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Women.

GRAPPIN, H. Poullain de la Barre. (Revue d'histoire littÉraire de la France, Tome XX.)

GIRARDIN, ST. MARC. Cours de littÉrature dramatique. (Vol. III.)

HALES, J. W. The Last Decade of the Last Century. (Contemp. Review, Vol. 62.)

D'HOLBACH. Le SystÈme Social.

HUCHON, R. Mrs. Montagu and her Friends.

KEGAN PAUL, C. William Godwin, his Friends and Contemporaries.

LANSON, G. Lettres du dix-huitiÈme SiÈcle.

LARROUMET, G. Marivaux, sa Vie et ses oeuvres.

LEFRANC, ABEL. Le tiers Livre du Pantagruel et la querelle des femmes. (Etudes Rabelaisiennes, Tome II, 1904.)

LIVET, CH. L. PrÉcieux et PrÉcieuses. (Paris, 1895.)

LYTTLETON, Lord. Dialogues of the Dead. (Containing three Dialogues by Mrs. Montagu.)

MEAKIN, A. B. Hannah More. (John Murray, London, 1919.)

MONTAGU, Lady MARY WORTLEY. Works. (Ed. by Lord Wharncliffe.)

MORE, HANNAH. Strictures on the Modern System of Female Education.


MORF, H. Geschichte der franzÖsischen Literatur im Zeitalter der Renaissance.

MORLEY, JOHN. Rousseau.

MORGAN, CHARLOTTE. The Rise of the Novel of Manners.

PENNELL, E. R. Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. (Eminent Women Series.)

PIÉRON, H. Poulain de la Barre. (Revue de synthÈse historique, 1902.)

PILON, EDM. Muses et Bourgeoises de jadis. (Paris, 1908.)

PILON, EDM. Portraits franÇais.

POPE, ALEXANDER. Moral Essays. (Epistle II: On the Characters of Women.)

RAUSCHENBUSCH, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft and the Rights of Women.

ROUSSEAU, J. J. Emile, ou de l'Education.

ROUSSEAU, J. J. Du Contrat Social.

ROUSSEAU, J. J. Julie, ou la Nouvelle HÉloise.

ROBERTS, W. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More.

ROUSSELOT, P. Histoire de l'Education des Femmes.

SCHIFF, M. Marie de Gournay.

STEPHEN, Sir LESLIE. English Thought in the Eighteenth Century.

STOPES, Mrs. C. C. British Free Women.

SWIFT, JONATHAN. Letter to a Very Young Lady.

SWIFT, JONATHAN. Hints on Conversation.

TAYLOR, G. R. S. Mary Wollstonecraft.

TEXTE, JOSEPH. J. J. Rousseau et les origines du cosmopolitisme littÉraire.

TOINET, R. Les Ecrivains Moralistes au 17iÈme siÈcle. (Revue d'Histoire LittÉraire de la France, T. 23, 24, 25).

VILLEY, P. L'Influence de Montaigne sur les IdÉes pÉdagogiques de Locke et de Rousseau.

WHEELER, E. R. Famous Bluestockings. (Methuen and Co., London.)

WOLLSTONECRAFT, MARY. Original Stories from Real Life.
"" A Vindication of the Rights of Women.
"" The French Revolution.
"" Letters to Imlay. (Ed. by C. Kegan Paul.)
"" Letters from Sweden.

YONGE, CHARLOTTE M. Hannah More. (Eminent Women Series.)


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