Relation of the operations of the archbishop of Manila, governor and captain-general of the Philipinas, during the time of his government, of the measures taken during the time of the siege or blockade by the English of the capital of Manila, of its capture by assault, of the events which followed this unfortunate occurrence. Written for the defense of his fame and name which were abused and trampled under foot by envy through its calumnies, injuries, and reproaches by word and writing in letters and great libels. [The archbishop Part first. Of the operations of the archbishop during the time of his government of the islands. [The archbishop finds it necessary to refer to the events of this period as some of them are connected with the events of the two following periods; and because complaints have been made of him. The first thing noted is the peace that the archbishop brought about in the ranks of the Augustinians who had split up into various factions, and who had sought the aid of the law. He also heals the breach between the visitor and the provincial of the Recollects, first succeeding in getting a peaceful entry for the visitor. One of the matters under the latter’s jurisdiction having been settled in favor of the defendant, a religious, whom the order had condemned and deprived of honor, the breach opens again, but is finally settled by a council of Dominican and Augustinian religious, the visitor, the provincial and definitors of the Recollects. By the ship “Philipino,” the archbishop asks the viceroy of Mexico for one hundred soldiers, but asks him not to send criminals or evil-minded men. He asks also that fifty 16. Since the archbishop assumed the responsibility, at the beginning of his government, of the many measures which were necessary for the fulfilment of that post, among various others to which he attended, he set his gaze and hand to the navy which was both in a backward state and important. He immediately endeavored to get boats, and was able to purchase three galleys—one a large one, and two small—and two champans. He gave order and money to the new alcalde-mayor of Pangasinan for two galleys and two champans; to the alcalde-mayor of Sorsogon for two more galleys, and sent him a shipbuilder; to the alcalde-mayor of Orani and Zambales order and money for a like number of the above-mentioned boats. Since he also had an order from his Majesty to construct two fragatas of fifty cannons, this was the chief thing to which he turned his attention. Having been informed of the great amount of wood which had been collected for this purpose by Mariscal Arandia, in the two cuttings which he had ordered in various places, and that said wood was for the most part used, and that at the moment of the conclusion of his government, his successor had had the cutting stopped, the archbishop again established them, in the districts which were found to be most [All the preparations having been made, the work is started in the shipyards at Cavite, whither the archbishop goes in person. In that city he is royally entertained by the castellan of the fort, two bullfights being arranged for him, and musical concerts being given nightly during the five or six days of his stay there. The archbishop while there spends his time as follows: in the morning he celebrates mass, and goes to others attended by his suite, among whom are Manuel Galban, the auditor, and Francisco Viana, the fiscal; visits the royal storehouses, and the walls which are being repaired; during the remainder of the afternoon, if there is time, he visits the environs of the village; and at the time of the Angelus goes to the church where there is music. Thence, preceded by the musicians, he goes to his apartments where he listens to a concert until nine, at which hour he sups. Many complaints are made of this, as well as of the festivities in the palace at Manila and the time which he spends in his summer residence of Nagtahan, where he passes the hot months, namely, April, May, and a part of June. By his efforts to construct a navy, the archbishop believes that he is doing his duty. He plans to restrain the Moros from their raids, and has the coasts of the Visayan Islands guarded.] Plan of the port of Cavite and its fortifications, by TomÁs de Castro y Andrade, 1762 (?) Plan of the port of Cavite and its fortifications, by TomÁs de Castro y Andrade, 1762 (?) [From original MS. (in colors), in Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla] 19. … But the embassy of the sultan of Mindanao happening to come almost at the same time as that of Ba[n]tilan, who is governing the islands of the sultan of Jolo, 20. In regard to what was advised and ordered by his Majesty, the archbishop received these two embassies, and that from Jolo, with the previous consent and pleasure of the king of said island, Don Fernando I, who was greatly obliged by this attention, as well as by others which the archbishop had observed toward him. For the archbishop had given him a house and a carriage within the city, and had taken him from the most unworthy lodgings where he lived in the royal fort, because of having recognized the need of repairing it and having begun said work. 21. The ambassador or envoy from Bantilan incited said Don Fernando to petition and repeat his writings to the archbishop, so that his cause which had been so long delayed might be reviewed. This cause was so foggy and laden with many knotty and ancient points which having been examined and an extract having been made in regard to the whole matter, the archbishop sent it for a consultative vote to the royal assembly and in view of what the assembly stated in regard to their duty to declare him free from prison and with the authorization to be able to go to his kingdom, the archbishop reserved his consent, 22. The other ambassador from Mindanao proposed, and it also appeared in the letters from his sultan, that he would cede Sebugay, where he was stationed, as he was minded to move to another part of his possessions. He would maintain the ancient peace of his ancestors with the Spaniards, and would aid them against the other Moros, if they gave him arms. Nothing was concluded with this envoy, because, although the proposals were advantageous, while the archbishop was giving the matter his attention, and although he was pushing the matter urgently, the unexpected surprise of the English 23. During that time also the disturbance which was roused up against the Society of Jesus was quieted, some anonymous and libelous writings being scattered and read freely, and now prohibited with two others of new writings in these islands, which insulted it even to excess. By means of an edict and censure that was fulminated, these infernal stigmas were taken back, and the author of the two above-mentioned writings having been discovered, namely, a regular, he was corrected by means of his prelate, who without being induced and with only the notice had begun to punish him; and it was necessary to moderate that prelate because of the exhaustion and great age of the culprit who now recognized his error. So much the more did the archbishop push this matter as it was apparent to him, and he had experienced the truly apostolic zeal of that order in these parts, and that its workers watched with their accustomed spirit and fervor in all that concerned the good of souls; and in the visit of the archbishopric, they labored with the archbishop with great fruit and his consolation. Because of their merit, and through his long and very intimate experience of the wisdom and spirit of those religious, he [24]. At the same time and at the beginning of his government, noting the orders that his Majesty had given and the extreme need of his royal works for rebuilding or repairing them, the archbishop sent master workmen and intelligent men to report on their condition. In view of their inspection and in accordance with what they themselves discovered, after a thorough inspection, those men stated the need because of the ruin which was threatened, either in whole or in part, of said buildings, with danger to those who lived in them and with their dread and uneasiness. In consideration of that, after investigations and contracts with the masters of the art, he proceeded to the adjustment of each one, under bonds to grant them their pay in three instalments, one-third at the beginning of the work, another third when it was half done, and the last third at its completion. Thus was a good beginning made in them all, and some of them were half finished, in which condition they were overtaken by the event of the war, for all would have been finished during the first three months of the following year. [The royal works needing repair are the hospital, the royal college of Santa Potenciana, the college of San Phelipe, and the royal fort of Santiago; and the sum necessary to be expended on them is slightly in excess of forty thousand pesos. The wall of Cavite Part Second. Of occurrences immediate to the siege in the year 62; and of the measures taken during that time; and those following the siege until the year 63. 1. In due time, namely, at the beginning of May, a galley was despatched to the Embocadero with the fitting aid to meet and assist the ship “Philipino” which was on its return from Acapulco. In the middle of May, another galley was despatched for the same purpose, so that after having met the said ship and after having left it with the other galley in San Jacinto, it might proceed to Cobadonga and the island of Leyte. For a long time no authentic news had come from that place except the ravages of the horrible epidemic which had caused a great mortality, and among the deceased was the alcalde-mayor. A person was sent in the said galley to take his place with the fitting instructions. That person was to repair the casualties which might have occurred, by aiding those stricken with the plague in the same manner prescribed by the general measure for all the islands as abovesaid. 2. Shortly after a despatch was made to Calamianes, by a lesser alcalde for another official, in charge of that so important post which is located at the point of Paragua, where the construction of a fort had been commenced during the term of the preceding governor, 3. The reception of the returning ship and of the one despatched annually to Acapulco, 4. At that time happened two events of little importance and considerable bulk, which the archbishop expedited easily. One was in regard to the master of the silver collecting the chests, according to the new order of his Majesty, and the owners not taking them to the palace, where they had formerly been gathered, whither he agreed; and in regard to this matter also, the representation of the commissary of the Inquisition, a person of learning and probity, who was well considered because of his merit and the due respect to the holy tribunal. But by the demand of the city and the register being already shut away, the chests containing it had to be opened for the necessary note of those who had not been included in said register. 5. The other event was that four merchants of the said city having prepared some bales, the city delayed giving them audience in order that they might obtain permission to register it. The hold being about ready to be closed, they went to the archbishop. The latter granted them license to embark some bales, on condition that the tickets of the poor which were left could be accommodated. The others were to be for the benefit of the royal treasury. The 6. With its small cargo of one thousand one hundred and forty-eight piezas, this ship was able to sail from the port of Cavite, August 1. That same day the vendavals returned with greater force than ever (and winds which are contrary for leaving the mouth of this bay) and they blew with tenacity and without intermission all through August. And although the pilots did their best, and in fact once did get out through the mouth, they anchored at the islet of Fortuna, and had to return to the bay and take shelter behind the mountains of Cabcave. 7. The anxiety caused by this delay obliged the archbishop to call a meeting of the best pilots, and examine the ancient papers in regard to the direction of the ship at departure, to see whether it was through the Embocadero, or by way of Cabo Bojeador Plan of Mariveles Bay, 1764; in collection of Charts by Alexander Dalrymple ([London], 1781) Plan of Mariveles Bay, 1764; in collection of Charts by Alexander Dalrymple ([London], 1781) [From copy in Library of Congress] 8. On the fourteenth of the said month of September word was received from the river of Canas, in a latitude a short distance from the islet of Fortuna, that a ship and its boat had been seen in said river. That piece of news communicated by two Indians, caused great anxiety in Manila, and people 9. The entrance of this squadron composed of 10. In the meanwhile, one of the most pressing anxieties and one of danger was attended to, in regard to a large amount of powder, stored in what is called the powder works [polverista], where it is manufactured, and which is three-quarters of a legua from the city along the beach. But in the morning of the following day, a great portion of it remained to be brought, and the archbishop found it necessary to go a-horseback accompanied by his Majesty’s fiscal and several others. At twelve o’clock, this task was really finished, in which there was necessarily a great waste of this material. When they reËntered, some of the ships were almost within cannon-shot, and were threatening in that direction, which is toward the south, with respect to the city. 11. The reply of the generals was, with their letter or challenge, arrogant, and to the effect that Manila and its forts should be surrendered to the king of Gran BretaÑa, from whose power the most remote possessions of the Catholic king were not free, whose court, through its evil conduct, had proclaimed war against Ynglaterra. If the Spaniards of Manila were not infatuated, they would surrender, in order not to experience the severity of their powerful arms. 12. In view of this arrogance, the archbishop, in general council, made the answer that was dictated by the zeal, love, and loyalty to his king and sovereign, namely, that they would sacrifice their lives in defense of his arms and domains, and that they would make all the defense possible. 13. On the night of that day, the enemy began to disembark toward the south. The Indians of the said places of the environs were not able to resist the fire from their boats and ships. The people in those places got under shelter of two regular companies 14. Meanwhile, a few clashes occurred, that of greatest consequence being the death of an English officer who had left their camp with a white flag and came toward our camp, and whom our natives attacked without anyone being able to restrain them. They assassinated him and hacked his body into many pieces. In the endeavor to shelter him, Don Antonio de Sierra Tagle, the nephew of the archbishop, received many mortal wounds from lance thrusts, from which he died in a few days. He was a prisoner, 15. The English made their trenches in a short time and mounted their artillery and began to bombard the city at the bastion of the foundry, as their fire was insufficient to reach the bastion of Carranza, 16. Although the military men thought that they ought to capitulate, other reputable votes were against it. One of them, namely, the fiscal, 17. Before this misfortune befell that of the capture of the galley which had been despatched by the commander of the “Philipino,” with notice of its return from Acapulco and that it had put back to the village of Palapa. Two days after the siege began, namely, on the twenty-fourth of September, the galley entered the bay and came within sight of the squadron (of which it had no news). A fragata gave it chase and several barcas, it having been beached already toward the north in Bancusay. Although some of those who came in it were able to escape by swimming, its officers and the above-mentioned Don Antonio Sierra Tagle were captured. The enemy took possession of everything in the galley, and of many letters from which they gathered information of the “Philipino” and of the place where the latter lay. Two days later they sent a fragata and a ship in order to capture it; for the day before they had been joined by a ship and two fragatas which had become separated, or could not follow the squadron. 18. From some quite damp letters, among them that of the commander of the “Philipino,” which had been carried by those who escaped by swimming, the archbishop learned (and it was the first news) that the “Philipino” was in Palapa; that it had been unable to enter by way of the Embocadero because of stormy weather; and that on leaving Acapulco, 19. The rest that was done for the defense of the place was placed in the diary. Some measures not necessary there were stated here as belonging to the operations of the archbishop, such as those in regard to withdrawing the treasury and the commission of Auditor Don Simon de Anda. Both measures were vigorously promoted by the auditors—the first, at the request of the treasurer, Don Nicolas de Echauz 20. The other measure in regard to Auditor Anda was passed with greater haste by the auditors themselves on the third of October. Because of the conflict in which we found ourselves, they told the archbishop that it was advisable to despatch him outside the city with the title of governor and captain-general. These titles were to be given him, in order that he might keep the natives quiet in their Christian instruction and in their obedience to the king. But notwithstanding that this measure clothed itself in so specious reasons, the archbishop answered that neither he nor the Audiencia had any authority to create a governor and captain-general, which was the proper privilege of his Majesty; and that it was enough to give him the title of visitor of the land for the so just end that was claimed (which is in accordance with the orders of his Majesty), and the title of 21. Other operations during the time of the siege which looked to the care and watch of the city, the archbishop practiced vigilantly. For he visited the walls personally, even at night, and some of the bastions, namely that of the foundry and that of the fort. He went out daily on horseback. Accompanied by various persons he examined the gates and outside walls, the small fort, and the house of San Fernando, where, as well as through all Bancuray and Tondo, the natives who descended from the provinces lodged. Regulations were made there for them, and they were aided with provisions. The arms that it was possible to give were furnished them, and they were drilled in some manner. In short the archbishop omitted nothing in order that he might go to give the orders which appeared advisable, and personally, at the sites where his presence seemed necessary or advisable. 22. The archbishop having retired, then, as above-mentioned, into the royal fort of San Tiago, the articles of capitulation were begun to be drawn up there. They were concluded after great labor, and received the unanimous consent of the auditors and other military men and citizens who were present. 23. At this pass, and in view of what was already passing in the presence of the archbishop in said fort, as the soldiers were throwing themselves from its esplanade and from the walls, and casting themselves into the river, and as some officers and regular troops there, who never surpassed eighty in number were also in part doing the same as the other soldiers, with not a few of the citizens; and as the said fort was in itself indefensible, and the principal curtain which looked on the city, and in front of which was the enemy, was threatening to fall into ruins; the archbishop found no other expedient in this conflict than to offer the colonel to accompany him to treat with his general in regard to the fort and surrender under his word of honor of the exemption from harm 24. After the salutation and the respective courtesies, in which General Draper was profuse (and he showed special veneration to the archbishop), the latter handed him the articles of capitulation that had been drawn up, and which treated of the surrender of the fort. The general answered that Admiral Cornish, whom he was awaiting from his ship, must also be consulted. But after a long time with incessant interruptions because of the continual coming of the general’s officers to get his orders, and of many of ours who presented themselves to him, the general said that since Cornish was giving time, the archbishop should give the order for the surrender, and that that would be best, because he knew the harshness of the nature of said admiral. Answer was made that the order would be given under all the military honors which were fitting. All these conferences passed by means of two interpreters—one in the English language, and the other in the French with a mixture of Latin in which the archbishop talked and which the general understood, although they both pronounced it in accordance with their native languages. Consequently, it was difficult for them to understand one another. Nevertheless, the archbishop comprehended, and not confusedly, that the general agreed to the condition proposed, and the archbishop gave the order for the surrender of the 25. Great was the confusion of that day, and the grief of the fierce sack. After the sack had lasted six hours, the archbishop requested the general to forbid it, saying that neither church nor palace would be left. The general went in person to attend to this, and by the diligence of his men killed one, and maltreated another, who was wounded in an arm, and commanded three to be hanged among whom was an Indian of tender years, and it appears with small grounds as only a few balls were found on him. But as a matter of fact, the sack continued for more than thirty hours, as was asserted to the archbishop, on account of which the latter made frequent requests of the general. But in this madness of the sack, the very house servants had not a little part and guilt, taking advantage of this unfortunate occasion. And as regards the suburbs of the city, malicious persons and robbers by profession (who abound in these districts) as well as the very natives who had come from the provinces, and much more, the characteristic perversity of the Sangleys executed this destruction on the churches and many houses. 26. The afternoon of the same day, both chiefs, Draper and Cornish, sent the archbishop the conditions under which the city would be free from the sack, the life of the citizens, and their possessions, commerce, and religion, saved, namely, by the surrender of Cavite, and the payment of four million pesos, two million to be paid at once. In this manner, they would consider the articles of the capitulation that had been signed by the archbishop, auditors, and city. Those articles were sent shortly after on the same day by the generals, approved with some restrictions as may be seen by all in their originals and in the testimonies placed in the collection of papers. 27. From that afternoon a general council was called of all estates, who met on the following morning to deliberate in regard to said conditions. The archbishop ordered all to discuss the matter of the said millions, while he was treating with the military men and auditor of war in regard to Cavite. The latter excused themselves from expressing an opinion under pretext of being prisoners of war, whereupon the archbishop wrote to the general, asking him to declare that those who were in the fort were not prisoners, and that meanwhile he could not answer regarding Cavite. But he had not despatched said letter, before he received a message from the generals in regard to the fulfilment of their conditions, 28. In such a predicament, in which the archbishop conceived all without any exception to be defendants and thrown into consternation, he found no other means than to agree to the above-mentioned proposition, which put in writing and signed by the chief persons, was taken by two commissaries to the generals, and also the order for the surrender of Cavite, stating that no move toward resistance would be made, and taking the precaution of sending a suitable officer for that purpose. The generals answered the commissaries that, if what they said was contained in the paper, they would allow them to ascertain that through their interpreter; and that since two of their ships had gone in search of the “Philipino,” if they had already captured it, they [i.e., the Spaniards] ought not to reckon on it in the payment, of which they could make use if it were not already captured. In accordance with this, a letter was to be written to the commander of the “Philipino;” and the abovesaid notice was to be executed ordering him to come from Palapa to this [city? MS. worn]. This letter agreed to by all the council and signed by the archbishop was shown to the generals and was despatched to [that commander?] by two of the chief inhabitants, who sent it safely; though as yet we are ignorant of its receipt, and it has been rumored that it has been intercepted on the way, and that even a contrary order has been given without us knowing by whom. 29. The sum found in the pious funds, chaplaincies, 30. It befell that in order to obviate so many inconveniences, they did not hesitate in taking from the altars the silver for the redemption and relief, which was the least danger to the faithful Catholics. By this arrangement, the payment of his Majesty was reduced, from whose royal magnificence has originated the rich adornment of the churches. But the sacred vases which belong immediately to divine worship were always reserved, as were also the chalices, cups, and monstrances. In these circumstances, the archbishop voluntarily delivered all his valuables and vases without reserving his pectoral or anything else, in order to aid so far as he was concerned in the ransom of the city, and in order that he might serve as an example, so that his [MS. worn] might not excuse himself from contributing voluntarily whatever was possible. And as it was not proper that, in these public calamities, and of the despoliation of his own spouse, the cathedral church, he should remain with adornment and should not be deprived of everything; and although his said possessions were not of any considerable importance, he had the consolation of not reserving anything and of giving them up with good will. Of money in cash he gave none, for he had none, nor, since he has been in these islands, has he had any left from his pay and stipends, for he has spent them all in the support of his household, on the poor, and for the relief of many necessities, always 31. Advised of the scattering of the Spaniards since the day of the assault, and that they were going to the villages and mountain, where they were in danger from the barbarians and the revolted natives (as was experienced in many disasters, thefts, and murders), and their families in other directions not any more secure, and others in the city and its precincts, an order was issued for all to assemble and come to live in the city with those who were there. That order had little effect, for each one followed his own opinion and will, and began to lose his obedience to his superior. This was aided not a little by the example of those who by their employ and dignity ought to have given a better example. 32. Better fruit was obtained in ecclesiastical matters (although that not sufficient and advisable), for the prebendaries and some of the secular clergy 33. Thus was it done for the most part, but it was not that which was advisable and sufficient to meet other casualties, which the superiors of the Society satisfied. He was the only provincial prelate who remained living [in the city], together with that of St. John of God, whose superiors and subjects complied perfectly with their respective ministries. On account of this defect, or non-existence of the superior, it appears that the persecution by the English of the Augustinian fathers or their opposition to them had no reparation; and although their provincial was indeed near Manila, his passage to the city was prevented. 34. The destruction which was experienced in the suburbs of Manila and in other more distant places, from robbery, murders, and other execrable atrocities, obliged the archbishop to endeavor to restrain the evildoers and insurgents by means of Don Josef Busto, a person of spirit and of great experience in the land, with a company of men to his satisfaction. He was ready to do it, but asked a suitable salary after he had formed his account. 35. During this time also, Auditor Anda had declared himself governor, captain-general, and royal Audiencia, and had despatched messages [cordilleras] ordering himself to be so recognized in the provinces. And he had ordered and commenced to cut off the provisions in the two districts of Bulacan and Laguna whence they come to the city. In these raids, happened the murders of natives and English in the suburbs, and the latter were mutilated and treated with other contempts suitable for barbarians. Other events had preceded with the religious of Bulacan where Anda was, and the English chiefs of whom it was spoken variously. The archbishop cannot speak with exactness, as he does not know of those events, only that on one occasion, posterior to that time, in which the Augustinian 36. It appears that, on account of the said causes, and (as is known) from other apprehensions or imaginations, the British leaders proscribed the above-named auditor, and it was added that they had offered a reward for his person. The auditors learning this, went to the archbishop with this notice, and great fright; and for the time being there were no means by which to assure their lives. But within a short time a hasty message from the general to the archbishop, ordering him to cause that auditor to appear, together with the alcalde-mayor of Bulacan and other nearby alcaldes in order that, on the twenty-fifth day of October, they might, together with the city and the military men, take the oath of allegiance to his Britannic Majesty, and give their word of honor not to take arms against his nation during the war, and until the kings should agree or decide the fate of these islands. The archbishop replied to this message that he was unable to cause the appearance of Auditor Anda, since they had proscribed him, which was equivalent to handing him over to death; and that so long as Anda was not secure of his life he could not make him appear. In regard to the alcalde of Bulacan and the others, he could as little cause them to come, because in the lack of any one to govern and restrain the natives, their disturbance and revolt would increase all the more. 37. In order that he might inform the auditors of this event, the archbishop had them summoned, and with them, namely, the fiscal and the senior auditor, he began to discuss what they ought to do in regard to Auditor Anda. While they were conferring thus, Auditor Galban came with the marquis of Monte Castro, who were with General Draper at the time when my above-mentioned reply or message was given to him. He sent them so that they might discuss and talk over this point with the archbishop. They told him that he could rest assured of the life of Anda, and the general answered the same through his envoy. The conference lasted for more than three hours, with various commotions, without the auditors caring to express their opinion, giving as an excuse that the said general had told those above-mentioned that they were all prisoners of war, with the exception of the archbishop. On the night of said day, said ministers presented to the archbishop a writing, leaving in his hands and judgment as the one to whom the matter pertained, the appearance of said Anda. 38. But in order to meet this matter better, he had some of the foremost military officers invited, to whom he told all that had passed. They were of the opinion that he should cause the said Anda to retire, under security of his life, for he was incurring a great danger, and exposing the lives of many with his disturbances; and to shut off the provisions carries the same risk. [They were all of this opinion] except one military man, who asserted that if Bulacan was a separate province and had a fort or bastion, Anda ought not to be summoned, for then he could defend himself. But said province is very near Manila, 39. In accordance with this opinion, the archbishop asked the general for assurance of the life of the abovesaid, in writing, and it was sent to him in the English language. The archbishop had it translated into our language, and kept in his possession the original paper. The above-mentioned copy was enclosed to him, and at the bottom of it the archbishop assured him that it was a faithful copy, and that he had had it copied into our language in order that Anda might understand it. He gave Anda strict orders to appear, but the latter replied discourteously with several absurdities, which the archbishop answered by noting his rudeness, and stating that he should have been addressed with the title of governor, and of Anda’s disrespect in judging him [i.e., the archbishop] to be the secretary of the British. The archbishop also showed Anda other errors which he suffered, and sent him the original paper of safety, so that he might make use of it in the way that he pleased, and said that he would make a charge before God and the king of his excesses. 40. From that time until the present Anda continued his orders to prevent any food from being taken down to the city. But he has never been able to succeed in more than that the price of food has risen. He has not considered that the greater part of the garrison were prisoners in the city with the archbishop, with their officers, two togated ministers, and the officials of the royal treasury (except the 41. This temerity has been the origin of many evils, which have increased the misfortune of these inhabitants, both secular and religious. They have been reduced to prison on various occasions, with sufficient contempt, occasioning that, together with injury to the natives, notable disturbances, disasters, fires, murders, robberies, and rapines have been experienced through the same agents and other evildoers. They have even been propagated through diverse places and estates with the destruction of their fields and herds; and, on the other side, the English irritated, not only have committed in the vicinity of Manila, many annoyances, burning of villages and buildings, and taking by force of arms (without resistance), all kinds of grain and animals, food, and a very great number of buffaloes, which were destined for the plough and the cultivation of the land, but they have also penetrated into some provinces with very few men, taking therefrom whatever they have wished, as they did in the month of November in the village of Pasig, where especially the food of all the Lake of Bay was gathered, and where trenches had been made in the church and convent. With all kinds of arms they had been occupied by ten thousand Indians, who were defeated at their first arrival by five hundred English. About one thousand five hundred of both sexes and all ages were killed, part of them with gun and cannon, and part precipitated into and drowned in the river Pasig. From that 42. All these injuries and many others, which are the necessary sequel of them, the archbishop thought over from that beginning, [which had been] without any fruit or advantage to our side, but, indeed, had, on the contrary, the pernicious effects that experience has proved, and which had already commenced to show themselves. Consequently, he found it necessary to write to Anda again, mitigating with the 43. A like effect was obtained by the order that he gave in his letter to the treasurer, ordering him to transfer to the city the money in his care, in order that it might escape the theft which many evil natives had attempted. They would have succeeded in one of their most vigorous attacks, had not this disturbance been calmed by the alcalde of Pagsanjan, the marquises of Villamediana and Monte Castro being present. The latter were abused by three Franciscan religious, who, armed, captained the Indians in order to get possession of the treasury. In order to avoid this danger and the loss of this money, the archbishop had conferred with the generals, saying that he would hand it over to them on condition that it be reckoned as a part of the millions demanded, and that they supply him with the pay for the ministers, officers, troops, and others whose support depended on his Majesty. The relief of the community would also follow the exhibition of this treasury, and would lessen the payment of his Majesty. Nothing sufficed to make the treasurer Echauz obey. He went to Pampanga with the treasury, which he placed at the disposition of Auditor Anda, who began to use it recently for the expenses which he believed advisable or necessary, according to his projects. 44. To the question of the British, which was urgently put to him, in regard to the royal treasury 45. The city, orders, and Spaniards having been summoned to the royal palace, in order to express their loyalty and not to take arms against his Britannic Majesty, before his generals, an act in which their loyalty and love to his Catholic Majesty, their legitimate king, shone forth brightly, through the unwillingness, sadness, and repugnance, with which it was celebrated. Slightly before as well and separately was given the word of honor not to take arms during the war or until another arrangement was made by the sovereigns (in a certain Latin form, and which necessarily contained nothing of vassalage to his Britannic Majesty), by the archbishop, auditors, and royal officials present. The polite representation of the archbishop to the generals in the said house where they were lodging, namely, the archiepiscopal, enabled them [i.e., the above officials] to gain exemption from mixing with the others, or in their formula [of loyalty or allegiance to the British sovereign]. 46. Thence, at their instance, they [i.e., the cabildo, 47. With this expression of anger, the archbishop retired to his room, where the above-mentioned paper was sent him. In order to deliberate on its contents, he had a general council summoned for next day, October 26, consisting of the ministers, the chief military men, and the city and ecclesiastical [cabildos]. In a few words the archbishop explained to the council the arguments pro and con regarding the cession of the islands. Since he gave all his attention and time to this, he ordered a council of those interested to discuss, with the assistance of the fiscal, and under the presidency of the senior auditor, the matter of the completion of the million. The result of that discussion will be stated later. 48. But in regard to the point of the islands, which was discussed in general council, the regulars excused themselves from voting, by saying that their rules forbade them to vote on war questions, and that they feared to act irregularly. The archbishop was unable to overlook this pretext, and told them that they had voted in like assemblies at the time of the siege, and had permitted or given license to their subjects to take all kinds of arms, to patrol the walls, and to guard the posts which were entrusted to them; and had sent the Indians from their villages to take part in the conflict. They had not done otherwise in their missions exposed to the dangers of the Moros, than to manufacture and buy all sorts of arms, and importune the superior government to supply arms to them, and afterward to handle them and make use of them in defense of their parishioners, and to fight the enemies of the faith and religion. At present it was not necessary to take these arms or to make use of them, but it was necessary to declare what was 49. In the voting of that council of the twenty-sixth, it happened that the engineer, by whom the voting commenced, refused strongly to pass any opinion, saying that he was prevented from doing so, as he was a prisoner of war. This murmur spread among the other military men present, and they added that the license of the generals was necessary in order that this council might be held. Consequently, it was necessary for the archbishop to explain these matters, by telling them that this was not a clandestine council, but one called openly and in plain sight and with the knowledge and suffrance of the generals. In it they were not discussing the taking of arms by the prisoners for the defense of the provinces, but whether the islands were to be yielded under present circumstances by the archbishop-governor. Thereupon, the voting went on with varying results. When it came to the fiscal’s vote, he again was obstinate on the points prisoners of war and the license of the generals for the council, and he said that he would accordingly take his position on the principle of it. The archbishop answered what he had said in regard to the said points, and that this was to place in doubt what he had signed. Thereupon, there was great altercation, anger, and notable incivility, with visible signs of the agony 50. In fact, on the following day, October 27, another council was held in the afternoon. At it the archbishop had the Latin letter read which he had received on the morning of that day from General Draper, with the date of the twenty-eighth (which corresponds to the twenty-seventh of our reckoning and calendar). The vote was put, and some who had given their vote in the negative on the preceding day, namely, not to surrender the islands, retracted, and voted affirmatively. The ministers and some others expressed their opinion and gave it in writing. The vote was equally cast with but a little difference of one or two votes. The archbishop asserted that he would decide without delay what appeared most advisable to him, commending, as he had done, so grave a matter to our Lord, so that He might inspire him as to what was for His best service and that of His as well as our Catholic king. Before dissolving this council, an envoy came from General Draper with another letter bearing date of the twenty-eighth (which corresponds in our calendar to the twenty-seventh) written in the English language. It was read there by an interpreter. It was reduced to saying that, with only the cession of a few places of little importance, he would save (he gave to understand with whom he spoke, namely the archbishop) 51. All those present having heard the context of the above-mentioned letter, without any more being added or mentioned than what was declared in the above-mentioned council, it was dissolved, and the thorn (which was very sharp) remained in the heart of the archbishop in deliberating on so serious a point. In that deliberation the least thing involved was the danger to his own life, of which he was tired and of which he almost desired the end. But that is always placed in the hands of divine Providence who directs everything positively or permissively for His greater service and glory. Not only did he consider the extermination of the city and the lives of many with which he was threatened, but also (and which was very easy), the uneasiness of the villages and missions of the provinces, in great part ruined and destroyed by their old-time enemies, the Moros, who with a little stimulus and encouragement from their new enemies would assault them on all sides and would finish with their mission ministers and justices. It was greatly to be feared that if the natives were offered exemption from tribute, and subjection, they would be the instruments of these disasters. 52. This effort tied the hands of the English, who irritated by a negative answer, could have assigned two fragatas of their squadron to coast along the 53. He summoned the auditors in order to show this letter to them, but they did not come as they were busy, answering that they would come if the matter were urgent. But the instances of the general of the day before having been repeated for the reply, it was sent to him in said letter between seven and eight in the morning of the said day, the twenty-ninth. But after eleven o’clock on the same day, the general sent his letter of the thirtieth of the same month (which corresponds to our date of the twenty-ninth) with the message for me not to bother myself, that that letter was to be signed by myself and the auditors, 54. This point has been treated with prolixity, for besides being one of the most serious, and one of greatest pain, it has been shifted and juggled [adviterado?] variously, blackening enormously the conduct of the archbishop, even to affirming that it is evident that he had an understanding with the English for this cession, in a journal full of false entries and of black impostures, composed by the fiscal. But God be thanked, that the evidence of this criminal calumny is false, and the weak apprehensions or inferences on which it is founded have been clearly dissipated. For what is affirmed is false, namely, that the cession of the islands had been discussed or made before October 26, and that letters had been written for their surrender, as the first council was held on the said day, and the second on the following day (the twenty-seventh and the twenty-eighth). On the twenty-ninth, the archbishop made his resolution, and wrote the rough drafts of said letters with his 55. Also false is the end of this report, which asserts, not indeed that it is presumed, but that it is presumed if not proved, that the archbishop tried to shield himself. Without this protection or shelter, he made the cession in his letter of the said twenty-ninth day, as is said above, with the signature of the auditors, which they placed in the letter of Draper on the thirtieth (in our calendar, the twenty-ninth), which in view of and after the receipt of that of the archbishop, the said general sent on that same twenty-ninth day, with the threatening message that he would send them to the galleys. Only the constancy of the archbishop can be well inferred. In his protest he asserts and [MS. worn] to the general in consideration 56. The ambiguous letter of Draper of the twenty-eighth (in our calendar, the twenty-seventh), is slight foundation for so gross a suspicion and its proof; in which he seems to infer that the archbishop had made the cession, and infers on the other hand, that he was in condition of acting in regard to the cession. For the letter says that those who endeavored to persuade him not to make the cession would answer with their lives. It is a proof of the sincerity of the archbishop that he showed the said letter in the second council, for if it contained anything suspicious, or anything by which he would be discovered to be lacking in application, it would have been very easy for him to suppress it and return it to the general, in order that the latter might write another, in which nothing would be understood in regard to the secret understanding. It is not the mark of a good reason and less is it Christian to assert so great a crime as proved without having had any motive. For to such infamies, one is moved either by self-interest or the expectations of honors, or important posts which both lacked. For the archbishop had previously stripped himself of all his few valuables and pectorals, without reserving any; and he was clothed in the greatest honors and employments with which the powerful Catholic king can honor a vassal of his in these islands. And only by depriving himself of this recognition, and of his character as a Christian and archbishop could he offend so enormously against his 57. The reason of the archbishop not having used said letters which they falsely affirmed had been delivered, and of the originals being conserved in the possession of the secretary, was that having been sent (as he thought they ought first to be sent) to the regular superiors living in Manila on the thirtieth (the following day) of October, who [MS. worn] to their most [MS. worn] in the margin to be understood by it the said original message [cordillera]. The above-mentioned reason having been given, the rumor spread among the populace that the said letter had been the cause of the disaster of the alcalde-mayor of Pagsanjan, 58. Surprised at this information, the archbishop had the above-mentioned letter brought into the presence of the said person, together with the others, and had the secretary read them with their dates. By their very dates, namely, the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth of October, it was plain that they could not have occasioned the event of Pagsanjan which occurred the day before, namely, the twenty-seventh of the same month. This casualty was made more impossible by the distance of said village from Manila, which is at the least three days’ journey. The legitimate cause of this insurrection and tyrannical murder of their alcalde was that which appears in the documents formed of this matter, where it is evident that this cloud of dust which was raised was no other thing than the racial inconstancy and disloyalty of the natives of that village and its environs. The fact that the archbishop had not had any support or reply to the contents of his letter from the superiors of Manila, and the knowledge that Auditor Anda had already sent his message [cordillera] through the provinces, 59. In regard to the other point of the completion of the million, the archbishop entrusted it to the senior auditor, Don Francisco Villacorta, 60. At this time the two fragatas, which had been assigned by the enemy, at the time of the siege, to capture the “Philipino,” entered the bay with the ship “Trinidad,” which they had fought and captured after a vigorous defense on the twenty-ninth and thirtieth of October. This ship left for its voyage to Acapulco from the Embocadero under a favorable wind on September 13, but lost its mast in a severe storm at a distance of three hundred leguas at the parallel of the Marianas. It was all but gone, and it became necessary to put back [which was done] with great difficulty. When it was in the Embocadero near San Jacinto, without being aware of what was happening in Manila, it was attacked 61. Its cargo consisted of one thousand one hundred and forty-eight piezas, but all that was sent outside of the hold, consisting of boxes of presents, valuables and things of value, he had placed at auction, without taking the formality to summon those interested or making any note of what was taken possession of and seized. Some of the boxes of letters which were filled with water, and which were seized by them, they opened and took cognizance of their contents. The archbishop was unable to get the return 62. As the whole business or object of the English was the treasure of the “Philipino” they sent two more fragatas to look for it, and in them went persons authorized by this community. Inasmuch as four citizens had been made prisoners or detained in houses of this city, as well as Auditor Don Francisco Villacorta and the fiscal, Don Francisco Viana, one cannot imagine the efforts of the archbishop, personally and in writing with the generals and the British government for the release of the above-mentioned, especially the ministers. After some days and petitions, he was able to succeed on condition that four men should be chosen to make the abovesaid efforts. In fact they were chosen by the citizens and sailed in said fragatas, although they were unable to make the port of Palapa because of very violent storms which putting them in danger of shipwreck made it necessary for them to put back to Manila after ninety days. 63. Seeing that their attempt was frustrated and 64. In this manner everything remained quiet. It was no time or season for answer or reply, especially 65. The account of the sack which Cornish furnished to the archbishop is quite ridiculous and improbable as to the amount of twenty-nine thousand pesos at which he puts it, since by means of the investigations which the archbishop was able to carry on the sack amounts to more than eight hundred thousand pesos; and almost one-third of the inhabitants were absent so that it has been impossible to adjust their loss through the absence of many persons. However, it is a fact that the total amount must be lowered by what the Indians and house servants took in these robberies and destruction. But this adjustment could not be made at the time when Cornish threatened the new sack; for these investigations are being made at present, and as yet the last has not been heard from because of the absence of not a few inhabitants who have still to make their declaration. Neither would the irritation of Cornish, had these investigations even been finished, have considered our account and adjustment, both because of his 66. The admiral departed, as has been said, the first of March. He left orders to his castellan of Cavite to go in a fragata to Palapa. In fact the latter did so, and through a citizen, who was selected by the merchant body, the order was given from the beginning for the commander of the “Philipino” to bring the silver or deliver it; so that, having reduced the amount which was lacking to complete the millions, the remainder might be delivered to the Spaniards interested and sent to its destination. Already it was more than probable by this time that the silver of the said ship was placed in safety; and the above-mentioned castellan, who went to Palapa, found that it was so. He found the said ship without any crew or any cargo; and notwithstanding some investigations which he made to get the silver, he ordered the “Philipino” to be set afire and returned to Manila without having obtained anything else than having made his efforts in vain. 67. Before these incidents, by others which intervened through the withdrawal of some Spaniards and officers, notwithstanding their oath and word of honor, the English caused to enter into the city those who were suspected, among them being the two ministers who were the only ones outside the walls, Don Francisco Viana and Don Francisco Billacorta. The latter effected his entrance into the city on receipt of the message; and the former his retirement to Pampanga at the end of January. Auditor Villacorta entered and left the city freely, but had the heedlessness [to write] certain letters to Auditor Anda, and the misfortune to have them intercepted. It resulted therefrom that he was seized and in a very short time he was considered by a council of war, which sentenced him to the list punishment. 68. Almost at the same time the rumor spread abroad of the offensive and defensive alliance of the British government with the king of Jolo. In consideration of the treaty which that sultan had a few months previously celebrated in favor of his Majesty and the Spanish nation, and of the irreparable injuries that would result to these islands from the newly-contracted alliance, the archbishop had recourse by a very strong and expressive letter to said government, laying upon it all the responsibility in regard to said alliance. However, he resisted strongly for the reason which he expresses in his reply. But this alliance has reached such a point that the government has sent Prince Ysrael, son of the said sultan, to Jolo; and then tried to get the archbishop to give 69. The archbishop excused no effort in the so serious matter of the cause of Auditor Villacorta, by message, visits, and letter, but all he could obtain was the suspension of his execution. The British conceded that on condition that the defendant himself, the father provincial of the Society, and the archbishop write to Auditor Anda, ordering him to suspend hostilities, and not to prevent the entrance of food. I have no doubt that the two letters were couched in good terms. That of the archbishop was dated March 21, [and was written] with the care and attention that it expresses. These letters were given to the British who sent them by the most reverend Father Sierra, a Dominican, who brought back the answers and placed them in the hands of said British government. The latter, after a few days, sent his to the archbishop opened, after having made a copy of it, which was translated into the English language. Consequently, it was necessary for 70. This letter, of which a rare copy will be found in the histories, is handed in to the royal hand and most just comprehension of his Majesty under other covers. The same diligence is practiced in another letter of the fiscal with his diary and manifesto, all written in the same ink and formed almost with the same pen as the above-mentioned letter of the other minister. Both of them have not been ashamed of staining their pens with blood against the laws of decency, truth, justice, and charity, to the offense of God, of their oath of obedience to the laws of the Indias, and in contempt of the archiepiscopal dignity, and of the archbishop’s representation in these islands of the royal person of his Majesty. By their example they fermented the people, who have become scattered and corrupted with scandals, murmurings, disgust, and spite against their own prelate, pastor and father. 71. This impudence in the village, and almost universal among all classes of persons and estates, with the exception of some few of reason and judgment, is the fire that has deeply penetrated the feeling and pierced the heart of the archbishop. He maintained himself and still maintains himself 72. In this the royal favor and protection of the king, our sovereign, has the greatest and best share. The ecclesiastical cabildo and its ministers, the girls’ school of Santa Potenciana, the troops which were left, the invalid and sick officers in the hospital of San Juan de Dios, the archbishop and his household, and many others who are aided by the king’s pay, have been able to be maintained through his generous pity. With all this was concerned the provision which the archbishop enacted with the British governor in regard to the supply of the pay which he has administered without fail. In the regulation of them, the distribution has been made according to the circumstances of the persons and of the time, with the economy which has appeared advisable. Of the amount of these salaries, he has given and will give the orders against his Majesty’s treasury, 73. But in order that no thorn might be wanting to the archbishop to pierce him in regard to this same so favorable and equitable provision, since he assigned therein only half pay to the wearers of the toga (in consideration of the fact that if they moderated themselves under the present circumstances, it appeared sufficient, as they no longer respected his Majesty, reserving for the latter’s justification, the payment of the other half for an opportune time), they were very angry, and made an outcry against the archbishop in a most impudent letter, in which they retorted but without foundation and with a vicious comprehension, that the archbishop was applying to himself more than half pay, although he took only the half which belongs to him as governor, and nothing more, not even any stipend as archbishop. But said ministers requested, and it was given them in its entirety or as a reward until October five, without them having been willing in the future to accept the half pay which was assigned to them under the above-mentioned reasons; and although their right remained safe to them at all times, it would have demonstrated that they would have been insufficient had the archbishop changed his provision. But it was shown that one-half the pay was quite sufficient for a minister to maintain himself with moderation and economy, as was proved in the case of Don Pedro Calderon, who arrived at this capital with the captured ship “Trinidad,” and who requested that he be 74. Notwithstanding so many contradictions, conflicts, accidents, and enemies, on all sides which have undermined the robust health of the archbishop, placing him in the extremity of dying, he has been experiencing the most special providence of the Most High. Not without astonishment do they see him with life and that he has been able to attend to the conflicts of all and to the continuous attacks which pressed on him constantly from all sides. There has not been any Spaniard or native, or people of these, or any religious, who have been in prison, or experienced hardship, or necessity, whom he has not helped or protected with the offices of charity, mediation, and petition with the English, from whom he has many times obtained either the protection or justice which has been fitting. Consequently, he has encountered the enemy for all this class of people, even with danger to the respect of his dignity and of his person. Individual mention of the cases and persons would be infinite; and much appears in his letters to the English on various matters. But the gratitude that has been his due is that of a people made peevish by the wicked leaven of the examples and inducements of persons, who by their rank and post, special honor, and greater obligation, and because of being singularly benefited by the archbishop, ought to be quite other, and, at least, without the abandon of the fear of God and Christian charity. 75. The inevitable situation in which the archbishop finds himself, because of being in front of the enemy and in their presence, in order to attend to the 76. From this fatal experience it comes, that the situado and wealth of the “Philipino” having been assured as abovesaid; and adding that in the same security, in which it is considered, it runs great danger from the very ones who are guarding it, and from other evildoers: the archbishop does not dare to ask for it for the help and pay of those who are supported in the city at the expense of his Majesty, but continues to ask and receive that help and pay from the British government, by which the royal treasury is doubly burdened. This treasure has as yet escaped the hand of the English, but it has fallen into so many that it is difficult for it to come into the hands of those interested; for besides its great danger, it is asserted that the expenses of its conduction, which is not finished as yet as far as Pampanga, exceed one hundred and twenty [pesos] to the thousand, while the pay which is distributed with free hand and other expenses are in excess of thirty thousand pesos per month, as the archbishop has been assured. 77. It is true that there would be no little difficulty in conducting these sums, which the archbishop asks, to the city, and that they would run many dangers; 78. Anda’s despatch also in regard to the royal seal made it necessary for the archbishop to take extreme precaution so that this royal jewel might not be endangered. This being in the power of the archbishop, had been conserved in his possession with so great secrecy without the least fear. But the said instance and procedure of said open despatch to the vice-chancellor, who was in the house of the archbishop, in his service, divulged the secret in Pampanga, and to not few persons of this city. Consequently, 79. The many persons who are fed with the silver have gone to Pampanga, among whom is a considerable number of military officers—some in order to get what belongs to them, and others for the consideration of larger pay, and all of them and all the other Spaniards incited and threatened by said auditor have been made to incur the inobservance of their oath and their word of honor. And from this irregularity and from others of which the cowardice of the fiscal and his inducements for the same purpose, furnished an example, have come other disorders and disasters of the enemy who have been irritated by these proceedings. Never did the archbishop dissuade or induce any to remain in the city or to leave it, although he well knew that it was impossible to divert some families and the religious communities, and much more those of the feminine sex; but all the fatal consequences that have been mentioned have aided to compress the spirit of the archbishop, who by the singular blessing of God has been able to live and remedy some of the fatalities. 80. He considered nothing more necessary than to petition for mail posts and opportunity to give account of everything to his Majesty, from whose Catholic zeal alone can one hope for the remedy, unless the divine Providence miraculously clears the The first was in December, when the engineer, Don Miguel Gomez, was sent, who was equipped as well as possible. The second was in March of the present year, by equipping two officers, Don Christoval RÒs, and Don Andres de la Torre; and at the same time in another English fragata with sufficient safety and prudent security. He duplicated the despatches in two English fragatas, addressed to his agent at Cadiz. 81. These are the most important occurrences during the time of the siege, and the period following it. Both the other occurrences previous to the siege, possess the truth that is noted; and these [succeeding it] are proved by the papers and their instruments which have been drawn up. Other verification and authentication was not ready at hand, as it was sent by the letters in the posts above-mentioned which have not gone so bare of certain necessary documents and are not of very small bulk. See also ante, p. 121, note 64. Law lxii: “We declare that the appointment of those who are to be judges of the causes and suits, which are handled in our royal Audiencias, belongs to the viceroys and presidents of them, in those cases, which by virtue of our cedulas, or in any other cases shall arise; and this must be observed in accordance with what is the practice in our councils and Audiencias of these kingdoms of Castilla.” [Felipe III, Madrid, March 28, 1620.] Law lxiii: “The appointment of the judge who is to supply the absence of auditors because of their death or inability, for the determination of matters with the auditor remaining in the Audiencia, belongs to the president of the Audiencia. This is to be the rule on all the occasions that arise, any ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding.” [Felipe IV, Madrid, September 30, 1634.] Law lxxxviii: “We declare and order that, in our Audiencias of the Indias, the least sum for the examination and determination of suits shall be and shall be considered to be three hundred thousand maravedis; and that if the sum does not exceed that amount, suits may be examined and determined by two auditors whose votes must be in harmony in every respect. Two auditors may also try and sentence, in all instances, suits representing a greater sum, in the same manner, except the Audiencias of Mejico and Lima. In those Audiencias it is our will that three votes be unanimous in every particular in order to try and sentence suits representing a greater sum, as is prescribed by the laws of these our kingdoms of Castilla.” [CÁrlos I, in the new laws of 1542; Felipe II, Aranjuez, September 24, 1568; Felipe IV, Madrid, September 22, 1626.] Law cvi: “We order and command that when the auditors agree upon the sentence, they summon the clerk of the cause, and secretly order him to write before them the points and the effect of the sentence which they are to give. It shall be set down there and written neatly, and shall be signed before it is pronounced; or at least when it shall be pronounced, it shall be brought in written neatly and be signed by all who were in the assembly, although the vote or votes of one or some may not conform to the contents of the sentence. Consequently, at least in ordinary matters, the sentence shall not be pronounced until it is agreed upon and written neatly and signed. After it shall be published, it cannot be changed in any wise. The clerk shall immediately give in the court a copy of it to the party if he asks it, under penalty of a fine of two pesos for the courts.” [CÁrlos I, and the queen regent, Madrid, July 12, 1550, ordinance 14, concerning Audiencias; Felipe II, in said ordinances, no. 144.] Law cxi: “The auditors of our Audiencias where there are no alcaldes of crime, shall try criminal causes in the first instance in the city where the Audiencia resides, and five leguas about it, provided that the prison orders are assigned by at least two auditors.” [CÁrlos I and the queen regent, 1530.] Laws cvii-cxix refer to the manner of signing sentences; law cx relates to the action of the Audiencia outside the five-legua district. |