| Plan of Manila Bay, October, 1762; photographic facsimile from copy in British Museum | Frontispiece | | Manila and the Philippines, 1762; from Scots Magazine, 1763, xxv, facing p. 224; photographic facsimile from copy in library of Harvard University | 35 | | Chart of Philippines, showing path of Manila galleon; from London Magazine, 1763, xxxii, p. 292; photographic facsimile from copy in Library of Congress | 49 | | Plan of city of Manila, showing sites occupied by the British in 1762; photographic facsimile of original manuscript in Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla | 95 | | Plan of city of Manila and its fortifications, 1762; from Le Gentil’s Voyage (Paris, 1779–1781), ii, plate 6; photographic facsimile from copy in library of Wisconsin Historical Society | 107 | | Plan of port of Cavite and its fortifications, by TomÁs de Castro y Andrade, ca. 1762; photographic facsimile of original manuscript (in colors), in Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla | 183 | | Plan of Mariveles Bay, 1764; in collection of 10]Charts by Alexander Dalrymple ([London], 1781), ii, p. 63; photographic facsimile from copy in Library of Congress | 199 | | Autograph signature of Simon de Anda y Salazar; photographic facsimile from original manuscript in Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla | 285 |