A PLAIN NARRATIVE The Conquest of Manila, Cavita, and the whole Phillipine Islands, having been of late the Topic of Conversation, from the Crown of Spain’s Refusal to pay the Bills drawn by its Archbishop and Captain-General, in Consequence of the Capitulation; Manila is the Metropolis of the Phillipine Islands, situated in a large Bay on the Island of Luconia, in the Latitude 14, 40 North, Longitude 118 East, from London, in Possession of the Spaniards, and maintained by the Crown of Spain, at the Request of the Church for propagating the Christian Faith among the Indians, for which they have a large annual Allowance from Mexico, for the Maintenance of their public Officers and Clergy, and for the support of their Convents: They are also indulged with Ships, built and navigated at the King’s Expence, to bring the said Allowance in Money: These Ships go laden with Merchandize belonging to the Inhabitants (a still further Indulgence allowed them) from Manila to Acapulca, and return with Money: The King’s is registered; and the Remainder (about as much more) a smuggling Trade, and connived at. This trade is so very prejudicial to Old Spain, the Cargoes they send being China Silks, India Cottons, Spices, &c., for the Use of the People in America, that the Cadiz and Bayone Companies have frequently In Consequence of Orders from Europe to attack Manila on the War with Spain, the Squadron and Troops sailed from Madrass the First of August, 1762, and arrived in the Bay of Manila the 24th of September following; and after summoning the Town to surrender, and receiving for Answer their Resolution to defend it, the Troops were immediately landed, and began the Siege. A breach being made the 6th of October, we stormed and took the City, on which the principal Inhabitants retired into the Citadel, but sensible they could not hold it long, sent out a Flag of Truce, desiring to capitulate. The Terms offered were, on paying “Four Millions of Dollars, they were to have their Churches, Convents, Palaces, and other public Buildings, with the Town preserved, the Plundering stopped, with the free exercise of their Religion, and other Liberties; otherwise to be Prisoners of War, and put on Board the Squadron, and sent to the Coast of India as such.” These Terms they accepted; and whilst the Articles were settling, they pleaded their Inability to raise immediately the Sum demanded, unless we would admit the Phillipina (which was arrived n the Port of Pallapa, on the Island of Semar from Acapulca) into the Capitulation, and the Vice Roy to send Letters to the General that commanded her, to deliver her up to our Ships, which had been sent after her; to which we assented, on Condition that the said Phillipina was actually in the Port of Pallapa, All things being thus agreed upon, the plundering the Town was immediately Stopped As soon as the Place was in Possession of the East India Company, the Spaniards perceived the King’s Officers had no further Power over them, and therefore stopped any further Collections toward the Payment; and from the Excess of Lenity hitherto shown them, soon grew insolent, broke every Part of the Capitulation by retiring into the Country and joining Anda, one of the Royal Audience, who had taken up Arms, and proclaimed himself Captain General, while their Priests and Friars publicly exhorted Rebellion, and preached it meritorious to take up Arms and destroy us. As several of the principal Men of the Place were likewise concerned with him, the Captors were justly apprehensive that little or nothing more was to be got by fair Means, and were willing to secure what was still in their Power; and therefore ordered their Agents to bring into the City what Merchandize was belonging to the said Men in the Suburbs, as a Security till they made good their Ransom. But were greatly surprized to find the East India Company’s Governor had placed Guards, and would not suffer the Agents to remove any one Thing, by which the Captors lost upwards of 200,000 Dollars. The Captors therefore to secure what little yet remained in their Power, gave Directions to seize, and dispose of a Ship, named the Santo Nino, The Squadron being obliged (by Instructions on that Head) to return to the Coast of India for the Protection of the East India Company’s Settlements, before the North-East Monsoon was expired, sailed from the Bay of Manila the beginning of March, leaving orders with the Commanding Officer of the Ships left for the Protection of the Place, so soon as the South-West Monsoon prevailed, to proceed to Palapa, in order to take Possession of the Phillipina, who, on his Arrival, found only the Ship, the Treasure having been carried in small Vessels to the Island of Luconia by Orders from the Inhabitants of Manila, who had all this Time amused us with the Promise of the Money of this Ship for Payment, and even sent Men as Hostages And these people have still furthermore the Impudence to charge us with an Infringment of the Capitulation, and the Effrontery to claim the Santissima Trinidad, which was taken above 200 Miles from Manila by two of his Majesty’s Ships, who knew nothing of the Surrender of the Place, nor was in any Shape mentioned or included in the Capitulation, It is true they have given Bills on the King their Master for Part of the Ransom, which he does not acknowledge they had a Right to draw, and therefore refuses Payment of. But surely I may with Equity be permitted to add, that as he allows them a very large Sum annually for their Support, and has again put the Place into their Possession, is he not bound in Honour and strict Justice to oblige his Subjects to make good their solemn Covenant and Capitulation, having the Means so fully in his Power? The Account of Ransom stands correctly thus:
One third of which is the Proportion belonging to the East India Company. The King’s Instructions were, if we succeeded in the Conquest of Manila, to deliver up the Fortifications, with the Cannon, Stores and Ammunition, to Upon the Peace, when the Place was delivered up to the Spaniards, the East India Company applied to the Secretary of State for Leave to carry the Artillery and Stores to Madrass, but received for Answer, That they must remain for the Defence of the Place; but were afterward told, That if the Spaniards would give Security for the Payment of the Value of them, they were to be left; if they would not, the East India Company might remove them to Madrass. This last Answer did not arrive in India till after Orders had been sent to deliver it up, and the Season too late to send that Year. [Here follow the “Conditions” and “Proposals,” q.v., ante, pp. 75–80.] [At the end of the copy of this book from which we publish is written by hand: “with Admiral Cornish’s Compliments.”] COLONEL DRAPER’S ANSWER TO THE SPANISH ARGUMENTSTo the Earl of Halifax, His Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State For the Southern Department. My Lord, Armed with that Boldness which Innocence inspires, and the Consciousness of having done my This Reply is something more copious than the former, which I had the Honour of presenting to I was in great Hopes, that the good Faith, Honour, and Punctuality of the Spanish Nation, would have made this Publication unnecessary. But finding, that they have absolutely refused Payment of the Ransom Bills, drawn upon their Treasury by the Governor of Manila, and do now claim the Restitution of the Galeon, I am constrained, for the Sake of those brave Men, to whom I am obliged and indebted for my Success, to assert their Rights, in the best Manner I am able. Many of them, my Lord, from the too usual and sanguine Hopes of their Profession, have already anticipated their supposed Profits, and may live to repent their fatal Success in a Jail; unless the powerful Intercession of the Government will rescue them from impending Misery or Destruction. They vainly look up to me for that Protection, which in their Names, I again request from your Lordship’s good Offices. I must add, that the calumnious and envenomed Attack upon my own Character, demands the most public Justification: Being described both at Home and Abroad, as a Man void of all Faith, Principle, or common Honesty; and so, indeed, I should be most deservedly thought, were I guilty even of the smallest Part of what the Spanish Memorial accuses me. A Dey of Tunis, or Algiers, would blush to make use of so black an Instrument of Perfidy and Piracy. I owe, therefore, this open Vindication of my Conduct, both to my Sovereign, and to my Country, whose Representatives were pleased to honour My Silence, perhaps, may be misconstrued; it may be suspected that I have sacrificed the deluded Partners of my Expedition, to private and base Considerations; (for something of a dark and private Treaty has been whispered about) but, I thank Heaven! my Behaviour has been such as will bear the Light of Day; and the all-searching Eye of Truth. The Spaniards have assigned my Breach of Faith in the Capitulation, as one Reason for their Refusal of Payment: I cannot, therefore, servilely stoop, or submit to the heavy Load of Guilt, with which they have endeavoured to overwhelm me. But perhaps, a Second Gondemar I have the Honour to be, my Lord, With great Respect and Esteem, Your most obedient, humble Servant, William Draper The Spanish Arguments for refusing Payment. The English Generals who made themselves Masters of Manila proposed, on the Notwithstanding this shameful Capitulation, extorted and signed by the Means of Violence and Rigor, General Draper ordered or suffered the City to be sacked and pillaged, for forty Hours, by Four Thousand English, who plundered it of more than a Million of Dollars. Therefore the said Capitulation ought to be void, because it was signed by force; and because General Draper first violated and broke the Capitulation, by permitting the City to be pillaged. Consequently, that Capitulation only, which was proposed by the Governor, accepted of, and signed by Admiral Cornish and General Draper, upon the seventh of October, ought to be considered and respected in this Affair. The First Article of which grants to the Inhabitants of Manila, the peaceable and quiet Possession of all their Effects; the Fourth and Sixth grant them the Liberty of Commerce, under the Protection of his Britannic Majesty. Refutation It is a known and universal Rule of War amongst the most civilized Nations, that Places taken by Storm, without any Capitulation, are subject to all the Miseries that the Conquerors may chuse to inflict. Manila, my Lord, was in this horrid Situation; of Consequence the Lives of the Inhabitants, with all belonging to them, were entirely at our Mercy. But Christianity, Humanity, the Dignity of our Nation, and our own Feelings as Men, induced us not to exert The Proposals they gave in, were the very same, which the Spaniards most artfully call a Second Capitulation; and were afterwards agreed to, and confirmed by us (with a few Restrictions) but at that time were so unsuitable to their desperate Situation, that we rejected them as unsatisfactory and inadmissible. As Conquerors, we took the Pen, and dictated those Terms of the Ransom which the Spaniards thought proper to submit to; for they had the Alternative, either to be passive under the Horrors of a Pillage, or compound for their Preservation; they accepted the latter. The Objection and Pretence of Force and Violence may be made use of to evade any military Agreements whatsoever, where the two Parties do not treat upon an Equality; for who, in War, will submit to an inconvenient and prejudicial Compact, unless from Force? But have the Spaniards forgot their own Histories? Or will they not remember the just Indignation expressed against Francis the First, who pleaded the like Subterfuge of Force and Violence, to evade the Treaty made after the Battle of Pavia, and his Captivity? Should such elusive Doctrines prevail, it will be By the same fallacious Sophistry, a State may object to the Payment of the Ransoms of Ships taken at Sea, and to Contributions levied in a Country which is the Seat of War. But it is always allowed, that in such Cases, a Part must be sacrificed to save the Whole; and surely, when by the Laws of War, we were entitled to the Whole, it was a great Degree of Moderation to be contented with a Part. The Destruction that we could have occasioned, would have trebled the Loss they suffer by the Payment of the Ransom. The rich Churches and Convents, the King of Spain’s own Palace, with its superb and costly Furniture, the magnificent Buildings of every Sort, the Fortifications, Docks, Magazines, Founderies, Cannon, and in short the Whole might have been entirely ruined, the Spanish Empire in Asia subverted, and the Fruits of their religious Mission lost for ever, As my own Character, both as an Officer, and a Man of Honour, is so wickedly attacked by this unjust Accusation, I must beg Leave to state the whole Affair, in its true Light; and do appeal for its Veracity to the Testimonies of every Officer and Soldier, who served in the Expedition, and to all of the Marine Department. We entered Manila by Storm, on the 6th of October 1762, with an Handful of Troops, whose Total amounted to little more than Two Thousand; a motley Composition of Seamen, Soldiers, Seapoys, Cafres, Lascars, Topasees, French and German Deserters. Many of the Houses had been abandoned by the frightened Inhabitants, and were burst open by the Violence of Shot, or Explosion of Shells. Some of these were entered and pillaged. But all military Men know, how difficult it is to restrain the Impetuosity of Troops in the first Fury of an Assault, especially when composed of such a Variety and Confusion of People, who differed as much in Sentiments and Language, as in Dress and Complexion. Several Hours elapsed, before the principal Magistrates could be brought to a Conference; during that Interval, the Inhabitants were undoubtedly great Sufferers. But, my Lord, this Violence was antecedent to our Settling the Terms of the Capitulation, and by the Laws of War, the Place, with all it’s Contents, became the unquestionable Property of the Captors, until a sufficient Equivalent was given in Lieu of it. That several Robberies were committed, after the Capitulation was signed, is not to be denied; for Avarice, Want, and Rapacity, are ever insatiable: But that the Place was pillaged for Forty Hours, and that Pillage authorized and permitted by me, is a most false and infamous Assertion. The People of Manila, my Lord, have imposed upon their Court, by a Representation of Facts, which never existed; and to make such a groundless Charge the Reason for setting aside, and evading a solemn Capitulation, is a Proceeding unheard of until now, and as void of Decency, as Common Sense. The following Extracts from the Publick Orders, given out the very Day we entered the Town, will Extracts October 6th, Manila. “The utmost Order and Regularity to be observed. “All Persons guilty of Robberies, or Plundering the Churches and Houses, will be hanged without Mercy. “The Guards to send frequent Patroles both Day and Night, to prevent all Disorders. “The Drummers to beat to Arms, the Officers to assemble with their Men, and call the Rolls. “The Adjutants to go around the Town, and take an exact Account of the Safe-guards, posted for the Protection of the Convents, Churches, and Houses. October 7th. “All the Inhabitants of Manila are to be looked upon and treated as His Britannick Majesty’s Subjects: They having agreed to pay Four Millions of Dollars, for the Ransom and Preservation of their City and Effects. “The Criminals executed for Robbery and Sacrilege, to be buried at Sunset.” I hope the foregoing Extracts, are sufficient to vindicate my Character. Moreover, the strictest Search was made on board the Squadron by the Admiral’s Orders, and amongst the Troops, to recover what had been stolen and secreted; and all the Money, Plate, Now let us examine the Foundation of the Spanish Pretensions. In the first Place, they have misstated the Propositions, and made our Proposals antecedent to theirs, which is impossible. For how could our Fourth Proposition take Notice of, and consent to theirs, unless from a previous Knowledge and Perusal of what they had to offer? And indeed, the whole force of the Spanish Arguments, depends entirely upon the Second Capitulation, as they are pleased to term it: But the Liberty of Commerce, and all the other Privileges which they there insist upon, were granted conditionally, upon their Compliance with the Fourth Article of our Propositions. It expressly declares, that the Proposals contained in the Paper, delivered on the Part of his Excellency the Governor and his Council, will be listened to, and confirmed to them, upon their Payment of Four Millions of Dollars; the Half to be paid immediately, the other Half to be paid in a Time agreed upon; and Hostages How it has been fulfilled, has been but too clearly manifested, by the Court of Spain’s Refusal to pay the Two Millions of Dollars, for which we trusted to the Honour and Punctuality of that Nation. Until Postscript It is now pretended that the Spanish Governor exceeded his Powers, that he had no Authority to draw Bills, of such a Nature, upon his Court: But will not unforseen Events, demand unforseen Expedients? In Europe, where the Distance will allow of it, it is undoubtedly the Duty of every Governor or Commander, to consult his Sovereign (if an Opportunity offers) before he presumes to give his Consent to, or ratify any Agreement that may be prejudicial or dishonourable to his Crown. But can such Formalities be required or observed at the Distance of half the Globe? The Persons entrusted with such remote Commands, must be left to their own Discretion; to the Fertility or Barrenness of their own Invention and Resources. A State may undoubtedly punish the Man who is found to have betrayed its Dignity or Interests; but at all Events, it must abide by his Decisions, how prejudicial soever. We find in History, that the Romans, have sometimes delivered up to the Enemy such of their Generals, who had made a shameful or disadvantageous Peace, without the Consent or Approbation of the Senate: But that Practice has been universally condemned upon the truest Reasons; because the Delivery of an Individual could never be adequate to the Advantages they might acquire by the breaking of a bad Treaty; or compensate their Enemies for the Opportunities and Advantages they might give up, or lose, upon the Faith of such an Agreement. I flatter myself that the Spaniards will not copy that great Nation in its Defects, but imitate its Virtues. It is also asserted, that the Ransom Bills were given and accepted only to preserve the private Property of the Inhabitants; But I do most solemnly aver, my Lord, that the Ransom was general, as well as particular. Can Six Hundred Pieces of Brass and Iron Ordnance? can the Fortifications of the Citadel and Town of Manila, with those of the Citadel and Port of Cavite, the publick and royal Magazines, Store-houses, Docks, &c. be called private Property? They belonged, most undoubtedly, to his Catholic Majesty, and by the stern Rules of our Profession, might have been destroyed, had the Admiral and I been disposed to have carried on the War with that Barbarity, of which other Nations have more than once set us the Example: But we considered rather how Englishmen should act, than what our Enemies might have suffered. But let us, for a Moment, admit that the Bills were drawn for the sake of preserving private Property only: Even in that Case the Spaniards are bound in Honour to oblige the People of Manila to pay the Money; and they are now very able to discharge the Debt, since they have received all the Treasure of the Philippina Galeon. Our Court has shewed them a most bright and laudable Example, by taking Care that all the Ransom Bills, due even to the Enemy’s Privateers, should be most punctually paid, since the Conclusion of the Peace. Surely such upright Proceedings on our Side will infuse the same religious Observance of good Faith in all concerned in this Business. Otherwise we must say with Grotius, ab Injustiti excusari nequeunt, qui, cum pacta improbent, tamen retinent, quÆ, sine pactis non haberent. “They cannot avoid the Imputation of Injustice, who disapprove of Treaties, and yet keep Possession of what they could We have an indisputable Right to Manila, and all its Dependencies, if the Ransom Bills are not faithfully paid. I do therefore, my Lord, in the Names of all concerned (the Navy, Army, and East India Company) implore the Assistance and Protection of the Government, and its effectual good Offices, to maintain our most just Rights, and recover the Part of the Ransom as yet unpaid. [Here follow the “Proposals” and “Conditions,” q.v., ante, pp. 75–80.] The Gentleman’s Magazine for 1764 (vol. xxxiv, p. 544) says, under date of November 15: “A categorical answer came over from the courts of France and Spain, relative to the payment of the subsistance money due for the prisoners of the former, and the ransom of the Manillas, both which, according to this report, have been absolutely refused by the said powers.” The London Chronicle for February 28-March 2, 1765 (vol. xvii, no. 1279) says: “We hear the Spaniards want to deduct 1,230,000 piasters, or pieces of eight, out of the ransom of the Manillas, for the damages and losses the inhabitants sustained on the 6th of October 1762, when it was taken by storm by the English forces.” “London, Jan. 25. By letters from Madrid we are assured that Lord Rochfort had, in consequence of orders from England, demanded the final sentiments of the Catholic ministry, respecting the payment of the Manilla ransom, in order to be transmitted home for the inspection of the grand council of the nation; and it was current there, that this long protracted affair would soon be amicably adjusted.” (Scots Magazine, 1766, p. 48.) “London, May 20. They write from Madrid, that some dispatches, just received from Manilla, in the East Indies, which the court had impatiently expected, would possibly hasten the final payment of the ransom-bills; and that Lord Rochfort appeared to be on very good terms with the Catholic ministry.” (Ut supra, p. 270.) “London, Aug. 29. According to letters from Madrid, one reason alledged for the non-payment of the Manilla ransom is the delay of the expected flotas from New Spain, which has rendered the treasury very bare of money.” (Ut supra, p. 441.) “Paragraph of a letter from Madrid. Our politicians are at a loss to know what will be the result of the demand made by the English ambassador, for the payment of the Manilla ransom. If the English court are really in earnest, it is generally thought by those who pretend to be conversant in court-affairs, that the Spanish court would rather pay it, than venture another war with G. Britain. All I can say in the matter is, that it should be immediately insisted on, as, in all probability, this court will prevent the further progress of trade between Manilla and the South seas, as they seem to think the whole riches of the mines will be centered in China, with which this court has no trade. This seems probable enough since the expulsion of the Jesuits, as it was through their interests that trade has so long subsisted; and what confirms it the more is, that the court will not pay for the additional fortifications of that place (Manilla) since it has been given up by the English. But if one may add his thoughts, I believe two or three ships, properly authorised, to back the above demand, would be more powerful intercessors.” (Ut supra, 1767, p. 549.) “London, Nov. 19. A letter from Madrid has this passage: ‘Sir James Gray, the British Minister, has already entered upon his negotiation, of which the Manilla affair and the West-India commerce are the first objects.’ ” (Ut supra, p. 605.) Scots Magazine for 1764, pp. 455, 456, comments as follows on the money received by the English from the conquest of Manila: Three distributions have been made of the money hitherto received on account of the capture of Manila. The first consisted of 526,306 Spanish dollars collected in specie, jewels, gold and silver plate, and merchandise, received in part of the four millions of dollars to be paid agreeable to the capitulation, including the plunder taken from the seamen and soldiers after the conquest, amounting to 496,000 dollars. The second arose from the balance of the first account, and the amount of sundry naval, victualling and ordnance stores, confiscated and secreted effects, amounting to 92,561 dollars and a fraction. The third arose from the sale of vessels, merchandise, naval and victualling stores, and confiscated effects, sold at Manila and Fort St. George, amounting to 43,280 pagodas and a fraction. Of each of these the East-India company received one third. Distribution has also been made of the effects saved out of the Spanish galley attacked and destroyed by three of the boats of the squadron in the bay of Manila, amounting to 13,319 dollars and a fraction. The total distribution to each class, being cast into Sterling money, comes out thus: