DOCUMENTS OF 1751 - 1762


Sources: The first of these documents is obtained from La Democracia (Manila), November 25, 1901; the second, from a rare pamphlet published at Manila (1755), in the possession of Edward E. Ayer, Chicago; the third, from an original MS. in possession of Mr. Ayer; the fourth, from Mozo’s Noticia histÓrico natural (Madrid, 1763), and a rare pamphlet by the Dominican UstÁriz, both from copies in the Library of Congress; the fifth, compiled from ZÚÑiga’s Historia (Sampaloc, 1803), pp. 546–601, and ConcepciÓn’s Hist. de Philipinas, xi, pp. 89–237, fully annotated from other writers.

Translations: That of the third document is made by James Alexander Robertson; all the rest, by Emma Helen Blair.


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