| Preface | 13 | | Documents of 1751–1762: - Usurpation of Indian lands by friars. Fernando VI; San Lorenzo, November 7, 1751 27
- Moro raids repulsed by Visayans. [Unsigned]; Manila, [1755] 37
- Augustinian parishes and missions, 1760. Pedro Velasco, O.S.A.; Tondo, April 16, 1760 52
- Later Augustinian and Dominican missions. Antonio Mozo, O.S.A.; Madrid, 1763. Bernardo UstÁriz, O.P.; Manila, 1745 59
- Events in Filipinas, 1739–1762. [Compiled from Martinez de ZÚÑiga and other writers.] 137
| | | Memorial of 1765. Francisco Leandro de Viana; Manila, February 10, 1765 | 197 | | Bibliographical Data | 339 |