
Report of the villages, tributes, those exempted by age and sickness, unmarried men and girls, schools for boys and girls, infants, missions, catechumens, and those newly baptized, of the provinces and ministries of the Order of our father St. Augustine, in these Philipinas Islands, this present year of 1760.

Provinces Villages Tributes of men and women Exempt Young men Young women Escolapios1 Young children Spaniards, men and women
Tondo Tondo 1,810 500 450 868 1,400 1,904 35
Passig 1,520 490 400 600 1,310 1,450 0
Taguiig 700 308 204 310 600 702 3
ParaÑaque 1,025 330 300 400 820 1,090 6
Malate 512 162 135 200 416 640 2
Tambobong 1,650 500 510 650 1,130 1,710 12
Total 7,217 2,290 1,999 3,028 5,676 7,496 58
Bulacan Bulacan 1,250 380 450 580 1,000 1,150 12
GuiguintÔ 300 52 80 100 125 280 0
Bigaa 450 146 162 200 350 600 0
Angat 622 160 220 316 502 916 2
Baliuag 1,000 317 372 500 910 1,320 0
Quingua 800 290 310 346 614 1,192 1
Calumpit 550 140 150 210 300 718 0
Hagonoy 750 240 300 390 630 1,030 0
Paombong 250 70 60 90 110 250 0
Malolos 1,300 425 520 625 1,000 1,154 0
Total 7,272 2,220 2,624 3,357 5,541 8,610 15
Balayan Taal 800 106 250 410 612 1,025 0
Bauang 1,225 150 310 600 1,010 1,212 0
Batangas 1,200 150 350 600 1,100 1,210 6
Lipa 650 150 200 300 525 680 0
Tiyauong 350 134 120 118 200 230 0
San Pablo 850 140 200 420 750 892 0
Tanauan 420 70 100 190 300 512 6
Total 5,495 900 1,630 2,638 4,497 5,761 12
Pampanga Macabebe 855 322 150 200 550 810 4
Minalin 760 300 200 351 563 850 0
Sesmoan 254 62 70 85 80 270 0
Lubao 520 160 130 210 400 525 9
Uau 680 250 160 302 550 560 18
Betis 260 61 80 88 90 270 0
Santa Rita y Porac 420 80 91 102 150 370 0
Bacolor 1,150 400 504 510 220 1,300 40
San Fernando 525 150 128 200 350 625 2
Mexico 1,100 315 230 504 1,006 1,500 4
Pinpin 500 140 120 200 312 532 0
Arayat 800 309 200 290 525 850 0
Magalang 300 70 90 100 105 312 1
Tarlac 410 60 116 134 220 513 1
San Joseph 150 20 32 44 80 200 0
Tayug 62 16 20 25 30 64 0
Santor 555 106 100 130 258 340 0
Gapang 660 202 140 180 465 684 0
Ylocos Namacpacan 1,020 230 211 358 590 1,114 0
Bangar 700 212 130 254 307 595 0
Candong 600 162 124 214 368 585 0
Narbacan 1,150 260 110 326 515 1,119 0
Santa Catharina 818 210 162 228 480 910 0
Bantay 830 208 162 300 500 930 0
Magsingal 855 183 154 257 483 663 4
Cabugao 1,125 332 246 359 754 1,140 0
Sinait 495 110 115 200 398 612 0
Badoc 558 120 140 204 390 589 0
Pauay 1,560 418 500 690 1,004 1,515 0
Batac 1,780 506 512 790 1,102 1,655 35
San Nicolas 825 208 180 400 610 920 0
Ylauag 2,250 400 710 1,125 1,550 2,310 0
Sarrat 480 75 102 224 237 508 0
Dingras 800 240 196 248 25 801 0
Bacarra 1,125 251 203 401 892 1,151 2
Bangui 312 36 46 74 102 347 0
Total 17,283 4,151 4,001 6,652 7,707 17,464 41
Zebu San Nicolas 700 56 103 154 392 726 0
Argao 225 300 325 506 925 1,136 0
Bolohon 650 90 170 214 354 630 0
Opon 790 104 164 259 448 770 0
Cabcar 500 75 100 190 301 532 0
Total 2,865 625 862 1,323 2,420 3,794 0
Yloylo Oton 1,000 164 203 298 998 1,000 0
Alimodian 1,490 125 656 780 1,309 1,050 0
Maasin 1,390 380 268 340 1,100 1,200 0
Matagub 825 108 203 260 752 834 0
Tigbauan 1,260 398 360 594 916 1,300 0
Guimbal 1,280 209 230 386 910 1,050 0
Miagao 1,325 309 400 602 932 1,125 0
Antique 990 180 295 358 510 890 0
Sibalon 930 260 239 420 519 990 0
Bugason 1,200 302 410 660 925 1,150 0
Xaro 1,271 320 410 625 1,004 1,261 14
Dumangas 724 142 157 209 604 767 4
Anilao 430 75 90 130 140 344 0
Camando 1,230 465 274 446 750 922 0
Cabatuan 1,780 502 750 1,050 1,213 1,942 0
Pototan 1,050 280 310 518 861 1,200 0
Laglag 800 200 284 391 500 709 0
Lambunao 772 182 204 310 435 719 0
Passi 622 128 193 248 301 583 0
Ygbaras 550 103 155 243 258 495 0
Total2 20,889 5,132 5,991 8,868 14,937 19,976 18
Panay Panay 1,019 350 375 496 784 847 3
Capis 730 182 200 343 402 654 16
Dumalag 1,080 223 350 589 703 994 3
Dumarao 750 220 266 422 451 730 0
Total 3,579 975 1,191 1,850 2,340 3,225 22

General summary of all the classes contained in this table

The above provinces Tributes of men and women Exempted, by age and infirmity Young men Young women Escolapios Young children Spaniards, men and women
Tondo 7,217 2,290 1,999 3,028 5,676 7,296 58
Bulacan 7,272 2,220 2,624 3,357 4,541 8,610 15
Balayan 5,495 900 1,630 2,638 4,497 5,761 12
Pampanga 10,451 7,615 3,087 4,399 8,361 13,297 100
Pangasinan 3,064 725 541 843 1,568 3,001 0
Ylocos 17,283 4,151 4,001 6,652 7,707 17,464 41
Zebu 2,865 625 862 1,323 2,420 3,794 0
Yloylo 20,889 5,132 5,991 8,868 14,937 19,976 18
Panay 3,579 975 1,191 1,850 2,340 3,225 22
Total 78,115 24,633 21,926 32,958 52,047 82,424 266

Missions of various nations belonging to the province of Pampanga

Villages Tribes New Christians of both sexes Catechumens
Mission of Magalang y Tarlac Zambals 85 82
Mission of Tayug Igorrots 343 60
Visita of Lupao Balugas 62 20
Mission of Santor Balugas 24 40
Total 514 202

Missions of Igorrots and Tingyans belonging to the province of Ylocos

Villages Tribes New Christians of both sexes Catechumens
Village of Santiago Tingyans 352 200
Village of San Augustin de Bana Tingyans 85 50
Territory of Batac Tingyans 11 20
Territory of Narbacan Igorrots 5 12
Territory of Candon Igorrots 35 39
Territory of Bangar Igorrots 79 33
Territory of Namacpacan Igorrots 12 30
Territory of Agoo Igorrots 12 9
Territory of Iringay Igorrots 0 20
Territory of Bauan Igorrots 3 5
Territory of Magsingal Tingyans 6 4
Territory of Bacarra Apayos 5 4
Total 605 426

[Missions in] China

New Christians of both sexes Catechumens
Missions of China in various villages of that extensive empire 680 800

Total summary of the classes included in this table reduced to persons

[Notice is given that in the total of tributes it must be understood that each single whole tribute means two persons; and thus it will be noted in the figures. The total is as set forth below.]

Tributes 156,230
Exempt 24,633
Young men 21,926
Young women 32,958
Escolapios 52,047
Young children 82,424
Spaniards, men and women 266
Missions of these islands 1,693
Missions of China 1,480
Total 373,663

I, Master Fray Pedro Velasco, provincial of this province of SantÍsimo Nombre de Jesus of Philipinas of the Order of the Hermits of our father St. Augustine, certify that the lists of villages and souls contained in this table and which are administered by the religious of this said province, are set forth truly; and in order that this may be suitably evident, I have affixed my signature in this convent of Tondo, on April sixteenth, one thousand seven hundred and sixty.

Fray Pedro Velasco, provincial of St. Augustine.

1 Escolapios: regular clergy of the Order of Escuelas PÍas (or “religious schools”), founded early in the seventeenth century by St. Joseph of Calasanz (1556–1648), an Aragonese priest. (See VOL. XLVI, pp. 114, 115, note 49.) Besides the usual three vows, they took another one, to consecrate themselves to the instruction of children. They soon attained great reputation, and their order extended to many countries. So highly were their educational services appreciated in Spain that when the religious orders there were secularized (1835) that of Escuelas PÍas was exempted therefrom by special grant, which was extended also to the Philippines. “Nevertheless, it is argued that they do not accept any salutary innovation or judicious reform, even when it is guaranteed by the experience of accredited instructors; and it is said that they walk on leaden feet, as if tied down to a stale routine.” (Dominguez.)

Echegaray also gives to the word Escolapios the meaning of “students attending the Escuelas PÍas,” in which sense the word is evidently used here—except that the schools are simply the parish schools conducted by the friars among the Filipino natives.?

2 totals given in these tables are in some cases incorrect, but have been left as in original.?


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