
The documents in this volume are obtained from the following sources:

1. Santa Misericordia.—From Manifiesta y resumen historico de la fundacion de la venerable hermandad de la Santa Misericordia (Manila, 1728), by Juan Bautista de Uriarte; from a copy in the possession of Edward E. Ayer, Chicago.

2. Survey of the Philipinas.—From a MS. in the Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid—pressmark, “24–4a.–1.735;” various plans in it are here reproduced.

3. Order of St. John.—From Religiosa hospitalidad por los hijos del ... S. Ivan de Dios en Philipinas (Granada, 1742); from a copy in the possession of Edward E. Ayer.

4. Letter to president of Council.—A copy, furnished by Sr. D. Roman Murillo, Madrid, of the original MS., which he, as librarian of the Academia EspaÑola, Madrid, found among other papers therein, this being the only one relating to the Philippines.

5. Letter by a Jesuit.—From Ventura del Arco MSS. (Ayer library), iv, pp. 297–305.

6. Commerce of the Philipinas.—From a MS., either the original rough draft or a contemporaneous copy, in the possession of Edward E. Ayer.

7. Relation of the Zambals.—From a certified copy—procured for us by Sr. D. Manuel de Yriarte, chief of Division of Archives at Manila—of the original MS., which is preserved in the archives of the convent of Santo Domingo in Manila.


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