A royal order of November 3, 1839 “1. To draft regulations establishing and making uniform the teaching in the schools; with expression of what is to be taught in schools of both sexes, paying especial attention in their measures to the encouragement of the Castilian language. “2. To determine the number of men and women teachers who are to be appointed, this need to be regulated by the number of tributes of each village. “3. To report on the advisability of establishing a school for teachers in this city, without neglecting at the same time to state whatever is of service for it, and appears advisable for the end and object to which the expediency of this matter is directed. “The commission was also recommended ‘to draft a plan and project for the establishment of a normal school in the city of Manila, from which teachers instructed and suitable for teaching in the provinces might graduate.’” The report of this commission, March 7, 1861, shows but few meetings and but little accomplished, since its creation, until the year 1860. In the last months of that year and the first of 1861 their deliberations began to take form and were completed. Already on August 10, 1860, Governor Solano had commissioned an official of the secretary’s office to draft a project for reform along similar lines to the one which the commission was to draft. He completed that draft on the twenty-first of the same month, and his results may have spurred on the commission to finish its work. The fundamental points given to the above-mentioned official are as follows: “1. Establishment in Manila of a normal school, as a seminary for teachers. “2. That the pupils of such school, who are candidates “3. That in the normal teaching, the studies with application to industry and the arts predominate. “4. That the certificate shall not be issued to any pupil at the end of his course, unless he can write and speak Castilian fluently. “5. Regulation of schools in the villages, all of them to be supplied with well-endowed pupils from the normal school. “6. Prohibition to teach to all who cannot prove their ability by the proper certificate and good deportment. “7. That the supervision in teaching belong to the provincial chiefs; and in regard to the moral and religious to the parish priests. “8. That the normal school have a practice school for boys, under the charge of the pupils.” Doubtless the commission was influenced by the work of the above-mentioned official. The chief point of debate in the meetings held by the commission was that of the teaching of the Spanish language. One of the most influential and active members of the commission was Fray Francisco Gainza, then vice-rector of the university of Santo TomÁs. He voted against the teaching of Spanish in the schools on the grounds that a unified language might open the door to Protestantism in the islands, but he was overruled by the votes of all the rest, even Fray Domingo Treserra, a Dominican. Governor Lemery, who took charge of the islands in the early part of 1861, also charged the Jesuit JosÉ Fernandez The next step and the greatest one yet attained in the matter of primary education was the decree of December 20, 1863, In 1836 there was but one school of primary instruction in Manila, which was attended by 80 pupils. In 1867, there were 25 schools, with an Barrantes’s conclusions (pp. 166–168) are interesting. Among them are the following: “We believe that we have demonstrated that the backwardness of primary instruction in Filipinas is purely relative, and cannot be imputed to the country or to any class, and much less to the ecclesiastical corporations, but to the spirit and letter of the laws of Indias and the royal decrees, which did not succeed in giving legal life in that colony to a service which did not exist, or was not at that time understood, in the mother-country. “We have demonstrated that before 1865, primary instruction, properly so-called, was a vain shadow in the archipelago, since all the duties, all the administrative responsibilities of the department weighed upon public officials incompatible in purity with those duties and responsibilities; upon public officials, who, not being administrative, could and ought to drive out that imposition; upon public officials to whom no element or aid was given, while they were loaded with a leonine contract of an absurd and inconceivable character. And we have demonstrated this with the proof that the true responsibilities, in spite of the express text of the law, have not been exacted, because it was impossible to exact them or even the administrative public officials subject to them. “We have demonstrated that this confusion of There are not schools in almost every village, and the identification of the Filipinos with the Spaniards has not progressed so far as has been declared, especially in the matter of intelligence; and “it is not certain that the condition of the institutions of teaching authorizes one to believe the Filipinos capable of making use of political rights so grave and so dangerous as the electoral right, in the form that they ask.” [In his preface to his book La instrucciÓn primaria en Filipinas (Manila, 1894) Daniel Grifol y Aliaga, who occupied an official post in the department of public instruction in the General Division of Civil Administration, and was secretary of the administrative board on school questions in the Philippine Islands, speaks as follows.] Until the end of the year 1863, Before the above-mentioned epoch the reverend and devout The above-mentioned royal decree of December 20, 1863, and the regulations of the same date, established and unfolded a true plan for primary instruction, which has served as a basis for the innumerable number of orders relative to the said department, which have been dictated from day to day, both by the government of the mother country and by the former superior civil government, by the general government, and by the General Division of Civil Administration of these islands, in order to attain the degree of perfection which this most important department of public administration—the foundation That same accumulation of orders, The confusion to which we refer, which, we repeat, is in its essential no more than apparent, must disappear from that moment in which all the orders in regard to the matter are methodically compiled, arranging them so that they might give as a resultant that harmonious whole of which we spoke before. So we understood it, when we had to occupy ourselves in its detailed study, when we took charge of the department of public instruction in the General Division of Civil Administration [DirecciÓn de AdministraciÓn civil]; and for the purpose of being able to fill the office which had been committed to us to the best of our ability, we undertook the work of compiling, arranging, and annotating all the orders relative to primary instruction in these islands. When we had made considerable progress in our task, it occurred to us that, by publishing the compilation which we were making for our own private use, we might, perhaps, be doing This book will also serve to make patent the very great interest with which the government of his Majesty and the worthy authorities of the archipelago have viewed this important department, Madam: The constant desire and permanent rule of conduct of the august predecessors of your Majesty have ever been to introduce into the territories The application of all progress in a country presupposes pecuniary sacrifices, and although not excessive, some are contained in the establishment of the projected plan. Nevertheless, if the expense which is produced is divided among the different villages of the archipelago, and charged to their local funds, it is to be expected that it will neither be felt very sensibly nor will the general budget of the island be obliged for the moment to contribute an advance, certainly difficult today, when the calamities which have happened recently in one part of the Filipino territory have caused so considerable and extraordinary an expense to bear down upon it. The minister whose signature is affixed, taking as his fundamental the above reasons, the Council of State having been consulted, and with the concurrence of that of the minister, has the honor of submitting for your Majesty’s approval the subjoined project of a decree. Madrid, December 20, 1863. Madam, at the royal feet of your Majesty, JosÉ de la Concha Royal decreeIn view of the reasons which have been explained to me by my minister of the colonies, after having consulted with the Council of State and with the concurrence of the Council of the ministers, I therefore decree the following: Article 1. A normal school for teachers of primary instruction is established in the city of Manila, Said school shall have the organization prescribed by its regulations and the expenses caused therein shall be defrayed by the central treasury of ways and means. Art. 2. Spanish scholars, natives of the archipelago or of Europa, shall be admitted into said school under the conditions prescribed by the regulations. After the termination of the studies prescribed by the said regulations, such scholars shall obtain the title of teacher. The pupils of the normal school, to the number and in the class designated by the regulations, shall receive a free education; and those who take advantage of such provision shall be obliged to exercise the duties of teacher in the native schools of the archipelago, for the space of ten years following their graduation from the institution. Art. 3. In each one of the villages of those provinces, The regulations shall determine the proportion of the increase in the number of schools for each village in proportion to its population. In all the schools there shall be a Sunday class for adults. Art. 4. The instruction given in said schools shall be free to the poor. Attendance on the part of the children shall be compulsory. Art. 5. The schools for males shall consist of three classes; to wit: entrada [i.e., entrance]; ascenso [i.e., promotion, or intermediary]; and termino [i.e., final], of the second class, and termino of the first class. They shall be supplied with teachers graduating from the normal school in accordance with the qualification which they shall have obtained at the conclusion of their studies, their promotions depending upon their seniority and merit combined. The schools of termino of the first class, namely, those of Manila and its district, shall be supplied with teachers by competitive examination among the teachers, with the certificate from the normal school, with experience as teachers. Art. 6. Classification of the schools, in accordance with the preceding article, shall be made by the superior civil governor, Art. 7. The teachers shall enjoy the salary and other privileges prescribed by the regulations. Art. 8. In the villages where the superior civil governor so decrees, as its small population so allows, the teachers shall fulfil the duties of secretaries Art. 9. The teachers appointed from the normal school cannot be discharged except for legitimate cause and by resolution of the superior civil governor, after a governmental measure drawn up with the formality set forth in article 6, and after hearing the interested party. Art. 10. Examinations shall be held in the normal school at periodic times, and in the manner determined by the regulations, in order to choose a person with the title of assistant teacher. Those who obtain such certificates shall manage the schools for the natives in the absence of teachers, and shall in Art. 11. The mistresses of schools for native girls need the corresponding certificate for the exercise of their duties. Until a normal school for women teachers is established, that certificate shall be issued in the form prescribed with the fitness determined by the regulations. The salary and perquisites which they are to receive shall be fixed by the same regulations, the first being an obligatory expense on the local budget, as are the other expenses expressed in article 7 regarding the schools for males. Art. 12. Teachers and assistants shall be exempt from the giving of personal services so long as they exercise their duties, and after ceasing to exercise them, if they have exercised them for fifteen years. After five years of duty, the teachers, and after ten, the assistants, shall enjoy distinction as principales. Art. 13. The teachers of both sexes and the assistants shall have the right, in case of disability for the discharge of their duties, of pension under the conditions prescribed by the regulations. Art. 14. Teachers and assistants with certificates, who shall have exercised their duties suitably for ten and fifteen years respectively, shall be preferred in the provision of posts of the class of clerk, established by the decree of July 15 last, without the necessity of furnishing proofs of fitness, as well as Art. 15. The superior inspection of primary education shall be exercised by the superior civil governor of the islands, with the aid of a commission which shall be established in the capital under the name of “Superior Commission of Primary Instruction.” Said commission shall be composed of the superior governor as president, of the right reverend archbishop of Manila, and of seven members of recognized ability appointed by the first named. The parish priests shall be the local inspectors ex-officio and shall direct the teaching of the Christian doctrine and morals under the direction of the right reverend prelates. The regulations shall designate the powers of the commissions and above-cited inspectors. Art. 16. After a school has been established in any village for fifteen years, no natives who cannot talk, read and write the Castilian language shall form a part of the principalÍa unless they enjoy that distinction by right of inheritance. After the school has been established for thirty years, only those who possess the above-mentioned condition shall enjoy exemption from the personal service tax, except in case of sickness. Art. 17. Five years after the publication of this decree, no one who does not possess the above-mentioned qualification, proved before the chief of the province, can be appointed to salaried posts in the Philippine Archipelago. Art. 18. The superior civil governor, the chiefs of the provinces, and the local authorities, shall have special care in promoting the fulfilment of the requirements of this decree, adopting or proposing, according to circumstances, the necessary measures for their complete fulfilment. Art. 19. Decrees [cedulas] of petition and request shall be sent to the right reverend archbishop and the reverend bishops of the Philippine Archipelago, in order that they may arouse the zeal of the parish priests for the exact fulfilment of the duties vested in them by this decree, in what relates to the supervision of the teaching of the natives, and very specially to that of the holy Catholic faith and the Castilian language. Art. 20. Special regulations shall detail minutely the organization of the normal school and of the schools of primary instruction for the natives. Given at the palace, December 20, 1863. It is rubricated in the royal hand. The minister of the colonies, JosÉ de la Concha Article 1. The object of the normal school is to serve as a seminary for religious, obedient, and instructed teachers, for the management of schools of primary instruction for the natives throughout the whole archipelago. Art. 2. The scholars shall be resident, and subject to one and the same rule and discipline. For the present the number of day pupils fixed by the superior civil governor may be admitted, provided that their antecedents give hope that they can pursue their studies with advantage, and that their deportment corresponds to the good name of the institution. Art. 3. In the same locality of the normal school, although with the fitting independence and separation, there shall be a school of primary instruction for non-resident boys, whose classes shall be managed, under the supervision of a teacher of the normal school, by the pupils of the same. Of the branches and duration of the studiesArt. 4. Education in the normal school shall comprise the following branches: 1. Religion, morals, and sacred history. 2. Theory and practice of reading. 3. Theory and practice of writing. 4. An extensive knowledge of the Castilian language with exercises in analysis, composition, and orthography. 5. Arithmetic, to ratio and proportion, elevation to powers, and extraction of roots, inclusive, together with the decimal metric system with its equivalent of local weights and measures. 6. Principles of Spanish geography and history. 7. Idem of Geometry. 8. Common acquaintance with physical and natural sciences. 9. Ideas of practical agriculture with reference to the cultivation of the products of the country. 10. Rules of courtesy. 11. Lessons in vocal and organ music. 12. Elements of pedagogy. Art. 5. During the sessions of the normal school, the teachers shall speak only the Castilian language, and the scholars shall hold their classes and other literary acts in the same language. They shall be strictly prohibited from expressing themselves in any other language, even in their daily recreations and common intercourse within the precincts of the institution. Art. 6. The studies mentioned in article 4 shall run for three years, and during the six months of the last term [curso], the scholars shall have practical exercise in teaching, by teaching in the classes of the primary school annexed to the normal school, which is established by article 3. Scholars shall not pass from one course to another without proving their efficiency in the general examinations, During the first four years of the installation of the school the studies shall be completed in two years. Art. 7. The scholars of the normal school who shall have completed the courses of their studies and shall have obtained by their good deportment, application and knowledge, the mark of excellent [sobresaliente] in the final examinations for the three consecutive years shall receive a teacher’s certificate, in which shall be expressed their creditable mark, and they shall be empowered to teach schools of ascenso. Those who shall not have obtained the mark of excellent, but that of good [bueno], or fair [regular] in the above-mentioned examinations, shall also receive a teacher’s certificate with their corresponding mark expressed therein and they shall be able to teach schools of entrada. Finally, those who shall have failed in said examinations, if after they shall have repeated the exercise, shall have merited approval, shall only receive certificates as assistant teachers. Art. 8. If any one of the scholars of the normal school shall desire to continue his studies for another year, in order to perfect himself therein, he may do so, on condition of paying from his own funds his annual board, if he shall be a resident student, and if, in the judgment of the director of the institution, no inconvenience arises from his remaining in it. Of the scholars of the normal schoolArt. 9. The resident scholars of the normal school shall be divided into regular [de nÚmero] and 1. To be natives of the Spanish dominions. 2. To be fully sixteen years old, that requisite to be attested by certificate of baptism or any other equivalent public document. 3. To suffer from no contagious disease, and to enjoy sufficient health to fulfil the tasks suitable for the duties of teachers. 4. To have observed good deportment which shall be proved by certification of the chief of the province and the parish priest of the village of his birth or habitation. 5. To talk Castilian; to know the Christian doctrine and how to read and write well: proof of which shall be made in an examination held before the director and teacher of the school. Art. 10. The regular resident scholars shall receive their education free, and shall pay nothing for their support, treatment, school equipment, and aid from the teaching force. Art. 11. The regular resident scholars shall be obliged to fulfil their duties for ten years as teachers in the schools of primary instruction for the natives, to which they shall be assigned by the superior civil government. In case of not fulfilling that obligation they shall be indebted to the state for the expenses incurred in their education and teaching. The same thing shall happen if they leave the normal school before the conclusion of their studies without legitimate cause and by their own will or that of their parents, or are expelled from it for lack of application, or bad conduct. The model for calculating the expenses caused by said scholars during a given period shall be the board paid during the same period by a resident supernumerary scholar. Art. 12. Places as regular resident scholars shall be supplied by the superior civil government to natives of the provinces of the archipelago, in proportion to the respective census of the population. Art. 13. The supernumerary resident scholars shall pay the institution eight pesos per month for their board, and their rank in the school and other things will be equal to that of the regular scholars. Art. 14. Only those young men shall be admitted as day scholars who, besides possessing the requirements demanded from the resident scholars, shall live in Manila or in its neighborhood, under the charge of their parents or in charge of a guardian and under such conditions that it can be assumed that they will find in their domestic hearth examples of virtue and morality. Such class of scholars shall receive school equipment free, and if they are poor, their textbooks. Of the director, teachers, and dependents of the normal schoolArt. 15. The normal school shall be directed and governed by the fathers of the Society of Jesus. At the head of the same there shall be a director to whose authority shall be subordinate the teachers, scholars, and inferior employes, and such director shall have Art. 16. Under the director’s authority there shall be at least four teachers, one of whom must be at the same time spiritual prefect of the school, charged with directing the consciences of the scholars, with presiding at religious ceremonies, and with distributing the food of the divine word. Under his peculiar charge also shall be lessons in sacred history, morals, and religion. Another of the teachers shall fill the special post of prefect of customs, and his principal occupation will be to accompany the scholars and to have care of them in the ceremonies of the inner life of the institution. The other two teachers shall be occupied principally in the teaching of other matters. Besides the director and teachers, the school shall have the brother coadjutors who shall be considered necessary. There shall also be one porter, and the other indispensable subordinates. Art. 17. The salaries to be received by directors, professors, coadjutors, and subordinates, as well as the allowance for expenses of materials, shall be fixed by the superior civil governor by agreement with the right reverend archbishop of Manila, information of which shall be given to the government for its approval. Of examinationsArt. 18. At the end of each month in each one of the classes of the normal school, there shall be a private examination in all the subjects studied during that period. A like exercise shall be held at the end of the first semester each year, in regard to the branches studied during that time. At the end of the course, a general examination shall be held. This exercise shall be public and in the presence of the authorities and persons of distinction in the capital, and shall be terminated with the announcement and distribution of prizes. Of holidays and vacationsArt. 19. The holidays of the normal school shall be Sundays, feast days, Ash Wednesday, the day set aside for the commemoration of the faithful dead, The shorter vacations shall extend from Christmas eve to Twelfth-night, during the three carnival days, The longer vacations shall last one and one-half months, and shall be during the time of the greatest heat. The resident scholars may pass to the bosom of their families for the period of the longer vacations. The scholars may go once a month to the house of their parents or guardians. Of rewards and punishmentsArt. 20. The degree of excellence of the scholars shall be recompensed by honorable marks, which shall be kept in the book of the institution; and by annual prizes, whose solemn distribution shall take place at the termination of the public examinations. Art. 21. Punishments shall be: public censure; deprivation from recreation and the walk; banishment and separation from the other scholars; and if these are not sufficient, the definitive punishment shall be expulsion from the school. Expulsion shall irremissibly take place because of any contagious disease, for notable laziness and lack of application, for serious lack of respect to the teachers, and for bad conduct or depraved morals. Art. 22. As a reward shall also be the public reading of the marks of good deportment, application and progress; and as punishment the reading of the contrary marks. That shall be done monthly for that purpose, assembling in one place all the scholars with their teachers, in the presence of the director. Of the interior regulations of the schoolArt. 23. An interior regulation for the school shall be made, which shall specify the daily distribution of time on the part of the scholars, the order of their studies, and the division of classes, religious and literary exercises, conduct, food, and clothing, as well as the duties of the scholars respecting the teachers, and those of their parents and guardians in respect to the institution. Of textbooksArt. 24. The director of the normal school shall The teachers shall give their lessons in the courses of which it is advisable for this system to make use, under the authority of the director. Of special examinations to obtain certificates as assistant teacherArt. 25. Examinations shall be held in the normal school every six months, to choose those who shall be given certificates as assistants. Those who present themselves at said examinations shall have the qualifications described in article 9, for those who aspire to enter the school. They shall be conversant with the matters prescribed in article 4; and their examinations shall be public and held before the director and teachers of the normal school. Art. 26. There shall be no other mark in such examinations than those of passed or failed. Of the issuance of teachers’ and assistant teachers’ certificatesArt. 27. The superior civil governor shall have the right to issue certificates as teacher and assistant at the proposal of the director of the normal school. Art. 28. Certificates as teachers shall contain the mark which shall have been obtained and the class of schools for which such persons are qualified. Madrid, December 20, 1863. Approved by her Majesty. Concha Article 1. The teaching in the schools for natives shall be reduced for the present to the elementary primary grade, and shall comprise: 1. The Christian doctrine and principles of morality and sacred history suitable for children. 2. Reading. 3. Writing. 4. Practical teaching of the Castilian language, principles of Castilian grammar, with extension of orthography. 5. Principles of arithmetic, which shall include the four rules for integers, common fractions, decimals, and denominate numbers, with principles of the decimal metric system, and its equivalents in the usual weights and measures. 6. Principles of general geography and Spanish history. 7. Principles of practical agriculture, with application to the products of the country. 8. Rules of courtesy. 9. Vocal music. The primary teaching of girls will include the matters expressed by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9, of the present article, and the needle-work suitable to their sex. Art. 2. Primary instruction is obligatory for all the natives. The parents, guardians, or agents of the children shall send them to the public schools from the age of seven to the age of twelve, unless they prove that they are giving them sufficient instruction at home or in private school. Those who do not observe this duty, if there is a school in the village at such distance that the children can attend it comfortably, will be warned and compelled to do so by the authority with a fine of from one-half to two reals. The parents or guardians of the children may also send them to school from the age of six years and from that of twelve to fourteen. Art. 3. The teachers shall have special care that the scholars have practical exercise in speaking the Castilian language. In proportion as they become conversant with it, explanations shall be made to them in that language, and they shall be forbidden to communicate with one another during class in their own language. Art. 4. Primary instruction shall be free for children Paper, copybooks, ink, and pens, will be free to all the children. The parents, and for lack of these, the children who shall be well known to be wealthy, in the judgment of the gobernadorcillo of the village, with the confirmation of the parish priest, shall pay a moderate sum monthly, which shall be assigned by the governor of each province after conferring with the parish priest and the gobernadorcillo. Art. 5. The parish priest shall direct the teaching of Christian doctrine and morality, and they shall be charged to give at least once a week the fitting explanations in the locality of the school, in the church, or any place which shall be assigned. Art. 6. Schools shall have two months of vacation per year, during the time designated by the superior civil government, at the proposal of the chief of the province. The vacations may be continuous or divided into two or three periods. Of textbooksArt. 7. The Christian doctrine shall be taught by the catechism which is in use, and approved by ecclesiastical authorities. For reading, the syllabary prescribed by the superior civil governor, the Catechism of Astete, and the Catechism of Fleuri, shall be used. For writing, the Muestras de carÁcter espaÑol [i.e., Samples of Spanish characters] by Iturzaeta shall be used. As a text for the other matters included in the teaching, according to article 1, a book shall be compiled which shall contain them all as clearly and concisely as possible, and in addition, ideas on geometry and common knowledge of physical and natural sciences. Such book shall also serve for the last exercises in reading. Until the book mentioned in the preceding paragraph is compiled, teaching in matters not enumerated in the first paragraph of the present article shall be in the form prescribed by the superior civil governor. Of the schoolsArt. 8. In every village, if its population shall permit, there shall be a school for boys and another for girls. In the visitas, very distant from the villages, whose population reaches 500 inhabitants, there shall also be a school for each sex, and if there is more than one visita, and together they have that number of souls, the schools shall be established in the most central. If the number of children of one school exceeds eighty there shall be one assistant, and if it exceeds one hundred and fifty, two. Art. 9. Schools shall be located in the most central part of the villages or barrios, and must be built well lighted and ventilated, with dwelling rooms for the teacher and his family; but such dwelling shall be independent [of the school] and have a special entrance. Art. 10. The schools shall conform to the classes fixed by article 5 of the royal decree of this date. Of the teachersArt. 11. The rank of teacher in the public schools of primary instruction belongs to the pupils of the Art. 12. Teachers shall enter the schools of entrada or ascenso, in accordance with the right which their respective certificates give them, according to the terms of article 7, of the regulations of the normal school for male teachers, approved by her Majesty on this date. After three years of teaching, the teachers may be promoted to the next class, whether of ascenso or tÉrmino of the second class. When two or more teachers aspire to schools of higher rank, if their respective certificates are equal, he who has taught longer shall be preferred. If the certificates are not equal, he who possesses a certificate for a school of ascenso shall be preferred to him who has one for a school of entrada. Art. 13. In case of the absolute lack of candidates with the necessary certificate, those who hold lower certificates may be appointed teachers for a school of the upper class, but it shall be ad interim, and they shall receive the pay belonging to the class of their certificate, until they complete the time of exercise with good mark, in which case they shall be appointed regularly. Art. 14. For the lack of teachers with a certificate, those who are twenty years of age and have the other requirements prescribed in article 12, and have a certificate as assistant, may govern schools, and shall receive the pay of teachers of the third class. Art. 15. For the lack of candidates possessing certificate as assistant, those who prove in the examination held before the provincial commission of primary instruction sufficient capacity and are of the abovesaid age, may govern ad interim the schools with the title of substitute, and shall receive the pay mentioned in the preceding article. Art. 16. The position of teachers of the tÉrmino schools of the first grade, namely, those of Manila and its district, shall be supplied in the manner determined by article 5 of the royal decree of this date, to wit, by competition among the teachers with certificate from the normal school, and practice in teaching. The time of such practice shall be at least one year. The competition shall be held with preceding edict for the term of three months, before a commission composed of the director, or, in his absence, of one of the teachers of the normal school, one of the individuals of the Superior Board of Primary Instruction, another of the provincial board, the senior parish priest as local supervisor, and one member of the ayuntamiento. Art. 17. A graded list shall be formed of the assistants, in which, without prejudice to the right which is conferred on them by article 14, they shall be promoted according to seniority, commencing with the class of entrada, and continuing to those of ascenso, tÉrmino of the second grade, and tÉrmino of the first grade. Art. 18. The appointment of teachers and assistants shall belong to the superior civil governor. Art. 19. The issuing of certificates of regular teachers and assistants shall be attended to by the superior civil governor, in the manner prescribed by The certificates of substitute teachers shall be issued by the same authority, at the proposal of the respective provincial commission, the examination papers of the party interested and the record of his examination first having been sent. Art. 20. In order to be a teacher, assistant, or substitute, one must, in addition to the qualifications respectively expressed in the preceding articles: 1. Be a native of the Spanish domains. 2. Prove his good religious and moral deportment. 3. Be of suitable age. The assistants may begin teaching in the capacity of such in the schools at the age of seventeen. Art. 21. Positions as teachers or assistants cannot be exercised: 1. By those who suffer from any disease, or have any defects which incapacitate them for teaching. 2. By those who shall have been condemned to corporal punishments, Art. 22. Teachers of entrada shall receive from eight to twelve pesos per month; those of ascenso, from twelve to fifteen; those of tÉrmino of the second grade, from fifteen to twenty. The superior civil governor shall fix, by recommendation of the provincial commission and report of the superior, the sum to be received by the teacher between the greatest and least amount assigned, keeping in mind as an average the material cost of living and the number of pay children who attend the school. Teachers of tÉrmino of the first grade, or those of the schools of Manila, shall receive the pay prescribed in the municipal budget of that city. That pay must be at least equal to that which is assigned as a maximum to teachers of tÉrmino of the second class. Art. 23. Teachers shall enjoy in addition the following advantages: 1. A dwelling apartment for themselves and family in the schoolhouse, or reimbursement if they rent one. 2. The fees paid by well-to-do children. 3. The privileges and exemptions mentioned in articles 12 and 14 of the royal decree of this date. Art. 24. Teachers shall have, in accordance with article 13 of the same royal decree, the right of pension and half pay after twenty years of service, and four-fifths’ pay after thirty-five years of service, whenever in one or the other case they shall have reached the age of sixty years, or be incapacitated for the performance of the duties required by their profession. Art. 25. Assistants, when they perform the duties of such, shall receive pay of four, six, or eight pesos per month, according as the school is entrada, ascenso, or tÉrmino of the second grade, or the amount assigned in the municipal budget of Manila if the school is tÉrmino of the first rank. They shall receive, in addition, the fourth part of the fees of well-to-do children; and shall enjoy the exemptions expressed by articles 12 and 14 of the royal decree of this date. They shall also have the right of pension in the same proportion and in the same manner as that prescribed for teachers. Of women teachersArt. 26. Women teachers for girls shall be twenty-five years old at least, and shall possess the other qualifications that are demanded from the male teachers. Art. 27. For the provision of schools, women For the lack of women teachers with certificate, those who show sufficient ability before the respective provincial commission of primary instruction, shall be appointed as substitutes. Art. 28. Women teachers shall receive monthly pay of eight pesos if they have a certificate, and six if the contrary be true, and all the fees of wealthy girls. They shall also have the right to live in the school, and in case they do not live there, to a reimbursement to pay their rent. Of Sunday schoolsArt. 29. Teachers shall be obliged to take care of the Sunday class which shall be established in each village for the teaching of adults. Said class will be free with the sole exception of the wealthy. A special order of the superior civil governor, after a previous conference with the Superior Board of Primary Instruction, shall prescribe the duration and method of the above-mentioned classes. Of the supervision of the primary instruction among the nativesArt. 30. Superior supervision will be in charge of the superior civil government, with the aid of a commission composed of the diocesan prelate and six and seven members of recognized qualifications, appointed by the former. The director of the normal school shall be a member ex-officio. Art. 31. The chiefs of the provinces shall be provincial supervisors, and shall exercise their office with the aid of a commission presided over by the same and composed in addition of the diocesan prelate, or, in his absence, of the parish priest of the chief city, and of the alcalde-mayor, or administrator of finances. The respective reverend and learned parish priests shall be the local supervisors of primary instruction. Art. 32. The duties of the local supervisors shall be: 1. To visit the schools as frequently as possible, and see that the regulations are observed. 2. To admonish those teachers who commit any fault, and suspend them in case they commit any excess which, in their judgment, does not permit them to continue in charge of the school, and to give information thereof to the provincial supervisor. 3. To promote the attendance of the children at the schools. 4. To give in writing orders of admission into the schools, with expression as to whether the teaching shall be free or paid. 5. To propose, through the medium of the provincial supervisor, whatever they believe advisable for the progress or improvement of primary instruction. 6. To exercise, in regard to the teaching of Christian doctrine and morals, the direction expressed in article 4. Art. 33. The provincial supervisors shall exercise, with the aid of the respective commission, their oversight over the schools of the province, and shall have authority, the said commission having been conferred with, to approve or disapprove the suspensions of teachers imposed by the local supervisors, giving account in both cases to the government, with remission of the record in the case. Supervisors shall send to the above-mentioned authority monthly reports concerning the number of pupils of both sexes in each school on the last day of the month, with mention of those who pay, with the number of those who have entered and left, and the average attendance at the school during the month, with what remarks are deemed advisable. Art. 34. The Superior Board of Primary Instruction shall consult the superior government of the islands: 1. In regard to the approval of textbooks. 2. On measures in regard to the dismissal of teachers, declarations of the grades of schools, and assignment of pay to the instructors. 3. In everything else concerning the execution of this plan, and especially concerning the doubts arising from the same. Final resolutionArt. 35. Instructions shall be compiled comprising the principal ideas of pedagogy, and explaining minutely the duties of teachers, and the details of school organization and the progress of instruction. A printed copy of these instructions shall be given to every schoolteacher of the natives, of both sexes, and they shall be charged to learn them and observe them. Another copy shall also be sent to every provincial chief and parish priest. Madrid. December 20, 1863. Approved by her Majesty, Concha Article 1. The edifice destined for a school must consist at least of a room proportioned in size to the number of children, an antehall, and a dwelling for the teacher and his family. The furniture shall be composed of the following chattels: One table with drawers, one chair, one inkwell, and one bell for the teacher; desks with one lid, and benches for the children, one inkwell for each two children, one blackboard with an easel, one clock, and four chairs. In the front of the hall, a crucifix shall be placed under a canopy, and under that the picture of the chief of the state. The schools for girls shall have the same fixtures, and in addition, scissors, needles, thimbles, and sewing thread. Of the teachersArt. 2. Teachers and assistants must be in the school half an hour before classes begin, in order to prepare everything necessary for the teaching. The teacher will daily look after the cleaning of the schoolrooms, and all the furniture in them. He shall keep books entitled Libro de Matricula [i.e., Matriculation book] and Registro diario de asistencia [i.e., Daily register of attendance]. In the first he shall note: 1—the number of matriculations; 2—the names and surnames of the children; 3—their age; 4—the names and surnames of their parents; 5—the profession of the latter; 6—whether they pay and what sum; 7—the date of their entrance into the school; 8—the progress of their instruction; 9—the date when they leave school; 10—remarks on their character and deportment. In the register of attendance he shall note daily the number of children absent and present, all in accordance with models which shall be drawn up. He shall also keep a book with the list of those present, in order to note those children who are late at school morning and afternoon, in accordance with the corresponding model. Art. 3. Before the fifth day of every month, the teacher shall send to the provincial chief a list of those children present in the school on the last day of the preceding month, in which shall be set down the names of those who pay for their education, as well as of those who have entered and left during the month, according to the respective model, and a copy of the Registro diario de asistencia for the same time. These documents must be visoed by the reverend or secular parish priest, for which purpose the teacher shall present to him the books referred to above. Of the pupilsArt. 4. Children of both sexes will be admitted to the schools from the age of six to that of fourteen, Children shall attend school with clean faces, hands, and clothing, and shall not be received without fulfilling that requirement. Art. 5. Children who suffer from any contagious disease shall not be admitted. As soon as the teacher shall observe any disease in anyone he shall advise his parents or guardians so that they may cease to send him to school until he is completely cured. Art. 6. Every child who arrives at the school after the beginning of the class, without satisfactorily explaining the reason for his tardiness, shall be punished in proportion to the lateness of his arrival. When any child is frequently absent from school, without his guardians giving the reason therefor, the teacher shall call it to the attention of such guardians, and if such child continues to be absent in the same manner, the teacher shall inform the religious or parish priest thereof. Art. 7. Pay children shall meet their fees for the entire month, whatever be the day of their entrance and departure from the school. Of school days and hoursArt. 8. School days shall be all those of the year except the following: 1—Sundays, and feast days marked in the calendar with two or three crosses; 2—All-Souls’ day; 3—from Christmas until the day after Epiphany; 4—Ash Wednesday; 5—the six days of Holy Week; 6—the day of St. Joseph of Calasanz; Art. 9. Classes shall begin every season at seven in the morning, and shall conclude at ten; and in the afternoon they shall begin at half-past two, and end at five. During the months of April, May, and June, there shall be no school in the afternoon, but the morning classes will last one hour longer, ending at eleven instead of ten. Of the progress of educationArt. 10. In the morning at the hour assigned by the parish priest supervisor, the teachers, both for boys and girls, shall assemble with their pupils in the church and shall hear mass, during which they shall recite a part of the rosary. After the conclusion of mass, boys and girls shall go out separately, formed in two rows headed by their teachers and Sunday afternoon shall be exclusively employed in a general review of doctrine, ethics, and sacred history, lessons in vocal music, and in reciting a portion of the rosary, until the hour when the salve and On Sundays and feast days marked with two or three crosses the children shall go to hear mass headed by their teacher, and then shall go to visit the regular or secular parish priest. Conferences in regard to Christian doctrine and ethics shall be at the hour that the latter prescribes. Every three months, on the day prescribed by the parish priest, the teacher shall take the children, who are ready for it, to confess and receive communion. Of rewards and punishmentsArt. 11. Ordinary rewards shall consist of vales [i.e., merits], namely, a card or a bit of paper with the abovesaid word, and shall serve to liberate the scholars from the punishment which they deserve for slight faults. Extraordinary rewards shall consist of letters of advice to the parents of those who excel in application and good deportment; and a letter of recommendation of those who are excellent to the regular or secular parish priest. Art. 12. Punishments will be in proportion to the degree of fault, and shall consist: 1—to remain standing or kneeling for the maximum time of one hour; 2—to do additional reading or writing; 3—to remain in the school writing or studying one hour after the end of the class; 4—in any other moderate and proportionate correction, at the judgment In no case shall any punishment not comprehended in the preceding article be imposed. The teacher who infringes this rule shall be admonished twice by the parish-priest supervisor, and if he does not correct himself shall be suspended from his employment. Of examinationsArt. 13. Every year, at the time of election of justices for the villages, examinations shall be held in the schools. They shall be presided over in the chief provincial cities by the provincial commissions of primary instruction, and in the villages by the parish priest together with the gobernadorcillo and two persons appointed by the first. A reward according to rank, which shall consist of books, samples, thimbles, scissors, or any other object analogous to the subject, shall be given at the judgment of the examiners to the child who excels in the exercises of the doctrine, reading, writing, arithmetic, and grammar. For this object each school shall contribute twenty reals per year. Art. 14. The orders of these regulations may be modified by the superior civil governor, after the previous report of the superior commissions of primary instruction. The regular and secular parish priests shall inform that authority of their results and of the reforms which are necessary, especially in what refers to the duration of class hours and their distribution. Madrid, December 20, 1863. Approved by her Majesty, Concha Manila, February 15, 1864. Having examined the regulations made for the municipal girls’ school created in this capital and in conformity with the modifications advised by the Government Section of the Council of Administration, said regulations are approved. Let it be communicated and proclaimed. EchagÜe 1. The object of this school in charge of the sisters of charity is to give the girls of this capital the inestimable benefit of a fine education and the elementary instruction, with all the solidity and amplitude advisable. 2. In their education is included the theoretical and practical teaching of Christian religion and ethics, which our own self respect, and our respect due to our fellows impose on us. 3. Therefore, so far as possible, the scholars shall hear mass and recite the rosary daily. They shall be obliged to confess and receive communion as soon as their age permits it, monthly, or at least every two months. They shall celebrate the act of communion on the day, and at the hour and place which shall be designated by the directress, after conferring with the superior. The feast of the Immaculate Conception and that of the Presentation of the most holy Virgin shall be celebrated in the school with all possible solemnity. 4. Instruction shall embrace two kinds of subjects: the first the necessary, to which all the girls must attend in their respective classes; the others optional, to which they shall apply themselves according to the wishes of their parents. 5. The [required] subjects are: Christian doctrine, politeness, reading, writing, Castilian grammar, arithmetic, the decimal metric system, and the needle-work suitable for their sex, such as sewing, darning, and cutting. On the other hand, the optional subjects are: geography; general history; special history of EspaÑa; elements of natural history; embroidery in white, with silks, corded silk, beads, and gold, and other like needle-work. 6. To these subjects can be added any other subjects which experience shall advise in the future, and which is not outside the sphere of elementary knowledge. CHAPTER IIPupils of the municipal school7. All the children who so solicit, within the number permitted by the size of the building, and according to the order of their presentation, whenever their moral condition does not make them unworthy the company and intercourse of those who are well brought up, shall be admitted without distinction, from the age of five years. 8. Permission to admit girls shall be in charge of a member of the exalted ayuntamiento, who, after having informed the corporation thereof, shall send for that purpose to the directress of the school a signed paper, in which will be noted the name and personal qualifications of the girl. 9. Teaching will be free for all pupils in all necessary and optional subjects named in these regulations, without prejudice of which, in case of enlarging the scope of teaching to other optional subjects, which occasion expense, the quota which must be paid by the girls who receive lessons in the said subjects shall be assigned. 10. The directress of the school, conferring with the superior and commission of supervision, created by article 26, is authorized to dismiss any girl who deserves it, informing the member of the ayuntamiento who is charged with the admission. Cases for expulsion shall consist of: a contagious disease, special laziness, and lack of application, stubbornness, and serious lack of respect toward the teachers, bad deportment, and morals harmful to the other scholars. 11. In case of a contagious disease, a medical 12. Girls who, without any legitimate cause approved by the directress of the school, shall be absent from class thirty consecutive or interspersed times, in the same year, shall not receive a reward in their examinations. Sickness, necessary absence from this capital, and the bad weather which makes the streets impassable shall be a sufficient excuse. 13. For the admission of boarders and half-boarders, the resolutions drawn up in special regulations shall be observed. Until such regulations are published the directress of the school may admit half-boarders exactly in the manner in which pupils are received, namely, as arranged by articles 7 and 8 of this same chapter. CHAPTER IIIClasses and studies14. Teaching in all the necessary subjects embraced in the municipal school is divided into three classes: lowest, intermediate, and upper. 15. In the lowest class shall be taught Christian 16. In the intermediate class shall be taught Christian doctrine, principles of sacred history, and the general history of EspaÑa, reading, writing, principles of Castilian grammar, with practice in orthography, principles of arithmetic, and of the decimal metric system, overcasting, drawing threads, backstitching, gathering, and plaiting, darning, and sample work. 17. The upper class shall be taught writing, Castilian grammar, orthography, arithmetic, history of EspaÑa, the decimal metric system, plaiting, making button-holes, crocheting, and cutting. CHAPTER IVDistribution of time for classes and studies18. All classes shall begin in the morning at eight o’clock, and in the afternoon at two, and shall close at eleven in the morning and at five in the afternoon. 19. Girls of the lowest class shall employ the first hour of the morning in sewing, the second in praying and Christian doctrine, the third in reading; and the same in the afternoon. 20. Children of the intermediate and upper class shall employ the first hour of the morning in writing; the second, in praying, reading, Christian doctrine, and arithmetic; the third, in needle-work. In the afternoon of Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, the first hour shall be employed in grammar, general history, special history of EspaÑa, and exercises in orthography; the second, in reciting the most holy rosary, and in hearing the explanation of Christian doctrine and sacred history; the third, in needle-work. CHAPTER VHolidays and vacations21. There shall be a holiday for all the classes on the afternoon of Thursdays in that week that shall have no feast day; and in the morning and afternoon, the feast day in commemoration of the deceased faithful, the saints’ days, or anniversary of the birthdays of our sovereigns (whom may God preserve), and the feast of St. Vincent of Paul. 22. There shall be thirty days of general vacation after the examinations which shall take place at the end of May, but the last fortnight shall have only holidays in the afternoon. CHAPTER VIRewards and punishments23. There shall be a private examination in the classes at the end of each month, and some reward shall be given. 24. At the end of the course, after the public examinations, the solemn distribution of prizes shall take place. These prizes shall consist of silver, and gilded medals, and of rewards of merit and religious subjects, and other like objects. 25. The punishments which shall be imposed on the pupils shall consist of detention and remaining on the knees for a moderate time, loss of place of honor in the class, occupation of a seat separated from the other girls, and tagged with a card declaring the fault. CHAPTER VIISupervision and oversight26. A commission composed of three women appointed by his Excellency, the superior civil governor, on recommendation of the ayuntamiento, one of whom shall be relieved annually, shall be created for the supervision of the school. The functions of this commission shall be those only of supervision and oversight. In consequence of that they must inform the superior authority of any fault which is noted with the fitting remarks for its correction. Approved by his Excellency, the superior civil governor, Manila, February 15, 1864. The duties imposed by articles 30–33 of the regulations approved by her Majesty, December 20, 1863, for the schools and teachers of primary instruction in this archipelago, both on this superior government and on the chiefs of the provinces and the reverend and learned parish priests, charging them in their respective spheres with the supervision of so important a service, cannot be easily fulfilled without a preceding conference between this directive center The briefest enunciation of the supervisory functions is sufficient to make its seriousness understood. The local functions especially, which are exercised in their villages by the reverend and learned parish priests, enclose the future of education. These are: 1. To visit the schools as often as possible, and see that the regulations are observed. 2. To admonish the teachers who commit any fault, and suspend them in case they incur any excess, which in their judgment does not allow such teachers to longer continue in charge of the schools, advising the provincial supervisor thereof. 3. To promote attendance at the schools by the children. 4. To give the orders of admission into the schools in writing with expression as to whether the education is to be free or paid. 5. To propose, through the medium of the provincial supervisor, whatever is thought to be advisable for the encouragement or improvement of primary instruction. 6. To exercise the direction which is expressed in article 4, in regard to the teaching of the Christian doctrine and ethics. On the fulfilment of these sovereign requirements depends the development and conservation of the improvements which are being introduced into the department. Without a supervision, exercised with assiduity and intelligence, one cannot imagine, and never will there exist without doubt, good schools or intelligent teachers. The happy fact of her Majesty So deep is this conviction in me, that I do not hesitate to direct myself under this date to their Excellencies, the most illustrious prelates and the reverend father provincials of the religious orders, petitioning them in harmony with the request; and charge that her Majesty directs to them in article 19 of the organic royal decree of December 20, 1863, that they incite the zeal of the parish priests for the exact observance of their duties in what relates to the supervision of instruction. Besides this you, as chief and supervisor of that province, will please charge upon them the study of chapter ii, tÍtulo vi, of the regulations dictated for the Peninsula, July 20, 1859, as a text or legal precedent; and as doctrine the wise observations which the author of the Diccionario de educaciÓn y mÉtodos de enseÑanza [i.e., Dictionary of education, and methods of teaching] a very respectable authority in pedagogy, to whom the Peninsula owes in great measure the progress of its primary instruction. “Supervision,” it says, “is one of the most efficacious means for the improvement of schools, and the acceleration of its onward progress toward perfection, but only when it is done with intelligence, faith, and perseverance, and at the same time, benevolent severity. The more serious are its consequences, the more difficult is the mission of the supervisor, and the more rare the qualities with which he ought to be adorned. “It is necessary for him who shall exercise this duty to know how to examine things in their most “The self-love of some, the ignorance of others, and the indifference and coldness of the majority of persons with whom he will have to do, are obstacles which can only be destroyed by a zeal, a strength of indefatigable will, and a constancy which, instead of becoming weak, increases its power in proportion to the resistance which is offered to it. “The supervisor must have studied the schools and the legislation of this department very carefully, and further he must have a certain tact and delicacy in his intercourse with men, which can only be acquired by experience, and for lack of experience, by serious and profound thought. Without that, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish all the good that the supervision may produce, and attract all the party of the commissions and of the intelligent and influential persons, whom it is of great importance to interest in favor of and for the profit of education.” So notable a synthesis of the honorable task charged upon the supervisors, and of the rules of IInspection of schoolsThe ocular supervision, to which the first part of these rules refer, is chiefly an act of policy and good internal system. The supervisor shall observe whether the school is clean and well taken care of, in order to inspire the children with ideas of order and personal neatness, which may have so great an influence on their future life; whether the interior regulations approved by her Majesty on the same date, and cited so often, are scrupulously observed; and whether the progress of the teaching is that prescribed by article 10. Such supervision must be frequent, at the least semi-annual, when, in accordance with article 5 of the school regulations, they give lessons in Christian doctrine and ethics to the children. On one of these inspections, combined with the communications existing between the village and the chief city of the province or district, the supervisor shall devote himself to the examinations of the matriculation and record books referred to in article 2 of the interior regulations, in order to viso in fitting time the monthly report of entrances and departure, Lastly, if the supervisor is zealous, as is to be hoped, on the occasion of all inspections, in investigating thoroughly the progress of the children and the instruction of the teacher, he shall endeavor not to exact from either scholars or teacher things beyond their strength, and shall adjust his actions and words to the measure of good sense. He shall bear in mind that the result of his visit depends in that act on the impression which the supervisor produces on the teacher and on the children. In no case ought he to appear as a melancholy censor, or a too indulgent friend. His corrections must be mild when they are directed to the chief of the institution, in order that he may not become contemptuous in the eyes of his scholarship. If he merits an energetic correction, it shall be given with great reserve, bearing in mind IICorrection and suspension of teachersThis is the most delicate power which the regulations give to the supervisors. From the last paragraph preceding is inferred the frugality with which it ought to be used. Faults of religion, public or private morals, or of zeal in the fulfilment of one’s duties, will be the only things which authorize supervisors to initiate the governmental measure demanded by article 9 of the regulations for the discharge of teachers and assistants who have graduated from the normal school. The abandonment of the Castilian language in the explanations or in the material ceremonies of the school, will also be considered as one of the most serious faults of the teacher, according to circumstances, in the tenor of law v, book i, tÍtulo xiii, of RecopilaciÓn indiana, animated and reformed by the imposition of heavy penalties in the concluding requirements of chapters 25 and 26 of the Ordinances of good government of February 26, 1768, articles 5 As it would scarcely be right that the authority of correcting and punishing be not accompanied by that of compensating, especially since the reverend and learned parish priests are authorized by the fifth clause of the above-cited article 32, to promote the progress or improvement of education, they will also be empowered to propose annually after the examinations justifiable recommendations for the granting of a prudent number of medals of civil merit to the teachers or assistants, who have most distinguished themselves. The supervisor, consulting with the commission of the department, shall remit the document with his report to this government, which, consulting in due time the superior commission, will grant or refuse the recompense within the maximum limit of two medals per province. When extraordinary and excellent services are proved, the more honorable distinction may be obtained from the government of her Majesty. This shall all be without prejudice to the promotions and rewards of organic character, that is to say, those which are granted to teachers by articles 11 and 12 of their own regulations. IIISchool attendanceEducation is compulsory. This concluding requirement of the regulations exists in the laws of public instruction of almost all nations. Nevertheless, in its application, the governments pay attention to the social circumstances of the country. In our country parents incur a fine who do not send their Before having recourse to this coercive means, a zealous supervisor has other means of greater efficacy. The parish priest, venerated by his parishioners, ought to excite the consciences of the heads of the family, and make them comprehend their responsibility before God and men in depriving their children of education. If an instinctive duty counsels them to give their children bread, the duty to give them an education (the bread of the soul) is a sacred one, without which Christian man cannot live. The mothers of the family ought to be for the supervisor, under this point of view, the preferred object of their supplication, warnings, and tender and salutary counsels. The goad of their own interests so powerful in the human heart ought also to be excited for this noble end. The law has considered them very carefully and it is fitting for the supervisor to unfold before the eyes of the parents so that their simple intelligence may well understand that not only ought they, but that it is profitable for them to send their children to school, for after the schools have been established for fifteen years in the village of their habitation those who cannot speak, read, or write Castilian: Cannot be gobernadorcillos. Nor lieutenants of justice. Nor form part of the principalÍa; unless they enjoy that privilege because of heredity—a right which will continue to rapidly disappear, in proportion as the instruction develops, and as only those who possess an education become principales. Lastly, after a school has been established in the Another more pressing thing must also be recalled to the attention of the parents daily and hourly if possible. Five years after the publication of the regulations, no one who cannot prove that he can talk, read, and write Castilian, can be appointed to any remunerative post in this archipelago. So important requirements of articles 16 and 17 of the organic royal decree of December 20, 1863, recommended by article 18 to this superior government and the authorities of its dependency shall be fulfilled with all exactness. From December 20 of the last year, 1868, no one who cannot prove in the terms expressed in article 17 that he can talk, read, and write Castilian, shall be appointed in the archipelago, not even for the most insignificant and material posts of the offices of state or of the villages (such as agents, fagot-gatherers, tax assessors, collectors, etc., etc.). If these inducements, or those which their religious and social zeal inspire in the parish priests, do not produce the desired result, then is the time when the supervisors must have recourse to the gobernadorcillos for the imposition of the fines authorized by article 2 of school regulations. IVAdmission into the schoolsBoth clear and simple are the prescribed regulations in regard to this point. The supervisors perfectly understand the duties which are delegated to them and the best method of fulfilling them. Without ever losing sight of the fact that education is free for poor children, they shall also bear in mind that this same principle of charity, which the state proclaims and which is imposed as an obligation, counsels them not to allow the admission of children under the term “poor” whose parents can and ought to bear some sacrifice. It is important for the gobernadorcillos to understand that if at any time they unduly issue certificates of poverty according to the tenor of article 4 of the regulations, the parish priests shall refuse to approve them, and the consequent permission for the child to enter the school. And in case this abuse is again committed they will inform the provincial supervisor. VPropositions for improvementsThe just initiative conceded in this matter to supervisors by the regulations, must not be used without moderation, since innovations in public instruction are of great consequence. One single error is enough to lose a generation. Fortunately, as has already been said, the fact that the functions of supervisors are entrusted to the reverend and learned parish priests is a guarantee for the state and the heads of families, that, in religion and ethics, the cardinal basis of all solid instruction, reforms of principle or method shall not be introduced arbitrarily. In regard to the equipment, of which the experience and development of the respective institutions continue to advise the supervisors, it is to be hoped that they will harmonize with the general profit, which does not always build upon the best, but on what is good and possible. A fertile field is offered by the lamentable condition of primary letters; by the scarcity of buildings for schools and teachers; by the grievous disproportion among the children who can and who cannot read; and between those who go and those who do not go to school, etc. Some data collected by this superior government, in consequence of the circular of March 1, 1866, show the following picture which is recommended by its very nature to the study of supervisors, although its accuracy must be a matter of doubt on all points. Report of primary education of these islands with relation to the data of approximate accuracy which were sent to this superior civil government by the chiefs of the provinces and districts herein expressed, in observance of the circular of March 1, 1866.
To study and remove the causes of that lamentable statistics; to cause all the children who ought to attend the schools; to promote the development of neglected institutions and the rebuilding of those destroyed; to establish schools in villages which have none; to persuade the justices to protect them, and the heads of families to visit them: beautiful and never-failing task for a supervisor of primary instruction! A thousand times more beautiful and more fertile, if a father of souls exercises it with his ardent charitable spirit, with his wide experience in the moral needs of the villages! The fathers are also petitioned and requested to earnestly study and prepare for the installation of the Sunday schools, or the schools for adults established by article 29 of the regulations. In regard to that article, by the tenor of the same, this government shall confer with the superior commission of primary instruction, when the local supervisors, having been established and working in the proper manner, the danger of such innovation complicating their labors, disappears. VIIn respect to the direction of moral and Christian teaching which that requirement fittingly gives to the reverend and learned parish priests subordinate to their respective prelates, this superior government limits itself to assuring them of its most decided support, and the support of the provincial supervisors of primary instruction. Thus educated there is no doubt that the new generations will respond to what is demanded of them by so wise a law, which is I ought, lastly, to say a word on the transcendental act of the examinations, only in order to have the parish priests note that article 13 of the interior regulations did not take account of the royal order of August 28, 1862, which made biennial the period of the session of the ayuntamientos. They must then pay strict heed to the article in regard to holding examinations annually. It will be advisable for them to submit a short review to the children when they go to them every three months for confession and communion. The provincial supervision entrusted to the alcaldes by article 15 of the organic royal decree, shall be exercised with the aid of a commission composed of the diocesan prelate, or in his absence, by the parish priest of the chief city, and the administrator of the public finances. Where the chief of the province is not the alcalde-mayor, he shall also form a part of the commission, but in the generality of cases, as is well known, he presides over it. Although the above-cited article 15 refers to regulations for schools and teachers for the organization of the provincial center, article 31 of this last order has been limited to a repetition of that precept, almost in the same terms, leaving the dictation of measures which regulate their supervisory action to the judgment of this government. This would be a most important task if the organization of the provincial governments in the archipelago corresponded to the necessities of public administration in all its On the other side, the organization initiated December 20, 1863, by its character of ad interim in so far as it refers to the directive centers of the provinces, seems now to feel the need of reform which afflicts those centers, when among other things it names repeatedly the provincial chiefs. This superior government ought, then, to limit itself for the present to inciting their zeal, so that they may energetically aid it in the noble work undertaken by it, namely, to establish the primary instruction in these islands upon a solid foundation, without demanding from them an initiative incompatible with their occupations. It is enough that they do not render sterile the occupation of the parish priests. Enough on their part is the pure and simple observance of the royal decrees of December 20, 1863. The immediate installation of the provincial commissions, which has not been attended to at this date, will also permit the chiefs to delegate to the reverend parish priest of the chief city the functions which they cannot accomplish by their own efforts. Only they shall be very careful to send monthly statements to this superior government, in accordance with the circular of the twelfth of the current month, explained by the communication to the alcalde of Tayabas Although I am also told that the condition of the country and the humble organization which primary instruction has at present, advise us not to expect from the supervision all the fruit which it is called upon to produce, when, placed under the immediate direction of an initiative and responsive center, it may exercise in regard to the matters of the department the oversight which belongs to it by right, this consideration, although a powerful one, does not prevent me; and it is impossible, in a mediocre organization of public instruction, to renounce the establishment of general supervisors, considered in all countries as the key of the pedagogical edifice. The royal order of June 6, 1866, supplementary to the regulations of the civil professions of the colonies, opens the door or combinations which permit, without great sacrifices to the state, or to the villages, the appointment annually or for the period which her Majesty designs, of a public functionary of recognized ability to visit the provinces in the character of supervisor general and to promote, hasten, and give unity and scientific direction to the development which the institutions of primary instruction are acquiring. In this sense a respectful report will be sent to the government of her Majesty in a short time. May God preserve your Excellency many years. Manila, August 30, 1867. GÁndara Manila, June 19, 1875. In consequence of the provision of article 20 of the decree of this general government dated the ninth of the current month and at the recommendation of the General Division of Civil Administration, I have ordered the approval ad interim of the subjoined regulations for the normal school for women teachers in the diocese of Nueva-CÁceres. Let it be communicated, published, and brought to the notice of the government of his Majesty for his approval. Malcampo Article 1. The normal school for women teachers 1. To turn out religious, moral, and intelligent women teachers for the schools of primary education in all the grades which are established in the villages comprised in the provinces and districts of the diocese of Nueva-CÁceres. 2. To offer, in the school of Santa Isabel, already destined as a girls’ practice school of the normal school for women teachers, a model for all other public and private schools. 3. To serve those scholars who aspire to teaching, so that they may see and carry out for themselves in the said practice school, the application of the systems, methods, and processes of teaching. Art. 2. The normal school for women teachers of the diocese of Nueva-CÁceres shall also serve to give to those young women, who do not wish to be teachers, the knowledge comprised in the program of the same. Art. 3. The practice school shall form an integral part of the normal school for women teachers, and CHAPTER IISubjects taught and duration of studiesArt. 4. The teaching of the normal school for women teachers in Nueva-CÁceres shall be divided: 1. In teaching for candidates to the teaching profession. 2. In teaching for the scholars who are not candidates for teachers. 3. In teaching for girls. Art. 5. The teaching for those included in paragraph 1 of the preceding article shall include: 1. Religion, ethics, and sacred history. 2. Theory and practice in reading. 3. Theory and practice in writing. 4. Knowledge of the Castilian language, with exercises in analysis, composition, and orthography. 5. Arithmetic, with the metric system of weights and measures and their local equivalents. 6. Principles of geography, and history of EspaÑa and Filipinas. 7. Principles of hygiene and domestic economy. 8. General principles of education and methods of teaching, and their practical application in the girls’ model school. 9. Work of all kinds suitable for women, especially those of the most general utility and application to domestic life, such as sewing, weaving, embroidery, the cutting of garments, and ironing. 10. Useful knowledge. Art. 6. Teaching for girls shall include the same courses with the exception of the general principles of education, and methods and processes of teaching, such processes extending to the elementary and superior grades. Art. 7. In the lessons, exercises, and teaching practice, as well as during the hours of recreation, and in the common intercourse among the scholars within the school, only the Castilian language shall be used. Art. 8. The studies mentioned in article 5 shall be pursued for three years, in accordance with the schedule which shall be made out by the instructresses of the school. That schedule, after having been reported to the board of supervision and oversight, shall be sent annually for the approval of the general government. The course shall begin July 1, and end May fifteenth. Art. 9. Every lesson given to the pupils of the normal school shall necessarily consist of an explanation by the teacher, and of intelligent recitation and practical application by the scholars. Art. 10. The schedule of the school, and the distribution of time and work during the same, shall determine the necessary practice of those aspiring to become teachers in the girls’ school, both as supervisors of order and class, and as assistants or teachers, but always under the direction of the head teacher. The said schedule of the normal school shall determine the time which the pupils are to devote to the practice school, but such time shall never be less than four months for each term. Art. 11. The scholars who are candidates for teachers may not pass from one grade to another without having proved their sufficiency in the general examination which shall be held at the end of every scholastic year. Art. 12. When studies have been finished in the manner dictated by the schedule of the school, the scholars shall stand an examination in order to obtain the corresponding certificate, and for those exercises the fitting regulations shall be made. Art. 13. If any one of the scholars who are candidates for teachers wishes to continue one year longer in the school in order to perfect and increase the knowledge which she has acquired, she may do so, but under condition of paying the annual board from her possessions, if she should be a boarder, and if it is not unadvisable in the opinion of the directress that she remain in the institution. Art. 14. The scholars of the normal school who shall have completed the courses of their studies, and who shall have obtained for their good deportment, application, and knowledge, the mark of excellent in the final examinations of the three consecutive years, shall receive teachers’ certificates, with expression in the certificate of their honorable mark. Such persons shall be empowered to take charge of ascenso schools. Those who shall not have obtained the mark of excellent, but that of good or fair in the above-mentioned examinations, shall also receive teachers’ certificates, with the corresponding mark mentioned therein; and such persons may take charge of entrada schools. If those who shall not have passed in the said examinations, after the exercise has been repeated, shall deserve a passing mark, they shall receive assistant teachers’ certificates. CHAPTER IIIOf the staff of the schoolArt. 15. The normal school for women teachers in Nueva-CÁceres shall be organized under the direction of the sisters of charity, and shall make use of the elements of the staff and equipment of the school of Santa Isabel. Art. 16. The staff of the normal school shall consist of the following: 1. A directress, who shall have charge of the teachers, scholars, and inferior employes of the institution. In her charge shall be the economic part, the direction, order, and discipline of the same, and the allowances which correspond to it, according to the schedule and regulations of the school. The directress shall preside over the literary ceremonies of the school whenever the provincial chief, the reverend bishop of Nueva-CÁceres, or the board of supervision and oversight, does not attend them. She shall visit the classes and the practice school, in order to investigate the explanations of the teachers and the progress of the scholars. She shall correct those faults which she observes, and recommend to the board of supervision and oversight the expulsion of those pupils in the cases and conditions which are expressed in the interior regulations of the school, informing the above-mentioned board of the extraordinary measures which she believes it necessary to take. 2. A head teacher in the practice school, in charge of the communication of the teaching to the girls, responsible for their instruction, and for order and discipline in her department. She must employ herself in the direction and management The head teacher shall also have the duty of carrying out the orders of the schedule in reference to the practice of those scholars who are candidates for teachers, and shall explain the studies determined by paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 5. 3. Three teachers for the theoretical and practical teaching of the studies included in the school schedule, except those which the directress, the regent of the practice school, and the professor of religion and ethics have under their charge. 4. Two assistant teachers for the practice school, one for the upper section, and the other for the elementary section. 5. One virtuous and learned secular who shall be charged by the reverend diocesan bishop with the teaching of religion, ethics, and sacred history. 6. A sister to act as portress and the women servants or subordinates who are considered indispensable. Art. 17. The interior regulations shall assign to each one of the teachers the duties which they shall have in charge for the moral and religious education of the scholars, whom they shall accompany, and watch during study hours, recreation hours, and during the other occupations prescribed by the same interior regulations. CHAPTER IVOf scholars and their admissionArt. 18. Scholars in the normal school shall be 1. Scholars who are candidates for teachers, and who are supported from the local funds. 2. Scholars who are candidates for teachers, and who are supported by their parents or benefactors. 3. Scholars who are not candidates for teachers, and who are supported by their parents or benefactors for the purpose of acquiring the education and teaching of the normal school, in order to apply them to the family and to the uses of domestic life. 4. Girls who attend the practice school. Art. 19. The scholars included in paragraph 1 shall always be boarders. Those included in paragraphs 2 and 3 may be boarders or day pupils, whenever they possess the qualifications which are prescribed in these regulations. Art. 20. In order that any resident scholar sustained by the public funds may be admitted, the following requirements are necessary: 1. She must be a native of the diocese of Nueva-CÁceres. 2. She must be fully seventeen years old, 3. She shall not have any contagious disease, or any chronic disease or any physical defect which makes her ridiculous whether because of lack of respect or because it incapacitates her for teaching. 4. She shall prove good moral deportment by means of a certification, issued by the gobernadorcillo, principalÍa, and parish priest, of the native village or habitation of the party interested, and investigated by the provincial chief. 5. She shall talk Castilian, know the Christian doctrine, how to read and write, the four rules of arithmetic for integers, and have some slight smattering of Castilian grammar, in order that she may pursue to good effect the lessons of the school schedule. 6. She shall be chosen by the provincial chief at the recommendation of the gobernadorcillo, of the parish priest, and of the principalÍa of the village in whose charge shall be the expense of her support in the school. 7. She shall be tested by an examination of the matters comprised in paragraph 5 of this article before the school tribunal formed by the instructresses of the same and necessarily presided over for this purpose by the reverend diocesan. The result of that examination shall be given to the president of the board of supervision and oversight, so that he may inform the provincial chief who has control of the village, for economic reasons. Art. 21. The same requirements shall be exacted from resident scholars whose support is not taken care of from the local funds, except those included in paragraph 6 of the preceding article. These resident Art. 22. Only those young women shall be admitted as day pupils who, besides possessing the qualifications demanded of the resident pupils, shall live in Nueva-CÁceres or in its environs, under the authority of their parents, or under the care of a person of the family, in such circumstances that it may be assumed that she will find at the domestic hearth the necessary examples of virtue and morality, so that her deportment may not be harmful to the other scholars. Art. 23. If the villages let three months pass without proposing to the chief of the province the young woman who ought to enter the normal school as a resident pupil supported from the local funds, it will be understood that they renounce this right, and the vacancy, after such announcement, shall be filled by the board of supervision and oversight. It must be kept in mind that the young woman chosen must possess all the qualifications prescribed in article 20, and, all things being equal, she who is a native of the province, to which the village belongs, will be preferred. Art. 24. The women teachers already established, who desire to improve their education, or who shall be obliged to do so, after a preceding investigation and by accord of the suitable authority, may be admitted as resident pupils in the normal school, under condition of paying the board of six pesos per month. In order to be admitted as resident pupils they must possess the qualification of being single and of not exceeding the age of twenty-three. In any Art. 25. As soon as all the villages of the diocese of Nueva-CÁceres have a public school for girls directed by a woman teacher from the normal school, the number of resident pupils supported from local funds shall be reduced to twenty-five. With this number the vacancies, occurring through the death of the teachers in charge, or for other causes, shall be filled. Art. 26. The resident pupils sustained from the local funds shall be obliged to fulfil their duties for ten years in the girls’ public school of their own village, or of any other school which the general government assigns to them in the diocese of Nueva-CÁceres. They can only become exempt from this obligation by returning to the local funds, after the fitting measure has been taken, the sums spent on their support, education, and instruction. The same thing will be true when they leave the normal school before finishing their studies, without legitimate cause, and by their own wish or that of their parents, or are expelled from it for lack of application, or bad deportment. The standard for calculating expenses caused during the given period shall be the board which the village has satisfied for this purpose, plus 6 per cent annually, as interest on the sums advanced. CHAPTER VOf the directress of the school and the teachers of the sameArt. 27. The directress shall have charge of the Art. 28. One of the teachers shall act as substitute during the sickness and absence of the directress, being approved beforehand by the general government. Another teacher shall exercise the duties of secretary. Art. 29. The school teachers shall observe the class hours, the practical exercises, the conference, and the duties imposed on them by the regulations. CHAPTER VIOf examinationsArt. 30. At the end of each month, in each one of the classes of the normal school, there shall be a private examination in all the matters studied during that period. A like exercise shall be held at the end of the first semester, in regard to the matters studied during it. General examinations shall be held at the end of the course. This exercise shall always be public and presided over by the board of supervision and oversight. Persons of distinction and the parents and Art. 31. The examinations of all classes prescribed in these regulations, as well as of those which shall be prescribed in the future, and in which the board of supervision and oversight intervenes, shall always be held in the building of the normal school. CHAPTER VIIOf holidays and vacationsArt. 32. Holidays in the normal school shall be Sundays, feast days, Ash Wednesday, day for the commemoration of the faithful dead, and also the saints’ days, and birthday anniversaries of their Majesties and the princess of Asturias, the saint’s day of the governor general and that of the diocesan bishop. The short vacations shall extend from Christmas eve to Twelfth-night, the three carnival days, and from Holy Wednesday until Easter. During the said vacations the resident scholars shall remain in the institution. The long vacations shall last one and one-half months, and shall be during the time of the greatest heat. The resident scholars may pass the long vacations in the bosom of their families. CHAPTER VIIIOf rewards and punishmentsArt. 33. The directress shall keep a register with as many columns as there are subjects taught, as contained in the school schedule. In it, she shall note the Art. 34. The deportment, application, and progress of the scholars, shall be rewarded with marks of honor, which shall be placed on their certificate of studies and in the school book; and further, with the annual prizes, whose solemn distribution shall take place after the termination of the examinations at the end of the course. Art. 35. The punishments which shall be imposed on the scholars shall be: 1. Secret admonition. 2. Loss of recreation and the walk. 3. Censure in the presence of the scholars. 4. Seclusion and separation from the other scholars. 5. Strict suspension from course. 6. Loss of course. 7. Expulsion from the institution. The punishments included under nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4, shall be imposed by the directress. Those included under nos. 5 and 6 [shall be imposed] by the board of teachers presided over by the board of supervision and oversight. That included under no. 7 shall be imposed by the general government on recommendation of the board of teachers, and after a report of the reverend diocesan bishop and of the board of supervision and oversight. Art. 36. The rewards obtained and the punishments suffered by the scholars shall be noted in the school registers, and mention will be made of them in the certificates which are issued. CHAPTER IXOf textbooksArt. 37. The board of supervision and oversight shall recommend, with the approval of the general government, a list of the books which may be used as textbooks by the scholars, and to which the teachers shall subordinate their explanations. This list shall be revised according as conditions warrant it. CHAPTER XOf the issuing of certificatesArt. 38. The General Division of Civil Administration has the power of issuing, in the name of the governor general and in the tenor of the order of article 8, of the decree of September 9, 1874, teachers’ certificates at the recommendation of the board of supervision and oversight. Art. 39. The teachers’ certificates shall contain the marks which they shall have obtained and the class of the school for which the certificates entitles them. CHAPTER XIOf the interior regulations of the schoolArt. 40. In the daily distribution of time on the part of the scholars, the order of the studies, the division of the classes, the religious and literary exercises, the intercourse [trato], food, and clothing, as well as the duties of the scholars toward their teachers, and the duties of the parents and guardians in regard to the institution, the teachers and scholars shall obey the interior regulations of the school of Santa Isabel, which were enacted by the diocesan prelate and approved by the superior government in the year 1868, until the interior regulations of the normal school for women teachers shall be drawn up by the board of inspection and oversight, and approved by the general government. CHAPTER XIIOf the supervision and oversight of the schoolArt. 41. Besides the superior supervision which belongs to the general government, and to the superior board of public instruction in regard to the normal school for women teachers in Nueva-CÁceres, the reverend diocesan prelate shall exercise the moral and religious supervision which belong to him in accordance with the laws, and the literary supervision, and that of the internal organization, to which the fervent and evangelical zeal with which he has promoted the creation of the institution gives him a right. In this regard, he shall recommend whatever occurs to him for the prosperity and improvement of the same. Art. 42. For the constant and active oversight and Art. 43. For the relations of the board of supervision and oversight with the reverend diocesan bishop, article 1 of the circular of the superior government, dated May 17, 1864, shall be observed. Art. 44. The board shall observe and cause to be observed with all exactness whatever is prescribed in these regulations, as well as in the regulations which are to be drawn up for the interior management of the school, in the matter of examinations for obtaining a teacher’s certificate, and in the schedules of teaching. Art. 45. The board shall visit the normal school for women teachers in a body at least once each three months; shall examine the affairs of the same; shall ask or cause the instructors to ask questions of the scholars in regard to the teachings of the schedule, shall note and make the remarks which it judges advisable for taking or recommending, according to circumstances, the measures which it judges fitting for the prosperity and better organization of the institution. Art. 46. The board shall designate its member Art. 47. The board, or the member of it who shall be so chosen, shall execute, and cause to be executed, the measures of the same; shall oversee the observance of the regulations; shall visit the school frequently; shall assist in the professorships and at the practice school; and in examinations shall have the authority determined by the regulations. Art. 48. The board shall inform the general government concerning the condition of the school every three months, and at the end of each course shall make a detailed report in regard to the results obtained and the methods which it is advisable to adopt, so that they may be more satisfactory. CHAPTER XIIIOf the bookkeeping of the schoolArt. 49. The staff and equipment expenses of the normal school shall be met: 1. By the sums assigned at present in the provincial budgets for the staff expenses of the sisters of charity charged with the teaching in the school of Santa Isabel, and with those which are included for the increase of two teachers. 2. With the sums which shall be assigned in the municipal budgets for the support of the scholars and the equipment of the institution. 3. With the sums which are at present included in the municipal budgets of Nueva-CÁceres for the practice school since it is a girls’ public school. Art. 50. The board of supervision and oversight shall report annually the budgets of receipts and expenses Art. 51. For the collection and distribution of funds as well as for the rendering and approval of accounts, the order prescribed by the laws in force and the special orders dictated by the General Division of Civil Administration shall be followed. Transitory regulationsArt. 52. The board of supervision and oversight shall draw up a project of regulations for the examinations to which those who are candidates for teachers’ certificates must submit themselves, as well as for the placing and promotion of the same. Art. 53. Until the staff of the school is complete, the directress shall confer with the reverend diocesan prelate for the application in so far as may be possible, of article 16 of these regulations. Manila, June 19, 1875. Approved. Malcampo Madam: Primary instruction in the Philippine Archipelago Until prudent and meditated reforms, harmonized with the respect, which deep-rooted and traditional customs merit, succeed in establishing a complete organism in the management of public instruction, the undersigned minister esteems the creation of a superior normal school for women teachers in the city of Manila as an imperative necessity, since experience proves, by that formerly created in Nueva-CÁceres, the undeniable advantages of a like nature in that country. Since the two principal objects of primary education in Filipinas is to inculcate in the heart of studious youth love for religion and the Castilian language, it is certainly beyond discussion that whatever attempts in this sense to improve the qualities of intelligence and of the religious character which distinguish the Filipino woman, For the attainment of this proposition, the undersigned believes that the most efficient form for the ends of an education, suitable for the habits and traditions, perfectly compatible with the greatest progress of modern culture, is to confide the direction of the superior normal school for women teachers in Manila to instructors of well-known intelligence and excellent moral endowments, who give, together with testimonies of knowledge, examples of virtue and zeal in which that youth may be inspired. Therefore, there is nothing more in harmony with this aspiration than to give the direction of the Manila school to the congregation of the Augustinian nuns of the Assumption, who are established in this capital. Their efficiency is proved by the long and brilliant period of teaching to which they have devoted themselves in the school of Santa Isabel in Madrid. Consequently, then, with personal fitness, adorned with the certificates which are requisite for teaching and of true ability for the same, the superior normal school for women teachers in Manila can be founded upon secure foundations of the most brilliant future, which assure and prove the noble aspirations of a culture which so much distinguishes that country, for whose destiny and prosperity the government of your Majesty is trying to the best of its ability to continue The undersigned minister, relying on the preceding considerations, has the honor to submit the subjoined project of a decree for your Majesty’s approval. Madrid, March 11, 1892. Madam, at the royal feet of your Majesty, Francisco Romero Robledo Royal decreeAt the recommendation of the minister of the colony, in the name of my august son, King Don Alfonso XIII, and as queen regent of the kingdom, I decree the following: Article 1. In order to attend to the necessities of primary education in the Philippine Archipelago, and with the object of turning out fitting women teachers, to whom to entrust the development, progress, and successful direction of the same, a superior normal school for women teachers is created which shall be established in Manila. Art. 2. The direction and personal oversight of said centre of education shall be in charge of the congregation of the Augustinian nuns of the Assumption, established in the royal school of Santa Isabel of this capital. Art. 3. The sums for the staff and equipment of the above-named school shall be assigned in the general budgets of expenses and receipts of Filipinas for the present year, and shall be distributed in the following manner: 7,900 pesos for the teaching force and management, and 4,500 pesos for equipment. Art. 4. For the management of teaching in this Art. 5. To obtain the post of regular instructress in the school created by this decree, the holding of a teacher’s certificate of superior primary instruction shall be an indispensable condition. Such academical studies shall have been carried on in the national normal schools. Art. 6. The directress and regular instructresses shall be appointed by royal order by the minister of the colonies, from the aspirants who solicit said posts from the above-mentioned congregation of the Augustinian nuns of the Assumption. Art. 7. The teachers’ certificate which shall be given in this school shall comprise two grades—elementary and superior. The teaching corresponding to the first shall be in three courses. The second shall include one course more [than the first]. Art. 8. In the three years included in the elementary grade, studies shall consist of the Castilian language, expressive reading and caligraphy, religion and ethics, arithmetic and geometry, history, geography in general, and, in especial, that of EspaÑa and Filipinas; principles of physics, chemistry, physiology, and natural history, principles of law in application to the common exercises of life, pedagogy, scholastic organization and legislation, special pedagogy applied to deaf mutes and the blind, principles of literature and the fine arts, general hygiene Art. 9. The division and extent to which the previous branches shall be studied, as well as the number of elections of each one, shall be prescribed in the regulations. Art. 10. The conditions which shall be demanded from the scholars for entrance into this school, shall also be prescribed in the said regulations. Art. 11. The courses shall commence on the first day of June of each year and close March 31 following. Art. 12. To the normal school shall be annexed the corresponding school for girls supported by the municipality where candidates for teachers’ certificates may acquire the practical knowledge indispensable to those who devote themselves to this profession. Art. 13. All the orders which prevent the fulfilment of the contents of this decree shall be null and void; and the minister of the colonies shall be authorized to settle any doubts which may arise in the application of the same, as well as to dictate the measures which their observance demands. Given in the palace, March eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two. Maria Cristina The minister of the colonies: Francisco Romero y Robledo Your Excellency: In accordance with the order of article 13 of the royal decree, of the eleventh of the present month, by virtue of which a superior normal school for women teachers is created in Manila, and for the purpose of facilitating the institution of said school, and of regulating the exercise of its functions from the beginning: His Majesty, the king (whom may God preserve) and in his name, the Queen Regent of the kingdom, has considered it advisable to approve the subjoined regulations by which the abovesaid teaching centre is to be ruled. I inform your Excellency of this by royal order for your information, and for the following ends, it being at the same time the will of his Majesty that this resolution, as well as the regulations to which the same alludes, be published entire in the Gaceta of Madrid, and in that of Manila, in accordance with the rulings of the royal decree of October 5, 1888. May God preserve your Excellency many years. Madrid, March 31, 1892. Romero [Addressed: “Governor general of the Filipinas Islands.”] CagayÁn de Misamis, May 19, 1892. Let it be fulfilled, published, and sent to the General Division of Civil Administration, for the purposes abovesaid. Despujol Article 1. The normal school created by royal decree of the eleventh of the present month has as its object: 1. The turning out of suitable women teachers, who shall have charge afterward of the schools of primary instruction for girls, so that these will well and faithfully meet the necessities of the present time. 2. To serve as a model so that the scholars who attend it may acquire an exact knowledge of the methods, which must be employed with good results in directing and developing the intellectual, moral, and physical qualities of the girls who will later be entrusted to their direction and care; and in so far as possible also consider its establishment for good results in teaching according to the systems by which they may rule those girls who shall be entrusted to them at the end of their course. Of the subjects to be taughtArt. 2. The subjects which must be the object of study for the pupils who attend this school shall be those described in article 8 of the above-cited royal decree, comprising the three courses for the elementary grade, and one additional course for the superior. The subjects which shall be taught in the normal school of Manila are as follows: 1. Religion and ethics (this course will include the explanation of the catechism and sacred history). 2. Castilian grammar. 3. Expressive reading. 4. Arithmetic. 5. Caligraphy. 6. General geography and the geography of EspaÑa and Filipinas. 7. History of EspaÑa and Filipinas. 8. Hygiene and domestic economy. 9. Needle-work. 10. Geometry. 11. Room gymnastics. 12. Pedagogy. 13. Natural sciences. 14. Music and singing. 15. Practice in teaching. 16. Principles of literature. 17. Designing, with application to needle-work. 18. Principles of law and its application to the common exercise of life. 19. French. 20. English. 21. Pedagogy for deaf mutes and the blind. 22. Fine arts. Elementary gradeThe first and second year shall include studies from 1 to 11 inclusive, and the same instructress may unite the pupils of both years in one class. The third year shall be an enlargement of the same studies, adding the studies from no. 12 to no. 15 inclusive. Superior gradeFor the superior grade of the fourth year, all the subjects of the preceding years shall be studied in an enlarged form, adding the studies of nos. 16 and 17, and substituting geometry for drawing. From no. 18 to no. 22 the studies shall be optional, the study of all or any of them being at the desire of the pupil, after the conclusion of the studies of the fourth year. Art. 3. Lessons shall be alternate, weekly or bi-weekly, according to the importance of the subjects with relation to the course. Each election shall last in general one hour, more time being given to the lessons in needle-work, which shall be daily, and in the other lessons to that which is believed to be for the advantage of the pupil. Of school equipmentArt. 4. Since the effort must be made to try to give to the teaching in this institution the greatest possible practical character, it shall be furnished with sufficient scientific equipment. Accordingly then, it must have: 1. The equipment for teaching suitable for each subject whose budget formed beforehand by the directress, shall be submitted to the approval of the governor general, in order that the sum assigned for this purpose may be annually expended on it. 2. Since the economic condition of some of the pupils of this center will not permit them to acquire a certain class of books, which it would be necessary for them to know, the governor general shall assign the said center a copy of the books, which have application The books shall be submitted to the approval of the directress, and her permission shall be necessary so that the pupils can make use of them. She shall also make the necessary rules in order for their consultation, whenever she considers it advisable. CHAPTER IIOf the teaching forceArt. 5. The school shall have the teaching force prescribed in article 4 of the royal decree of the eleventh of the present month. Art. 6. One of the regular instructresses shall exercise the duties of directress. Her appointment shall belong to the minister of the colony on recommendation of the reverend mother superior general of the congregation of the Augustinian nuns of the Assumption. Art. 7. The duties of secretary and librarian shall be filled by the instructresses appointed by the directress. Art. 8. The appointment of assistant instructresses shall be made by the directress. Art. 9. The appointment of an assistant professor of religion and ethics, who shall also be chaplain of the institution, shall be made by the directress, with the consent of the diocesan. Art. 10. The teaching force of the school will receive remuneration in the following manner:
Administrative force
CHAPTER IIIOf the directressArt. 11. The duties of the directress of the school are as follows: 1. To observe and cause the laws, decrees, regulations, and other superior orders to be observed. 2. To adopt the measures advisable for the conservation of scholastic order and discipline. 3. To see that the instruction is given in the 4. To call and preside over the board of instructresses and the disciplinary council, and to execute their decisions or send those decisions for superior approval if they require it. 5. To appoint the instructresses and the subordinates whose pay does not exceed five hundred pesos, after informing the governor general of said appointments. 6. To send the requests of the instructresses, employes, pupils, and dependants, to the governor general with her report; with the understanding that the course of instruction will not be granted to those who do not submit their conduct [to her], in order that there may be no complaint against her. 7. To represent the school in judicial matters in which the school may be a party, or to delegate someone else to represent it. 8. To recommend the measures which she believes conducive to the growth and improvement of the school, and which are not among her duties. 9. To see to it, with the greatest of zeal, that the instructresses observe all the duties which are prescribed for them in the regulations which are to be drawn up by the cloister for the interior management of the school. 10. To preside over all the meetings held by the cloister and to direct their discussions. 11. To direct the teaching, in accordance with the schedules presented by the instructresses and approved by the governor general. 12. The administration of the economic part of the institution, receiving the sums which are assigned for its support, and distributing them in accordance with the approved budget, whose preliminary project must be drawn up in due time. 13. The formation of the schedule of teaching hours, and the designation of the place where it is to be carried on, after conferring with the instructresses, so that the result may be more satisfactory. She shall send to the general government a copy of the schedule made out for each course. 14. To inform the governor general opportunely of the pupils who have entered for each course, and to draw up the Memoria anuario [i.e., Annual report]. She shall send copies of these reports to the governor general and the minister of the colonies. 15. To form tribunals for the term examinations 16. She shall confer directly with the governor general and must act through the medium of the latter when she shall have communication with the supreme government. 17. When vacancies occur in the teaching force 18. The directress of the school shall take the necessary measures so that the pupils may not be deprived of the frequency of the sacraments, of the holy sacrifice of the mass, and of other religious acts. Of the instructressesArt. 12. The instructresses shall be under the immediate orders of the directress in whatever concerns school matters. Art. 13. They shall lend their aid to whatever the directress of the institution demands, endeavoring constantly to attain the greatest aggrandizement and splendor of the same. Art. 14. In the absence or sickness of the directress, the senior instructress shall fulfil her duties, and if there should be two or more instructresses appointed at the same time, she who shall be designated by the governor general. Art. 15. That instructress who shall fulfil the duties of directress for any of the above-mentioned causes, shall not receive any remuneration therefor, and only in case of vacancy shall she receive the difference in pay. Art. 16. Each one of the instructresses shall give a list to the secretary of the pupils who in her judgment may be admitted to the ordinary examinations, according to the number of failures, in the first fortnight of the month of March. Art. 17. Regular instructresses may use as a distinctive Art. 18. The medals mentioned in the preceding article shall be—that of the directress, of gilded silver, and those of the instructresses, white of that metal. CHAPTER IVOf the secretaryArt. 19. The obligations of the secretary shall be: 1. To inform the directress of matters which occur in the government and administration of the school. 2. To draw up papers, and record the reports and communications which are offered, according to the instructions of the directress. 3. To make the entries of entrance examinations, and term examinations of the pupils. 4. To petition and despatch the necessary resolutions for the attestation of the documents presented by the pupils. 5. To superintend matters of receipts and disbursements. 6. To fulfil the duties of pay-mistress of the institution; to collect and distribute fees for inscription 7. To take charge of the archives, and of the classification of the documents under her charge. 8. To issue with the proper authorization and in 9. To record the minutes of the board of instructresses, and of the disciplinary council. 10. To keep all books and registers necessary for the successful progress of the institution. 11. To open a register in which shall be recorded both the merits acquired by each one of the scholars and the faults of any consideration which the same ones may commit during the course of their studies, and according to those data their study certificates shall be made out. 12. To record and sign all the certificates ordered by the directress and on which the latter shall place her O.K. Art. 20. The secretary shall receive as a remuneration for her services one per cent of the receipts of the institution, and for certificates, the fees assigned in these regulations, in addition to the one per cent of the academical fees as a compensation for the loss of money and of the responsibility which she has in the collection thereof. Art. 21. The secretary shall always be responsible for the correct drawing up of papers, and for the accuracy of the documents which she issues. Art. 22. The regular instructress appointed by the directress shall act as substitute for the secretary during the absence and sickness of the latter and during vacancies. CHAPTER VOf the librarianArt. 23. The duties of the librarian shall be: 1. To make an inventory of the works existing in the library, to classify the volumes, and stamp them with the seal of the institution. 2. To name, after conferring with the directress the hours during which this subordinate department will be open, and to watch after the good preservation of the books which are committed to her care. CHAPTER VIOf the assistantsArt. 24. The assistant instructresses shall have the following duties in the institution: 1. To act as substitutes for the regular instructresses in their absence and sickness in their respective section. 2. To take care of the classes and whatever belongs to the duties of any regular instructress, in case of a vacancy, until that vacancy is filled in accordance with the royal decree of the eleventh of the present month. 3. To aid the secretary in the extraordinary labors, and those suitable for that office when she asks it. In this task the two assistants in the sciences and letters shall alternate in each course. CHAPTER VIIOf the subordinatesArt. 25. The portress shall have charge of the principal door of the building, and both she and the servants shall execute whatever the directress orders them in regard to the order, arrangement, and cleanliness of the institution, and its furnishings. Art. 26. The help cannot leave the edifice so long Art. 27. The help of the school are prohibited under penalty of discharge to receive any tip from the pupils for the services which they give in fulfilment of their obligations. CHAPTER VIIIOf the board of instructressesArt. 28. The board of instructresses shall be composed of the regular teachers of the institution. Art. 29. The directress shall consult the board of instructresses: 1. In the compiling of the annual and monthly budgets of the school. 2. In the making of the list of studies mentioned in these regulations. 3. In any other matters, both concerning the teaching force and the government and management of the school, in which she believes it advisable to hear their opinion. Art. 30. She shall also convoke them: 1. For the annual opening of the studies. 2. When any matter is held in the school which in the opinion of the directress merits the presence of all the instructresses. 3. At least twice during each term [curso], so that the instructresses may propose whatever their experience declares to them as conducive to the perfection of teaching. Art. 31. Affairs shall be settled by a plurality of votes and in case of tie the president shall decide. Art. 32. The secretary shall record the minutes, which, after approval by the corporation, shall be In the margin of each minute, the names of those members who were present at the session shall be noted. Art. 33. It is the secretary’s duty to record the reports and communications in fulfilment of the decisions of the board. Nevertheless, the corporation may, when it deems it advisable, charge any other of its members with the recording of any document of this class. CHAPTER IXOf disciplinary CouncilsArt. 34. The Council shall be composed of at least five members. Art. 35. The school secretary shall be secretary of the disciplinary Council. Art. 36. The directress shall convoke the disciplinary Council whenever anything occurs which the Council ought to know. Art. 37. The decision of the disciplinary Council shall be verbal and summary, and they shall always endeavor to decide definitively on the same day on which the matter is submitted to their hearing. The order of procedure shall be: Hearing of the deed; deciding whether it is suitable for them to try; the examining of antecedents and witnesses in order to bring out the truth clearly; to hear the accused who shall be cited in the proper manner; and the rendering of the verdict. If the accused fails to appear of her own wish, the Council shall settle the matter, judging the fault as an aggravating circumstance. After the minutes have been recorded and signed by the secretary all the members shall affix their rubrics to them. Art. 38. The Council shall not impose other penalties than those enumerated in these regulations, but they may punish the same pupil with several of them. Art. 39. The verdict shall be published when and as the Council determines; but immediate advice of the penalties imposed shall be given to each pupil, to her father, guardian, or care-taker. TÍTULO IIOF THE ECONOMIC MANAGEMENTCHAPTER IOf the annual budgetsArt. 40. The directress of the school, in conference with the board of instructresses, shall annually compile the annual budgets of receipts and expenditures, both ordinary and extraordinary. Art. 41. In the ordinary budget of receipts shall be included the amount of the fees for matriculation, degrees, and certificates. The extraordinary budget shall be composed of the funds which it is calculated will be received in the school in any other way. Art. 42. In the ordinary budget of expenses, the following shall be included under its proper heading: 1. The salaries which shall be received by the directress, instructresses, employes, and help of the institution. 2. The amounts which are calculated to be necessary 3. Expenses of the secretary. 4. Expenses demanded by the teaching and conservation of scientific equipment. 5. One item for unforeseen expenses, which shall not exceed four per cent of the amount of the ordinary expenses of the institution. Art. 43. In the extraordinary budget shall be figured the expenses which are believed to be necessary for the improvement of the edifice, for the purchase of school equipment or furniture, or for any other object not included in the preceding article. Art. 44. The directress shall send the budgets to the general governor with a memorandum, if she believes it necessary. CHAPTER IICollection, distribution, and payment of accountsArt. 45. The school shall be guided in matters of collection, distribution of funds, and payment of accounts, by the general rule of accounts. TÍTULO IIIOF TEACHINGCHAPTER IOf the opening and duration of the term [curso]Art. 46. The ordinary examinations of studies shall be held in the school from the first to the thirtieth of April, and the extraordinary examinations from the first to the thirtieth of June. The first day of July of each year shall be celebrated in the Art. 47. The opening ceremonies shall be presided over by the directress, whenever the governor general does not attend. Art. 48. The ceremony having begun, the secretary of the school shall read a short and simple rÉsumÉ of the condition of the institution during the preceding year, expressing therein the changes which have occurred in the staff of instructresses, the number of scholars matriculated and examined, the progress made by the teaching, improvements made in the building, increase in scientific equipment, the economic situation, and all the other bits of information which can contribute to give a complete idea of the progress of the institution. This document shall be printed and afterward inserted in the official newspaper of Manila, publishing therein as an appendix the tables which will serve to prove what was explained in the memorial. This memorial, together with the inaugural address, which shall be read by the directress, or one of the instructresses, shall be made into a single volume, and copies of it shall be sent to the ministry of the colony, the general government, and scientific and literary corporations. Art. 49. After the conclusion of the reading, prizes shall be distributed, and the ceremony shall close by the president saying: “His Majesty, the king (whom may God preserve), and, in his name, Art. 50. Lessons shall begin on the day following the opening of studies, and shall terminate on March 31. Art. 51. Lessons shall not be suspended during the course, except on Sundays, whole feast days, saints’ days, and birthday anniversaries of the king, queen, and prince of Asturia, on the day for the commemoration of the dead, from December 23 until January 2, the three days of the carnival, Ash Wednesday, holy Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and Easter and Pentecost. CHAPTER IIOf the order of classes and methods of teachingArt. 52. Five days before beginning lessons, a representative table shall be affixed in that place in the edifice assigned for announcements expressive of the studies which are taught in the school, the instructresses in charge of them, the textbooks for their study, and the rooms, days, and hours in which the lessons are to be given. Art. 53. Explanations in all classes shall be in Castilian. Art. 54. Instructresses shall follow in their teaching the schedules approved by the superior government, in accordance with section 11, of article 11, and shall try to excite emulation among the scholars by contests which shall prove their progress. Art. 55. The scholars seriously lacking in class in the respect due the instructress shall be expelled Art. 56. The instructress shall note daily for the abovesaid purposes, failures of attendance in the scholars, and shall hand in a list of names whenever she thinks it advisable. She shall also note the manner in which they have answered in the lessons, and to the questions which she has asked them; as well as the acts of restlessness, and the pranks which they have committed. Art. 57. At the end of each month the instructresses shall hand to the secretary a list of the pupils in their classes, with a note regarding the failure of attendance, lesson, and deportment, which they have incurred, and the qualifications of their memory, intelligence, application, and conduct, so that the persons in charge of them may understand their behavior. Art. 58. At the end of each month, the instructresses shall also hand in a list of those pupils who have most distinguished themselves in their progress and conduct. Art. 59. The instructresses shall endeavor to conclude the course of any studies at least twenty days before the conclusion of the term, in order to devote the remaining lessons to a general review which may prepare the scholars for the examination. CHAPTER IIIOf material equipments for instructionArt. 60. There shall be a sufficient number of rooms in the school, light, well arranged and ventilated, and large enough so that the pupils whom The seats shall be arranged conveniently and the chair of the instructress shall be elevated so that she may see all her pupils and be distinctly heard. There shall be a blackboard or oilskin Rooms for drawing shall be arranged in the manner suitable for these studies. Art. 61. In addition there shall be: 1. An image of our Lord Jesus Christ, and a picture of his Majesty, the king, in all the classes. 2. The globes, maps, and other objects which are required for the knowledge of geography. 3. The synoptical pictures which are required to facilitate the study of history. 4. A cabinet for physics with the apparatus and instruments indispensable for teaching this study profitably. 5. A classified mineralogical collection. 6. Another zoological collection, in which shall be found the principal species, and if not, then plates which represent them. 7. A botanical garden and its herbarium systematically arranged. 8. A collection of all the solids and instruments deemed necessary for the teaching. Art. 62. The directress shall see that collections in the cabinets of natural history are formed as completely as possible from the natural products of the archipelago. Art. 63. Each instructress shall have under her charge the conservation of the material equipment TÍTULO IVOF THE SCHOLARSCHAPTER IOf the qualifications which the scholars must possess in order to be admitted to matriculationArt. 64. In order that the studies of the normal school may produce academical effects, they must be carried on with strict submission to what is prescribed in these regulations. Art. 65. In order to enter the superior normal school for women teachers, one must pass an examination of the branches of Christian doctrine and sacred history, Castilian grammar, arithmetic, geometry, geography, history of EspaÑa and Filipinas, hygiene, and needle-work. Art. 66. The exercises of which the examination for entrance shall consist shall be three in number, in the following form: Written exercises 1. The writing of a letter or dissertation upon a theme of Christian doctrine, and sacred history, hygiene, or the history of EspaÑa or of Filipinas. 2. Solution of an arithmetical problem. 3. Execution of a simple geometrical drawing. Oral exercise 1. Explanatory reading of a complete sentence. 2. Grammatical analysis of a sentence. 3. Answer of a question in geography, and another in each one of the subjects of Christian doctrine, sacred history, hygiene, and history of EspaÑa or of Filipinas. If any one shall have submitted a theme on any one of these four matters for the dissertation of the written exercise, that subject shall be excluded from the oral exercise. Practical exercise Execution of needle-work, under the supervision of the tribunal. Art. 67. Judges of the entrance examination shall be three instructresses regularly appointed by the directress. The proofs of this examination shall be the same marks as those for obtaining a course [ganar curso]. The pupils shall pay two and one-half pesos for academical fees, which shall be distributed at the close of examination among the instructresses who are judges of the tribunals. Art. 68. In order to be admitted to matriculation, one must have passed the age of fourteen; petition therefor must be made to the directress of the school; and the petition must be accompanied by the baptismal certificate of the petitioner, by the certificate of good conduct issued by the parish priest of her district, a medical certificate stating that she has proved that she does not suffer from any contagious disease or physical defect which incapacitates her for the duties of teaching, the authorization of her father, tutor, guardian, or husband (if the candidate should be married), and the corresponding personal cedula. CHAPTER IIConcerning matriculationArt. 69. On the sixteenth of May annually, the matriculation of the school shall be announced in the official gazette of Manila. Art. 70. The announcement shall state: 1. The time when the school shall be open for those who have matriculated. 2. The necessary qualifications for admission to the school, and the manner in which these qualifications shall be proved. 3. The fees which must be paid by the pupils. Art. 71. The matriculation which shall be open from June 1, shall be divided into ordinary or extraordinary, according as it is effected in the months of June or July. In the last five days of this term, the secretary’s office shall be open from eight in the morning until four in the afternoon, and on the day which closes the matriculation period, until eight o’clock at night. Art. 72. Matriculation, whether ordinary or extraordinary, shall be made by means of cedulas of inscription The price of each cedula shall be 1.25 pesos, which shall be paid without distinction by the pupils in the secretary’s office of the institution. Art. 73. Those who desire to enter the school, or come from another institution, shall have a written petition in the form prescribed in the preceding article. The passing of the entrance examinations and the date thereof in the school shall be entered in the registration of the first study in which the pupil is matriculated. Art. 74. The pupils, who shall not have matriculated for any reason in the month of June, may do it in the month of July, by paying double fees. The extension of this last period of time is absolutely prohibited, and the tribunals of examination shall not allow that scholar to be examined whose matriculation is not in accord with this provision. Art. 75. On July 1 of each year, all the fees paid by those who have matriculated in the term which closes on the day before shall expire, and in virtue of that those pupils who shall not have been examined at that date, as well as those who shall have been suspended, shall require a new matriculation for the following term. Art. 76. The fees for matriculation shall be paid in two instalments in papeles de pagos al estado, Art. 77. All the registers of matriculation of each term shall be closed on July 31, and, on the following day, the directress shall inform the general government of the result of the inscriptions in all the branches of study. Art. 78. Any scholar who shall have matriculated in the school may go to any other official school for the purpose of continuing her studies. Those who so desire shall send a petition to the director, and she shall grant it whenever it is not for the purpose of escaping some punishment. The transfer of those who have matriculated from one institution to another shall only be conceded from the beginning of the term until January 31. If the necessity for such transfer is not proved, the superior government shall be consulted. It shall be accomplished by means of a special inscription for such cases, made out according to a model which shall be sent ex-officio and registered, together with the extract and the study sheet Art. 79. Those who are transferred to other institutions shall pay beforehand the academical fees, in accordance with the special inscriptions made for that purpose. The upper part of the right hand section of these inscriptions shall remain in the documents of the student as a proof of her transference. The lower part [of the right hand section] shall be delivered to her, while the other sections which shall constitute the new matriculation of the pupil, shall be sent ex-officio in a registered package to the directress of the other institution. In the primitive inscription, said transference shall be noted by the secretary rendering Art. 80. The pupils transferred shall present themselves in the new institution within a fitting period. The inscriptions sent by post shall be united with the others of the same study with the number of order corresponding to them. Art. 81. The fees for matriculation in the school shall be paid in two instalments: the first when the inscription of the respective studies is proved; and the second in the month of February. These fees shall amount to 7.50 pesos for all the studies corresponding to each term. Art. 82. In order to prove the inscription of matriculation the secretary of the school shall follow the following rules: 1. The inscriptions shall be divided into as many groups as there are studies corresponding to each term, enumerating them in correlative order in those groups [i.e., from 1, up]. She shall authorize them with her signature and the seal of the institution, and shall note in addition the name of the study, the number of order in the upper part, leaving for the month of September its repetition in the other sections. 2. A printed paper in accordance with a model shall be supplied to the pupils in the lodge of the portress of the school, with the object of setting forth the group of studies in which they are to matriculate, taking care that after their names they write very distinctly their two surnames, both paternal and maternal. 3. Such paper shall be handed to the secretary 4. According as the matriculation of each group is made, the list of the pupils shall be made in accordance with the correlative order of its numeration, so that on the second of July, at the commencement of all the classes, the instructors may have said list at their disposal. This list shall be completed with another list of those pupils who have matriculated in the month of July, and further with those transferred from other institutions, so that the list of the instructor may always be in accord with the book of matriculations in which shall be noted if possible the following: First, those who are to receive honor; second, those of ordinary matriculation; then, those of extraordinary matriculation; and lastly, those transferred from other centers of teaching; all with one single correlative numeration, so that the last number may always correspond to the total number of inscriptions. 5. After the matriculation has closed, charge shall be taken of the corresponding books, and it shall be ordered that the secretary devote herself during the months of July and August to finishing the details of each inscription, repeating the name of the pupil and that of the group as often as it is noted in the printed form, and noting on the other side the extracts of his study sheet, all with great neatness and distinctness. The directress shall communicate to the general CHAPTER IIIObligations of the pupilsArt. 83. From the day in which the pupil is entered in the register she shall be subject to the scholastic authority within and without the institution. Art. 84. Pupils shall be obliged to be punctual in attendance at the class during the whole term. If they shall cease to be punctual for some time without there being any cause therefor which appears legitimate to the instructress, the latter may exclude them from the ordinary examinations, and when they present themselves for the extraordinary examinations in June they cannot aspire to more than a passing mark. Art. 85. All the pupils shall be obliged to obey and respect the directress and instructresses, both within and without the institution, and to heed the admonitions of the help, charged with the conservation of scholastic order and discipline. Art. 86. In the register of matriculation of each pupil shall be noted the rewards which she obtains and the punishments which she suffers, by virtue of the decision of the disciplinary Council as well as those imposed by the directress and instructresses, if it be they who resolve to punish her. In both cases the fault, for which the penalty shall have been imposed, shall be mentioned. Art. 87. The pupils shall be prohibited from addressing their superiors orally or in writing in Art. 88. Pupils shall attend school decently dressed. The directress is authorized to forbid any jewel which takes away from the decorum which ought to rule in an institution of teaching. CHAPTER IVOf the examinationsArt. 89. The ordinary examinations of the studies shall be held in the school and at set periods, and the pupils shall pay for this purpose the academical fee of 2.50 pesos for each group. These fees shall be paid in hard cash in the secretary’s office of the school during the month of March, and the pupils shall receive a receipt which shall authorize them without the need of any other academic document, to take the examinations, both ordinary and extraordinary, in the respective group. Half of the amount of these academic fees shall be assigned to the scientific equipment, and as pecuniary aids to superior and poor pupils; and the other half shall be used for the formation of a common fund, which shall be distributed in equal parts among all the regular instructresses of the school. Art. 90. The instructresses shall hand to the secretary ten days beforehand a list of the pupils who may be admitted to the ordinary examinations, and another list of those who shall remain for the extraordinary examinations. Art. 91. On the first of April, the register books shall be distributed among the respective tribunals, the secretaries of the same taking charge of them. After examining them, the examinations shall be The others shall follow the strict correlative order of the inscriptions, the secretary of the tribunal seeing to it that the pupils sign in the place indicated for that purpose, and after the presentation of their personal cedula, Art. 92. Examinations shall be announced sufficiently beforehand, as well as the locality, day, and hour, in which they shall be held. On each day, moreover, shall be announced the correlative numeration of those persons who shall be examined on the following day. Those who shall not be present at the ordinary examinations shall remain for the extraordinary examinations. Art. 93. Each study shall be the object of a special examination and tribunals for term examinations, and competitions for ordinary rewards shall be formed by the instructress of that course and two other instructresses, also officials of the analogous branches designated by the directress, whenever they are not related within the third degree to the pupil. One of the judges may be replaced by the assistant instructresses. The term examinations shall consist of questions which shall be asked for at least ten minutes by the Art. 94. The ceremonies shall be held in the following manner: 1. As many numbers as the lessons contained in the schedule of the study shall be placed in an urn by the judges. 2. The secretary of the tribunal shall draw three numbers in the presence of the pupil, and the three lessons bearing that number shall be the object of that exercise. The numbers which are drawn from the urn shall be returned to it at the end of the exercise. 3. In the studies of translation and analysis, two lessons shall be chosen by lot, and at the end of the examination on them, the secretary of the tribunal shall open the book which shall have served as textbook for these exercises and shall assign to the pupil the passage which she is to translate and analyze. 4. There shall be a blackboard or a square of oilskin in all the places where examinations are held, so that the pupils may write or make the figures which the judges order them, or which they may believe to be necessary in order to answer fully the questions asked them. Moreover they shall have the apparatus and objects which may be deemed necessary by the tribunal. Art. 95. At the close of the examinations of each day, the judges, in secret session, and in view of the marks which they ought to have taken during the exercises, shall rank the pupils examined. These marks shall be: excellent, notable, good, passed, and suspended. The secretary shall place a list in the lodge of the Art. 96. The marks obtained in the examinations shall be immediately entered in the general register in alphabetical order which shall be started with all those who have matriculated in the school, on the first of September, according to the form approved by the General Division of Public Instruction. In this way, before May 5, they can send to the general government the lists of matriculation as well as of ordinary examination, with their grades, in order that the general summary may be published in the Gaceta on the fifteenth day of the same month. Art. 97. Pupils suspended and those who do not present themselves at the ordinary examinations shall be admitted into the extraordinary examination without other official document than the said voucher stating that they have paid the academical fees in March. If the first of July arrives without that having been attended to they lose all their fees, and shall have to matriculate again for the following course in accordance with the regulations. Art. 98. Having noted in the general register the grades of the ordinary examination, they shall proceed, under the supervision of the secretary of the school, to cut the second section of the inscription of the pupils who have passed, in order to join it on their respective documents. The same operation shall be repeated at the end of the examinations in June, except in regard to the pupils who have not passed, to whom the inscriptions refer. Art. 99. The marks given by the judges shall Art. 100. Those admitted to the extraordinary examinations shall be: 1. The pupils included in the lists of the instructresses as admissible to them. 2. Those admissible to the ordinary examinations who did not appear. 3. Those suspended. 4. Those who desire to obtain a better mark than they obtained in the ordinary examinations. Art. 101. All the rules relating to the ordinary examinations are applicable to the examinations held in June. CHAPTER VOf rewardsArt. 102. Every year rewards, which shall be ordinary and extraordinary, shall be granted in the school. Ordinary rewards shall be of two kinds: those of the first kind shall consist of matriculation of honor; Art. 103. Two ordinary rewards shall be granted, one in each course, if the pupils do not exceed fifty in number. If they exceed that number by another fifty or the fraction of fifty pupils, an equal number of honorable mentions may be conceded to them. Art. 104. The pupils who obtain rewards of the Art. 105. The pupils who shall have obtained the mark of excellent in all the examinations of the same term, may become candidates for admission to the competitive exercises for rewards of the first class. In order to be admitted to the exercises for rewards of the second class, it shall be required that the candidates prove a lack of resources and shall have obtained three marks of excellent in the same term. Art. 106. Competitive exercises for ordinary rewards shall be held three days after the termination of those for term examinations of the studies, the judges for such exercises being the instructresses who shall have formed the tribunal, during the examination of the branch which was the object of the competition. Art. 107. In the extraordinary examinations a certificate of honor and grace as teacher of primary elementary teaching, and another as superior shall be conceded. Art. 108. The competitive exercises for these rewards shall be begun on the twentieth day of June, at twelve o’clock in the morning, before a tribunal composed of five instructresses, under the presidency of the directress. Art. 109. Those scholars who shall have obtained the mark of excellent in all the exercises may become candidates for the degree of elementary and superior revalida for extraordinary reward. Art. 110. The cloister of instructresses shall prescribe Art. 111. The tribunal shall adjudge the reward to the pupil who shall have handed in the best exercises; and the fact that she who does not receive a favorable mark has competed for a reward shall be noted as a special merit in her study certificate. Art. 112. The judges shall not speak a word to the one taking the exercise. Art. 113. The expenses occasioned by the judging of awards shall be paid from the amount arising from the inscriptions and academical fees, three-fifths being assigned for the pay of matriculation and the other two-fifths for the purchase of books and supplies. CHAPTER VICertificates and decisionsArt. 114. The certificates of the academical studies of the pupils may refer to the branches of one single term, or those of two or more, and also to those of the whole course [carrera] with or without the corresponding title. The certificates solicited by the pupils, in accordance with the form printed for that purpose, shall be issued by the secretary, on the payment in hard cash of one peso and twenty-five centavos, if the certificate shall embrace the studies of one group; and two and one-half pesos, if it shall embrace more or those of all the course [carrera], the state seal which the regulations in force prescribe being on account of the secretary. Art. 115. Certificates made out with the object of a continuance of the studies or the receiving of Art. 116. Certificates stating that the exercises for revalida, or rather that the respective titles have been issued, shall also be given upon the petition of those interested, for the payment of 1.25 pesos. Art. 117. Those pupils who shall have obtained three or four honorable mentions, and no conditions [nota de suspensa], shall be given all the certificates that they need, without other fees than the amount for the state seal. Art. 118. Half of the amount of the fees of the documents which are issued by the secretary of the school shall be assigned for printing, state seals, registration of mail, and other like expenses, and the other half shall be divided among the secretary and the employes of the secretary’s office, whenever these amounts do not exceed a fourth part of their respective pay. If they exceed such sum, the remainder shall be employed in improving the archives and other dependencies attached to the secretary’s office. CHAPTER VIIOf faults against academic discipline and means of checking themArt. 119. Slight faults are: 1. Inattention in regard to the [admonitions of the] help of the institution. 2. Injuries and offenses of slight moment to other pupils. 3. Faults of deportment in the schoolroom. 4. Indecorous words and unquiet acts and pranks. Grave faults against academic discipline are: 1. Blasphemy, irreligious actions, and immodest actions and words. 2. Passive resistance to superior orders. 3. Insubordination against the directress and instructresses of the school. 4. Grave offenses or insults which wound the other pupils. 5. Any other action which causes grave disturbance in the academical order and discipline. 6. The second occurrence of slight faults, and resistance in suffering the punishment which shall have been imposed for them. Art. 120. The checking of slight faults belongs to the directress and instructresses, but the hearing of grave faults belongs to the disciplinary Council. Art. 121. Punishments prescribed for slight faults are: 1. Private censure by the directress of the school. 2. Idem, public before her companions. 3. Seclusion in the institution for the space of several days, which may not exceed one week, but attendance at class and permission for the pupil to go home for the night. 4. Increase of failure of attendance up to the number of five. Art. 122. Grave faults shall be punished by the following penalties: 1. Public admonition, ex-cathedra, by the directress or instructress, according as may be prescribed by the disciplinary Council. 2. Loss of the [studies of the] term. 3. Expulsion from the institution. 4. Disqualification to continue her course. Art. 123. Punishments 2, 3, and 4, shall be imposed by personal action, which shall be declared by the cloister in full session, the one interested being heard for that purpose; but the confirmation of the governor general shall be indispensable. Art. 124. The pupil who shall not present herself to undergo the penalties expressed in number 1 of the preceding article shall lose the term. The penalty of expulsion shall carry with it the loss of the term. The pupil expelled shall not be allowed to enter the school without the express permission of the directress. Art. 125. If a punishable act shall be committed in the school by those who are subject by the laws to the judicial action, the directress, collecting the data and advisable information, shall inform the court so that it may proceed in accordance with law. Art. 126. If the pupils, anticipating, or prolonging, their vacation, or for the reason of scholastic disturbances, cease to attend their classes, they shall not be admitted to the term examinations until the extraordinary examinations of June. That fact shall be noted by the instructresses and handed to the directress of the school. TÍTULO VREVALIDA EXAMINATIONS [i.e., examinations for a degree]Art. 127. Pupils may receive the degree of a teacher’s certificate of primary, elementary, or superior teaching, to which they may be admissible, according to the studies which they have pursued during any time of the year, if it is not in the month Art. 128. Those who are candidates for a degree shall present a petition to the directress accompanied by documents sufficient to prove that they have taken the course and passed in the necessary studies in due time and form. The petition shall be handed to the secretary so that she may give information of what appears in the books, and ask the decision if the pupil comes from another institution. Art. 129. The paper having been drawn up, the directress shall grant admission to the exercises or shall refuse the petition. In case of doubt she shall consult with the cloister of the school. Art. 130. The paper having been approved, the pupil shall pay six pesos for the fees of inscription, and having done that, the secretary shall appoint the day and hour for the first exercise. Art. 131. Exercises for academical degrees shall be made by means of inscriptions similar to those of matriculation, regulated according to the form approved by the government. In them shall be comprised the extract of the studies and the antecedents of the course of the one interested. These inscriptions shall give a right to the repetition of each one of the exercises of the degree in the case of suspension, but having been repeated in one such exercise, the inscription remains null and void, and another one is needed for a new examination. Art. 132. The exercises mentioned in the preceding article shall not be held in distinct institutions, but each pupil shall begin and end them in one and the same institution. Among the candidates for the Art. 133. The exercises for degrees shall be four in number—one written, one oral, and two practical—and shall last for the time deemed advisable by the tribunal. Art. 134. The tribunal for each exercise shall be comprised of three instructresses, those of the branches examined, taking turns in composing it. Art. 135. The written part for the candidates for the certificate of teachers of elementary primary instruction shall consist in the writing of a capital alphabet and another small alphabet on the ruled paper which is supplied to them; in the writing by dictation of one or more sentences, which shall occupy at least a fourth of the paper of the size of the stamped paper; in the solution of three arithmetical problems chosen by lot from among twenty prepared beforehand; and in the development of one pedagogical theme from three chosen by lot from an urn containing thirty, for this last part taking as a minimum half a sheet of paper the size of the stamped paper. Four hours shall be allowed for these exercises. Art. 136. The written part of the exercise of confirmation for the candidates to the teacher’s certificate of primary superior education shall consist in the solution of three arithmetical problems chosen by lot from among twenty previously prepared, and the development of a pedagogical theme from three drawn by lot from an urn containing twenty, of the matter suitable for this grade, taking as a minimum one sheet of paper of the size of the stamped paper. Five hours shall be prescribed for these exercises. Art. 137. When there are several candidates they shall take the written exercises at the same time, but shall be conveniently located and watched so that they may not aid one another. Art. 138. Paper with the seal of the institution and rubricated by the president of the tribunal, shall be furnished to those examined for all the written exercises. Art. 139. The oral exercises for those pupils who are candidates for the elementary teacher’s certificate shall consist in answering nine questions on the three branches which shall be chosen by lot from among all the others constituting the general group of the studies of the elementary teacher; and for the candidates to the superior teacher’s certificate, in the same exercise, and in like manner for all the branches studied in the four terms. Art. 140. After the termination of the written and oral exercises the practical exercise in needle-work will begin. This last having ended, the tribunal in the practice school shall be constituted, in the elementary or superior section, according to the class of the pupil in point. Each one of them shall draw a paper from an urn in which there shall be as many as there are branches of study included in the corresponding grade; that is to say, those studies of the elementary for the pupils of that class, and all the studies for the superior, except that of music and singing, which shall not form a part of this exercise. The subject having been chosen by lot, the one examined shall draw a new ticket from another urn from thirty prepared for that purpose. The number of that ticket shall indicate the point which she is to Art. 141. Immediately after the termination of an exercise, the exercise shall be passed upon by secret vote, for which purpose the president shall distribute to each one of the judges three tickets, one of which shall contain an S (sobresaliente [i.e., excellent]), the second one A (aprobada [i.e., passed]), and another one shall be blank (suspensa [i.e., conditioned]). Art. 142. If each one of the judges deposits a distinct letter in the urn the president shall declare the graduate to have passed; in other cases she shall be qualified according to the vote of the majority. Art. 143. In order to be admitted to the second exercise, one must have passed in the first; in order to be admitted to the third she must necessarily have passed in the second; and in order to be admitted to the fourth one must have passed the three preceding. Art. 144. Pupils conditioned in the exercises for confirmation shall not present themselves for new exercises until two months from the date of their condition. Art. 145. The exercises to which the preceding article refers can be repeated indefinitely, whenever the above-mentioned time intervenes between each two times. Art. 146. When a pupil repeats the exercises in which she shall have been conditioned, at least one of the judges who shall have participated in the condition shall form part of the tribunal. Art. 147. For fees of teacher’s certificate of superior primary instruction, candidates shall pay in The above-mentioned sum of forty pesos shall be reduced to thirty-five when it is a question of a teacher’s certificate of elementary primary instruction, and to seventeen and one-half for the change from elementary teacher’s certificate to that of superior. Half of the amount collected for the purpose of issuing the circulars shall be assigned for printing and other like purposes, and the other half shall be distributed among the secretary and the employes of that office. Art. 148. The governor general, finding the documents regular, shall issue the certificates with the mark of passed or excellent, which shall bear in plain sight the coupon part of the respective inscriptions which the directress of the school sends him for that purpose, on which he shall note the approval of the exercises and the payment of the fees which the regulations in course prescribe, accompanying it also with a registered copy of the baptismal certificate of the graduate. Of the practice schoolArt. 149. A school of primary teaching, supported by the municipality, shall be joined to the normal school, and, if possible, shall occupy the same building with it, in which the pupils who are candidates for teachers can learn what a school for girls is and practice in it, following the most adequate method and procedure for the teaching of each subject, Art. 150. The practice school shall be divided into two sections, which shall be called the elementary and the superior grades. There shall be one teacher in charge of it with a superior certificate, and she shall be called “regent.” Art. 151. The regent shall have one assistant, for whom it shall be sufficient to possess a teacher’s certificate of elementary primary instruction, since she shall be in charge of the section peculiar to the certificate which is demanded of her. Art. 152. The practice school shall not lose its character as a public school for the girls of the village, and shall be supplied in the manner prescribed for others of its class. Art. 153. The superior normal school for women teachers in Manila shall have at present only day pupils, until the necessities of instruction in the archipelago counsel the admission of resident pupils exactly or in similar form as the normal school for men teachers. Art. 154. The Augustinian nuns of the Assumption may establish at their account, if they deem it advisable, the admission of resident pupils in the same institution of the school, whenever that is not to the prejudice of the day pupils, or indeed in any other edifice contiguous to or distinct from the school. Art. 155. All the orders which prevent the fulfilment of the contents of these regulations are abrogated, and the minister of the colonies is authorized to decide the doubts which may arise from the application of the same. Additional articleThe directress and instructresses of the congregation of Augustinian nuns of the Assumption shall have complete liberty for the observance of the statutes of their order. Madrid, March 31, 1892. Approved by his Majesty. Romero Normal school of teachers: The normal school for men teachers in Manila, established by virtue of the royal organic decree of December 20, 1863, for the purpose of being used as a seminary for men teachers fit to take charge of schools of primary instruction for the natives throughout the Philippine Archipelago, has been fulfilling, since its foundation, the difficult task committed to it by the government of his Majesty, filling the great space which was experienced in these remote provinces from the primitive times of the conquest. With the adoption of a system combining pedagogical instruction and education, at the same time that it has diffused, so far as has been possible, the use of the Castilian language, knowledge of evangelical truths, and the practice of Christian morals, it has propagated the germ of true civilization in all the islands, consolidating, with the most elementary principles of education, the civil life of The immediate truths of that foundation are the greater facility of communication between the natives and the civil, military, ecclesiastical, governmental, judicial, and administrative authorities, and the greater development in the arts and industry, in agriculture and commerce, and in the participation of the natives in the profession of letters and of sciences, and in the exercise of authority and other subordinate charges in the different state offices. Such results have been preceded by an initial period of most laborious formation, for, although the normal school had to be ruled from the beginning by organic regulations adapted to the needs of the region and to the special circumstances of the time and of the individuals for whom it was founded, it had to limit its sphere of action to the most reduced horizons, in accordance with the remarkable state of imperfection and backwardness of the scholars entrusted to it, and of the little time allowable for their fitting instruction and education in the profession of teacher. The perfection of the normal teaching and of its regulation was left, therefore, for the provision of later supplementary orders. For, having seen the moral impossibility of its complete application, according to the ideal demanded of a perfect plan of pedagogical teaching, it had to be molded according to the pressing needs of the villages and to the lack of a staff fit to take charge from the beginning of all the schools of primary instruction in the archipelago. The absolute lack of suitable men teachers, with At the beginning, the textbooks had to be chosen from among the shortest and most abridged, in consideration of the lack of development of the intellectual faculties of the pupils. That produced in due time the advantage that the new teachers, explaining to the children of their schools the same authors by whom they had been formed, afterwards came themselves better prepared to frequent the classes of the normal school. Furthermore, having left aside the qualification of the young candidates being sixteen years old, in order to enter the preparatory class, the halls of this normal school were To this spontaneous and natural modification of the regulations, was due the calling to the teaching profession of the most suitable and advanced pupils whom the normal school now possesses; and if to them be added the best students of the practice school who increased annually the number of the preparatory class, the result is that said selection must greatly redound to the very great advantage of the teaching force. It proceeded then to mitigate the harmful exclusiveness of article 11 of the regulations for the schools and teachers of primary instruction for the natives of this archipelago, permitting the exercise as teachers to the scholars graduating from this normal school of Manila, who had acquired the teacher’s certificate before reaching the age of twenty. Indeed, that the most opportune time for exercising the duties of teacher with advantage and without loss of intellect is immediately after receiving the certificate, is evidenced by the fact that the matters recently learned remain yet fresh in the memory and in the mind of the young teachers; the will is then more active and ready to communicate those matters to the children, and enthusiasm consolidates in this case the vocation of the young teacher and moderates his mind with the habit of work, so that he will persevere in his profession for the rest of his life. Granting the fondness of the native for instruction, and having seen the increase in this last third of the The necessity of also extending the teaching of this normal school for men teachers in Manila has been so widely recognized, that for some years past the supplementary courses for obtaining the certificate of superior teacher of primary instruction have in fact been studies in said center. It is so much more easy to introduce said improvement, since it can be realized with the same teaching staff, without any greater expense than the actual budget, and even an increase in the years of study can be realized. For, during the first three years, the pupils would study the branches corresponding to the teachers’ course of elementary primary instruction, in order to To the professional exercise of the duties of teacher of superior primary instruction, belong privileges, prerogatives, and emoluments, distinct from those which are enjoyed by teachers of a lower rank. In such case the tÉrmino competitions of the first and second class would have to belong exclusively to the teachers of superior primary instruction, and in the contests for the ascenso schools they must be preferred to the elementary. Said competition must take place before a competent tribunal, and must be subjected to the official schedule of the various branches, whose study prepares one for the certificate of superior teacher indispensable for such competitions. The case foreseen by article 12 of the regulations, namely, of the existence among the supernumerary pupils of a sufficient number of teachers to supply the schools of the archipelago, having been realized, the suppression of the regular [de numero] resident pupils is now proceeding in this normal school. In accordance, then, with the previous exposition, he who affixes his signature has the honor to recommend to the lofty consideration and approval of your Excellency, so that you may deign to bring, if you judge it suitable, to the notice of his Excellency the Hermenegildo Jacas General Division of Civil Administration: So powerful and conclusive are the arguments which the right reverend father director of the normal school for men teachers in Manila adduces, in order to petition your Excellency that said institution enlarge the scope of the studies of its teaching, and have, therefore, in the future, the character of superior, which the director who affixes his signature, honoring himself in making them his own, recommends to your Excellency that taking them under consideration, and in harmony with them, you deign to authorize the subjoined project for a decree. Will your Excellency decide. Manila, November 10, 1893. Your Excellency, A. AvilÉs DecreeGeneral government of Filipinas: Civil Administration. Manila, November 10, 1893. This general government in the exercise of its powers and in conformity with the recommendation of the General Division of Civil Administration on this date, declares the following: Article 1. In order to heed the necessities felt Art. 2. Teachers’ certificates which shall be conferred in the future by this institution shall include two grades—elementary and superior. Art. 3. The studies corresponding to the first grade shall be divided into three courses, and in the form established by the regulations, by which said institution must be ruled, in its article 4. Art. 4. For the superior degree the same subjects shall be studied with the extension of those which are prescribed in the last section of article 4 of the abovesaid regulations. Art. 5. The teachers’ certificates, obtained in the superior normal school, shall bear equal rights and privileges with those obtained in like institutions in the Peninsula. Art. 6. The same instructors as those at present in the normal school shall be those charged to teach the subjects belonging to the fourth year. Art. 7. The regulations drawn up by the director of the superior normal school for men teachers who shall begin to rule with such character, at the beginning of the next term of 1893–94 are provisionally approved. Let it be communicated, proclaimed, and information thereof given to the ministry of the colonies for its approval. Blanco Article 1. The object of the superior normal school for men teachers in Manila is to serve as a seminary for teachers who may take charge of the schools of primary instruction in the archipelago. Art. 2. The pupils shall be resident and subject to one and the same rule and discipline. For the present the previous entrance examination shall allow the entrance of day pupils provided that their number does not exceed sixty the first year, and if their antecedents give hope that they can pursue their studies to advantage and that their conduct will be such that it corresponds to the good name of the institution. Art. 3. [This article is equivalent to Art. 3 of the regulations of December 20, 1863 for the normal school; see ante, p. 86.] Of the studies and their durationArt. 4. The teaching in the normal school shall include two grades—elementary and superior. The adequate teaching for the acquisition of certificate of teacher of elementary primary instruction shall be distributed over three terms, and one term more shall complete the teaching required for the superior teacher’s certificate. The scholars who are candidates for the certificate of teachers of elementary primary teaching must have studied and passed in the following branches: Christian doctrine explained, in three courses. Elements of sacred history, comprising two courses. Castilian language, with exercises of composition and analysis, according to the four parts of the grammar, three courses. Theory and practice in reading, two courses. Theory and practice in writing, two courses. Arithmetic, two courses. Principles of geometry and surveying, one course. Principles of geography and history for EspaÑa and Filipinas, one course. Principles of agriculture, one course. Elements of pedagogy, one course. Rules of etiquette, one course. Elements of lineal and figure drawing, three courses. Lessons in vocal and instrumental music, three courses. Gymnastics, three courses. The courses in catechism, sacred history, reading, writing, Castilian language, arithmetic, and geometry shall have lessons daily; every other day, geography, history, surveying, and pedagogy; bi-weekly the course in etiquette. There shall be daily lessons in the academies of music, gymnastics, and drawing. In order to obtain a teacher’s certificate of elementary primary instruction, besides having passed in the branches belonging to the three above-mentioned courses, a revalida examination shall be demanded after having passed the examinations of the last course. In order to obtain a superior teacher’s certificate, one is required: 1—to have obtained the mark of excellent in the revalida examinations for the teacher’s Art. 5. [Equivalent to Art. 5 of the regulations of 1863; see ante, p. 87.] Art. 6. During the last six months of the third course, the pupils shall have practical experience in teaching, by teaching in the classes of the practice school annexed to the normal school established by article 3. Pupils may not pass from one course to another without proving their fitness in the general examination which shall be held at the end of each year. An extraordinary examination shall be given to the pupils of the third course, who have not for any reason passed in the ordinary examination at the end of the course. Art. 7. The teachers of superior primary instruction may select by competition the tÉrmino schools of the first and second class; and in the contests which are held they shall be preferred in the management, as regular appointees, of the ascenso schools. Art. 8. The pupils of the normal school, who shall have completed their studies in the elementary course for teachers, having passed their final examinations in proof of their courses, before receiving the teachers’ certificates of elementary primary instruction, shall be obliged to stand another examination which shall be called the revalida examination; and in their certificates shall be noted the honorable Teachers who shall have obtained the mark of excellent in the revalida examination, shall be empowered to continue their studies, and to become candidates for the superior teacher’s certificate, and can also take regular charge of ascenso schools. Those who shall not have obtained the mark of excellent in the revalida examination, but that of good or fair, shall also receive teachers’ certificates, with the corresponding note, and shall be empowered to take charge of entrada schools. Those who shall have failed in said examinations, if, after the exercise has been repeated, they merit approval, shall receive certificates as teachers of entrada. Of the pupils of the normal schoolArt. 9. Both the resident pupils of the normal school, and the day pupils shall have the following qualifications for admission: 1—they must be natives of the Spanish domains; 2—be fully thirteen years old, this requirement to be proved by baptismal certificate or any other equivalent public document; 3—not suffer any contagious disease, and enjoy sufficient health to discharge the duties peculiar to the charge of teacher; 4—have observed good deportment and prove same by certification of the parish priest of the village of their birth and residence; 5—speak Castilian, know the Christian doctrine, read and write well, know something of Castilian grammar, as far as the regular verbs, inclusive, and the four fundamental operations of arithmetic. All of this shall be exacted in a previous examination held before a tribunal designated by the director. Art. 10. Only those young men who have the qualifications demanded of the resident pupils, namely, that they live in Manila, or its environs, under the care of their parents, or the charge of a guardian, shall be admitted as day pupils, and in such conditions that one can assume that they have examples of virtue and morality at the domestic hearth. School supplies shall be given to this class of pupils free of charge, if they are poor. Of the director, teachers, and dependents of the normal schoolArt. 11. [The same as Art. 15, of the regulations of December 20, 1863. See ante, pp. 91, 92.] Art. 12. Under the authority of the director there shall be at least six teachers, besides one instructor in drawing, one for vocal music, and one for gymnastics; three assistants, and the number of servants and dependents necessary for the school. One of the teachers shall be at the same time the spiritual instructor of the school, and shall have charge of the direction of the pupils and of presiding over religious ceremonies. Under his peculiar charge shall also be the lessons in sacred history, ethics, and religion. Another of the teachers shall discharge the special duties of prefect of morals, whose principal occupation shall be to accompany the pupils and watch over them in the interior matters of the life of the institution. The other four teachers shall be occupied chiefly in the teaching of other matters. The classes in vocal music, drawing, and gymnastics, shall be daily and last one hour. A superior tÉrmino teacher of the first grade shall be appointed for the practice school which is joined to the superior Art. 13. The salary to be received by the director, instructors, assistants, and dependents, as well as the expenses for equipment and the rent of a building, shall be assigned annually in the budgets of the local funds of the islands, in the proper chapter and article. Of examinationsArt. 14. There shall be a review of all matters studied during that period at the end of each month in each of the classes of the normal school. Every three months there shall be private examinations of all the matters studied during that time, with qualifications and promulgation of the marks obtained by each pupil. A general examination shall be held at the end of the term. This exercise shall be public and shall be held in the presence of the authorities and persons of distinction of the capital, and shall close with the proclamation and distribution of rewards. Of holidays and vacationsArt. 15. The holidays for the normal school shall be Sundays, Thursdays, feast days, Ash Wednesday, the day commemorated to the faithful dead, and also the saints’ days and anniversary birthdays of their Majesties and the prince of Asturias, and the saint’s day of the governor general of the archipelago. The short vacations shall extend from Christmas eve to January 2, and the three carnival days. During said vacations the resident pupils shall remain in the institution. The long vacations shall last from the close of the examinations at the end of the term in the second Concerning rewards and punishmentsArt. 16. The merit of pupils shall be recompensed with honorable marks which shall be entered in the book of the institution, and with annual prizes, whose solemn distribution shall take place at the close of the public examinations. Art. 17. Punishments shall consist of public censure, deprivation of recess, and separation from the other pupils, and if this is not sufficient, definitive expulsion from the school. Expulsion shall take place irremissibly for the cause of contagious disease, for remarkable laziness, lack of application, and for serious lack of respect toward the teachers, and for bad deportment or depraved morals. Art. 18. The public reading of the marks of good deportment, application, and progress, shall also serve as reward; and as punishment shall also serve the reading of the contrary marks. This shall be done every three months, assembling for that purpose all the pupils in one place, with their teachers, under the presidency of the director. Of the interior regulations of the schoolArt. 19. [This article is the same as Art. 23 of the regulations of 1863; see ante, p. 94.] Of textbooksArt. 20. [This article, consisting of two paragraphs, is equivalent to Art. 24 of the regulations of 1863, except that it reads “general government” where the latter reads “superior civil government.”] Concerning special examinations for obtaining assistants’ certificatesArt. 21. Examinations shall be held four times each year in the normal school for the obtaining of assistants’ certificates. Those who present themselves for the said examinations shall have the qualifications established in art. 9, for those who desire to enter the school. They shall be conversant with some of the matters established in art. 4, in regard to the subjects suitable for the acquisition of teachers’ certificates of elementary primary instruction, according to the schedule approved by the superior government. Such examinations shall be public, and shall be held before the directors and teachers of the normal school. Art. 22. [The same as Art. 26 of the regulations of 1863. See ante, p. 95.] Of the issuing of teachers’ and assistants’ certificatesArt. 23. The General Division of Civil Administration has the right of issuing certificates as superior elementary and assistant teachers, at the recommendation of the director of the normal school. Art. 24. [The same as Art. 28 of the regulations of 1863. See ante, p. 95.] Of the competitive examinations to obtain a regular appointment in the tÉrmino schools of first and second grades.Art. 25. The vacant tÉrmino schools of the first and second grades shall be supplied by competitive examinations. Such competitive examinations shall be held whenever the General Division of Civil Administration considers it necessary. Competitive examinations shall be announced Art. 26. The examinations shall take place before a tribunal composed of five judges, appointed by the director from among the instructors of the normal school, and shall be ruled by an official schedule drawn up by the same persons, and approved by the superior government. In that schedule shall be contained the matters of the studies peculiar to the teaching profession. Art. 27. The examination exercises shall be oral and written. The oral exercises shall consist: 1. In the reply to questions chosen by lot in regard to religion and ethics, pedagogy, Castilian grammar, arithmetic, principles of geography, history of EspaÑa and the world, principles of algebra and geometry, principles of physics and natural history, and principles of agriculture. Questions in each one of these matters shall be prepared for this purpose in distinct lists, and numbered tickets shall be placed in an urn. The competitor shall draw three tickets, and after reading the questions on religion and ethics for those same numbers, shall reply to at least one of them. Then he shall draw three other tickets for the examination in pedagogy; and so on, for the examination in the other studies. In the drawing of the questions for each subject, there shall always be twenty-five tickets. The questions which are answered shall be replaced by others. 2. In the explanation concerning the capacity of children, in a point relative to any of the subjects above named, the competitor shall read in a textbook 3. In reading from a printed book and a manuscript. 4. In writing on the oilskin the sentence dictated by one of the judges, and then giving the grammatical and logical analysis of the same. Written exercises shall consist: 1. In writing a page of capital letters according to the system of Iturzaeta on the ruled paper given for that purpose, for which each competitor shall cut the pen which he shall use immediately before the exercise. 2. In writing at the same dictation a composition in Castilian, which shall not be less than one page long, on a subject assigned by the tribunal. 3. In solving in writing the arithmetical problems which shall previously have been agreed on by the judges. Paper bearing the stamp of the normal school, and the rubric of the president of the tribunal, and a writing desk, shall be furnished to the competitors for all their exercises. The first exercise shall last an hour and a half, from the time when everything necessary for the same is ready. One hour shall be granted for the second, and for the third the period deemed advisable by the director. In the marking of the first exercise, attention shall be paid only to the caligraphy, and in the third to the solution of the problems. In the second the writing, spelling, and especially the construction shall be marked. All the competitors shall perform at one and the same time each one of the written exercises under the eyes of the members of the tribunal, and placed so that they cannot aid one another. The competitors shall not be allowed to consult any book or writing for the second and third exercises. After the time assigned for each one of the exercises, the competitor shall sign his paper and hand it to the president or his substitute. Art. 28. In case of tie in the exercises between two or more competitors, consideration shall be given to the marks of the certificate, to the years of experience, and to the greater merit contracted in the practice of teaching. Art. 29. The schools obtained by competition shall be governed permanently by the teachers who obtained them, and such teachers shall be entitled to the emoluments prescribed in the budgets corresponding to their rank. Art. 30. The competitors who shall not, however, have passed those examinations, shall be preferred to those of their own class who, although they have the same marks in their certificates, shall not have obtained approbation in such exercises. Manila, November 10, 1893. Approved. Blanco Plan of primary instruction in Filipinas. See ante, pp. 76–86. Normal SchoolsDecember 20, 1863. Regulations for the normal school for men teachers. See ante, pp. 86–95. July 22, 1864. Royal order, declaring a ticket for the passage of the Jesuit fathers assigned to the normal school of Manila. November 24, 1864. Decree of the superior civil government, in which are dictated some precautionary measures for the installation of the normal school. The number of regular resident pupils is fixed with expression of those who belong to each province of the archipelago in proportion to the respective census of the village, and that of supernumerary resident pupils. Admissions of petitions of candidates for this class of appointments and matriculation for day pupils is declared open. November 29, 1864. Circular of the superior civil government, directed to the chiefs of the provinces and of the districts, dictating rules for the provision of the places of regular resident pupils in the normal school for men teachers in Manila. January 19, 1865. Royal order, approving the allowances for Jesuit fathers and brothers of the normal school, and for equipment of the same. May 30, 1865. Royal order no. 175, of the ministry of the colonies, approving all the measures adopted by the superior civil government for the inauguration of the normal school for men teachers, and expressing the pleasure with which her Majesty saw the zeal manifested in the installation of said institution. July 17, 1865. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that the corporals and sergeants of the army who so desire be admitted into the normal school for men teachers. March 13, 1866. Decree of the superior civil government, dictating rules for the establishment of June 25, 1866. Royal order, no. 293, of the ministry of the colonies, naming the sum of ten pesos per month as the board for resident pupils of the normal school for men teachers, and reducing the regular places to forty. December 24, 1866. Decree of the superior civil government, ruling that the vacancies of regular resident pupils of the normal school for men teachers be filled by the pupils who attend the school of primary instruction, established within the normal school, and by others who may solicit them. March 22, 1869. Decree of the superior civil government, arranging that the term in the normal school for men teachers begin in June and end in March, the examinations being held in the latter month. December 2, 1870. Order of the supreme government, modifying article 4 of the regulations of the normal school for men teachers, of December 20, 1863; and arranging that the fees for matriculation in the normal school be reduced to six escudos per study. November 23, 1871. Project of regulations for a normal school for women teachers in Filipinas. January 11, 1872. Royal order, ruling that the girls’ school of Nueva-CÁceres be erected into a normal school and seminary for women teachers. June 14, 1872. Decree of the superior civil government, reducing the places for regular resident pupils of the normal school for men teachers in Manila to thirty. May 26, 1873. Order of the executive authority, authorizing the one hundred villages of the diocese May 4, 1874. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that no petition be sent to it for entrance into the normal school for men teachers without the requisites prescribed in article 9 of the organic regulations for said school, and that the petitions be sent through the medium of the provincial chiefs. May 21, 1874. Decree of the superior civil government, reducing the number of places for regular resident pupils of the normal school for men teachers in Manila to twenty. July 28, 1874. Decree of the general government, reducing the number of places for resident pupils of the normal school for men teachers in Manila to fifteen. August 17, 1874. Decree of the general government, ordering that those pupils of the normal school for men teachers who have twenty voluntary failures of attendance, or thirty involuntary, be stricken from the list. June 9, 1875. Decree of the general government, constituting in the normal school for women teachers of primary education the school of Santa Isabel of the city and diocese of Nueva-CÁceres. June 19, 1875. Decree of the general government, approving, with the character of ad interim, the regulations for the normal school for women teachers of primary education in the diocese of Nueva-CÁceres. See this decree, as well as the regulations for the school, ante, pp. 142–160. June 30, 1875. Circular of the government, directed April 2, 1878. Decree of the general government, approving the examinations held in September and December, 1877, in the normal school for women teachers in Nueva-CÁceres, and ordering that a teacher’s certificate be sent to those pupils examined. June 22, 1880. Royal order of the ministry of the colonies, creating the chair of the elements employed in the normal school for men teachers in Manila, and ordering that a permanent sum of money be assigned in the budget for this consideration. September 27, 1880. Royal order, no. 875, of the ministry of the colonies, approving the definitive institution of the normal school for women teachers in Nueva-CÁceres and the regulations of the same, which were approved in the character of ad interim, by superior decree, June 19, 1875. September 27, 1880. Royal order, no. 880, of the ministry of the colonies, ordering that twenty-five copies of the regulations approved by royal order, number 875, of the same date for the normal school for women teachers in Nueva-CÁceres, be sent to it. March 11, 1892. Royal decree, creating in Manila a normal school for women teachers in charge of the Augustinian nuns of the Assumption established in the royal school of Santa Isabel in Madrid. See this royal decree, as well as the royal order following, and the regulations, ante, pp. 160–210. May 15, 1893. Announcement of the superior normal school for women teachers, published in the November 3, 1893. Decree of the general government, creating the post of professor of the practice school established in the normal school for men teachers in Manila. November 10, 1893. Decree of the general government, elevating to the grade of superior the normal school for men teachers in Manila, and approving provisionally the new regulations of that school. See this decree, with following regulations, ante, pp. 210–228. December 1, 1893. Decree of the general government, extending to the superior normal school for women teachers the powers which the General Division of Civil Administration has over that for men teachers. December 15, 1893. Decree of the general government, dictating orders supplementary to the superior decree of November 10, 1893, and to the regulations of the superior normal school for men teachers approved on the same date. January 30, 1894. Royal order, no. 135, of the ministry of the colonies, authorizing the continuance in the institution of the regular resident pupils of the normal school for men teachers in Manila until the completion of their course. January 30, 1894. Royal order, no. 136, of the ministry of the colonies, ordering that the rent of the house occupied by the normal school for men teachers in Manila be paid from the budget of the local funds. February 23, 1894. Decree of the general government, creating a pedagogical academy in the superior normal school for men teachers in Manila. April 18, 1894. Royal order, no. 280, of the ministry of the colonies, approving the superior decree which elevated to the rank of superior the normal school for men teachers in Manila; the new regulations for the same; the supplementary orders dictated by the superior decree of December 15, 1893; and the appointment of a professor of the practice school established in it. April 30, 1894. Announcement of the superior normal school for men teachers published in the Gaceta, naming date and conditions for the entrance examinations into that institution, as well as for the examinations of assistants, and for the extraordinary examinations for the term of 1893–94. June 15, 1894. Decree of the general government, modifying article 4 of the superior decree of November 10, 1893, which declared the normal school for men teachers in Manila to be a superior school; and article 2 of the decree of December 15, of the same year. July 20, 1894. Decree of the general government, approving the organic regulations of the pedagogical academy of the superior formal school for men teachers in Manila; with citation of regulations. August 17, 1894. Decree of the general government, declaring that the pupils of the normal school who have not passed in their examinations for confirmation which they have to take in order to obtain the teacher’s certificate of elementary primary instruction, have sufficient aptitude to receive an assistant teacher’s certificate. Schools of primary instructionDecember 20, 1863. Regulations for the schools and teachers of primary instruction for the natives of the Philippine Archipelago. See these regulations, as well as the interior regulations of the same date, and the decree of the superior civil government of February 15, 1864, approving the regulations for the municipal girls’ school of Manila, with citation of regulations, ante, pp. 96–125. March 15, 1864. Decree of the superior civil government, appointing the members of the Superior Board of Primary Instruction. May 17, 1864. Circular of the superior civil government, addressed to the provincial and district chiefs, giving rules for the better establishment of the plan for primary instruction established by royal decree of December 20, 1863, and the regulations of the same date. June 20, 1864. Royal order, prescribing the model for the staff and equipment of the municipal school for girls in Manila. October 19, 1864. Decree of the superior civil government, authorizing the Conference of St. Stanislas Kostka December 2, 1864. Decree of the superior civil government, in regard to the special organization and powers of the provincial commission of primary instruction in Manila. March 1, 1865. Circular of the superior civil government, ordering the provincial and district chiefs to send two reports of the villages of the territory under their charge, in which schools for boys and girls could be established, determining their respective category in accordance with the accompanying models. January 6, 1866. Royal order, approving the expense of 250 escudos, charged to the local funds for defraying the expenses of the prizes of the girls of the municipal school who show most progress in their examination. March 1, 1866. Decision of the superior civil government, ordering the director of the normal school for men teachers in Manila to assign an examination for assistant teachers for the first days in June of that year. March 23, 1866. Decree of the superior civil government, fixing at one escudo per month the quota which must be paid by the children of wealthy families who attend the school of primary instruction established in the normal school for men teachers in Manila. January 20, 1867. Decree of the superior civil government, prescribing the rank of boys’ schools according to the number of inhabitants in each village. February 15, 1867. Circular of the superior civil February 16, 1867. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that the local funds pay the men teachers one peso per year for each boy who attends the writing class, for school supplies and equipment. June 22, 1867. Decree of the superior civil government, prescribing when it shall proceed to establish in the villages schools for girls; and in regard to the appointment of women teachers to take charge of them. August 12, 1867. Circular of the superior civil government, to the provincial and district chiefs, determining that they shall send monthly reports of the number of boys attending the schools. August 30, 1867. Circular of the superior civil government, giving rules for the good discharge of school supervision. See this circular, ante, pp. 125–142. October 30, 1867. Circular of the superior civil government, ordering the provincial chiefs to have the gobernadorcillos proclaim and, moreover, affix to the street corners and in the courts, an edict whose purpose is to stimulate school attendance and the teaching of Castilian; with citation of edict. November 5, 1867. Royal order, creating a girls’ school under the advocacy of Santa Isabel in Nueva-CÁceres, in charge of the sisters of charity, under the supervision of the reverend bishop of the diocese. November 12, 1867. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that those who pass in the January 4, 1868. Circular of the superior civil government, recommending the provincial chiefs to send monthly reports of school attendance, and charging them to arouse the zeal of the provincial and the local commissions of primary instruction, so that Castilian may be taught in the schools. March 14, 1868. Decree of the superior civil government, revising article 26 of the school regulations, so that married women of any age and single women after they have reached the age of twenty years may be appointed teachers. March 14, 1868. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that publication of works in the dialects of the country, with the exception of prayer and devotional books and others similar to them, be only permitted when they are printed in two texts, namely, in the dialects and in Castilian, and that such books shall never be assigned for use in the schools. April 26, 1868. Circular decree of the superior civil government, in regard to the examinations of substitute men teachers; and approval of the regulations of the same, with citation of regulations. July 18, 1868. Circular of the superior civil government, ordering the publication in the Gaceta of a statistical report [ensayo] of the schools; and charging the provincial chiefs to send monthly reports showing the number of children present in the same, and stating that Castilian is taught in the same. August 4, 1868. Statutes for the college-school of Santa Isabel in the city of Nueva-CÁceres. TÍtulo I. Creation, object, and dependency of the college school. TÍtulo II. Of the school of primary instruction for day-school girls; their admission, studies, school hours, and holidays. TÍtulo III. Of the college and of the resident scholars. Object of the college, conditions for admission therein, clothing, board, and food. TÍtulo IV. Interior life of the scholars. TÍtulo V. Studies; distribution of time. TÍtulo VI. Of the frequency of sacraments, attendance, spiritual exercises, holidays, vacations, and absences. September 2, 1868. Decree of the secretary of the superior civil government, publishing by order of his Excellency in the Gaceta a pastoral of his Excellency, the bishop of Nueva-CÁceres, in which the latter urges the parish priests of his diocese to observe very earnestly the duties imposed upon them by the legislation in force for the education of children and the progress of schools. September 4, 1868. Circular of the superior civil government, to the provincial and district chiefs, charging them that the respective documents accompany recommendations for the issuing of certificates to teachers, and show the pay, between the fixed maximum and minimum in each case, which ought to be granted them. September 4, 1868. Decree of the superior government, ordering that petitions for money in order to satisfy the rent of the house for men teachers, school equipment, etc., be sent to the sub-intendancy of ways and means. September 22, 1868. Circular of the superior September 30, 1868. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that substitute teachers be furnished with their corresponding certificates. October 24, 1868. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that in case of insolvency, the same methods be employed for the collection of the quotas to be paid by the wealthy pupils to the teachers, that are used for the realization of the public imposts. October 27, 1868. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that pupils may attend schools of primary instruction until the age of eighteen, voluntary attendance being from the age of fourteen. August 5, 1869. Decree of the superior civil government, conferring a commission upon the member of the Superior Board of Primary Instruction, Don JosÉ Patricio Clemente, so that he may enter upon an extraordinary visit of supervision of all the public and private institutions of primary education of the province of Manila. July 16, 1870. Circular of the superior civil government, ordering that when the teachers ask leave July 20, 1870. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that for the lack of assistants with circular, substitute assistants may be appointed for the schools that have more than eighty pupils, by the provincial and district chiefs, at the recommendation of the local supervisors, after conferring with the respective teachers. They shall be given eight escudos per month without right to any other fee. September 13, 1870. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that the women teachers shall be paid one peso per year from the local funds for each girl that attends the class in writing, for school equipment. November 5, 1870. Circular of the superior civil government, recommending the provincial chiefs to request the necessary money for the payment of the teachers from the time that they begin their duties, their salaries, rental for their dwelling house and other emoluments. December 2, 1870. Order, no. 1179, of the ministry of the colonies, approving the commission conferred by the superior civil government of these islands on Don JosÉ Patricio Clemente, for a tour of inspection of the schools of primary teaching in the province of Manila. December 5, 1870. Order of the supreme government, decreeing the appointment of a board ad interim of public instruction, and decree of “cÚmplase” December 7, 1870. Decree of the superior civil December 17, 1870. Decree of the superior civil government, prescribing that men and women teachers are entitled to receive their salary from the day on which they prove by means of the local supervisors that they have presented themselves and taken charge of the school which they have obtained. February 23, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, dissolving the Superior Board of Primary Instruction and ordering that all the antecedent decrees in its possession be surrendered to the ad interim Board of Public Instruction. March 2, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that the ad interim Board of Public Instruction of these islands, apply so far as may be possible, the regulations approved January 26, 1867, for the island of Cuba; with citation of regulation. March 4, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering the publication of the plan of studies dictated for the island of Cuba, July 15, 1863, with commands to observe it, so far as might be possible and applicable. Title of the above-cited plan referring to primary education. April 27, 1871. Royal order of the ministry of the colonies, prescribing the sums which must be paid for the installation of the girls’ school of Santa Isabel established in Nueva-CÁceres. May 7, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, in regard to the creation of schools and procedures June 12, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that the men and women teacher substitutes be given their corresponding certificates. July 1, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, prescribing the textbooks which are to be used in the public schools of primary instruction. July 19, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, explaining article 14, of the seventh of May, of this year, relative to the pay of monthly quota by the presence at the school of the wealthy children. August 26, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, determining that the rights prescribed in articles 13, 14, and 15, of the seventh of May, of this year, alone be granted, and extended to the teachers graduating from the normal school, and to the substitutes examined with certificates. September 26, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, recommending to the provincial commissions of primary instruction, strictness in the examinations of substitute teachers, and that the October 9, 1871. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that no petition be admitted asking for permission to print and annotate the text in these islands of works of different nature, whether literary or devoted to public instruction, unless such is directed by the proprietors or authors themselves or by those who are fully authorized by such. October 12, 1871. Royal order of the ministry of the colonies, asking the superior civil government of these islands for the names of the teachers who distinguished themselves by their zeal for the good of teaching, their intelligence and power to work, in order to inform the Ministry of Public Works [Fomento], so that, if it deems it advisable, it may reward them as those of the Peninsula, by sending them collections of books for the formation of popular libraries. January 13, 1872. February 14, 1872. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering that the president of the provincial commission of primary instruction in Manila be present at all the meetings held by the commission, with power to delegate for other urgent occupation his authority to the most important member of the September 30, 1872. Decree of the superior civil government, granting to the provincial and district chiefs, right of participation in the taking of possession and leaving by the teachers of primary instruction. February 21, 1873. Decree of the superior civil government, in regard to the salaries of teachers, men and women, and their assistants. March 12, 1873. Circular of the superior civil government, recommending that the Castilian language be taught in the schools of primary instruction. May 27, 1873. Circular of the superior civil government, ordering that the provincial commissions of primary instruction propose the most advisable measures so that teaching may be obligatory for all and gratuitous for the poor. May 30, 1873. Circular of the superior civil government, ordering the provincial chiefs to send a report made in accordance with the subjoined model, in which shall be given the number of villages and schools in each province, the men and women teachers who taught in them, and the number of children who attended and those who studied Castilian. June 10, 1873. Circular of the superior civil government, charging the provincial chiefs with the exact observance of the superior decree of February July 26, 1873. Decree of the superior civil government, ordering the governors of the archipelago to send a detailed note of the names, qualifications, and circumstances, of the regularly-appointed teachers, who shall distinguish themselves most in each province, in order that he may recommend them to the government of his Majesty, so that if he considers it well he may reward them with popular libraries according to the royal order of October 12, 1871. October 10, 1873. Decree of the superior civil government, charging the provincial supervisors of primary instruction to acquire a Quadro sinÓptico de las islas Filipinas [i.e., Synoptical chart of the Filipinas Islands] by Don Leon Salcedo, for teaching in the schools. September 9, 1874. Decree of the general government, prescribing that appointments, issuing of certificates, licenses, promotions, and other things belonging to those functionaries, as well as in general all the affairs of government and progress, belong to the General Division of Civil Administration. September 24, 1874. Decree of the general government, ordering that the vice-presidency of the ad interim Board of Public Instruction be held by the director general of civil administration. March 31, 1875. Decree of the general government, ordering the provincial chiefs to construct schools and dwelling-houses for the teachers. October 29, 1875. Royal order, no. 648, of the ministry of the colonies, copying the royal decree of the same date, in which among other extremes, referring to secondary education and to superior January 15, 1876. Decree of the general government, declaring at an end the powers entrusted to the ad interim Board of Public Instruction. January 15, 1876. Decree of the general government, ordering among other extremes bearing on secondary and superior education, that the matters referring to public and private instruction be managed and despatched by the general government in its functions of civil administration, and that the Superior Board of Primary Instruction be called Superior Board of Public Instruction of Filipinas, with the organization which is prescribed. May 17, 1876. Royal order, no. 388, of the ministry of the colonies, ordering that the zeal of persons conversant with the various dialects of the archipelago be stimulated, so that a grammar may be compiled in each dialect for the teaching of the Castilian language in the schools of primary letters, for the purpose of obtaining the diffusion of said language; and that, with like object, the reforms which it is advisable to introduce in legislation in regard to primary instruction, be proposed. June 7, 1876. Royal order, no. 324, of the ministry of the colonies, ordering among other extremes referring to secondary and superior education, that the Superior Board of Primary Instruction be reestablished in the manner prescribed in article 15 of the royal decree of December 20, 1863. July 22, 1876. Circular of the general government, giving rules for the observance of royal order, no. 388, of May 17, of the same year. August 16, 1876. Decree of the general government, June 5, 1877. Royal order of the ministry of the colonies, approving the preceding decree. September 10, 1878. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration to the provincial chiefs, ordering them to furnish localities for the schools, either by renting or constructing buildings; that the teachers be paid their salaries and fees promptly; that a proof report, in accordance with the subjoined form, be sent of the situation of each province, to the department of primary instruction; and that the petitions of the teachers, asking for some favor or demanding their salary, be sent to said center with the fitting information. November 6, 1878. Royal order, decreeing that instructors of primary education in the colonies be paid half their salary during the time that they are on leave in the Peninsula for sickness, and the other half to those who act as substitutes for them. May 20, 1879. Royal order of the ministry of the colonies, in which is shown the pleasure with which his Majesty heard that a boys’ school had been started in Nueva-CÁceres, at the expense of the reverend bishop of the diocese. July 14, 1880. Royal order, no. 625, of the ministry of the colonies, in regard to places for the taking of possession by the teachers, transfers, cessation of duties, and licenses that the same may enjoy. July 14, 1880. Royal order, no. 668, of the ministry of the colonies, ordering that the provincial chiefs proceed to the construction of edifices for schools, with dwelling-houses for the teachers, by September 1, 1880. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration, animating the provincial chiefs to contrive to have Castilian taught in the schools by all the means in their power. October 5, 1881. Circular of the secretary of the royal Audiencia of Manila, communicating the decision of the entire tribunal of September 23, of the same year, by which it is ordered that the judges of first instance may avail themselves for written recognizances of the [services of] men teachers with certificates who have graduated from the normal school. December 27, 1881. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, ordering that the boys’ schools of Manila and its suburbs have a competitive contest. March 10, 1882. Circular of the secretary of the royal Audiencia, transcribing a letter of the supreme tribunal, in which it was communicated that March 24, 1882. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration, prescribing the salaries to be received by substitute teachers without certificates. September 12, 1883. Decree of the general government, in regard to compulsory teaching of the Castilian language in the schools; punishments of the teachers who do not keep it; annual inspection of the governors of the schools, giving account of the result in each one of them; examinations in the same, and the rewards and recompenses for the scholars and teachers who distinguish themselves in them; provision of the ascenso schools and tÉrmino schools of second class for aid and correction to the parents of children from seven to twelve years old who do not attend the schools. Declaration that those employes who cannot talk, read, and write Castilian, cannot receive their prescribed pay. The provincial chiefs are ordered to send a proof report of the primary instruction in their respective territories and a secret memorandum in regard to the same matter. An assembly shall be called for a gathering, in which the authors of the best grammars written in the dialects of the country for the teaching of Castilian shall be rewarded; it is recommended to the General Division of Civil Administration that it study and recommend the increase which it is advisable to give to the pay of the teachers, and the creation of a special body of paid provincial supervisors. September 25, 1883. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration, sending to the provincial chiefs the form to which the proof report of primary instruction in their respective territories, which they were to make by virtue of the order in the first transitory prescription of the preceding decree, must conform. September 25, 1883. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, convoking an assembly for rewarding the [authors of the] best Castilian grammars written in the principal dialects of the country for the schools, and fixing the conditions of said assembly. October 6, 1885. Decree of the general government, granting to the original Hispano-TagÁlog grammar, of the right reverend father Fray Toribio Minguella, February 17, 1886. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration, recommending to the provincial supervisors of primary instruction to immediately copy for the local reverend or learned supervisors the orders received from said center in regard to teachers. June 30, 1887. Decree of the general government, encouraging the provincial chiefs and the reverend parish priests, to contrive by all means to have the Castilian language taught in the schools, imposing on them the obligation of personally making the tour of annual inspection, at least to the schools, and another tour by the secretaries of the [local] governments, giving account afterwards of the progress in said teaching and recommending at the same time recompenses or punishment which the teachers deserve on account of their interest or neglect. July 11, 1887. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration, charging the provincial chiefs with the exact observance of the orders dictated in regard to primary instruction for the purpose of having Castilian spoken in all the villages; they shall employ rigor in the examinations of substitute teachers, and be careful that the assistant substitutes who are appointed be persons suitable for teaching. January 13, 1888. Decree of the general government, declaring a competition in the boys’ tÉrmino school of the first class among teachers with certificates from the normal school, who shall have had one year’s practice in teaching and giving rules for the holding of said competitions; with programs for the oral examination in said competitions. July 31, 1888. Circular of the general government, addressed to the provincial chiefs ordering that they make an extraordinary inspection of the school, after which they shall remit to the said general government the various data which are expressed, so that an exact idea of the condition of those schools may be formed. January 16, 1889. Decree of the general government, January 16, 1889. Decree of the general government, ordering that the sums which are given in coin for the rewards of the pupils, cease to be given to the teachers, and that the administrative board of school supplies created by the preceding decree, purchase in the public market for said object, primers of agriculture, and then grammars, geographies and other useful books. January 29, 1889. Royal order, no. 75, of the ministry of the colonies, enjoining the most punctual observance of the orders dictated for obtaining the diffusion of the Castilian language among the natives of these islands, and ordering that the ministry be informed of the results of the visits, which the provincial chiefs are obliged to make to all the schools of the territory under their command, in order to be able to judge rightly the progress which is obtained, and to grant the due recompense to the teachers. February 4, 1889. Decree of the general government, making regulations for the schools of primary instruction in the archipelago. Division of the various schools into sections and subjects which are to be taught in each one of them; copy books; textbooks; compulsory attendance at the schools; class hours; classes in religion; books of matriculation; and daily register of attendance. February 4, 1889. Decree of the general government, approving the schedule to which the examination February 5, 1889. Decree of the general government, prescribing rules for the construction and conservation of supplies for the schools, making use for this of the services of the personal tax, and the gratuitous cutting of timber in the public mountains, and recommending the reverend parish priests to watch over the schools and see that this decree is fulfilled. February 9, 1889. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration, prescribing the stamp tax which must be paid for the certificates of men and women teachers, and assistants, and for the credentials of the same. March 5, 1889. Decree of the general government, prohibiting boys and girls in the schools from going out to receive the authorities; ordering that whenever any authority who may inspect the schools comes to the village, all the scholars of the same schools assemble therein with their respective teachers; and that the provincial governors impose a fine of ten pesos on the gobernadorcillos and teachers who infringe this decree. March 30, 1889. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, communicating the decision of the superior government, in which it is ordered that the teachers be paid their salaries, house-rent, etc., in the same villages of their residence, by the gobernadorcillos, with the sums collected by imposts of the local treasury, and prescribing rules for effecting said payment. December 14, 1889. Circular of the general government, ordering the observance of what is prescribed June 30, 1890. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, recommending the observance of the circular of the general government, of December 14, 1889, and publishing it again in the Gaceta. July 3, 1890. Circular of the General Division of Civil Administration, ordering that the copies written by the children in the schools be dated and signed by the same and conserved by the teachers. January 16, 1891. Royal order, no. 58, of the May 1, 1891. Decree of the general government, designating the persons, who being electors, were to form part of the administrative board of school material. March 2, 1892. Royal order, no. 116, of the ministry of the colonies, approving the monthly allowance granted to the secretary and clerks of the administrative board of school supplies. July 29, 1892. Decree of the general government, increasing the salaries of men and women teachers and assistants which were to be assigned in the projects of the budgets of 1893; and ordering the form of the provision of those places and the creation of territorial examining commissions of teachers in Vigan, Nueva-CÁceres, CebÚ, and Jaro. August 3, 1892. Decree of the general government, giving information that the ministry of the colonies had authorized by telegraph the increase of the salary of the teachers proposed by said government. August 8, 1892. Decree of the general government, giving information that the ministry of the colonies had given telegraphic authorization to increase the sum for school supplies to 100,000 pesos. August 11, 1892. Decree of the general government, granting annual allowances to men and women teachers with good marks, and more than fifteen years of service. October 19, 1892. Decree of the general government, ordering the constitution of territorial examining commissions of teachers in Vigan, Nueva-CÁceres, December 8, 1892. Royal order of the ministry of the colonies, approving the creation of a girls’ school in Yap (Carolinas). February 27, 1893. Decree of the general government, prescribing the distribution and classification of the schools of primary instruction of the archipelago, and giving rules for their provision; with a table of distribution and classification of the schools. February 27, 1893. Decree of the general government, approving the schedules for the examinations of men and women teachers, substitutes, and assistants of primary instruction; with schedules cited. March 29, 1893. Decree of the general government, declaring the book entitled El pez de madera [i.e., The Wooden Fish], May 1, 1893. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, granting free examinations for obtaining certificates as elementary women teachers in the superior normal school for women teachers in Manila, who shall be submitted to the schedules of that institution, and only during the first two years following its installation, namely, in the courses for the years 1893–94 and 1894–95. July 28, 1893. Decree of the General Division of August 21, 1893. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, allowing competition in the boys’ school of Bacalor (Pampanga). August 23, 1893. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, continuing for a fortnight the period for the admission of petitions in the contest for teachers, decreed July 28 of the said year for the provision of ascenso and entrada schools. August 31, 1893. Decree of the General Division of Civil Administration, continuing the time for the admission of petitions of men and women teachers who wish to take part in the competitions announced by the decree of July 28, and August 21, of the same year. September 5, 1893. Schedules for the competitions at the girls’ tÉrmino schools. September 29, 1893. Decree of the general government, in regard to the pay of salaries to teachers’ assistants. November 1, 1893. Decree of the general government, declaring a pamphlet entitled Sistema mÉtrico decimal de pesas y medidas [i.e., Decimal Metrical System of Weights and Measures] November 24, 1893. Decree of the general government, allowing those who are more than sixteen years of age and less than twenty and have a teacher’s certificate to manage schools in the character of ad interim. May 14, 1894. Decree of the general government, declaring the book entitled Cartilla higiÉnica [i.e., Hygienic Primer] July 20, 1894. Decree of the general government ordering two previous payments to be made for traveling expenses to men and women teachers and assistants who may be appointed to the charge of schools located in provinces distant from those in which they reside, and who petition it. [Grifol y Aliaga’s book concludes with two appendices. The first appendix contains several official documents concerning legislation in education, the titles of which are as follows:] May 17, 1864. Circular of the superior civil government, to the provincial and district chiefs, giving rules for the better establishment of the plan of primary instruction established by royal decree of December 20, 1863, and regulations of the same date. November 29, 1864. Circular of the superior civil government, directed to the provincial and district chiefs, dictating rules for the provision of the places of regular resident pupils of the normal school for men teachers in Manila. May 20, 1865. Royal order, number 175, of the ministry of the colonies, approving all the measures adopted by the superior civil government for the inauguration of the normal school for men teachers, and expressing the pleasure with which her Majesty saw the zeal shown in the installation of said institution. [The second appendix consists of an enumeration of the textbooks for the superior normal school for