The matter in this volume is obtained from the following sources: 1. Events in Filipinas, 1721–1739.—From various sources, fully credited in the text. 2. Primary instruction.—In its various parts, as follows: I—from Vicente Barrantes’s La instrucciÓn primaria en Filipinas (Madrid, 1869), condensed from pp. 97, 98, 147–151, and 166–168 (from a copy belonging to the Library of Congress); II—from Daniel Grifol y Aliaga’s La instrucciÓn primaria en Filipinas (Manila, 1894), extract from preface (from a copy belonging to the Library of Congress); III-XVII—from the above book, pp. 1–7, 11–16, 117–132, 148–157, 132–136, 41–52, 61–100, and 425–445, 401–405. 3. Dominican educational institutions, 1896–1897.—From an unsigned and undated MS. belonging to Rev. T. C. Middleton, O.S.A. 4. Report of religious schools, 1897.—Same as no. 3. 5. Educational institutions of the Recollects.—Same as no. 3. 6. The friar viewpoint.—In two parts. I—from Estudio de algunos asuntos de actualidad (Valladolid, 1897), by Eduardo Navarro, O.S.A., chap. vii, 7. Education since American occupation.—Editorial, and compiled from various sources, fully credited in text. |