| Preface | 11 | | Document of 1736 | | | Bibliographical Data | 89 | | Appendix: Education in the Philippines - Letter from the ecclesiastical cabildo to Felipe III. Juan de Bivero, and others; Manila, July 12, 1601 97
- The college of San JosÉ. In two parts. I—Francisco Colin, S.J.; Madrid, 1663. [From his Labor evangelica.] II—Summary of history, compiled from various sources 101
- The college and university of Santo TomÁs. In three parts. I—Baltasar de Santa Cruz, O.P.; Zaragoza, 1693. [From his Historia.] II—CÁrlos III; El Pardo, March 7, 1785. III—Evarista Fernandez Arias, O.P., Manila, July 2, 1885 141
- Royal college of San Felipe de Austria. In two parts. I—Casimiro Diaz, O.S.A.; Valladolid, 1890. [From his Conquistas (written in the first half of the eighteenth century).] II—Summary of history, from notes in Pastells’s edition of Colin’s Labor evangÉlica, Barcelona, 1904 170
- Secular priests in the Philippines. Felipe Pardo, O.P.; [Manila], June 6, 1680 182
- Royal decree concerning native schools. CÁrlos II; Madrid, June 20, 1686 184
- College-seminary of San Felipe. In two parts. I—Felipe V; Madrid, March 3, 1710. II—Juan de la ConcepciÓn, Sampaloc, 1788–1792. [From his Historia general.] 187
- College of San Juan de Letran. Vicente Salazar, O.P.; Manila, 1742. [From his Historia.] 208
- Law regulating marriages of students. CÁrlos IV; Aranjuez, June 11, 1792 218
- Royal decree ordering the teaching of Spanish in native schools. CÁrlos IV; Madrid, December 22, 1792 221
- Conciliar seminaries. In two parts. I—Governor Rafael MarÍa de Aguilar y Ponce de Leon; Manila, March 26, 1803. II—Modern conditions; excerpts from various sources 223
- Nautical school. In two parts. I—Chacon; Madrid, May 9, 1839. II—History; from various sources 240
- Boys’ singing school. [From ArchipiÉlago filipino, Washington, 1900.] 244
- Public instruction. Sinibaldo de Mas, Madrid, 1843. [From his Informe.] 246
- Educational institutions and conditions. J. Mallat; Paris, 1846. [From his Les Philippines.] 263
- Privileges granted to students.——Arrazola; Madrid, December 2, 1847 279
- Superior school of painting, sculpture, and engraving. Compiled from various sources 282
- Ateneo municipal. Compiled from various sources 284
- Educational suggestions. Vicente Barrantes; Madrid, 1870. [From Apuntes interesantes.] 286
- Public instruction. JosÉ Montero y Vidal; Madrid, 1886. [From his ArchipiÉlago filipino.] 296
- Girls’ schools in Manila and the provinces. Compiled from various sources 304
- School of agriculture. Compiled from various sources 315
- Government reorganization of education in the university of Santo TomÁs. Dr. E. Montero Rios, and others; Madrid, October 29, 1890 319
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