Sources: The material for this appendix is obtained as follows: I. MS. in Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla. II. I—Francisco Colin’s Labor evangelica (Madrid, 1663), book iii, part of chapter xviii, pp. 414–418, from a copy belonging to Edward E. Ayer; II—compiled from various sources, fully credited in footnotes. III. I—Baltasar de Santa Cruz’s Historia (Zaragoza, 1693), book i, chapter xxxvi, pp. 168–172, from copy belonging to Edward E. Ayer; II—Algunos documentos relativos Á la universidad de Manila (Madrid, 1892), pp. 35–37; III—Census of the Philippines (Washington, 1905), iii, pp. 622–626. IV. I—Casimiro Diaz’s Conquistas (Valladolid, 1890), book ii, part of chapter xxxv, pp. 446, 447; II—Pablo Pastells’s notes to his edition of Colin’s Labor evangÉlica (Barcelona, 1904), ii, pp. pp. 261–268, 493, 494. V. Ventura del Arco MSS. (Ayer library), iii, pp. 9, 10. VI. Copy of decree published in Barrantes’s InstrucciÓn primaria (Madrid, 1869), pp. 74–76, from copy belonging to the Library of Congress. VII. I—MS. in Archivo-historico Nacional, Madrid; II—Juan de la ConcepciÓn’s Historia general (Sampaloc, 1788–1792), viii, parts of chapters xiii and xiv, pp. 315–338, from a copy in the possession of the Editors. VIII. Vicente Salazar’s Historia (Manila, 1742), book i, chapter ii, pp. 7–12, from a copy belonging to Edward E. Ayer. IX. ColecciÓn de autos acordados (Manila, 1861–1866), i, pp. 149, 150, from a copy belonging to Edward E. Ayer. X. Barrantes’s InstrucciÓn primaria, pp. 80–82. XI. I—ColecciÓn de autos acordados, v, pp. 15–17; II—ArchipiÉlago filipino (Washington, 1900), i, pp. 343, 344, Census of Phil., iii, pp. 611, 612, and Doctrina y reglas constitucionales de la iglesia filipina independiente (Manila, 1904), pp. 14, 15, 42, 43, and 67, 68. XII. I—ColecciÓn de autos acordados, i, pp. 318, 319; II—ArchipiÉlago filipino, i, p. 349, and Census of Phil., iii, p. 613. XIII. ArchipiÉlago filipino, i, pp. 349, 350. XIV. Sinibaldo de Mas’s Informe (Madrid, 1843), ii, no. 12. XV. J. Mallat’s Les Philippines (Paris, 1846), ii, pp. 239–253, from a copy belonging to Edward E. Ayer. XVI. ColecciÓn de autos acordados, ii, pp. 128, 129. XVII. ArchipiÉlago filipino, i, p. 349, and Census of Phil., iii, p. 614. XVIII. ArchipiÉlago filipino, i, p. 343, and Census of Phil., iii, pp. 603, 604. XIX. Vicente Barrantes’s Apuntes interesantes (Madrid, 1870), pp. 218–225, from a copy belonging to Rev. T. C. Middleton, O.S.A. XX. Montero y Vidal’s ArchipiÉlago filipino (Madrid, 1886), pp. 187–193. XXI. Dominican report, 1887, from Census of Phil., iii, pp. 616–620. XXII. Reports of Philippine Commission, 1900, i, p. 39, 1901, i, p. 145, 1900–1903, p. 601; and Reports of Commissioner of Education, 1897–1898, i, p. 980, 1899–1900, ii, pp. 1625, 1626, 1902, ii, pp. 2233, 2234. XXIII. MS. belonging to Edward E. Ayer. Translations and Compilations: These are all by James A. Robertson, except No. V, above, which is by Emma Helen Blair. |