DOCUMENTS OF 1700 - 1730


Sources: The first of these documents is compiled from Murillo Velarde’s Historia de Philipinas (Manila, 1749), using such parts as directly relate to the missionary labors of the Jesuit order in the islands; from a copy of the original in possession of Edward E. Ayer, Chicago. The second is found in the Ventura del Arco MSS., (Ayer library), v, pp. 201–230; and, in the fourth, Otazo’s and Cuesta’s letters are found in iv, pp. 249–295. The third is summarized from ConcepciÓn’s Historia de Philipinas, viii, pp. 299–391; part of the fourth is from ix, pp. 183–424; and the rest is obtained as stated above. The fifth is translated from a MS. probably the original, in possession of Edward E. Ayer.

Translations: These are all made by Emma Helen Blair.


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