The documents in this volume are obtained from the following sources: 1. Manila and the Philippines.—From Navarrete’s Tratados historicos (Madrid, 1676), tratado vi, chaps, iii–viii; from a copy in the Library of Congress. Chaps. iii–iv appeared in VOL. XXXVII; the remainder is presented in the present volume. 2. Condition of the clergy.—In Ventura del Arco MSS (Ayer library), iii, pp. 1–5. 3. Prerogatives of ex-provincials.—From Hernaez’s ColecciÓn de bulas, i, p. 592. 4. Royal patronage of Santo TomÁs.—From Algunos documentos relat. Á la Univ. de Manila, pp. 31–33. 5. Letter by Pizarro Orellana.—From a MS. in the Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla; pressmark, “Simancas—Eclesiastico; Audiencia de Filipinas; cartas y espedientes de los obispos sufraganeos de Manila; aÑos 1597 Á 1698; est. 68, caj. 1, leg. 34.” 6. Insurrections by Filipinos. This is compiled from various early writers—Murillo Velarde, Diaz, CombÉs, and others—full references to these sources being given in the text itself. 7. Dampier in the Philippines.—From Dampier’s Voyages (London ed. of 1703), i, pp. 279–402; from a copy in the library of Harvard University. |