Documents of 1660 - 1666

  1. Recollect missions, 1646–60. Luis de JesÚs and Diego de Santa Theresa, O.S.A. (Recollect); [compiled from their works].
  2. Description of Filipinas Islands. BartholomÉ de Letona, O.S.F.; 1662.
  3. Events in Manila, 1662–63. [Unsigned; July, 1663?].
  4. Letter to Francisco Yzquierdo. Diego de Salcedo; July 16, 1664.
  5. Why the friars are not subjected to episcopal visitation. [Unsigned and undated; 1666?].

Sources: The first of these documents is taken from the Historia general de los religiosos descalzos ... de San Agustin: part II, by Luis de JesÚs (Madrid, 1681), from a copy in the library of Edward E. Ayer, Chicago; and part III, by Diego de Santa Theresa (Barcelona, 1743), from a copy in the Library of Congress. The second is from a pamphlet bound in with a copy (in the possession of Antonio GraiÑo y Martinez, Madrid) of Letona’s Perfecta religiosa (Puebla, Mexico, 1662), a rare work. The remainder are from the Ventura del Arco MSS. (Ayer library), ii, pp. 401–483.

Translations: The first and fifth of these are translated by James A. Robertson; the remainder, by Emma Helen Blair.


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