- Preface 9
- Documents of 1649–1658
- Royal funeral rites at Manila. [Unsigned;] Manila, 1649. 23
- Royal aid for Jesuits asked by Manila cabildo. Matheo de Arceo, and others; Manila, June 20, 1652. 44
- Condition of the Philippines in 1652. Magino Sola, S. J.; September 16, 1652. 49
- Jesuit missions in 1655. Miguel Solana, S. J.; San Pedro, June 30, 1655. 53
- Letter from the archbishop of Manila to Felipe IV. Miguel de Poblete; Manila, July 30, 1656. 63
- Two Jesuit memorials, regarding religious in the Moluccas, and the Inquisition. Francisco Vello, S. J.; [Madrid, 1658]. 68
- Jesuit protest against the Dominican university. Miguel Solana, S. J.; [1658?]. 74
- Description of the Philipinas Islands. [Ygnacio de Paz; Mexico, ca. 1658]. 87
- Documents of 1660–1666
- Recollect missions, 1646–60. Luis de JesÚs and Diego de Santa Theresa, O.S.A., (Recollect); [compiled from their works]. 109
- Description of Filipinas Islands. BartholomÉ de Letona, O.S.F.; La Puebla, Mexico, 1662. 189
- Events in Manila, 1662–63. [Unsigned; July, 1663?]. 218
- Letter to Francisco Yzquierdo. Diego de Salcedo; Manila, July 16, 1664. 261
- Why the friars are not subjected to episcopal visitation. [Unsigned and undated; 1666?]. 264
- Appendix: Judicial conditions in the Philippines in 1842 279
- Bibliographical Data 307