- Preface 9
- Documents of 1640–1644
- The Dominican missions, 1635–39. Baltasar de Santa Cruz, O.P. [From his Historia de la provincia del Santo Rosario (Zaragoza, 1693).] 25
- The Recollect missions, 1625–40. [Extracts from the works of Juan de la ConcepciÓn and Luis de JesÚs.] 59
- News from Filipinas, 1640–42. [Unsigned]; [Manila, 1641], and July 25, 1642 114
- Decree regarding the Indians. Felipe IV; ÇaragoÇa, October 24, 1642 125
- Formosa lost to Spain. Juan de los Angeles, O.P.; Macasar, March, 1643 128
- Letter to Corcuera. Felipe IV; Zaragoza, August 4, 1643 163
- Documents of 1644–1649
- Concessions to the Jesuits. Balthasar de Lagunilla, S.J., and others; 1640–44 169
- Events in the Philippines, 1643–44. [Unsigned and undated.] 176
- Fiscal’s report on Sangley licenses. Sebastian Cavallero [de Medina]; Manila, 1644 185
- Decree ordering reËnforcements for the islands. Felipe IV; Zaragoza, September 18, 1645 196
- Erection of the college of Santo TomÁs into a university. Felipe IV and Innocent X; 1644–45 199
- Trade with English not desired. Council of State; Madrid, January 30, 1647 209
- Affairs in Filipinas, 1644–47. Fray Joseph Fayol (of the Order of Mercy); Manila, 1647 212
- Decree regarding missionaries. Felipe IV; Madrid, September 17, 1647 276
- Early Franciscan missions. [Unsigned; written in 1649, and published in 1895.] 278
- Bibliographical Data 323