
The following documents are obtained from MSS. in the Academia Real de la Historia, Madrid, in the collection “Papeles de los Jesuitas:”

1. News from Filipinas, 1640–42.—In “Tomo 101, no. 50.” The short letter at the end is an extract from a pamphlet (see note 30, ante, p. 124) in the Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, Madrid; it is one of several bound together, with pressmark, “359, 20–4a.”

2. Events in the Philippines, 1643–44.—In “Tomo 120, no. 106.”

3. Affairs in Filipinas, 1644–47.—In “Tomo 71, no. 32.”

The following documents are obtained from the Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla:

4. Document regarding Indians.—“Audiencia de Filipinas; registros de oficios y partes; reales ordenes dirigidas Á los autoridades y particulares del distrito de la Audiencia; aÑos 1605 Á 1645; est. 105, caj. 2, leg. 12.

5. Concessions to Jesuits.—“Simancas—Eclesiastico; Audiencia de Filipinas; cartas y expedientes de personas eclesiasticas de Filipinas; aÑos 1609 Á 1644; est. 68, caj. 1, leg. 43.

6. Decree regarding missionaries.—“Simancas—Eclesiastico; Audiencia de Filipinas; expedientes sobre la visita de los religiosos por los ordinarios; aÑos 1607 Á 1620; est. 69, caj. 1, leg. 30.

The following documents are obtained from the Ventura del Arco MSS. (Ayer library), which is largely compiled from the above-named “Papeles de los Jesuitas:

7. Formosa lost to Spain.—From vol. ii, pp. 251–288.

8. Decree ordering reËnforcements.—From vol. ii, pp. 353–355.

The following document is obtained from the “Cedulario Indico,” in the Archivo Historico Nacional, Madrid:

9. Letter to Corcuera.—In “Tomo 39, fol. 302, no. 303.”

The following document is taken from the Archivo general at Simancas:

10. Trade with English.—“2523—Estado Inglaterra.”

The following documents are taken from printed works:

11. Dominican missions.—From Baltasar de Santa Cruz’s Historia de la provincia del Santo Rosario (ZaragoÇa, 1693), pp. 1–23.

12. Recollect missions.—From Luis de JesÚs’s Historia de los religiosos descalzos de San Augustin (Madrid, 1681), pp. 69–71, 163–173, 184, 282–287, 294–298; and Juan de la ConcepciÓn’s Historia de Philipinas, v, pp. 163–179, 360–391.

13. Report on Sangley licenses.—From a rare and perhaps unique pamphlet (Manila, 1644), in possession of Edward E. Ayer.

14. Erection of Santo TomÁs into university.—From Documentos relativos Á la Universidad de Manila (Madrid, 1892), pp. 23–30. The letter to Siruela is obtained from a MS. in the Museo-Biblioteca de Ultramar, with pressmark, “2780, 24—4a, caja no. 7.”

15. Franciscan missions.—From Retana’s Archivo del bibliÓfilo filipino, i, pp. [15–71].


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