The documents in this volume are obtained from the following sources: 1. Jesuit letters.—From Ventura del Arco MSS. (Ayer library), iv, pp. 1–3, 69–72. 2. Discovery of Palaos.—From Lettres Édifiantes (1st Paris ed.) i (1717), pp. 112–136, from a copy in the library of the Wisconsin Historical Society. 3. Recollect missions.—From Pedro de San Francisco de Assis’s Historia general de los religiosos descalzos de San Agustin (Zargoza, 1756), all that relates to Philippine missions; from a copy in the Library of Congress. Also Juan de la ConcepciÓn’s Historia de Philipinas, viii, pp. 3–16, 135–144, and ix, pp. 123–150; from a copy in possession of the Editors. 4. Appendix: Moro pirates.—From CombÉs’s Historia de Mindanao, Iolo, etc.; Murillo Velarde’s Historia de Philipinas; Diaz’s Conquistas; and other works, as is fully indicated in the text. |