- Laws regarding navigation and commerce, 1611–35. FelipeIII and FelipeIV; 1611–35.
- Royal decrees, 1633–35. FelipeIV; 1633–35.
- Memorial to the king, in the year 1635. Juan Grao y Monfalcon; September 6.
- Manila treasury accounts, 1630–35. Geronimo de ——, and Francisco Antonio Manzelo; August 13, 1638.
- Letter of consolation to the Jesuits of Pintados. Juan de Bueras, S.J.; February 1.
- Letter to FelipeIV. Andres del Sacramento, O.S.F.; June 2.
- Letter from the Franciscan commissary-general of the Indias. Francisco de OcaÑa, O.S.F.; June 28.
- Opinion of Council and royal decree concerning request of Manila Jesuits for alms. FelipeIV, and others; July 10.
- Letter to FelipeIV. Pedro de Arce; October 17.
Sources: The first of these documents is taken from the RecopilaciÓn de leyes de Indias, lib. ix, tit. xxxxv; the second, from the “Cedulario Indico” in the Archivo Historico Nacional, Madrid; the third, from a MS. in the Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid; the fourth, sixth, and seventh, from MSS. in the Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla; the fifth, from a MS. in the Academia Real de la Historia, Madrid; and the last two, from Pastells’s edition of Colin’s Labor evangÉlica. Translations: All these documents are translated by James A. Robertson.