A. - Acosta, JosÉ, cited on sacrifices of Indian corn 525
- Alarcon, quoted on Indian customs 491, 494, 511
- quoted on Indian sacred cords 555
- Albinos, not medicine-men among the Apaches 460
- Alegre, Francisco J., cited on Indian remedies 472
- cited on ceremonial scratching among Indians 492
- Amulets of the Apache 587-91
- Arriaga, JosÉ de, cited on Indian medicine-men 594
- Ashes, use of, in religious formalities 536
- Asylum, right of, among Apache and other Indians 453-454
B. - Backus, E., quoted on magic powder of Indians 513
- Baker, Frank, cited on "hand of glory" 486
- Baker, Samuel, cited on African customs 489
- Baking, origin of 542
- Balboa, Vasco NuÑez, cited on Indian medicine-men 467
- cited on Peruvian festival 527
- Bancroft, H. H., cited on Indian medicine-men 457, 511
- cited on mutilation by Indians 483
- cited on scratching, by Indians 491
- cited on Indian cakes 524
- cited on Indian use of feathers 534, 535
- Barcia, Gabriel de Cardenas, cited on sacred meal of Indians 512
- quoted on magic powder of Indians 549
- Bean, aversion to, by Egyptians and Abyssinians 517
- Beans, string of, used as signal by Tecumseh 555
- Benzoni, Girolamo, cited on Indian medicine-men 461
- Black, William G., cited on magic knots and cords 570, 572, 573, 575, 576, 577, 579, 580
- Blankets, blessed, used at ZuÑi feasts 526
- Bledos, meaning of the term 522
- Blindness among Indian medicine-men 470
- Blount, Thomas, cited on symbolic use of meal 513, 514
- Bock, Carl, cited on Borneo water vessels 494
- Bollaert, William, cited on emeralds of Peruvians 590
- Brand, John, cited on bell-ringing 465
- "hand of glory" 486
- cited on powders 514, 532, 536
- cited on sacred cakes 541, 544, 545, 546, 547
- cited on cords and girdles 557, 561, 568, 569, 570, 571, 573, 575, 576, 578, 579, 580
- Brasseur de Bourbourg, cited on Indian medicine-men 466
- cited on origin of labrets 498
- cited on tzoalli 523
- Bread, sacred 541-547
- Brinton, Daniel G., cited on Indian medicine-men 457, 480, 532
- cited on Peruvian quipu 562
- cited on chalchihuitl among Mexicans 590
- quoted on influence of Indian medicine-men 593, 594
- Bruce, James, quoted on Abyssinian hair dressing 492
- Bull-roarer, use of among Indians 476-479
- Buns, hot cross, of Good Friday 544-545
- Burton, Robert, cited on magic cords and girdles 568, 569, 575
C. - Cakes, sacred 518, 541-547
- Cameron, V. Lovett, cited on African customs 494, 514, 515
- CastaÑeda, cited on Indian bread 522
- Castration of Indian priests and medicine-men 454
- Catlin, George, cited on Indian medicine-men 463
- Chalchihuitl, an Indian amulet 588-591
- Christmas foods 547
- Clavigero, Francisco S., cited on Indian labret 497
- cited on Indian mats of reeds 527-528
- cited on Indian food 523
- Clay-eating 537-540
- Coleman, Charles, cited on Hindu powders 515
- cited on sacred cords 565
- Columbus, Christopher, quoted on magic powder of Indians 513
- Commerce between "Buffalo" Indians and Pueblos 529, 530
- Confessions of patient to Indian medicine-men 465, 466
- Corbusier, Wm. F., quoted on galena among the Indians 549
- cited on use of pollen by Indians 505
- cited on Indian medicine-men 460
- cited on Indian wigs 474
- Cord of St. Francis, the 556-557
- Cords, used in casting lots 558-559
- magic wind, of the Lapps 560-561
- mnemonic 561-563
- sacred, of the Parsis and Brahmins 563-567
- Mahometan belief concerning 566
- measuring 572-573
- sacred, ophic origin of 574
- formerly used in binding prisoners 574-575
- unclassified superstitions concerning 576-580
- superstitions concerning 553-580
- Countercharms to Indian "medicine" 459-460
- Coxe, William, quoted on Indian magic powder 548
- Crantz, David, cited on scratching among Eskimo 491
- CrispellÆ 541
- Cross, place of the, in Indian symbolism 479-480
- Cushing, F. H., cited on ZuÑi water-vessels 494
- cited on ZuÑi Indians 452
- cited on ZuÑi drinking tubes 494
D. - Dall, William H., cited on Eskimo labrets 496
- Davis, John, cited on Pueblo rebellion 555
- Diaz, Bernal, cited on Indian medicine-women 469
- cited on chalchihuitl among the Mexicans 591, 592
- Diaz, Melchior, cited on Indian wig-making 475
- Disease, method of treating by Indian medicine-men 462-468
- Divination with grains and seeds 454-532, 533
- Dobrizhoffer, Father, quoted on Abipones medicine-men 459-463
- Dorman, Rushton M., cited on Peruvian priests 456
- Dorsey, J. Owen, cited on Siouan medicine 452
- Down of birds in ceremonial observances 533-535
- Drinking reed and tubes, use of among Indians 493-498
- Drinks and drugs used by Indian medicine-men 454, 455-456
- Du Halde, P., cited on cords worn by Lamas 561
- Dupuis, cited on castration of priests of Cybele 454
- Duran, Diego, cited on Mexican priests 454, 456, 464
- cited on Indian drinking tubes 495, 496
- cited on sacred meal of Indians 510
- cited on Indian idol of dough 524, 525, 529
- quoted on clay eating by Mexicans 538
- cited on cords among Mexicans 558
- cited on Mexican headdress 582
- Dust from churches, superstitions concerning 537
E. - Earth eating 537-540
- Emerson, Mrs. Ellen Russell, cited on Indian customs 490, 495
- Epileptic and insane, how regarded by Apache 460-461
- EtmÜller, Michael, quoted on girdles and cords 571, 572
F. - "Far," radical of "farina," etc. 545-546
- Feathers, use of, in ceremonial observances 533-535
- use of, in medicine hat 582
- Fernandez, Alonso, quoted on sacrificial bread of Pueblos 545
- Forlong, J. G. R., quoted on manna 517
- Fosbrooke, Thomas D., quoted on use of rushes at Easter 528
- cited on symbolic use of ashes 536
- Franklin, Sir John, cited on earth-eating by Eskimo 539
- Frazer, J. G., cited on Indian customs 485
- Frommann, J. C., on magic knots 569
G. - Galena, powdered, ceremonial use of, by Indians 548-549
- pieces of, used in sacrifices 549
- Gibberish always used by Indian medicine-men 464
- Girdles, superstitions concerning 557-558, 570-572, 577
- Gomara cited on Indian medicine-men 459, 463, 464, 470, 472, 512
- cited on Indian medicine-women 469
- cited on Indian necklaces 488
- cited on Indian cakes 526
- cited on Indian mats 527
- cited on clay-eating by Indians 538, 539
- cited on chalchihuitl among Mexicans 590
- Gonzales de Mendoza quoted on Indians throwing meal 510
- Graffenreid, Baron de, cited on magic powder of Indians 512
- Grimm, Jacob, cited on ancient German superstitions 487, 491, 541, 559, 561, 568, 570, 573
- Grossman, Capt., cited on Apache purification 475
H. - Harris, W. Cornwallis, quoted on magic cords 574-575
- Hawkins, ——, cited on scratching among Indians 491
- Hair and wigs, use of, by Indian medicine-men 474-475
- "Hand of glory," superstitions concerning 486
- Hangman's rope, superstitions concerning 574, 575
- Headdresses of Indian gods 582
- of Apache medicine-men 584
- Heath, Perry S., cited on use of down at Russian weddings 535
- cited on Russian cakes 542
- cited on Russian kostia 547
- Hereditary priesthood among Indians 455-456
- Herodotus, cited on Egyptian priests 454
- Herrera, Antonio, quoted on Indian medicine-men 459, 461, 463, 472, 475, 553
- quoted on Indian medicine-women 469
- quoted on cross among Indians 480
- quoted on Indian labrets 497
- quoted on sacred meal of Indians 510
- quoted on "powder of grass" 519
- cited on Indian cakes 527
- quoted on cords among Indians 558, 559, 574
- cited on Indian headdress 582
- Higgins, Godfrey, cited on hierophants of Athens 454
- cited on Hindu powders 516
- cited on use of flour in sacrifice 517
- cited on use of pollen by the ancients 532
- cited on girdles 557
- Hind, Henry Youle, cited on Indian medicine-men 464, 513
- cited on finger necklace 483
- cited on Indian powder 513
- Hoddentin, employment of, by the Apache 499-507
- bags for carrying 500
- offered to sun, moon, etc. 501-502
- employment in corn culture 502
- employment in sickness 502-505
- employment as an amulet 503-506
- a prehistoric food 518
- the yiauhtli of the Aztecs 521-522
- analogues of 530-532
- Hoffman, W. J., cited on Ojibwa medicine 452, 511
- Hutchinson, consul, cited on African magic powders 515
I. - Impotence, self-induced in Indian medicine-men 454
- Indian corn, sacrifice of 525
- Insanity, how regarded in Apache "medicine" 460
- Izze-kloth of the Apache 550-558
- Izze-kloth, analogues of other people 558
J. - James, Edwin, cited on Indian sacrifices 526
- Jus primÆ noctis claimed by Indian medicine-men 461
K. - Kalm, quoted on use of roots of rushes by Indians 520, 521
- Kan or Apache gods 581-582
- Kane, Paul, cited on scratching by Indians 491
- Kelly, Fanny, cited on Sioux medicine-men 453
- quoted on Sioux games with bones 486
- Kennan, Geo., quoted on use of roots by Siberians 521
- Kingsborough, Edward, quoted on Indian medical practice 594
- Knots, magic wind, of the Lapps 560-561
- Kohl, J. G., cited on mutilation by Indians 483, 484
- Kolben, Peter, cited on Hottentot customs 485, 536
- Kraskenninikoff, cited on Eskimo remedies 472, 473
- Kunque, use of by the Apache and Pueblo 508-511
- analogy of to flour in Spanish carnival 509-510
L. - Labrets, tubes used for, by Indians 497-498
- Lafitau, Joseph FranÇois, cited on sacred powder of Indians 512
- La FlÈche, Francis, cited on Indian ghost food 527
- La Salle, Robert C., quoted on use of corn by Indians in burials 513
- Lea, Henry Charles, cited on sacred cords 567
- Le Clerq, Chrestien, quoted on cross as an Indian symbol 480
- Lucky days and seasons 461
- Lycanthropy, power of, claimed by Indian medicine-men 458-459
M. - Malte-Brun, cited on earth-eating by Siberians 539
- Mason, Otis T., cited on superstition connected with scratching 493
- Maurice, Thomas, cited on sacred cords 566
- Meal, sacred, use of, by Apache and Pueblo 508-511
- Measuring cords 572-573
- Meat, sacred, of the ZuÑis 545
- Medicine cord of the Apache 550-558
- Medicine hat of the Apache 502-503, 580-581
- Medicine-men of the Indians, who may be 451-457
- Medicine-women of the Indians 468-469
- Medidas 572
- Mendieta, Geronimo, cited on Indian medicine-women 469
- quoted on Indian idols of flour or seeds 526
- quoted on Indian divination with corn 533
- Metamorphosis, power of, claimed by Indian medicine-men 458-459
- Montesinos, Fernando, cited on Peruvian sacred flour 511
- Montfaucon, Bernard de, cited on girdles of Saliens 559
- Mud, plastering the head with, by Indians 475-476
- MÜller, Max, cited on scratching among the Parsi 493
- cited on parched grain among the Hindus 546
- cited on Hindu drinking custom 496
- cited on sacred cords of Hindus 563, 567
- Music, use of, by Indian medicine-men 465
N. - Name of an American Indian not to be divulged by himself 461
- Necklaces, of human fingers 480-487
P. - Painting in Apache ceremonies 583
- Pancakes, superstitions concerning 541, 542, 543
- Parkman, Francis, cited on Indian medicine-men 455, 459, 475
- Parturition, use of cords and knots in 570-572
- Payment of Indian medicine-men 467-468
- Pennant, Thomas, quoted on magic knots 569, 578
- Perrot, Nicolas, quoted on magic powder of Indians 514
- Pettit, Lieut., cited on Indian medicine-men 473
- Phylacteries of the Apache 591-592
- Picart, Bernard, cited on Indian medicine-men 457, 512
- cited on Indian necklaces 488
- cited on Indian drinking tubes 495
- cited on Indian labrets 498
- cited on sacred powders of Hindus 516
- cited on reeds among the Romans 528
- quoted on hair powder 535
- quoted on cords 556-557, 558, 559, 561, 563, 564, 576
- cited on Arab divination 584
- Pimentel, Francisco, quoted on Indian medicine-men 593
- Pliny, Caius, cited on Roman superstitions 486, 487, 568, 570, 572, 574, 575, 578, 579
- Pollen, use of by Israelites and Egyptians 517-518
- use of among Hindus and Romans 532
- Polo, Marco, cited on cords worn by Brahmans 563
- Porter, J. Hampden, cited on ceremonial scratching among Indians 492
- Powder, sacred, use of, by various peoples 513-517
- Powder of grass and straw used as food 519-520
- sacred, general use of, among Indians 528-529
- hair, use by Indians 535-536
- Prehistoric foods used in covenant 540-541
- Purchas, Samuel, quoted on Indian "mud-heads" 476
Q. - Quipu of the Peruvians 553
R. - Rain-making one of the powers ascribed to Indian medicine-men 455-456
- Rebellion of the Pueblos 555
- Reeds or rushes, superstitious uses of 527-528
- Remedies of the Indian medicine-men 471-474
- Rhombus, or bull-roarer, use of, among Indians 476-479
- Richardson, Sir John, cited on Indian medicine-women 469
- Rockhill, W. W., cited on flour-throwing by Tibetans 516
- Rosary, origin of 554
- used as a mnemonic cord 561
S. - Sage, seeds and roots of, used in tzoalli 526-527
- Sahagun cited on Aztec customs 464, 486, 495, 518, 523, 528, 538, 559, 521
- Salverte, Eusebe, cited on Indian medicine-men 458, 464
- cited on Roman covenant bread 540
- cited on amulets 578
- Sashes, medicine, of the Apache 593
- Scalp shirts in Indian "medicine" 476
- Schultze, Fritz, cited on Indian medicine-men and women 470, 471
- Schweinfurth, Georg A., cited on African customs 488, 560
- Scott, Walter, cited on lycanthropy 459
- quoted on lightning-riven wood 587
- Scratch stick, employment of, among uncivilized peoples 490-493
- not used for combs 491
- origin of 492
- Shirts of scalps in Indian "medicine" 476
- Shirts, medicine, of the Apache 593
- Simon, Padre, quoted on Indian idolatry 594
- Simpson, John, cited on use of magic powder by Indians 509
- Smith, John, cited on sacred meal of Indians 511, 512
- Smyth, Brough, cited on Australian aboriginal customs 485, 535, 537, 540, 574
- Snake-killing, prohibition of, by Indian medicine-men 470
- Soul cakes 546
- Speke, John H., cited on African customs 488, 494, 514, 515, 560
- Spencer, Charles, cited on Indian medicine-men 458
- Spencer, Herbert, cited on Indian medicine-men 455, 457, 458, 459, 461, 467, 468, 472
- cited on ancient German priests 463
- cited on Indian customs 492
- Spirit dance of the Apache 582-584, 585-586
- Stanley, Henry M., quoted on African amulets 485, 560
- cited on African customs 515, 575
- Stolen property, power to recover claimed by Indian medicine-men 461
- Strutt, Joseph, quoted on magic cakes 547
- Stuart, King James, quoted on magic knots 569
- Sweat bath, a necessary part of Indian medicine 455
T. - Talismans of the Apache 587-590
- Tanner, John, cited on Indian sacks of human skin 484
- cited on scratching by Indians 490
- cited on Indian powders 513
- cited on Indian headdress 555, 556
- Theal, Geo. M., quoted on rhombus among Kaffirs 479
- Torquemada, Juan de, quoted on Aztec customs 522, 523, 524, 525
- cited on Indian headdresses 582
- Tule or flag, roots used as food 520-521
- Tylor, E. B., cited on Indian medicine-men 458
- Tzi-daltai of the Apaches 587
- Tzoalli, cakes of, used in Indian sacrifices 523-528
U. V. - Vaca, Cabeza de, cited on Mexican customs 455
- cited on Floridian medicine-men 470, 472
- cited on clay-eating by Indians 538
- quoted on galena among the Indians 548
- Vetancurt, Augustin de, quoted on Aztec customs 522
- cited on Apache commerce 530
- VillagrÁ, quoted on throwing meal by Indians 510
- Vining, Edward P., cited on mnemonic knots of Japanese 562
W. - Wheat, origin of 542
- Whipple, A. W., cited on Indian commerce 530
- Whitney, W. Norton, cited on Japanese "medicine" 531
- Wigs, use of by Indian medicine-men 474-475
- Winstanley, W., cited on cords worn by Abyssinians 560
- Wounds by wild beasts a qualification for Indian priesthood 457-458
X. - Ximenez, Francisco, cited on myths of Guatemala 528
- Francisco, quoted on divination by Guatemalan Indians 533
- Francisco, quoted on chalchihuitl among the Mexicans 590