- "Acadia, History of," by J. Hannay, 71.
- "Acadian Geology," by Sir J. W. Dawson, 84.
- "After Weary Years," romance by Archbp. O'Brien, of Halifax, N.S., 74.
- Ahrens, Carl, artist, 88.
- Algonquin Grammar, by AbbÉ Cuoq, 37.
- Allan, Hon. G. W., his love of art, 88.
- "An American Girl in London," by Sara J. Duncan, 83.
- "Aminta," poem by Archbishop O'Brien, 74.
- "Anciens Canadiens," by P. de GaspÉ, 27, 82.
- Archibald, Sir Adams J., statesman, 15.
- Archibald, S. J. W., statesman, 15.
- Architecture in Canada, imitative rather than original, 57;
- special buildings of architectural beauty mentioned, 89, 91.
- Art in Canada, 53;
- names of eminent painters, 54, 87;
- want of art galleries, 53, 54;
- establishment of art associations in Montreal and Toronto, 89;
- the Canadian Academy of Art, 54;
- some general remarks on its use, ib.;
- J. W. L. Forster cited on the subject, 89;
- success of Canadian artists at the Chicago World's Fair, 55, 89.
- Art gallery in Montreal, 53, 91.
- Arnold, Matthew, on the large meaning of "Literature," 31, 32, 83.
- Australian novelists, superior to those of Canada, 25;
- names, 79.
- Australian poets compared with those of Canada, 25;
- names, 79;
- extracts from, 79.
- Baldwin, Hon. Robert, statesman, 14.
- Bank of Montreal Building at Montreal, its architecture, 90.
- "Bastonnais, The," romance by J. LespÉrance, 82.
- "Beggars All," by L. Dougall, 29.
- Belknap, Jeremy, his "History of New Hampshire," 13, 67.
- Bell, Miss Minnie, artist, 87.
- Bell-Smith, F. M., artist, 88.
- Beothiks, or Red Indians of Newfoundland, essay on, by Dr. Patterson, 38.
- Berthon, G. T., artist, 89.
- Bibaud, Michel, his History of Canada, 12, 67.
- Bibliography of the writings of members of the Royal Society, 72.
- "Bienville, FranÇois de," romance by M. Marmette, 27, 82.
- Billings, Elkanah, geologist, 33, 84.
- Biography, literature of, weak in Canada, 42.
- Blake, Edward, mentioned, 87.
- "Globe" of Toronto, 51.
- "Golden Dog, The," romance by W. Kirby, 27;
- translated by P. LeMay, 81.
- Gordon, A. Lindsay, his spirited poem, "The Sick Stock-rider," quoted, 79.
- Grant, Principal, author and lecturer, 10, 32, 83.
- Greek, study of, desirable, 50, 61.
- Grier, E. W., artist, 88.
- Griffin, M. J., essayist and poet, 77, 81.
- Haida Grammar, to be printed by Royal Society, 37.
- Haliburton, Judge, his "Sam Slick," 11, 66;
- his "History of Nova Scotia," 12, 66.
- Hamel, Mgr., contributor to Royal Society, 39.
- Hamilton Court-house, its architecture, 90.
- Hamilton, P. S., poet, 73.
- Hammond, John, artist, 87.
- Hannay, J., his "History of Acadia," 71.
- Harris, George, artist, 88.
- Harrison, S. Frances ("Seranus"), poet, 76.
- Harvey, Moses, his contributions to Royal Society, 38.
- Haultain, Arnold, mentioned, 81.
- Hawthorne, N., representative of original American genius, 23.
- Heavysege, Chas., his poems, 17, 18, 69.
- HÉbert, French Canadian sculptor, 57, 88.
- Historians of Canada: W. Smith, 66;
- M. Bibaud, 67;
- Haliburton's Nova Scotia, 12, 66;
- Garneau, 70;
- Ferland, 70;
- Faillon, 70;
- B. Sulte, 71;
- J. C. Dent, 70;
- L. Turcotte, 71;
- Withrow, 71;
- Kingsford, 71;
- McMillan, 71;
- Hannay, 71;
- Murdoch, 71;
- Tanguay, 71;
- Dionne, 71;
- Casgrain, 37, 71;
- Gosselin, 72.
- "Histoire des Canadiens FranÇais," by B. Sulte, 71.
- "Histoire de la Colonie FranÇaise en Canada," by AbbÉ Faillon, 19, 70.
- Holden, Miss, artist, wins success at Chicago World's Fair, 89.
- Houghton, Miss, artist, wins succe
href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@55499@55499-h@55499-h-6.htm.html#Page_29" class="pginternal">29;
- Gilbert Parker, 28;
- L. Dougall, 29.
- Notre Dame de Lourdes, in Montreal, decorated by N. Bourassa, 88.
- O'Brien, L. R., artist, 54.
- O'Brien, Most Rev. Dr., author, 74.
- O'Doyle, L. O'Connor, orator, 15.
- O'Hagan, T., poet, 74.
- "Oiseaux de Neige, Les," poems by L. FrÉchette, 72.
- "Orion" and other poems, by Professor Roberts, 74.
- Osgoode Hall in Toronto, its architecture, 90.
- "Our Fathers," by Joseph Howe, mentioned, 77.
- Papineau, Louis Joseph, statesman, 14.
- Parkman, Francis, his vivid historical pictures of Canada, 4.
- Parish Church of Notre Dame at Montreal, its architecture, 90.
- Parliament and Departmental Buildings at Ottawa, their architecture, 90.
- Parliamentary Library at Ottawa, its architecture, 90.
- Patterson, A. D., artist, 54, 88.
- Patterson, Dr., his contributions to Royal Society of Canada, 38.
- Peel, Paul, artist, 88.
- "Pine, Rose and Fleur-de-Lis," poems by S. Frances Harrison, ("Seranus"), 76.
- Pinhey, John, artist, 54, 88.
- Poets of Canada;
- previous to 1867, 17;
- from 1867–1893, 20, 72;
- estimate of their productions, 20–25;
- patriotic strain of many of their efforts, 25–27.
- Political Life in Canada, attracts best intellects in old times, 11, 43;
- also at present, 43, 44.
- Potherie, La, his "AmÉrique Septentrionale," 6, 63.
- "Professor Conant," novel by L. S. Huntington, 82.
- "Prehistoric Man," by Sir D. Wilson, 81.
- Pulpit, literature of, in Canada, 43.
- Raphael, W., artist, 54.
- Reade, John, his poems, 20, 21, 73;
- his "In My Heart" quoted at length, 77;
- essayist, 81.
- Redpath Library at Montreal, 90.
- Reid, G. A., Canadian artist, his "Foreclosure of the Mortgage," his success at the World's Fair, 87.
- Religious literature, 10.
- Richardson, A. H., the architect, a lover of the Romanesque, mentioned, 57.
- Richardson, Major, his romances, 82.
- Riley, James Whitcomb, the poet, 20.
- Roberts, C. G. D., his poems, 20, 26, 74.
- "Roberval," poem by J. H. Duvar,