a> Effect of traffic, 27 Elasticity of asphalte, 104 Electric lighting, 129, 140 Enamelled name plates, 152 Entrance to cattle market, 346 Erection of hoardings or scaffolds, 187 Escape from fire, 218 Euston pavement, 77 Evasion of Building Acts, 209 Examination of surveyor, 14 Fees for burials, 356 Fences, 320 Filling-in over pipes, 317 Filters for sewage, 267 Filtration of sewage, 266 Fire protection, 218 Fitness of stone, 48 Flagging, York, 110 —— Caithness, 112 —— blue lias, 113 Flag poles, 177 Flints, 50 Float observations, 265 Flushing courts and alleys, 238 Footpaths, 106 —— and snow, 241 Force required on roads, 30 Forms of Notice. See Notice Foundation of macadamised roads, 39 French burial, 356 Frontage of streets, 174 Fryer’s destructor, 233 Fuel for rollers, 61 Furnaces as sewer ventilators, 276 Furniture of mortuary, 369 Gales and trees, 321 Galton on borrowing, 379 Garden refuse, 225 Gas-burners, 140 —— lighting, 130 Gates opening outwards, 178 Gauge of stone, 52 General markets, 348 German dead-house, 368 Germ theory, 271 Glass name tablets, 152 Gneiss, 49 Good house drainage, 315 Goux system, 233 Gradients of house-drains, 316 —— roads, 30 —— sewers, 253 —— for rollers, 62 Granite, 49 —— foot-pavement, 117 —— kerb, 124 Grass, 320 Grating for trees, 324 Gravel footpaths, 121 —— 50 Grave spaces, 360 —— yards, 100 —— macadamised roadways, 44 —— steam rolling, 72 —— York flagging, 110 Observations of tides, 265 Obstruction in streets, 174 Obstructive buildings, 286 Old tins, 225 Opening graves, 356, 361 Open space at back of buildings, 218 —— ventilating shafts, 272 Ornamental shrubs, 320 Outfalls of sewers, 265 Overhanging trees, 185 Paget on steam rolling, 71 Pail system, 234 Pails, 263 Painted names, 151 Painting urinals, 282 Pamphlet on steam rolling, 65 Papers, examination, 16 Paris lighting, 135 —— roadways, cost of, 41 —— tree planting, 326 Parks, 318 Parry on contracts, 383 —— watering, 244 Party walls through roofs, 218 Paths in cemeteries, 355 Partially separate system, 262 Paving of Cattle Market, 346 —— lairs, 333, 346 Pebbles, 50 Pedestrian traffic, 33 Pens for sheep, 333, 346 Permission to break-up streets, 172 —— construct cellar, 182 Persons called surveyor, 4 Pig killing, 340 Pinned roadways, 36, 39 Pipe drains, 315 —— sewers, thickness, &c., 258 —— —— diagrams, 259 Pitch boilers, 80 Pitched pavements, 73 Plan for breaking-up streets, 160 Plans of new streets or buildings, 210 —— of house drains, 317 —— for borrowing, 377 —— slaughter-house, 338 Plane tree, 322 Plants for sewage, 270 Plaster not house refuse, 225 Plates, name, 151 Playgrounds, 318 Pleasure grounds, 318, 350 Paving of slaughter-house, 334 Pole-axe, LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS.