At the present moment the question of lighting streets by electricity is gaining so much attention, that it must necessarily be first considered in connection with the subject of lighting streets: but to enter fully into all the details and comparative merits of electricity and gas as applied to street lighting would entail more space than can be afforded in this work. It may however be of some use, even under the present state of uncertainty, if I attempt to condense as much information upon this necessary part of a surveyor’s duty into as small a compass as possible. Nor must it be forgotten that electric lighting will not easily be adapted in old cities and towns, where, in addition to the main streets being narrow and crooked, there are few large open spaces suitable for intense lights, and there are numerous small courts and alleys which require lighting, and this for a long time to come will probably be effected with gas. Section 161 of the Public Health Act 1875 enacts as follows: “Any urban authority may contract with any person for the supply of gas or other means of lighting the streets, markets, and public buildings in their district, and may provide such lamps, lamp-posts and other materials and apparatus as they may think necessary for lighting the same. ...” (38 and 39 Vic. c. 55, s. 161.) I do not propose to entertain the question of lighting where the gas works are the property of the corporation, but only to give information that may be of use where a contract has to be entered into between the corporation and a company. These contracts are based nearly always upon the length of time at which the public lamps are to be kept lighted, and may be summarised as follows: (1.) The public lamps are lighted from sunset to sunrise every night throughout the year; this averages 12 hours per diem, or about 4000 hours per annum. (2.) The public lamps are not lighted on the nights of full moon, nor for two or three nights before and after this period; the rest of the year they are lighted at sunset. (3.) Similar to the preceding, except that the public lamps are not lighted during the five nights of full moon, the night after they are lighted for one hour and extinguished on the rising of the moon; this lighting increases from night to night about three quarters of an hour until the moon has entirely disappeared, when the lamps are lighted during the whole of the night for five consecutive nights. Then again on the appearance of the new moon the lamps are extinguished the first night for about an hour that the moon is visible, and this extension increases nightly about three quarters of an hour according as the moon appears until the period of full moon, the intention being to profit by every hour of the moon’s light. By this arrangement the lighting is about 2000 hours per annum, instead of 4000 hours, when it is continued throughout the night during the whole of the year. (4.) Sometimes, in addition to the foregoing, the lamps are not lighted at all during the summer months. (5.) Occasionally the public lamps are extinguished at midnight all the year round, if not for the whole, for some portions of the district, it being assumed that all respectable citizens being in bed, no light is required. (6.) In some cases every other lamp only is lighted in the summer months, and many other similar variations for the sake of economy may be practised. (7.) The public lamps are sometimes supplied by gas through meters, which is then paid for at so much per 1000 cubic feet consumed. Of all the above methods the first is undoubtedly the In drawing up an agreement with the gas company to light the public street lamps for any length of time, the following points must be considered. Hints for a Contract with a Gas Company.The company to provide a sufficient supply of gas of the full illuminating power and quality as provided by their Act. Payment to be at so much per lamp, or per 1000 cubic feet consumed, or at per hour, or whatever may be determined on. Payment to be made by urban authority for lighting, extinguishing, cleaning, repairing, etc., as may be agreed, such payments to be made quarterly, or at such times as may be agreed upon. The hours or times throughout the year during which the lamps shall be lighted to be determined by a table, every lamp to be fully lighted within one hour of the time named, and not extinguished before that named for extinguishing. The consumption of the gas to be regulated and determined by Sugg’s or Borradaile’s street lamp governors, or such other mode as is agreed upon. The company to keep the governors and burners in repair, and also the lanterns, at a fixed sum per lamp per annum. The company to light and extinguish, and keep all lanterns clean, and all pipes, valves, etc., in repair. The company to keep the lamp posts etc., properly painted after they are fixed by the urban authority. Lamps may be shifted or fresh lamps erected by the urban authority, on their paying the cost. The company not to be compelled to supply gas to lamps A certain pressure of gas must be maintained, to be ascertained by water gauges fixed at certain public places, or at such points as may be determined. Any lamps burning under size or out, shall be immediately attended to by the company. A deduction in payment for gas by the urban authority to be made if neglect can be proved. An arbitration clause is necessary for this or other matters that may be disputed, and also a clause for determining the agreement upon notice being given. In supplying gas to the public lamps by meter, either wet or dry meters may be employed, and these are fixed either in the lamp posts themselves or under the footpath. Sometimes each lamp has a separate meter, but in the generality of cases one meter fixed to a lamp gives the average of gas consumed by ten or a dozen of its fellows at the same level, and in the same neighbourhood. The difficulties arising from this system are: (1.) The liability of the meters to get out of repair, especially in times of severe frost, or by vibration of traffic. (2.) The first cost of providing and fixing the meters, and subsequent cost of repairs. (3.) The trouble and cost of inspection and keeping the accounts. And it is found that by employing either “Borradaile’s,” “Sugg’s,” or other regulators the consumption of the gas can be readily adjusted to consume from 3 to 6 cubic feet per hour, according to the requirements of the situation of the lamp. Lamp posts and lanterns are of innumerable sizes, shapes, and patterns, but the following hints in connection with them may be of some service. The lamp must not only be ornamental by day, but useful by night. The light must not be placed either too high or too low. The post must not be too clumsy so as to interfere with the pedestrian traffic, nor too fragile so as to be easily broken if driven against. Bracket lamps have advantages in these respects, and also in the very important one of throwing no downward shadow, The lantern should be made with the lightest possible amount of metal frame compatible with sufficient strength, the angle bars should be very narrow to avoid shadow, trap doors of perforated zinc or glass should be provided at the bottom for the admission of the torch, and a good outlet at the top is essential for the escape of the heated air. Flat glass is much cheaper and easier of repair than curved. The top of the lantern should be furnished with a reflector cover, otherwise a large percentage of the light is lost: this is very observable on approaching a large city, by the glare which is thrown upwards. Some hundreds of different patterns of lanterns for street lamps have been designed from time to time, and it is not necessary, nor have I space, to describe them. The burners should have steatite tips and be of varying size to suit the requirements of the locality, the regulators which I have previously mentioned must be kept in good repair. A lever tap is indispensable with the torch for lighting, as well as the trap door or opening in the bottom of the lantern through which the torch is inserted. Each public lamp post should be legibly numbered, and In order to determine the distance apart of the public lamps in a street, it must be remembered that the intensity of light is directly proportional to the illuminating power of the light, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the light, if unreflected. For instance, the illumination of any point between lamps may be arrived at by adding all the quotients obtained by dividing the illuminating power in standard sperm candles of each lamp, by the square of its distance in yards from the point. Thus a point midway between two lamps of 15 candles each, 20 yards apart, would be reckoned thus: X = 15100 + 15100 = ·30 In this country, the rule has generally been adopted that public street lamps burning 5 cube feet per hour of 15 candle gas should not be placed at a greater distance than 60 yards apart, the average distance in most English towns being about 40 yards. On this question, the following interesting particulars by Monsieur Servier will be of special interest. It appears to M. Servier that up to the present there has been too much straining after intensity, with insufficient care for the object of obtaining a proper quantity of light uniformly spread over the surface of the ground. The paper in question is therefore intended in the first place to elucidate this latter subject, so as to determine beforehand the necessary intensity for luminous centres, gas or electric, and also their height from the ground and distance from each other required to produce a certain effect. With this purpose M. Servier proposes to determine for any point of the road-surface, by 1. A burner consuming 140 litres (5 cubic feet nearly), and of 1·1 Carcels (10·45 candles) illuminating power, placed at the height of 3 mÈtres (9 feet 6 inches). This burner gives at the foot of the lamp-pillar a maximum intensity of 0·122 Carcel (1·159 candles), and at 10 mÈtres (32·8 feet) away the illuminating power is reduced to 0·01 Carcel (0·095 candle). The distance of 20 to 30 mÈtres kept between the street lamps, even in the best-lighted towns, is therefore excessive, for these should not be more than 13 mÈtres (14 yards) apart in order to obtain between them the minimum illuminating power of 0·05 Carcel (0·475 candle), sufficient for enabling passengers to read. 2. The second case is that of a burner consuming 1400 litres (50 cubic feet nearly) of gas, with an illuminating intensity of 14 Carcels (133 candles), placed at the height of 3·20 mÈtres; this being the class of burner fixed in the Rue du Quatre Septembre. The intensity of light at the foot of the lamp-pillar is 1·367 Carcels (13 candles nearly), and to obtain the light of 0·05 Carcel (0·475 candle) already mentioned as the least intensity enabling one to read, a point must be fixed in a circle of 16 mÈtres radius from the lamp as a centre. Taking now a group of six lamp-columns, three on each side of the street, and overlapping, as in the Rue du 3. A lamp of 50-Carcel (475-candle) power, gas or electric, fixed at the height of 8 mÈtres (26·24 feet). The illuminating intensity at the point vertically under the light is reduced to 0·7 Carcel (6·65 candles); but the light of 0·5 Carcel (4·75 candles) is to be found in a circle of 6 mÈtres radius from this point. It will therefore be observed that the distribution of light over the ground is better in proportion as the luminous centre is higher; but conversely also, the amount of light thrown on the ground is greater as the luminous centre is lower. It consequently results that the power of the light and its height should be determined in every case with reference to the effect desired. The method shortly described shows that, in the case of the lighting of the Rue du Quatre Septembre, the mean amount of light per square mÈtre of the roadway is 855 dÉcicarcel-cubes, the best lighted parts having an intensity of 1·62 cubic Carcels, and the darkest portions an intensity of 0·50 cubic Carcel. M. Servier has examined the question of lighting a street 20 mÈtres wide and one or more kilomÈtres long, with the condition that the illumination of the ground shall present a mean determinate quantity of light per square mÈtre, or a given intensity at the darkest points. Some interesting results are thus obtained. Thus, by substituting for the 14-Carcel (133-candle) lamps in the Rue du Quatre Septembre, burners of 50-Carcel (475-candle) power, with the condition of giving the same intensity of 0·5 Carcel (4·75 candles) to the darkest points, a quantity of light more considerable than before will be required. That is, a greater number of Carcels (3000 as against 1848 per kilomÈtre in length) will be necessary Lastly, the same method of lighting has been applied to the “ordinary,” as distinguished from the “luxurious” lighting of the public thoroughfares, assumed to be 20 mÈtres wide, giving a light of 0·05 Carcel (0·475 candle) at the darkest points. With ordinary street burners consuming 200 litres (7 cubic feet) of gas per hour, and giving 1·72-Carcel (16·34-candle) power, it is found that the lamps should be 18 mÈtres (20 yards nearly) apart, the burners being 3 mÈtres (9 feet 10 inches) high. With burners of 14-Carcel (133-candle) power placed at the height of 3·20 mÈtres (10 feet 6 inches), the lamp-pillars would be 106 mÈtres (115 yards) apart. Or with lamps of 50-Carcel (475-candle) power placed at a height of 8 mÈtres (26·24 feet), the distance between the pillars may be increased to 270 mÈtres (494 yards). In the case of electric lighting M. Servier has studied two examples—the Jablochkoff candle, and an arc light (system not stated). The former is credited with the illuminating power of 16 Carcels (152 candles), and is fixed at the height of 5 mÈtres (16 feet 3 inches), on pillars 110 mÈtres (120 yards) The following table will show the particulars of different lights so placed that persons may see to read ordinary print in any part of the street, which may be taken as then being a well-lighted street.
It must not be lost sight of, that the illuminating power of the gas in Paris is very low, and is thus fixed. Under a The competition which has been started by the electric lighting companies has given a great impetus to gas lighting. A large number of improved street gas lamp burners and lanterns having been invented and brought into general use, the following particulars with reference to some of those which were tried in the City of Exeter may be of use as a comparison.
Having thus far given a few facts upon lighting streets with coal gas, I will now turn to the question of lighting them by means of electricity, and in doing this the following points will be considered: (1.) The motive-power to be employed in producing electricity and its applicability for the purpose. (2.) The description of machinery to be employed. (3.) The value of the light produced, and its adaptability to the requirements of any town. (4.) The comparative cost of the electric light as compared with gas. (1.) Whatever motive power is employed, whether water-power, Sensitive governors and careful bedding of the machinery greatly tend to lessen unsteadiness, and are points of considerable importance. (2.) The machinery consists of the dynamo machines, the conducting wires and the lamps. I will not here enter into the question of which is the best dynamo machine to employ, as to discuss the merits of them all would involve a large amount of space; but for this and other valuable information upon the subject of electric lighting I will refer my readers to Mr. Hedges’ excellent little book entitled ‘Useful Information on Electric Lighting,’ “(7.) Every switch or commutator used for turning the current on or off should be constructed so that when it is “(8.) There should be in connection with the main circuit a safety fuse constructed of easily fusible metal which would be melted if the current attain any undue magnitude, and would thus cause the circuit to be broken. “(9.) Every part of the circuit should be so determined that the gauge of wire to be used is properly proportioned to the currents it will have to carry, and changes of circuit, from a larger to a smaller conductor, should be sufficiently protected with suitable safety fuses, so that no portion of the conductor should ever be allowed to attain a temperature exceeding 150° F. “N.B.—These fuses are of the very essence of safety. They should always be enclosed in incombustible cases. Even if wires become perceptibly warmed by the ordinary current, it is a proof that they are too small for the work they have to do and that they ought to be replaced by larger wires. “(10.) Under ordinary circumstances complete metallic circuits should be used, and the employment of gas or water pipes should in no case be allowed. “(11.) Where bare wire out of doors rests on insulating supports, it should be coated with insulating material, such as india-rubber tape or tube, for at least two feet on each side of the support. “(12.) Bare wires passing over the tops of houses should never be less than seven feet clear of any part of the roof, and they should invariably be high enough, when crossing thoroughfares, to allow fire-escapes to pass under them. “(13.) It is most essential that the joints should be electrically and mechanically perfect. One of the best joints wires “(14.) The position of wires when underground should be efficiently indicated, and they should be laid down so as to be easily inspected and repaired. “(15.) All wires used for indoor purposes should be efficiently insulated. “(16.) When these wires pass through roofs, floors, walls, or partitions, or where they cross or are liable to touch metallic masses, like iron girders or pipes, they should be thoroughly protected from abrasion with each other, or with the metallic masses, by suitable additional covering; and where they are liable to abrasion from any cause or to the depredations of rats or mice, they should be efficiently encased in some hard material. “(17.) Where wires are put out of sight, as beneath flooring, they should be thoroughly protected from mechanical injury, and their position should be indicated. “N.B.—The value of frequently testing the wires cannot be too strongly urged. It is an operation skill in which is easily acquired and applied. The escape of electricity cannot be detected by the sense of smell as can gas, but it can be detected by apparatus far more certain and delicate. Leakage not only means waste, but in the presence of moisture it means destruction of the conductor and its insulating covering by electric action.” The lamps may take either the “arc” form, or the “incandescent.” The former is produced by the electric current passing between carbon points, and requires considerable electrical pressure; they give a light of from 1500 to 4000 candle power; the mechanism of arc lamps has to be of the most delicate kind to ensure the proper distance of the carbon points being maintained. The lamps should be guarded by globes of frosted glass, not only to prevent incandescent pieces of carbon from falling, but to lessen the glare of the light. “Incandescent” lamps are of small size, giving a light of from 8 to 50-candle power, which is produced by the heating of a filament of carbon in a vacuum owing to the resistance caused to the electric current by this contraction of the conductor. (3.) With regard to the value of the light produced, and its adaptability to the requirements of any town, it will be seen on reference to the opening of this chapter that at present considerable doubt exists as to its adaptability for general public lighting, and as each town varies in the length, straightness, and width of its streets, the number of its large squares or confined courts and alleys, the surveyor must use his own judgment as to the suitability of the light before recommending his corporation to adopt it. As to the value of the electric light, there can be no doubt that a most brilliant and powerful light is produced by the voltaic arc: so brilliant indeed, as to render it necessary to screen it nearly always behind frosted or opalescent glass globes, the former being found to be much the best for many reasons. As to the photometrical value of the light, some considerable difficulty has hitherto been experienced in obtaining accurate observations, principally owing to the peculiar colour of the electric light, and also from its fluctuating character; but these difficulties are being steadily overcome, and with a photometer mounted on a light frame with wheels, (4.) The last and really one of the most important questions remaining to be discussed is that of the cost of the electric light as compared with gas. With reference to the cost of the electric light, the following table may be of use; it is compiled from an excellent paper on electric lighting, by Mr. James N. Shoolbred: Table of Comparative Estimates of First Outlay and
Mr. Shoolbred has also given another table
As to the comparison of cost between the electric light and gas, this has only, I believe, been properly estimated on the Thames Embankment, London, by Sir Joseph Bazalgette, the results of whose investigations upon this important point I shall give presently; it has, however, been stated generally, and without contradiction, that arc lights can be produced of about 2000 candle power, with 1 HP at a cost of from 3d. to 6d. per candle per annum of 4000 hours, gas costing from 1s. 9d. to 3s. 6d. per candle according to the price of the gas. Incandescent lamps cost 3s. to 4s. per candle per annum, as their life is short, and only 200 candle power can be got from 1 HP. The latest investigations into the comparative cost of lighting by gas and electricity upon the Victoria Embankment and Waterloo Bridge in London, show that the lighting as effected by 96 gas burners for an average of 12 hours burning all night, and 121 gas burners for 6 hours lighted after the electric lights are put out, together with the electric lighting 40 lights on the parapet of Embankment, and 10 on the bridge, costs 834l. for the gas and 663l. for the electric light per annum. Gas costing 3s. 2d. per 1000 cubic feet showed a cost of nearly 1s. per hour for every 1000 candle power of light. The electric lights cost 1¹/2d. per light per hour, which is stated to represent 5·66 pence per 1000 candle power of light; each electric light as now used, it is said, gives a photometric light of 265 candles, frosted glass globes being found to pass much more light than the opalescent globes. These are by far the most important and reliable comparisons There is no doubt that the acme of all artificial lighting is the prolongation of the light of day, and whether this is proposed to be effected by electricity or gas, it should be the goal aimed at by all who make this question their study. Electric Lighting. To the Editor of the Standard. Sir,—At this time, when the question of lighting by means of electricity is receiving so much attention, and as Chesterfield is the only town in England whose lighting is done throughout by electricity, it may be interesting to your readers to know what our experience has been. I need not detail the stages which led to our abandoning gas, and taking up the electric light after being in darkness some months. I may briefly state that, after going carefully into the question, we decided to adopt the system whose praise was in everyone’s mouth a year ago, namely, “The Brush,” and, though we were applied to by other companies, we placed the execution of the work in the hands of the one that we considered the most suitable—the Hammond Company. During the negotiations of the contract, Mr. Hammond particularly pressed us not to stipulate for incandescent lamps, as he acknowledged that their Company were not in a position to cope with incandescent lighting for public purposes. We, however, decided upon the town being lighted with the Lane-Fox Incandescent Lamps, as well as the Brush Arc Lights. After waiting many weary months for the completion of the incandescent lighting, it is now, when declared by the contractors complete, in my opinion a decided failure. The Lane-Fox lamps, which have been supplied by the Brush Company, are most variable in their lighting power; whilst some are good, others only give a feeble light instead of a light equal to that of fifteen candles, as expected. The arc lights are doing good service in some of the large streets, but as a whole I think it has been fully demonstrated in a year’s trial in Chesterfield, that the field for arc lighting is very limited indeed. Though the tradesmen have been canvassed by the Hammond Company with a view to introducing the arc lights into their shops and hotels, in not one single case has the light been adopted. Indeed, it is evident to us who have them under our eyes every night, that they are only fit for lighting works and large, open spaces. The experience that has been thus gained at Chesterfield at the present juncture must be of value to all towns intending to adopt the electric light, and is my reason for troubling you with this letter, although I believe the time will shortly come when lighting by electricity may be advantageously adopted, both for public and private purposes. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, Geo. Edwd. Gee, High Street, Chesterfield, October 10, 1882. |