The march of civilisation has decided that road rolling is a necessity for macadamised roads, instead of allowing the stones of which they are composed to be worn in by the traffic, as was formerly the custom. In Calcutta bullock rollers were used so long ago as the year 1855, and it was the cruelty of this operation that suggested to Mr. W. Clark the necessity for a steam roller, Steam rolling saves money as well as suffering, and the legislature have recognised the importance of a sanitary authority becoming possessed of a steam roller by permitting money to be borrowed for the purchase of a roller as for a permanent work. (Sect. 234 Glenn’s Public Health Act 1875, footnote to Sub. Sect. (1).) Mr. Albert W. Parry, the Borough Surveyor of Reading, has prepared some tables on the subject of steam road rollers, from information he received on this subject, in answer to some questions he addressed to the surveyors of a number of towns a few years ago. It appears from this tabulated statement that thirty-three 15-ton steam rollers were in use, six 10-ton rollers, one 21-ton roller, one 8-ton roller, one 9¹/2 ton roller, The average gross cost per annum of necessary repairs to the rollers, other than those which could be effected by the men in charge of it, amounted to 35l. 12s. The number of men employed to attend to the roller and cost of labour per day varied considerably, from one case (South Shields) where “one engine-man at 26s. per week, and an old scavenger with the flag” were found to be sufficient; to another (Gloucester) where the cost per day is stated as follows: “one man works the engine at 5s. per day, one boy with signal flag, 1s. 8d., two men spreading gravel or sand at 3s., two men watering and sweeping to keep water from running off in channels.” Some of the older rollers require a steersman as well as a driver, and the Locomotives Amendment Act requires two men with flags, but this is seldom really necessary. The sweepers, spreaders and sprinklers should be taken as irrespective of the actual cost of the roller, which may therefore be assumed to be the wages of the engine-man, say 5s. per diem, and a boy or old man with a flag at 2s., thus making a total for labour of 7s. per diem. The fuel that is consumed by a 15-ton roller seems to be from 3 to 5 cwt. of coke per diem, common gas coke being generally used, though steam coal would no doubt answer equally well, some of the smokeless Welsh descriptions being of course necessary. With regard to the question “When not used for rolling roads, to what other use (if any) do you put the engine power?” there are not many towns that use the machine for any other purpose than rolling, but the following uses may be enumerated to which the machines have been applied:—Driving a stone-breaker, a mortar-mill, a saw-bench, a chaff-cutting machine, a bean-crusher, etc. It has also been used in connection with pumping, and to produce the necessary The driving rollers usually have provision by which spikes may be fitted into holes in their faces, in order that they may be used for lifting or chequering roads. These, however, apparently do not answer; the working of a machine in this manner is said to shake and strain it considerably, and the holes in the rollers, which are plugged with wood when not in use, are objectionable, as these plugs wear out and the road metal gets into the holes, and the surface of the road is picked up as the rolling proceeds; besides this, the spikes seem to have no effect unless the surface of the roadway being operated upon is soft. With reference to the use of binding material, the most commonly used and that which receives most favour is road grit or scrapings, The number of superficial yards rolled per day must vary extremely with circumstances: the class of material, the amount of binding and water used, the gradient and pressure of steam maintained, and the amount of rolling considered necessary, The cost per square yard rolled, including all charges, may be assumed to be between ¹/2d. and 1d., and the cost of binding material about 3d. per square yard. With reference to the necessity of binding material, the following, facts are interesting. Mr. Wm. H. Grant, Superintending Engineer of the New York Central Park, in his report upon the park roads, says: “The experiment was not pushed beyond this point. It From the foregoing it is very evident that some description of binding material is essential in making a road under a roller. Where traffic is allowed to consolidate a road it is different, as then the stones are knocked about and are sufficiently abraded against each other to form a binding material for themselves. Too much binding material or too much water should not be used in forming a road with a steam roller. It is unfortunately frequently the case that a road is made quickly only to go to pieces with the traffic in a few weeks. The surface of a well-constructed macadamised roadway should after being rolled look almost like an encaustic pavement. If there is too much binding material in the joints of the stones, the first heavy rain washes it out and the surface of the roadway quickly goes to pieces. The following description of the manner in which it is recommended that the roller should be applied is taken from an excellent little pamphlet on Steam Road Rolling, by Messrs. Aveling and Porter, the well-known makers of steam-rollers, and although local circumstances must guide the surveyor in all his works, the particulars may be of use:— “In the best practice the roadway is excavated, graded, and properly formed to a depth of 14 inches from the level of the gutters, with a cross section conforming to the cross section of the road when finished; it is then thoroughly and repeatedly rolled with the steam roller, all depressions being carefully filled and rolled before the stone is put on. On the And the following account of the method adopted in the United States at Hartford may also be of interest. “The surface of the road is excavated to a suitable depth—say, 18 inches; preparing the form for the pavement with the precautions as for a common pavement; 4 inches of gravel and proper drainage where required, provided blocks of stone of any irregular shape are selected for the pavement, of about 7 inches in thickness. The blocks are set by hand with great care, as closely in contact at their base as practicable. The surface between the blocks is filled with chippings of stone carefully laid in. A layer of broken stone, 4 inches thick, is laid over this pavement. The road-covering thus prepared should be rolled with the steam roller until the upper layer has become perfectly compact and consolidated. The second layer, about 3 inches in depth, is then laid on; a coating of clean coarse gravel, 1¹/2 inch thick, termed ‘binding,’ is spread over the surface, and the whole well rolled as before, and you have the requisites of a good road—viz., clean, hard, and even at all seasons. No road should be considered made In the neighbourhood of New York the steam roller is used as follows:— Two and a half inches of trap rock is laid and lightly rolled until the stones have become a little compacted, then coarse screenings are added, and it is again rolled; after this a layer of about 2 inches of stones are added and rolled with coarse screenings as before. Fine screenings or stone dust is then applied, and the roadway is then rolled until every interstice is filled up; it is then well watered and again rolled. With reference to the employment of the steam roller in repairs of roads, the following description is given of the method adopted by the Surveyor to the Tottenham Local Board, near London. “When a road becomes so full of holes or so worn as to require coating throughout its entire length and width, it should be hacked completely over and raked into a segmental form in its transverse section to remove irregularities, and so that the road may have a fall from the crown to the channel of not less than one inch to a yard. It should then be coated with stone broken as nearly cubical as possible and to an uniform gauge. When spread it should be slightly coated with gravel screenings, or the grit sweepings from the roads, which are equally suitable for the purpose when in proper condition. The road should then be watered and rolled, beginning with the road at the channels, and ending at the crown of the road, until a smooth surface is obtained, more stones being added to fill up any inequalities that may exist, until the whole is consolidated. By constantly sweeping the grit Mr. R. Read, the Surveyor of Gloucester, says: In all cases the sides should be rolled first to such a degree of firmness that when the roller passes over the centre or crown of road, its weight, which tends to spread the metal or make it work off towards the sides, may be resisted by their consolidation. With reference to the effect of the weight of steam road rollers upon roadways, it may be well here to compare that of a 15-ton roller with other burdens that a road has to bear, taking each case at per inch of width of tire. An ordinary loaded two-wheeled cart presses with a weight of about 9 cwt. per inch width of tire, a loaded wagon about 7¹/2 cwt., a 9-ton traction engine about 3³/4 cwt., and a 15-ton steam road roller about 3¹/2 cwt. So that as far as the surface of the roadway is concerned, a roller affects it the least of any of the above loads. It has, however, been found that where rollers of more weight than 15 tons are used, The steam rollers which are principally used in this country, are those manufactured by Messrs. Aveling and Porter, and those by Messrs. Green and Sons, drawings of both of which are here represented. MESSRS. AVELING AND PORTER’S 15-TON STEAM ROAD ROLLER. MESSRS. GREEN AND SON’S 15-TON STEAM ROAD ROLLER AND TRACTION ENGINE COMBINED. In Paris the Gellerat steam roller is used, and another is also known, which is manufactured by Messrs. Morland and Sons. A 15-ton steam roller costs about 650l. in the first place, the cost of working it &c., has been given in the early pages of this chapter. The advantages of steam road rolling may be summed up as follows:— (1.) The saving of wear and tear to vehicles and horses. Roads should be made for the traffic, and not by it. (2.) Economy; as it is said that a saving of from 30 to 50 per cent. is effected by reason of the roads being better made thus obviating the necessity for such frequent sweeping and scraping. (3.) The roads can be made or repaired at any season of the year. (4.) The avoidance of cruelty to horses, cattle, and sheep, as in the case of newly metalled unrolled roads. (5.) A saving of road metal. (a) Because it need not be broken so small. (b) Because there are no loose stones to be kicked about and lost. (c) Because there is no abrasion of the stones, only one surface of the stone being exposed. (d) Because no ruts can be formed in which water can lie to rot the stone. (e) Because a thinner coating of metal can be employed. (6.) The roller can be advantageously used for other purposes. (7.) Rolled streets have a better appearance, they are easier of traffic as having more evenness of surface and superior hardness, and it is contended that if steam rollers were more general there would not be such an outcry for other descriptions of pavement for roadways. (8.) The steam roller soon finds out the good from the (9.) The avoidance of the necessity of the continued employment of men raking the metal into the ruts. In Mr. Paget’s valuable little pamphlet upon the subject of steam rolling “One of the main advantages attending the rolling of roads by steam-power, consists in the diminished proportion of mud or soluble matter which is then incorporated in the structure of the road surface. If the surface of an ordinary road that has not been rolled is broken up and the material washed, it is found that as much as half of it is soluble matter, mud, dirt, and very fine sand; the stones, having only been thrown loosely upon the road, have lain so long before becoming consolidated by the traffic, and have undergone in the meantime such extensive abrasion that the proportion of mud, dirt, and pulverised material in the metalling is increased to that extent, and the stones are really only stuck together by the mud. This accounts for the fact that although an unrolled macadamised road may indeed, after long use, have a surface that is pretty good and hard in dry weather, and may offer then a very slight resistance to traction, yet it will quickly become soft and muddy when there is any rain. By the employment, however, of a steam roller upon the newly-laid metalling of a macadamised road the stones are rolled in and well bedded at once, and the surface is thus consolidated into a sort of stone felt, capable of resisting most effectually the action of ordinary traffic, and containing the smallest quantity of soluble matter to form mud in wet weather.” Having given the advantages of steam road rolling, I will now proceed to give the disadvantages. (1.) The first cost; this to a small borough or town is often the great stumbling block. It is a pity that two or three of them could not join, and procure one between them at joint cost, thus avoiding the individually heavy burden. (2.) The risk of damage to gas and water mains and services; or even of cellars under the streets in some of the older towns. (3.) The interference to traffic whilst the roller is at work; the result is generally unsatisfactory if, to avoid this, the machine is worked during the night. (4.) The noise and smoke. (5.) The risk of frightening horses. (6.) If too heavy a roller is used, the foundation of the roadway may be injured or the metal may be crushed instead of bedded. (7.) The necessity of using so much binding material and water. Before closing this chapter it will be necessary to say a few words upon rollers drawn by horses. These are always unsatisfactory: they are expensive to use, as a large team of horses and a number of attendants are necessary; they are difficult to turn, and the horses’ feet displace almost as many stones as the roller compresses into their beds. They cannot be of greater weight than 10 tons, even when on the hydrostatic principle, and they are clumsy and difficult of manipulation. If a roller is to be used at all, let it be a steam road roller of the most modern description, and of the best manufacture. |