- Abbas, steamer, ii. 144;
- Abd-el-Kader, ii. 100, 102, 119.
- Abdulgassin, ii. 32.
- Abdullah, the present Khalifa, ii. 98, 102.
- Abdurrahman, ii. 45, 68.
- Abou Hamid, ii. 144.
- Abou Klea, ii. 163;
- battle of, 164;
- loss at, ibid., 166.
- Abouna, an, ii. 33.
- Abou Kru, ii. 164;
- Abou Sammat, ii. 29.
- Abou Saoud, i. 149.
- Abyssinia, the expedition to, i. 131; ii. 5, 32, 35, 70 passim.
- Academy, Royal Military, i. 5, 6, 7.
- Adye, Sir John, i. 137.
- Afghanistan, ii. 45, 68, 69, 70.
- Alagos, i. 40.
- Albert Lake, i. 155, 156.
- Alexandropol, i. 35.
- Alla-ed-Din, ii. 102.
- Alma, i. 8, 16.
- Amoy, i. 72.
- Anderson, W. C., i. 41.
- Anfina, i. 158.
- Ani, i. 37, 118-122, 125, 128, 137;
- his suggestion, 139, 140, 147, 153.
Culloden, i. 3. Cumberland, Duke of, i. 3. Cuzzi, ii. 143. Cyprus, ii. 125. - Danube, i. 136-7.
- Dara, ii. 10-12, 14, 27, 104.
- Dar Djumna, ii. 145.
- Dardanelles, i. 15.
- Darfour, i. 143-4; ii. 9-11, 17, 30-31, 113.
- Davidson, Capt., i. 85.
- De Norman, i. 45.
- Debbeh, ii. 161.
- Debra Tabor, ii. 34.
- Dem Idris, ii. 27.
- Dem Suleiman, ii. 28.
- Dent, Mr H., i. 108.
- Derby, Earl of, ii. 23.
- Devonshire, Duke of, first moves to render Gordon assistance, ii. 156;
- his preparations for an expedition, ii. 156-7.
- Dilke, Sir C., ii. 96, 117, 121.
- Dongola, ii. 98, 139, 157, 159, 160, 161.
- Donnelly, General J., i. 22; ii. 66.
- Dubaga, i. 160.
- Duem, i. 103.
- Duncan, Colonel, ii. 143-4.
- Durand, Sir M., ii. 47.
- Earle, Major-General, ii. 158-9.
- Eastern Question, the, ii. 40-42.
- Eden, Garden of, ii. 74.
- Egerton, Mr, ii. 147, 155.
- El Obeid, ii. 101, 103.
- Elphinstone, Sir Howard, ii. 72.
- Empress-Regents, the, i. 123, 133.
- Enderby, Elizabeth, Gordon's mot 3-4.
- Enderby, Mr George, i. 94.
- England, her hesitating policy, ii. 8;
- Equator, the, ii. 140, 147.
- Equatorial Province, the, i. 18;
- his views of money, ibid.;
- acts with Lesseps, 19;
- meets with foreign opposition, 20;
- scene with Lesseps, 21;
- scene with Major Evelyn Baring, ibid.;
- Gordon's financial proposal, 22;
- last scenes with Khedive, 23;
- Gordon's bold offer, ibid.;
- financial episode cost Gordon £800, 24;
- his way of living, ibid.;
- leaves Cairo and visits Harrar, 25;
- his finance in the Soudan, 25-6;
- deals with Suleiman, 26 et seq.;
- takes the field in person, 30;
- clears out Shaka, 31;
- again summoned to Cairo, ibid.;
- proclaims Tewfik, ibid.;
- returns to Cairo, 32;
- entrusted with mission to Abyssinia, ibid.;
- receives letter from King John, 33;
- called "Sultan of the Soudan," ibid.;
- enters Abyssinia, 34;
- goes to Debra Tabor, ibid.;
- interview with King John, ibid.;
- prevented returning to Soudan, 35;
- his opinion of Abyssinia, ibid.;
- Khedive's neglect of, 36;
- called "mad," ibid.;
- his work in the Soudan, 36-7;
- goes to Switzerland, 38;
- his opinion of wives, 38;
- first meeting with King of the Belgians, 39;
- offered Cape command, 40;
- his memorandum on Eastern Question, 40-2;
- accepts Private Secretaryship to Lord Ripon, 42;
- regrets it, 43;
- interview with Prince of Wales, ibid.;
- his letters about it, 44;
- views on Indian topics, ibid.;
- sudden resignation, ibid.;
- the Yakoob Khan incident, 45-8;
- invited to China, 49;
- full history of that invitation, 49-50;
- letter from Li Hung Chang, 49;
- his telegrams to War Office, 50-1;
- leaves for China, 51;
- announces his intentions, 52;
- what he discovered on arrival in China, 53;
- ignores British Minister, ibid.;
- stays with Li Hung Chang, 55;
- his reply to German Minister, 56;
- his letter on Li, 57;
- his advice to China, 58-61;
- baffles intrigues and secures peace, 59;
- further passages with War Office, 60;
- on the Franco-Chinese war, 61, 62;
- on the Opium Question, 63-4;
- arrives at Aden, 65;
- his Central African letters, ibid.;
- visits Ireland, 65-6;
- letter on Irish Question in Times, 66-7;
- letter on Candahar, 68-70;
- opinion of Abyssinians, 70;
- his article on irregular warfare, 70-1;
- offers Cape Government his services for Basutoland, 71;
- takes Sir Howard Elphinstone's place in the Mauritius, 72;
- his work there, 72-3;
- views of England's power, 73;
- views on coaling stations, ibid.;
- visits Seychelles, 54, 55.
- Hartington, Marquis of, ii. 96.
- Hassan Helmi, ii. 11.
- Havelock, reference to, ii. 161, 172.
- Heang Yung, i. 71.
- Hensall, M., ii. 145.
- Herbin, M., ii. 144-46.
- Hicks, Colonel, ii. 102, 103, 109.
- Hienfung, Emperor, i. 47.
- Hill, Dr Birkbeck, ii. 11, 47, 65.
- Holland, Capt., i. 57-60.
- Holy Land, the, ii. 89-91.
- Hoo Wang, i. 74, 119.
- Hoonan, i. 67, 68.
- Hope, Admiral, i. 45, 49, 57.
- Hukumdaria, the, ii. 136.
- Hung-tsiuen, i. 62,
- Huntly family, the, i. 2, 3.
- Husseinyeh, ii. 148, 149.
- Hwaiking, i. 69.
- Hwangho, the, i. 69.
- Hyson, steamer, i. 81, 83-87, 90-92, 94, 95.
- Ibrahim Pasha, i. 141.
- Idris Ebter, ii. 128.
- Inkerman, i. 16-7.
- Ireland, ii. 65-8.
- Ismail, Khedive, i. 106, 140;
- his alarm, 143-4;
- why he appointed Gordon, 145-7, ii. 1-3, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31;
- Gordon's opinion of, 114, and passim.
- Ismail Yakoob Pasha, ii. 144, 146-8.
- Ismailia, steamer, ii. 99, 148-9.
- Jaalin tribe, ii. 164.
- Jaffa, ii. 89.
- Jakdul, ii. 161-3;
- James, Sir H., i. 32.
- Jebel Gedir, ii. 100.
- Jebel Masa, ii. 54-55, 62.
- Russian Army, Gordon's opinion of, i. 28.
- Russian Convent at Jerusalem, ii. 90.
- Said Pasha, ii. 102.
- San Diego, ii. 74.
- San Tajin, i. 81-82, 95-97, 113, 116.
- Sankolinsin, i. 70.
- Santals, the, ii. 147-148.
- Saphia, ii. 147.
- Saubat, i. 148.
- Sauer, Mr, ii. 82;
- betrays Gordon, 83;
- his treachery, ibid.;
- his misrepresentation, 84-85.
- Scanlan, Mr T., ii. 81-82, 88.
- Schweinfurth, Dr, i. 142-143, 156.
- Scotia, ii. 76.
- Sebastopol, i. 16-17, 28-30.
- Sennaar, ii. 134, 151.
- Seton, Sir Bruce, ii. 43.
- Seward, Mr, i. 93.
- Seychelles, ii. 72, 74.
- Shabloka, ii. 167.
- Shaka, ii. 12, 14, 27, 31.
- Shanghai, i. 49-50-55;
- Triad rising at, i. 72;
- loss of Chinese city, i. 73.
- Shekan, ii. 104.
- Shendy, ii. 17, 143, 145-147, 158.
- Shereef Said Hakim, ii. 6.
- Siaon Edin, i. 85-86.
- Simmons, Sir Lintorn, i. 33, 41.
- Siuen-hoa, i. 48.
- Slatin Pasha, i. 162; ii. 12-13, 16, 104-105, 166, 168-169;
- his epitaph on Gordon, ii. 170.
- Slave Trade, i. 148-149, 152-153;
- proposed regulations, ii. 7;
- Convention, ii. 8.
- Smith, Sir Harry, ii. 86.
- Snake flags, the, i. 136.
- Soady, Captain, i. 5.
- Soochow, i. 74-75, 78, 84-87, 91, 94-98, 93 passim.
- Ward, i. 54-57.
- Watson, Colonel Charles, i. 148; ii. 96, 128-30, 165.
- Watson, Mrs, ii. 96, 165.
- Willes, Capt., i. 51, 52.
- Wilson, Sir Charles, succeeds to the command, ii. 165;
- his book "Korti to Khartoum," ibid.;
- not to be made a scapegoat, 166;
- the letter in his charge, ibid.;
- sails for Khartoum, 167;
- under hot fire, ibid.;
- wrecked, ibid.;
- rescued by Lord C. Beresford, ibid.;
- the letter in his charge, ibid.;
- comparatively small measure of his responsibility, 172.
- Wittgenstein, Prince F. von, i. 102.
- Wokong, i. 94.
- Wolseley, Lord, ii. 95, 96, 121, 125, 138;
- receives message from Gordon, 151;
- his letter of 24th July, 157;
- largely responsible for Khartoum mission, ibid.;
- his address to the soldiers, 158;
- his view of the expedition, 159;
- receives full news of Gordon's desperate situation, 160;
- his grand and deliberate plan, 161;
- perfect but for--Time, ibid.;
- will risk nothing, 162;
- his instructions to Sir Herbert Stewart, ibid.;
- sole responsibility of, 171;
- ties Stewart's hands, ibid.;
- the real person responsible for death of Gordon and failure of expedition, 172.
- Wongepoo, i. 57.
- Wongkadza, i. 50, 56.
- Wood, Sir Evelyn, ii. 125.
- Woolwich Common, i. 1.
- Wouchang, i. 68.
- Wou Sankwei, i. 67, 122.
- Wuliungchow, i. 94, 95.
- Wurantai, i. 64, 66.
- Wusieh, i. 94, 95, 113, 116.
- Yakoob Khan, ii. 44-49, 68.
- Yalpukh, i. 32.
- Yangchow, i. 69.
- Yellow Jacket Order, its origin, i. 122.
- Yesing, i. 114, 115.
- Yungan, i. 66.
- Yusuf Pasha, ii. 101.
- Zanzibar, ii. 65.
- Zebehr Rahama, i. 143, 144; ii. 10, 13, 32, 98,
Transcriber's Notes The transcriber made the following changes to the text to correct obvious errors: 1. p. 110, Madhi's --> Mahdi's 2. p. 137, opinons -->opinions 3. p. 142, trooops --> troops 4. p. 144, beween --> between 5. p. 149, Thoughout --> Throughout 6. p. 153, Madhi --> Mahdi 7. p. 166, Madhi --> Mahdi 8. p. 175, Burnaby, ... i. 164. --> Burnaby, ... ii. 164. 9. p. 178, returns to Cairo, 164; --> returns to Cairo, 163; 10. p. 180, Hicks, Colonel, 102 --> Hicks, Colonel, ii. 102 11. p. 182, Outram, ... i. 161, 172. --> Outram, ... ii. 161, 172. 12. p. 183, Suleiman ... 25-19 --> Suleiman ... 25-29 |