“The world was sad—the garden was a wild; “And Man the Hermit sighed, till Woman smiled.” Who would not be Beautiful? Those who are beautiful by nature, can make themselves more bewitching with Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. Those who are not thus gifted can add greatly to their attractions by its use. Madame de Stael said she would gladly give up the power conferred by her intellectual position, if she could thereby purchase beauty. Throughout all time Man has done homage to Beauty, and bestowed upon Beautiful Woman his life’s devotion and adoration. Nature has not been so lavish of her gifts in this direction, as some of the fair Daughters of Eve may desire. Many lack the first great essential of loveliness, a Fresh and Blooming Complexion. Without it, all other beauties are marred; with it, the plainest features soften into refinement and glow with loveliness. Hagan’s Magnolia Balm produces this effect and gives to the Complexion the FRESHNESS OF YOUTH. If you wish to get rid of Redness, Blotches, Pimples, etc., you should use this delightful article. It is what Actresses, Opera Singers and Ladies of fashions use to create that distingue appearance so much admired by every one. By its use the roughest skin is made to rival the pure radiant texture of Youthful Beauty. Hagan’s Magnolia Balm overcomes the flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue and excitement, makes the eye look clear, full and bright, and imparts a genial, lively expression to the countenance, indicating intellectual power and natural grace. Ladies exposed to the summer sun, or spring winds, causing Tan, Sunburn and Freckles, will find this Balm of great value, as it removes these defects by a few applications. In fact this article is the great Secret of Beauty; no Lady who values a Youthful appearance can do without it. It makes a Lady of Thirty appear but Twenty; and so natural, gradual and perfect are its effects, that no person can detect its application. The Magnolia Balm transforms the Rustic Country Girl into a City Belle, more rapidly than any other one thing. Applied to the Neck, Arms and Hands, it imparts an appearance of graceful rotundity and engaging plumpness, as well as a pearly blooming purity, which is ever the admiration of the opposite sex. When used upon the person it exhales a subdued fragrance, suggesting pure habits and a cultivated taste. The Magnolia Balm contains nothing in the least injurious to the skin. The patronage awarded the Magnolia Balm by fashionable ladies of New York, Opera Singers and Actresses, and its rapidly growing demand, induces us to recommend it with unbounded confidence. It costs but 75 Cents per bottle, and is sold by all Druggists, Perfumers and General Stores. Originally prepared by Wm. E. Hagan, Troy, N. Y. LYON MANUFACTURING CO., |