rg@html@files@44890@44890-h@44890-h-1.htm.html#Page_35" class="pginternal">35. Fontainebleau school of engraving, 128. Fornazeris, J. de, engraver, 158. Foucquet, John, artist, 69. Fount of type, 243. Fouquet, Superintendent, bindings for, 272, 282. Fournier, type-engraver, 242. France, early printing in, 47. Francis I., father of letters, 120; bindings for, 266; royal library, 291. Frankfort, books of the seventeenth century, 159. Franklin, Benjamin, printer at Philadelphia, 217; founded first American public library, 303. French book illustration, 68, 76, 106, 166, 203; provinces, public libraries of, 298. Fresne, Trichet du, corrector of Royal Printing House, 166. Furne, publisher of Paris, 232. Fust, John, 12 et seq.; in partnership with Gutenberg, 15. Garamond, Claude, type-founder, 121, 166, 241. Gaultier, Leonard, engraver, 142, 154. Gavarni, designer, 233. Ged, William, inventor of stereotype, 220. Gering, Freyburger, and Crantz, first printers in Paris, 41. German books, in the seventeenth century, 158; eighteenth century, 208; nineteenth century, 224. German public libraries, 299. Gigoux, John, vignettist, 228. Gillot, Claude, engraver, 180, 186. Giunta, Lucantonio, printer at Venice, 102. Gondi, bindings for, 272. Gourmont, John de, wood engraver, 137. Grandjean, Philip, royal printer, 242. Grandville, designer, 233. Gravelot, Hubert Francis, engraver, 196, 213. Grolier, John, bindings for, 256. Guadagnino, artist of Venice, 102. Guise, Henri de, "Le BalafrÉ," bindings for, 274. Gutenberg, John, 12 et seq.; at Mayence, 15; death of, 29. Haarlem, book illustration at, 67. Hachette, publisher of Paris, 234. Hagenbach, Peter, printer at Toledo, 36. Hahn, Ulrich, printer at Rome, 35; printed first illustrated book in Italy, 48. Hardouins, printers of Books of Hours, 82. Haye, Cornelis de la, painter, 130. Heilmann, Andrew, associa
class="pginternal">69. Pfinzfing, Theuerdanck, 104. Pfister, Albert, printer of Bamberg, 25. Philippe, Laurent, publisher in Paris, 82. Photography, use in illustration, 233. Picart, Bernard, engraver, 180. Picart, John, engraver, 156. Piccini, engraver, 159. Pickering, William, publisher, 223. Pictor, Bernard, printer of Venice, 35. Pigouchet, Philip, printer of Paris, 68, 70. Plantin, Christopher, printer of Antwerp, 140. Pluvinel, ManÈge Royal, 160. Poitiers, Diane de, bindings for, 270. Poliphilus, printed by Aldus, 1499, 56; by Kerver, 1545, 123. Polytypes, invention of, 216. Pompadour, Madame de, bindings for, 272. Portraits as illustrations, 89, 123, 137. Prault, publisher of Paris, 192. Prayer-book, Queen Elizabeth's, 146; Edward VI's., 148. Presses, printing, 248. Press work, process of, 246. Printers' marks, 87. Prohibitions on printers, 152, 185. Promptuaire des MÉdailles, printed by Roville, 130. Psalter of 1457, the first dated book, 23. Ptolemy, 1478, first printed atlas, 55. Pynson, Richard, early English printer, 37, 95, 146. Racine, works, the Louvre edition, 219. Raffet, wood engraver, 232. Ratdolt, Erhardt, printer at Venice, 35; printed first title-page, 50, 103. Rembold, Berthold, associate of Gering, 47. Richelieu, Cardinal, his library, 297. Roffet, Peter, bindings for Francis I., 267. Rogers, Samuel, his poetical works, 222. Roman character, 38, 240. Rome, first printers, 35; public libraries of, 302. Rood, Theod., first printer at Oxford, 37. Roville, printer of Lyons, 128, 130. Royal Printing House in Paris, 166, 215. Royer, John le, printer for mathematics, 1560, 132. Ruette, bookbinder, 282. RÜppel, Berthold, first printer at Basle, 36. St. Albans, first printer, 37. St. Aubin, designer and engraver, 192, |