“’Tis thus the Highlander complains, ’Tis thus the Union they abuse, For binding their backsides in chains, And shackling their feet in shoes; For giving them both food and fuel, And comfortable cloaths, Instead of cruel oatmeal gruel, Instead of rags and heritable blows.” That the evils of the Slave Trade should, like the evils incident to other departments of civil subordination, be humanely remedied as much as may be, every good man is convinced; and accordingly we find that great advances have been gradually made in that respect, as may be seen in various publications, particularly the evidence taken before the Privy-Council. It must be admitted, that in the course of the present imprudent and dangerous attempt to bring about a total abolition, one essential advantage has been obtained, namely, a better mode of carrying the slaves from Africa to the West-Indies; but surely this might have been had in a less violent manner. |