
Aberdeen, Earl of, 226

Abingdon, Mrs., 97

Adam, Lord Chief Commissioner, 252

Adams, Dr. of Oxford, 109

Adolphus, Gustavus, 3

Affleck, Rev. Mr., 326

Ainslie, Sir Philip, 318

Alexander II., 2

Alexander, Cosmo, 314

Alexander, John, 314

Almack’s Hotel, 224

Alva, Lord, 199

Amelia, Princess, 195

AmetÉ, Mademoiselle, 230

Anstruther, Sir William, Bart., 257

Antonetti, Signor, 48

Argyll, Duchess of, 92

Argyll, Duke of, 12, 92, 229, 231, 245, 260, 305

Armstrong, John, M.D., 255, 287

Arran, James, first Earl of, 3

Ashbourne, 115

Aubrey, Mr. 299

Aubrey, Mrs., 300

Auchinleck, Lord, 4, 5, 12, 13, 35, 43, 48, 65, 79, 82, 92, 100-109, 114, 128, 129, 199, 221, 229, 234, 238, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 251, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, 267, 306

Auld, Rev. William, 263

Bagnall, Miss, 167

Baidlin, Laird of, 267

Baillie, George, of Jerviswoode, 306, 317

Bainston, Letitia, 123

Baird, Sir William, Bart., 312

Baldwin, Thomas, printer, 136, 155, 171, 174

Balfour, Andrew, 279

Baliol, Mrs. Bethune, 327

Balmuto, Lord, 4, 82, 108

Banks, Sir Joseph, 163, 269, 270, 273

Barclay, Harry, of Collairnie, 303

Bardarrock, Laird of, 262

Baretti, 53

Barker, Jane, 6

Barker, John, 6

Barnard, William, D.D., 111

Barrow, Dr., 165

Beauclerk, Lady Diana, 296

Beauclerk, Lord Sidney, 289

Beauclerk, Topham, 289, 323

Beattie, Dr. James, 20, 85, 191, 282

Beaufort, Duke of, 317

Bedford, Duke of, 62

Berghen, Bishop of, 273

Berkeley, Bishop, 238

Bernard, Dr., Bishop of Killaloe, 111, 297

Bernard, Mr., 232

Bertie, Captain Peregrine, 238, 239

Blacket, Sir Thomas, 139

Blacklock, Dr., 20, 86

Blair, Bryce of Blair, 267

Blair, Laird of, 267

Blair, Miss, of Adamtown, 67, 78

Blair, Mr. William, 267

Blair, Rev. Dr. Hugh, 27, 86, 207, 209

Blair, Rev. Robert, 267

Bodens, Mr., 290

Boscawen, Admiral Edward, 317

Boscawen, Mrs., 317

Bosville, Adam de, 2

Bosville, Elizabeth Diana, 67, 89, 139, 140

Bosville, Godfrey, 140

Bosville, Robert, 1

Bosville, Sieur de, 1

Boswell, Alexander, (see Lord Auchinleck)

Boswell, Alexander, W. S., 198

Boswell, Sir Alexander, Bart., 106, 154, 186, 318

Boswell, Andrew, of Balmuto, 4

Boswell, Claude James, Lord Balmuto, 4, 82, 108

Boswell Colonel Bruce, 188, 196, 197

Boswell, David, of Auchinleck, 3, 4

Boswell, David, of Glasmont, 2

Boswell, David, or Thomas David, 5, 150, 154, 169, 177, 181, 185, 186

Boswell, Dr. John, 4, 30, 124, 197

Boswell, Elizabeth, 82, 155, 195, 196

Boswell, Elizabeth M. M., 196

Boswell, Emily Harriet, 195

Boswell, Euphemia, 154, 195, 196

Boswell, Grace Jane, 194

Boswell, Grace Theresa, 194

Boswell, Henry St. George, 198

Boswell, James, 1, 333

Boswell, James, jun., 136, 154, 180, 192

Boswell, James Paoli, 196

Boswell, John Alexander Corrie, 198

Boswell, John, of Auchinleck, 3

Boswell, John Campbell, 198

Boswell, John de, 2

Boswell, John William, 197

Boswell, Julia, 195

Boswell, Lieutenant John, 5, 185

Boswell, Major John James, 198

Boswell, Margaret Emily, 194

Boswell, Mrs., 93, 94, 106, 120, 149-152, 183, 193

Boswell, Mrs. Elizabeth, 197

Boswell, Richard, 2

Boswell, Robert, of Balmuto, 4, 82

Boswell, Robert Cramond, 196

Boswell, Robert W. S., 186, 197, 198

Boswell, Roger de, 2

Boswell, Rev. Robert, 2

Boswell, Rev. Robert Bruce, 198

Boswell, Sir James, Bart., 194

Boswell, Sir John, of Balgregie, 2

Boswell, Sir John, of Balmuto, 2

Boswell, Sir William, 2

Boswell, Thomas Alexander, 195, 197

Boswell, Thomas, of Auchinleck, 3

Boswell, William, advocate, 196, 197

Boswell, Veronica, 4, 85, 148, 154, 195

Boswelliana, 203, 328

Bouflers, Countess de, 50

Boulton, Mr., 110

Bowes, Jack, 247

Boyle, Hon. Patrick, 319

Brisbane, Captain, 322

Bristol, 112

Briton, A., 295

Brocklesby, Dr., 301

Brompton, Robert, 289

Brown, George, of Elliestoun, 254

Brown, Bailie John, 281

Brown, Matthew, 260

Brown, Rev. James, 326

Brown, Rev. Laurence, 220

Brown, Rev. William, of Utrecht, 42, 219, 222

Brown, William Laurence, D.D., 220

Bruce, Lady Elizabeth, 4, 183

Bruce, Miss, of Kinross, 303

Bruce, Mrs. Bell, 185

Bruce, Sir William, Bart., 303

Brun, Madame le, 66

Buchan, Buller of, 88

Buchan, Earl of, 206

Buchanan, George, 142

Buchanan, Mr., 154

Burke, Edmund, 116, 152, 153, 163, 171, 291, 316, 327, 328

Burke, Edmund, jun., 163, 321

Burke, Richard, 287

Burnet, Mr. Secretary, 227, 228, 230

Burnett, James, of Monboddo, 285

Burney, Charles, Mus. D., 300

Burns, Robert, 24, 33, 129, 162, 253

Bute, Earl of, 48, 97, 122, 133, 252

Buttafoco, Mr., 48

Cadogan, Lord, 178

Caithness, Earl of Orkney and, 3

Caldow, James, 186

Cambridge, Richard Owen, 63, 158

Camden, Lord, 279

Camden, Lord Chancellor, 66

Campbell, Annabella, of Loudoun, 3

Campbell, Archibald, of Succoth, 274

Campbell, Captain, of Skipness, 310

Campbell, David, of Shawfield, 310

Campbell, Mr. Islay, 141, 274

Campbell, Sir Hugh, of Loudoun, 3

Campbells of Succoth, 244

Carlisle, 115

Carlyle, Dr. Alexander, 32

Carlyle, Thomas, 189

Carmichael, Mr. William, 258

Carnwath, Earls of, 3, 307

Carron Company, 80

Carstairs, Sir John, 303

Cassilis, Earl of, 149, 313

Cathcart, Lord, 59, 262, 302

Chambers, Sir Robert, 86

Chambers, William, 3, 20

Chapelle, Monsieur, 219

Charlemont, Lord, 79

Charles I., 3

Charles II., 316

Chartres, Colonel Francis, 305

Chatham, Earl of, 52, 58, 231

Chesterfield, Earl of, 155, 172, 211, 297

Churchill, Charles, 239

Clark, Baron, 244

Clark, Dr., 265

Clarke, Dr. Samuel, 175, 219

Clerk, John, physician, 244

Clerk, Sir John, Bart., 244

Clive, Lord, 270

Cochrane, Anne, 321

Cochrane, Charles, 246, 264, 322

Cochrane, General, 7

Cochrane, William, of Ochiltree, 5, 199, 321, 325

Coke, Viscount, 305

Col, Isle of, 91

Colebrooke, Sir George, 270

Colline, Battle of, 227

Colman, George, 292

Colquhoun, Sir James, Bart., 92

Colville, Lady, 23, 93, 325

Colville, Lord, of Culross, 320

Compton, Lady Charlotte, 324

Constable, Archibald, 24

Conway, General, 153

Cooper, Dr., 248

Coote, Sir Eyre, 88

Corbet, Jacobie, 309

Cork, Earl of, 126

Cosway, Mrs., 299

Cosway, Richard, R.A., 299

Courtenay, John, M. P., 137, 150, 163, 165, 172, 181

Cramond, Robert, of Auldbar, 197

Crawford, Marion of Kerse, 3

Crawfurd, Mr., of Rotterdam, 213

Crawley Grange, Estate of, 6, 197

Crichton, Lord, 323

Croker, John Wilson, 34

Crosbie, Andrew, advocate, 272, 283, 286, 294, 295

Cullen, Dr., 224

Cullen, Lord, 250, 251, 252

Cumberland, Duke of, 254, 325

Cumberlye, Catherine Augusta, 197

Cumberlye, Elizabeth Mary, 197

Cunningham, Allan, 253

Cunningham, Jessie Jane, 194

Cunningham, Sir David, 97, 205

Cunningham, Sir Jas., of Glengarnock, 4

Cunningham, Sir James Montgomery, Bart., 194

Cunningham, Sir William A., Bart., 205

D’Anhalt, Governeur, du, 227

D’Ankerville, M., 299

Daer, Lord, 301

Dalrymple, Andrew, 186

Dalrymple, David, 325

Dalrymple, Henry, of Drummore, 325

Dalrymple, Sir John, 256

Dalrymple, Sir David, Bart., 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 24, 29, 30, 35, 37, 39, 40, 86, 106, 221

Dalliol, Honorius, 5

Dalzell, Christian, 3

Dalzell, Sir Robert, 3

Damer, Mr., 239

David I., 1

David II., 2

Davies, Thomas, 25, 97

Delany, Dr., 297

Dempster, George, M.P., 31-34, 173, 185, 210, 270, 287, 307

Dempster, Helen, 224

Derrick, the poet, 16, 216

Dick, Miss, 75

Dick, Sir Alexander, Bart., 75, 86, 280

Dick, Sir John, Bart., 185, 298

Dilly, Charles, 59, 62, 127, 137, 155, 171, 174, 185, 317

Dilly, Edward, 59, 62, 113, 186

Donaldson, Alexander, 20, 203

Douglas Case, The, 65, 66

Douglas, Duke of, 66

Douglas, Duchess of, 86

Douglas, Lady Jane, 66

Douglas, Lady Mary, 325

Douglas, Mr. Archibald, 66, 92

Douglas, Sir John, 312

Dreghorn, Lord, 203

Drummond, Mrs. Home, 303

Duff, William, of Braco, 311

Dumfries, Countess of, 248

Dumfries, Earl of, 149, 323

Dun, Lord, 277

Dun, Rev. John, 6, 151, 162, 177

Dunbar, Mrs., of Mackermore, 308

Dundas, Henry, Lord Melville, 98, 141, 149, 152

Dundas, Lord President, 66, 255, 266, 275

Dundas, James, of Arniston, 266

Dundas, Mrs., of Melville, 206

Dundonald, Earls of, 5, 199

Dunlop, John, of Dunlop, 283

Dunlop, Major Andrew, 283

Dunmore, Earl of, 313

Dunning, John, 291

Dunvegan castle, 90

Edmonstone, Colonel Archibald, 241

Edward, Prince Charles, 90, 245

Eglinton, Countess of, 92

Eglinton, Earl of, 14, 15, 97, 142, 149, 207, 218, 232, 308

Eldon, Lord Chancellor, 195

Elibank, Lady, 312

Elibank, Lord, 93, 271

Eliott, Sir William Francis, Bart., 194

Elliot, Sir Gilbert, 257

Elizabeth, Princess, of Brunswick, 237

Errol, Countess of, 88

Erskine, Captain, 97

Erskine, Charles, of Tinwald, 246

Erskine, Colonel John, 5, 199

Erskine, David, Lord Dun, 277

Erskine, Euphemia, 5

Erskine, Hon. Captain Andrew, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 235, 252, 255, 315

Erskine, Hon. Captain Archibald, 282

Erskine, Hon. Charles, 199

Erskine, Hon. Henry, 205, 206, 207, 294, 325

Erskine, Hon. Sir Charles, Bart., 5, 199

Erskine, Lady Anne, 282, 308

Erskine, Lt.-General Sir Henry, 199

Erskine, Mary, 199

Erskine, Rev. Dr. John, 266

Fairlie, Alexander, of Fairlie, 185

Falconer, George, 79

Falconer, Mr., 123

Ferdinand, Prince, 263

Ferguson, George, Lord Hermand, 286

Fergusson, Professor Adam, 86

Fergusson, Sir Adam, Bart., 149, 152, 232, 283

Fergusson, Sir James, Bart., 286

Fife, Earl of, 311

Fitzwilliam, Earl, 117

Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun, 236

Flood, Mr., 79, 164

Foley, Lord, 298

Folly, Colonel, 306

Foote, Samuel, 215, 254

Forbes, Duncan, of Culloden, 255

Forbes, Sir William, Bart., 86, 183, 185, 186, 191

Fordyce, Dr. George, 217, 234

Fordyce, Rev. Dr. James, 217

Forglen, Lord, 256, 264

Forrester, Colonel, 314

Fort Augustus, 88

Fort George, 88

Fox, Rt. Hon. Charles, 122, 132, 171

Frank, Betty, 260

Frank, George, advocate, 260

Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, 61, 298

Fraser, Sir Alexander, 313

Frazer, Sir Peter, of Dores, 313

Fullerton, “the Nabob,” 73, 74

Gainslaw, 83

Gaio, M., 234

Galloway, Lord, 304, 310, 311

Garlies, Lady, 304, 310

Garrick, David, 26, 62, 81, 85, 95

Gentleman, Francis, 12

Gibbon, Edward, 31, 111, 112, 301, 319

Giffardier, M., 219, 222, 223

Gilchrist, Mr. John, 6

Gilmour, Sir Alexander, 73, 74

Glanville, William Evelyn, 317

Glasgow, 92

Glen, Sir John, 2

Glencairn, Earl of, 149

Glenelg, 89

Goldie, John, 193

Goldie, G., 303, 314

Goldsmith, Dr., 85, 136

Gordon, Alexander, of Kinghorn, 2

Gordon, Cosmo, 294

Gordon, Duchess of, 72, 286

Gordon, Duke of, 275

Gordon, Hon. Alexander, 253, 254

Gordon, Lord George, 206

Gordon, Mr., of Dumfries, 20

Gordon, Sir William Gordon, Bart., of Park, 245

Gotha, La Grande MaÎtresse de, 232

Grantham, 94, 98

Grant, General Sir Alexander, 280

Grant, Sir Francis, Bart., 265

Gray, the poet, 8, 63, 147

Green, Anne Catherine, 6

Green, General Sir Charles, Bart., 6

Green, Mr., 182

Gregory, Dr., 58, 86

Gronovius, Abrahamus, 37

Grumet, Laird of, 262

Guy, the bookseller, 50

Gwynne, Nell, 196

Haddington, Earl of, 254, 255, 308

Hadfield, Miss, 299

Hailes, Lord, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 24, 29, 30, 35, 37, 39, 40, 58, 59, 61, 62, 86, 93, 102, 106, 111

Hall Stevenson, John, 210

Hamilton, Anne, 4

Hamilton, David, of Monckland, 296

Hamilton, Duke of, 66, 92, 312

Hamilton, James, of Bangour, 270, 271

Hamilton, James, of Dalziel, 4

Hamilton, John, of Sundrum, 285

Hamilton, Lady Janet, 3

Hanger, Colonel, George, 302

Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor, 235

Harley, Robert, Earl of Orford, 297

Hastie, a schoolmaster, 85

Hastings, Warren, 158, 165

Hawkesworth, Dr., 91

Hawkins, Mr., M. P., 165

Hawkins, Sir John, 155, 156

Hay, Charles, Lord Newton, 275, 279

Hay, David, of Naughton, 2

Heaton, Mr., 110

Hebrides, Tour to the, 85-94, 105, 151

Henderland, Lord, 275

Henderson, Matthew, 253

Heron, Mrs., of Heron, 302, 303

Heron, Patrick, M. P., 303, 308

Herries, Charles, 5

Hertford, Marquess of, 153

Hervey, Captain Augustus, 230

Hird, John, 186

Hood, Miss de, 262

Home, Rev. John, 17, 20, 32, 100, 252, 308

Honywood, General Philip, 243

Hope, James, Lord, 215

Hope, John, Lord, 249

Hope, Sir Thomas, Bart., 303

Horne, Dr., 109

Houston, Lady, 59

Howard, General Sir George, 316

Howe, Admiral, Earl, 239

Howe, General Sir William, 239

Hume, David, 8, 17, 31, 33, 50, 86, 210, 221, 255, 262, 263, 268, 283, 308

Hunter, Rev. Thomas, 220

Hutton, Charles, 300

Hutton, James, M. D., 300

Hyndford, Lord, 313

Inchkenneth, 91

Inverary, 92

Inverness, 88

Iona, 91

Irving, Colonel John, 310

James, Dr. Robert, 323

Jockey Club, 14

Johnson, Samuel, LL.D., 1, 8, 10, 11, 16, 24, 32, 49-53, 59-63, 82, 84-98, 103-6, 109-129, 131-136, 139, 141, 145-7, 155-160, 196, 207, 209-217, 273, 287, 289, 291, 324

Johnston, John, of Grange, 54, 56, 185, 188, 204

Johnston, Maggy, 265

Johnstone, Sir James, Bart., of Westerhall, 327

Jortin, Rev. Dr., 13

Kames, Lord, 102, 278, 303, 307, 308

Keith, Miss Jenny, 327

Keith, Mr., Collector, 88

Keith, Robert, 327

Keith, Mrs. Murray, 327

Kellie, Earl of, 19, 254, 271, 275-310

Kenmure, Lord, 307

Kennedy, David, advocate, 284

Ker, Lord Mark, 309, 311, 313

Kettle, Mrs. Betty, 282

Kilda, St., 88

Kincardine, Alexander, second Earl of, 1, 316, 325

Kincardine, Countess of, 85, 184

Kinghorn, 87

Kinloch, Elizabeth, 264

Knight, Joseph, a negro, 115, 279

Kirby, Mr., Governor of Newgate, 182

Langton, Bennet, 95, 118, 119, 158, 274, 278, 298, 318, 324, 328

Leinster, Duke of, 79

Leland, Dr., 79

Leslie, General Alexander, 326

Leslie, Hon. Alexander, 266

Lestsch, M., 227

Leven, Earl of, 266

Lichfield, 109, 110, 122

Lindsay, Rev. John, 178

Lochore, Mariota, 2

Lochore, Philip de, 2

Lockhart, Alexander, advocate, 279

Lockhart, George, of Carnwath, 252

Lonsdale Club, 143

Lonsdale, Lord, 133, 143, 145, 149, 151, 152-4, 158-161, 195

Love, Mr., the player, 10, 31

Love, Rev. William, 251

Loudoun, Earl of, 243, 244

Lowther, Sir John, 133

Lumsden, Andrew, 240, 319

Lutterel, Colonel, 327

Lyttleton, George, Lord, 215

Maasdain, Mademoiselle de, 235

Macaulay, Lord, 88, 189

Macaulay, Rev. Aulay, 88

Macbride, Dr., 79

Macbryde, Captain John, 142, 185

Macdonald, Flora, 90

Macdonald, Mr., of Kingsburgh, 89

Macdonald, Sir Alexander, 89, 139-140

Macdonald, Sir James, Bart., 216

Macfarlane, William, 192

Macfarlane, Lady Elizabeth, 315

Macfarlane, Walter, of that Ilk, 315

Mackermore, Lady, 308

Mackinnon, Mr., 89

Maclaine, Rev. Dr., 235

Maclaurin, John, Lord Dreghorn, 203, 276, 284

Maclaurin, Professor Colin, 203

Maclean, Donald, 91

Maclean, Sir Allan, 91

Macleod, Lady, 90

Macleod, of Macleod, 85, 90

Macpherson, James, 20, 207

Mallet, David, 23

Malone, Edmund, 136, 148, 150, 156-158, 163-172, 181-182, 185, 192

Malte, Chevalier de, 263

Mansfield, Earl of, 18, 250, 268, 270

Marchmont, Earl of, 212, 268

Marischal, Earl, 47, 231, 236

Marlborough, Duke of, 178, 296

Mary Anne, an Irish beauty, 77-79

Mason, Rev. Mr., 147

Maxwell, Alexander, 296

Maxwell, Lady, of Monreith, 322

Maxwell, Miss Eglinton, 286

Maxwell, Miss Jane, 311

Maxwell, Sir Robert, 307

Maxwell, Sir William, Bart., of Monreith, 213

Maxwell, Sir William, Bart., of Springkell, 311, 312

M’Claren, Rev. John, 259, 260

McKie, John, of Bargaly, 307

McKye, J. R., 322

McMurdo, Mr., 253

McQuane, Mr., 91

McQueen, Rev. Donald, 90

Meadows, Captain, 62

Melville, General Robert, 285

Melville, Sir Robert, 2

Meredith, Sir William, 269

Millar, Andrew, bookseller, 59

Miller, Miss, 167

Minto, Earl of, 241, 257

Mitchell, Sir Andrew, 43-47, 228

Moira, Earl of, 195

Monboddo, Lord, 87, 142, 285, 327

Monckton, Hon. Mary, 126

Moncrieff, David Stuart, of Moredun, 281

Monro, Sir Robert, Bart., 322

Montgomerie, Colonel, M.P., 133-5, 153

Montgomerie, David, of Lainshaw, 4, 79

Montgomerie, Hugh, of Skermorly, 309

Montgomerie, Lady Frances, 208

Montgomerie, Miss Margaret, 79, 82

Montgomery, Lady Mary, 97

Montrose, 87

Montrose, Duke of, 126

Monypenny, David, of Pitmilly, 266

Moray, Earl of, 261

Mounsey, Mr. George, 195

Mountstuart, Lord, 48, 97, 100, 122

Mundell, Mr. James, 6

Murdoch, A. of Monkton, 272

Murdoch, David, 129

Murdoch, James, 183

Murdoch, William, 186

Murray, Alexander, Lord Henderland, 275

Murray, Colonel, 313

Murray, Fanny, 18, 269

Murray, Lady Catherine, 306

Murray, Mr., of Broughton, 305

Murray, Patrick, advocate, 294

Murray, Patrick, Lord Elibank, 271

Murray, Sir Robert, of Hillhead, 254

Mull, 91

Nassau, Count, 37

Nairne, William, Lord Dreghorn, 234, 296

Nairne, Sir William, Bart., 236, 249, 280

Needham, John Turberville, 234

Neitschutz, Mr. de, 227

Newhall, Lord, 246

Nisbet, William, of Dirleton, 254, 280

Nichols, John, 203, 205

Nicholls, Rev. N., 82

Nivernais, Duke de, 209

Normaville, John, 186

Ogden, Dr., 90

Ogilvie, Dr. John, 208

Ogilvie, Lord, 220

Oglethorpe, General, 62, 85

Orde, Lord Chief Baron, 86, 252

Orkney, Earl of, 3

Ormonde, Duke of, 274

Oughton, Sir Adolphus, 86

Oxford, Earl of, 297

Palliser, Sir Hugh, 289

Palmer, Rev. Mr., 94

Paoli, General, 48, 49, 51, 52, 58

Paradise, John, 321

Parnell, Thomas, D.D., 297

Parr, Dr., 164

Peden, James, 185

Pembroke, Earl of, 62, 95, 290

Perreau, the brothers, 110

Pettigrew, Rev. John, 251

Pigot, Sir George, Bart., 288

Pindar, Peter, 138, 140, 146

Piozzi, Mrs., 85, 105, 129, 139, 155

Pitcairn, Robert, 3, 59, 62, 63, 79, 80, 99, 111, 112, 180, 291, 293, 318, 321, 328

Pitt, Rt. Hon. William, 132, 149, 153, 231

Poniatowski, King of Poland, 232

Pope, Alexander, 118, 305

Porter, Mrs. Lucy, 110

Prade, AbbÉ de, 227

Preston, Charles, 228

Preston, Sir George, Bart., 199, 321

Preston, Lady, 199, 321

Preston, Miss, 228

Price, Richard, D.D., 301

Pringle, Sir John, Bart., 61, 319

Pringle, Sir Walter, 246

Prussia, King of, 215, 223, 227, 263

Prussia, Prince of, 238

Queensberry, Duke of, 23

Quin, James, the player, 217

Rae, Sir David, Bart., 284

Ramsay, Allan, the painter, 255

Ramsay, Rev. James, 240

Rasay, Isle of, 89

Regent, The Prince, 195

Rennie, David, of Melville, 206

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 85, 97, 118, 119, 150, 163, 169, 172, 287, 292, 320

Richardson, Rev. Mr., 235

Richmond, Mr., of Bardarrock, 262

Rickslepen, Mesdemoiselles, 232

Riddell, Robert, of Glenriddell, 312

Ridley, Lady, 298

Ridley, Sir Matthew White, Bart., M. P., 298

Rivarola, Count, 48

Robert the Bruce, 2

Robertson, Baldwin, advocate, 217

Robertson, Barbara, of Orbiston, 267

Robertson, Dr. William, 17, 32, 85, 86, 93, 100, 210, 250, 271

Robinson, Mr., bookseller, 170

Rockville, Lord, 254

Roger, Rev. James, 33

Rogers, Sir William, 3

Rolland, Rev. James, 323

Rose, Mr., at Utrecht, 217

Ross, David, tragedian, 17, 18, 59, 269

Rosslyn, Earl of, 199

Rousseau, 48, 49, 50, 51, 58, 64, 68, 234

Rowlandson, Thomas, 137

Rudd, Margaret Caroline, 110

Rumbold, Sir Thomas, Bart., 320

Sackville, Lord George, 263

Samson, William, 185

Sanderson, the Quaker, 310

Scott, Colonel, 236

Scott, General, of Balcomie, 279, 280

Scott, Sir Walter, 92

Scott, Sir William, 86, 163, 167, 171

Selwyn, George, M. P., 314

Seward, William, F.R.S., 288

Seymour, Algernon, 297

Seymour, Lady Elizabeth, 297

Shakespeare, 80, 81

Sharp, Archbishop, 245

Shelburne, Earl of, 301

Sheldon, Captain, 81

Sheldon, Mrs., 81

Sheridan Thomas, 24, 64, 211, 213, 215, 221

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 211

Short, James, optician, 324

Shuter, Edward, comedian, 316

Sibthorpe, Mr., 78

Sidmouth, Lord, 195

Silverton, Miss, 99

Sinclair, Lady Margaret, 3

Sinclair, Pate, 3

Sinclair of Briggend, 251

Shebbeare, Dr., 282

Skye, Isle of, 90

Smith, Dean, 123

Smith, Dr. Adam, 11, 111, 112

Smollett, Dr. Tobias, 92

Smollett, Mr. Commissary, 92

Soaping Club, The, 21

Solander, Dr., 270, 273

Somerville, John, Thirteenth Lord, 16

Somerville, Mrs. Mary, 4

Somnelsdyck, 85

Spencer, Edmund, of Rendlesham, 245

Spencer, Lady Diana, 296

Spottiswoode of Spottiswoode, 290

St. Andrews, 87

Stair, Earl of, 243, 256

Steevens, Mr., 169

Stevenson, John, 123

Stevenson, John Hall, 210

Stewart, Houstoun, 302

Stewart, Miss, of Blackhall, 218

Stewart, Sir John, Bart., 66

Stewart, Sir Michael, Bart., 218, 302

Stobie, Mr., 322

Stormont, Lord, 312

Stratford-on-Avon, 80

Stuart, Andrew, M.P., 236, 279, 288

Stuart, Captain Keith, 241

Stuart, Hon. Col. James A., 97, 122, 123, 143, 185

Stuart, Hon. Mrs., 97, 99, 298

Stuart, James, of Dunearn, 193

Suard, Jean Baptiste Antoine, 298, 299

Sunderland, Lord, 248

Swinton, Lord, 284

Sydenham, Thomas, 118

Syme, Mrs., 211

Tait, Archbishop, 275

Tait, Rev. Mr., 88

Talbot de Malahide, Lord, 195

Talbot, Hon. Richard Talbot, 195

Taylor, Dr., oculist, 248

Taylor, Dr., of Ashbourne, 115

Taylor, Michael Angelo, 165

Temple, Captain Robert, 36, 47, 209

Temple, Mr., jun., 180

Temple, Mrs., 8, 82, 99

Temple, Rev. William Johnson, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 29, 30, 35-38, 40, 51-57, 65, 67-78, 82-84, 96-106, 111, 120-126, 144-161, 163-167, 172, 176-183, 185, 190

Templeton, John, 185

Theodore, King, 64

Thomson, George, 24

Thrale, Mr., 82, 112, 321

Thrale, Mrs., 85, 105, 129, 139, 155

Thurlow, Lord Chancellor, 135

Tinwald, Lord, 199, 246

Tobermory, 91

Tronchin, Theodore, 221, 222

Trotz, C. H., 35, 42, 214

Trumbull, Watte, 3

Tucker, Miss Charlotte Maria, 198

Twamley, Mr., 132

Ulva, Isle of, 91

Utrecht, 35, 37, 42, 43, 214

Vansittart, Councillor, 270

Vassall, Major-General, 194

Vasseur, Therese La, 50

Vaux, Marshal De, 80

Voltaire, 48, 51, 68, 214, 219, 227, 230, 235

Wake, Captain, 230

Walker’s Tavern, 326

Wallace, George, advocate, 278

Wallace, Isabel, 3

Wallace, Lady, 286

Wallace, Rev. Robert, D.D., 278

Wallace, Sir John, of Cairnhill, 4

Wallace, Sir Thomas, 253

Walmesley, Gilbert, 323

Walpole, Horace, 52, 63

Walpole, Sir Robert, 211

Walshe, Lt.-Colonel, 79

Warburton, Bishop, 268

Ware, Charles Edward, 197

Ware, Edith Caroline, 197

Ware, Mr. Cumberlye, 197

Warton, Joseph, 170

Warton, Thomas, 109

Warwick, Earl of, 304

Waters, Mr., banker in Paris, 50

Webster, Captain, 211

Webster, Dr. Alexander, 5, 86, 199, 211, 248, 249, 276, 277, 278, 325

Webster, Mrs. Alexander, 199, 320

Wedderburn, Alexander, 199

Wellesley, Marquis of, 118

Wemyss, Sir John, Bart., 320

Wesley, Rev. John, 121

Westhall, Lord, 325

Wetherell, Dr., 109

Wharton, Marquess of, 274

White, Thomas, 221

Whitefoord, Allan, 311

Whitefoord, Caleb, 224

Whitefoord, John, 149, 152

Wilberforce, William, M.P., 176

Wilkes, John, 27, 51, 112, 113, 141, 165, 274, 291, 299, 301, 322

William the Conqueror, 1

William the Lion, 2

Williams, Miss, 26

Williams, Mrs., of Crawley Grange, 197

Windham, Mr., 163

Wolcott, Dr. John, 138, 175

Wright, Mr., 271

York, Duke of, 14, 15

Yorke, Sir Joseph, 79, 237

Young, Dr., physician, 206, 233

Zelide, 75, 77

Zoilen, Mademoiselle, 220

Zuyl, Mademoiselle de, 225, 235



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