THE great and learned Pig, of which it is our hap to ?peak, was produced in a ?ty belonging to an old Tory, [6] book?eller, in † Moorfields. At that time Moorfields was di?tingui?hed by rails which ‡ fluttered with party writings and libels of every ?ort; and it is remarkable that his mother, during her pregnancy, tore down from tho?e rails, and fairly devoured one whole volume of Filmer and all Sacheverell’s ?ermons at a meal; after which ?he was ob?erved to grunt more and louder, and to lie longer in the ?un, and deeper in the mire, than it had before been her cu?tom to do. She was delivered of our Pig on the morning of the tenth of June. He was ?trong and bony, but of an inelegant form, and betrayed a very uncommon roughne?s in his ?queak; and it was ?oon after remarked by the neighbours, that his [7] trottings after his mother were made in § zig-zags, and not in ?traight lines as is u?ual with other pigs. After his mother, however, he re?olutely trotted, and one morning, as ill fortune would have it, into a garden which had belonged to the great Milton, and was now in the po??e??ion of one of his daughters. Here he fed voraciou?ly upon white ro?es, whil?t his lady mother was bu?ily employed in rooting up all the red ones. He was in this place ?eized by the owner, and ?o ?everely whipped, that he thought no other than that ?he was whipping him to death in preparation for a luxurious meal. Of this whipping he retained through life the highe?t re?entment, and bore ever after the mo?t inveterate hatred of the whole Miltonic line. On the fifth of November following he was taken up, without any warrant, by the rabble, for the u?es of a Whig fea?t, and was very near being roa?ted at the ?ame fire with the Pope, the Devil, and the Pretender; but this [8] being di?covered to be ?omething mea?ly, he was turned loo?e to be cured, as they deridingly ?aid, by the ? royal touch. Of this event he retained the ?tronge?t ?en?ibility, and con?idered ever after his fellow ?ufferers, the Pope and the Pretender, with great complacence, if not affection; but as to the other party, though expo?ed to the ?ame di?honours, there was ?omething in his horns and his tail which he could never be brought [9] to endure. The touch already mentioned, though profanely ?neered at by the Whig rabble, was ?oon afterwards in good earne?t applied; but ?o great an obliquity of head had by this time taken place, that it could never be perfectly re?tored. Upon this memorable occa?ion there was placed about his neck a ribband of true blue, to which hung a ?ilver coin, di?playing royal lineaments of the Stuart line, making ?o ?trong an impre??ion on his young fancy, that for that line he ever after retained the mo?t # pa??ionate regard. Thus decorated, he con?idered him?elf, and was con?idered by others, as a kind of ? Tantony, or St. Anthony’s Pig, belonging to the Crown. Not long after this period he was [10] heard one morning as he lay in the ?un to grunt forth, portentou?ly the following rhymes: Gruntledum, gruntledum, gruntledum, ?queak, I hope very ?oon to be able to ?peak; Through my gri?tly probo?cis, I find, that I can Already cry Ay like a Parliament man: Like a maid I ?queak, like a lover can whine, And ?nort like an Alderman laden with wine. Gruntledum, gruntledum, gruntledum, ?queak, I hope very ?oon to be able to ?peak.
This being publicly known, the neighbours now put on him a human coat, in which condition he appeared as if the Hog in armour had de?cended from his ?ign-po?t to mingle in ?ociety, and conver?e with man. Nor did they ?top here, but ventured al?o to recommend him for a pen?ion to the great mini?terial hog, though, for the pre?ent, however, without effect; for though it was evident enough that our learned Pig could ?ay Ay, yet it did not follow that he would be [11] always di?po?ed to do ?o. He was therefore turned loo?e into the ?oil of this great town to ?ub?i?t as he could, where, idling and rambling, he picked up ?ometimes flowers, and ?ometimes thi?tles, a great number of Greek and Hebrew roots, with an immen?e quantity of verbage of every ?ort *. It is for his honour that he routed in this rich compo?t for years without giving any offence, except that, through re?entment to the Miltonic line, he a??ociated rather too long with a very ob?cene animal of the pig kind, called a † Lauder; and except, [12] that he was taken ?ometimes with ?trange freaks, and fancied [13] once that he ?aw ?omething in the ‡ ?hape of a ?ound of a knocking; and excepting al?o his too ?onorous gruntulations, and that long concatenation of ?oapy bubbles which [14] u?ually frothed from his mouth §. In the mid?t of the?e re?earches he had one morning the good fortune to throw up this ?entiment in rhyme: Say, what is a Tory? A Tory is he Who thinks kicking ?hould pa?s through every degree; And that all political motion ?hould go From the toe to the bum, from the bum to the toe. Then what is a ? Whig? A dog full of knavery, A ra?cal, a ?coundrel impatient of ?lavery, [15] A malignant, a thief;—then tell me if Whig Be any more better than gruntledum pig?
There needed no more; a pen?ion was immediately hung about his neck, and the letters L.L.D. ?oon afterwards impre??ed on his rump *. And now who but our Pig? lying in the ?un, cheek by jowl, by the great mini?terial Hog, routing in the political ?oil, and throwing up daily the mo?t delicious [16] pig-nuts with his ?nout; nor did the?e di?coveries re?t wholly in him?elf; for the great Hog would ?ometimes let fall, from behind, certain rich, but often crude and ill-dige?ted, materials, which were taken up in the We?tphalian mode by our Pig, and delivered again better concocted to the many-headed bea?t: and hence we were taught, that Taxation was no Tyranny, and that a good American war was a very commodious and ?alutary thing. Great applau?e en?ued, but not unattended with envy, there being at the time many ?narlers who have ?aid, and now ?ay, that it were better if our Pig had been, before this period, well ?ou?ed in the pickling tub, and that even the great mini?terial Hog him?elf had been hung up for bacon. I decide nothing on the?e brawls; yet, having re?pect to a certain ?uppo?ed dignity in our Pig, it may, perhaps, excite ?ome wonder, that he, who?e politics were of no older a date than his pen?ion, and who had hitherto never routed out of the moral track, ?hould all at once lend him?elf out in this manner, and make his con?cience re?pon?ible for mea?ures, of the principles or effects of which he mu?t have been ?o incompetent a judge. But I an?wer in few words, that, like all other [17] politicians, he had his propen?ities; that it was, perhaps, the nature of the animal, and that mingling his humours and his rea?on together, there might have been a competent ?incerity in the ca?e. But what ?hall we ?ay to the indecency of his turning up the graves of Pope and † Swift, (for I ?peak not now of Milton) and goring them, Tories as they were, with ?o malicious a tooth? I an?wer, fir?t, that they were not Tories. Pope placed his glory in moderation; and Swift was the renegade of one party, without being the convert of the other. But it was not Whig or Tory, I believe, which now moved our Pig: there are other in?tinctive enmities in the world. The?e men of real genius were ?atiri?ts by profe??ion, and the natural enemies of Pig?—“The fewer ?till I name,” ?ays Pope, “I hurt the more.”—“Bond is but one, but Balaam is a ?core;” and again, “An hundred ?mart in Timon and in Balaam.” And I believe that our Pig ?marted in Bentley, Tibbald, and po??ibly in many others; the ?torm [18] had but ju?t patted before him, and he heard the arrowy ?hower ?till rattle in his ear, and was con?cious, perhaps, that had he come forth a day ?ooner, he would have been placed in a di?tingui?hed, but, to him, a very unplea?ant, niche in the Dunciad of Pope, “Sacred to ridicule his whole life long, “And the ?ad burden of ?ome merry ?ong.”
Where he in?ults therefore the mighty dead, his rage is at lea?t natural; and when, to wound Pope, he ?uborns the tongue of a * kitchen wench, he pre?erves, however, a nice proportion between his end and his means, doing, with very ?ingular propriety, the ba?e?t thing in, what mu?t be allowed to be, the lowe?t way. But we ab?tain, we affect not gravity, we even forget his almo?t felonious attack upon Milton, and proceed. We have already noted the facility with which [19] our learned Pig could ?ay Ay. It was a great accompli?hment; but he had al?o his defects. † No art, no in?truction could ever bring him to make a tolerable bow, or indeed to practice any civil grimace whatever; and his highe?t approach, in this way, towards humanity, never went farther than to entitle him, from the mo?t exqui?ite judge, to the character of a very re?pectable Hottentot: and hence he became at la?t to be con?idered as a very great ‡ Bore; under [20] which di?grace he retired to a brewery in the Borough.—Happy retirement! for here he was fed with the fre?he?t grains by the fair hand of a lady, who conde?cended to become the prie?te?s of our Pig; a lady who had acquired the Greek language without lo?ing her own, and who?e manners and latinity were both equally pure. How great therefore mu?t have been his grief, when he afterwards ?aw his fair provider melt away into the arms of a ?oft, but doubtle?s ?inewy Signor, and bathe her?elf, as it is yet her fortune to do, in the voluptuous warmths of Italy. But her’s, however be the prai?e, that, compo?ed of gentle pa??ions, ?he con?cientiou?ly ?acrificed, at thirty-eight, fortune, freedom, and England, only to legalize her delights. Never in any future period may ?he be repentant of her choice, but always find in the joys of [21] harmony a compen?ation for the decays of love. From the fair hand of this lady our Pig was not only fed with the fine?t grains, but with the choice?t green peas al?o, the earlie?t of the year—delicious food, as he him?elf confe??es—for a § Pig. By her too was prepared for him the mo?t inviting draff, which he ?willed up at all hours with huge avidity and delight. But the lady had her humours; ?he grew tired of one thing, and fond of another; ?he ?ought, upon pre??ing inducements, the great rendezvous of Bath; and ?o the joys of the brewery had an end. Many were of opinion, (for who can plea?e all,) that a certain di?tillery in the neighbourhood would have been a more apt and proper retreat for our Pig;—but there were difficulties; I enter not into dome?tic affairs; but whether there was any whiggi?m, or rival?hip, or jealou?y, or what el?e in the ca?e, I know not; but certain it [22] is, that Sir Jo?eph and he could never, as they ought, well pig together. During the happy period above mentioned, it came into the fancy of our Pig to journey into Scotland in the character of a travelling bear, with a ragged ?taff in his paws, and a ? monkey on his back. When he fir?t obtained a pen?ion, he had been very affectionately con?idered by the people of that country, and in a manner naturalized, and become one of them; but he di?covered ?oon afterwards, and more particularly on this occa?ion, ?o much of the badger in his di?po?ition, that they found great rea?on to complain of the ?trength and har?hne?s of his jaw. On his return he re?orted again to his beloved brewery, as yet profu?e of grains and draff, where he grunted forth, as was his cu?tom, many ?trange and ?ingular things, faithfully now on record, pretending al?o to cure certain mental di?ea?es by the medicinal qualities of his tongue; but its extreme roughne?s the ?en?ibility of his patients could not bear. Enough has been ?aid; the re?t ?hall [23] be left to Bozzy. Yet we will add, that with all his peculiarities, he had virtues and merits enough to make us heartily wi?h he were ?till in being:—But, alas, it is pa?t, and he is now cutting up into junks, to be ?old pro bono publico at nine different ?hops in retail.