l">136 n., 137. Birds, mystical, 32, 72, 73, 154-5, 163, 189; as divine messengers, 72, 73; as culture bringers, 72; human souls in, 46, 160, 174 n., 189, 191; singing the canonical hours, 32, 85, 179; choirs of, in Paradise, 31, 157-8, 163, 174, 185, 189; in island Elysium, 160. Birr, MÓrdÁil of, 18. Book of the Dead, Egyptian, 89 n. Boruma Tribute, instituted, 14; remitted, 15 sqq.; treatises on, 14. Bran, son of Febal, Voyage of, 122 n., 123 sqq., 146-8, 189. Brandenburg, Marquis of, legend, 121. Brenainn of Birr, St., 154. Brendan, St., Voyage of, 147 sqq., 202 n., 207 sqq.; influence on European literature, 202, 207; his island, belief in, 207 n. Bridge, in legends of the Otherworld, 38-9, 71, 111, 131, 132, 139, 178, 197-8, 215-17, 231, 239; cognate traditions, 131-2. Brudin Da Derga, story of, cited, 12 n. Brug na Boinne, Elysium in, 122, 189. Brunetto Latini, reference to his Tesoretto, 121. Bryce, Prof., on the Donation of Constantine, 45 n. Buan, mystical hazels of, 140, 155. Budge, Dr. W., Book of the Dead, 89 n. Bundehesh cited, 72. Burghcastle, monastery founded by St. Fursa, 59; in the Frogs of Aristophanes, 59. Divinity, the, representation of, in Paradise, 32, 33; as a mystical face, 33. Doel Dermait, children of, and Cuchulainn, 146, 149, 150. DÖllinger on the Donation of Constantine, 45 n. Donatus, St., Irish bishop of Fiesole, 6 n. Drihthelm, Vision of, 233. Druimceatt, MÓrdÁil of, 18. Drumhome, 7. Dumas pÈre, quoted, 1. Dungal, 6 n. Easter, time of celebrating, 9; and see ‘Paschal Controversy.’ ‘Eater of the Dead,’ Egyptian, 89, 196 n. Ecbatana, walls of, 33 n., 185. Ecgfrid, King of Northumbria, 8. Echtra, class of Irish romance, 118; E. Nerai, 132; E. Áirt, 136. Edward I. and Lia FÁil, 134. Egypt and the Greek mysteries, 52-3; early intercourse with Greece, 88-9; eschatology, 89, 93; relations to Alexandrian culture, 87-9; cults in the Hellenic world, 88-9; intercourse with Irish Church, 113-15. Elborz, Mount, 71, 81. Eleusis, see ‘Mysteries.’ Elias in Paradise, 46, 85, 98, 157, 163, 174, 179, 205. Elysium, Greek, 49 n., 50, 58, 59, 63; ChaldÆan, 69; Avestan, 72, 85; Egyptian, 89; Irish, 49 n., 121-6, 128-9, 135, 137, 138, 140-4, 146 n., 147; aristocratic theory of, 184 n., 210. Israel, see ‘Jews.’ Jews, contact with Oriental religions during captivity, 68, 82; Persian mythology, 70; Hellenic influences, 68, 86-7; colonies in Asia and Alexandria, 86; Egyptian ideas, 87-9; Rabbinical legends, 84; spiritism, 81; eschatology, 89, 90, 191; Purgatorial theories, 90; influence on Christian conception of Paradise, 109. Joannes Scotus Erigena, 6 n., 115. John of Thessalonica, 107. Jubinal, La LÉgende latine de St. Brendaines, 207 n. Jude, St., Epistle of, cited, 71, 94, 99. Judgment: of individual on demise, 37, 38, 71, 106, 195; deferred till Last Judgment, 39, 40, 41, 191; Last, 31, 47, 72 n., 96; impatience of damned for, 43; intensification of bliss and woe after, 202. Karshipta, mystical bird of Avesta, 72, 73, 81, 85, 189. Labraid Luathlam-ar-Claideb, 128. Lagny, monastery, founded by St. Fursa, 167. LaisrÉn, St., Vision of, 169 sqq. Lanigan cited, 7 n. Lawrence, ed. of Book of Enoch, 95 n. LeanamhÁn Sidhe stories, 127, 136. Lebor Brec, 27. Lebor na g-Cert, 117 n. Lebor na h-Udri, 27, 122 n., 127 n. Lenormant, Origines de l’Histoire, cited, 69 n., 82. Lerins, monastery of, 113. Leuke, 50, 143. Lex innocentium, 22. Lex talionis, in punishments of Otherworld, 123 n., 131 n., 150, 155, 162 n., 172 n.; Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail, 124 n., 131 n., 150 n., 156 n.; on the Greek and Irish Elysium, 49 n.; on the Greek mysteries, 53 n., 59 n.; on the Greek sources of Christian eschatology, 92 n.; on the Phoenix legend, 155; on the date of the voyage of Snedgus and Mac RÍagla, 162 n.; 5 n., 28. Oath of Irish Kings, 21. O’Curry, Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish, 117 n., 122 n.; MS. Materials of Irish History, 162 n. O’Donnells, the, of TÍr Conaill, 7. O’Donoghue, Rev. Denis, Brendaniana, 207 n., 208 n. Oengus Óg, 121, 122. O’Flaherty, Ogygia, 14. O’Grady, Dr. Standish Hayes, Silva Gadelica, 14, 15, 212 n. O’Hanlon, Very Rev. Canon, Lives of the Irish Saints, 4 n., 14, 18, 166 n. OisÍn, 133. Orpheus, 49, and see ‘Mysteries’; Orpheus myth in Ireland, 127. Otherworld, visits to, in Greek myths, 49; ChaldÆa, 69; in Irish traditions, 121, 133; Connla, 126; Cuchulainn, 127 sqq.; Conn, 134 sqq.; Árt, 138 sqq.; Cormac, 139 sqq.; and see ‘Vision,’ ‘Imram.’ —— Descriptions, ChaldÆan, 69, 70, 193; Avestan, 71 sqq.; Greek, 49 sqq.; in Book of Enoch, 96; in Apocalypse of Peter, 105; in ancient Ireland, 122-6, 128-30, 18; abandonment of, ib. Tartarus, in Plato, 57; Aristophanes, 59; Plutarch, 62; Virgil, 65-6; under Roman Empire, 109; contribution to Christian Hell, ib.; none in Pagan Ireland, 129; kindred conceptions, 129, 130, 139. Tertullian, precedence awarded to martyrs, 188. Tethra, god of Irish Underworld, 121, 126, 143. Theophilus, Sergius, and Hyginus, voyage of, 184 n. Theseus, 49. Thespesios, Vision of, 60 sqq. Throne of Deity, 31, 96, 158, 183 sqq.; parallels in myths of ChaldÆa, 70; Ireland, 122, 137, 183. Tigernach cited, 7 n., 18. Timotheus of Alexandria, 88. Tinne, 7, 29. TÍr Aedha, 7 n. TÍr na n-Óg, 133, 136; TÍr Tairngire, 123 sqq., 126, 136, 139, 141, 142, 144, 148, 210. Tonsure, Irish, 9. Torach, cook of, 155. Tradition, historical value of Irish, 16, 17. Transitus MariÆ, 107. Tree of Life, 46, 70, 75, 84, 96, 98, 157, 163, 174, 179, 184, 189, 190 n., 224; parallels in Irish myth, 124, 128, 134, Printed by T. and A. Constable, Printers to His Majesty at the Edinburgh University Press |