
Abbott, Abiel, library pioneer, 172.
Adams, Brooks, quoted, 81.
Adams, Charles Francis, trustee of Crane Library, Quincy, 308.
Adams, John Quincy, quoted, 294.
Adams, Matthew, lends books to Franklin, 133.
Adams library, Quincy, Mass., 310.
Adaptation of Libraries to Constituencies, paper, by S.S. Green; in full, 307.
Addingham, Eng., home of Robert Collyer, 105.
Addison, Joseph, quoted, 389.
Address at the dedication of the Library of the University of Pennsylvania, by Talcott Williams; in full, 365.
Alexander the Great, quoted, 161.
Alexandrian Library, destruction of, 377.
Allegheny, Pa., gift of conservatories, 42.
Alternatives to tax-support; general editorial introduction, 251.
American Antiquarian Soc'y, 313.
American Library Ass'n,
work of, 70;
catalogue praised.
American Magazine of Civics, article from, 169.
“Americans,” book by Munsterberg, chapter quoted, 79.
Americans as lovers of books, 18.
Americanization, a library function, 326.
Ames, Ohio, Public Library, 26, 164.
Anderson, Col. James, praised by Carnegie, 39.
Angell, James Burrill,
address at Grand Rapids library opening; in part, 425;
sketch of, 425.
Arbor, Mich., library, 27.
Arguments for public support of public libraries, paper by William E. Foster, in full, 215.
Arnold, Matthew,
introduction to Wordsworth's poems, 299;
quoted, 338.
Arnold, Dr. Thomas, on the Reform Bill, 456.
Art Gallery and School, Hartford, Conn., 148.
Art School, Boston; B.F. Butler's attack on, 65.
Art works as donations, 44.
Association Libraries, 21.
Astor, John Jacob, library gift, 49.
Astor Library, 30, 105.
Atkinson Free Library, Southport, Eng., 208.
Atlanta Conference, talk by Melvil Dewey at, 75.
Auditoriums as donations, 45.
Author's League, N.Y., Carnegie dinner, 33.
Bacon, Francis, quoted, 94.
Baird, Henry Carey, quoted, 384.
Bakala, Wallachian peasant, legend of, 92.
Baltimore, Md.,
Enoch Pratt Library, 39;
Peabody Institute, 30.
Barber, Henry Hervey,
article by, 169;
sketch of, 169.
Barnard, Henry, anecdote of, 76.
Barr Branch, St. Louis, 446.
Baths as donations, 45.
Bellevue Hospital, N.Y. City, gift to, 42.
Bequests, effect of, 34.
Bergen, Norway, parks in, 43.
Berkeley, Gov., opposes free schools, 176.
Billings, Dr. John Shaw,
article on public libraries, in full, 329;
biog. sketch of, 329;
pioneer in interlibrary work, 385.
Birge, Edward Asahel,
address at Madison, in full, 109;
sketch of, 109.
Birmingham (Eng.) Free Library, 41, 175, 207.
Blackpool Free Library report, quoted, 206.
Blair, Rev. James, library of, 20.
Boards of Trustees;
general editorial introduction, 265.
See also TRUSTEES.
Bodleian Library, rule of, 353.
Boers, characterized, 227.
Bolton (Eng.) Free Library founded, 290.
Book Committee of library board, 275.
Book-readers, who are? 222.
Book-selection, 351.
Books and Life, address by Edward A. Birge; in full, 109.
Books and the Public Library, address by James Russell Lowell, in full, 87.
Books, cheapness of, 204.
Booklovers among the colonists, 19.
Boston Art Museum, 313.
Boston Common Council advocates library, 53.
Boston, libraries in, 80.
Boston Public Library; address at its dedication, by Edw. Everett, 127.

Boston Public Library, 280, 317;
children in, 408;
its building, 81;
gifts to, 153;
facilities of, 327;
fiction purchases in, 321;
praised, 151;
George Ticknor on, 50;
statistics in 1885, 234.
Bowditch mathematical collection, Boston, 327.
Bradford, Wm., booklover, 19.
Brashear, John, 37.
Bright, John, quoted, 41.
Bristol, Eng., library report quoted, 208.
education acts, 202;
library law, earliest (1850), 39, 151, 172, 289;
amendment of (1866), 290.
British Museum, fiction policy, 322.
Brockton, Mass., reading-room in, 407.
Brougham, Lord, approves travelling libraries, 171.
Brown music collection, Boston, 327.
Brown, Samuel, founds Scottish itinerating libraries, 171.
Brown, Squire Sam, buys books for “Coon-Skin Library,” 26.
Brown University, paper by Pres. Faunce, 343.
Brownwell's writing-school, attended by Franklin, 131.
Browsing commended, 346.
Burnham, T.O.P.H., book-collector, anecdote of, 313.
Burton, R., Historical Collections bought by Franklin, 131.
Business enterprise, library as a, 231.
Butler, Benj. F., his attack on the Boston Art School, 65.
Butler, James Davie,
address by, at Madison, Wis., 140;
biog. sketch of, 149.
Byrd, William, library of, 20.
Cabanne Branch, St. Louis, 446., 448.
anecdotes of pioneers, 159;
school libraries in, 28.
Calvinism as encourager of reading, 80.
Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, 63, 335, 465.
Carnegie, Andrew,
article by, 33;
sketch of, 33;
praised by Melvil Dewey, 75;
quoted, 433;
library gifts, 329.
Carondelet Branch, St. Louis, 445.
Cassell's National Library, praised, 205.
Castine, Me., library, 25.
Catalogues, uses of, 91, 405.
Censorship, do libraries exercise it? 323.
Chamberlain, Mellen, Supt. Boston Public Library, 280.
Chamberlain autograph collection, Boston, 327.
Charity, so-called, 36.
Charleston, S.C., Library Society, 24.
Chaucer, Geoffrey, quoted, 162.
Chelsea, Mass., address by Lowell at library-opening, 87.
Chetham, Humphrey, library founder, 353.
in reading-rooms, 407;
reading of, 303;
work with, 115, 318, 435;
pioneer work of Mrs. Sanders, 401.
Chicago, library growth in, 169.
Chicago Public Library, 317; statistics in 1885, 234.
Churches as objects of philanthropy, 46.
Cincinnati, O., Springer Hall, 45.
Cincinnati Public Library, 26, 341 (note);
statistics in 1885, 234.
proposed by Ticknor, 51;
expediency doubted by Everett, 53.
Clark, Charles Hopkins,
opening address at Hartford library, 145;
biog. sketch, 147.
Classics, meaning of term, 5.
Cleveland, Grover,
address in favor of the N.Y. Free Circ. Lib'y, 139;
biog. sketch of, 139.
Clinton, De Witt, advocates libraries, 27.
Club, library as a, 122.
Club-rooms, use of, 449.
Colden, Cadwallader, library of, 20.
Coleridge, Samuel T., quoted, 64.
Collection of Information: general editorial introduction, 379.
College, increased attendance, 110.
College libraries, 20.
Collyer, Robert,
address given in full, 101;
sketch of, 101;
his story of his own life, 104.
Colonies, libraries in the, 402.
Colorado, school libraries in, 28.
Columbia medical school, Vanderbilt gift to, 42.
Committees of Library Board, 275.
Community Center Service; editorial paragraph, 431.
Community relations, general, 15.
Community's Service to the Library; editorial introduction, 183.
Connecticut, school libraries in, 28.
Conservatism, deplored, 457.
Contents, Table of, 7.
Control and Guidance of Reading; general editorial introduction, 395.
“Coon-Skin Library,” Ames, Ohio, 26.
Co-operation Between Library and Community;
paper by M. Anna Tarbell; in full, 257.
Cooper Union, N.Y., 30, 41.
Cornell, Ezra,
bequest, 37;
anecdote of, 98.
Cost of libraries, 176.
Cotton mill, first in U.S., 403.
Countryman, Gratia Alta;
paper on social centres, in full, 433;
biog. sketch, 433.
Crane Library, Quincy, Mass., 308.

Crunden, Frederick Morgan,
paper by, in full, 333;
address on library's future, 453;
quoted, 179.
Crunden Branch, St. Louis, 444.
Curtis, George William, quoted, 98.
Cushman, Robt., booklover, 19.
Cutler, Mary Salome, paper by, 67.
Cutter, Charles A., quoted, 312.
Cyclopedia on cards, proposed, 379.
Dana, John C.,
on interlibrary loans, 383;
quoted, 433.
Dances at libraries, 449.
Davenport, John, booklover, 19.
Defoe, Daniel, “Essay on Projects,” read by Franklin, 132.
Democracy applied to books, 23; an “unworked theory,” 414.
Detroit Society Library, 27.
Dewey, Melvil,
on the relation of the state to the library; in full, 185;
editor of Library Congress papers, 307;
talk at Atlanta given in full, 75;
advocates card encyclopedia, 379.
Dickens's novels commended, 294.
District School Libraries.
Dix, John A., establishes libraries, 27.
Donne, Dr. John, quoted, 89.
Dresden, beautification of, 43.
Drury, Gertrude G., aid acknowledged, 5.
Dudley, Gov., booklover, 19.
Duties of trustees, 273;
and their relations to librarians; paper by S.S. Green, in full, 279.
Easter, George, quoted, 211.
Education Acts, Great Britain, 202.
lengthening of, 110;
from libraries, 78, 115, 238, 244, 305, 331, 334, 440.
Educational influence of the librarian, 420.
Edwards, Edward, quoted, 296.
Eliot, Charles W.,
suggests reservoir libraries, 307;
quoted, 335.
Eliot, George, quoted, 192, 441.
Elmendorf, Mrs. Henry L., paper by, 359;
biog. sketch of, 359.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, quoted, 337, 371, 389, 457.
Endowment of libraries, 30.
Entertainment a function of libraries, 221, 318, 331, 253.
Ireland, Alexander, book praised, 87.
Irving, Washington,
commended, 105;
anecdote of, 163.
Jefferson, Thomas, quoted, 293.
Jerome, Jerome K., quoted, 117.
Jevons, William Stanley,
approves free libraries, 230;
commends travelling libraries, 171;
quoted, 175, 336, 461.
Johns Hopkins bequest, 37.
Johnson, Samuel, quoted, 58.
Kalamazoo, Mich., library, 27.
Kansas, school libraries in, 28.
Kentucky, school libraries in, 28.
Kittery, Me., “Revolving Library,” 25.
Knox, John, quoted, 245.
Laboratories as donations, 41.
Lancaster, Mass., library in, 25.
Langley, Samuel P., discoveries of, 37.
Larned, Joseph Nelson,
A.L.A. address, in full, 411;
biog. sketch of, 411;
quoted, 70.
Lawrence, Abbott, 50, 52.
Lawrence, James, pres. Boston Council, 53.
Lea, Henry C., library gift, 170.
Leamington Free Library (Eng.), 208.
Learned, John Calvin, paper by, in full, 267;
sketch of, 267.
Lecture courses in libraries, 123, 157, 262.
Lenox Library, N.Y., 30.
Lessing, quoted, 159.
Levy of Library Tribute, paper by Henry M. Utley; in full, 243.
Librarian and his Constituents, paper by Reuben B. Poole; in full, 351.
qualities necessary in, 71, 281,
his relations with his Board, 271, 279;
“who reads,” 420.
Libraries as Bureaus of Information; address by S.S. Green; in part, 381.
Libraries as Leaven, inauguration address at Madison, Wis., Public Library, by James D. Butler, 149.
growth of in U.S., 113;
as donations, 39.
Library; a plea for its recognition, paper by Frederick M. Crunden; in full, 333.

Library and Society; general introduction, 13.
Library and the Social Centre; paper by Lutie E. Stearns, in full, 439.
Library as a Factor in Modern Civilization, paper by W.H.P. Faunce; in full, 343.
Library as a Field for Philanthropy, article by Andrew Carnegie, 33.
Library as a Social Centre; paper by Gratia A. Countryman; in full, 433.
Library as an Inspirational Force; paper by Sam Walter Foss; in full, 419.
Library Association of the United Kingdom, opposed, 207.
Library associations, local, 253.
Library buildings, imposing, 343.
Library Commission,
Iowa, 246;
Massachusetts, 181, 263, 385.
Library Friend, paper by Winifred L. Taylor;
in full, 387.
Library Journal recommended to trustees, 274.
Library of Congress, 79;
advice to “weed out,” 309;
“weeding out,” 371.
Library Schools in U.S., 84.
Library Work from the Trustees' Standpoint, paper by John C. Learned; in full, 267.
Library's Service to the Community; general editorial introduction, 285.
Lick Observatory donation, 37.
Lincoln, Abraham, educated by reading, 297.
Liverpool Free Library, 208;
founded, 290.
Logan, Jas., library of, 20.
London Daily News, quoted, 207.
London Library Conference (1897), 337.
Loomis, Elias, Yale donor, 38.
Louisville, Ky., no free public library in (1885), 233.
Lovejoy, Elijah P., death of, 454.
Lowell, James Russell,
address by, 87;
sketch of, 87;
quoted, 226, 440,
(Hosea Bigelow), 409.
Lowell, Mass.,
statistics of, 403;
reading-room in, 407.
Luther, Martin, quoted, 162.
Lynn, Mass., library statistics (1885), 234.
McGlynn, Father, quoted, 108.
Mackay, Thomas, editor of “Plea for Liberty,” essays, 201.
Madison, Wis.,
library, inauguration address, 149;
Boston man's opinion of, 157.
Maine, school libraries in, 28.
Manchester (England)
Free Library founded, 290, 353;
library use in, 175.
Manchester, N.H., statistics of, 403.
Mann, Horace,
advocates libraries, 28;
favors school libraries, 172.
Manners, Lord John, opposes British library act, 290.
Manufacturing towns, libraries in, 401.
Marietta, Ohio, library, 26.
passes first free library act, 31, 172, 289;
growth of libraries in, 173;
Library Commission, 181, 263, 385;
school libraries in, 28, 171.
Mather, Cotton,
“Essay to do good,” read by Franklin, 132;
library of, 20.
Mazzini, on education, 334.
“Mawtucket of Pawtucket,” 401.
Meadville City Library, 179.
Medical Schools as donations, 41.
Melbourne, Australia, travelling libraries in, 171.
“Men and Women,” by T.W. Higginson, essay reprinted from, 63.
Men, library work with, 120.
Methods of securing the interest of a community, paper by Wm. E. Foster; in full, 193.
Metropolitan Museum, N.Y., 41.
libraries in, 27;
failure of district libraries, 29.
Milk St., Boston, Franklin's birthplace, 135.
Milton, John, quoted, 108, 146.
school attendance in, 110;
library statistics (1885), 234.
Minnesota, school libraries in, 28.
Minnesota Library Association, paper at, 433.
Missouri, school libraries in, 28.
Monks as librarians, 351.
Moore, Tom, quoted, 154.
Morris, William, quoted, 440.
Mullins, Mr., Birmingham, Eng., librarian, quoted, 207.
Municipal Cooperation in St. Louis, 459.
Munsterberg, Hugo,
chapter quoted in full, 79;
sketch of, 79.
Nashville, Tenn., Vanderbilt Univ., 38.
National Municipal League, article written for, 320.
New Bedford, Mass.,
library opened, 151;
statistics (1885), 234.
New books, necessity of, 232.
New England town meetings praised, 108.
New Englanders, practicality of, 90.
New Hampshire
library law, 172;
mandatory, 316;
library growth in, 174.
New Jersey, school libraries in, 28.
New Orleans, wishes no free library, 233.
New York City, no free public library in (1885), 233.
New York Free Circulating Library; address in its favor by Grover Cleveland; in full, 139.
New York Public Library, 139.
New York Society Library, 25.

New York State,
libraries in, 27;
failure of district libraries, 29;
public libraries department, 191;
travelling libraries in, 174, 191.
Newburyport, Mass., library statistics (1885), 234.
Newcastle-on-Tyne library, 209.
Newport, R.I., library at, 25.
News, triviality of, 93.
as aids to libraries, 261;
influence of, 186, 415.
Nitti, quoted, 461.
North American Review, quoted, 33.
North Brookfield, Mass., opening address at Haston Library, 381.
Northwest Territory, ordinance of 1787, 244.
Norwich, Eng., library report quoted, 211.
Notes, making of, on books, 429.
Objections to libraries classified, 291.
O'Brien, M.D., argument against public support of libraries; in full, 201;
answered by W.E. Foster, 215.
Ohio, school libraries in, 28.
Old and New, paper quoted from, 55.
Olneyville, R.I., reading room in, 408.
Oregon, school libraries in, 28.
Organization of trustees, 274.
Osborne, Mr., gift to Bellevue Hospital, N.Y., 42.
Osborne, Mrs. C.J., Yale donor, 38.
Packer, Asa, bequest, 37.
Page, Father, N.Y. library pioneer, 172.
Palmer, Sir Roundell, opposes British library act, 290.
Paradise Lost, J.Q. Adams on, 294.
Parks as donations, 42.
Peabody Library, Baltimore, 30.
Peabody Museum, Harvard, 38.
Penn, William, booklover, 19.
Pennsylvania Library Club, paper reprinted, 67.
Pennsylvania University Library, address at dedication; in full, 365.
“Peoples University,” library as the, 126.
Peoria, Ill., Mercantile Library, 179.
Periodicals, use of, 356.
Perkins, Frederic Beecher,
paper given in full, 231;
biog. sketch of, 231;
quoted, 274.
Peterboro, N.H., free library, 172.
Philadelphia Centennial, effects of, 145.
Philadelphia, no public library in (1885), 233.
Philadelphia Liby Co., founded by Franklin, 21; 133.
Phillips, Jonathan, 50.
Phillips, Wendell, on education, 334.
Phipps, Henry, partner of Carnegie donations to Allegheny, 42, 38.
Pierce, Bradford Kinney,
paper by, in full, 397;
biog. sketch of, 397.
Pittsfield, Mass., library addresses at, 297.
Pittsburgh technical room, 121.
“Plea for Liberty,” essays,
extracts from, 201;
quoted, 216.
Plutarch, quoted, 36.
Political meetings in a library, 446.
Poole, Reuben Brooks,
paper on choice of books, in full, 351;
biog. sketch of, 351.
Poole, William Frederick,
paper on objections to libraries, 287;
sketch of, 287;
library study plan, 239.
Poole's Index, 287;
value of, 356.
Portland, Me., library, 25.
Possibilities of Public Libraries in Manufacturing Communities; paper by Minerva A. Sanders; in full, 401.
Pratt, Enoch, praised by Carnegie, 33.
Pratt Institute technical room, 121.
Pratt Library, Baltimore, 39.
Preface, 5.
Presidential Address (A.L.A.), by Joseph N. Larned; in full, 411.
Pretlow, Mary D. (Cabanne Branch, St. Louis), quoted, 448.
Private libraries in the colonies, 20.
Probable Intellectual and Moral Outcome of the Rapid Increase of Public Libraries; paper by Rev. Dr. B.K. Pierce; in full, 397.
“Protection of Majorities and Other Essays,” by J.P. Quincy, quoted, 55.
Providence, R.I., Public Library, 25, 84, 314.
Provision of Books; general editorial introduction, 349.
Public Library and the Public, paper by Frederic Beecher Perkins; in full, 231.
Public Library in American Life, extract from book by Hugo Munsterberg, 79.
Public Library; its Uses to the Municipality, article by Dr. John S. Billings; in full, 329.
Public Library, functions classified, 340.
Public, desires of, 193.
Public Support of libraries
opposed, 201;
advocated, 215.
Putnam, Herbert,
paper on libraries and the community; in full, 315;
biog. sketch of, 315.
Qualifications of a librarian (Dewey), 191;
(Green), 281;
of trustees (Green), 272.
Quigley, Margery Closey;
report on social centre work in St. Louis; in part, 443;

bequest, 169;
will-contest, 34.
Tom Sawyer's fence, 422.
Translations commended, 96.
Travelling Libraries,
Scotch, 171;
Australian, 171;
New York state, 174, 191, 316.
Treasurer of Library Board, 274.
Trumbull, J. Hammond, librarian, 148.
Trumbull collection, Hartford, 383.
Boards of, 265;
duties of, 279;
standpoint in library work, 261;
A.L.A. section, 265.
Trustees of Free Public Libraries, paper, by Charles C. Soule, in full, 271.
Two Fundamentals, paper by Mary Salome Cutler Fairchild, 67.
Tyler, Moses Coit,
paper by, 17;
sketch of, 17.
Union St., Boston;
Franklin's house, 135.
Unitarianism in St. Louis, 460.
Universities, foundation of, 36.
libraries in U.S., 80;
without a library, 370.
Use of the Public Library, address by James B. Angell; in part, 425.
Usefulness of Libraries in Small Towns, paper by Theresa West (now Mrs. Elmendorf) in full, 359.
Utley, Henry Munson,
paper by, in full, 243;
sketch of, 243.
Vanderbilt gift
to Columbia, 42;
to Vanderbilt University, 38.
Vested rights, influence of, 455.
Victorian Reign, retrospect of, 456.
Villiers, Charles, quoted, 454.
Vincennes, Ind., library, 26.
Virginia, school libraries in, 28.
Wadsworth Athenaeum, 147;
addresses at the opening of its library in Hartford, Conn., 145.
Wallachian legend, 92, 226.
Waltham, Mass., statistics of, 403.
Warner, Chas. Dudley,
opening address at Hartford library, 145;
biog. sketch, 145.
Washington, Life of, inspiration to Lincoln, 297.
Washington, D.C., libraries of, 80.
Watkinson, library donor, 148.
Watkinson Library, Trumbull collection, 383.
Wausaukee Library, 123.
Wellington, Duke of, opposes Reform Bill, 456.
Wesley, John, quoted, 421.
West, Sir Algernon, quoted, 453.
West, Theresa,
What a Library Should be and What It Can Do; talk by Melvil Dewey, 75.
What of the Future? address by Frederick M. Crunden; in full, 453.
Where Neighbors Meet; St. Louis report by Margery Quigley, in part, 443.
Wigan, Eng., Library report quoted, 208.
Wilcox, William, English bookseller, friend of Franklin, 133.
William and Mary College library, 20.
Williams, Roger, booklover, 19.
Williams, Talcott,
address at library dedication, in full, 365;
biog. sketch of, 365.
Williamson bequest to Phila., 34.
Winslow, Edward, booklover, 19.
Winslow, Dr. Forbes, quoted, 57.
Winsor, Justin,
Sup't Boston Public Library, 280;
promotes interlibrary loans, 384.
Winthrop, Robert C., quoted, 134.
Winthrops, the, booklovers, 19.
Winyard, S.C., library, 24.
Wisconsin Library Ass'n, address before, 109.
Library fund used for military purposes, 151;
school libraries in, 28.
Wisconsin University, 109.
as library founders in Michigan, 27;
library work with, 116;
clubs in libraries, 440;
aids to libraries, 260.
Worcester, Mass.,
library statistics (1885), 234;
Public Library, 66, 239, 279;
disposition of old books in, 313.
Wordsworth, William,
quoted, 89;
poems of, 299.
Workingmen and libraries, 209.
World's Library Congress of 1893, paper read at, 307.
Wyer, James I., Jr., suggestion acknowledged, 5.
Art School, 38;
college library, 20.
Yarmouth, Eng., Library report quoted, 208.
York, Me., “Revolving Library,” 25.
Yorkshire, Eng., home of Richard Sugden, 103.
Young Men's Institute Library, Hartford, Conn., 147.
Young Men's Society Library, Detroit, 27.
Zion's Herald, paper by editor, 397.
Zosinius, history, inaccessible, 151.

Transcriber's Notes

This book consists of multiple contributions by various authors. Inconsistencies in the spelling of Proper Names have been retained. Other instances of questionable spelling and even more questionable grammar have been retained. However, the following typographical corrections have been made.

Page 8
(“Orations and Speeches, Boston, 1859; Vol. III.
(“Orations and Speeches”, Boston, 1859; Vol. III.
Page 56
taxation of towns and small muncipalities.
taxation of towns and small municipalities.
Page 57
physicians have agreed as to the influence they exert
physicians have agreed as to the influence they exert.
Page 91
short-cut to learning, but that there may be, and is, such a short cut
short-cut to learning, but that there may be, and is, such a short-cut
Page 98
most strict and sacred bond and convenant of the Lord, of the violation
most strict and sacred bond and covenant of the Lord, of the violation
Page 135
every Frankln medal boy shall be entitled to its privileges; and
every Franklin medal boy shall be entitled to its privileges; and
Page 141
the daily recurring routine of effort for mere existence, canont escape
the daily recurring routine of effort for mere existence, cannot escape
Page 170
brillant triumphs for the free public library, unparalled in the
brilliant triumphs for the free public library, unparalleled in the
Page 210
the task will be an easy one.”
the task will be an easy one.’
Page 245
secondary, or betwen secondary and higher education, there is where the
secondary, or between secondary and higher education, there is where the
Page 272
year. This provision secures stability by preventing suddent changes of
year. This provision secures stability by preventing sudden changes of
Page 292
maintenance of public health, the introducation of water and gas, the
maintenance of public health, the introduction of water and gas, the
Page 295
whole in the new Centennial edition. The accurage student of specialties
whole in the new Centennial edition. The accurate student of specialties
Page 317
with a two millon dollar building, studded with costly mosaics, and
with a two million dollar building, studded with costly mosaics, and
Page 320
who are avid to read the latest novel by Mr X. or Mrs Y. while it is
who are avid to read the latest novel by Mr. X. or Mrs. Y. while it is
Page 325
denounce this or that publication. Yet is is to be remembered that a
denounce this or that publication. Yet it is to be remembered that a
Page 326
cheap silver prints and the Art Museum is but a hundred feet distant;
cheap silver prints and the Art Museum is but a hundred feet distant);
Page 334
deep, controlling anxiety of the thoughful man.” “Education,” exclaims
deep, controlling anxiety of the thoughtful man.” “Education,” exclaims
Page 336
But is it worth while to consider a unversity without a library?
But is it worth while to consider a university without a library?
Page 372
panolpy of learning on whose myriad rivets so many hammers have rung,
panoply of learning on whose myriad rivets so many hammers have rung,
This exalts the miscroscopic municipalities of Greece. This abases the
This exalts the microscopic municipalities of Greece. This abases the
Page 375
its compass and sound, measure the confines thereof or phophesy its far
its compass and sound, measure the confines thereof or prophesy its far
Page 381
part of an address delivered a the dedication of the Haston
part of an address delivered at the dedication of the Haston
Page 402
“It is morally impossiblle but that the manners should take a tinge of
“It is morally impossible but that the manners should take a tinge of
Page 404
practical worth and preserverance either in mechanical, civil, or
practical worth and perserverance either in mechanical, civil, or
Page 406
“'Tis a wise community that enables its trustees to give to their
'Tis a wise community that enables its trustees to give to their
Page 412
well for a reason. Democrary was fairly equipped with a spelling-book
well for a reason. Democracy was fairly equipped with a spelling-book
Page 440
boys that frequent the gymnasium may be won by Barbour's lastest
boys that frequent the gymnasium may be won by Barbour's latest
Page 463
a final quietus to any propsal for social reform, is—“Oh, that's
a final quietus to any proposal for social reform, is—“Oh, that's
Page 467
Boston Public Library; address at it dedication, by Edw. Everett, 127.
Boston Public Library; address at its dedication, by Edw. Everett, 127.


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