A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, V, W.
Administration, Cost of, 217
Advertising. General, 277;
In the library, 35, 172
Age limit for children, 210
Allen, James Lane, quoted, 66
A. L. A. catalog, 422;
President’s address, 121
American Library Institute, 418
American idea of delegated authority, 57;
Of propriety, 133
Americans as money-lovers, 156
Antin, Mary, quoted, 423
Appointments, 95
Appropriation for books, 24
Architecture of libraries, 315
Art, Not intellectual, 331
Assassins, Persian sect, 129
Autograph collections, 398
Auto-standardization, 425
Badness, Three kinds in books, 207
Beginners, Message to, 357
Beresford, J. D., quoted, 372
Best books defined, 141
Biblia abiblia, 288
Bibliographies for book selection, 19
Binding, Choice of, 25
Boards of trustees, 39, 49, 93
Book committees, 22, 147
Book-lovers, 99
Book selection, 17, 125;
Raising standard of, 141
Book-taught Bilkins, 106
Books, Distribution of, 30;
Love of, 97;
Waste of, 163;
Influence of locality on stock of, 411
Booksellers’ League (N.Y.), 85
Boston Public Library, 186
Boston Transcript, 419
Bowdoin College library, 394
Branch dep’t., Jurisdiction of, 233
Branch libraries, 93, 421;
Gifts of sites, 178
Brooklyn Public Library, 12;
Scheme of service, 189
Bryan, William J., 270
Buildings, Future, 81;
Standardization of, 415
Bulletins, Picture, 31, 402
Business man’s library, 269
Ca’Canny policy, 155
Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, 64
Carnegie, Andrew, Gifts of, 90;
quoted, 105
Carnegie Committee, Requirements of, criticized, 417
Cash-registers, 11
Cataloguing, Local modifications of, 419
Catholics and the library, 300
Censor, Librarian as a, 121
Center, Definition of, 111;
Functions of, 114
Chance, Definition of, 374
Charging systems, 420
Chestnut Hill Branch, Phila., 416
Children, Work with, 85
Children’s department, Jurisdiction of, 233
Christian Scientists and the library, 301
Church and library, 299
Churches, Duplication of, 344
Circulation, Statistics of, 75;
At long range, 221
Civic League, St. Louis, 405
Civil Service Commission, N.Y., 190
Civil Service in libraries, 183
Class-percentages, Comparison of, 148
Classification of work, 222
Clippings, 399
Closed-shelf issue, 221
Commercial system in libraries, 160
Conflicts of jurisdiction, 231, 351
Connecticut State Library, 415
Contract system, 94
Cost of libraries, 85
Cyclopedia, Library as a, 146
Dana, John C., quoted, 261, 317
Decameron, criticized, 137
Delivery service, Frequent, 228
Delivery station work, 221
Detroit branches, 416
Distributer, Library as a, 29
Dont’s, for book-selectors, 150
Downtown branch, 228
Drudgery, 102
Duns on postal cards, 13
Duplication, Sin of, 341
Education, 257;
Through libraries, 59, 87;
University of, 111
Educational center, Library as, 111
Educational results, 52
Efficiency records, 199;
quoted, 385
Eliot, Charles W., quoted, 80
Envelopes for filing, 400
Ephemeral books, 34, 89, 104
Examinations, 186
Exclusion of books, Grounds for, 122;
Of readers, 242
Exhibits in a library, 397
Expenditures, Division of, 418
Experiments, 370, 389
Expert advisers for book-selection, 125, 145
Experts, Control by, 40, 49
Exploitation of libraries, 321
Extension of library service, 365
Falsity in books, 123
Feed-wires, Compared with books, 168
Fiction, Appraisal of, 23;
Selection of, 147
Finance, 51;
Statistics of, 73
Fines, 4
Forbes Library, 419
Force, Fields of, 115
Forecasts, 310
Foreign books, 133
Formalism in libraries, 290, 320
French ideas of propriety, 132
Genius, Definitions of, 64
Gerould, Mrs., quoted, 291
Gifts, Undesirable, 173
Gil Bias, criticized, 137
Glennon, John J., 274
Godard, George, 415
Grades in the staff, 186
Grant, Ulysses S., Life of, 380
Greenwich Village, New York
City, Library in, 424
Group-education, 116
Group-psychology, 285
Group-value of collections, 402
Groups, Recognition of, 315
Harrisburg Public Library, 416
Hicks, Frederick C., quoted, 261, 264
Hierarchy, Control by a, 42
High Bridge Branch, New York City, 416
House-to-house delivery, 87
Houses, Index to, 415
Hungarian books, 368
Hysteresis, 269
Imponderables, 260
Income from fines, 7
Indecency and immorality distinguished, 127
Indianapolis Public Library, Address at opening, 283
Initiative, Need of, 361
Insurance, A relief of “ill luck,” 390
Interest and initiative, 384
Inventory, 70, 74
Jackson Square Branch, New York City, 416
James, William, quoted, 117, 260
Japanese, Heritage of, 167
Kent, William, quoted, 206
Kipling, Rudyard, quoted, 168
Language, Best of, 142
Lantern-slides, 404
Lay control in libraries, 39, 49
Lecky, W. H. H., 128
Lectures, Collections taken at, 175
Lenox Library, 393
Librarians, Three kinds of, 241
Librarians’ libraries, 50
Library, The small, 29;
And the business man, 269;
The subscription, 293
Library schools, 95
Library work, Future of, 309
Local history, 413;
Material, 117
Locality, Library and, 409
Luck in the library, 373
Lutherans and the library, 301
Machine-work, 157
Mal-employment in the library, 205
Mallock, W. H., Quoted, 153
Mayer, Dr. Alfred G., quoted, 357
Medical officers, 380
Meetings in libraries, 314
Militarism, Union against, 271
Miller, Elsie, quoted, 224
Missionary work of libraries, 313
Morgan, J. P., 390, 394
Moving pictures, 285
Museum, Library as a, 393
Music, Popularization of, 325
Mutilation of books, 14
Napoleon, Anecdote of, 373
Nationalization of libraries, 310
New Haven Public Library, 416
New York, Consolidation of libraries in, 350
New York Free Circulating Library. Scheme of service, 185
New York Public Library, 312, 422;
Science circulation, 18;
Scheme of service, 192
Newman, Cardinal, quoted, 66
Newspaper s
cience, 124
Newspapers, 105
Ninety-Sixth St. Branch, New York City, 425
Non-partizanship, 180, 270;
In book selection, 126
Omission, Sin of, 341
Open shelf libraries, 82
Organization of idleness, 153
Othello criticized, 137
Overdue books, 8
Pains and penalties, 3
Pay-duplicate system, 6
Pearson, B. L., 419;
quoted, 208
Phonograph records, 336, 405
Photographs, Local, 414
Pianola rolls, 336, 405
Plates as museum material, 396, 397
Play defined, 112
Poe, Edgar A., 284
Poetry, Increased taste for, 283
Poets, libraries and realities, 283
Political interference with libraries, 320
Popularization of information, 123;
Of libraries, 310
Portland, Ore., branches, 417
Postal-card material, 400
Postal-cards, Illegal, 13
Prairie psychology, 294
Private collections indexed, 415
Problem novel, 130
Professional training, 318
Professionalization of libraries, 310
Profit in a library, 161
Promotions, 186
Property, Waste of, 163
Public Control by, 42, 49;
What is it? 91
Public-opinion, Power of, 166
Publicity, 35, 280, 304
Publishers’ Weekly, 20
Racial or social status? 423
Readers, Statistics of, 76
Reading of music, 326
Realism, 285
Recreation through libraries, 60
Recreational results, 53
Reference use, Statistics of, 75
Registration, size and growth, 36
Reich, Emil, quoted, 118
Repetition in fiction, 347
Reputation, Importance of, 165
Reserves, Unlocking of, 117
Reviews, 21
Riley, James Whitcomb, 283
Riverside Public Library, Cal., 416