The people of New England have long been interested in all matters pertaining to the sea, and members of many of her best-known families have commanded its merchant ships and whalers. The State Street Trust Company has always endeavored to encourage an interest in historical matters, and it is hoped that this pamphlet, the ninth of the series, which deals with one of our earliest industries, will be interesting to the Company’s depositors and also to the general public. It is sent to you with the compliments of the Company, which for over twenty years has tried to serve the interests of its depositors. For valuable assistance in the preparation of this pamphlet the Trust Company desires to acknowledge its indebtedness to Dr. Benjamin Sharp and Sidney Chase, residents of Nantucket (the latter being a descendant of the Starbucks, Coffins and Husseys), to Z. W. Pease, Frank Wood and George H. Tripp, all of New Bedford (Mr. Tripp being the librarian of the Free Public Library), Llewellyn Howland, Frederick P. Fish, Charles H. Taylor, Jr., Roy C. Andrews and Madison Grant of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, D. A. deMenocal, J. E. Lodge and Kojiro Tornita of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and George F. Lord, secretary of the Boston Stock Exchange. Assistance has also been rendered by the officers of the Trust Company. The following books have been used as references and contain valuable information and many interesting anecdotes:— “The Story of New England Whalers,” by John R. Spears. “History of the American Whale Fishery,” by Alexander Starbuck. “A History of the American Whale Fishery,” by Walter S. Tower. “Moby Dick, or the White Whale,” by Herman Melville. “Whaling Ventures and Adventures,” by George H. Tripp. “Whaling and Fishing,” by Charles Nordhoff. “Miriam Coffin,” by Col. Joseph C. Hart. “The Gam,” by Capt. Charles Henry Robbins. “Eighteen Months on a Greenland Whaler,” by Joseph P. Faulkner. “Arctic Whaleman and Whaling,” by Rev. Lewis Holmes. “Cruise of the Cachalot,” by Frank T. Bullen. “History of Nantucket,” by Edward K. Godfrey. “History of Nantucket,” by Obed Macy. “History of Nantucket,” by Douglas-Lithgow. “The Glacier’s Gift” (Nantucket), by Eva C. G. Folger. “History of New Bedford,” by Daniel Ricketson. “The Perils and Romance of Whaling,” by G. KobbÉ. “The Whale and its Captors,” by Rev. Henry T. Cheever. “Incidents of a Whaling Voyage,” by Olmstead. “Nimrod of the Sea,” by Captain Davis. “Hunting the Biggest of all Big Game,” by Roy C. Andrews. “Four Years Aboard a Whaleship,” by William B. Whitecar, Jr. “Etchings of a Whaling Cruise,” by J. Ross Browne. “Bark Kathleen, sunk by a Whale,” by Capt. T. H. Jenkins. “Peter the Whaler,” by William H. G. Kingston. “The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States,” by George Brown Goode, prepared for the United States Tenth Census. Model of the whaleship “Henry,” made at sea in 1847. This model stands in the main banking rooms of the Company, and may be seen by visitors. |