
This history of the regiment was undertaken by me at the special request of several officers who knew I had written, soon after the term of service expired, considerable matter relating thereto, for my own amusement and instruction. Without this foundation to work on, written when memory was fresh, it is doubtful if a history of the regiment could be written, for references to many soldiers’ diaries disclosed the fact that nearly all did not contain detailed accounts of events occurring at the time entries were made. Few soldiers thought any memorandum of theirs would ever become useful for a purpose of this kind. Access to the regimental books and files of papers has greatly facilitated this history.

I have not been able to write a satisfactory account of Companies C and H on detached service, or of Company K on detached service, in charge of pontoons. I found it impossible to obtain information in a way to be of service.

I proposed to publish Descriptive Lists of each company of the regiment. Upon investigation, and a comparison of lists in possession of the War Department, the regimental descriptive books, and orders of detail, I found such a marked difference in Christian names and surnames the idea was abandoned; besides, such lists would prove misleading, as many men enlisted under a false age; those who were too young gave in their age several years older than they were, others, too old, made their age to meet the requirements of law. The original Descriptive Lists were made up in a hurried, loose manner, few officers realizing their importance in after years.

It is probable certain facts in these pages will appear to some readers at this day far different than they would had the history been published within a few years after the war closed. We have grown older and wiser than we were in 1862 and 1863.

If any of my old comrades in arms shall have passed a pleasant hour in reading this history, I shall feel amply repaid for time and trouble in its preparation.

Charles P. Bosson.


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