Facing page Fritilla and the Red Flying-Fish Frontispiece The City Curious 16 They were known as the "Wigs" because of their Large Perukes 24 These Creatures did not resemble Anything that Redy and Smaly had seen up to then 32 Laptitza and Papylick 64 Some of the Dances were very complicated 96 Kisika in her Sedan-Chair 128 The Picnic which followed was an Unforgettable Repast 160 IN BLACK AND WHITE PAGE Redy 2 Smaly 3 In this Land all the Birds wore Hats and Spurs 4 Redy's Hands were crying with Fright 6 But he found he, too, had a Beak 7 They sang and danced 8 Neither the Latch nor the Hinge bore any Trace of having been bitten 10 Looking for the Key 11 Kangaroo-Confectioner 13 To carry the Last Curl as though it were the End of a Train 16 They made one want to Dance 17 With the Spoon which every Wig carries hung from his Belt 19 These Horses, however, were made of Sugar 20 The Sponges 21 To return to a Mere Shapeless Thing once again 23 A Traveller told us 24 Nevertheless Smaly and Redy started to help him 26 The Grub was really the doorkeeper 27 "We wish to have three girls" 28 The Crow lifted him up 29 The Crow 30 The Mother of the Crow 31 "She sees only one side of men, birds, and things" 32 The Short-Legged Man 35 Papylick 36 Opening the Nuts and displaying the Two Little People 39 Leading by the Hand the Chocolate Grub 40 The Birds with their Legs encased in Cutlet Frills 41 The Eggs running along 42 They were Gentle and Pretty Pigs 43 A Most Splendid Feast 44 The Despoiler 45 Which is in this Country a Great Sign of Mirth 46 He fled hastily 47 Mistigris 48 The Young Stork 49 Every One uttered Cries of Indignation 50 "You can roll the cord" 51 The Chief Contractor replied 53 Children were built of much fewer Slices of Cake than the Grown-ups 54 These Creatures will eat the Top off the Walls 55 Anger 56 It seemed to them that Men grew upwards and not towards the Ground 57 Some very Elegant Mice 58 One Half expressed Severe Authority, the Other was All Gentleness 60 He decided that they must have a Similar Review every Week 62 They had all put on Thick Gloves 63 Wigs, who were putting the Soldiers back in their Boxes 64 President of the Republic of Pasenipus 65 To conduct her Back to her House, which was in a Cosy Nook in a Great Tree of Coral 67 The Confectioner 69 "Nevertheless it's so narrow that only one person can go through at a time" 70 The Song went on 71 Running hard with their Little Short Legs 73 Soy Mill 74 Soy Reservoir 75 Carrying away every Object that they could lift 77 The Prisoner 79 The Prisoner never ceased to break the Sugar-canes 80 The Pet Flying-Fish, which every Wig Family possesses and cherishes 83 The Amount of Cake and Pudding eaten Annually in the Country 84 The Elder of the Fishes 85 The Hen 86 This Care which the Confectioner took of Fritilla was by no Means unnecessary 88 The Smaller Flying-Fish 89 Dropped them through a Hole in his Beak 90 Was sitting with One Ankle across the Knee of his Other Leg 91 The Despoiler, who was always afraid that Some One would find out that he was only made of Cardboard, never slept in Public 93 "Instead of cutting his toe-nails as we do with the help of a long-handled pair of scissors and a telescope" 96 The King 97 The King's Daughter 98 The Healer 103 Born with the Idea of One Day being a very Big Man 104 Between them was fastened a Comfortable Arm-chair 106 There were Newsboys selling Accounts of the Latest Disaster to the Wigs 108 The Healer had finished his Mending 109 Mathematician 111 Migraine 112 Wrapped their Handkerchiefs round their Heads 112 "I, too, hope so," said his Wife, who had just come in 113 Nearly all had One Leg which was much Longer than the Other, or a very Long Arm 115 His Elongated Tail was tied to the Queue of his Wig 116 "But only look at our arms and legs" 117 Even more than they feared the Flies 118 Rewards 119 The Dwarf had pulled on a Pair of Boots 120 The Accordion-Players began 123 Tennis 124 The Ball hung up thus 125 Tea-Cosy 128 "We're waiting for the sun to go down" 129 Servants out Shopping followed it with their Laden Baskets on their Arms 131 He thrust his Face into Roses covered with Dew 132 The Executioner bandaged his Eyes 133 Next he took some Old Cardboard Boxes 135 Opened them and shut them again 136 His Young Son was there 137 The Brindled Rabbit 138 His Little Paw shoved a Folded Slip of Paper through the Opening 139 Then they sang a Comic Duet 140 Then they questioned a Black Toad 141 And fish in the Little River in the Afternoon 142 The Thin Long Arm of the Historian 143 Extracting Fish-bones from the Back of the Despoiler 147 They bore a Large Copper Cauldron 148 The Admiral was a Triton 149 The White Dolphin with Pink Eyes 150 An Extremely Curious Fish 151 "A band of our rats will each morning copiously water our fleet" 153 Wigs were busy writing their Names 154 A Red Flag 155 "I have destroyed a hundred times passing over it in my prison" 157 "I was caught stepping right over their silly old dry canal with one stride" 158 The Manufacturer of Cardboard Boxes 159 A Sentinel who looked like a Dragon-Fly 163 The Gardens were arranged after the Same Principle as the Windows in the House of the Historian 164 A Little Red Feather, which she had picked up in the Market-Place 166 Next the Despoiler approached 167 The Wife of the Chief Contractor presented Kisika with a Beautiful Fan made of Paper Lace 169 Directly they saw the Flying-Fish enter 171 Their Two Little Heads appeared Side by Side 172 Smaly standing on the Point of his Toes 173 So during Three Days the Young Girls were busy making the Stairs 175 The Red Flying-Fish carried a Large Hat and Mantle in its Claws 176 Carrying as many of the Presents as they could 177 Wigs themselves would have melted away directly they passed the Frontier 178 They hung out of the Windows 179