

Facing page
“He tore a rib from his side and cut off my ear” Frontispiece
“I hope you will enjoy your drink. Good-bye!” 2
All the Birds were very proud of their Appearance 12
“What else can I do!” asked Chanticleer 44
The Trial of Reynard the Fox 68
“You have merited death a hundred times” 80
Jan and Jannette 90
Birds going to the Race 112
The Battle of the Birds and Beasts 132
An immense Dragon lying by the Water-side 148
The Satyrs’ Village 160
“All you have to do is to sit on the ice” 170


There he met Mistress Goat 1
The Farmer put her in the Fold 3
Up and Down 4
Three Friends 5
Little James got pushed over the Side 7
“Pull, brother, pull, and we’ll soon have him out” 8
He happened to look in the Mirror 9
Birds 10
The Angel whose Mission it was to colour the Birds 11
He took a Place among the most Beautiful of them all 12
Song of Gratitude 13
The Fox was not a little frightened 14
“Don’t go away, my dear friend,” said the Fox 17
“That is true,” said the Cock to himself 18
The Soldier, the Fox, and the Bear 19
There was a Flash, a loud Report.... 21
The two Heroes of the Story 22
Sponsken, the Giant, and the Princess 25
He tossed the Bird into the Air 27
“The three animals are a bear, a unicorn, and a wild boar” 28
The Bear followed him into the Hollow Trunk 29
With a mighty Crash he ran full tilt into the Tree 31
Sponsken, the Princess, the Giant 33
All the Attendants fled at once 37
Married a Girl 39
The Cat and the Sparrow 40
“I’ve just been turned out of house” 41
“They laugh at me” 43
“Hush!” said Chanticleer 45
Breaking the Glass to Smithereens 47
The Robbers lost no Time in decamping 49
The King 50
At the Head of the Procession marched Chanticleer 53
The Fox’s ChÂteau 55
The poor Beast roared with Pain 57
He immediately called a Council of his Ministers 59
”Take me to this house” 61
“Tybert and Bruin are badly knocked about” 63
“And caused him to jump at least twenty feet into the air” 64
“I was mischievous and unruly” 67
“And pearls too?” she whispered 69
“I saw him stop at the foot of a great tree” 71
The Conspiracy gained Adherents every Day 73
The Suit of Golden Armour Emrik wore 75
They walked in Silence 77
Reynard sprang at his Throat 79
The King of that Land caught him 82
Calf and Goat 83
“You were being made a fool of” 85
Jan and the Three Students 87
Twirled the Cap round Three Times on his Finger 89
And dipped them into the Horse-trough 90
Were carried safely over to the other Bank 91
“Gr-r-r, I’ll eat them up!” 93
Wolf’s head 94
Jaco Peter and his Friend 95
“Smear yourself from head to foot” 97
Reynard seized the Opportunity to warn his Friend 99
An Exclamation of Astonishment 100
Away went the Coaches 102
“Oh dear me, that’s twice!” 103
“Hallo, my man,” cried the Lord 105
“I can’t get up, because I’m dead!” 107
Sent him sprawling from Top to Bottom of the Stairs 108
The Eagle and the Kinglet 109
“Is our king then only to be looked at?” 111
There was the Sound as of a rushing mighty Wind 113
He is known as the Kinglet 115
Donatus 116
There was a Knot-hole in the wooden Floor 119
“I did not hear you knock” 121
The Swarm of Bees within began to buzz about in Great Commotion 123
Beating another Tattoo upon the Drum 124
The Beadle, too, stumbled and fell 125
He had faithfully carried out all his Instructions 127
It was the Labourer dressed in the Drummer’s Clothes 128
Rode straight into a Marsh 130
When the Fifty Rooks began to fly he could not get Free 131
The Rooks 132
Fighting 133
The Kinglet warned him to be very careful not to buzz 135
The Great Offensive began 137
The Fox 138
The Cat rushed out of the Room 139
The Cat, the Dog, the Cock, the Rabbit, and the Goose 141
“See if you can espy a house” 142
“Jump on to my beautiful curly tail” 143
The other Four got on to the Dog’s Back 145
Sent me flying through the Air 146
The Dragon 147
“My sight is so weak and my powers so feeble” 149
“Does the dragon mind getting under the stone again?” 151
Two Foxes 152
Nothing was left of the Fishes 153
The biggest and fattest Fish 155
Stretched himself out at full length 156
“I willingly give you yours!” 158
“Why are you blowing your soup?” 159
“There is no place in my house for a man who can blow hot and cold” 161
Satyr 162
The Two Friends 163
“Where has all our grease gone?” 165
Begun, Half-done, All-done 167
Mrs. Bruin and Reynard 168
“After a time the fish will come to bite at it” 169
“One, two, three...!” 171
Born with a little stumpy Tail 172
Margot and the Cat 173
She meant to keep her there until she had grown Bigger and Fatter 175
Paddling with her Broom 177
He was really a Prince 179

There He Met Mistress Goat


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