| PAGE |
There he met Mistress Goat | 1 |
The Farmer put her in the Fold | 3 |
Up and Down | 4 |
Three Friends | 5 |
Little James got pushed over the Side | 7 |
“Pull, brother, pull, and we’ll soon have him out” | 8 |
He happened to look in the Mirror | 9 |
Birds | 10 |
The Angel whose Mission it was to colour the Birds | 11 |
He took a Place among the most Beautiful of them all | 12 |
Song of Gratitude | 13 |
The Fox was not a little frightened | 14 |
“Don’t go away, my dear friend,” said the Fox | 17 |
“That is true,” said the Cock to himself | 18 |
The Soldier, the Fox, and the Bear | 19 |
There was a Flash, a loud Report.... | 21 |
The two Heroes of the Story | 22 |
Sponsken, the Giant, and the Princess | 25 |
He tossed the Bird into the Air | 27 |
“The three animals are a bear, a unicorn, and a wild boar” | 28 |
The Bear followed him into the Hollow Trunk | 29 |
With a mighty Crash he ran full tilt into the Tree | 31 |
Sponsken, the Princess, the Giant | 33 |
All the Attendants fled at once | 37 |
Married a Girl | 39 |
The Cat and the Sparrow | 40 |
“I’ve just been turned out of house” | 41 |
“They laugh at me” | 43 |
“Hush!” said Chanticleer | 45 |
Breaking the Glass to Smithereens | 47 |
The Robbers lost no Time in decamping | 49 |
The King | 50 |
At the Head of the Procession marched Chanticleer | 53 |
The Fox’s ChÂteau | 55 |
The poor Beast roared with Pain | 57 |
He immediately called a Council of his Ministers | 59 |
”Take me to this house” | 61 |
“Tybert and Bruin are badly knocked about” | 63 |
“And caused him to jump at least twenty feet into the air” | 64 |
“I was mischievous and unruly” | 67 |
“And pearls too?” she whispered | 69 |
“I saw him stop at the foot of a great tree” | 71 |
The Conspiracy gained Adherents every Day | 73 |
The Suit of Golden Armour Emrik wore | 75 |
They walked in Silence | 77 |
Reynard sprang at his Throat | 79 |
The King of that Land caught him | 82 |
Calf and Goat | 83 |
“You were being made a fool of” | 85 |
Jan and the Three Students | 87 |
Twirled the Cap round Three Times on his Finger | 89 |
And dipped them into the Horse-trough | 90 |
Were carried safely over to the other Bank | 91 |
“Gr-r-r, I’ll eat them up!” | 93 |
Wolf’s head | 94 |
Jaco Peter and his Friend | 95 |
“Smear yourself from head to foot” | 97 |
Reynard seized the Opportunity to warn his Friend | 99 |
An Exclamation of Astonishment | 100 |
Away went the Coaches | 102 |
“Oh dear me, that’s twice!” | 103 |
“Hallo, my man,” cried the Lord | 105 |
“I can’t get up, because I’m dead!” | 107 |
Sent him sprawling from Top to Bottom of the Stairs | 108 |
The Eagle and the Kinglet | 109 |
“Is our king then only to be looked at?” | 111 |
There was the Sound as of a rushing mighty Wind | 113 |
He is known as the Kinglet | 115 |
Donatus | 116 |
There was a Knot-hole in the wooden Floor | 119 |
“I did not hear you knock” | 121 |
The Swarm of Bees within began to buzz about in Great Commotion | 123 |
Beating another Tattoo upon the Drum | 124 |
The Beadle, too, stumbled and fell | 125 |
He had faithfully carried out all his Instructions | 127 |
It was the Labourer dressed in the Drummer’s Clothes | 128 |
Rode straight into a Marsh | 130 |
When the Fifty Rooks began to fly he could not get Free | 131 |
The Rooks | 132 |
Fighting | 133 |
The Kinglet warned him to be very careful not to buzz | 135 |
The Great Offensive began | 137 |
The Fox | 138 |
The Cat rushed out of the Room | 139 |
The Cat, the Dog, the Cock, the Rabbit, and the Goose | 141 |
“See if you can espy a house” | 142 |
“Jump on to my beautiful curly tail” | 143 |
The other Four got on to the Dog’s Back | 145 |
Sent me flying through the Air | 146 |
The Dragon | 147 |
“My sight is so weak and my powers so feeble” | 149 |
“Does the dragon mind getting under the stone again?” | 151 |
Two Foxes | 152 |
Nothing was left of the Fishes | 153 |
The biggest and fattest Fish | 155 |
Stretched himself out at full length | 156 |
“I willingly give you yours!” | 158 |
“Why are you blowing your soup?” | 159 |
“There is no place in my house for a man who can blow hot and cold” | 161 |
Satyr | 162 |
The Two Friends | 163 |
“Where has all our grease gone?” | 165 |
Begun, Half-done, All-done | 167 |
Mrs. Bruin and Reynard | 168 |
“After a time the fish will come to bite at it” | 169 |
“One, two, three...!” | 171 |
Born with a little stumpy Tail | 172 |
Margot and the Cat | 173 |
She meant to keep her there until she had grown Bigger and Fatter | 175 |
Paddling with her Broom | 177 |
He was really a Prince | 179 |