Although the present edition is only in one volume, Borrow’s original references to the two volumes in the above Dedication and the Preface have been retained. Quarterly Review, Dec. 1842 Edinburgh Review, Feb. 1843. Examiner, Dec. 17, 1842. Spectator, Dec. 7, 1842. Thou speakest well, brother! This is quite a mistake: I know very little of what has been written concerning these people: even the work of Grellmann had not come beneath my perusal at the time of the publication of the first edition of The Zincali, which I certainly do not regret: for though I believe the learned German to be quite right in his theory with respect to the origin of the Gypsies, his acquaintance with their character, habits, and peculiarities, seems to have been extremely limited. Good day. Glandered horse. Two brothers. The edition here referred to has long since been out of print. It may not be amiss to give the etymology of the word engro, which so frequently occurs in compound words in the English Gypsy tongue:—the en properly belongs to the preceding noun, being one of the forms of the genitive case; for example, Elik-en boro congry, the great Church or Cathedral of Ely; the gro or geiro (Spanish guero), is the Sanscrit kar, a particle much used in that language in the formation of compounds; I need scarcely add that monger in the English words Costermonger, Ironmonger, etc., is derived from the same root. For the knowledge of this fact I am indebted to the well-known and enterprising traveller, Mr. Vigne, whose highly interesting work on Cashmire and the Panjab requires no recommendation from me. Gorgio (Spanish gacho), a man who is not a Gypsy: the Spanish Gypsies term the Gentiles Busne, the meaning of which word will be explained farther on. An Eastern image tantamount to the taking away of life. Gentes non multum morigeratÆ, sed quasi bruta animalia et furentes. See vol. xxii. of the Supplement to the works of Muratori, p. 890. As quoted by Hervas: Catalogo de las Lenguas, vol. iii. p. 306. We have found this beautiful metaphor both in Gypsy and Spanish; it runs thus in the former language:—
‘Las Muchis. (The Sparks.)
‘Bus de gres chabalas orchiris man diquÉ Á yes chiro purelar sistilias sata rujias, y or sisli carjibal diÑando trutas discandas.
In the above little tale the writer confesses that there are many things purely imaginary; the most material point, however, the attempt to sack the town during the pestilence, which was defeated by the courage and activity of an individual, rests on historical evidence the most satisfactory. It is thus mentioned in the work of Francisco de Cordova (he was surnamed Cordova from having been for many years canon in that city):—
‘Annis prÆteritis Iuliobrigam urbem, vulgo LogroÑo, pestilenti laborantem morbo, et hominibus vacuam invadere hi ac diripere tentarunt, perfecissentque ni Dens O. M. cuiusdam bibliopolÆ opera, in corum, capita, quam urbi moliebantur perniciem avertisset.’ Didascalia, Lugduni, 1615, I vol. 8VO. p. 405, cap. 50.
Yet notwithstanding that we refuse credit to these particular narrations of QuiÑones and Fajardo, acts of cannibalism may certainly have been perpetrated by the GitÁnos of Spain in ancient times, when they were for the most part semi-savages living amongst mountains and deserts, where food was hard to be procured: famine may have occasionally compelled them to prey on human flesh, as it has in modern times compelled people far more civilised than wandering Gypsies. England. Spain. Mithridates: erster Theil, s. 241. Torreblanca: de Magia, 1678. Exodus, chap. xiii. v. 9. ‘And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thy hand.’ Eng. Trans. No chapter in the book of Job contains any such verse. ‘And the children of Israel went out with an high hand.’ Exodus, chap. xiv. v. 8. Eng. Trans. No such verse is to be found in the book mentioned. Prov., chap. vii. vers. 11, 12. ‘She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house. Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.’ Eng. Trans. Historia de Alonso, mozo de muchos amos: or, the story of Alonso, servant of many masters; an entertaining novel, written in the seventeenth century, by Geronimo of AlcalÁ, from which some extracts were given in the first edition of the present work. O Ali! O Mahomet!—God is God!—A Turkish war-cry. Gen. xlix. 22. In the original there is a play on words.—It is not necessary to enter into particulars farther than to observe that in the Hebrew language ‘ain’ means a well, and likewise an eye. Gen. xlviii. 16. In the English version the exact sense of the inspired original is not conveyed. The descendants of Joseph are to increase like fish. Exodus, chap. xii. v. 37, 38. QuiÑones, p. 11. The writer will by no means answer for the truth of these statements respecting Gypsy marriages. This statement is incorrect. The Torlaquis (idle vagabonds), Hadgies (saints), and Dervishes (mendicant friars) of the East, are Gypsies neither by origin nor habits, but are in general people who support themselves in idleness by practising upon the credulity and superstition of the Moslems. In the Moorish Arabic, Arabic text —or reus al haramin, the literal meaning being, ‘heads or captains of thieves.’ A favourite saying amongst this class of people is the following: ‘Es preciso que cada uno coma de su oficio’; i.e. every one must live by his trade. For the above well-drawn character of Charles the Third I am indebted to the pen of Louis de Usoz y Rio, my coadjutor in the editing of the New Testament in Spanish (Madrid, 1837). For a further account of this gentleman, the reader is referred to The Bible in Spain, preface, p. xxii. Steal a horse. The lame devil: Asmodeus. Rinconete and Cortadillo. The great river, or Guadalquiver. A fountain in Paradise. A Gypsy word signifying ‘exceeding much.’ ‘Lengua muy cerrÁda.’ ‘No camelo ser eray, es CalÓ mi nacimiÉnto;
No camelo ser eray, eon ser CalÉ me contÉnto.’ Armed partisans, or guerillas on horseback: they waged a war of extermination against the French, but at the same time plundered their countrymen without scruple. The Basques speak a Tartar dialect which strikingly resembles the Mongolian and the Mandchou. A small nation or rather sect of contrabandistas, who inhabit the valley of Pas amidst the mountains of Santander; they carry long sticks, in the handling of which they are unequalled. Armed with one of these sticks, a smuggler of Pas has been known to beat off two mounted dragoons. The hostess, Maria Diaz, and her son Joan JosÉ Lopez, were present when the outcast uttered these prophetic words. Eodem anno precipue fuit pestis seu mortalitas Forlivio. This work is styled Historia de los GitÁnos, by J. M—, published at Barcelona in the year 1832; it consists of ninety-three very small and scantily furnished pages. Its chief, we might say its only merit, is the style, which is fluent and easy. The writer is a theorist, and sacrifices truth and probability to the shrine of one idea, and that one of the most absurd that ever entered the head of an individual. He endeavours to persuade his readers that the GitÁnos are the descendants of the Moors, and the greatest part of his work is a history of those Africans, from the time of their arrival in the Peninsula till their expatriation by Philip the Third. The GitÁnos he supposes to be various tribes of wandering Moors, who baffled pursuit amidst the fastnesses of the hills; he denies that they are of the same origin as the Gypsies, Bohemians, etc., of other lands, though he does not back his denial by any proofs, and is confessedly ignorant of the GitÁno language, the grand criterion.
To this work we shall revert on a future occasion. A Russian word signifying beans. The term for poisoning swine in English Gypsy is Drabbing bawlor. Por mÉdio de chalanerÍas. The English. These words are very ancient, and were, perhaps, used by the earliest Spanish Gypsies; they differ much from the language of the present day, and are quite unintelligible to the modern GitÁnos. It was speedily prohibited, together with the Basque gospel; by a royal ordonnance, however, which appeared in the Gazette of Madrid, in August 1838, every public library in the kingdom was empowered to purchase two copies in both languages, as the works in question were allowed to possess some merit in a literary point of view. For a particular account of the Basque translation, and also some remarks on the Euscarra language, the reader is referred to The Bible in Spain, vol. ii. p. 385–398. Steal me, Gypsy. A species of gendarme or armed policeman. The Miquelets have existed in Spain for upwards of two hundred years. They are called Miquelets, from the name of their original leader. They are generally Aragonese by nation, and reclaimed robbers. Those who may be desirous of perusing the originals of the following rhymes should consult former editions of this work. For the original, see other editions. For this information concerning PalmirÉno, and also for a sight of the somewhat rare volume written by him, the author was indebted to a kind friend, a native of Spain. A very unfair inference; that some of the Gypsies did not understand the author when he spoke Romaic, was no proof that their own private language was a feigned one, invented for thievish purposes. Of all these, the most terrible, and whose sway endured for the longest period, were the Mongols, as they were called: few, however, of his original Mongolian warriors followed Timour in the invasion of India. His armies latterly appear to have consisted chiefly of Turcomans and Persians. It was to obtain popularity amongst these soldiery that he abandoned his old religion, a kind of fetish, or sorcery, and became a Mahometan. As quoted by Adelung, Mithridates, vol. i. Mithridates. For example, in the Historia de los GitÁnos, of which we have had occasion to speak in the first part of the present work: amongst other things the author says, p. 95, ‘If there exist any similitude of customs between the GitÁnos and the Gypsies, the Zigeuners, the ZingÁri, and the Bohemians, they (the GitÁnos) cannot, however, be confounded with these nomad castes, nor the same origin be attributed to them; . . . all that we shall find in common between these people will be, that the one (the Gypsies, etc.) arrived fugitives from the heart of Asia by the steppes of Tartary, at the beginning of the fifteenth century, while the GitÁnos, descended from the Arab or Morisco tribes, came from the coast of Africa as conquerors at the beginning of the eighth.’
He gets rid of any evidence with respect to the origin of the GitÁnos which their language might be capable of affording in the following summary manner: ‘As to the particular jargon which they use, any investigation which people might pretend to make would be quite useless; in the first place, on account of the reserve which they exhibit on this point; and secondly, because, in the event of some being found sufficiently communicative, the information which they could impart would lead to no advantageous result, owing to their extreme ignorance.’
It is scarcely worth while to offer a remark on reasoning which could only emanate from an understanding of the very lowest order,—so the GitÁnos are so extremely ignorant, that however frank they might wish to be, they would be unable to tell the curious inquirer the names for bread and water, meat and salt, in their own peculiar tongue—for, assuredly, had they sense enough to afford that slight quantum of information, it would lead to two very advantageous results, by proving, first, that they spoke the same language as the Gypsies, etc., and were consequently the same people—and secondly, that they came not from the coast of Northern Africa, where only Arabic and Shillah are spoken, but from the heart of Asia, three words of the four being pure Sanscrit. As given in the Mithridates of Adelung. Possibly from the Russian boloss, which has the same signification. Basque, burua. Sanscrit, schirra. These two words, which Hervas supposes to be Italian used in an improper sense, are probably of quite another origin. Len, in GitÁno, signifies ‘river,’ whilst vadi in Russian is equivalent to water. It is not our intention to weary the reader with prolix specimens; nevertheless, in corroboration of what we have asserted, we shall take the liberty of offering a few. Piar, to drink, (p. 188,) is Sanscrit, piava. Basilea, gallows, (p. 158,) is Russian, becilitz. Caramo, wine, and gurapo, galley, (pp. 162, 176,) Arabic, haram (which literally signifies that which is forbidden) and grab. Iza, (p. 179,) harlot, Turkish, kize. Harton, bread, (p. 177,) Greek, artos. Guido, good, and hurgamandera, harlot, (pp. 177, 178,) German, gut and hure. Tiple, wine, (p. 197,) is the same as the English word tipple, Gypsy, tapillar. This word is pure Wallachian (λοναρε), and was brought by the Gypsies into England; it means ‘booty,’ or what is called in the present cant language, ‘swag.’ The Gypsies call booty ‘louripen.’ Christmas, literally Wine-day. Irishman or beggar, literally a dirty squalid person. Guineas. Silver teapots. The Gypsy word for a certain town. In the Spanish Gypsy version, ‘our bread of each day.’ Span., ‘forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.’ Eng., ‘all evil from’; Span., ‘from all ugliness.’ Span., ‘for thine.’ By Hungary is here meant not only Hungary proper, but Transylvania. How many days made come the gentleman hither. How many-year fellow are you. Of a grosh. My name shall be to you for Moses my brother. Comes. Empty place. V. Casinoben in Lexicon. By these two words, Pontius Pilate is represented, but whence they are derived I know not. Reborn. Poverty is always avoided. A drunkard reduces himself to the condition of a hog. The most he can do. The puchero, or pan of glazed earth, in which bacon, beef, and garbanzos are stewed. Truth contrasts strangely with falsehood; this is a genuine Gypsy proverb, as are the two which follow; it is repeated throughout Spain without being understood. In the original wears a mouth; the meaning is, ask nothing, gain nothing. Female Gypsy, Women understood. With that motive awoke the labourer. Orig. Gave its pleasure to the finger, i.e. his finger was itching to draw the trigger, and he humoured it. They feared the shot and slugs, which are compared, and not badly, to flies and almonds. Christmas, literally Wine-day. Irishman or beggar, literally a dirty squalid person. Guineas. Silver tea-pots. The Gypsy word for a certain town. As given by Grellmann. The English Gypsies having, in their dialect, no other term for ghost than mulo, which simply means a dead person, I have been obliged to substitute a compound word. Bavalengro signifies literally a wind thing, or form of air.