“The death of his father as told in the last chapter of Lavengro. Is there anything of the kind more affecting in the library? . . . People there are for whom Borrow will play the same part as did horses and dogs for the gentleman in the tall white hat, whom David Copperfield met on the top of the Canterbury coach. ‘Orses and dorgs,’ said that gentleman, ‘is some men’s fancy. They are wittles and drink to me, lodging, wife and children, reading, writing and ’rithmetic, snuff, tobacker and sleep.’”—Mr. Augustine Birrell in “Res JudicatÆ.” “The spirit of Le Sage, the genius of Sterne find new life in these pages. We promise our readers intellectual enjoyment of the highest order from a perusal of this extraordinary book.”—Morning Post. “Described with extraordinary vigour, and no one will lay down the volume unless compelled.”—AthenÆum. “Mr. Borrow has the rare art of describing scenes and presenting characters with that graphic force and clearness which arise from thorough knowledge of and interest in his subject. . . . As an observer of strange varieties of the human race, he at once charms and rewards the attention of the reader.”—Spectator. By the same author and uniform with this volume. In neat cloth, with cut or uncut edges, 2s. THE BIBLE IN SPAIN; Or, The Journeys and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula. By George Borrow. |