My Brother’s Arrival—The Interview—Night—A Dying Father—Christ. At last my brother arrived; he looked pale and unwell; I met him at the door. “You have been long absent,” said I. “Yes,” said he, “perhaps too long; but how is my father?” “Very poorly,” said I, “he has had a fresh attack; but where have you been of late?” “Far and wide,” said my brother; “but I can’t tell you anything now, I must go to my father. It was only by chance that I heard of his illness.” “Stay a moment,” said I. “Is the world such a fine place as you supposed it to be before you went away?” “Not quite,” said my brother, “not quite; indeed I wish—but ask me no questions now, I must hasten to my father.” There was another question on my tongue, but I forbore; for the eyes of the young man were full of tears. I pointed with my finger, and the young man hastened past me to the arms of his father. I forbore to ask my brother whether he had been to old Rome. What passed between my father and brother I My father’s end was evidently at hand. And did I shed no tears? did I breathe no sighs? did I never wring my hands at this period? the reader will perhaps be asking. Whatever I did and thought is best known to God and myself; but it will be as well to observe, that it is possible to feel deeply, and yet make no outward sign. And now for the closing scene. At the dead hour of night, it might be about two, I was awakened from sleep by a cry which sounded from the room immediately below that in which I slept. I knew the cry, it was the cry of my mother; and I also knew its import, yet I made no effort to rise, for I was for the moment paralysed. Again the cry sounded, yet still I lay motionless—the stupidity of horror was upon me. A third time, and it was then that, by a violent effort, bursting the spell which appeared to bind me, I sprang from the bed and rushed downstairs. My mother was running wildly about the room; she had awoke, and found my father senseless in the bed by her side. I essayed to raise him, and after a few efforts supported him in the bed in a sitting posture. My brother now rushed in, and, snatching up a light that was burning, he held it to my |