Title: Equinoctial Regions of America, Volume 3 Author: Alexander von Humboldt Language: English Produced by Sue Asschers BOHN'S SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY.HUMBOLDT'S PERSONAL NARRATIVEVOLUME 3.PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF TRAVELS TO THE EQUINOCTIAL REGIONS OF AMERICA DURING THE YEARS 1799-1804BYALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT AND AIME BONPLAND.TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF ALEXANDER VON HUMBOLDT AND EDITED BY THOMASINA ROSS.IN THREE VOLUMESVOLUME 3.LONDON.GEORGE BELL & SONS. *** The longitudes mentioned in the text refer always to the meridian of the Observatory of Paris. The real is about 6 1/2 English pence. The agrarian measure, called caballeria, is eighteen cordels, (each cordel includes twenty-four varas) or 432 square varas; consequently, as 1 vara = 0.835m., according to Rodriguez, a caballeria is 186,624 square varas, or 130,118 square metres, or thirty-two and two-tenths English acres. 20 leagues to a degree. 5000 varas = 4150 metres. 3403 square toises = 1.29 hectare. An acre = 4044 square metres. Five hundred acres = fifteen and a half caballerias. Sugar-houses are thought to be very considerable that yield 2000 cases annually, or 32,000 arrobas (nearly 368,000 kilogrammes.) An arroba of 25 Spanish pounds = 11.49 kilogrammes. A quintal = 45.97 kilogrammes. A tarea of wood = one hundred and sixty cubic feet. |