PART II. SOUTH AMERICAN DOMINIONS. (CONTINUED.) Captain Generalship of Caraccas, Boundaries and Extent | Page1 | | Political and Territorial Divisions, Government | 2 | | Discovery, History | 2 | | Capital | 4 | | Description of the Features, &c. of the Country | 8 | | Province of New Andalusia | 18 | | —— New Barcelona | 18 | | Features, Climate, &c. | 25 | | Province of Venezuela and Coro | 43 | | —— Maracaybo | 58 | | —— Varinas | 65 | | —— Spanish Guiana | 69 | | Government of the Island of Margarita | 73 | | Viceroyalty of Peru | 75 | | Extent and Boundaries | 75 | | Political and Territorial Divisions, Government, &c. | 76 | | Discovery, History, &c. | 83 | | Intendancy of Truxillo | 120 | | —— Tarma | 126 | | —— Lima | 130 | | —— Guancavelica | 134 | | Intendancy of Guamanga | 138 | | —— Cuzco | 140 | | —— Arequipa | 147 | | Viceroyalty of Buenos Ayres or La Plata, Boundaries and Extent | 155 | | Political and Territorial Divisions, Government, History, Discovery, &c. | 156 | | Features, Climate, &c. | 161 | | Commerce and Resources | 167 | | Government of Los Charcas or Potosi | 171 | | —— Paraguay | 195 | | History, Discovery, &c. | 195 | | —— Tucuman | 204 | | —— Cuyo or Cujo | 215 | | —— Buenos Ayres | 220 | | History, &c. | 220 | | Climate, Features, &c. | 222 | | Captain Generalship of Chili | 230 | | Extent and Boundaries | 230 | | Political and Territorial Divisions and Government | 231 | | Discovery, and History | 231 | | Climate, Features, &c. | 245 | | Population | 253 | | Animals | 253 | | Continental Provinces of Chili | 264 | | Province of Copiapo | 265 | | —— Coquimbo | 265 | | —— Quillota | 267 | | —— Aconcagua | 269 | | —— Melipilla | 270 | | —— Santiago | 271 | | —— Rancagua | 272 | | —— Colchagua | 273 | | —— Maule | 274 | | —— Itata | 276 | | —— Chillan | 276 | | —— Puchacay | 277 | | —— Huilquilemu | 279 | | Insular Chili | 282 | | Archipelago of Chiloe | 283 | Araucania or Indian Chili | 287 | Islands on the Coasts of Spanish South America | 294 | Plate and Description of comparative Altitudes of the Mountains | 301 | List of Works on or relating to Spanish America, quoted in this publication, &c. | 305 | Table of the Latitudes and Longitudes of the principal Places | 311 | Summary of the Population | 319 | Wealth and Revenue | 320 | Index | 321 |
ERRATA. Pages 27, line 18, for Angelo read Antonio. 28, 10, for converziones read conversaziones. 82, 22, for omomum read amomum. 127, 3, from bottom, for Tarmu read Tarma. 164, 8, for Uraguay read Uruguay. 182, 11, from bottom, for Neustra read Nuestra. 250, 4, from bottom for Totten read Tolten. 251, 3, for Caquil read Caguil. 278, 2 and 4, for Lautro read Lautaro.