OF THE FIRST VOLUME. PART I. NORTH AMERICAN DOMINIONS. General Description, Era of Discovery and Colonization | Page 1 | Extent and Boundaries | 4 | Political Divisions | 6 | Territorial Divisions | 6 | Florida (East and West) | 6 | Extent and Boundaries | 6 | Discovery and History | 7 | New Spain | 20 | Political and Territorial Divisions | 32 | Boundaries | 33 | Extent | 34 | Climate | 34 | Features of the Country, Productions, &c. | 35 | Capital | 57 | New Mexico | 68 | California (New and Old) | 76 | Intendancy of Sonora | 86 | Pimeria | 86 | Sonora | 88 | Hiaqui and Mayo, or Ostimuri | 89 | Sinaloa, or Cinaloa | 90 | Intendancy of New Biscay, or Durango | 92 | —— San Luis Potosi | 95 | Coaguila | 96 | New Leon | 97 | New Santander and Texas, and Panuco, or Potosi | 97 | Intendancy of Zacatecas | 99 | —— Guadalaxara | 99 | —— Guanaxuato | 102 | —— Mexico | 103 | —— Valladolid, or Mechoacan | 134 | —— Tlascala, or Puebla | 138 | —— Vera Cruz | 143 | Province of Tabasco | 147 | Intendancy of Guaxaca, or Oaxaca | 151 | Yucatan, or the Intendancy of Merida | 155 | Guatimala | 158 | Capital | 160 | Guatimala Proper | 161 | Chiapa | 163 | Province of Vera Paz | 165 | —— Nicaragua | 166 | —— Honduras | 169 | —— Costa Rica | 176 | —— Veragua | 177 | West India Islands belonging to the Crown of Spain | 179 | Political Divisions | 180 | Puerto Rico | 180 | Cuba | 183 | Havannah | 188 | Islands near the Coasts of New Spain and Guatimala | 192 |
PART II. SOUTH AMERICAN DOMINIONS. General Description | Page 207 | Boundaries | 208 | Political Divisions | 208 | Era of Discovery | 209 | Viceroyalty of New Granada | 209 | Boundaries and Extent | 209 | Territorial and Political Divisions | 210 | Discoveries | 211 | Features of the Country, &c. | 219 | Tierra Firme. | 229 | Province of Veragua | 229 | —— Panama | 229 | —— Darien | 239 | Province of Carthagena | 241 | —— Santa Marta | 252 | —— Merida | 261 | —— San Juan de los Llanos | 263 | —— Santa FÉ | 264 | —— —— de Antioquia | 271 | —— Choco | 273 | Government of Popayan | 275 | Government of Atacames | 282 | Presidency of Quito | 283 | San Miguel de Ibarra | 303 | Otabalo | 303 | Jurisdiction of Guayaquil | 310 | Government of Jaen de Bracamoros | 321 | —— Maynas | 324 | —— Quixos | 334 |