PREFACE To the cultural anthropologist, as also to the archeologist, the United States of America offer an unusually rich field in being a region where civilized and primitive races exist side by side, where languages belonging to totally different linguistic stocks are still spoken by isolated tribes differing from each other in their cultural and physical aspects, and where traces of lost civilizations indicating the antiquity of man are being unearthed every day. The Bureau of American Ethnology, since its beginning in 1879, has attempted to preserve these ancient records for posterity; and its annual reports are a veritable storehouse of information on languages and customs of tribes, many of whom have already disappeared and others are fast disappearing. In fact, it would be safe to assert that there is no one series of books containing so much material about the North American aborigines as these annual reports. The present index had its origin some years ago when, on my arrival in America, I frequently had occasion to use the annual reports. Out of the vast amount of material contained in some 30,000 pages it was often extremely difficult, if not altogether impossible, to find any particular item. To save time and trouble I collected certain references to subjects in which I was interested. It then occurred to me that a general index to the reports might be useful to others too, and on my suggesting the matter to the Chief of the Bureau of American Ethnology it met with his approval. So what began as a mere handful of references of a very special nature has ended in being a general index. Originally it was my intention to include only those volumes which were published during the first 50 years of the existence of the bureau, but owing to technical and other difficulties it was found advisable to publish my “Index” as the accompanying paper to the Forty-eighth Annual Report. Therefore, after my whole manuscript was prepared and ready for the press, I included in it the report for the fifty-first year of the bureau. Moreover, owing to the portly proportions this work has already assumed, my former plan of including an index to illustrations had to be abandoned. I hope, however, to be able to publish this at some future date. It is my pleasant duty to thank, first of all, the Chief of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Mr. Matthew W. Stirling, for allowing this paper to be published in the series of annual reports, and for the uniformly courteous treatment I have received from him. Dr. Truman Michelson and Dr. John R. Swanton, both of the same bureau, have very kindly given me the benefit of their wide experience, and have offered me many valuable hints on how an index may be of the utmost value to its user. I take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude to them; but I wish it to be understood that they are in no way responsible for any mistakes I may have made. I also must not forget to express my genuine appreciation of the excellent indexing work of Mrs. Frances S. Nichols, without which my labor would have been considerably increased. For indexing the reports of the last few years I have done very little except to classify and rearrange the work of Mrs. Nichols, with slight additions and alterations here and there in order to obtain uniformity for the whole work. I also wish to thank all the officials of the Bureau of American Ethnology with whom I came in contact during my frequent visits to that institution for their unfailing courtesy and willing cooperation. Biren Bonnerjea. Washington, D. C., December 25, 1931. INDEX REFERENCES The references in the index are as follows: Vol.2 | ZuÑi (pp. 3-45); Iroquois (pp. 47-116); Navaho (pp. 167-178). | Vol.3 | Omaha (pp. 205-370); Navaho (pp. 371-391). | Vol.5 | Cherokee (pp. 121-378); Navaho (pp. 379-467); Seminole (pp. 469-531); ZuÑi (from p. 533). | Vol.6 | Maya (pp. 253-371); Osage (pp. 373-397); Central Eskimo (from p. 399). | Vol.7 | Ojibwa (pp. 143-300); Cherokee (pp. 301-397). | Vol.8 | Navaho (from p. 229). | Vol.9 | Point Barrow Eskimo (to p. 441); Apache (from p. 443). | Vol.11 | Sia (to p. 157); Eskimo of Ungava District (pp. 159-350); Siouan tribes (from p. 351). | Vol.13 | Omaha (pp. 263-288); ZuÑi (from p. 321). | Vol.14 | Menomini (to p. 328). | Vol.15 | Siouan tribes (pp. 153-244); Tusayan (pp. 245-313). | Vol.16 | Peruvian (to p. 72); Maya (pp. 199-265); Tusayan (from p. 267). | Vol.17 | Seri (pp. 1-128, 129*-344*); Kiowa (pp. 129-445); Navaho (pp. 469-517). | Vol.18 | Eskimo of Bering Strait (to p. 518). | Vol.19 | Cherokee (to p. 548); Tusayan (pp. 573-653, 957-1011); Maya (pp. 693-819). | Vol.21 | Hopi (to p. 126); Iroquois (from p. 127). | Vol.22,i | Maya (pp. 197-305). | Vol.22,ii | Pawnee. | Vol.23 | ZuÑi. | Vol.25 | Porto Rican (to p. 320). | Vol.26 | Pima (to p. 389); Tlingit (from p. 391). | Vol.27 | Omaha. | Vol.28 | Tewa Indians. | Vol.30 | ZuÑi (to p. 102); Guiana Indians (from p. 103). | Vol.31 | Tsimshian. | Vol.32 | Seneca Indian. | Vol.33 | Hawaiian (from p. 285). | Vol.34 | Antillean. | Vol.35 | Kwakiutl. | Vol.36 | Osage. | Vol.37 | Winnebago. | Vol.38 | Guiana Indian. | Vol.39 | Osage. | Vol.40 | Fox Indian. | Vol.42 | Creek Indian (to p. 672). | Vol.43 | Osage (to p. 164); Wawenock (pp. 165-197); Mohegan (pp. 199-287); PicurÍs (pp. 289-447); Iroquois (from p. 449). | Vol.44 | Chickasaw (pp. 169-273); Chippewa (pp. 275-397). | Vol.45 | Salishan tribes (to p. 396); Thompson Indians (pp. 397-522); Osage (from p. 523). | Vol.46 | Alaska (to p. 374); Upper Missouri tribes (from p. 375). | Vol.47 | Acoma (to p. 192); Isleta (pp. 193-466); ZuÑi (from p. 467). |
And according ti tribal classification they are as follows: - Acoma, 47;
- Alaska, 46;
- Antillean, 34;
- Apache, 9;
- Assiniboin, 46;
- Bering Strait, Eskimo of, 18;
- Central Eskimo, 6;
- Cherokee, 5, 7, 19;
- Chickasaw, 44;
- Chippewa, 44;
- Coeur d’AlÊne, 45;
- Creek, 42;
- Eskimo, Central, 6;
- Eskimo of Bering Strait, 18;
- Eskimo of Point Barrow, 9;
- Eskimo of Ungava District, 11;
- Flathead, 45;
- Fox, 40;
- Guiana Indian, 30, 38;
- Hawaiian, 33;
- Hopi, 21;
- Iroquois, 2, 21, 43;
- Isleta, 47;
- Kiowa, 17;
- Kwakiutl, 35;
- Maya, 6, 16, 19, 22, i;
- Menomini, 14;
- Mohegan, 43;
- Navaho, 2, 3, 5, 8, 17;
- Ojibwa, 7;
- Okanagon, 45;
- Omaha, 3, 13, 27;
- Osage, 6, 36, 39, 43, 45;
- Pawnee, 22, ii;
- Peru, 16;
- PicurÍs, 43;
- Pima, 26;
- Point Barrow Eskimo, 9;
- Porto Rico, 25;
- Salishan tribes, 45;
- Seminole, 5;
- Seneca, 32;
- Seri, 17;
- Sia, 11;
- Siouan tribes, 11, 15;
- Tewa, 28;
- Thompson Indians, 45;
- Tlingit, 26;
- Tsimshian, 31;
- Tusayan, 15, 16, 19;
- Ungava District, Eskimo of, 11;
- Upper Missouri tribes, 46;
- Wawenock, 43;
- Winnebago, 37;
- ZuÑi, 2, 5, 13, 23, 30, 47.
3. quoted on Choctaw villages 7: 40. use made of narrative of 44: 173. Adair, John Lynch, commissioner for Cherokee boundaries 5: 365. Adair, Washington, murder of 5: 319. Adaizan and Caddoan Languages, compared 7: 46. Adaizan family 7: 45 sq. Adaize, a Caddo division 14: 1092. ´dalbeÁhya, a Kiowa “medicine” 17: 237, 238. ´dalhabÄ´-k`ia, death of 17: 277. ´dal-k´ato´igo, a Sahaptin synonym 14: 744. ´dalpepte acknowledgments to 17: 147. age of 17: 164. destruction of property of 17: 354. information furnished by 17: 146. ´daltoÑ-Édal, death of 17: 313. Âdalto´yiu a Kiowa military order 17: 230. a Kiowa warrior order 14: 989. Adam, Chief, mention of 45: 270. Adam, Lucien on ancient language of Cuba 25: 218. on Antillean language 25: 78. on the Taensa language 7: 96. Adamana, Ariz., ruined pueblo near 22, i: 19, 136. Adams, ——, excavations at Epley’s ruins by 22, i: 171. Adams, ——, on scientific synonym for wild rice 19: 1021. Adams, Agent, at Anadarko Council 14: 913. Adams, Captain, aid acknowledged 5: 130. Adams, Charles E., Kiowa agent in 1889 17: 226. Adams, Charlie, an informant 42: 528. Adams, J. D., mound on farm of, in Arkansas 12: 241. Adams, John Quincy cited on Indian right to soil 18: 536 sq. on relations of Georgia and Cherokee 5: 239. Adams, William, killed at Wounded Knee 14: 872. Adams, William A., on rock carvings 4: 22. Adam’s Cave, Graham mountains, visit to 22, i: 188. Adams County, Ohio occurrence of earthenware spools in 20: 44. serpent earthwork in 4: 402. Adamsville, Ariz., references to 28: 34 sq., 112. Adaptations, cranial 46: 359. A`dÁte a Kiowa chief 17: 164, 263. deposed as chief 17: 259. Adda, beliefs concerning 30: 171 sq., 229 sq. Adder myths concerning 19: 297, 436. spreading, a symbol of life 36: 103. Addis, ——, on magical numbers 19: 848, 849. Addison, ——, gestures of orators 1: 294. Adelphiarchy, characters of 17: 276*. Adelphogamy, traces of, among the Seri Indians 17: 281*, 283*. Adelung, J. C., cited 6: 262. Adjective, the, in Indian languages 1: 10. “Adjedatig” 1: 197. Adkins, John, a Kiowa trader 17: 313. Adlet or Ergigdlit 6: 640. Adlet and Qadlunait, origin of the 6: 637. Administrative Report (at the beginning of each Annual Report) how submitted 15: XX. Admiral of fleet 38: § 741. Admiralty Islands, Indians on 26: 412. Adobe absence of, in Verde ruins 13: 187, 257. balls used in garden walls 8: 146. blocks not aboriginal 16: 108. bricks in Hawikuh church 8: 81. construction in Pueblo region 16: 163. construction of modern introduction 13: 238. defined 13: 309. description of 14: 520, 562, 569. limit to use of 13: 238. necessity for protecting against rain 8: 156. making of, described 14: 356. plastering in cavate houses 17: 542. use in Tusayan 8: 54, 78. use in ZuÑi attributed to foreign influence 8: 139. use modern in ZuÑi 8: 138. use of 29: 80. use of, in Pueblo buildings 22, i: 29, 176. used in Spanish churches 8: 224. walls in Casa Blanca 16: 108, 109, 111. walls of, in the southwest 23: XXIX. walls on stone foundation at Moenkopi 8: 78. See also Masonry; Plastering. Adobe Construction description of 28: 80. what constitutes 15: 323. Adobe Mortar Cibola and Tusayan use compared 8: 137. in TÂaaiyalana structures 8: 90. Adobe Walls establishment of 17: 199, 316. threatened attack on 17: 202. Ä´do-eÉtte arrest of 17: 188, 328. efforts for release of 17: 190, 191. Kiowa councilman in 1888 17: 221. portrait of 17: 192. release of 17: 195. surrender of 17: 206. Adolescent Girl segregated among the Tsimshian 31: 450. See also Menstruation; Puberty. Adoption among eastern tribes 19: 493. among Seri Indians 17: 277* sqq. among the ZuÑi 47: 477 sq. confusing effect of, on pottery records 20: 19. customs 37: 139; 40: 321. customs of Omaha 27: 603. customs of Osage 27: 61 sq., 603. name used after 37: 139. of aliens by the Dakota 15: 214. of captives 36: 67; 42: 167; 45: 552. of children among the Eskimo 18: 290. of children among the Omahas 3: 265, 281. referred to in tales 31: 428. Adoption Feast beliefs concerning 40: 361-364, 385. combined with gens festival 40: 357. combined with Mide 40: 357. combined with the wizard rite 40: 357. customs of 40: 357, 425 sqq., 429 sqq., 549. description of 40: 385. notes on 40: 483. result of omitting 40: 411, 425, 435. Adornment by the Eskimos 9: 138, 140-149. ceremony of 45: 554. fondness fo
sub1">genealogy of 14: 46, 48. mythic origin of name 14: 218. Akuliarmiut Eskimo Tribe, situation of 6: 421. Akutchin, ancient Pima settlement 28: 36. AkÛtc?ny, Pima village 26: 20, 22. Ala Clan mythic origin of 19: 590 sq. relations of, with TcÜa 19: 588 sq. Ala Group Ala clans of 19: 583. LeÑya clans of 19: 583. Ala-LeÑya (Horn Flute) Clan advent of, at Walpi 19: 585 sq., 590-594. ceremony of advent of, at Walpi 19: 591 sq. Ala Societies, probable origin of 19: 626. Alabama alleged error in survey of Cherokee boundary 5: 211.
li class="isub1">origin of name of 19: 18. pictographs on 4: 20, 21. Allegheny Valley, character of pottery of 20: 183. Allegory, development of 19: LXXXIX-XC. Allen, Miss A. J., on burial sacrifice 1: 189. Allen, H. H., on Korean myths 19: 447. Allen, H. T. 46: 124, 128. Allen, Dr. Harrison 1: 208, 225, 238, 245. on conventionalized forms 4: 244. Allen, J. A. on American bison in Piedmont area 19: 1043. on former range of buffalo 15: 173. Allen, Jim 46: 31, 105, 106, 112, 172, 181, 206. Allen, Walter, a Ponka commissioner 15: 192. Allen County, Ky., mounds and graves in 44: 488, 491. Allen Settlement, Pa., vessel from 20: 166. Alleyway, Hawikuh 8: 81. Alliances of the Pima Indians 26: 200. of the Winnebago 37: 58 sq. Alligator association of, with disease 42: 647. beliefs concerning 30: 369. dangers from, in rivers of New Galicia 14: 539. effigy of, in Santa Rita mound 19: 680, 684. hunting of 38: § 217. legends concerning 30: 135, 212. myths concerning 19: 459. pottery, figured 38: § 96. rain due to 30: 267. representation of, in Gulf Coast pottery 20: 110. scale headbands 38: § 530. teeth as talismans 30: 289 sq., 298. town emblems of Tukabahchee 42: 243. used as food 42: 693. utilization of, in Chiriquian art 6: 130-140, 166, 173-176, 178, 180, 183. Alligator Clan native names for 42: 115. reasons for associations of 42: 145. story concerning 42: 108. Alligator Creek, archeological sites at 48: 3. Alligator Dance description of 42: 530. mention of 42: 524. “Alligator” Mound 2: 158. Alligator Stools, nature of 30: 135, 192, 250. Allionia Nyctaginea 33: 78. use of 44: 286, 362. Allis, Samuel, on Kickapoo prayer-stick 14: 697. Allison, Thomas, Pima interpreter 26: 18. Allison, William, a Kiowa trader 17: 283, 313. Allium Acuminatum 45: 482. Allium Mutabile 33: 71. Allium Stellatum, use of 44: 286, 340, 377. Allium Tricoccum, use of 44: 286, 346. Alloc, mentioned 44: 35. Allotted Lands, tenure of 18: 643. Allotment. See Lands. Allotment Act of 1887 effect on Indian reservations of 18: 641 sq. in severalty, regulation by act of Congress of 18: 642. in severalty, schedule of treaties and acts of Congress authorizing 18: 645 sqq. Allouez, PÈre Claude on Maskotin use of wild rice 19: 1054. on Rabbit-rock myth 14: 117. All-over Designs 41: 233, 240, 271 sqq. All-together, sign for 1: 523. Allyn, Robert, assists in exploration 12: 181. Almacabala modern vestiges of 19: 847-851. stepping stone to modern science 19: 825 sq. Almagro, struggles of, in Peru against Pizarro 14: 376. Almaguer, Antonio de, secretary in New Spain 14: 598. Almanac, Cherokee, establishment of 19: 112. Almidez Cherino, Pero, royal veedor for New Spain 14: 596, 598. Almirantazgo, island of 14: 545. Almogen used by Navahos in blanching silver 2: 175. Almotu, a PÄlus village 14: 735. Almy, John, circular works on land of, New York 12: 510. Alnus Incana medicinal constituents of 44: 303. medicinal properties of 44: 299. use of 44: 286, 346, 358, 360, 369. Alnus Oregona 45: 501. Alnus Rhombifolia 45: 503. Alnus Rubra 45: 483. Alo Mana derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 108, 109. Aloam Mountain in Pima mythology 26: 242. Aloe, Mexican, use of, for clothing by Pueblo Indians 14: 569. Alona identified with Halona 13: 327. Alone Man, Catch-the-Bear killed by 14: 857. Alonso, Manuel A., on Porto Rican folklore 25: 20. Alosaka derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 121. Hopi germ-god 21: 121. idols in Awatobi shrine 17: 619. PatuÑ germ-god 19: 595 sq. See also MuyiÑwÛ. Alphabet Siouan 11: 363; 15: 208. syllabic, used by Winnebago 37: 47. Tsimshian 31: 42. used for Cherokee words 19: 506. used in record of Hako ceremony 22, ii: 16. used in spelling Hopi names 21: 126. used in writing Eskimo names 18: 22. See also Syllabary. Alphabets 4: 13. Alsea Indians amount of wild rice harvested by the 19: 1076. habitat of 7: 134. land cessions and reservations 18: 812, 814, 838, 878, 948. linguistic work among the 24: XXII. paper on 40: 17. Alsea Language grammatical sketch of, by Dr. Leo Frachtenberg 36: 22; 37: 18. work on, by Dr. Leo Frachtenberg 34: 21. Alsek River, Tlingit clans near mouth of 26: 413. Alta California, on Pima and Maricopa 26: 31. Altamira, Mexico antiquities at 26: XV, XVI. founded by Escandron 25: 278. ruins 25: 276. stone idols 25: 278 sqq. Altar Mounds 5: 57, 58. Altar Stones reference to 42: 709. St. Kitts 34: 160. Altars Andrews, Miss Harriet A. assistance of 36: 20; 38: 15. mention of 31: 32. work of 29: 22. Andropogon Furcatus use of 44: 286, 342, 348. use for making arrows for toy bows 33: 68. Anecdote from Du Tertre 34: 222. A´neglakya, legend of 30: 46. A´neglakyatsi´tsa, legend of 30: 46. Anemone 33: 82. Anemone Canadensis 33: 82. Anemone Cylindrica 33: 82. Anemone Multifida 45: 474, 513. Anemone Occidentalis 45: 459, 466. Angel, Don, notes obtained from 48: 8. Angel, Silas, mounds on land of 12: 559.
, 279. as enemies of the Pima 26: 30, 165. as slaves 26: 197. attacks by, a probable cause of abandonment of pueblos 22, i: 20. baskets used by 28: 147. basketry, collection of 22, i: XXXIX. character of 26: 26. chungke game among the 13: 99. creation myth of 26: 239. depredation in Tusayan 17: 585. disease caused by 26: 265. earth and sky in mythology of 26: 239. effect of, on Pueblo tribes 13: 260. Eskimoid features among 46: 82. games of the 24: archery 383. bull-roarer 750. hoop and pole 420, 422, 449-457. stick dice 88 sq. gourmandism among the 14: 287. habitat of 7: 54. hair of 26: 265, 325. hostility of immigrants 26: 31, 32. illustrations of ornamentation by 6: 198, 213, 223. in Chichilticale country 13: 296. in fights with Confederates 26: 48. in fights with Maricopa 26: 50. influence of, on Hopi removal from old Walpi 19: 580. in Ghost-dance 14: 653, 802, 805, 898. in Pima flood legend 28: 51. in Pima mythology 26: 213 sqq., 229, 366-389. in Pima song 26: 335, 336. in Pima tales 26: 242, 244 sqq., 249, 250. in Pima war speeches 26: 353-362. inroads upon Tusayan by the 8: 25, 26, 35. intermarriage 26: 186 sq. Kiowa early warfare with 14: 1079. land cessions and reservations 18: 788, 822, 830, 838, 846, 854, 860, 864, 876, 878, 880, 882 sqq., 888, 890, 922, 944. late appearance of, at Tusayan 17: 581. lustration ceremonies of 26: 204. medicine men of the 14: 704. memoir on medicine-men of, by J. G. Bourke 9: 433-603. mescal prized by 26: 70. murder party of, by scalp hunters 19: 209. observations among the 26: XIX sq. occupancy of Verde ruins 17: 550, 565, 570. on Patki migrations 19: 597. on Tusayan migrations 19: 626. pictographs 28: 197, 201. pictographs connected with signs 1: 372. pictographs in Verde Valley 17: 550, 556, 567, 568. population 7: 56; 26: 196. racing among 19: 209. raids 26: 38-66. raids of, on Sobaipuri, etc. 19: 598. references to 28: 34, 44, 56, 58, 61, 70, 195, 217. refusal of, to accept ÄpiataÑ’s report 14: 914. smoke signals of the 1: 538. Southern Cibola, exposure of, to 8: 96. stone arrow-points among the 14: 283, 284. stone-flaking by the 13: 173. stone implements of the 14: 256. study of the 16: XXIII, XXVIII; 19: XXIII. symbolic colors of 11: 532. treatment of gonorrhoea by 26: 80. tribal signs for 1: 459. use of bullroarer by 14: 975. weapons of 26: 96. See also Apache Indian. Apache, Chiricahua games of the 24: archery 385. hoop and pole 429, 449. Apache, Jicarilla games of the 24: hidden ball 345. hoop and pole 449. running races 806. genesis myth of the 24: 345. See also Jicarilla Apache. Apache, Mescalero games of the 24: hoop and pole 449 sq. running races 803 sq. Apache, San Carlos games of the 24: dice games 86. hoop and pole 450. Apache, White Mountain games of the 24: cat’s cradle 762 sq. dice games 87-91. hoop and pole 450-457. Apache Indian charms and amulets of 10: 502 sq. color scheme of 29: 42. drawings of, compared with German sketches 10: 740. hair dressing of women of 10: 755. izze-cloth or medicine cord of 10: 225. names for 29: 573-576. references to 29: 259, 480, 536. time records of 10: 258 sq. visit of, to Washington 34: 28. See also Apache. Apache John. See GoÑk`oÑ. Apache Katcinas among the Hopis 21: 17. Apache-Navaho, Hawikuh destroyed by 13: 329. Apaches of Arkansas River of the plains, Kiowa Apache synonyms 17: 245. picture records of 17: 142. Apalache Bay, explored by Narvaez 14: 346. Apalachee application of name to Muskhogean Indians 20: 130. dispersion of 42: 48. enslavement of 19: 232. fighting methods of 42: 440. mention of 42: 324. of Muskhogean stock 42: 678. Seminole treated as, by Milfort 42: 47. Apalachee-Ohio Province, pottery from 20: 180 sqq. Apalaches, supposed by Gallatin to be Yuchi 7: 126. Apalachi Tribe 7: 95. Apalachicola a town of refuge 42: 252 sq. alliance of, with the Creeks 42: 39. allocation of clans in beds at 42: 201-204. arrangement of square ground of 42: 226, 270, 271. busk held at 42: 585. clan councils of 42: 126. clans of, furnishing chiefs and henihas 42: 193, 194. clans, phratries and moieties of 42: 160. Lower Creek White town 42: 126, 254. position of beds at 42: 198. united with Kasihta 42: 38. Apalachicola Region pottery from 20: 110 sqq. recent collections from 20: 125. Apalachucla, ancient town of, described 12: 655. ApalÄi Indians ordeals of 30: 310, 314, 315. sickness of 30: 346, 350. Ä´pÄm´d
s 277 sq., 280. See also names of objects, e. g., Amulets, Celts, Carved Stones, etc. Archeological Remains, protection of 26: XXVI sq. Archeological Specimens donated by George Goshaw 46: 98. donated by Merle La Voy 46: 102. donated by Lomen Brothers 46: 117. donated by Thomas Berryman 46: 99. placed on deposit 46: 115. Archeological Work of the Bureau of American Ethnology 42: 2 sq.; 43: 1-4. Archeology eastern, work in 15: XXI, XXV, XXVIII, XXXIII, XXXVII, XLII, XLVII, LI, LV, LIX, LXIII, LXVI. in relation to ethnology 28: 42.
li> Arrow appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 61, 66, 69, 72, 75, 76, 78, 81, 82, 90, 91, 98, 99, 103, 106, 108, 110, 111, 113. embedded in body, extraction of 32: 416. in Tusayan ceremony 15: 281, 285. leaf used in withdrawing from body 32: 535. making by Arizona tribes 14: 275. medicine, ceremony of 14: 1026 mention of 33: 660; 38: § 134-144, 146, 190, 759, 764. of Chesapeake tribes 15: 85. Seri, construction of 17: 197* sq. Seri, decoration of 17: 175*. Seri, genesis of 17: 198* sq. Seri, relation to harpoon and fire-drill of 17: 198* sq. supernatural 31: 451. symbolism of the 24: 33, 213 sqq., 227 sqq., 335 sq. use of, by Hopi katcinas 21: 85, 86. use of 17: 225* sq. use in magic 32: 317. Arrow Ceremony 36: 145. Arrow Clan native names for 42: 116. See also Pakab Clan. Arrow-flaking by the Powhatan 15: 62. Arrow Games description of 45: 132 sq. of the Arapaho 14: 962. of the Eskimo 11: 246. of the Mandan 24: 393. of the Nenenot 11: 312. of the Sia 11: 60. study of 15: LXIV, LXVII; 16: LXXV. use of, in ceremonial 11: 122. Arrow Order. See Sho´tik?anna. Arrow Points and spearheads from Chiriqui 6: 34. as fetishes 47: 278. burial of shards resembling, Florida peninsula 20: 119. distribution of 15: 142. Eskimo 18: 159, 161. in graves at Sikyatki 14: 519. in Wisconsin mounds 14: 38. iron, of the Seri 17: 247* sq. ivory, below Paimute 46: 67. ivory, Bonasila 46: 60, 135. ivory, Eskimo territory 46: 173. ivory, Ghost Creek 46: 63. materials used for 15: 85. modern stone 14: 281. of Arizona tribes 14: 256. of stones from Pueblo ruins 22, i: 103. stone 46: 173. stone, Eskimo method of making 18: 91. stone, of the Seri 17: 198*, 246* sq. what constitutes 15: 83. See also Projectile Points. Arrow Poison 38: § 123, 217. Seri, characters of 17: 256*-259*. travelers’ accounts of 17: 54, 78, 87, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105. Arrow Polishers from Pueblo Viejo ruins, description and figures of 22, i: 182, 183. Arrow-shaft polishers from Awatobi 17: 611, 731. polishers from Casa Grande 28: 126. polishers in Sikyatki graves 17: 731. straighteners, Eskimo 18: 88 sq. straightening 13: 126. Arrow Smoothers, stone 45: 40. Arrow-spearing Game 24: 437. Arrow Tightener of the Guiana Indians 38: § 130. Arrow Trap 38: § 160. Arrowbush bark as a Pima medicine 26: 79. in basketry 20: 134. Arrowhead use of 44: 292, 319. See also Sagittaria Latifolia. Arrowheads application of the term 41: 317, 321. authorship of 37: 86 sq. beveled, use of 13: 177. blunt, and scrapers compared 13: 169. blunt, description of 13: 169. chipping of, discussed 13: 138, 140. chipping of, time necessary for 13: 142. classification of 44: 94 sq. definition of 13: 142. description of 44: 97-101; 45: 100. designs 41: 317, 321, 343 sq., 422 sqq. distribution of 37: 79. flint, at Licking Reservoir 44: 513. found in mound 41: 575. from Awatobi 17: 618, 625. in Sikyatki graves 17: 731, 740. kilt worn by Man-Eagle 17: 692 sq. materials used for 42: 692. mention of, from Casa Grande 28: 130. method of flaking 13: 150. nomenclature of 13: 143. of America and Europe compared 13: 58. of California Indians 13: 143. of volcanic glass 22, i: 183. stone 45: 42. types of 37: 88. variety of 45: 241. Arrowleaf 33: 65. Arrows bow and, use of 30: 314 sq., 361 sq. broken 30: castigation with 210, 362. charm from 214, 273. legends of 213 sq. used by spirits 361 sq. carried in wooden quiver 31: 50. ceremony connected with 39: 233 sq., 364 sq. connected with sacred pole 27: 228, 242, 247. description of 45: 99 sq. each Omaha has his own set of 3: 291. Eskimo 18: 157, 161. five types of 37: 110. flaming, use of 42: 439. game played with 38: § 609, 610; 42: 468; 46: 570. in declaration of war 4: 87, 88. in Menomini myth 14: 196. in Shell Society ceremony 28: 562, 564. lucky, legend of 30: 214. making and exchange of, in Guiana 13: 139. manufacture of 27: 449-452; 38: § 128-133. marking of 27: 42, 43, 452. mission of 30: 362. mystic 45: 675. mystic, in Menomini myth 14: 196. of the Cheyenne 14: 1024. of the Eskimo 9: 201-207. of the Menomini 14: 274. origin of 27: 70. protection against spirits by 30: 293 sq. sacred, of the Cheyenne 13: 116; 17: 242. sacred, in Sioux ceremony 14: 823. sacred, in Sioux Ghost-dance 14: 788, 915, 916. songs of the 39: 233 sq., 364-369. shot upward 30: 361. spirally feathered <
lass="indx">Asphaltum, used by California Indians 2: 191, 209, 218. Aspiroz, Manuel de, acknowledgment to 22, i: XI. Assassins, employment of 30: 357. Assembly mention of 35: 928, 975. of chiefs and shamans 35: 733. of chiefs of numayms 35: 907. of Numaym 35: 769, 891, 898, 958, 978, 981, 987, 994, 1003, 1029, 1031, 1037, 1042, 1064, 1083, 1091, 1360. of tribe 35: 1012, 1363 sq., 1377. of tribe after death 35: 1087. Assimilation, by the Tundra of remains 46: 77. of skeletal remains 46: 79, 97, 111, 118, 136, 172, 184, 195. Assinaboin. See Assiniboin. Assiniboin beliefs among 11: 431, 436, 485, 492.
ss="indx"> Awnkote purchase of reserve for 18: 750. reservation for 18: 724. ÁwonawÍlona of ZuÑi mythology 13: 379. A´wonawil´ona, Description of. See Mythology. Ax, John Cherokee story-teller 19: 229. information furnished by 24: 475. myths told by 19: 430, 431, 435, 436, 438, 440, 448-452, 454 sqq., 460, 462, 463, 466, 471, 473, 476, 477, 481. Ax-like Instruments, described 15: 90, 92. Axa, province of, in Great Plains 14: 492. Axes aboriginal method of making 15: 68. absent from Porto Rico collection 34: 131. anchor 34: 148. asymetrical 34: 102 sqq., 138 sq. bowlders used for 15: 142. ceremonial 11: 454; 34: 133, 142. characteristic of Lesser Antilles 34: 174, 180. collection of Indian 3: 521. copper, types of 37: 88. double-edged 46: 82, 135, 147 sqq. eared 34: 108 sq., 139-143. eared, where found 34: 59, 93. engraved 34: 109 sq., 144-147. Eskimo 18: 88, 91, 92; 46: 67, 69, 82, 87. from Dominica 34: 125. from Great Cayman 34: 258. from Guadeloupe 34: 132 sq., 138-143. from St. Lucia 34: 131. from St. Vincent region 34: 94-104, 108 sqq. from Tobago 34: 78. grooved 34: 101 sq., 145. grooved, described 13: 62. grooved, development of 15: 98, grooved, material used in making 15: 141. grooved, nomenclature of 13: 62. how finished 15: 26. ivory 46: 149. jadeite, near Barrow 46: 319. material of 30: 127. materials used in making 15: 99. notched 34: 74, 78. of Spanish type recovered from mound 48: 4. of the Omaha 13: 278. of unusual size 34: 130. on the Yukon, at Burchell’s 40: 46. perforated 34: 147 sq. produced by flaking 15: 26. remodeled for steatite working 15: 126, 127, 130, 131, 132 sq. Ruby 46: 48. sign for 1: 386. stone 42: 689 sq. stone, Anchorage, Chitna 46: 148. stone, Casa Grande 28: 123 sq. stone, from Awatobi 17: 625. stone, from Homolobi, figure showing 22, i: 102. stone, from Wolpi 2: 375. stone, from ZuÑi 2: 320, 327. stone, in Sikyatki graves 17: 730, 731. stone, of Guiana Indians 38: § 6, 7. Tanana 46: 43. tortoise shell 38: § 10. typical of Lesser Antilles 34: 146, 262. used as pottery polishers 13: 99. winged, from Tobago 34: 78. with animal head on poll 34: 140. with caps 34: 100 sq. with regular margins 34: 138. Yukon 46: 134, 135, 145, 146, 147, 148. See also Celts. Aya, description of 21: 114. Ayasta, Cherokee manuscript obtained from 7: 313. Ay´sta, Cherokee story-teller 19: 237. Ayer Collection of Americana, reference to 42: 680. Ayllon on gigantic Indian 19: 501. version of Tsundige´wi myth by 19: 471. visit to Georgia coast by 19: 193. Aylor, H. I., steatite quarry on farm of 15: 132. Aymamon, a Porto Rican cacique 25: 38 sq. A`yÛÑ´in?. See Swimmer. A`yÛ?´in?, or Swimmer, Cherokee manuscript obtained from 7: 310 sqq. Ayutan a synonym of Comanche 14: 1043. identification of 17: 167. Ay-Ay, name for St. Croix 34: 166. Azachagiag 46: 200. Azachagiak 46: 197. Aziag or Aziak, Sledge Island 46: 89, 197, 200. Aziags 46: 89. Aziak Island. See Sledge Island. Aztalan, description of 37: 88 sqq. Aztec and British obsidian flakes compared 13: 59. dice games of the 24: 160. inscription, Mexico 10: 133 sq. myths of 19: 431, 451, 466. or Nahuatl method of forming numerals above ten 19: 882-885. picture, suggestion of, by picture of Kwahu 21: 77. references to 28: 54, 186. ruined structures attributed to the 8: 225. spirits of 30: 171. symbolic colors among 11: 532. traditional association with Casa Grande 28: 33. use of masks among 47: 902, 903. warriors, allies of Spaniards in Mixton wars 14: 410. writing 4:14. See also Mexico, ancient inhabitants. Aztec Pass fort below 28: 210 sq. origin of name 28: 208. references to 28: 206, 207, 211. road through 28: 204. Aztec Springs Ruin 4: 319. Aztecs and Taracos, burial sacrifice of 1: 190. cliff ruins attributed to 16: 191. culture of the 14: 658. human sacrifice among 47: 847, 903. pictured on Acoma walls 47: 27. Azul, Antonio account of 26: 17, 196. campaign described by 26: 202 sq. cited on Apache raids 26: 201. cited on mountain sheep 26: 82. first Pima adobe house built by 26: 153. information furnished by 26: 18, 36. on location of Elder Brother’s house 26: 225. Pima head chief 26:21. Azul, Culo, Pima head chief 26: 158, 196. Azuza Canyon, Calif. pictographs 4: 37, 156. rock paintings in 10: 69, 354 sqq. B Ba´achin?na, name of the Northern Arapaho 14: 954, 1014. BÄÄku´ni, Arapaho name of Paul Boynton 14: 971
167; 23. use of, in basketry 41: 145. Balsam Fir use of 44: 286. See also Abies Balsamea. Balsaminacae 33: 101. Balsam Lake Region, Ontario, Iroquoian pottery from 20: 170. Balsam Poplar
="isub1">on partial scaffold burial 1: 169. on racket of the Cherokee 24: 574 sq. on racket of the Muskogee 24: 606. Bartram, William associations, with Tha´tada gens 27: 42. beliefs concerning 44: 324; 45: 184, 289. bones of, to give magic power 32: 343. claws of, worn as necklace 46: 553. connection with Mo?chu´ithaethe 27: 486 sq. dead, invocation to 46: 499 sqq. flayed, ceremony over 23: 126. hunting of 27: 275; 44: 241 sq. in Tewa conception 29: 43. invoked in medicine 30: 60. killed by shooting in forefoot 32: 343. killing of 46: 537 sq. meat of 46: 105. modeled representation of, Iroquoian pipes 20: 174. myths and lore concerning 19: 250, 264, 268, 273 sq., 286 sq., 325-329, 411, 436, 446 sq., 450 sqq., 472 sqq., 504.
Southwestern missions founded by 13: 327. Bench around cliff kivas 16: 121, 136, 137, 138, 177. domestic 38: § 328, 331. for acouri, etc. 38: § 164. in cliff outlook 16: 151. wooden, of the Oyana 38: § 328. See also Alligator Stools; Benches; Medicine-men, bench. Benches in Eskimo houses 18: 245, 246. in Navaho houses 17: 496. Mashongnavi mungkiva 8: 127. Pueblo houses, around rooms of 8: 213. Tusayan kivas 8: 121, 123, 125. ZuÑi rooms 8: 110. Benchlike Recess in cliff kiva 16: 124. Bending-Post-Oak House Group, story of 44: 207. Bendire, Capt. Charles on petrographs 4: 26. petroglyphs reported by 10: 122. stone relics from Oregon sent by 3: 492. Benel, meaning of 16: 245. Bengal, account sticks or strings used by natives of 10: 264. Benham Collections of Gila Valley antiquities 28: 119. B?ni´n?na, an Arapaho warrior society 14: 986. Benitez, death of 14: 500. Bennings, quartzite blades from 15: 79. Bennett, ——, agreement concluded by 18: 847. Bennett, L. E., on schools in Cherokee nation 19: 152. Benoit, Felix, interpreter in Sioux outbreak 14: 865. Benopi land cessions and reservations 18: 784. Benson, H. C., on Choctaw burial 1: 186. Bent, Charles, on NambÉ Pueblo 29: 358. Bent, George acknowledgments to 14: 655. on absence of clans among the Cheyenne 14: 956. Bent, Jesse, acknowledgments to 14: 655. Bent, William an early Indian trader 17: 172. at treaty of 1865 17: 180. on Plains tribes of 1859 17: 182. trading post of 17: 283. Bent Horn, exhibition of shamanism by 11: 417. Benta, monochord musical instrument 38: § 571. Bentham, ——, on wild rice in eastern Russia 19: 1037. Bentham and Hooker, on scientific synonym for wild rice 19: 1021. Bentley, Mrs., information supplied by 42: 839, 848, 849 sq. Bentley, Thomas, steatite quarries reported by 15: 125. Bentley, William, quoted on Salem’s Indian policy 18: 605. Benton, Dr. Elbert J., editorial work of 23: XXXVIII, XLII; 24: XXXIII; 25: XXIII. Benton, Owen’s Valley, Calif. petroglyphs at 4: 31, 32. petroglyphs near 10: 58. Bent’s Fort, account of 17: 382. Benzoin Æstivale, medicinal use of 42: 657. Benzoni as a historian 25: 19 sq. on character of Antilleans 25: 31. on grinding maize 25: 106. on Haitian ceremony for crops 25: 67. on Haitian zemis 25: 54. on treatment of the sick 25: 61 sq. stone mullers figured by 25: 99. Benzoni, Girolami, cited on Indian medicine-men 9: 461. Beothuk, games of the 24: 97. Beothukan Family 7: 57 sq. Bequia kitchen middens of 34: 89. number of specimens from 34: 49. Berard, Father. See Haile, Rev. Berard. Berberidaceae 33: 83. Berberis Aquifolium 45: 490, 502. Berberis Nervosa 45: 490. Berdaches beliefs concerning 11: 378. description of 45: 384. how detected 40: 257. mention of 11: 467, 516. reference to 42: 700. See also Transvestites. Berea, Ky., trail to 42: 802. Berendt, C. H., Mayan studies of 21: XXVI. Berg, H. 46: 31, 104, 108, 113, 118, 119, 120, 123, 172. Bergamot, wild 33: 111. Berger, aid rendered by 17: 13. Berghaus, Heinrich, linguistic literature of 7: 16. Bergmann, C. F. W., aid rendered by 17: XLVI. Bering, Capt. I. I. or V. 46: 209. Bering Sea amphitheater of migrations from Asia 46: 93, 95, 96. archeology of 46: 144, 168, 363, 366. crania from 46: 260, 364, 365. islands 46: 255. Bering Sea Eskimo home of the 46: 238. mention of 46: 227, 359. Bering Strait character of people on 18: 301 sq. crania from 46: 233. Eskimo of 46: 225, 226, 227. masks from 3: 135. memoir on Eskimo about 18: 19-51. umiaks used on 18: 217. Berlin, Museum fÜr VÖlkerkunde celts in 34: 177 sq. Guesde collection in 34: 128. West Indian objects in 34: 50, 215, 218. Berliner, Emile, acknowledgments to 14: 655. Berliner Gesellschaft fÜr Anthropologie etc., Verhandlungen der, cited 6: 409, 616. Berkeley, Sir William exploring expedition by 5: 138. instructions to 18: 626, 627. Berkeley, Lord, grant to 18: 530, 588. Berks County, aboriginal quarries in 15: 78. Bermejo. See Vermejo. Bermuda Hundred, Va., trail from 42: 775. Bernabe, ChrisÁstomo Gil de, establishment of mission by 17: 80 sqq. Bernal, Capt. CristÓbal M., reference to 28: 16. Bernaldez, Andros on dress of Cuban cacique and wife 25: 35. on second voyage of Columbus 25: 203. on sentiments of Antilleans 25: 32. on wearing of masks by Antilleans 25: 136. Bernalillo, location of Tiguex at 14: 391, 491. Bernard, Joe 46: 38, 167, 211. Bernau, J. H., cited 30: 277, 302, 329, 343, 346, 356, 357, 3
harvest 19: 1017, 1056-1070. dishes 46: 37, 83, 136, 170. Eskimo tobacco implements made of 18: 274. fans and matting wigwam 19: 1017 fans, used in winnowing wild rice 19: 1071. gathering of 44: 386. in burials 46: 63, 70. in houses 46: 82. objects of 46: 142, 170, 173. pietographs, Abnaki 10: 201, 213 sq., 468 sq. pietographs, Amalecite 10: 334 sqq. records and songs of the Mid?´wiwin 7: 286-289. songs recorded on 14: 107. tools used by Eskimo in working 18: 90. use of, for baskets 11: 301. use of, in aboriginal industries 23: XIII, XXXI. used for canoes 14: 293. used for house building 14: 253. used for utensils 14: 288. used in juggler’s lodge 14: 146. used in medicine lodge 14: 72. winnowing tray for wild rice 19: 1070 sq. See also Birch; etc. Birch Tree myth concerning 43: 189. regarded as sacred 44: 381.
data on scalp and war dances of 40: 548. divisions of the 45: 304. Flathead name for 45: 302. land cessions and reservations 18: 812 sqq., 864, 874, 876, 880, 902, 924 sqq. name of, in sign language 45: 148. original territory of 45: 321. southern movement of 45: 316-319. story of battle of, with Salish 45: 125-128. wars of, with Coeur d’AlÊne 45: 125-128. wars of, with Flathead 45: 361-365. See also Blackfeet; etc. Blackfoot Language cluster st in 28: 234. reference to 28: 186, 225. relationship of 28: 22, 229-232, 235, 237, 289. Blackmore, ——, on arrow chipping 13: 142. Black’s Canyon, cliff-house at mouth of 28: 197 sq. Black’s Ranch, reference to 28: 195, 196, 197. Black’s Station, encounter at 19: 48. Black Warrior River, reference to 42: 38. Blackwater, William, information furnished by 26: 18. Blackwater, Ariz. pictographs near 28: 148. Pima day schools 26: 34. Pima dwellings 26: 153. Puna sacred places 26: 255. Pima village 26: 23. references to 28: 37, 62, 115. Blackwell, Thomas appointment of 41: 95. work of 41: 94, 115; 42: 18; 43: 17; 44: 17; 46: 15; 47: 12; 48: 19. Bladder, the hero, offerings to 37: 441. Bladder Feasts, of the Eskimo 18: 379-393. Bladder Trouble, treatment of 42: 655 sq., 658, 659. Bladders enema made of animals’ 38: § 921. Eskimo floats made of 18: 141, 188. Eskimo musical instruments made of 18: 350. used as receptacles 13: 280. Blade and celt making compared 15: 102. experiments in, and celt making 15: 151. Blade-grass Basketry patterns 38: § 444. Blades destiny of, from quarry shops 15: 148. iron, recovered from mound 44: 166. See also Leaf-shape Blades. Blaeu, Jean on Pecos 29: 476. on Santa Ana 29: 521. on Taos 29: 182. Blagden, Thomas, on Piny Branch quarries 15: 35. Blair, Miss Emma Helen, authority on writings of the Jesuits 19: 1113. Blair, James, Georgia commissioner in treating with the Cherokee 5: 236. Blake, Lady Edith cited on Jamaican skull heaps 25: 87. material collected by 24: 97. petroglyphs described and sketched by 10: 137 sqq. Blake, P., on Caliche 26: 87. Blanchard’s Fork Ottawa, land cessions and reservations by 18: 686, 734, 826, 842, 858. Blanchard’s Fork Wyandot, land cessions and reservations by 18: 690, 734. Blanchets, two, first priests among the Flathead 45: 385. Blanching Silver, Navaho method of 2: 175. Blanco, Ruiz, cited 30: 139. Bland, Edward, travels of 42: 779. Bland, Dr. T. A., Red Cloud census loaned, by 4: 176, 177. Blandina River. See Roanoke River. Blankets appearance of, in Hopi katcina representations 21: 60. blessed, used at ZuÑi feasts 9: 526. counting of 35: 1055, 1067 sq. designs on 41: 360. formerly used to cover doorways 8: 182, 188, 189, 194. given in feast 35: 1062. materials used for 41: 355. Navaho 3: 380-388. of the native American cotton 14: 517. pin for, made of yew-wood 35: 118. rabbit-skin 45: 226. use of, in Hopi festivals 21: 37, 40, 42, 46, 47. weaving of 2: 434. worn reversed by Hopi katcinas 21: 84. Blankinship, J. W., on absence of wild rice in Montana 19: 1031. Blankinstone, Mrs. copper plate obtained by 12: 153. silver articles in Minnesota mound found by 12: 715. Blase, Father, ——, Menomini grammar and dictionary by 14: 295. Blazing Star mention of 33: 133. use of 44: 290, 366. Bledos, meaning of the term 9: 522. Bledsoe, on French and Spanish encouragement of Cherokee hostility 19: 62, 67. Bleeding practice of, among the Cherokee 7: 334 sq. practices of 46: 426. See also Blood. Blessings act of, in medicine dance 37: 365. evil, rejected 40: 555. obtained by fasting 40: 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 545, 547, 551, 555. passing of 37: 366. special, for warfare 37: 157, 160, 168. Blind, gestures of the 1: 278. Blind Man who wanted a Girl, legend of 30: 382. Blindman’s Buff, played by the Eskimo 18: 337. Blind Men and the Raccoon, folktale of 14: 211. Blind Savanna, a wrong clan interpretation 42: 118. Blindness among Indian medicine-men 9: 470. assumption of, by Sumaikoli 21: 96. belief concerning 37: 263. caused by spirits 30: 182, 185. Blish, A. H., vessel collected by 20: 166. Blitum Capitatum 45: 502. Blizzard experienced by Coronado 14: 506. See also Snow; Storm. Block House established by Capt. John Anderson 42: 794. roads from 42: 794, 800. Block-type Club 38: § 153. Blocks on Eskimo dog harness 18: 210 sq. on Eskimo float-lines 18: 142 sq. on rigging of Eskimo boats 18: 218. Blodgett, James H., on pictographs 4: 33. Bloedite, mineral, reference to 29: 579. Blood bleeding, etc. 38: § 752, 923, 924. Eskimo <
>BÓhÓnkÓÑkya, treaty signed by, in 1837 17: 269. Bo-i-de or The Flame, time chart of 4: 93. Boii derivation of name 25: 130. See also Priesthood, Antillean. Boiling by means of heated stones 41: 586. method of, used by American aborigines 20: 26 sq. with red-hot stones by the Kwakiutl 35: 545, 546. See also Domestic Pottery. Boiling Baskets mention of 4: 485. terms for 41: 396. Boiling Spring Academy Indian remains at 41: 559. naming of 41: 603. Boils mention of 11: 496. treatment of 42: 667. BÓiÑ-edal adopted father of 17: 280. Kiowa capture of 17: 270. scalping witnessed by 17: 273. Bois d’Arc mention of 33: 76. origin of the name 42: 692. Bois Fort Chippewa land cessions and reservations 18: 796, 840, 904, 912, 938. Bolas of the Eskimo 9: 244 sqq. use of round stones as 13: 95. Bolingbroke, H., on origin of man 30: 141, 233. Bolivar, Tenn., trail to 42: 692.
wer Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 102. mention of 4: 283, 306, 308-314, 316, 322-334, 376-392. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 85, 87 sqq. nest of, found in burial 41: 606. reptilian designs on, description of 22, i: 115. sandstone 44: 72 sqq. Sikyatki, decoration on 17: 705. South Appalachian pottery 20: 131, 132, 133, 136, 139 sq. spider and sun emblem on, description of 22, i: 81 sq. spiral design on 22, i: 151. steatite 44: 85 sq. sun emblem on 22, i: 150. use of 22, ii: 20, 42. use of, in burial 20: 133. wooden, symbolism of 22, ii: 44, 289, 350. See also Forms; Pipes; Pottery; Prayer-bowl. Bowls from Pueblo Ruins, Arizona bear design on 22, i: 153. bear’s paw design on 22, i: 155. bird designs, cuts showing 22, i: 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 115, 116, 117, 118, 132, 146, 147, 148, 154. bird designs on 22, i: 76 sqq., 115-118, 146, 147, 148. butterfly designs on, description of 22, i: 148. butterfly designs on, cuts showing 22, i: 149. dragon-fly design on 22, i: 147. exterior decoration of 22, i: 152-155. exterior decoration of, cuts showing 22, i: 132, 153, 154, 155. feather design on, cut showing 22, i: 151. features of 22, i: 61, 113, 133. frog or lizard design on 22, i: 132. gaming-cane design on, cut 22, i: 118. geometrical designs on 22, i: 83 sq., 85, 152, 155. human face on 22, i: 71. human figures on 22, i: 143, 144, 145. quadruped designs on 22, i: 72, 145, 153. rain-cloud designs on 23, i: 73 sq., 156. Bows collection of 3: 589. description of 45: 97 sqq. discussion of 14: 280. double-curved 45: 241. Eskimo 18: 155 sqq. Eskimo tools used in making 18: 85. in Ponka legend 27: 49. in Shell Society ceremony 27: 562, 564. in Tusayan ceremony 15: 281, 285. manufacture of 27: 448-451. of the Menomini 14: 274. of the Omaha 13: 285. of the Sioux 15: 171. origin of 27: 70. used by Padouca 27: 79. See also Bow; etc. Bowyer, Colonel, on Sauk and Fox expulsion 14: 19. Box, James, death of 17: 184. Box clay 34: 70. earthenware, from Sikyatki 17: 655. for plumes 8: 210. mention of 38: § 385, 387. stone-slab, in floor of wigwam 41: 595. ZuÑi ceremony over a 23: 464. See also Boxes. Box-burial Creek, Choctaw and Cherokee 1: 155. Eskimo 1: 155, 156. Indians of Talomeco River 1: 155. Innuits and Ingaliks 1: 156, 158. Kalosh 1: 156. Box Elder 33: 101. Box Elder, treaty of 18: 828. Box Handles, Eskimo 18: 100-103. Box-shaped Basketry 41: 165, 207 sq. Boxes bending sides of 35: 70-76, 90. boiling in 35: 459, 460. bottom of 35: 78,91. burial in 46: 63. caulking of 35: 299. cutting kerfs in side of 35: 68 sqq. fitting bottom of 35: 91. for arrow and spear points, Eskimo 18: 162 sq. for berry cakes 35: 263, 268, 274, 281. for caps, Eskimo 18: 164. for cured seaweed 35: 294, 296. for fungus ashes, Eskimo 18: 275-278. for harpoon heads, Eskimo 9: 247, 251. for herring spawn 35: 254 sq. for mixing salal berries 35: 265. for paints, Eskimo 18: 199 sqq. for picking salmon-berries 35: 140, 211. for preserved salmon 35: 239. for quids, Eskimo 18: 278 sqq. for snuff, Eskimo 18: 273 sqq. for soaking dried fish 35: 315, 318, 319, 324. for tools, Eskimo 9: 185 sqq. for trinkets, Eskimo 9: 323-326. made water-tight 35: 92. making of 35: 60-92. making side of 35: 62. measures of side of 35: 65. painted, Bonasila, Ghost Creek 46: 63. painting side of 35: 88. pegging side of 35: 76 sq., 79 sqq., 90 sqq. sewing side of 35: 77, 88. southeastern Alaska 46: 33, 64. squaring of 35: 70. squaring side of 35: 63 sqq., 84 sq. steaming side of 35: 71-74, 88 sqq. tools used by Eskimo in making 18: 85, 89. tops of 35: 81. Unalaklik 46: 64. Yukon 46: 138. See also Box. Boxing 33: 620, 621, 636, 641, 647. Boy adopted by bear 32: 367. becomes fastened to back of monster 32: 481. rescued from bear 32: 369. See also Boys. Boy and his Grandmother, Iroquois tale 2: 86. Boy and the Corn, Iroquois tale 2: 96. Boy rescued by a Bear, Iroquois tale 2: 83. Boyd, D. T., suit of United States against 19: 227. Boyd, George, on trading posts in the wild-rice fields 19: 1104. Boye. See Magicians. Boyle, David collection of Iroquoian pottery by 20: 170. exploration of Iroquoian provinces by 20: 159. illustrations from work of, on Iroquoian pottery 20: 170. material furnished by 24: 84. on dice games, Seneca 24: 116 sq. on hidden ball, Seneca 24: 350 sq. on ring and pin, Chippewa 24: 534 sq. ossuary opened by 12: 545. papers by, on Canadian pottery 20: 171. Boynton, Paul acknowledgments to 14: 655. , trails in region of 42: 758, 759. Bristol Bay crania from 46: 170, 190. mention of 46: 254, 259. Bristles seal, used in Eskimo ornamentation 18: 37, 39. used in drilling 14: 267. British encouragement of Indian hostility by 19: 64, 68. relations of, with Indians 19: 98 sq. retention of ports by (1790) 19: 68. withdrawal of, from interior ports 19: 81. withdrawal of, from the south 19: 62. British America, association of ceramic and textile arts in 20: 67 sq. British Columbia field work in 18: XXIX; 22, i: IX, XII; 23: IX, XVIII, XXXIV. Indians of 46: 32, 33.
ceremony for restoration of 14: 906. effect of extermination of 14: 825, 829, 831, 833. former range of 15: 173. hair of, as a symbol 39: 58 sq. hair used in medicine 14: 1033. hearts and tongues of, collected 3: 289. hearts and tongues of, feast on 3: 290. hunted in Allegheny regions 41: 611. hunting by the Sioux 14: 824. hunting, how conducted 14: 1071. importance of, to Siouan Indians 15: 172, 173. in BiÄnk`i’s vision 14: 910. Indian dependence on 14: 980. in Ghost dance doctrine 14: 821, 1064. in Sioux mythology 14: 1063. in Tennessee 41: 608 sq. killed in hunt, division of 3: 291. late arrival of, in Tennessee 41: 609. order of approaching a herd of 3: 289. skins of, given to Coronado 14: 505. skins of, obtained through trade by Sonora Indians 14: 357. story about 43: 397. use of skulls of, in Sioux ceremony 14: 822. vision of 14: 797, 821. See also Buffalo; and cross-references. Bufort, T. Jay material collected by 24: 248. on hand game, Calapooya 24: 284. on stick game, Klamath 24: 248. on stick game, Tututni 24: 239. Bugle Weed in Cherokee lore 19: 420. use of 44: 207, 290, 320; 45: 480. Bugloss in Cherokee lore 19: 426. Bugs not indigenous to British Guiana 38: § 934. Buhrstone formation of 44: 505. See also Chert (varieties of). Buhuti. See Boii; Priesthood (Antillean). Builder’s Tools of the Eskimo 9: 302 sqq. Building among the Sia 11: 23. Building Chant of the Seri 17: 223* sq. Building Materials, used by Pueblo Indians 22, i: 176, 177. Buildings character of 41: 552. custodians of 42: 180. number of, on Gordon site 41: 495, 497. on mound 41: 501, 562 sqq., 567-571. public, evolution of 42: 176. public, types of 42: 191. sacred, of the Creeks 42: 687. shape of 41: 495. storage, Spring Canyons 33: 165. traces of 41: 591. See also House. Buli or Butterfly Clan advent of, at Walpi 19: 585. introduction of OwakÜlti from Awatobi by 21: 58. same as Homani or Badger Clan 19: 607. Buli Manas appearance of, in Butterfly dance 21: 58. derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 119, 120. Bulimus 38: § 286. Bulitikibi, description of 21: 58. Bulkley, Charles S. 46: 128. Bull, William, treaty concluded by 18: 633. Bull-boat, description of 27: 36, 37. Bull Head at arrest of Sitting Bull 14: 857. Cherokee leader in wars with Creeks 19: 384. killed in Sitting Bull fight 14: 858. shot by Catch-the-bear 14: 857. Sioux policy under 14: 855. Sitting Bull shot by 14: 857. stoutness of, caused by the curse of TxÄmsem 31: 71. Bull Nettle used in curdling milk 30: 70. used in medicine 30: 60. Bull Snake, a life symbol 36: 103. Bull-tail, death of 17: 269. Bullard, Jack, syllabary text by 40: 378. Bullard, Mrs. Jack, sacred pack owned by 40: 378. Bullet game of 24: 309, 339-345. game of the Menomini 14: 242. game played with 44: 244. lead, recovered from mound 44: 166. Bullet Molds of the Eskimo 18: 164. Bullet Starter of the Eskimo 18: 164. Bullfrog myths concerning 19: 310 sq., 463. See also Frog. Bullhead-dish 35: 813, 816, 818. Bullroarer appearance of, in Hopi katcinas 21: 30. description of 24: 750. in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 97, 120. of the Arapaho 14: 974, 975. played by the 24: Apache 750. Dakota, Oglala 750. Dakota, Teton 750. Hopi 750. Navaho 750. Omaha 750. ZuÑi 750. use of, among Indians 9: 476-479. use of, by Tcolawitze 21: 61. See also Whizzer. Bull’s Dance, description of 46: 562. Bull’s Dry Bones, doctor and soothsayer 46: 422. Bulrush mention of 33: 69. use of 44: 393, 397, 320, 378; 45: 481, 484. Buluc-ahau, a Maya deity 16: 244. Bulwer, ——, on customs of self-mutilation 3: 77, 83, 84, 85. Bumblebees, used as medicine 44: 331. Bun, Hot Cross, of Good Friday 9: 544 sq. Bunch-berries (Chamaepericlineum unalaschkense). mention of 35: 596. use of 44: 288, 321; 45: 458. Bundle Burials of bones 41: 601 sq. See also Burial. Bunia Bird associated with air plants 30: 209, 231 sq., 371. legends of 30: 131, 209, 221, 231 sq. man taught by 30: 147, 209, 221, 271. stench of 30: 371. Bunnell, C. E. 46: 31, 38. Bunts, described and figured 13: 168. Bunzel, Dr. Ruth contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. reference to 41: 387. Buoy, of fishing line 35: 180. Buprestis, wing cases as bells 38: § 575. Bur Snakeroot use of 44: 293. See also Sanicula Canadensis. Bura. See Deer. contour map of 44: 68, 69. description of 44: 64 sqq., 68 sqq. excavation of 41: 85 sq., 107 sqq.; 44: 66-72. first pictured by Alfred Robinson 44: 55. genesis of title of 44: 56 sq. grading of 44: 70. location of 44: 35. purchased by A. F. Hinchman 44: 59. Burton Mound Village old Indian name for 42: 8. work at, of J. P. Harrington 42: 8 sqq. Buruburuli, red pigment 38: § 28. Bury, John, archeologic collection of 15: 18. Busby, A., reference to 40: 501. Bush, Maj. Joseph, on time charts 4: 94, 99, 127. Bush, string figure of 38: § 690. Bush Child, The Little, legend of 30: 326. Bush Cow. See Tapir. Bush Devils
outhern Caddoan. Caddoan and Adaizan Languages compared 7: 46. Caddoan and Siouan early contact 15: 187. Caddoan Family connection of, with Lower Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 102. connection of, with Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 81. connection of, with Northwestern pottery 20: 187. mention of 7: 58-62. Caddoan Stock game of hoop and pole 24: 421. tribes composing the 14: 1092. tribes of the 24: Arikara 97, 461, 624, 657, 758. Caddo 98, 462 sq. Pawnee 99, 274, 386, 409, 463, 625, 658, 730. Wichita 102, 276-281, 386, 470, 625, 658, 730, 731, 804. See also Caddo; etc. Caddoan Tribes, history of the 28: 17. Cadillac, on the Menomini 19: 1107. Cadodaquio, a Caddo synonym 14: 1092. Cadrillo del Mundo, a Pima chief 26: 21. Caduc, P., reservation for 18: 792. Caesalpiniaceae 33: 89. Cages for eagles, at ZuÑi 8: 214. for fish 38: § 204 sq. method of manufacturing 38: § 421. of wattle work 13: 13. Cagh-ben, meaning of 16: 245. Cahiaguas (Cahiguas; Caiawas), Kiowa synonyms 17: 148. Cahinnio, custom of 42: 703. Cahita methods of counting 19: 879. numbers above ten 19: 908. number names of 19: 867, 922, 928. Cahogh day symbol discussed 16: 259. Cahokia, land cessions and reservations 18: 664, 692, 742. Cahokia Mound efforts to preserve 41: 26. examination of 13: XXIX. Cahokia Mound Group, airplane pictures of 41: 67. Cahuillo formation of number names in 19: 879. number names of 19: 868, 876. numbers of 19: 929. Cahwia land cessions and reservations 18: 782. See also Kahwea; Mission Indians; Tule River Reserve. Caiastacana appearance of, in PamÜrti 21: 27. derivation of 21: 125. description of picture of 21: 60. difference in designs of, and those of Hututu 21: 61. Caicara, Venezuela, sculptured rock near 10: 148. Caigua, a Kiowa synonym 17: 148, 156. Calhuas (Caiwas) a Kiowa synonym 17: 148. Cailloux, a Cayuse synonym 14: 1092. Cairn Burial of the Acaxers and Yaquis 1: 143. of the Balearic Islanders 1: 143. of the Blackfeet 1: 143. of the Eskimo 1: 143. of the Kiowas and Comanches 1: 142, 148. of the Pi Utes 1: 143. of the Shoshones 1: 143. reasons for 1: 143. Cairns in the Cherokee country 19: 20 sq., 491. mention of 12: 31; 38: § 779. Cajon, buildings of 23: XXX. Cajuenche language of the 26: 20. reference to the 28: 209. Cakchikel or Cakchiquel language, manuscript in 28: 12. method of forming numbers above ten 19: 899 sqq. number names of 19: 862, 863. Cakchiquel Calendar discussion of 23, i: 275-282. names of days of, table showing 22, i: 278. year of, number of days in 22, i: 279-282. Cakes cassava, of Guiana Indians 38: § 236. sacred 9: 518, 541, 347. Cakwa Cipikne. See Cipikne. Cakwabaiyaki, site of old Pima pueblo. 19: 601. Cakwabaiyaki Ruin. See Chevlon. CakwahonaÛ, description of 21: 95. CakwaleÑya, religious society at Walpi, source of 19: 623. CakwaleÑya Altar at Mishongnovi, description of 19: 991 sq. same as Blue Flute Altar 19: 989. CakwaleÑya Society, personnel of 19: 996. Calabash cups, vessels of 38: § 384. flageolet of 38: § 565. fruit for bait 38: § 192. organ 38: § 571. valuables hidden in 34: 62. See also Gourds. Caladium binas made from 30: 281 sq., 285. spirits associated with 30: 117, 228, 232. talismans from 30: 288. Caladium Arborescens bait for fish 38: § 188, 192. bait for manati 38: § 169. employed in eye diseases 38: § 927. employed in sting-ray wounds 38: § 929. Calako (Ca’lako) account of 47: 969-975. ceremonies, description of 47: 702-705. ceremonies, prayers and chants of 47: 706-781. identity of, with Macibol 21: 87. in Hopi mythology 17: 700. katcina, origin of 17: 666. masks of 21: 28. masks of, ceremony belonging to 47: 970-973. masks of, identity of, with those of the Sun 21: 28. masks of, similarity of ancient masks to 21: 28, 109, 110. masks of, use of, in PamÜrti festival 21: 65. personation of, in PalÜlÜkoÑti festival 21: 49, 50. sun gods presented by 21: 110. Calako Horns, connection of, with those of the bison 21: 110. Calako Taka, masks of, reference to 19: 612. Calaloo berries used as bait 38: § 192. leaves of, eaten by natives 38: § 234. Calamus mention of 33: 69. use of 44: 286, 320. See also Acorus calamus. Calanapo, land cessions and reservations 18: 784. Calandra Palmarum, grub of the beetle eaten 38: § 224. Calapooia, land cessions and reservations 18: 796 sqq., 800, 814. Calapooia CreekIX, XIII. Iroquoian ware of 20: 21, 169 sqq. linguistic work in 10: XVII. Orilla, fish found near 12: 549. petroglyphs in 10: 37-45. researches in 11: XXX. resemblance of Northwestern pottery to that of 20: 194. wild rice in 19: 1037. CaÑada de las Uvas, expedition to 43: 9. Canada Mint, use of 45: 502. Canada National Museum 46: 255. Canadian Arctic Expedition 46: 236. Canadian Indians, quill pictographs of 10: 207. Canadian Institute acknowledgments to 20: 16. collection of Iroquoian pottery by 20: 170. Canadian River crossed by Coronado 14: 397, 504. journey of Alvarado along 14: 391, 576.
nal Mountains 29: 44, 513, 514, 560. Cardinal Points animals belonging to 21: 25. assignment of colors to 3: 41-46. assignment of days to 3: 37-40. association of, with colors 11: 397. beliefs concerning 11: 377, 524. birds symbolic of the 16: 220. bowl buried according to 41: 537. circuit of 47: 132. colors applied to 42: 623 sq. colors attributed to 10: 623-626. colors of, corresponding to those of rain-cloud symbols 21: X, 47. colors symbolic of 30: 46, 64. corn symbolic of 16: 291. fires at 41: 506 sq. fires at, in Ghost dance 14: 915. importance of, in Snake ceremonies 19: 972, 974. in Ghost dance 14: 789. in Hopi ceremony 17: 613, 628, 678. in Potawatomi myth 14: 209. in religious rites 39: 309. in Sioux ceremony 14: 823. observance of, in treating the sick 42: 624. observed in ceremonies 16: 257, 277. of the Navaho 17: 488, 500, 502, 508, 511. offerings to 37: 429. place of, in religion 41: 537. plants ascribed to 30: 37 sq. recognition of, in Flute ceremonies 19: 1003, 1004. representation of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 103. significance of 42: 623, 624. smoke offering to 14: 918, 1063. snakes deposited at 16: 285, 295. societies of the 11: 70. songs of, in curing disease 47: 110. supplication to the 11: 124. symbolized by colors 16: 287, 291. symbols for 3: 7-64. symbols of, in the Maya codices 16: 234, 242, 257, 263. winds symbolic of 16: 232. worship of fire god at 21: 96. See also Cardinal Directions; Directions; Winds, Four. Cardinal Sacred Water Lakes 29: 44 sq. Cardinal Shells 29: 44. Cardinal Snakes 29: 43. Cardinal Trees 29: 44. Cardinals, numerals, Unalit, table of 18: 238 sq. Cardona, Antonio Serrano. See Serrano. Cards, mention of 3: 341. Care of Baskets 41: 196. Carex Rostrata 45: 514. Carex sp. 45: 515. Carey, a synonym for Menomini 19: 1048. Cargua, a Kiowa synonym 17: 148, 156. Caria Seeds, eaten by Guiana Indians 38: § 247. Cariacou number of specimens from 34: 49. pottery of 34: 118. Carib affinities of Timaguana with 7: 123. allies of Aguebana the Second 25: 40. amulets of the 25: 132, 142, 147. basketry of the 25: 213. cannibalism among the 25: 50. canoes of the 25: 207 sqq. cassava used by the 25: 53. character of the 25: 27 sq. culture of the 25: XII sq. festivals of the 25: 65. fishing among the 25: 49. habitat of the 25: 24. houses of the 25: 47. influence of, on southern art 15: XXXVII, XLII. language of the 25: 78. medicine-men of the 25: 60 sq. method of forming numerals 19: 914. mortuary customs of the 25: 58, 71 sq., 213 sq. name for priests 25: 54. origin and migrations of the 25: 90, 217 sqq. physical features of the 25: 30 sq., 142, 213. pictographs of the 25: 159. polygamy among the 25: 48. raids on Porto Rico 25: 28, 40, 97. relationship with the BorinqueÑos 25: 26. slavery among the 25: 25. stone implements of the 25: 92. turtle associated with the 25: 197. voyages of the 25: 207 sq. weapons of the 25: 209. zemis of the 25: 58. See also Carib Indians. Carib Indians a nomadic people 34: 52. abbreviation for name 30: 107. amativeness, expressions of 30: 163 sq. artifacts of 34: 55. as to origin of man 30: 141, 143. assigned to the Lesser Antilles 34: 65. beliefs of, as to dreams 30: 165. beliefs of, as to spirits 30: 163, 167, 177, 179. binas 30: 283 sq., 285. Black, origin of 34: 89. boy’s escape from 30: 273 sq. burial customs of 30: 156-160, 299. cannibalism of 30: 273. comets, beliefs regarding 30: 259. couvade, practice and prevalence of 30: 320-324. culture epoch of 34: 56. eclipses among 30: 258 sq. fighting women of 30: 365. food of 30: 295 sq., 352. inhabitants of Lesser Antilles submerged by 34: 52, 88, 261. invasion of Lesser Antilles by 34: 254 sq., 267. islands inhabited by 34: 51, 52, 88. legends of 30: 129, 130, 133 sqq., 146 sq., 152, 179 sq., 181, 205, 211, 218 sq., 223, 248 sq., 265, 323, 378 sq. marriage customs of 30: 314. menstruating women among 30: 309. modeling of 30: 140. names of 30: 306, 307. natal customs of 30: 319, 320 sqq., 323, 324. not pottery makers 34: 56. omens prevalent among 30: 271. ordeals of 30: 278, 309 sq., 339. origin of 30: 143-146. poisons of 30: 359. protection against spirits 30: 180 sq., 298 sq. puberty customs of 30: 309-312. religious beliefs of 30: 117, 136, 139. sails invented by 30: 125. settlements of, in Porto Rico 34: 171. sickness among 30: 349, 351, 353. stars, beliefs as to 30: 260. still living in Dominica 34: 124. Castalian Springs, Tenn. burials found at 41: 605. fortified town at 41: 496. mound at 42: 729. vases found at 41: 534. CastaÑeda, Alonso de, death of 14: 500. CastaÑeda, Miss Isabel R., Mexican tales collected by 37: 21. CastaÑeda (de Nagera), Pedro de account of Cibolan milling by 8: 211, 212. account of Tusayan by 17: 596. accusations against Friar Marcos 14: 366. cited on Indian bread 9: 522. credibility of his version of the Turk’s stories of Quivira 14: 394. difficulties in manuscript of 14: 513, 514. explanation of troubles between Friar Marcos and Estevan 14: 355. family of 14: 470. manuscript of, in Lenox Library 14: 339, 413.
the Rope 35: 101. Cedar Withes for sewing wood 35: 77, 93. mention of 35: 111, 115, 119, 120. Cedar Wood, used for boxes 35: 82. Cedros, Arroyo de los, crossed by Coronado 14: 584. Ceh symbol discussed 16: 261. symbol in Dresden Codex 16: 261. Ceiling plan of, Shupalovi kiva 8: 123, 125, 126. retention of, original appearance of rooms through 8: 89. Celastraceae 33: 102. Celastrus Scandens medicinal constituents of 44: 304. medicinal properties of 44: 300. medicinal use of 42: 661. use of 33: 102; 44: 288, 344, 348, 350. Celedon, Robert, on Carib numerals 19: 914. Celery, Wild, use of 45: 473, 483. Celestin, John, brief account of 45: 274. Celestine, second chief of Alabama under Antone 42: 193. Celibacy among the Omaha 3: 269. at ZuÑi 47: 505. thought to be uncanny 30: 247. See also Marriage. Celilo, Smohalla performances at 14: 725. Cellars, not used in Tusayan and Cibola 8: 143. Celt Handles 25: 209. Celtis Occidentalis 33: 76. Celts argillaceous limestone, found with flexed burial 41: 600. ceremonial 34: 176, 178, 251. characteristic of Greater Antilles 34: 174, 180. chipped, description of 13: 86. collection of, from Chiriqui 6: 29-34. diorite, found in house circles 41: 547. diorite, reworked 41: 601. distribution of 15: 142. engraved 34: 174-183; 38: § 11. Eskimo 18: 91 sq. evolution of 15: 97. examples of 2: 203. fixation of, in handles 38: § 8. from Barbados 34: 86. from Dominica 34: 126, 131. from Guadeloupe 34: 133 sq. from Martinique 34: 131. from Porto Rico 34: 131. from St. Lucia 34: 131. from Trinidad 34: 74. hematite, description of 13: 86. how finished 15: 26. making and blade making compared 15: 102. manufacture and distribution of 13: 72. manufacture of 2: 203; 38: § 9. manufacture of, of shell 2: 203, 205. materials used in making of 15: 99, 100, 141. mention of 25: 89, 92-97, 192; 46: 145, 146. monolithic, not found in Lesser Antilles 34: 94. monolithic, use of 34: 176. monolithic petaloid 34: 173, 174. nomenclature of 13: 62. of fossil shell 34: 134. of Guiana Indians 38: § 6. petaloid, called thunder-stones 34: 175, 251. petaloid, from Porto Rico 34: 171, 172-183. petaloid, from St. Croix 34: 168. petaloid, from Tobago 34: 78. petaloid, scarce in St. Vincent 34: 94. petaloid, typical of Greater Antilles 34: 59, 146, 262. shell, where found 34: 59. stone 45: 41. type of pattern of 38: § 7. used in steatite working 15: 133. various forms of 13: 73. Cement clay, use of, by American Indians 20: 37. used by the Omaha 13: 287. Cemeteries description of 41: 548 sq. Indian, paper by D. I. Bushnell, jr. 40: 18. modern, at Hopi pueblos, Arizona, view of 22, i: LII. of Seriland 17: 289*. of Sikyatki 17: 646-649. See also Burials; Graves; Mortuary. Cemetery at Ruin A, Black Falls of Little Colorado River description of 22, i: 53 sq. objects obtained from, description of 22, i: 54. Cemi invocation to 30: 351. nature of 30: 169. worship of 30: 137, 168 sq. See also Zemi. Cempoalan, Mexico at the conquest 25: 231. ceramic art of 25: 251. material of mounds of 25: 273. name applied to several places 25: 234. ruins of 2: XV; 25: XXVIII. ruins of buildings of 25: 236-243. ruins of, general description of 25: 233-236. See also Archeological Objects. CÊngoqedδna. See Eagle Phratry, Tlingit. Cenis, a Caddo synonym 14: 1092. Census of Alaska natives 46: 178, 181. of Cherokee 19: 34, 103, 112, 125, 150, 156 sq. of East Cherokee 19: 167 sq., 172, 176, 179, 180. of United States 46: 322. of Yukon 46: 132, 133. refugee Indians in 1862 5: 331 sq. Census, Cherokee in 1825 5: 240. in 1835 5: 289, 377. in 1867 5: 351. in North Carolina in 1849 5: 313. in North Carolina in 1869 5: 314. Census Schedules, Indian 3: XXV. Center, pictographs for 10: 587. Centipede as basketry design 38: § 445. cure for bite of 42: 645. Centizpac, a river in New Galicia 14: 382. Central Algonquian Languages divisions of 28: 233. examples in comparison with 28: Cheyenne 233. Cree 233, 239, 245. Menomini 249, 251. Ojibwa 245. Potawatomi 245. reference to 28: 290. relationship with Micmac 28: 283. Central America bulletin on languages of 30: 19. calendar and antiquities of, papers on 23: XXXVIII. ethnography of 21: XXIII, XXIV. kiÂh net found in 26: 143. linguistic families of 30: 87, 100. ling
/b>: 1069. on Mississauga wild rice floods 19: 1063. on threshing wild rice in deerskin lined hole 19: 1068. work of 24: XXVI; 26: XXIV; 34: 21. See also Boas, F., and Chamberlain, A. F. Chamberlain, T. B., examination of quarry shops by 15: 52. Chametko, land cessions and reservations 18: 786. Chametla. See Chiametla. Chamita, on site of Yuqueyunque 14: 510, 525. ChÄmnÄ´, location of 14: 739. ChÄmnÄ´pÛm, sketch of the 14: 739. Champayan Lagoon
5. pottery of the 4: 371. power of Shawano prophet among the 14: 676. probably mound builders 5: 60, 87-107. progress in civilization of the 5: 240. proportion of warriors to population 14: 33. proposed removal of 5: 202. proposition of the, to become citizens 5: 274. protest against claims in Georgia 5: 272. references to customs of the 11: 369. references to relationship terms of the 42: 96. removals of the 5: 214-218, 222, 228, 254, 258, 260, 292, 341. religion of the 7: 319. resemblance of Pamunkey pottery to that of 20: 152. rotunda (Tcokofa) of, description of 42: 178 sq. sacred formulas of the 36: 12. sacred regard of, for the crow 14: 982. sacred regard of, for the eagle 14: 1100. situation of, west of Mississippi 5: 221, 292, 293. social divisions among the 42: 695. studies of fraternities, cults, and myths of 19: XXVI, XLVII. study of works of 11: XXVI. symbolic colors of the 11: 532. symbolic use of colors by 10: 624-634. the Southern Confederacy and the 5: 326, 332, 333, 342. trade of the 42: 736. treaties with the 5: 133-178. treaty of 1866 with loyal 5: 346. treaty of 1868 concluded with the Southern 5: 346. treaty relations of, with the United States 5: 152. tribal tradition of the 17: 142. type of buildings of 42: 191. unification of eastern and western 5: 294. use of fabrics by the, in pottery manufacture 20: 71. war against the 42: 773 sqq. war color of the 10: 631. war with the 5: 170. weaving by the 13: 23. work among the, of James Mooney 34: 13. work on language of the 10: XIX. works on myths of the 20: XXII sq. Cherokee and Creek, boundary disputes 5: 266. Cherokee and Osage, difficulties between 5: 242. Cherokee and Tallegwi, relation of 5: 60. Cherokee, East, investigations among 33: 17. Cherokee Advocate establishment of 19: 111, 112. myths published by 19: 272 sq., 449, 450. on treaty with South Carolina 19: 31. on Western Cherokee history 19: 146. revival of (1870) 19: 147, 151. Cherokee Agency attempt to annul treaty of 19: 104. proposal made at treaty of 19: 113. treaties of 19: 102, 120. Cherokee Almanac, establishment of 19: 112. Cherokee Ball-play Dance 24: 600 sq. Cherokee Boundaries 42: 758. Cherokee Boundary of 1875, dissatisfaction with 5: 160. Cherokee Boy, reservation for 18: 690. Cherokee Census in 1825 5: 240. in 1835 5: 289, 377. in 1867 5: 351. Cherokee Cessions to the United States, area of 5: 378. Cherokee Citizenship 5: 367. Cherokee Clans equated with Natchez clans 42: 118. listed by J. Mooney 42: 118. Cherokee Confederate Regiment, desertion of 5: 329. Cherokee Constitution 5: 374, 375. Cherokee Country, boundaries of 5: 205, 354, 365. Cherokee Formulas paper on, by James Mooney 41: 56. See also Cherokee Sacred Formulas. Cherokee Hostilities 5: 170, 173. Cherokee Indians. See Cherokee. Cherokee Lands appraisal of, west of 96° 5: 361. cession and sale of 5: 348. purchase of 5: 210. removal of white settlers from 5: 322, 323. Cherokee Messenger, establishment of 19: 112. Cherokee Nation political murders in 5: 297, 303. researches in 28: 12 sq. Cherokee Nation of Indians, by C. C. Royce 5: XLII-XLIV, 121-378. Cherokee Neutral Land cession of 18: 840, 848. grant of 18: 754. Cherokee Outlet cession of 18: 840, 888, 946. establishment of 19: 124, 139, 142. grant of 18: 888, 946. See also Cherokee Strip. Cherokee Path to Virginia 42: 752 sq. See also Old Cherokee Path. Cherokee Phoenix establishment of 19: 111, 112, 217 sq. on Sequoya’s ancestry 19: 108. suppression of 19: 123. Cherokee Sacred Formulas collected by James Mooney 37: 7 sqq. for ague and fever 7: 359-363. for ball play 7: 395 sqq. for biliousness 7: 365 sq. for childbirth 7: 363 sq. for destroying an enemy 7: 391-395. for finding something 7: 386 sq. for going to war 7: 388-391. for hunting and fishing 7: 369-375. for inspiring love 7: 375-384. for killing a witch 7: 384 sqq. for neuralgia 7: 356-359. for ordeal diseases 7: 367 sqq. for preventing a storm 7: 387 sq. for rheumatism 7: 345-351. for snake bites 7: 351 sqq. for worms 7: 353-356. language of 7: 343 sq. notice of paper on 7: XXXIX sq. Cherokee Settlements in Tennessee 42: 749. Cherokee Strip cession of 19: 153. establishment of 19: 124, 139, 142. settlement of other Indians on 19: 150, 151. See also Cherokee Outlet. Cherokee Towns, trails from 42: 841. Cherokee Trace, mention of 42: 822 sq. Cherokee Traders’ Path 42: 777. Cherokee War, mention of 42: 339. Cherokee Western Outlet 5: 246, 248. Cherokee, mention of 3: XXV.a stockaded town 42: 438. and Kasihta, friendship of 42: 51. adoption among the 42: 705. adultery punished by the 42: 697. ass
20: 194. earthworks near 13: XXVII. mounds near 1: 117, 118; 5: 46. pottery from near 20: 193. trail near 42: 786. Chilliwhack, stick games of the 24: 249. Chilluckittequaw, a ChilÛktkwa synonym 14: 741. ChillÚla Tribe, mention of 7: 132. Chilocco Reserve, establishment of 18: 916. School, Kiowa children at 17: 352. ChilÛ´ktkwa, sketch of the 14: 741. Chimakuan Family 7: 62, 63. Chimakum habitat and population of 7: 62. language, grammar of 26: XXII. Chimalpopoca Codex interpretation of mythic concept in 16: 221. mention of 3: 46. Chimaphila Umbellata, use of 44: 288, 360. Chimaphila Umbellata Occidentalis 45: 462, 476, 494. Chimarikan Family 7: 63. Chimayo, blankets of the 29: 342. Chimehuevis in Pima-Yuma battle 26: 47. Chimmesyan Family 7: 63 sqq. Chimmesyan Stock implements employed by, in stick games 24: 227. tribes of the 24: Niska 240, 281, 471, 628, 709, 736. Tsimshian 240, 736. Chimnahpum, a ChÄmnÄ´pÛm synonym 14: 739. Chimnapoos, a ChÄmnÄ´pÛm synonym 14: 739. Chimneys absence of, at Sikyatki 17: 646. absence of, in Verde cavate lodges 13: 187, 256, 257. described and figured 8: 167-180. not built by the Menomini 14: 253. remains of, at Matoaki 8: 86. remains of, at Tusayan 8: 102. remains of, at ZuÑi 8: 111. traces of K’iakima 8: 85. See also Fireplaces. Chimney-hoods, how constructed 8: 169-175. Chimney-like Structures at ruined Pueblo in Arizona, description of 22, i: 49. discussion of 16: 182-190. in Casa Blanca 16: 110. in cliff kiva 16: 125, 129. in cliff outlook 16: 144. in cliff ruins 16: 119. in Mummy Cave ruin 16: 113, 115, 116. Chimu, Peru, ornamentation of “Hall of Arabesques” at 6: 251, 252. Chin Beard, account of 26: 50 sq. China coast of, connected with America 14: 513, 526. petroglyphs in 10: 185. China day symbol discussed 16: 232. Chinachichibat, native name of Dog soldiers 14: 986. Chi?´nachin?´na, an Arapaho priestly order 14: 989. Chinaman, Tewa name for 29: 573. Chinaware, fragments of, taken from mound 44: 167. Chinax day symbol discussed 16: 258. Chine Berry 33: 98. Chinese characters, connected with signs 1: 356, 357. characters, expedient of the, in place of signs 1: 306. conventional characters of 10: 649 sq. ideographs and gesture signs of 10: 637, 642, 643, 644, 645. ideographs by, for sickness 10: 590. ideographs for prisoners by 10: 600. Indian belief of origin of 14: 721. mnemonic devices of 10: 226, 227. mourning colors of 10: 631. resemblance of British Columbia Indians to 46: 33. resemblance of, to Indians 46: 36. symbolic writing of 10: 618. topographic representations by 10: 344. Chingassanoo, reservation at 18: 756. Chinig 46: 196, 200. Chinking of cliff dwelling masonry 16: 102 sqq., 107 sq., 118, 123, 127, 142, 144, 148, 150 sq., 159 sq. of walls 13: 248. Chinlee Valley description of 17: 478. ruins in 16: 80. Chino Valley, Ariz. early migration into 28: 218. references to 28: 196, 204, 215. ruins of 28: 201, 216. Chinook aerial burial in canoes of the 1: 171. aquatic burial of 1: 180. dictionary and grammar of 23: XXXV. games of the 24: four-stick game 327. hand game 281 sq., 300. racket 562, 563, 673. stick games 240. hypnotism among the 14: 762. jargon 1: 313. land cessions and reservations 18: 832. linguistic studies among the 24: XXII. mourning cradle of 1: 181, 182. Chinook Dictionary, in preparation 24: XXI sq. Chinook Indians burial vaults of the 10: 523 sq. medicine-bag of the 10: 504. Chinook Jargon character and use of 19: 187 sq. introduction of 45: 261. use of 45: 373. Chinook Language, grammatical notes on 26: XXI, XXII. Chinook Texts memoir on 15: XLVI, L, LIV, LXII. See also Boas, F. Chinook Tribe, mention of 41: 136. Chinookan Bibliography preparation of 15: XXIII, XXVI, XXXI, XXXV. work on 14: XLIII. Chinookan Family 7: 65 sq. Chinookan Languages, bibliography of 13: XLI. Chinookan Stock implements employed by, in stick games 24: 227. tribes of the 24: Chinook 240, 281, 573. Clackama 328. Clatsop 282, 782. Dalles Indians 158, 307. Wasco 282, 472. Chinquapin, Water a sacred food 39: 195. See also Nelumbo Lutea. Chiogenes Hispaniola beverage made from 44: 317. use of 44: 288, 307. Chip-chip Shell Heap, description of 34: 66 sq. Chi´pia, settlement of p
ten 19: 905. number names of 19: 863, 880. Chukchansi games of the 24: dice games 138. football 698, 702. foot-cast ball 711. hoop and pole 482. hot ball 714. shinny 680. Chukchee affinities with the Eskimo 46: 365. attempt at Kaltag 46: 55. attempted invasion of Seward Peninsula 46: 86, 117, 118. clothing of the 18: 30. Eskimo battlefields 46: 86. ethnologic specimens from the 18: 21. houses of the 46: 169.
: 17. Kachina, mention of 33: 266, 267, 279. Kokop, or Firewood, supposed founders of Sikyatki 33: 218. list of 37: 190 sq.; 42: 115 sqq.; 47: 35. local separation of 42: 170. localization of, in Pueblos 16: 194. marks of identification in 33: 203. memoir on localization of, in Tusayan 19: XLI. Muscogee 19: 499. names of, discussion of 37: 182. of Awatobi 17: 610. of KÜkÜchomo and Sikyatki 17: 587, 588. of the Sia 11: 19. of the Upper Missouri Indians 46: 434 sq. of the ZuÑi 13: 368, 372, 386. of Walpi and Sichumovi 19: 582 sqq. organization of 37: 190 sqq. origin of 42: 273 sqq. part taken by, in marriage 42: 374 sq. political functions of 37: 199 sqq. position of, in beds or arbors 42: 197, 200, 241. preceded by village groups 37: 185. precedence of, in war 42: 43. property marks of 37: 79, 203. reciprocal relationships of 37: 201. relation of katcinas to 21: 45. relation of, to natural phenomena 13: 370. retaliation by, for murder 42: 345. rights of, on war parties 42: 433. seating of, in council lodge 37: 163. seating of, summary of 42: 237. segregation of, after death 42: 701. Seneca 19: 483. separation of, in gentes 42: 165 sq. Shawano 19: 494. Snake, mention of 33: 265, 266. songs of 37: 204. specific possessions of 37: 202 sq. stories of origin of 42: 107-114. Tanoan, influence on third ceramic epoch 33: 217. Tanoan, mention of 33: 266. Tewa, reference to 29: 61 sq. Tobacco, mention of 33: 270, 271. towns, phratries and moieties, tabulation of 42: 158-162. unit of organization in War-bundle Feast 37: 436. ZuÑi 23: 40-43. ZuÑi, choosing of names 23: 40. ZuÑi, size of 47: 477. See also Bear Clan; Bird Clan; Buffalo Clan; Clan; Clans, Chickasaw; Clans, Tlingit; Deer Clan; Eagle Clan; Elk Clan; Fish Clan; Hawk Clan; Pigeon Clan; Snake Clan; Soldier Clan; Thunderbird Clan; Warrior Clan; Water-spirit Clan; Wolf Clan. Clans, Chickasaw arrangement of, in groups 44: 192. chiefs of 44: 213 sqq. lists of 44: 192, 196. rank of 44: 191, 192, 197. stories about 44: 198-203. Clans, Tlingit by tribes and house groups 26: 400-407. by tribes and phratries 26: 398, 400. caste 26: 427. emblems of 26: 415, 420. history of 26: 407-414. influence of racial differences 26: 408. names of 26: 421 sqq. spirits belonging to 26: 465. Clapin, Sylva, on lacrosse 24: 563. Clarence, Port. See Port Clarence. Clarendon, Lord, grant to 18: 530. Clark, — assignment of tract to Delawares by 18: 725. See also Lewis and Clark; Robinson Episode. Clark, General —, visit to, by KÄnakÛk 14: 693 sq. Clark, Charles W., acknowledgments to 42: 731. Clark, John donation of clay pipe by 12: 258. house sites on land of, in Mississippi 12: 258. Clark, J. S., photographs made by 2: 252. Clark, J. V. H., cited 12: 503, 545, 547. Clark, Miss May S. acknowledgment to 11: 78. retirement of 48: 21. work of 25: XXV; 26: XXXI; 27: 13; 29: 24; 37: 31; 39: 28; 40: 20; 41: 21, 44, 73, 95, 116; 42: 19; 43: 19; 44: 18; 45: 19; 46: 16; 47: 14; 48: 21. Clark, Robert, appointment of, as steward of Calverton Manor 18: 573. Clark, Thomas F., jr. transfer of 36: 34. work of 36: 31. Clark, Gov. William instructed to end Cherokee hostilities 5: 22, 222. Menomini treaty commissioner 14: 20, 21. Osage-Cherokee conference arranged by 19: 105, 137. Sioux calendar stick found by 26: 35. Clark, W. P. on absence of clans among Plains tribes 17: 227. on Apache picture records 17: 142. on Apache tribal sign 17: 246. on Bannock chronology 17: 372. on Cheyenne characteristics 14: 1027. on Cheyenne divisions 14: 1025. on Cheyenne early habitat 14: 1024, 1029. on Crow and Hidatsa separation 17: 154, 155. on Dakota and Cheyenne chronology 17: 371, 372. on Kiowa Apache migration 17: 248. on Kiowa character 17: 235. on Kiowa divisions 17: 229. on Kiowa military orders 17: 230. on Mandan tribal sign 17: 159. on meaning of Hunkpapa 14: 1059. on meaning of Ogalala 14: 1058. on origin of name Pawnee 17: 291. on Pawnee runners 17: 260. on Sioux characteristics 14: 1059. on Sioux custom of beheading 17: 260. on slaughter of Cheyenne and Kiowa by the Pawnee 17: 175. on smallpox among the Blackfeet 17: 275. Clark Creek, reference to 27: 100. Clarke, Ben on absence of clans among the Cheyenne 14: 956. local source of sign language 1: 317. Clarke, Prof. F. W. analysis of iron from mound by 5: 91. analysis of pigment by 11: 142. analysis of silver foil by 12: 501. cited 30: 41. Clarke, G. R., grant of land to 18: 657. Clarke, H. E. 46: 48. Clarke, J. C. collection contributed by 42: 4. collection
1">pantaloons 9: 126-129. rain frocks 9: 122. shoes 9: 129-135. stockings 9: 129. style of 9: 110-138. Clothing, Omaha children’s 3: 265. dressing hides for 3: 310. mention of 3: 310 sq. preparation of 3: 310. Clothing Bags of the Eskimo 18: 43 sq., 204. Cloud, Leslie information furnished by 42: 198, 216. medicine-maker of Tuskegee 42: 549. myth related by 42: 636. Cloud leaf-strand figure of 38: § 621. myths of 11: 37. Serian and Yuman words meaning 17: 340* sq. string figures of 38: § 659, 686. symbolized by death mask 15: 312.
b>3: 521. of mortars 3: 522. of mullers 3: 524. of paint jars 3: 573. of paint pots 3: 570, 573. of pitchers 3: 543. of rattles 3: 589. of spoons 3: 560-575. of the Historical Committee of the American Philosophical Society, cited 4: 158. of trephined crania 16: XC. of water bottles 3: 533-538. of water containers 3: 538-543. of water jars 3: 531 sqq. of water jugs 3: 538, 543. report on 45: 18 sq. summary as to 28: 20 sq. transferred to United States National Museum 39: 27; 40: 20. transportation of 46: 62, 84, 123. Collections, West Indian Connell 34: 159. Dehesa 34: 169. Guesde 34: 128-137. Heye 34: 49 sqq. in European museums 34: 50. in Habana 34: 248. made by De Booy 34: 49, 63. MeriÑo 34: 227. Taylor 34: 11, 81, 86. transferred to the National Museum 34: 29. Collections of the Bureau of American Ethnology, acquired or made by, or of 19: XVIII, XX sq., XXIX; 24: XXVIII sq.; 25: XXI sq.; 26: XXVIII; 30: 21; 38: p. 20; 41: 19 sq., 43, 72 sq., 95, 115 sq.; 42: 18; 43: 18; 44: 17 sq.; 45: 18 sq.; 46: 15 sq.; 47: 13 sq.; 48: 20 sq. College Station, steatite vessel from 15: 111. Collens, J. H. excavations made by 34: 66. on Trinidad pottery 25: 190 sq. quoted on archeology of Trinidad 34: 68. Collester, J. C., observations regarding hut rings by 12: 42. Collet, John notice of Angel mounds by 12: 556. statement of, regarding salt-kettle pottery 12: 168. Collett, Mrs. J. E., mound on farm of 12: 344. Collett, O. W., visit to salt-making pottery producing site by 20: 31. Collie, A., mention of 46: 231. Collins, ——, treaty concluded by 18: 851. Collins, G. N., on origin of cotton 30: 78. Collins, Henry B., jr. collection made by 43: 18; 44: 18. mention of 46: 161, 164, 174, 210, 238, 247, 254, 260, 295, 296, 324. work of 42: 3; 43: 13 sq.; 45: 14 sqq. Collins, James, first settler in Clay County, Ky. 42: 783. Collins, J. Franklin, on wild rice in Rhode Island 19: 1032. Collins, Supt. J. L., on arms given to Pima 26: 51. Collins, Lewis cited 12: 696. notice of ancient work in Kentucky by 12: 579. Collins, Mary C., quoted on symbolism 11: 531. Collins, Ralph P., on Poguate 29: 539. Collins, Thomas J., on dice games, Kekehi 24: 141 sqq. Collinsia Violacea, medicinal use of 42: 667. Collinson, ——, cited 6: 503. Colly, Agent Kiowa delegation with 17: 177. on Indian troubles of 1864 17: 314. Colombia, character of pottery from 20: 20. Colon, Panama. See Tule Indians. Colonel’s Island, Ga., burial vase from 20: 133. Colonial Period, of Cherokee history 19: 29-46. Colonial Policy toward Indians 18: 562-639. Colonists of New Spain, characteristics of 14: 373. trails used by 42: 731. Colonization of New Spain 14: 374. Coloose Creek, mention of 42: 36, 38. Color aboriginal American pottery 20: 63. absence of, in specimen examined by P. Kalm 20: 59. Catawba pottery 20: 55, 143. ceremonial use of 10: 619-622. Cherokee pottery 20: 56. classification of wares from Pueblo ruins by 22, i: 58-61, 179 sq. decorative use of 10: 619-622. designating social status 10: 633 sq. differentiation of, by Indians 14: 1032. divisions of the ZuÑi 13: 369. effect of firing on 20: 53. Florida Peninsula pottery 20: 117 sq., 121, 126. for war and peace 10: 631 sqq. Gulf Coast pottery 20: 106, 111. ideocrasy of 10: 622 sqq. in Mississippi Valley pottery 4: 373, 374. Indian, Eskimo, Yukon 46: 151, 161. Iroquoian pipes 20: 173 sq. Iroquoian pottery 20: 162. Middle Atlantic Coast pipes 20: 158. Middle Atlantic Coast pottery 20: 153, 155. Middle Mississippi Valley pipes 20: 99. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 84 sq. materials 4: 235, 236. mention of 46: 364. New Jersey-New England ware 20: 175. Northwestern pottery 20: 193, 198, 199. of coiled pottery 4: 283. of designs in pottery 4: 302. of Pueblo pottery 4: 269. Pamunkey pottery 20: 152. pleasures of 19: LXIII. primitive ideas concerning 19: LXXXIV. red 33: 322, 324, 646, 654, 655. red as a sacred 14: 1037. relative to death and mourning 10: 629 sqq. significance of 10: 618-637. significance of, in Menomini ceremonial 14: 76. South Appalachian pipes 20: 141. South Appalachian pottery 20: 132, 138. Spanish olive jars 20: 129. symbolic use of, in general 10: 635 sq. variations of, in katcina representations 21: 60, 82, 95. variations of, on parts of the body of Hopi katcinas 21: 80. Western Eskimo 46: 213-228. See also Color Decoration; etc.; Colors. Color Decoration Apalachee-Ohio pottery, absence of 20: 180. aboriginal American pottery 20: 42, 52, 63 sq., 66 sq.
="indx">Compositae gum from 26: 78. mention of 33: 130. Composite Mounds, interpretation of 37: 84. Composition, characteri
i class="isub1">plates from mound 12: 67, 80, 81, 337, 416, 495. plates with impressed figures 12: 153, 302, 303, 305-309, 320, 324. purchase of 35: 685. recognized by Colorado River Indians 14: 405. rings of 12: 513. sleigh bells or hawk’s bells from mound 12: 376, 714. spearheads on Menomini reserve 14: 36, 37. specimens found in southwestern ruins 28: 98, 148. spindles from mounds 12: 76, 97, 351, 353. spools from mounds and stone graves 12: 144, 285, 324, 325. taboos relating to 31: 305, 306, 450. Tewa name for 29: 580. use of, by the Winnebago 37: 85 sq. unknown to ancient Tusayan 17: 741. used by maturing girl 35: 701. used in embroidery 13: 28. wire from mound 12: 73. work in, suggesting Mexican influence 20: 42. See also Implements, Copper. Copper Bells found among Texas Indians 14: 350. from Pueblo ruins in Arizona, description of 22, i: 50, 111, 162 sq. from Pueblo ruins in Arizona, figures showing 22, i: 111, 162. in Arizona ruins 17: 628, 629. Copper Bracelets 35: 777. Copper Eskimo 46: 230. Copper Implements, aboriginal, collection of 21: XXXIII. Copper Plates figured, found in stone graves 12: 701. figured, from Hollywood Mound, Georgia 12: 320. frauds 4: 247. of the Tlingit 26: 437. used only at potlatches 31: 57. Copper River, western boundary of Tlingit 26: 396. Copper Shields. See Plates (copper and brass). Copperhead, myths and lore concerning 19: 252 sq., 296, 313. Coppers breaking of 35: 822, 1115 sq. mention of 35: 856, 861, 883, 884, 889, 890, 903, 964, 969, 1024, 1072, 1079, 1083, 1087, 1088, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1351, 1352. painted on house front 35: 805. price of 35: 1024, 1026. sale of 35: 1115. small 35: 777. Copris Beetle, harbinger of rainy season 38: § 938. Coptis Trifolia, use of 44: 288, 369. Copunnish, a Sahaptin synonym 14: 744. Copway, George on double ball, Missisauga 24: 653 sq. on duck in Ontario 19: 1098. on hidden ball, Missisauga 24: 344. on racket, Missisauga 24: 569 sq. on ring and pin, Missisauga 24: 538. on running races, Missisauga 24: 803. Coquell. See Siletz Reserve. Coquite, pueblo of 14: 523. Cora meaning of number names of 19: 878. number names of 19: 867, 930. Corados, pictured notices by the 10: 357. Coral, use of, as necklace, in Hopi pictures 21: 119. Coral Berry 33: 116. Corazones Coronado’s army in valley of 14: 484. description of, by Jaramillo 14: 585. food supply in 14: 553. kindness of Indians of 14: 534, 537. or Valley of Hearts, in Sonora 14: 392. river and settlement of 14: 515. settlement of, by Arellano 14: 572. Corbeau. See GaÁ-BohÓn. Corbusier, William F. account of Dakota customs by 10: 265. cited on Indian wigs 9: 474. cited on use of pollen by Indians 9: 505. cited on Indian medicine men 9: 460. petroglyphs reported by 10: 129 sq. quoted on galena among the Indians 9: 549. religious ceremonies described by 10: 505 sq. Corbusier, Dr. William H. local source of sign language 1: 317. on Crow occupancy of Black Hills 7: 114. on pictographs 4: 60. on rock carvings 4: 24. on time symbols 4: 88. sign for strong 1: 364. Winter Counts, the 4: 95, 118, 119, 121, 124, 127-146. Cord Eskimo implements for making 18: 110 sqq. markings on pottery 3: 423. of St. Francis 9: 556 sq. umbilical, treatment of 38: § 905. See also Cords. Cord Attachers of the Eskimo 18: 142-145. Cordage of the Menomini 14: 260, 273. primitive manufacture of 13: 21. Corderu, Tefilo, archeological material found by 25: 100. Cording with one thread 38: § 40. with three threads 38: §41. Cordoncillo, medicinal remedy 26: 80. Cordova, P. Fr. Juan de on meaning of nagache 16: 228. on meaning of quii-lana 16: 231 sq. on Zapotec counting by moons 19: 954. on Zapotec numerals 19: 872, 887. CÓrdova, Luis Cabrera de on Jemez 29: 402. on San Juan 29: 213. CÓrdova, Mexico antiquities near 26: XV. Indian burials of 46: 35. Indians of 46: 36. Cords formerly used in binding prisoners 9: 574 sq. imitation of impressions of, in pottery decoration 20: 66, 79, 134, 190. magic wind, of the Lapps 9: 560 sq. Mahometan belief concerning 9: 566. measuring 9: 572 sq. mnemonic 9: 561 sqq. of the Seri 17: 227*-230*. sacred, of the Brahmans and Parsis 9: 563-567. superstitions concerning 9: 533-580. sacred, ophic origin of 9: 574. unclassified, superstitions concerning 9: 576-580. use of, eastern United States pottery 20: 50, 52, 68, 72, 73-79. use of, Florida Peninsula pottery 20: 118. use of, Iroquoian pottery 20: 163. use of, Mid-Atlantic Coast pottery 20: 148-156. use of, New Jersey-New England pottery 20: 179. use of, Northwestern pottery 20: 188, 189, 190, 191, 194-201. Correo, JosÉ Nacio, town chief at Oraibi 47: 354. Correspondence of the Bureau of American Ethnology 25: XIX, XXIV; 26: XVI, XVII; 39: 10; 41: 6 sq., 27, 56, 80, 86. Correspondents foreign, on sign language 1: 407. of the Bureau of American Ethnology 13: XXV. Corsican funeral custom 1: 147. Cortes (CortÉs; Cortez), Hernando arguments of, before the Council for the Indies 14: 371. cited 12: 671. declares Friar Marcos’ report to be a lie 14: 367. defeat of Narvaez by 14: 346. efforts of, to populate New Spain 14: 373. expedition under Ulloa to head of Gulf of California 14: 369. feats of 14: 450.
>: 251, 252. in song 26: 288, 304, 305, 312, 316 sq., 336. in tales 26: 243-246, 249, 250. See also White People. Coyote and Chickens, a Papago game 24: 794. Coyote Clan. See HopinyÛ; IsauÛ Clan. Coyote Kiva, direction of the 8: 116. Coyote Men, duties of the 14: 985. Coyote, Old, story about 43: 363 sqq., 377-381. Coyote People, settlement in Tusayan of the 8: 26. Coyote Spring, location of 21: 84. “Coyote Track” design in Pima basketry 26: 137. Coyote Woman, Old, story about 43: 377-381. Coyotero Apache disposal of land claimed by the 18: 922. inhumation of the 1: 111, 112. population of the 7: 56. Tewa names for the 29: 547. See also Apache. Coytmore, Lieutenant ——, murder of 19: 42 sq. Cozad, Belo, acknowledgments to 14: 655. Cozcaquauhtli day symbol, discussion of 16: 252. Cozzens, ——, work by, cited 28: 62, 66. Cpatimiti, assistant war chief 47: 45. CqaquÊ´. See Skagway. Crab name of Tlingit gaming stick 36: 444. place of, in Seri dietary 17: 195*. representation of, Florida pottery 20: 127. search for 38: § 220, search for, according to position of Pleiades 38: § 937. string figure of 38: § 642. See also Crabs. Crab Baskets, character of 30: 316 sq. Crab-dog 38: § 717. Crab Orchard, Ky. route to 42: 793, 796. skirmish at, in 1794 19: 74, 78. western terminus of the Wilderness Road 42: 800. Crabapples and water, price of 35: 762. brittle 35: 594. feast of 35: 762. in oil 35: 594. mashed, mixed with salal-berry cakes 35: 594. mashed, steamed 35: 594. mention of 33: 86. picking of 35: 213. preserved in water 35: 286. wild, medicinal use of 42: 659. Crabs as weather charms 35: 620, 625, 628. capture of 30: 316. dogs named for 30: 307. Eskimo method of catching 18: 183. legends concerning 30: 316 sq., 380. See also Crab. Cracca Virginiana, medicinal use of 42: 658. Cradle Board description of 27: 327. Isleta 47: 218. use of, by the Assiniboin 46: 519 sq. See also Baby Board; Baby Carriers. Cradle Songs 42: 362 sq. Cradles deposited in caves 35: 672, 692 sq. figurine representing 20: 40, 41. Fox Indian use of 40: 319. mourning, illustration of 1: 181. of the Kiowa 17: 154. of the Kwakiutl 35: 658-665. of the Mandan 15: 241. of the Menomini 14: 258. of the Omaha 13: 275. of the Seri 17: 226*, 227*. textile, description of 13: 18. Craft, Father — at battle of Wounded Knee 14: 872. regard of Indians for 14: 874. wounded at Wounded Knee 14: 878. Crafts, restrictions on 30: 292, 302 sqq. Crafty, sign for 1: 303. Craig, J., survey by 18: 727. Crall, I. S., works on land of, Pennsylvania 12: 494. Cram, T. J., on influence of wild rice on geographic nomenclature 19: 1120. Cramped Hand cited on beliefs 11: 366. exhibition of shamanism by 11: 417. Cramps, how treated by the ZuÑi 30: 63. Cranberry chemical composition of 19: 1081. use of 44: 291, 307, 321. Cranberry Bush, use of 45: 487. Crandall, C. S., on introduction of wild rice into Colorado 19: 1029. Crane figure carried at Makauri dance 38: § 842, 843. in Tlingit mythology 26: 434. legends concerning 30: 135, 335 sq., 338. myths concerning 19: 290 sq., 325, 445, 455. See also Cranes. Crane Clan with the PatuÑ clan 19: 595. See also Atoko Clan. Crane Dance, mention of 42: 523, 534. Cranes circling of, in Eskimo legend 18: 480. in the Pueblo region 14: 521. story about 43: 359 sqq. Crania americana (Morton) 46: 231. Blackfoot, work done on 44: 5. Eskimo, paper on 44: 5. from Chaco Canyon 44: 10. from Elden Pueblo 44: 18. found in caves of Cuba 34: 247 sq. human, from Pueblo ruins, collection of 22, i: 34, 110, 134. Siksika 44: 5. See also Skulls; Trephining. Cranial Capacity of Western Eskimo 46: 255, 258. of Yukon Eskimo 46: 163. of Yukon Indians 46: 152, 153, 154. Cranial Index in children, Eskimo 46: 298. module, Western Eskimo 46: 255, 256, 258. Crank, James A., on Apache Canyon 29: 480. Crantz, David cited 6: 412, 586, 590; 46: 330, 333, 367. on condition of Greenland widows 9: 414. on Eskimo bows 9: 199. on Eskimo burial 9: 426, 427. on Eskimo harpoons 9: 222, 243. on Eskimo saws 9: 174. on Eskimo umiaks 9: 337, 338. on Eskimo fishing 9: 284. on fire-making by Eskimo 9: 290. on mode of carrying Eskimo infants 9: 416. on scratching among Eskimo 9: 491. on seal catching by Greenlanders 9: 256. on whale catching by Greenlanders 9: 275, 276. quoted on Esk
ub1">mention of 42: 338-358. Crimped Coil on pottery 4: 279, 280, 282. Crippled Child, destruction of 38: § 729. Cripples, beliefs regarding 35: 696. Crispellae 9: 541. Criss, Mrs. ——, flint quarries on land of, Ohio 12: 457. “Croatan” Indians mixture of Indian, negro and white blood 33: 17. name repudiated by Indians 33: 17. Crochet Work 38: § 49, 50. Crockett, Major ——, expedition of, against the Indians 42: 771. Crockett, David denounces policy toward Cherokee 5: 288.
: § 209. Cunama Oil 38: § 25. Cunas, name for Tule Indians 42: 10. Cunningham, Charles W., petroglyphs reported by 10: 356 sq. Cunningham, K. M., bowls in collection of 20: 112 sq. Cunningham, S. P., aboriginal remains on farm of 44: 527. Cunningham Estate, specimens from 34: 164. Cunningham’s Island, Lake Erie, petroglyphs on 10: 678. Cunnington, ——, aid rendered by 17: 13. CuÑopavi, Snake ceremony at 16: 273, 287 sqq. Cuoq, PÈre J. A. definitions by, in racket, Mohawk 24: 592 sq. definitions by, in racket, Nipissing 24: 570. interprets the name Hiawatha 2: 54. on dice game, Nipissing 24: 81. on hidden ball, Nipissing 24: 344. on ring and pin, Nipissing 24: 540. reference to work of 40: 28. Cup and Ball Game among the Central Eskimo 24: 546, 547, 548. among the Northern Indians 11: 255, 323. among the Winnebago 37: 122. comparison of, with ring and pin 24: 527. Cup Plant mention of 33: 132. use of 44: 293. See also Silphium Perfoliatum. Cup Sculptures classification of 10: 189-192. mention of 10: 189-200. Cup-shaped Baskets coils of 41: 164. terms for 41: 397. use of 41: 201, 202. Cupana a Guiana Indian drink 38: § 267. for fever and dysentery 38: § 927. Cupped Stones, description of 13: 91. Cups Apalachee-Ohio pottery 20: 182. collection of Indian 3: 545. Florida Peninsula pottery 20: 118, 127. from Kintiel, description and figure of 22, i: 133. from Sikyatki, description of 17: 654. from ruined pueblos on Little Colorado River 22, i: cuts showing 64, 65, 66, 96. forms of 65 sq. Gulf Coast pottery 20: 105, 107. Iroquoian pottery 20: 161. Kaolin, from Chaves Pass ruin, cut showing 22, i: 96. made of ironstone concretions 44: 93 sq. mention of 4: 349. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 87 sqq., 94. Northwestern pottery 20: 196. of clay, from Walpi 2: 382. of the Eskimo 9: 101. of the Seri 17: 185* sq. or cup-shaped clay vessels from ZuÑi 2: 350. pecked in rock 16: 138. scraper, for dressing skins 9: 299 sq. South Appalachian pottery 20: 138. See also Dippers; Mugs; Pottery. Curare a poison 38: § 121, 122, 716. antidotes for 38: § 930. article of trade 38: § 825. nature of 30: 285. preparation of 30: 292, 303, 304, 343. Cura´tca, fires lighted by 47: 94 sqq. Curatella Americana for “puddling” fish 38: § 207. leaves, use of, as sandpaper 38: § 21. Curbinata Fish, stones from 30: 371. Cure for all bodily injuries, Iroquois myth 2: 73. Curia. See Fraternity. Curing by exorcism 47: 312 sq. by shaman 47: 791 sq. by tricks, symbolism of 47: 532. type ceremony of 47: 339 sq. See also Curing Ceremonies; Curing Societies; Medicine; Sickness. Curing and Drying wild rice 19: 1064 sqq. wild rice, mechanical means employed in 19: 1066. wild rice, reasons for 19: 1064. Curing ceremonies, description of 47: 107-111, 116-122, 531 sq., 533. Curing Societies membership in 47: 542. See also Medicine Societies. Curing Spirit of the Tlingit 26: 465. Curious Mourning Observances of the ancients 1: 165, 166. Curling among the Eskimos 11: 257. Curr, E. M. on Australian counting 19: 877. on Australian number concepts 19: 833 sq. Currahee Dick, establishment of mission at instance of 19: 108. Currants beliefs regarding 35: 575. cakes of 35: 275-281, 572. custom concerning 35: 616. effect of 35: 576. mashed, with salal-berries 35: 577. mention of 35: 601. picking of 35: 208. raw 35: 575. red-flowered, use of 45: 487. used for food 30: 70. Currants, Black belief concerning 45: 509. food of bears 45: 514, 515. use of 45: 489. Currants, Red, use of 44: 292, 307, 348, 358. Currants, Wild found by Coronado 14: 510. use of 44: 292, 356. Currants, Wild Black 33: 84. Currents of Seri waters 17: 45 sqq. Currie Brothers, on present sale of wild rice to whites in Wisconsin 19: 1105. Currin, R. P., lease of land to 18: 753. Curry, Benjamin F., to appraise Cherokee improvements 5: 283. Cursing, methods of 30: 128, 332. Curtains for Mosquitoes 38: § 933. Curtin, Jeremiah acknowledgments to 7: 142. Chimarikan researches of 7: 63. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. Costanoan researches of 7: 70. field notes of, unrevised and unedited 32: 49. legends and myths, analysis of 32: 52. linguistic field work of 6: XXXVII, XXXVIII. material collected by 36: 30. Moquelumnan researches of 7: 93. myths and tales, conclusions concerning 32: 53. myths given by 19: 359-364, 365-370, 473, 489. obituary of 48: 1221. 42: 116. Dagger-type of Club 38: § 154. Dagger Weed 33: 71. Daggers of bone of the Eskimo 9: 191 sq. yellow flint, from house circle 41: 521. See also Knives. DÁgoi, bravery of 17: 303. DagÛl`kÛ Geese, myths concerning 19: 254 sq., 284, 439. Dagwanoenyent. See Whirlwind People. Dahcotah, or Life and Legend of the Sioux around Fort Snelling, cited 4: 184, 189, 195, 241. Dahcotas habitat of the divisions of 7: 111. See also Dakota. Dahlonega, establishment of mint at 19: 220. DÄhnhardt, ——, myth recorded by 42: 483. Daho, delegate to Washington in 1872 17: 192, 252. Dahpike, description of the 11: 503. Dai-dai, description of 30: 171, 176. Daiha Tree, clothing made from 30: 216. Daimonism of the Sioux Indians 11: 433, 515. DaÏs of kivas 8: 121, 122, 123. Dakamballi Seeds, substitute for cassava 38: § 241. Dakhnias 1: 104. Dakini Indians, treatment of diseases by 30: 346. Dakini Tree, spirits associated with the 30: 228, 232. Dakota a synonym of the Sioux 14: 1057. albino buffalo sacred among 27: 284. amounts of wild rice harvested by 19: 1076. and Ojibwa warfare 19: 1038-1042. arrows of the 13: 325. attacks on Iowa and Omaha by 27: 86. beheading by the 17: 160. beliefs of the 11: 432. calendars of the 17: 142. chronology of the 17: 371. cults, description of 11: 431. curing of wild rice by the 19: 1064, 1065. definition of the 4: 97. discovery and occupation of Black Hills by 17: 155, 157. drowned in flood of Missouri River 4: 113. earliest historic reference to the 19: 1043.
s’ 37: 228, 386 sq. songs accompanying 42: 522, 523. special, named for animals 42: 558. steps used in 42: 522; 47: 897 sq. Taos Indian 29: 179, 184. Tcebokna?k 37: 387. time for holding 42: 522, 525, 527. to avert witchcraft 42: 629. traditional, of the Wawenock 43: 177. traditional songs of 47: 889. use of drums in, by American aborigines 20: 34. victory 37: 379-383. welcoming, description of 47: 44. with songs 47: 282 sq. See also Ceremonies; Dance; and references there; Dances, Chickasaw; Dancing; Katcinas; Rain-making. Dances, Chickasaw benefits derived from 44: 261. list of 44: 257. Pishofa, for healing the sick 44: 258. to ward off evil spirits 44: 261. Dances, Pima in celebration of victory 26: 205 sq. in connection with songs 26: 337. mention of 26: 170, 250. Dances, Social, reference to 40: 327, 343. Dances, Tlingit at potlatches 26: 435 sq., 438-443. on making peace 26: 451. Dancing a form of worship 47: 497. at general council 42: 312. at Hethu’shka meeting 27: 466, 468. at ZuÑi 47: 497 sq. before ball game 42: 457. common practice of 42: 449. dramatic, as a mortuary custom 40: 383. grass (or Omaha) dance 27: 461. in He’dewachi ceremony 27: 259. in Ho?’hewachi ceremony 27: 502, 507. in medical treatment 30: 55. in Mo?wa’dathi? and Toka’lo societies 27: 486. Katcina, description of 47: 495. Katcina, distribution of 47: 899-903. masked, origin of 47: 497, 844. object of 40: 237. occasions for 47: 497. of children, at gens festival 40: 225 sq. religious, ideals concerning 40: 209, 211. to celebrate victory 42: 419. vogue of 45: 164. ZuÑi, description of 47: 507 sq. ZuÑi, limitations of 47: 898. See also Religion. Dancing Apron 35: 873, 874. Dancing House 35: 870. Dancing Lodge, Siouan 11: 458. Dancing Rabbit Creek, treaty of 18: 726. Dancing Societies mention of 11: 428. of the Omaha 15: 214. Dandelion medicinal use of 43: 266. of recent introduction 33: 59. use of 44: 293. See also Taraxacum Officinale. Dandridge, raid near 19: 75. Danger, signals for 1: 529, 532. Dangerous Man, migration under 19: 99 sq. d’Anghieri, P. M., cited 30: 365. Daniel, Franciscan friar and lay brother 14: 474, 556. Daniel, Dr. Z. T. material collected by 24: 181, 639. on dice games, Teton Dakota 24: 181. Danielli, J., cited 46: 306, 309. Danilson, William, material collected by 24: 169, 309. Danish burial logs 1: 139. Danohabo land cessions and reservations 18: 784. D’Anville, Le Sieur map by 17: 64. on Galisteo 29: 482. on Gyusiwa 29: 394. on Isleta 29: 529. on Jacona 29: 330. on NambÉ Pueblo 29: 358. on Patoqua 29: 397, 398. on Pecos 29: 476, 477. on San CristÓbal 29: 486. on San Felipe 29: 499. on San Ildefonso 29: 305. on San Juan 29: 213. on San Lazaro 29: 491. on Sandia 29: 526. on Santa Ana 29: 521. on Santa Clara 29: 242. Danville, Ky., trails of 42: 800, 840. Daql!awe’d?, Tlingit Clan affinities of 26: 412, 421. crests of 26: 415, 416. history of 26: 410, 412, 414. names of 26: 422. phratry and tribe 26: 398 sqq. standing of 26: 408. Darby, Cape. See Cape Darby. Darien, capture of, by Balboa 6: 35. Darina Tree, spirits connected with 30: 228, 233. Dark Kachina Dance 47: 321-324. Darkening Land, myths concerning 19: 248, 253, 261, 262, 313. Darket sandals 38: § 553. Darkness caused by drawing a blanket over the sky 31: 885. eating after, evil of 30: 184 sq., 295. in Pima mythology 26: 386-389. land of, Eskimo legend of 18: 511-514. See also Night. Darlington, William, on early use of the word “Zizania” 19: 1021. Darlington, surrounding of, by hostile Indians 17: 203 sq. Daro-an basket for dart cotton 38: § 417. single-leaf ite basket 38: § 453. Dark Game, played by boys 47: 240. D’Artaguette defeat of French under 19: 417. mention of defeat of 42: 502. Darton, N. H., on geology of workshop sites 15: 31. Dart-throwing among the American Indians 19: 494. among the Eskimo 18: 333 sq. Darts for Blowgun 38: § 120. poison for 38: § 121 sqq. quivers for 38: § 124. Darwin, Charles analysis of emotional tunes by 1: 270. on gestures of Fuegans 1: 293. Das Ausland, cited on marks 4: 183. DÄ´sha-i, a Caddo synonym 14: 1092. Daspia land cessions and reservations 18: 784. Dasyprocta Acuchy hunting of 38: § 164. See also Adouri. Dasyprocta Aguti hunting of 38: § 16
Death accidental, punishment in case of 42: 342. as form of punishment 42: 355. assistance at, of clansmen 47: 39. beliefs concerning 11: 374, 421, 512, 518; 47: 137 sq., 481. burning of property after 35: 1329, 1330. caused by mystic power 40: 38.
="isub1">Sia myth concerning 11: 57. Tsimshian myth concerning 31: 346-350, 862. Tsimshian story of the 31: 113. Demarcation, Line of, between Indians and Eski
ng Sticks description of 45: 91. for clover 35: 146. for cryptochiton 35: 150. for roots 35: 149. mention of 35: 118, 186, 188, 521. weighted with perforated stones 13: 98. Dighton Rock., Mass. descriptions of 10: 86 sq., 762 sqq. inscriptions on 4: 20, 21, 250. Dillard, Jack, mound on land of 44: 407. Dillard, J. H., arbitrator between East Cherokee and Thomas’s creditors 19: 174.
f 35: 1317. harness and accoutrements, Eskimo 18: 209 sqq. hunting with 38: § 155. in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 153. in Pima legend 28: 61. in Pima mythology 26: 212. in Pima song 26: 315 sq. in Tlingit funeral ceremony 26: 430. in Tlingit mythology 26: 432, 433. indigenous 38: § 717, 718. magic 32: 158. name of Tlingit gaming stick 26: 444. names in the Winnebago clan 27: 201, 211, 229. ordeals for 38: § 162. restored to life 32: 473. Serian, Yuman and Piman names for 17: 297*, 342* sq. signs for 1: 321, 387. skin taken off of 35: 1256. skull of, found at Chaves Pass ruin, features of 22, i: 27. Stone Coat’s 32: 178. Tlingit charm 26: 453. trails scent in air 32: 470. turns to stone 32: 472. use of, by Eskimo 11: 241, 309. use of, by Pima 26: 84. whip, Eskimo 11: 244. wins ball game dressed as man 32: 235. wins foot race dressed as man 32: 233. See also Dogs. Dog Clan, native name for 42: 116. Dog Creek, remains on 41: 496. Dog Dance 35: 895. Dog Disease, symptoms and treatment of 42: 641. Dog-ear Symbol in the codices 16: 239. Dog-eye Symbol in Mexican codices 16: 242. Dog Fat. See SÄ´riyo. Dog-fish skin of, for polishing 35: 104, 108. source of Tlingit personal names 26: 422. Dog-fish Village 46: 69, 81. Dog Flea, string figure of 38: § 639. Dog Images, sacrifice of 16: 211. Dog King, young people corrected by 42: 364. Dog-like Animals in the codices 16: 226, 229. Dog Men a Cheyenne division 14: 1026. an Arapaho warrior order 14: 988. Dog Rib, population of 7: 55. Dog Ritual, terminal 37: 432. Dog River Indians, a KwikwÛl?t synonym 14: 741. Dog-salmon backbones of 35: 226, 229 sq. cheeks of 35: 231-234. customs relating to 35: 609. cutting of 35: 223, 224, 229, 306. first of season 35: 302, 350. fishing for 35: 223, 224. head of, roasted 35: 234. middle piece of 35: 225. pectoral fins of 35: 230 sq. quarter-dried 35: 236. refuse of 35: 304. roasting of 35: 223 sqq., 305. spawn of 35: 235. split 35: 227 sqq. tail of 35: 226. Dog Soldiers insignia of the 14: 987. sketch of the 14: 986. Dog-star a sky deity 43: 74. mention of 43: 92. Dog Warrior an influential chief 42: 323. chief of Upper towns 42: 322. Dog Whippers, function of 42: 528. Dogbane roots of 44: 326. use of 44: 286, 336, 375; 45: 497, 498. See also Apocynum Androsamifolium. Dogs among the Kiowa 17: 153. among the Navaho 17: 484. among the Ponca 27: 49, 79. and sledges of the Eskimo 6: 529-538. as beasts of burden 15: 174. attempt to save master by obstructing pursuer 32: 293. burial of, with owner 30: 149, 157. ceremonial eating of 14: 111; 15: 170; 46: 489, 491. ceremonial killing of 15: 303; 40: 39 sq., 41. convey boys on journey 32: 292. description of 45: 350. discovery of 27: 72. eating of 45: 237, 242. eating of, at feast 37: 329. feast on, at Soldier’s dance 46: 563. food of, restrictions 30: 292, 298, 320. game caught by, restrictions 30: 319. in Menomini myth 14: 179, 194. legend of 30: 151. legendary guardians of the Chickasaw 44: 178, 180. magic power of 32: 193. medicines for 45: 513 sq. mention of 46: 40, 43, 49, 50, 62, 73, 95, 103, 108, 109, 111, 114, 116, 319. mention of, in connection with Coronado expedition 14: 401, 405, 407. names of 30: 307. of the Eskimo 9: 357-360. ordeals of 30: 280 sq. preparation of, for eating 40: 40, 41. preparation of, for hunting 30: 282. protectors against enemies and witchcraft 35: 835. representation of, Florida mortuary pottery 20: 124. representation of, Iroquoian pipes 20: 174. restored to life 32: 221. sacrifice of 37: 428, 438, 451, 527. skin of, Eskimo clothing made of 18: 31, 39, 40. stories told of 42: 489, 496. superstitions concerning 42: 528. trade in 38: § 827. training of 30: 282 sq.; 38: § 719, 720. use of, as food 42: 693, 694. use of, by Coeur d’AlÊne 45: 109. use of, by Plains Indians 14: 504, 507, 527, 570, 578; 45: 110. use of, for transportation 45: 249, 352. use of, in ceremony 40: 504, 511, 535. use of, in hunting 45: 243, 344. words for, and horse, comparison of 15: 174. See also Dog; YÄ´`pahe. Dog’s Revenge, a Dakota fable 1: 587. Do`gu´at, Kiowa name of the Wichita 14: 1095. Dogwood blossoms of, in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 282. clan name from 30: 86. medicinal use of 42: 660. red 33: 107. rough 33: 108. use of 44: 288, 377; 45: 472, 475, 495. use of, in basketry 41: 145. use of, in ceremonies 30: 98. See also Cornus Alternifolia; Cornus Rugosa. Dogwood, Paci
x">Doty, Governor — on dependence of fur trade on wild rice 19: 1104. on dependence of fur traders on wild rice 19: 1103. on Ojibwa eating wild rice in season with rabbit feces 19: 1084. Doty Island, Winnebago village on 37: 51, 80, 87. Double Ball general description of 24: 561, 562, 647 sqq. played by the 24: Achomawi 648, 661. Arikara 657. Cheyenne 647, 649. Chippewa 648, 650 sq. Cree 648, 652 sq. Dakota, Santee 663. Hopi 648 sq. Hupa 648, 656 sq. Kaoni 660 sq. Klamath 648, 659. Maricopa 665. Menominee 653. Missisauga 648, 653 sq. Nishinam 661. Omaha 648, 663. Paiute 647, 662. Papago 648, 659 sq. Pawnee 657 sq. Pima 648, 660. Plains tribes 647. Sauk and Foxes 647, 654 sq. Shasta 648, 662. Shoshoni 648, 662. Tarahumare 648. Tepehuan 660. Ute (Uinta) 663. Wasama 659.
toward Indians 18: 549. Du Halde, P., cited on cords worn by Tibetan lamas 9: 561. Du Pratz, Le Page CaluÇa described by 42: 39. description of pottery by 4: 371. description of temple by 41: 507 sq. on Caddoan habitat 7: 61. on certain southern tribes 7: 66. on hoop and pole, Cherokee, Creeks 24: 487. on hoop and pole, Natchez 24: 488. on Indian salt making 20: 31. on Louisiana basketry 13: 16. on Louisiana cane rafts 13: 15. on Louisiana clothing 13: 22, 25, 32, 33. on Louisiana dyes 13: 20. on Louisiana embroidery 13: 28. on Louisiana feather work 13: 27. on Louisiana nets 13: 27. on Louisiana sieves 13: 17. on Louisiana textile cradles 13: 18. on Natchez organization 42: 91. on Oto habitat 15: 195. on pottery making by Louisiana Indians 20: 57, 102. on the Na’htchi language 7: 96. on tossed ball, Natchez 24: 710. on use of color by Natchez 20: 63. on use of shell for tempering by Natchitoches 20: 48. quoted 12: 617, 653, 665, 677, 682. Du Tertre, —, mention of 25: 68. Dual Divisions among the Chickasaw 44: 193. discussion of 44: 193-196. of clans, names of 42: 156 sq. of clans, origin myth of 42: 157. Dual Existence of animals, Eskimo belief in 18: 394 sq., 425. Du´bamo?thi?, remarks of 27: 637 sq. Dublin, J. L., mention of 46: 322. Dubois, Barent, informations from 42: 505, 510. Dubuque County, Iowa, mounds in 5: 31, 32. Duburi-kaiasanna, type of fan 38: § 367. Ducalli, fruit-glue for stone-chip grater 38: §335. Ducatel, Prof. I. I. on double ball, Chippewa 24: 650. on hidden ball, Chippewa 24: 341 sq. on racket, Chippewa 24: 567. on ring and pin, Chippewa 24: 534. on snow-snake, Chippewa 24: 401. Duchi, native name for seat 34: 246. Duck a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 175. domestication of the 38: § 724. hunting of the 38: § 182. importance of, as gleaners of wasted wild rice 19: 1098 sq. in Arapaho mythology 14: 959. in Menomini mythology 14: 163, 203, 254. in Pima mythology 26: 232, 248. in ZuÑi mythology 13: 407. mythic part played by the, in bringing wild rice to the Ojibwa 19: 1094. myths concerning, Cherokee 19: 266 sq., 412. personation of, in Hopi ceremony 16: 308. pottery figure of 38: § 96. representations of, Florida Peninsula pottery 20: 123, 124, 126. representations of, Gulf Coast pottery 20: 107, 108. skin of, Eskimo ceremonial objects made of 18: 419. skin of, Eskimo clothing made of 18: 31. See also Bird; Ducks. Duck Dance description of 42: 529 sq.; 46: 562. mention of 42: 523, 524. Duck Katcina. See Pawik. Duck River, Tenn. fortified Indian town on 41: 496. petroglyphs on 10: 114. trail from settlements on 42: 853. Duck-shaped Vessel from Chevlon, cut showing 22, i: 67. Duck Valley Reserve authority for establishment of 18: 828. change in 18: 920. establishment of 18: 890. Ducklar, taming of 38: § 724. Ducks Eskimo method of catching 18: 134 sq. eyes of, used as dice 32: 354. heads, necks, and breasts of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 20. legend concerning 30: 124 sq. Seri method of catching 17: 191*. symbolism of 22, ii: 21, 40, 175. throwing stones at, causes snowstorm 31: 449. use of, to paddle canoes 32: 218, 221, 222. See also Duck. Duckworth, W. L. H., cited 46: 230, 231, 256, 306, 307, 313, 326, 368. Ducoin, Ellen grant of land to 18: 665. See also Decoigne. Duddeley, Sir Robert, journey of, through Trinidad 34: 64. Duelling among northern Indians 11: 271. Duerden, Dr. J. E. Antillean pottery figured by 25: 189. on certain mortars 25: 106. on Jamaican amulets 25: 140. on Jamaican idols 25: 198 sq. on Jamaican pestles 25: 105. on Jamaican pictography 25: 148. Duff, N. Francis, on prehistoric ruins of Rio Tularosa 22, i: 180. Duflot de Mofras, EugÈne de cited 7: 92. on PimerÍa, quoted by Buschmann 26: 76. Soledad, language of 7: 102. Dufouri, Rev. J. H., on Tesuque 29: 387. Dufur, H. H., report on Warm Springs Reserve by 18: 946. Dugout corial, etc. 38: § 792-797. mention of 37: 123. Duhos Antillean 25: 157, 200 sq., 202-207. from Battowia 34: 89. grinders mistaken for 34: 222. of stone 34: 223-226. Duk-Duk Mask 3: 99 sqq. Dukwalli, mask ceremony 3: 107 sqq. Dulhut, Daniel Greyselon, cited on Indian beliefs 11: 43. Dull Knife, a Cheyenne leader 14: 1025. Dumas, Alexandre, on Sicilian signs 1: 295. Dumbarton Heights, quarry shops in 15: 62, 116. Dumb-bell Mounds 37: 93, 100. Dummer, Jeremiah, quoted on Maine’s Indian policy 18: 609. Dummor, Gov. W., treaty made by 43: 174. Dumont, —, description of pottery by 4: 275, 276, 371. Dumont, Enrique, on Porto Rican pictography 25: 149. Dumont, G. M., cited 12: 653, 657, 682, 686. D
isub1">peculiarity of, in dress of Kohonimi 21: 85. sacred use of 14: 992. song pertaining to 14: 1100. symbol of old age 36: 71. symbolism of 42: 36; 45: 157, 555. use of 45: 74; 47: 500, 660, 863. use of, as warrior symbol by Teakwaina 21: 63. use of, by Wovoka 14: 776. use of, in ceremony 39: 251. used in Ghost dance 14: 916, 979, 1099, 1101. used in hypnotism 14: 923, 925. value of 46: 589. Eagle Gens. See Ho?´-ga A-hiu-to? Gens. Eagle Harbor 46: 185. Eagle-Heart, escape from arrest of 17: 329. Eagle Katcina. See Kwahu.
Life Forms. Egberts, —, casts made by 43: 18. Egede, Hans cited 6: 412. description of Eskimo deer hunt by 9: 265. description of Eskimo tents by 9: 85. on Eskimo bows 9: 199. on Eskimo burials 9: 427. on Eskimo burials of children 9: 426. on Eskimo customs at childbirth 9: 415. on Eskimo diet 9: 64. on Eskimo divorce 9: 412. on Eskimo drinks 9: 65. on Eskimo exchange of wives 9: 413. on Eskimo fire-making 9: 029. on Eskimo fishing 9: 284 sqq. on Eskimo mortuary customs 9: 424. on Eskimo saws 9: 174. on Eskimo treatment of women 9: 414. on Eskimo umiak oars 9: 339, 343. on Eskimo umiak rowing 9: 335. on Eskimo whale hunting 9: 272, 275. on personal habits of Greenlanders 9: 421. on seal catching 9: 256, 269. work of, consulted 9: 22. Egg eaten, bird’s 38: § 163. eaten, of iguana 38: § 216. eaten, of toad frog 38: § 218. eaten, of turtle 38: § 163, 215. string figure of 38: § 685. See also Eggs. Egg, Broken, legend of 30: 323. Eggleston, Edward, on Tecumtha 19: 216. Eggs Eskimo methods of gathering 18: 133, 278. of birds, finding of, in grave in Pueblo ruins on Little Colorado River 22, i: 111. use of, as food 30: 381. See also Egg. Egoism in esthetic activities 19: LIX. of primitive thought 19: 830-833. of the Seri 17: 133*, 154* sq. Egremont, Lord, on English policy toward Indians 18: 557. Egret in Cherokee myth 19: 284. Egypt Lower Mississippi Valley ware resembling that of 20: 103. petroglyphs in 10: 179 sq. Egyptian characters connected with signs 1: 304, 355, 357, 358, 359, 370, 379, 380. tattooing 4: 78. use of cross 4: 253. writing 4: 13, 14. Egyptians mourning ceremonies of 10: 631. myths of 19: 438. similarity of Indian mortuary offerings to those of 20: 40. symbolic characters of 10: 642, 643, 645. symbolic color of 10: 634. symbols of deities of 10: 466. Ehecatl day symbol, discussion of 16: 215, 219, 220. Ehrenreich, P., cited 30: 121, 129, 133, 256. Eighteen-mile Spring, Ariz., ruin at 22, i: 127. Eixarch, TomÁs, reference to 28: 57. Ekilik 46: 190. Ekkekuli, description of 30: 172. Ekkishihi, counting string 38: § 939. Eklutna School 46: 37. Ekogmute 46: 218, 221. Ekpik 46: 202. Ekuk 46: 190. El Bailarin, naming of 44: 42. El Bebedor in Pima mythology 26: 212 sq. El Bermejo, Fray 25: 55. El Castillo, Totonac pyramid 25: 249. El Dorado, origin of 6: 35. El Infiernillo, characters of 17: 45 sqq. El Juez Tarado, Pima and Maricopa villages 26: 21. El Montecito, mention of 44: 35. El Moro pictographs at 4: 28. Spanish inscriptions at 13: 326. El Morro, New Mexico, National Monument 28: 18. El Mudo account of Porter-Johnson episode by 17: 121 sq. portrait of 17: 154. rank of 17: 177. stature of 17: 136. El Paso County, Tex., Indian map on rock in 10: 344. El Paso del Norte, Tex., petroglyphs near 10: 115. El Patillo, ball race, Tarahumare 24: 677. El Picacho, skirmish at, in Civil War 26: 48. El Puerto de Santa Barbara, mention of 44: 35. El RincÓn, mention of 44: 35. El Siba, ancient Pima chief 28: 55. El Tajin, Totonac pyramid 25: 249, 273. El Toro Creek, mention of 44: 35. Elab day symbol, discussion of 16: 239. Elaborate Katcinas of the Tusayan 15: 254, 268. Elaeagnus Argentea 45: 496, 508. Elbow Stones arms of 34: 199 sq. characteristic of Greater Antilles 34: 180. comparison of, with collars 34: 200 sq., 207 sqq. distribution of 34: 60, 199. mention of 25: 182 sqq.; 34: 198-209. theories concerning use of 34: 263 sqq. with face in relief 34: 201, 202-206. without face 34: 202, 206 sq. Elden Mountain, excavation near 43: 2. Elden Pueblo collection from 44: 18. description of 43: 2 sqq. researches at 44: 2. Elder American, medicinal use of 45: 474. European Red, use of 45: 489. Elder Bark, medicinal use of 43: 265. Elder Flowers, medicinal use of 43: 265. Elder Brother, among the Pima calendar arranged by 26: 36. in mythology 26: 209-230, 248. in religion 26: 251. in song 26: 275-282, 288, 290, 304, 305, 309, 327, 334. in tales 26: 245. speech of 26: 339-346. Elder Household Gens 36: 118. Elder Tree, mythical story concerning 43: 59-90. Elder Wa-zha´-zhe Gens, wi´-gi-e of 36: 92 sq. Elderberries hook for picking 35: 155. mixed with salal-berries 35: 267. picking of 35: 204, 567. preservation of 35: 255-263. unripe 35: 567. Elderberry bushes, why grow on graves 31: 62. medicinal use of 42: 661. Elderberry Cakes, eating of 35<
, 53, 56, 61. among the Sioux 14: 830, 840. measles 26: 58, 64. smallpox 26: 55, 64. See also Cholera; Measles; Plague; Smallpox; Whooping Cough. Epilepsy among the Pima 26: 268. remedy used for 42: 658. Epileptic and Insane, how regarded by the Apache 9: 460 sq. Epilobium Angustifolium medicinal constituents of 44: 304. medicinal properties of 44: 301. mention of 45: 483, 498. use of 44: 289, 342, 356. Epilobium sp. 45: 468, 506.
>18: 80 sq. on birch-bark 44: 396. Etherington, Captain —, and the Pontiac conspiracy 14: 130. Ethical Concepts of the Tsimshian 31: 443 sq. reference to 45: 196. Ethics classification of subject matter of 20: CXXXVII. evolution of 20: CXXVI sqq. fundamental principles of 27: 134. in Hethu´shka songs 27: 470. in warfare 27: 602 sq. influenced by environment 27: 608. influenced by natural phenomena 27: 597 sq. moral equality of sexes 27: 324. primitive, original research in 21: XXI. taught to girls 40: 307. See also Ideals; Religion. Ethnic characteristics, limitations to the use of, in study of anthropology 1: 76. determinations, value of study of technique in 20: 48. See also Peoples. Ethnic Science, classification of 18: XXV sq.; 19: XI sq. Ethnic System of the Bureau, features of 22, i: IX sq. Ethnobotany memoir on, of the ZuÑi Indians 30: 25, 31-102. studies in, of the Hopi Indians 22, i: 17. Ethnogamy, characters of 17: 283*-287*. Ethnogeography Tewa Indians, memoir on 29: 29-618. Tewa Indians, memoir on, note on 29: 25. Ethnologic facts, connected with signs 1: 384. work 2: XXII. Ethnologic Researches by J. P. Adams 32: 13. by Donald Beauregard 32: 13. by K. M. Chapman 32: 13. by J. W. Fewkes 32: 14. by Miss Alice C. Fletcher 32: 22. by Nathan Goldsmith 32: 13. by John P. Harrington 32: 13. by Junius Henderson 32: 13. by J. N. B. Hewitt 32: 20. by F. W. Hodge 32: 10. by Neil M. Judd 32: 13. by Francis La Flesche 32: 22. by Truman Michelson 32: 20. by James Mooney 32: 14. by Sylvanus J. Morley 32: 13. by Jesse L. Nusbaum 32: 13. by Paul Radin 32: 21. by R. W. Robbins 32: 13. by Mrs. M. C. Stevenson 32: 19. by John R. Swanton 32: 18. permits for 27: 11. purpose and progress of 17: XXVII sq. summary of 26: IX-XXI. Ethnological Collections, character of 27: 12. Ethnologists list of 48: 1188 sq. not officially connected with Bureau 48: 1189. Ethnology aims of 41: 1. definition of 15: XVIII. descriptive, office work in 22, i: XXXVII sq., 23: XL. descriptive, work in 20: XXIII. in relation to anthropology 28: 42. of the Ungava district 11: 167. physical 23: X. practical scope of 23: IX. status of 13: XLVIII; 14: XXX. Etiquette among the Tlingit 26: 427. description of 27: 334-337. of eating and drinking 38: p. 226-234. Omaha, domestic 3: 262. See also Customs; Social Organization. EtissÛ, duties of 42: 409. EtmÜller, Michael, quoted on girdles and cords 9: 571, 572. Etowah burning of, in 1793 19: 75, 82. See also Ytaua. Etowah Mounds, Ga. earthenware figurines from 20: 41. mention of 5: XXII, 96-104, 106, 107. visit of De Soto to 12: 688. Etowah Valley, collection from 19: XX sq. Etseastin and Etseasun, Navaho myth 8: 284 sq. EtsitÜ´biwat, a Comanche band 14: 1045. ?t´tone, and Mi´li, importance of 23: 416, 417. Ettwein, on name Tallige´wi 19: 184. Etymology definition of the science of 20: CLIII-CLVII. of words from gestures 1: 352. Eudeve, branch of the Opata Indians 14: 537. Eufaula busk ceremonial of 42: 581 sqq., 604. busk of, with Coweta 42: 568. native explanation of the name 42: 73. relations of, with Hilibi 42: 559. use of medicine at 42: 608. See also Eufaula, Upper. Eufaula Hadjo information furnished by 42: 256. leader of the Snake Indians 42: 655. Eufaula Hobayi a Red town 42: 255. allocation of clans in beds at 42: 201-204. arrangements of square grounds of 42: 229, 277, 278. clans of, furnishing chiefs and henihas 42: 193, 194. clans, phratries and moieties of 42: 161. position of beds at 42: 199. See also Lower Eufaula. Eufaula Seminole a Red town 42: 126, 257. allocation of clans in beds at 42: 201-204. arrangement of square ground of 42: 233 sq., 289. clan councils of 42: 126. clans of, furnishing chiefs and henihas 42: 193, 194. clans, phratries and moieties 42: 161 sq. plan of ceremonial ground of 42: 234, 289. position of beds at 42: 199. Eufaula, Upper allocation of clans in beds at 42: 201-204. arrangement of square ground of 42: 223 sq., 260, 261. clan councils of 42: 125. clans of, furnishing chiefs and henihas 42: 193, 194. clans, phratries and moieties of 42: 159 sq. emblem of ball post of 42: 244. 2: 293. use or significance of shell gorgets representing 2: 295. Face Numerals, in Mayan calendar system, discussion of and figures showing 22, i: 204-226, 263-268. Face Paint 35: 1221. Face Painting of the Kiowa 17: 150. of the Kwakiutl 35: 770. Seri, apparatus for 17: 165* sq. Seri, designs of 17: 165*. Seri, distribution of 17: 164*. Seri, meaning and design used in 17: 166*-169*. See also Facial Painting. Face Protectors, worn by the Eskimo 18: 35. Faces-the-Line. See GÍ?dedÉete. Facial Angles of the Eskimo 46: 285.
ass="isub1">red, symbolic use of 43: 67. Scrian and Yuman names for 17: 332* sq. study of symbolism of 19: XX. symbols on Hopi pottery 17: 663. symbols on Sikyatki pottery 17: 658, 682-698, 714, 723, 724. tippets 38: § 538, 591. used to magically create barrier to pursuer 32: 674. wand or baho used in kiva-building ceremonials 8: 119, 120, 129, 130. weaving among Louisiana Indians 13: 25. white, symbolic use of 43: 34. work, description of 13: 27. work, lack of remains of 13: 12. See also Bird; Feathers. Feather-cap. See TsÓÑbohÓn. Feather Crowns. See Crowns, Feather. Feather Dance discussion of 42: 609. performance of 42: 586, 607. reference to 42: 294. See also Tcitahaia. Feather Dart, ZuÑi dice game 24: 210. Feather Headdress description of 42: 594. See also Buzzard; Owl. Feather Mountain 35: 1221. Feather-plaited Doctor (Civan), in Piman legend 28: 51, 52. Feather Quills, Eskimo fishing lines made of 18: 175 sq. Feather-setter for making Eskimo arrows 9: 294. Feather Symbolism on Pueblo pottery, occurrence and character of 22, i: 73, 75-81. See also Breath Feather. Feather Vanes, Eskimo noose made of 18: 124. Feathered Gens reference to 40: 503, 517. See also Thunder Gens. Feathered-Lance. See GaÁpiatÁÑ. Feathered Plumes in PawÍk katcina 15: 300. Feathered Stem blue, painting of 22, ii: 37 sqq., 287. blue, symbolism of 22, ii: 42, 99. decoration of 22, ii: 37-42. green, painting of 22, ii: 39, 40, 288. green, symbolism of 22, ii: 42, 99. preparation of stick for 22, ii: 35. songs for laying down 22, ii: 111-117. symbolism of 22, ii: 111. Feathered Stems construction and symbolism of 22, ii: 20, 21, 283-291. names of 22, ii: 19, 20. plates representing 22, ii: 38, 40. reverence of many tribes for 22, ii: 21, 279. transfer of, from tribe to tribe 22, ii: 20, 21, 361. Feathered Strings appearance of, in Hopi pictures 21: 56, 96. in Cipaulovi ceremony 16: 277. of Tusayan 15: 268, 281, 284, 289. on Cunopavi altar 16: 288. on Oraibi altar 16: 291, 292. representation of, on pottery 17: 662. Feathering of arrows 14: 276. of body, Guiana Indian 38: § 514, 761, 886. on Eskimo arrows and spears 18: 136, 137, 151, 157, 159, 160, 161. Featherman, ——, cited 4: 78. Feathers antelope priests decorated with 16: 292. appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 59, 60, 64, 65, 75, 81, 83, 86, 87, 93, 95, 96, 98, 100-103, 108, 112, 113, 117, 121, 122. as a medium of exchange 14: 992. as a protecting medicine 14: 790. attached to amulet 14: 904. blue-jay, use of 47: 660. Casa Grande, garments of 28: 148. ceremonial use of 14: 999. crow, Indians defrauded with 14: 901. crow, sacred regard for 14: 1034. downy, symbolism of 47: 863. eagle, a mark of rank 46: 553. eagle, attached to Ghost shirts 14: 798. eagle, Caddo sacred use of 14: 1093. eagle, in Cohonino ceremony 14: 813. eagle, sacred use of 14: 992. eagle, song pertaining to 14: 1100. eagle, use of 47: 500, 660, 863. eagle, used in hypnotism 14: 923, 925. eagle, used in Ghost dance 14: 916, 979, 1099, 1101. eagle, used in war bonnets 14: 1072. eagle, value of 46: 589. engraved representations of, South Appalachian pottery 20: 140. Eskimo ceremonial objects made of 18: 396, 397, 399, 401, 405, 410, 412-416. Eskimo ornamentation with 18: 37, 168. garments made of 42: 682. handling of, conducive to insanity 30: 166, 275. head, of the Arapaho 14: 964, 965. in Oraibi costumery 16: 293, 294. in Smohalla ceremony 14: 729. in Snake dance ceremony 16: 298. in Tusayan ceremony 15: 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 283, 285, 286, 296; 16: 279, 280. Indian trade in 14: 472. indicating deeds of valor 45: 157. Kiowa robe of 14: 906. magic power attributed to 33: 228. magpie, ceremonial use of 14: 999. magpie, presented by Wovoka 14: 901. magpie, prized by Paiute 14: 775. on prayer sticks 17: 739. ornaments of, absence of, on mask of Momi 21: 37. peculiar use of, in dress of Hopi katcinas 21: 41, 66. prayer, use of, by Hopi katcinas 21: 76. prayer, use of, in Flute ceremony 21: 30. red, use of, in representations of Hopi katcinas 21: 72. ritualistic use of 47: 262. ruffs of, on mask 47: 862. sacred use of, by Wovoka 14: 776. significance of 14: 268; 33: 227. strewing of, to mark path 30: 132. symbolic uses of 15: 169. symbolism of 42: 436; 47: 127, 481. symbolism of, in Ghost dance 14: 789. turkey 32: 277. turkey, appearance of, in representations of Hopi katcinas 21: 67. turkey, on Cheyenne arrows 14: 1024. turkey, use of 47: 660, 677. use of 34: 230. use of brushes of, in pottery decoration, Eastern United States 20: 67, 86. use of, by katcinas 47: 863 sq. use of, by Pueblo Indians 14: 544, 559, 570. use of, for garments 14: 517. use of, in ceremonial observances 9: 533 sqq. use of, in Ghost dance 14: 786, 919, 1084. us
9: 957, 1011. Tusayan immigration traditions by 19: 573-633. volumes presented by 39: 25. work of 17: XXXIX, XLV sq., LVIII; 18: XXVII, XXXI sq., XLIV, XLVI sq.; 19: XIII sqq., XIX sqq., XXX; 24: XIII sq., XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX; 25: X, XII sq., XIV sq., XXII, XXVI-XXIX; 26: XIV sqq.; 28: 13, 17, 21 sq.; 29: 14-17, 20, 21; 30: 10, 20, 22; 34: 8-12; 35: 14 sqq.; 36: 10 sqq.; 37: 4-7; 39: 9, 12 sq.; 40: 2 sqq.; 41: 4 sqq., 27-31, 50-54, 79-82, 101 sqq.; 42: 4; 43: 2-5; 44: 2. work of, on Pueblo mythology 22, i: XXXVI. Fewkes Canyon, construction of road along 41: 28. Fewkes Group of Mounds 41: 559-614. Fiber
ub1">in Menomini myth 14: 125, 200, 217. in Tlingit calendar 26: 426. known to Omaha, names of 27: 106. legend concerning 30: 220, 234, 262. lines of the Eskimo 9: 278-284. means of securing 44: 262. mention of 46: 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 91, 98, 110, 116. method of shooting 30: 131. nets for, Guiana Indian 38: § 201. nets of the Eskimo 9: 284, 286. origin of 30: 148. painting of, on wall in Santa Rita mound 19: 667. preservation of, for food 44: 306. representation of 20: Florida Peninsula pottery 124. Gulf Coast pottery 108. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 85, 88, 95. roe, 38: § 163. Seri methods of catching and eating 17: 193* sq. speared with leg 32: 283. spirits associated with 30: 241-244. string figures of 38: § 661, 671, 673, 674, 693, 699-701, 705. swallowing of boy by 32: 182. traps and wheels 46: 40, 57. transportation of 30: 294. transformation into 30: 242. use of, as food 11: 280; 41: 608. use of, at Isleta 47: 211. use of, by the Menomini 14: 290. village, Lower Yukon 46: 74. woman transformed into 32: 538. See also Blackfish; Codfish; Devilfish; Flounders; Halibut; Kelp-fish; Perch; Redfish; Salmon. Fish-arrows of the Eskimo 18: 160 sq. Fish Bladders, use of, as ornaments 42: 685. Fishbones excrescences from, found in graves 44: 136. from Burton mound 44: 135. thrown into fire 35: 411. Fish Clan associations of 42: 145. native names for 42: 115. personal names of 37: 250. referred to by J. Adair 42: 119. story concerning 42: 109, 112. Fish Cow. See Manati. Fish Creek, ornate stone lamp of 46: 34. Fish Dams, construction of 42: 782. Fish Dance mention of 42: 524. See also Garfish Dance. Fish-eaters, a Paiute band 14: 818, 1051. Fish-e-More. See TakÁ-i-bodal. Fish Idol, description of, by Poey 34: 181. Fish Katcina. See Pakiokwik. Fish Knives locked in roasting tongs 35: 306. mention of 35: 242. Fish-Mamma, description of 30: 241 sq. Fish Nation, legends concerning 30: 220, 242, 363. Fish People, personal names of 43: 130 sqq. Fish Poison, nature of 30: 234. Fish Pond Towns distribution of medicine at 42: 608. emblems on ball posts of 42: 244. See also Asilanabi; ?À?ogÀ?ga; Okchai. Fish River, identity of 19: 190. Fish Scaler of the Eskimo 9: 311. Fish Skin Eskimo ceremonial objects of 18: 420. Eskimo clothing made of 18: 36. Eskimo implements made of 18: 105, 146, 161. Eskimo method of dressing 18: 117. Fish Soup eaten after meat 35: 412. Fish Spears of the Eskimo 18: 194 sq. Fish Symbol in the codices 16: 241, 261. Fish Traps as property of numayms 35: 1347. Eskimo 18: 183 sqq. Eskimo implements used in making 18: 88. of the Kwakiutl 35: 182, 183. success of 35: 613. Fish Weirs of the Huron-Iroquois district 12: 549. of the Virginia Indians 13: 14. of wattle work 13: 13. Fisher, —, of Biological Survey, on mice and rats of PimerÍa 26: 80. Fisher, Reginald, cooperation of 46: 6. Fisher, W. J., material collected by 24: 723. Fisher, a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 202. Fisheries, ownership of, in Chattahoochee River 42: 59. Fisherman, successful, how made 35: 698. Fishery, season among the Eskimo 9: 282 sq. Fishes in Pima flood legend 28: 50. myths concerning 19: 251, 285, 289, 307, 320, 455, 469. of the Point Barrow region, Alaska 9: 58. See also Fish. Fishhawk in Menomini myth 14: 200. Fishhook Points, Composite fragmentary 44: 128-133. with blunt base 44: 122-125. with sharp ends 44: 125 sq. Fishhooks magical 33: 640, 658, 659, 660. of the Eskimo 9: 279-284. of the Nenenot 11: 320. one-piece bone 44: 133. one-piece shell 44: 138-144. used in capturing canoe 32: 78, 223, 713. Fishing account of 27: 312. among Upper Missouri Indians 46: 544, 582. customs of the Omaha 3: 301, 302. Eskimo methods of 6: 513-516; 18: 173-190. Eskimo seasons of 18: 173 sq., 183 sq. implements of the Eskimo 9: 278-287; 18: 173 sqq. implements used for 45: 105 sqq. importance of 45: 348. manner of, of the Eskimo 9: 283. methods of 42: 694; 45: 246, 349. of the Eskimo 11: 204. of the Kwakiutl 35: 178-184. of the Menomini 14: 272. of the Tsimshian 31: 399 sqq. of the Winnebago 37: 114. relation of, to games 19: LXIX. seasons for 31: 398 sq. stone implements used in 13: 164. traps for 3: 302. Fishing Appliances hooks 2: 208. manufacture of 2: 210. shell 2: 207. sinkers 2: 208. Fishing lines of Guiana Indians 38: § 65-69. of the Kwakiutl 35: 179. Fishing Places hereditary nature of
in 28: 9. St. Johns and Volusia Counties, mounds in 12: 328-333. Satsuma, mound at 12: 332. Seminole Indians of, paper on 5: XLVIII-L, 469-531. southeastern, sources of information on 42: 679. study of collection from 19: XIX. study of relics from 18: XXX sq. textile fish in 20: 68. thick-rimmed bowls found in 20: 112 sq. use of earthenware drums in 20: 34. Volusia County, mounds in 12: 328. wood and shell objects from 21: XIV. Florida Chief, Satouriona, tattooing of 10: 393. Florida Culture Area, features of 42: 715. Florida Indians cultural differences of 42: 711. customs of 42: 693, 694, 696, 700. declaration of war by 10: 359. decorative painting by 10: 619. hairdressing of the 42: 684.
silversmith 2: 172. Forked Sticks, string figures of 38: § 653. Forks-of-the-River Men, an Arapaho division 14: 956. Forlong, J. G. R. cited on sacred cords 9: 564, 565, 578. quoted on manna 9: 517. quoted on sacred cakes 9: 518, 544. Form classification of ware from Pueblo ruins by 22, i: 61-69. evolved in pottery from basketry 4: 497. in Mississippi Valley pottery 4: 373. in pottery, origin of 4: 269, 445-453. in textile art and its relation to ornament, with illustrations from Indian work 6: 196-201. modifies ornament in pottery 4: 458. of pottery modified by certain influences 4: 450 sqq. of vessels, origin of 20: 49. pleasures of 19: LX-LXIII, LXXIV, LXXVII. See also Forms. Formation of Iroquois Turtle Clan, myth concerning 2: 77. Formia Clavata, as counterirritant 38: § 926. Formosa, wild rice in 19: 1037. Forms eastern United States pottery 20: cooking vessels 25, 27. mention of 61 sqq. methods of giving 49 sqq. modeling implements 35 sq. mortuary vessels 40 sqq. ornaments 42. pipes 45. salt-making vessels 20. Florida Peninsula pottery 20: 118, 119, 121, 124, 127. Gulf Coast pottery 20: 105, 108, 111, 112. Iroquoian pipes 20: 174 sq. Iroquoian pottery 20: 160 sq., 162, 163. Middle Atlantic Coast pipes 20: 150, 151, 156, 158. Middle Atlantic Coast pottery 20: 145, 148, 149 sq., 151, 153, 165. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: bottles 93. eccentric and compound 93 sq. life 94-97. mention of 83, 85 sq., 87. pipes 98, 99. platters, cups and bowls 88. New Jersey-New England pottery 20: 175, 176. Northwestern pottery 20: 187, 192, 196, 199, 200. Ohio Valley pottery 20: 184 sq. production of 20: XXXVI-XXXIX. South Appalachian pipes 20: 140 sq. South Appalachian pottery 20: 131, 132, 138, 140. Southern and Northern pottery 20: 145, 187. See also Bases; Form; Shaping. Forms, Geometric. See Geometric Forms. Forms of Baskets mention of 41: 197-210. See also Shapes of Baskets. Formulas magical use of 42: 503. used in medical practice 42: 623, 639 sq., 641 sq., 642 sq., 646, 647 sq., 652 sq., 656. Fornander, —, cited on Hawaiian monsters 16: 214. Fornication among the Omaha 3: 365. Forrest, H. R., killed at Wounded Knee 14: 872. FÖrstemann, Dr. E. citation from Die Mayahandschrift of 6: 261-269. cited 6: 272, 278, 280, 281, 283, 290, 292, 293, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 320, 322, 329, 330, 339, 340. on Dresden Codex 19: 799, 805. on Mayan division of solar year 19: 954 sq. on Mayan methods of computation 19: 932 sq. on Mayan “old year” 19: 748. on Mayan time units 19: 715 sq. on Mayan years 19: 806. on methods of counting Mexican time symbols 19: 723, 724, 725, 729. on significance of certain glyphs 16: 250. on time series of Dresden Codex 19: 709 sq. paper by 24: XXXII. reference to 19: 699, 708. reference to discoveries by 19: 818. Forsyth, Colonel — at surrender of Big Foot 14: 867. at Wounded Knee massacre 14: 870. operations of, in Sioux outbreak 14: 875. troops under, at Pine Ridge 14: 850. Forsyth, R. A., land treaty witness 14: 29. Forsyth, Thomas on use of wild rice by Sauk 19: 1051. reference to 40: 501. Forsyth County, Ga. petroglyphs in 10: 76. rock carvings in 4: 23. comparison with trinchera 28: 218. construction of 45: 117 sq. Fort Adams, treaty of 18: 660. Fort Amsterdam, founding of 18: 576. Fort Ancient, Ohio, fragments of pottery from 20: 184. Fort Armstrong garrisoning of, by the Cherokee 19: 92. treaties of 18: 736. Fort Atkinson intaglio mound at 37: 91. treaty of, in 1853 17: 173, 290. Fort Belknap Reserve, establishment of 18: 926. Fort Benton, a trading point 46: 407. Fort Berthold a trading point 46: 407. Indian fight near 4: 103. Indian painting at 4: 55. notched sticks at 4: 81. pictographs at 4: 183, 186, 187. Fort Berthold Reserve changes in 18: 900, 942, 944. establishment of 18: 852. Fort Blount, trail crossing commanded by 42: 834. Fort Bridger, treaties of 18: 828, 850. Fort Buford, Indian fight near 4: 103. Fort Childs, treaty of 18: 780. Fort Chimo, ethnology of 11: 167. Fort Chiswell, Va. interest attached to 42: 761. trail to 42: 759. Fort Clark, treaty of 18: 676. Fort Clarke, a trading point 46: 407. Fort Cobb operations conducted from, in 1868 17: 187. peace council held at 17: 190. surrender of hostilities at 17: 188. Fort Confederation, treaty of 18: 662. Fort Defiance, N. C. cession of land at 18: 654. home of Hano clans 19: 614. mounds near 5: 68. Fort Dobbs, building of 19: 40. Fort Dodge, ransom of captives at 17: 181. , mention of 43: 224. Fowls anus of, string figure of 38: § 707. domestic, among the Guiana Indians 38: § 724. domestic, among the Pueblo Indians 14: 516, 521, 559. Eskimo methods of catching 18: 268. See also Birds; Poultry. Fox, Andrew, Seneca informant 32: 52. Fox, George, claims of 14: 937. Fox, a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 202. Fox and Geese, dice game, Eskimo 24: 103. Fox Clan native names for 42: 115. story concerning 42: 108. Fox Dance a woman’s dance 43: 528. description of 42: 528; 46: 561. mention of 42: 523, 524. Fox Farms 46: 202. “Fox Fire,” belief concerning 46: 202. Fox-glove, Wild, uses of 33: 114. Fox Indians early habitat of the 14: 16, 19. expedition against the 37: 54.
ial Customs; Mortuary Customs; Mourning Customs. Funeral Observances of the Eskimo 18: 310-322. Funeral Offerings. See Mortuary Pottery; Toy-like Objects. Funeral Rites. See Mortuary Customs. Funerary Practices mention of 47: 248 sqq. See also Burial Customs. Fungus bad luck from 30: 214, 215, 361. mixed with tobacco by Eskimo 18: 271. use of 45: 501, 504. Fungus-ash Bowls, Eskimo 18: 275-278. Fuqua, J. Benjamin, information furnished by 42: 852. Fur-bearing Animals, Eskimo seasons for hunting 18: 125 sq. Fur Trade. See Commerce; Trade. Fur Traders dependence of, on wild rice 19: 1101-1104. post established by 45: 359. Furcation, ornamental effect produced by 41: 228. Furnace for cremation 1: 149. See also Kilns. Furniture dwellings and implements of the Omaha 13: XLIV, LIV, 263-288. of the Arapaho 14: 964. of the Eskimo 11: 228. of the Guiana Indians 38: § 326. of the Menomini 14: 256. of the Paiute 14: 770. of the Pueblos, description of 8: 208-214. Furs Eskimo classification of 11: 218. mention of 46: 91, 105. taken by Northern Indians 11: 177, 181. FÜrst, C. M. 46: 306, 312, 326, 333,339, 359, 368. Future of Yukon Indians 46: 133. Future Life belief in 46: 418. conception of 42: 513, 514. Eskimo beliefs concerning 18: 422-425. ideas concerning 30: 149, 160-163. story explaining 31: 544 sq. See also Soul. Fuzzy-Weed, use of 33: 134. G GaÁ-BohÓn, treaty signed by, in 1867 17: 186. GaÁ-k‘Ód?lte, death of 17: 280. GaÁpiataÑ acknowledgment to 17: 147. age and position of 17: 163. house built for 17: 342. information furnished by 17: 146. in war party against Sauk and Fox 17: 302. portrait of 17: 234. Sarsi descent of 17: 160. Gabaoosa, George aid rendered by 41: 32. Chippewa texts by 42: 12; 43: 5. GabrileÑos. See Tobikhar. G?c mention of 26: 397. See also Sanya. Gadfly, infesting the reindeer 11: 295. GadÓmbÍtsoÑhi, a Kiowa sacred image 17: 238, 239. Gadsden, ——, survey by 18: 705. Gaelic myths 19: 468. Gage, Sir Thomas, charter granted to 18: 550, 563. Gageby, Capt. J. H., on box burial 1: 155. Gagewin, Mrs. ——, an informant 44: 324. GahÉwa (GahÉw?; GÂ-i-g?), a Kiowa synonym 14: 1078; 17: 148. Gahige acknowledgment to 11: 362. cited as to creation myths 3: 229. cited as to origin of Buffalo people 3: 229. cited as to origin of red corn 3: 231. cited on primitive beliefs 11: 377, 420, 446. cited on tradition of the pipes 3: 222. Ga-hi´-ge O-?´on, a tribal rite 36: 47, 59. Gahi´ge to?ga, meaning of the term 27: 559. Gahuni Manuscript of Cherokee formulas 7: 313, 314. G´-igw?, a division of the Kiowa 17: 228. Gailland, Maurice, Potawatomi grammar by 36: 29. Gaillardia Aristata,0. 45: 469, 509. Gaines, A. S., thick-rimmed bowls in collection of 20: 112 sq. Gaines, Lieut. E. Pendleton, mention of 42: 813. Gaines, Gen. E. P., account of 42: 825. Gaines, George S., work of, at St. Stephens 42: 824 sq. Gaines’s Trace mention of 42: 824-828. naming of 42: 825. route of 42: 827. Gainesville, Fla., fragment of vase from near 20: 111. Gaisberg, F. W. V., acknowledgment to 14: 655. Gaitchaim, numbers of 19: 869-929. GaÍwa, a Kiowa synonym 17: 148. GÁkiÑ?te, calendar record of house of 17: 352. Galaxy Eskimo belief concerning 18: 449. Indian name for 42: 479. See also Milky Way. Galaxy Fraternity account of 30: 38. medicines used by 30: 48, 49, 52. Ne´wekwe, of the ZuÑi 23: 429-438. Galbraith, ——, pottery collected by 20: 165. Galbraith, F. G., assistance rendered by 2: 429, 432. Galdo, Juan, missionary at ZuÑi 13: 329. Galena mention of 46: 50, 51, 52. pieces of, used in sacrifices 9: 549. powdered, ceremonial use of, by Indians 9: 548 sq. specimen of, from Chaves Pass 22, i: 111. Galeras, Juan, exploration of Colorado River canyons by 14: 489. Gales of Seri waters 17: 47 sqq. Galiano, D. A., on the Eslen and Runsien 7: 75, 76. Galibi Indians belief of, as to God 30: 117. belief of, as to spirits 30: 164, 169. courtship among the 30: 313 sq. green stones 30: 291. medicine-men of the 30: 349 sq. natal customs of the 30: 320, 321. natives of South America, appointment notices of 10: 257. sickness among the 30: 349 sq. Galice (Galeese) Creek Indians, synonyms for 18: 797. Galicia, New Kingdom of, in New Spain 14: 473. Galindo, Luis, chief justice for New Galicia 14: 351. Galisteo mention of, by Jaramillo 14: 587. pueblo of 14: 523, 525. 8: 49. jambs at Kin-tiel, finish of 8: 181. Gateways and covered passages, description of 8: 180 sqq. of corrals 8: 214. probable existence in Kin-tiel of 8: 93. Gatherers-in-the-Water Disease, symptoms and treatment of 42: 644 sq. Gathering Wild Rice, mechanical means employed in 19: 1064. Gath?´nÎ, Tlingit town 26: 397. Gati´demo?thi?, a Ponca magician 27: 491, 492. Gatigwanasti Manuscript of Cherokee formulas 7: 312, 313. Gatsalghi, Kiowa Apache name of the Cheyenne 14: 1023. Gatschet, Dr. Albert Samuel acknowledgment to 7: 142. Algonquian linguistic researches of 23: XXXVI. Attacapan researches of 7: 57. Beothukan researches of 7: 57. Catawba linguistic work by 15: 159, 244. Catawba studies of 7: 112. Chimakuan researches of 7: 62. Chitimachan researches of 7: 67. cited 12: 718, 721. cited on symbolic colors 11: 532. classification of Serian family by 17: 102. classification of Tonkawan as a distinct stock by 7: 125. Coahuiltecan researches of 7: 68.
368. Germ God, worship of 21: 24. Germ Goddess of the Hopi 15: 259. Soyal mana’s personation of 21: 122. Germ Mother of the Hopi 16: 301. Germaine Family account of 17: 213. rescue of girls of 17: 211, 212. German blood among the Cherokee 19: 83. early use of stone axes by the 13: 63. sketches (medieval), compared with Apache drawings 10: 740. swordmaker’s marks 10: 446. German Silver, Kiowa valuation of 17: 318. Germans, Omaha name for the 27: 612. Germination, MasauÛ regarded as god of 21: 38. Germinative Symbol on Sikyatki pottery 17: 704. Geronimo, flight of, into Mexico 26: 60. Geronimo’s Band archery game played by 24: 385. removal to Fort Sill of 17: 215. Gesture pictured 4: 236. use of, among northern Indians 11: 183. Gesture and Posture Signs depicted 10: 637-642. Gesture Language evolution of 20: CLXIV sq. mention of 3: XXV. reference to 22, i: XXX. study of 1: XXIII. See also Sign Language. Gestures as an occasional recourse 1: 279. as survival of sign language 1: 330. etymology of words from 1: 352. fluent talkers of 1: 279. in mental disorder 1: 276. in rituals 47: 283. involuntary response to 1: 280. language not proportionate to development of 1: 293, 314. of low tribes of men 1: 279. of lower animals 1: 275. of the blind 1: 278. of the young children 1: 276. use of, by modern actors 1: 308. use of, by modern orators 1: 311. Geum Canadense, use of 44: 289, 356. Geum sp. 45: 464, 476, 506, 507. Geum Triflorum 45: 465, 466, 469, 473, 493, 504. G·?xsem 35: 806, 816. G·?xs?m, Nak!wax·da`?x?, legend of 35: 1179. Ghanan day symbol, discussion of 16: 226. Gheen, Stephen on amounts of wild rice harvested 19: 1077. on birch-bark winnowing fan 19: 1071. on failure of wild rice crop 19: 1099. on Ojibwa storing wild rice in cedar-bark bags 19: 1072. Ghigiga, Eskimo visits to Russian fair at 18: 230. Ghost belief in, Omaha 11: 421, 474, 484, 496, 512, 518. child of, Kwakiutl 35: 712. stories of, Teton 11: 489. string figures of, Guiana Indian 38: § 663. See also Ghosts. Ghost Country myths concerning 19: 253 sq. of the Kwakiutl 35: 710-713. Ghost Creek crania from 46: 153, 154. mention of 46: 61, 62, 63, 64, 81, 129. Ghost Dance among the Arapaho 14: 895. among the Caddo 14: 1095. among the Kiowa 14: 906; 17: 221, 360, 375. among the Menomini 14: 63. among the Omaha 3: 353; 11: 393, 544. among the Sioux 14: 796. among the southern tribes 14: 887. and Shaker ceremony compared 14: 762. area covered by 14: 926. ceremony of the 14: 915, 920. construction of circle for 14: 802. designs connected with 45: 423-427. doctrine compared with other systems 14: 928. doctrine of the 14: 777. doctrine, Sioux belief concerning 14: 1060. features of, among the Sioux 14: 822. first, at Walker Lake 14: 802. how performed 14: 796. inauguration of, among the Sioux 14: 821. introduction of, among the Arapaho 14: 894. introduction of, among the Cheyenne 14: 895. investigations on 13: XXXII, XXXIX. Kiowa, number of attendants at 14: 914. large number of Indians in 14: 895, 898. lasso of 35: 909. mention of 24: 620. native drawings of 14: 791. number of Indians influenced by 14: 926. of the Kwakiutl 35: 897, 902, 904, 905, 906-928, 935, 959. performance of, at Walker Lake 14: 818. preparation of memoir on 15: XXVII. preparations for the 14: 918; 35: 906-913. present condition of the 14: 927. religion, memoir on 14: L, LVIII. responsibility of, for Sioux outbreak 14: 833. spread of the 14: 804, 846, 902. study of the 14: XXXIX; 15: XXXIV, XXXVIII, XLIII, XLVII, LII, LX, LXIV, LXVII. time for performance of 14: 1011, 1012. See also Messiah; Wovoka. Ghost Dance Religion, among the Cherokee 19: 89. Ghost Dancer effect of, upon other dancers 35: 911, 917 sq. lassoing of 35: 924-927. mention of 35: 1155, 1164. sacred room of 35: 922. song of 35: 915 sqq. Ghost Feast 40: 357, 473-481, 483. Ghost Gamble 1: 195 sqq. Ghost Lodge ceremonies of 7: 278-281. description of 11: 487. Ghost Shirts description of 14: 789. first use of, by Sioux 14: 846, 916. gathered after Wounded Knee battle 14: 878. invulnerability of 14: 798, 831, 869, 1073. reference to, in Ghost song 14: 1072, 1073. responsibility for, disclaimed by Wovoka 14: 722, 823. symbolic decoration of 14: 798, 823. turtle pictured on 14: 976. for pottery 38: § 93. of Pueblo pottery 4: 268. pottery showing, Florida Peninsula 20: 129 sq. Glazed Pottery, ruins furnishing 22, i: 57. Glazing not found on aboriginal pottery 2: 325. of Pueblo windows 8: 196, 197. See also Glaze. Glazunof, A. 46: 57, 127, 130, 150. Gleditsia Triacanthos, medicinal use of 42: 669. Glenn, James, treaty concluded by 18: 633. Glennan, Dr. J. D. at Wounded Knee massacre 14: 870. Kiowa shield owned by 17: 305. treatment of Kiowa by, during epidemic 17: 363. Glode genealogy of 14: 57. See also Konot. Glooscap, hero-god of the Abnaki 10: 469 sq., 473. Glossary Kiowa-English and English-Kiowa 17: 391-439. of Eskimo terms 6: 663-669. of the Arapaho 14: 1012. of the Caddo 14: 1102. of the Cherokee 19: 506, 548. of the Cheyenne 14: 1039. of the Kiowa 14: 1088. of the Paiute 14: 1056. of the Sioux 14: 1075. of the Tsimshian 31: 967-979. See also Vocabulary. Glottal Stop, Arapaho 28: 235. Glover, C. C., acknowledgment to 28: 20. Gloves ceremonial, of the Eskimo 18: 416. of the Eskimo 18: 38 sqq. Glowworm, in Cherokee lore 19: 309. Glue made by Indians 4: 235. used by Indians 14: 276, 284.
kasaw 44: 213-216. of the Creeks 42: 276-334. of the Kiowa 17: 233. of the Menomini 14: 39. of the Navaho 17: 485. of the Omaha 3: 356-363. of the Pueblo Indians 14: 356, 518, 561. of the Seri 17: 275* sqq. of the Siouan Indians 15: 188, 214. of the Sonora Indians 14: 515. of the ZuÑi 23: 289 sq. officials of 42: 315 sq. operative department of 20: LXXXVI sq. reasons for establishment of 20: LXXIX. representative, principles of 20: CXXII sqq. republican, adoption of, by Cherokee 19: 106 sq. secular, at Isleta 47: 250-254. theocratic, at Acoma 47: 41. tribal, organization of 19: XLIX. United States, aid in farming and mechanic arts given by 19: 82 sq., 104 sq. Wyandot civil 1: 61. Wyandot civil, functions of 1: 63. See also Chiefs; Chieftainship; Politics; Social Organization; Tribal Government; Tribal Organization. “Government” or Ross Party of the Cherokee 5: 293, 298, 299. Governmental functions 3: 356. instrumentalities 3: 356. Governor custodian of pueblo treasury 47: 55. duties of 47: 52 sqq., 252 sqq. office of 47: 479. Gowen, N. E. G., mound on farm of, New York 12: 508. Goycoecha Report, Yuctu mentioned in 44: 55. Gozzadini, Conte Giovanni, cited 4: 62. Graah, W. 46: 369. Graah, W. A. on Eskimo ghosts or demons 9: 431. works of, consulted 9: 22. Grace at meals by Shakers 14: 755. Graded ways and ramps 12: 589. Graffe, Doctor ——, on tattooing 3: 80. Graffenreid, Baron de, on magic powder of Indians 9: 512. Graffenried, Emanuel, cited on cause of North Carolina Indian war 18: 628. Graham, ——, quoted on KÄnakÛk 14: 693 sq. Graham, George, commissioner to treat with Cherokee 5: 197, 198, 205. Graham, Maj. L. P. march of 26: 31. reference to 28: 65. Graham, Nick, information furnished by 24: 711, 800, 801. Graham, R., Menomini treaty commissioner 14: 21. Graham, Mount, Pueblo ruins near 22, i: 187. Graham Mountains, sacrificial caves in, visit to 22, i: 187 sq. Grain storage of, among the Omaha 13: 274. supply of the ZuÑi 23: 353. Grain of Wood, possibility that use of carved paddles was suggested by 20: 123. Grammar development of 20: CXLIX-CLIII. Mohegan-Pequot, material bearing on 43: 281-287. sign language with reference to 1: 359. Grammatic elements of language 7: 141. structure in classification of Indian languages 7: 11. Grammatic Processes agglutination 1: 4. combination 1: 3. compounding 1: 3. inflexion 1: 4. intonation 1: 6. juxtaposition 1: 3. placement 1: 7, 8. vocalic mutation 1: 5. Granada Coronado’s name for Hawikuh 14: 389, 558, 564. See also Cibola; Hawikuh. Granaries of the Havasupai 13: 350. of the Pima, how formed 13: 246. of the Tarahumare 13: 350. uses of 22: 688 sq. Granary Structure in cliff ruins 16: 97. See also Cist. Grand Bois on Fox River, reservation at 18: 724. Grand Caicos, number of specimens from 34: 50. Grand Canyon discovery of 14: LVII. region of, in Pima mythology 26: 231. See also Colorado River. Grand Canyon National Monument, creation of 29: 20. Grand Canyon of the Colorado, reference to 28: 157. Grand Era, numerical value of, in Mayan chronology 22, i: 234. Grand Island, reservation on 18: 756. Grand Medicine, Chippewa, reference to 27: 102. Grand Medicine Society of the Menomini 14: 66-138. of the Ojibwa 13: XXXI, XXXIX. of the Ojibwa, investigation of 10: XIII. See also Midewiwin. Grand Pawnee, treaty with 18: 750. Grand Portage Chippewa land cessions and reservations 18: 769, 938. Grand River Chippewa, reservation for 18: 810. Grand River Uta land cessions and reservations 18: 848, 893. Grand Traverse Bay, reservation at 18: 756. Grand Traverse Chippewa, reservation for 18: 810. Grandchild, application of the term 42: 82, 92. Grande Baptiste. See Rice, Jean B. Grande Ronde Reserve, establishment of 18: 800, 818. Grandfather a term denoting reverence 39: 97, 101, 276. application of the term. 42: 80, 91. name for fire 42: 484. See also Grandfathers; Hadu’´?’. Grandfather Katcina. See Tacab Yebitcai. Grandfathers names of 47: 264. office of 47: 263. Grandmother application of the term 42: 80, 91. as a courtesy term 40: 340. in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 320. Grandmother Woman. See So wÜqti. Granier, E., Collection 24: 501, 619. Granite adaptability of, for pecking 15: 96. Eskimo implements made of 18: 116, 179, 181, 182, 187. Eskimo ornaments made of 18: 49. Granite Creek, Ariz. <
Greeneville cession of reserve made by treaty of 18: 678. treaty of 18: 654 sqq. Greenheart, Nectandra rodioei cure for fever and dysentry 38: § 927. seeds a substitute for cassava 38: § 240. Greenland Eskimo of 7: 72, 75. field work in 23: IX. Innuit of, tattooing of 10: 392. native map of 10: 346. sinker stones of 13: 97. work in 19: XVIII. Greenland Crania basiofacial diameters 46: 280, 281. comparison of, with St. Lawrence 46: 298. dental arch of 46: 276. facial 46: 266. lower jaw of 46: 301, 306. means 46: 286. mention of 46: 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264.
i class="indx"> GÚi-pÄ´go a Kiowa chief 17: 180. native name of Lone Wolf 14: 1079. portrait of 17: 200. treaty signed by, in 1865 17: 179. See also Lone Wolf. GuitÉras, Eusebio as a translator 28: 56, 57. translator of Rudo Ensayo 26: 23. Gulf Coast burial customs of 20: 120. European pottery from 20: 130. occurrence of stamped ware in 20: 135. pottery of 20: 104-114. pottery of, area covered by 20: 21, 130. Gulf Coast Pottery character of 20: 20, 22 sq. decoration of, in color 20: 67. form common in 20: 95. occurrence of features of, in east Tennessee 20: 180. occurrence of pottery resembling, South Appalachian province 20: 138, 140, 144. pipes 20: 45, 108. resemblance of Lower Mississippi Valley pottery to 20: 101, 104. resemblance of Middle Mississippi Valley pottery to 20: 81. textile finish in 20: 68. Gulf Coast Tribes, inland extension of 20: 107 sq. Gulf District archeology of 12: 590-593. burial caves in 12: 592. burial mounds of 12: 590. canals and ditches in 12: 593. characteristics of 12: 590. inclosures and walls of 12: 592. C. C. Jones on 12: 590, 593. limits of 12: 590. modes of burial in 12: 591. pottery and minor vestiges of art of 12: 593. pyramidal mounds of 12: 590. Gulf Indians, hair dressing of 42: 684. Gulf Mounds 5: 12. Gulf of Alaska, archeology of 46: 32. Gulf of California, tides and currents of 17: 45-49. Gulf of Mexico Muskhogean stock on 42: 678. physical type of tribes on 42: 677. tribes of 30: 19. Gulf Province, in pottery 4: 431. Gulf States, ancient tribes of 26: XIII sq. Gull Lake cession of reserve at 18: 830. reservation at 18: 802. Gullets Eskimo clothing made of 18: 44. leather made by Eskimo from 18: 117. Gulls Eskimo method of catching 18: 133. mention of 11: 263. Gulo Barbarus. See Hakka. GÛlsadih?, legend of 19: 376 sq. Gum black, medicinal use of 42: 659. spruce, Eskimo ornament made of 18: 53. use of, in blade mounting 14: 285. Gum Weed 33: 132. Gumilla, J. cited 30: 145, 146, 156, 157, 159, 162, 165, 170, 181, 254, 257 sq., 269, 276, 289, 290, 295, 303, 307 sqq., 314, 315, 325, 328, 331, 333, 343, 352, 362, 367, 368, 369, 370, 376. on Antillean dances 25: 83. on belief in a Supreme Being 30: 117, 138. on emblems in treaties 2: 247. on Guarano mortuary custom 25: 72. on Guayquiries 25: 204. on medicine man 25: 339. on name for Supreme Being 30: 117, 118. on Saliva Indians 25: 70, 71, 137. on skunks 30: 368. on twins 30: 325. Gums, Resins, Balsams 38: § 23. Gun, Miss Katherine, capture of 42: 769. Gun blowgun 38: § 117 sqq. gun trap 38: § 160. See also Guns. Gun Dance at Coweta 42: 587. description of 42: 587. performance of 42: 567, 586, 604, 605, 606, 607, 610. Gunn, John M., on game of hoop and pole 24: 478. Gunn, Molly, tradition related by 44: 176. Gunnison, Lieut. J. W., on forced interpretation 4: 251. GunpÄ´Ñdama, restoration of 17: 261. Gunpowder, Eskimo paint made of 18: 198. Guns firing of, at burials 42: 393, 394. introduction of 27: 617. introduction of, among Eskimo 18: 119. manner of using 46: 555. use of, by Coeur d’AlÊne 45: 101. use of, by Eskimo 18: 163-166. See also Firearms; Gun. GuÑsÁdalte at Medicine Lodge treaty 17: 321. data concerning 17: 146. house built for 17: 342. GÛÑsk?li´sk?, legend of 19: 375 sqq. Gurley, J. G. appointment and work of 28: 19. editorial work of 32: 29; 33: 33; 36: 29; 37: 27. resignation of 39: 23. work of 27: 12; 29: 21 sq.; 30: 22; 34: 25. Gurtler, E. C. 46: 31, 69, 70. Gurtler’s Place 46: 69, 70. GÜssefeld, F. L., on Galisteo 29: 482. Gut Skin, Eskimo house fittings made of 18: 246. GÛta`k, a Kiowa Apache synonym 17: 245. Gutierres, Diego, appointment of, as captain 14: 477. Gutierrez, Andres, at founding of Awatobi mission 17: 599. Gutierrez, A. M., information furnished by 44: 64. Gutierrezia Sarothrae 33: 133. Guttae Gum. See Visinia. Guyandot River, trail to, from the Tug 42: 771. Guyandot Trail 42: 765 sq., 767. Guyas. See Guas. Guyave or piki oven 8: 173, 175. Guzman, NuÑo de arguments of, before Council for the Indies 14: 372. conquest of New Galicia by 14: 351. Culiacan settled by 14: 513. expedition of, to Seven Cities 14: 473. exploration by 17: 51. imprisonment of, in Mexico 14: 351. on meaning of k’an 16: 226. position of, in New Spain 14: 472. president of Mexican Audiencia 14: 350. result of abuses of 14: 408. GwÁhalÉgo, division of the Kiowa 17
46. language of the 25: 77, 78. myths of the 25: 73 sq. physical characteristics of the 25: 28-31. relationship of, with BorinqueÑos 25: 26. religion of the 25: 131, 201. researches of Dr. J. W. Fewkes among 25: 19 sqq. resistance of, to Spaniards 25: 31. rites and ceremonies of the 25: 64-72. skeletal remains of the 25: 29, 30. slavery among the 25: 25. wood carving of the 25: 210. zemis of the 25: 54, 58, 197. Haits?ki. See GaÁpiataÑ. Hakluyt, Richard cited 12: 614. omissions in translation of Coronado’s letter by 14: 563. on Acoma 29: 543.
bookmaker-pageno" title="453"> Hangman’s Rope, superstitions concerning 9: 574, 575. Han`hlipink`ya, in ZuÑi mythology 13: 424. Hani, personification of pipe lighter by 21: 30. Hani´, Hopi Tobacco clan chief, reference to 19: 579. Hanmdepi, practice of 11: 437. Hanna, Okla., Okchai square ground near 42: 589. Hano a Tusayan village 14: 519. absence of Snake ceremony at 16: 273. Asa group occupy site of 8: 30. Buffalo dance at 21: 31, 43. comparison of, with Walpi 17: 642. corn planting in plaza kiva of 21: 52. derivation of name of 29: 570. description of 8: 61, 62. direction of kivas of 8: 115. East Mesa Natacka masks in 21: 70. extinction of Sun clan of 21: 57. gathering of PalÜlÜkoÑti katcinas at 21: 52. Hopi katcinas derived from 21: 126. house of Plumed Snake of 21: 51. in 1782 17: 579. kiva, ownership of 8: 134. kivas, list of 8: 136. legend of 28: 49. location of, in Hopi country 19: 579. occupation of, by the Tewa 29: 37. planting of beans at 21: 31. pottery of 28: 159. PowamÛ child flogging at 21: 36, 69. resemblance between Walpi Sumaikoli celebration and that held at 21: 55. resemblance of Walpi drama to that of 21: 42. rude transom over roof beam in 8: 187. sealed openings in 8: 199. serpent effigies owned by 21: 51. shrine on trail to 21: 33. Sumaikoli and Kawikoli masks in 21: 96. Sumaikoli summer ceremony at 21: 57. traditions regarding settlement in Tusayan 8: 35. when established 17: 636. worship of war gods of 21: 21, 25, 26. Yohozro claimed by 21: 84. Hano Clans advent of, at Walpi 19: 585. descendants of Tewa clans 19: 614. introduction of East Mesa Natackas into Tusayan by 21: 71. migrations and census of 19: 614-622. names and locations of 19: 615 sq. Hano-muh definition of 8: 36. the inhabitants of Hano 8: 17. Hano Names for Hopi katcinas 21: 122 sqq. Hano People chief in Walpi 19: 601. length of time spent in Tusayan by the 8: 35. received by the Tusayan 8: 36. trouble between Walpi and the 8: 37. Hano Pueblo, origin, language, and culture of 19: 633. Hano Ritual, description of 29: 632 sq. HÂÑpÓko, Kiowa name for 17: 255. Hansen, C. C. 46: 308, 312, 326, 333, 339, 359, 369. Hansen, S. 46: 230, 231, 306, 307, 312, 369. Hanson, —— abandonment of reserve by 18: 795. reports concerning California Indians by 18: 851. Hanson, Fritz, pouch made by 47: 14. HantÉwa, a Pit River band 14: 1052. HÂÑt’ÓgyÄ-k`Ía, death of 17: 294. Hanuman, a Hindu monkey god 16: 221. Hanura, white crane, at Makuari dance 38: § 843. HÂÑzephÓ`da, death of 17: 313. Happy Hunting Ground, mention of 42: 513. Ha´qihana, an Arapaho division 14: 590. Haral. See Haxa. Harale, description of, told to Coronado 14: 576. Hard Labor, treaty of 19: 46, 203. Hard-Mush death of 19: 145. on Iroquois peace embassy 19: 353, 355, 356. treaty with Texas signed by 19: 144. Hard Walker, mystery decoration of 11: 399. Hardacre, E. C., on ruins in Canyon de Chelly 16: 80. Harden, E. J., on events leading to Removal 19: 125. Harden, William acknowledgment to 19: 13. gift of vases to Bureau of Ethnology by 20: 136. Hardhack, medicinal use of 43: 266. Hardihood of the Eskimo 18: 29. Hardin, A. B., information given by 33: 161. Hardin, Joseph, survey of Cherokee boundary by 5: 156. Hardin County, Tenn., flint in 44: 520 sq. Harding, H. T., work of 43: 12. Hardisty, William Lucas letter of, regarding Rat Indians 9: 50 sq. on log burial in trees 1: 166. quoted on Loucheux organization 31: 478 sq. Hardshaw, Alfred, aboriginal workshop on farm of 44: 526 sq. Hardy, ——, letter on English Indian policy by 18: 555. Hardy, R. W. H. adoption of, among the Seri 17: 277* sq. explorations in Seriland by 17: 85 sq. map by 17: 86. on Seri arrow-poisoning 17: 87. on Seri character 17: 85 sqq. on Seri decoration 17: 170*. on Seri fishing devices 17: 193*. on Seri marriage 17: 87. on Seri medicine bag 17: 86 sq. on Seri navigation 17: 86. on Seri physique, dress, and implements 17: 86. on Seri population 17: 135*. on Seri tribal relations 17: 87. on Seri turtle fishing 17: 188*. Hardy and Sheetz explorations by, in Missouri 12: 551. on Missouri mounds 5: 42. Hardy, Ariz., ruin examined near 22, i: 23, 31. Hare, Bishop W. H. on causes of Sioux outbreak 14: 840. on deficiency of Sioux rations 14: 827. Hare a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 315. appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 78. chase of, by the Seri 17: 190* sq. Eskimo clothing made from skin of 18: 35. Eskimo method of catching 18: 124. in Pima song 26: 301, 314. myths concerning the 11: 147, 263, 340. See also Jack Rabbit. Hare Clan. See Sowi Clan. visit to Cherokee by 19: 55. Hawkins (Hakluyt), cited 12: 712. Hawkins Line, boundary 1: 253. Hawkweed, use of 45: 492, 506. Hawley, Gideon, notice of Indian custom of casting stones on heap by 12: 547. Hawley, Pa., vessel from 20: 166. Hawn, William H., mound on land of, Ohio 12: 440. Haworth, Elizabeth, acknowledgment to 17: 147. Haworth, J. M. appointment of, as Indian agent 17: 197. attempts of, to civilize the Kiowa 17: 342. burial of Kicking-Bird by 17: 217. Kiowa agent in 1873 17: 226. on murder of A’gÁbaÍ 17: 341. Hawthorn, use of 45: 486, 487, 497.
ce of wild rice in Idaho 19: 1029. Henderson, Richard, purchase of land from Cherokee by 5: 148; 19: 45. Henderson County, N. C., mounds in 5: 74. Hendley, H. W. models made by 28: 101. work of 25: XIII. Hendrick, S. U., a Stockbridge chief 14: 22, 25. Hendry, F. A., aid of, in Florida 5: 492, 511, 528. Heniha Dance, performance of 42: 603. Henih?lgi, duties of 42: 293 sqq. Henih?lgi Clans, discussion of 42: 194 sq. Henihas clans furnishing 42: 192-195. concerned with pursuits of peace 42: 305. function of 42: 192. Henihas’ Bed one of four beds 42: 191. Heniquen Fiber, use of, by Pueblo Indians 14: 573. Henkel, Alice, acknowledgment to 30: 38. Henley, —— report on Fresno River reserve by 18: 823. report on Mendocino reserve by 18: 851. selection of reserves by 18: 794, 815, 816. Henley, Lieut. A., Cheyenne attacked by 17: 213. Hennepin, Rev. Louis on Assiniboin habitat 15: 190. on ceremonial use of calumet by Algonkian tribes 7: 153. on Dakota tying wild rice 19: 1058. on dice games, Hurons 24: 108. on duck in Mille Lacs 19: 1099. on Indian beliefs 11: 438. on practice of Algonkian medicine-men 7: 153, 154. on ring and pin, Iroquois 24: 549. on sorcery among northern tribes 14: 141. on stick games, Huron 24: 243. on tipcat, Huron 24: 721. on wild rice as Indian food 19: 1084, 1085. on wild rice in Minnesota 19: 1034. Oto met by 15: 195. Hennessey, Patrick, Indian attack on 17: 203. Henning’s Statutes, extracts from 18: 565. Hennissee, Captain ——, ordered to arrest Big Foot’s band 14: 865. Hennites Giganteum, beads of shell of 2: 225, 227. HenÓÑko, Kiowa name of the Hidatsa 17: 159. Henrietta Succosa, for red paint 38: § 28. Henriquillo, on Antillean cacique 25: 31, 81, 147. Henry, —— on Indian attitude toward bears 19: 446 sq. on Ojibwa myths 19: 445. on Ojibwa regard for snakes 19: 457 sq. Henry, Major — operations of, in Sioux outbreak 14: 875. troops under, at Pine Ridge 14: 850. Henry, Alexander on dependence of fur traders on wild rice 19: 1101 sq. on Indian saving wild rice until the next harvest 19: 1088. on influence of wild rice on geographic nomenclature 19: 1122. on Ojibwa treatment of disease by jugglery 14: 149. on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1022. on racket 24: 564. on the Pontiac conspiracy 14: 131. on use of maple sugar as food 19: 1095. Henry, Celissi, information furnished by 42: 402. Henry, C. D., bids of, for repair of Casa Grande 15: 338 sq. Henry, George, information furnished by 42: 402. Henry, Joseph, description of cane matting by 13: 37. Henry, V. 46: 333, 369. Henshaw, Henry W. acknowledgments to 7: 142; 29: 12. article on maple-sugar making by 20: 33. Chumashan researches of 7: 88. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. Costanoan researches of 7: 70. Esselenian investigations of 7: 76. Indian studies on Omaha native tobacco 3: 309. linguistic field work of 6: XXXI sqq. linguistic researches of 5: XXX. Moquelumnan researches of 7: 93. obituary of 48: 1221. office work of 6: XLV. on amulets of the Eskimo 9: 439. on animal carvings from mounds of the Mississippi Valley 2: 117. on perforated stones 13: 99. on population of Cayuse 7: 128. on Salinan population 7: 102. researches of 11: XXXI. Salinan researches of 7: 101. synonymy of tribes by 7: 142. work of 2: XXV, XXX; 3: XXVIII; 7: XXXIV, XXXV, XXXVI; 8: XXVIII; 9: XXXV sq.; 10: XIV sq., XVIII, XXI; 13: XXVI, XXX, XXXIV, XXXV; 14: XXXVI, XXXVIII, XLV, XLVI; 24: XXIV; 26: XXV. Hensley, Albert a Peyote leader 37: 419. account by, of Peyote 37: 397-400. conversion of 37: 394. innovations of 37: 421. HÉnto (Gray Eyes) Wyandot signs 1: 327. Henya affinities of 26: 408, 410. clans and house groups 26: 401. history of 26: 410. phratries and clans 26: 398. Tlingit tribe 26: 296. Hepatica Americana, use of 44: 289, 336. Hepatica Triloba, use of 44: 289, 376. HÉpatina, certain participants visit 23: 604. Heracleum Lanatum medicinal constituents of 44: 304. medicinal properties of 44: 301. mention of 33: 107; 45: 457, 482, 504. use of 44: 289, 342, 350. Heraldic Devices, aboriginal 23: XXIII. Heraldry aboriginal, monograph on 23: XVII. among American Indians 24: XVI sq., XXVII. Kiowa, study of 16: LXV sq. He
dx">Heye, Mrs. Thea, expedition supported by 44: 31 sq. Heye Museum artifacts in, from West Indies 34: 49 sqq. collections of, studied by J. W. Fewkes 36: 12. work under auspices of 34: 8. Heylyn, Peter on Pecos 29: 476. on San Juan 29: 213. Heyoka beliefs concerning 11: 443, 468. man, story of the 11: 469. Heyowani, in Texas, union of, with Cherokee 19: 143. Hezio (or Hosio), Francisco de on Pojoaque 29: 334. on Santa Anna 29: 521. Hiadeoni, legend of 19: 356, 489. Hi´atam, Pima village 26: 23. Hiawaraballi, drink 38: § 271. Hiawatha a founder of the League 43: 468. and the Wampum Belt, Iroquois myth 2: 64. legends concerning 2: 53. meanings of the name 2: 54. peace proposed by 43: 460. power attributed to, by the Iroquois 2: 54. reference to 42: 548, 550. Hibiscus, timber for fire stick 38: § 1. HiÇada, subgens of the WaÇa´be (Ponca) 27: 42, 48, 52 sq. Hi´-Ça-da Gens story belonging to 36: 211. wi´-gi-e of 36: 212-219. Hich, phonetic value of 16: 233. Hich?Ä´qutha, an Arapaho warrior order 14: 987. Hichitee deer songs of 19: 435. migration of, to Florida 19: 99. tribe of Creek confederacy 19: 498 sq. Hickman County, Tenn., remains in 41: 496. Hickory nut, mention of 33: 74. use of 44: 290, 338, 377. Hickorynut Clan
ss="isub1">researches by 16: XX, XXIII, XXVI, XVII, XXI, XXVI, XXVIII, XL, XLIV, XLVII, LII, LVI, LXXI, LXXVII. resignation of 39: 27. shields collected by 26: 122. Sikyatki excavation aided by 17: 684. sociological researches of, among Pueblo tribes 21: XXII, XXIII. specimens obtained by 40: 20. systematic research by 33: 10. work of 13: XXXV; 14: XLV, LVII; 15: XXII, XXV, XXIX, XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXVIII, XLII, XLIII, XLVII, LII, LVI, LX, LXIII, LXVII, LXXIX, XCII; 17: XXXIX sq., XLVIII, LVI; 18: XLVI; 19: XIII, XV, XXIX sq., XXXI, XXXII; 24: XXIII, XXV, XXVI; 25: XX; 26: XXIII-XXVI; 27: 7, 12; 28: 11, 14, 19; 29: 11 sqq., 21; 35: 9-14; 36: 9; 37: 1-4; 39: 9, 10 sqq. Hodge, Hiram. C. inquiry by, as to mountain sheep 26: 82. on ancient irrigation ditch 28: 114. Hodge, Mrs. M. W., acknowledgment to 17: 527. Hodges, W. T., killed at Wounded Knee 14: 872. Hodgson, Adam, on racket, Chickasaw 24: 597. Hodgson, W. B., on Grave Creek tablet 12: 632. Hodjanaga, fasting experience of 37: 347. Hoe Buckintoopa, treaty of 18: 664 Hoes bone, of the Omaha 13: 278. bowlders used for 15: 142. method of adjusting handles of 13: 133. production of, by flaking 15: 26. stone, Casa Grande 28: 131 sq. use of, in steatite working 15: 111. Hoeven, J. v. d. 46: 369. Hoff, Dr. A. H., maskette collected in Alaska by 3: 118. Hoffman, Dr. W. J. acknowledgments to 10: 30. aid of 4: 18. cited 16: LIV. collaboration of, in sign language 1: 399. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. death of 21: XXXVIII. discussion of turtlebacks by 15: 30. drawing of Pima burial by 1: 111, 153. ethnological labors of 21: XXXIX. exploration by 15: LXXIII. field work of 6: XLI, XLII. information furnished by 10: 358. material collected by 24: 73, 340, 707. memoir by, on Menomini Indians 14: L, 3-328. Menomini synonymy of, reference to 19: 1048. mention of 1: 99. obituary of 48: 1221. office work of 6: XLV. on Beaver Creek cliff ruin 13: 186. on dice games, Menomini 24: 73 sq. on eating wild rice with maple sugar 19: 1085. on influence of wild rice on geographic nomenclature 19: 1119. on hand-and-foot ball, Crows 24: 707. on hidden ball, Menomini 24: 343 sq. on hoop and pole, Santa Barbara 24: 472. on Menomini curing wild rice 19; 1066. on Menomini gathering wild rice 19: 1062. on Montezuma’s well 13: 186. on Ojibwa medicine 9: 452, 511. on Ojibwa medicine tube 13: 127. on organization of Menomini tribe 19: 1091. on origin of Winnebago tribal name 19: 1052. on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1033. on racket, Chippewa 24: 564 sq., 567 sq. on racket, Santee Dakota 24: 611 sq. on shinny, Menomini 24: 622. on ruins at Montezuma Well 17: 546. on snow-snake, Menomini 24: 404 sq. on storing wild rice in cedar bark bags 19: 1072. on symbolic colors 11: 532. on thrashing wild rice 19: 1068. papers by 7: 143-300; 17: LVI. petroglyphs described and copied by 10: 106, 109, 121, 127. report by, on Hualpa Indians 10: 221. report by, on Indian mnemonic devices 10: 223. report by, on Ojibwa Grand Medicine Society 10: 626 sq. rock paintings reported and described by 10: 52 sq., 56, 60, 64, 71 sq., 99 sq. work of 3: XXIII; 5: XXXI, XXI; 7: XXXVI; 8: XXI sqq., XXIX; 9: XXXII, XXXIII, XXXV; 11: XXVI, XXXVIII; 13: XXVI, XXXI, XXXIX; 14: XXXIII; 15: XXIII, XXVI, XXXI, XXXVI, XLI, XLV, LXXX, LXXXV; 16: LII. work of, cited 28: 186. Hoffmanseggia Falcaria Cav., Pima food plant 26: 78. Hog Cherokee name for 19: 215. raising of, by Cherokee 19: 82, 112. See also Bush Hogs; Hogs; Pig. Hog Creek Shawnee land cessions and reservations 18: 686, 732. Hog Island, Me. mounds on 44: 437. petroglyphs on 10: 8
lute ceremony 21: 29. Tcabaiyo personated by, in PowamÛ festival 21: 75. Ho?´-ba Tha-gthi?, wi´-gi-e of 36: 127. Ho?-be-Çu Ceremony 39: 61 sqq. Ho?´do?mo?thi?, remarks of 27: 637. Honduras bas reliefs in 19: 672. exploration of, by Alvarado 14: 352. memoir on mounds in 19: XLI sq. Honesty among Guiana Indians 38: § 736. Honey anointment with 15: 289. mention of 38: § 227, 255. string figure of 38: § 670. symbol in Troano Codex 16: 256. symbolic use of 47: 893. why scarce, legend of 30: 204 See also Bees. Honey-Bee Son-in-law legend of 30: 199 sq. See also Bees. Honey-Locust medicinal use of 42: 658. myths and lore concerning 19: 312 sq., 344, 465, 481. Honeysuckle, use of 44: 290, 340; 45: 457, 471, 499, 516. Honeysuckle Bush, use of 44: 289, 342. Ho?´ga a great division of the Osage 45: 549. application of the name 27: 40 sq. divisions of 27: 40, 41, 61, 64; 45: 564. kinship group 27: 58, 60, 61, 62, 63. Ho?-ga A-hiu-to? Gens life symbol of 36: 104. office of 39: 92. symbol of 39: 50. wi´-gi-e of 36: 104 sq. Ho?´-ga Division groups composing 43: 45. names of 43: 133-143. Ho?´-ga Gens authority and power of, to organize war parties 39: 345. Council of Seven convened by 27: 196. general account of 27: 40 sq., 153, 194 sq. in anointing Sacred Pole 27: 231, 232, 237. in He´dewachi 27: 252, 259. names in 27: 70. part of, in establishing Nini´bato? divisions 27: 201. references to 27: 45, 147, 160, 203, 589. See also names of subgentes and of other divisions.
"isub1">used in Ghost dance 14: 916. See also Horn. Hornstone nodules of, in St. Louis limestone 44: 522. quarries and workshops 44: 523, 530. See also Chert, varieties of. Horse acquired by prairie tribes 15: 173. beliefs concerning the 11: 479, 510. early range of the 15: 173. imitation of, by spirits 30: 176 sq., 242. in mythology 26: 241 sq., 249. in song 26: 318. influence of introduction of 41: 141. influence of, on modern Dakota migrations 19: 1044. sacred regard for the 15: 185. signs for 1: 433. stealing of, punishment for 42: 356, 357. treatment of, by medicine-men 26: 267. use of, by the Pima 26: 28, 81, 84. use of, by the Sia 11: 25. use of, in ceremonial 11: 462, 487, 504. value of, in trade 41: 158. words for, and for dog, comparison of 15: 174. See also Horsehair; Horses. Horse-Clam, shell of 35: 197, 261, 271, 278, 279, 292. Horse Collars See Stone Collars. Horse Dance mention of 42: 523, 524; 45: 186. of the Creeks, description of 42: 530. of the Omaha 3: 348. Horse Headdress, a Kiowa military order 14: 989; 17: 230. Horse Gentian, medicinal use of 42: 667. Horse Medicine of the Kiowa Apache 17: 253. Horse Racing among the Pima 26: 63. trickery in 46: 566. Horse-Radish introduction of, by the whites 33: 59. medicinal use of 43: 266. Horseflies, mention of 46: 41, 47. Horsehair appearance of, in Hopi pictures 21: 60, 65, 68 sqq., 78, 80, 82, 95, 97, 100, 102, 103, 106, 110 sqq., 118, 120, 121. pictographs 4: 60, 213, 231. Seri use of, in making cord 17: 228* sq. use of, in dress of Hopi katcinas 21: 93, 108. use of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 21. uses of 26: 106, 113, 143, 158. Horsemanship of the Comanche 14: 1046. of the Kiowa 17: 173. of the Sioux police 14: 856. Horsemint medicinal use of 42: 657. mention of 33: 111. use of 44: 290. See also Monarda Mollis. Horsemo-i, wooden trumpet 38: § 559. Horses a cause of warfare 46: 470. acquirement of, by the Kiowa 17: 153, 160. among the Cherokee 19: 82, 112, 213. among the East Cherokee 19: 176. as gifts 27: 496. as mediums of exchange 14: 992. beliefs concerning 47: 266. burial of, with the dead 42: 392, 393. capture of, in Omaha warfare 3: 326. changes made by introduction of 45: 151 sq., 214, 225, 250, 253, 306, 344 sq., 346. decline in raising 23: 381. decoration of 27: 352 sq.; 45: 354. discovery of 27: 79 sq. disposal of, at owner’s death 46: 479. eating of, by the Kiowa 17: 344. effect of acquirement of 17: 161. epidemic among, in New Mexico 14: 536. equipment of 46: 110 sqq., 250, 352 sqq. flesh of, as food 45: 237, 249. how regarded by the ancient Hopi 17: 598, 599. in Cherokee myth 19: 265, 346, 443, 482. introduction of 42: 693; 45: 109 sq., 249, 346 sq., 350 sq.; 46: 412. killed at grave 42: 394; 45: 173 sq. Kiowa sacrifice of 17: 310. Kiowa trade in 17: 166, 251. medicines for 45: 513 sq. name adopted for 45: 352. numbers of, among Kiowa 17: 168, 340. origin of, Indian belief as to 14: 724. ownership of 27: 363. possession of, by the Sioux 14: 824. sacrifice of 46: 491. sale of, for benefit of Kiowa 17: 340. Seri method of hunting 17: 204*. stolen by war party 46: 471. stories concerning 43: 395; 45: 351 sq. strangulation of, in funeral ceremonies 27: 83, 592. surrender of, by Kiowa and Comanche 17: 214. taken by the United States from Dakotas 4: 127. use of, for transportation 45: 352. utility of, in new countries 14: 546. value of 46: 471. wealth estimated by 46: 474. ZuÑi use of 23: 369. See also Horse. Horse’s Back. See TÄy?kwoip. Horseshoe Bend battle of 19: 93-96. Cherokee warriors at 19: 164. conduct of Houston at 19: 222. Horsetail Equiseteum sp. mention of 33: 63. reference to, in myth 45: 511. use of 45: 497, 510. Horseweed use of 44: 289. use of, in medicine 30: 55. See also Erigeron Canadensis. Horticulture, ancient, on Rio Verde 13: 187, 194, 238. Hortsman, Nicholas, on pictographs 4: 39. Hosa, native name of Little Raven 14: 957. Hoscutt Family, mention of 43: 224. HoshkÀwn, Dance of. See Yucca Baccata. Hosmer, W. H., quoted 12: 514. Hospoa, description of 21: 80. Hospitality at old Acoma 47: 104. Indian, affairs settled through 46: 514. Indian, discussion of 46: 513 sqq. Indian, self-interest in 46: 515. instruction in 37: 170. of the American Indians, source of 7: 34. of the Creeks 42: 334, 335, 447, 448. of the Eskimo 18: 295 sqq. of the Hopi 15: 302. of the Omaha 3: 271. of the Sia 11: 12, 113. prevalence of, among Point Barrow Eskimo 9: 42.
n spawn 35: 298. myths concerning 19: 259. picking of 35: 209. use of 45: 487. Huckleberry Feast 35: 754. Huddleson, A., inclosure on farm of, West Virginia 12: 407.
>3: 104. Peruvian relics from 5: XXXVI. Huron Indians conventional war tokens of 10: 652. declaration of war by 10: 358. method of recording used by 10: 257. tattooing of the 10: 393 sq. wampum messages of the 10: 229. See also Hurons. Huron-Iroquois District ancient inhabitants of 12: 550. archeology of 12: 540-550. burial mounds of 12: 543. caches in 12: 549. fish weirs and ponds in 12: 549. garden beds of 12: 550. graves and cemeteries of 12: 547. hut rings of 12: 545. inclosures of 12: 547. ossuaries of 12: 545. stone mounds of 12: 544. Huroni. See Fish Nation. Hurons affiliation of, with Algonquian tribes 43: 455. burial ceremonies of 5: 110-119. burial feast of 1: 191. efforts of, to establish peace 43: 455. games of the 24: dice games 106-110. racket 563, 588 sq. ring and pin 549. snow-snake 409. stick games 241 sqq. tipcat 721. jugglery among the 14: 139. mention of 19: 1055. peace negotiations of, with Onondaga 43: 457. See also Huron Indians; Wyandot. Hurst, Major ——, at battle of Prophet’s Town 14: 688. Hurst, Rev. John F., linguistic collection of 15: LXVIII. Hurst, Capt. J. H. appointment of, as Indian agent 14: 887. arrest of Sitting Bull’s band ordered by 14: 862. at arrest of Sitting Bull’s band 14: 863. on causes of Sioux trouble 14: 836. on character of Sioux rations 14: 827. Hurt, G., establishment of reserve by 18: 831. Hurubuh Poison 38: § 123, 734. Husband greeting of, to wife 42: 451. lying-in of 30: 320 sqq. status of 30: 187, 190 sq., 200 sq. term for 42: 451. use of the term 42: 841. See also Couvade; Marriage Customs. Husband’s Spirit, murder by, legend of 30: 182. Hustle Cap, dice game, Caughnawaga 24: 105. Hut Rings definition of 12: 31. in North and South Dakota 12: 41. Huta-Kurakura legend concerning 30: 129. See also Hebu. Hutchins, ——, on Indian warpath 19: 207. Hutchinson, Consul ——, on African magic powders 9: 515. Hutchinson, John on Ojibwa curing wild rice 19: 1064 sq. on Ojibwa gathering wild rice 19: 1063. Hu´tc?tltc?k, Pima village 26: 23. Hu´thuga application of name by Ponca 27: 42. arrangement 27: 122, 141, 153 sq., 160. comparison of, with tsi´huthuga 27: 58. general discussion of 27: 137-141, 196 sqq. references to 27: 194, 195, 207, 208. See also Ho?gashenu; Inshta´-Çu?da Division. Huts. See Dwellings; Houses. Hutsnuwu, Tlingit town, clans at 26: 410, 412. Hutsnuwu, Tlingit tribe account of 26: 412. clans and house groups of 26: 403. mention of 26: 396. phratries and clans of 26: 399. Hutson, Dr. John collection of 34: 86. mention of 34: 82. Hututu appearance of, in PamÜrti 21: 27. description of picture of 21: 61. Huwi Clan, relations of, with TcÜa clan 19: 588 sqq. Hwela, first Pima Christian convert 26: 59. Hyades, myths concerning 19: 442. Hyattsville, Md., quarry-shop near 15: 70. Hycat, Kasihta chief 42: 322. Hyde, Charles L., notification by, of Seri outbreak 17: 843. Hyde Exploring Expedition, collection of 24: 648. Hyde’s Ferry, stone pipe from 42: 18. Hydrochaerus. See Water Haas. Hydrography of Seriland 17: 28 sqq. of Sonoran provinces 17: 25-28, 31. Hydrophobia, treatments for 42: 659; 46: 426. Hydrophyllum Occidentale 45: 480. Hygiene, Sickness and, of the Guiana Indians 38: p. 702-714. Hyla Venulosa. See Rain Frog. Hymenaea Courbaril bark for wood-skins 38: § 798. for glazing pottery 38: § 93. for illuminant 38: § 5. fruit of, eaten 38: § 247. resin of 38: § 23. Hymenoptera, larva of, eaten 38: § 226. Hyperboreans, aquatic burial of 1: 180. Hyperstoses, Mandibular See Lower Jaw. Hypnotism among the Caddo 14: 904. among the Cohonino 14: 813. among the Dervishes 14: 948. in Indian ceremonies 14: 922. in Navaho ceremonies 14: 811. in the Crow dance 14: 922. in the Ghost dance 14: 799, 800, 895, 899, 916, 917, 919, 922-926, 972, 1039, 1083, 1097, 1098. in the Shaker ceremony 14: 762. practice of, by Wovoka 14: 775, 818, 901. See also Dream; Trance. Hypostoma. See Yarrow. Hyrokon, mischief done by 30: 181. Hyssop, Giant use of 44: 286. See also Agastache Anethiodora. I Iakon mention of 7: 137. See also Yakwina. Iaillot, H., map by 17: 63. ÍÂm Dance of the Kiowa 17: 358. Í?pa, killing of wife by 17: 341. Í?tÄgo, Kiow
guardian spirits 45: 195. of Ute and Osage 13: 116. stone, mention of 12: 308, 361. stone, of animals in Walpi Snake dance 19: 980, 982. See also Figurines; Idols; Image. Imagination. See Fancy. I´m?ha, a Caddo division 14: 1092. Ima?as, position of 42: 301. Imbert, Ramon acknowledgment to 25: 18, 143, 199. on Haitian skulls 25: 30. on Santo Domingo idol 25: 199. Imbricate Pattern of weaving 38: § 114. Imbricated Basketry, changes in area of 41: 383. Imbricated Designs 41: 236 sq. Imbrication colors used in 41: 140. designs used in 41: 140. discussion of 41: 139-142. distribution of 41: 140. extent of 41: 141. home of 41: 139.
/b>: 255, 256, 257. Tanana 46: 124, 133. Tanana mission and town 46: 42. Tanana River 46: 40. the mound-builders 12: 610. the term defined as used herein 12: 569, 610. theories respecting signs of 1: 313. See also Demarcation, Eskimo. Indians, Yukon comparison of, with Eskimo 46: 227. crania of 46: 150, 152-155. living, anthropometry of 46: 150. long bones of 46: 156-160, 163, 165. mention of 46: 129-132, 133, 150, 152-155, 160, 161. migrations of 46: 83. mixture of, with Eskimo 46: 151. physical characteristics of 46: 151, 161. type of 46: 83. wars of 46: 170. Indicative Mode Algonquian, in 28: Cheyenne 234. Cree 239, 240, 247, 273. Delaware 273, 275-278. Malecite 269. Micmac 269, 273. Natick 272 sq. Ojibwa 247, 273. Penobscot 269. Peoria 259, 273. various languages 273. See also Independent Mode. Indicators, use of, in catching seal 9: 254 sq. Indiera, location and inhabitants of 25: 25. Indigenous Bogs, in British Guiana 38: § 717. Indigestion, treatment for 44: 342. Indigo for hammock staining 38: § 478. wild, medicinal use of 43: 266. Individual Achievements, signs of 10: 433-441. Individual Designation 10: 419-460. Individuality of pottery designs 4: 305; 20: 18, 19, 21, 22. Indo-European Languages, reference to 28: 290. Industrial Activities, progress of research in 17: XXX sq. Industrial Culture, evolution of 20: CXXV. Industrial Development, outline of 17: 249*-253*. Industrial Occupations of the Omaha 3: 283-311. Industrial Uses of pottery among American aborigines 20: 24 sq. See also Domestic Uses; Modeling Tools; Tools; Uses. Industries classification of 20: XXXI. of the Kwakiutl 35: 57-172. of the Omaha, protective 3: 312-333. of the Omaha, regulative 3: 356-363. of the Pima 26: 29. of the Seri 17: 180*-269*. of the Sia 11: 22. of the ZuÑi, how affected by Spanish intercourse 13: 340. primitive, egoism reflected in 19: 832. Industry a virtue in girls 40: 299, 339. definition of 20: XXIX. native, Yukon River 46: 82. of the Indians 7: 36. of the Tsimshian 31: 45 sq. See also Industries; Technology. Inemikee, Menomini treaty commissioner 14: 21. Infancy, ceremonials connected with 11: 140, 482. Infant nursed by Bears, Iroquois tale 2: 84. Infantado, Duke of, appointment of brother-in-law of 17: 477. Infanticide a common custom 46: 521. among the ?egiha 3: 263. among the Guiana Indians 38: § 729 sqq. among the Hawaiians 33: 616. law concerning 42: 333 sq. practice of 42: 345. Infants beliefs concerning 40: 321, 343, 557 sqq. burial of 47: 483. head-cover for 35: 665. mortuary customs concerning 40: 369 sqq. treatment of 35: 656-699. understood by shamans 40: 343. See also Baby; Children. Infidelity Eskimo manner of regarding 18: 292. punishment for 46: 504 sq. Inflection in English language 1: 14. in language 1: 4. paradigmatic 1: 7, 15. Influenza epidemic of, reference to 47: 961. mention of 46: 41, 69, 133. Informants designs made by 41: 431-454. Isleta, characteristics of 47: 201 sq. mention of 42: 32. Mo?-zho?-a´-ki-da 36: 274. Pa´-thi?-wa-we-xta 36: 272. ?se-zhi?´-ga-wa-da-i?-ga 36: 153, 155, 274. Wa-thu-xa-ge 36: 292, 298. Wa-?se´-mo?-i? 36: 156, 211, 219. Wa-xthi´-zhi 36: 153, 155. Xu-tha´-wa-?o?-i? 36: 238. Infusions, medical 38: § 927. Inga Laterifolia for black pigment 38: § 30. fruit of, eaten 38: § 247. Inga sp., slimy barks of, for slipping boats over logs 38: § 800. IÑg¢e-jide Gens, Omaha decoration of skin tents 3: 248. mention of 3: 247. names of 3: 248. subgentes of 3: 248. taboos of 3: 248. Inger 46: 194. Ingles, Mary, a captive of the Shawnee 42: 741 sq. Ingles, Capt. William, pursuit of Indians by 42: 769. Ingles’ Ferry, Va. end of safe travel 42: 761. route from, to the Kanawha 42: 767 sq. trail from 42: 759 sq. See also English’s Ferry. Ingregamiut, below Paimute 46: 67. I?gth´zhide Gens, account of 27: 183 sqq., 201. I?gtho?´Çi?Çnedeweti, subgens of the Thi´xida (Ponca) 27: 43. I?-gtho?´-ga Gens animals used by, as symbol 39: 244. life symbols of 36: 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112. mention of 39: 77, 80, 213. of the Ho?´-ga subdivision 39: 41. office belonging to 39: 92. personal names of 43: 135 sq. symbol of 39: 50. wi´-gi-e belonging to 36: 107-112; 39: 46. See also Puma Gens. Iowa Indians a Sanpoil synonym 14: 733. a ??iwe´re division 15: 162. absence of Ghost dance among the 14: 816. association of, with Omaha 27: 35. attacked by Dakota 27: 86. bark lodges of the 13: 271. beliefs among the 11: 439. early habitat of the 15: 195. early relations with French 27: 81. fasting among the 40: 546. games of the 24: archery 394. dice games 186. hidden ball 365 sq. racket 615. gentile organization of the 15: 238. Ghost dance among the 14: 902. habitat and population of 7: 116, 118. Hethu´shka society among 27: 459. land cessions and reservations 18: 706, 710 sqq., 726, 760, 768, 772, 792, 824, 912, 918. legendary origin of 37: 50. mention of, by Le Sueur 27: 80. name applied to English by 27: 611. Omaha name for 27: 36, 102.
, 359. See also Aiy?p?`tÄ`a`. Iztapalapa, Mexico, ruins at 26: XIV. Izze-kloth analogues of 9: 558. of the Apache 9: 550-558. J Jacal construction in Casa Blanca 16: 108. construction in Pueblo region 16: 163. structures 13: 237. Jacales references to 28: 187, 209. Seri, characters and construction of 17: 221*-224*. Seri, location of 17: 148* sq. Jacalteca method of forming numbers above ten 19: 905. number names of 19: 863. Jack, ——, aid given to Dr. J. W. Fewkes by 22, i: 39, 52. Jack, Patrick, grant of land to 5: 145; 18: 629. Jack, Col. Samuel, expedition under 19: 50. Jack-in-the-Pulpit mention of 33: 69. use of 44: 287, 360. See also Arisaema triphyllum. Jack Mountain, Pa., Indian quarry at 42: 760. Jack Rabbit description of 26: 82. European game, Tewa, Tigua 24: 798. sores caused by 26: 263. story about the 43: 377-381; 47: 78. See also Hare; Rabbit. Jackal, myth concerning 19: 453. Jacker, Very Rev. Edward, on disuse of signs 1: 325. Jackes, Mr. and Mrs. S. W., acknowledgment to 40: 12. Jackson, Gen. Andrew address of, to Cherokee 19: 122. advice to Cherokee 5: 258. attack on Creeks at Talladega by 19: 91. attitude of, toward Cherokee 19: 117, 119. commissioner for Cherokee treaty 5: 209, 212, 215, 216. defeat of Creeks at Horseshoe Bend by 19: 93-96. determination of, for Cherokee removal 19: 123, 140, 159. election of, as President 19: 117. Houston’s relations with 19: 223. Junaluska’s saying about 19: 164. method of, for compelling Cherokee removal 5: 297. on decision in Worcester v. Georgia 5: 266. proclamation of, against crossing Sabine River 19: 143. protest of, against Cherokee boundary of 1816 5: 206. refusal of, to approve Cherokee treaty of 1834 5: 252. relief of Turkeytown by order of 19: 90. remark of, concerning Supreme Court decision 19: 120. reply to Cherokee protests against New Echota treaty by 19: 126. retreat from Emukfaw Creek by 19: 92. treaty signed by 19: 103. urges Cherokee to remove 5: 273. Jackson, A. H. agent for Pima 26: 34. on railroad casualties among Pima 26: 59. Jackson, B. F., mound on land of, Arkansas 12: 222. Jackson, E. S., collection presented by 42: 19. Jackson, H. H., cited on Nez PercÉ war 14: 714. Jackson, John, mounds on farm of, Tennessee 12: 395, 396. Jackson, John Early, toy bowl found by 41: 548. Jackson, Miss Leslie, collection purchased from 41: 72. Jackson, Maj. R. C. acknowledgments to 19: 13. on assassination of John Walker 19: 121. Jackson, Richard, appointed minister of Shaker church 14: 758. Jackson, Dr. Sheldon collection made by 41: 72. Indian vase of 4: 357. mention of 46: 227. Jackson, Victor, accident to 26: 65. Jackson, William H. cited 33: 164, 193, 197. cliff ruins described by 16: 80, 81. fireplace of Echo cave described by 8: 168. on pottery 4: 287, 318, 319. on ruins of the San Juan 8: 147. photographs by 8: 147. Jackson County, N. C. Cherokee use of clay from 20: 53. Indian relics from 3: 434-437. Jackson Lake, mound on island in 12: 286. Jackstraw, Game of played by the 24: Eskimo 729 sq. Eskimo, Western 729 sq. Haida 730. Jacob, Henry, Seneca informant 32: 52. Jacobs, David, flint on farm of 44: 525. Jacobs, Melville, reference to 41: 383. Jacob’s Ladder 33: 71. “Jacobs,” The, steamer 46: 39, 55. Jacob’s Well, description of 17: 546. Jacobsen, F. material collected by 24: 196, 249, 558. on ring and pin, Clayoquot 24: 558. Jacobsen, P., mention of 46: 369. Jacobsen, Captain Samuel material collected by 24: 199, 208, 299, 301, 319, 717, 718, 719, 748, 749, 761. on name of bean-shooter, Opitchesaht 24: 761. on name of top, Hesquiaht 24: 748. on name of top, Nootka 24: 789. shuttlecock terms furnished by 24: 719. Jacobson, ——, acknowledgments to 25: 18, 97. Jacona, Mendoza’s letter from 14: 551. Jacques Family, mention of 43: 176. Jade black, reference to 29: 581. Eskimo hunting implements made of 18: 172. Kobuk 46: 173. Kobuk, adzes 46: 88. lamp made of 46: 99. Jadeite axes, etc. made of 46: 145, 146, 319, 362, 363. Eskimo ornaments made of 18: 47, 49. pendant of 34: 75. Jagging for fish 38: § 193. Jaguar basketry design 38: § 444. quarry stolen by Indians 38: § 215. range of the 2: 142. skin of, aprons 38: § 550. skins of, belts 38: § 543. skin of, pouches 38: § 388. Jahresbericht Über die Fortschritte der Agrikulturchemie on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1024. Jakwina, farm of, at Sikyatki 17: 640. Jamaica antiquities of 34: 257. archeological reconnaissance of 25: XXVI. cave burials in 34: 61.<
ns discovered by 19: XIV. Johnston, Adam, on cremation myth 1: 144. Johnston, Capt. A. R. account of Casa Grande by 28: 44, 64 sq. on building materials used in Pueblo Viejo 22, i: 177. on honesty of Pima 26: 198. on San Felipe 29: 500. visit of, to Casa Grande 13: 297. visit of, to the Pima 7: 98 Johnston, Gen. A. S., commissioner to Cherokee 19: 145. Johnston, William financial relations to Cherokee Indians 5: 315. seizure of East Cherokee land by 19: 173 sq. Johnston’s Journal, value of 26: 30. Joint Rush 33: 63. Jokes, Eskimo fondness for 18: 308 sq. Joking of the spruce gatherers 47: 322 sq. Joking Relationship indications of 47: 478. of the Creek Indians 42: 168. of the Fox Indians 40: 340, 344. of the Winnebago 37: 174. See also Relationship. Jolly, John Cherokee chief 19: 136 sq. Houston’s relation with 19: 222 sq. Jolly’s Island, cession of 18: 696. Jomard, M., on Grave Creek tablet 12: 632.
of 26: 401. history of 26: 410. mention of 26: 396. phratries and clans of 26: 399. Kak?´q!?te, Tlingit hero 26: 413, 418. KÄk-l? of ZuÑi mythology 5: 544, 547. Kaku, Pima medicine man 26: 38. Kakuene, myth of 14: 205. Kakuli. See Wood-ant. Kalaehina 33: 652. Kalaepuni 33: 651. Kalakwai, Hopi clan chief, reference to 19: 579. K´lanÛ. See Houston, Samuel. Kalapooian Family 7: 81 sq. Kalapooian Stock, Calapooya tribe 24: 283. Kalapuya Indians, study of, by Dr. Leo J. Frachtenberg 36: 20 sq. Kalapuya Language, work on 39: 20 sq. Kalapuya Material, revision of, by Dr. Leo J. Frachtenberg 37: 17. Kalektaka ceremony of 21: 23, 25, 26. name of Warrior society among Pakab clans 19: 609. peculiarity in dress of 1: 65. religious society at Walpi, source of 19: 623, 630. Kalelealuaka 33: 643. Kalia, classic design wrought by 41: 300 sq. Kaliukluk 46: 194. Kalinya. See Carib. Kalispel Tribe basketry of 41: 141, 154, 155. characteristics of 45: 325. country occupied by 45: 308 sq., 312 sq. dialect of 45: 303. divisions of 45: 312 sq. Indian names for 45: 296, 297, 299. intercourse of, with other tribes 45: 323. list of chiefs of 45: 377. location of 45: 37. name of, in sign language 45: 145. origin of the name 45: 296. population of, about 1805 45: 314. present day population of 45: 315. theory of origin of 45: 321. wars of, with Coeur d’AlÊne 45: 121. Kalispelines, a synonym of Pend d’Oreille 14: 731. Kalispelusses, a synonym of the Pend d’Oreille 14: 731. Kalm, —— mention of 46: 218. quoted on use of roots of rushes by Indians 9: 520, 521. Kalm, Peter mention of shell knives by 2: 202. on Indian weaving 13: 22. on pottery making in eastern United States 20: 59 sq. on shell money 2: 238. on shell pendants 2: 257. Kalmia Polifolia 45: 465. K·!Á?m?d??anag?a 35: 733. Kalniak 46: 188. Kalopaling 6: 620, 621. Kalosh Indians, Alaska box burial of the 1: 156. graves of the 10: 524. Kaltag (Khaltag) burials of 46: 55. changes of site of 46: 59. Eskimoid features of 46: 55, 56. mention of 46: 54, 131, 132, 133, 136, 139. remains of 46: 81. Kamahualele 33: 635. Kamai´Äkau, a Yakima war chief 14: 722, 737. Kamai-yo, cone-base basket 38: m§ 424. K´mÂl TkÂk age of 26: 196. artifacts made by 26: 106, 148. names of months furnished by 26: 36. on Elder Brother’s home 26: 225. on Pima villages on Gila 26: 20. on treatment of disease 26: 265 sq. sketch of 26: 17. songs by 26: 272, 331. See also Thin Leather. Kamapuaa 33: 301, 338, 622, 644, 658. K´matÛk Mountain Apache-Pima fight at 26: 44. in Pima song 26: 296, 329. See also Sierra Estrella. K´matÛk Wu´tcÂ, Pima village 26: 23. Kamloops, a trading point 41: 157. Kamuatta, bamboo flute 38: § 561. KÂmÛk WutcÂ, Â-Âtam. See Gila Crossing. Kan or Apache gods 9: 581 sq. symbol, discussion of 16: 215, 226, 242. Kana 33: 296, 305, 316, 645. Kanab, pottery from 4: 281, 287, 310, 314. Kanahe?wasts?k, Cree name of the Cheyenne 14: 1023. Kanaima evil done by 30: 346 sq., 348, 354 sq. explanation of 30: 354 sq. forms of 30: 354, 356. origin of 30: 355. recognition of 30: 356, 361. tree of same name, properties of 30: 354. See also Vengeance. Kanakanak crania 46: 251, 252. mention of 46: 251, 252. KÄnakÛk account of 14: 666, 692. adherents to doctrine of 14: 902. end of 14: 700. Kanaloa 33: 300, 303, 305, 306, 618, 634, 636, 643. Kanan. See Kan. K?na´sta, myth concerning 19: 341 sq., 480. Kanatak 46: 188. Kana´t?, myths concerning 19: 242-249, 262, 264, 280, 431-435, 441, 464. K`anats. See Kaneatche. Kanawha, W. Va., petroglyphs at 10: 34. Kanawha Falls, W. Va., trail to 42: 753. Kanawha River ancient settlements on 42: 754 sq. junction of trails at 42: 756 sq. petroglyphs on, West Virginia 10: 125. pictographs on 4: 22. trail along 42: 749. visited by George Washington 42: 754. Kanawha Valley, W. Va. explorations in 5: XX, XXI, 51, 53, 57. flint in 44: 513 sq. Kancab, definition of 16: 256. Kane, —— on Nisqualli myths 19: 472. on Wallawalla myths 19: 448. Kane, Elisha Kent description of Eskimo dog harness by 9: 359. description of Eskimo kaiak by 9: 334. on Eskimo frocks 9: 118. on Eskimo harpoons 9: 222, 243. works consulted 9
unt of 47: 69 sq. affected by irrigation 47: 58. becoming obsolete 47: 58. characterization of 47: 75-81. impersonation of 47: 69, 94 sq. importance of 47: 64, 69. list of 47: 75-81. purpose of 47: 81. the spirit rain makers 47: 64. See also Kachina Organization; Katcinas; Masks. Kattekas, a Kiowa Apache synonym 17: 245. Katun a Mayan term, definition of 22, i: 273 sq. Mayan working table of 19: 819. numerical value of 22, i: 204, 234. symbol, discovery concerning, by Goodman 19: 712. symbols for, features of 22, i: 222, 223, 268. symbols for, figures showing 22, i: 268. Katydid, myth concerning 19: 311, 463. Kau, description of 21: 101. Kauder, Christian, works of, in Micmac language 10: 667-670. Kaulanipokii 33: 305, 306, 622, 659. Kaulu 33: 638. Kaululaau 33: 661. Kaulu-ngai, hammock frame 38: § 465.
89. See also Fox; Sauk. Kickapoo Mythology, studied by Dr. T. Michelson 47: 2. Kickapoo Myths, translation of, by Dr. T. Michelson 34: 16. Kickapoo (Shawnee) Prophet mention of 10: 508 sq. See also KÄnakÛk. Kicked-Billet Race. See Ball Race. Kicked-Stick Game reference to 29: 527, 530. See also Ball Race. Kicking-Ball Game in Pima legend 28: 52. Kicking Bear a Ghost dance leader 14: 847. Cheyenne scouts attacked by 14: 867. continued retreat of 14: 867. delegate to Wovoka 14: 820, 894. flight of, to Bad Lands 14: 850, 852. Ghost dance led by 14: 854. Ghost dance mission of 14: 817. mention of 41: 534. operations of, in Sioux outbreak 14: 881. Pine Ridge agency attacked by 14: 873. portrait of 14: 853. surrender of 14: 868. surrender of, demand of 14: 887. visit of, to the Arapaho 14: 798, 820. See also T’enÉ-angÓpte. Kicking Bird account of 17: 216 sqq. civilized burial of 17: 252. declaration of peace by, in 1874 17: 204. peaceful attitude of 17: 190. See also T’enÉ-angÓpte. Kicking Game description of 45: 134 sq. of the Winnebago 37: 121. Kickshaws, conjuring by 30: 329, 332 sq. Kicu, home of Katcina clan 19: 607. Kicyuba derivation of TuÑwup from 21: 70. mask of Katcina clan brought from 21: 110. sacredness of water from 21: 125. See also Katcina Clan. Kidder, Dr. A. V. bulletin by 39: 24. mention of 45: 7; 47: 1. paper by 40: 17. references to 29: 380, 413, 466. Kidi-ki-tashe, Wichita name for themselves 17: 298. Kidney fat, of mountain goat 35: 429. trouble, treatment of 42: 655 sq., 658, 659. Kidneys how stimulated by the ZuÑi 30: 45, 53. of seals, Kwakiutl 35: 453, 454, 455, 457. Kiemile 46: 176. Kigaltwalla, a KwikwÛl?t synonym 14: 741. Kigiktauik implements and utensils from 18: 69 sq., 101, 148, 149, 159, 161, 163, 194. legends from 18: 452-562. mortuary customs at 18: 312 sq. observations of E. W. Nelson at 18: 297 sq. people of 18: 24. tobacco implements from 18: 272, 273. totemic painting at 18: 325. Kihapiilani 33: 650. Kihotoak. See Quijotoa. Kihus, reference to 28: 150, 189. Kihutoac, reference to 28: 51. Kij or Kizh number names of 19: 870. numbers of 19: 950. Kikiallus. See Dwamish; and others. Kikoli rooms occupied in winter 8: 103, 104, 131. KÎksÁdÎ, Tlingit clan affinity of 26: 413, 421. crests of 26: 416, 417, 434. history of 26: 409 sq., 414. names of 26: 421 sq. phratry and tribe of 26: 398, 399, 400. standing of 26: 408, 427. sun spirit of 26: 465. Ki´kunethe Society, description of 27: 485 sq. Kila 33: 619, 648. Ki?a a diagnostician 42: 615. supernatural power of 42: 615. See also Prophets. KilauwitawiÑ, Alaska, Eskimo village 9: 44. Kilcacenen, sale of land by 18: 625 sq. Kiligmak 46: 204. Kilik 46: 208. Kilimantavic 46: 208. Kilinda 46: 185. Kill, signs for 1: 377, 437. Killer Whale among Kwakiutl 35: dish 756. house of 817. painting of 813, 817. soul of hunter goes to 727. village, home of souls after death 714. among Tlingit 26: crest animal 416, 419, 420, 423. house group name 400-404. in mythology 465, 466. mask of 436. notions concerning 457 sq. source of personal names 422. Killerwhale Dish, Kwakiutl 35: 807, 809, 810, 813, 815, 816, 864, 888, 962, 991, 1349. Killikinik of what composed 14: 250. See also Tobacco. Killing, religious basis of 42: 438. Killisnoo, people of 26: 397. Kills-with-a-Gun. See H´ÑzepthÓ`da. Kilmartin, ——, services of, as a scout 17: 214. Kilns reported occurrence of 20: Eastern United States 54. Middle Mississippi Valley 84. South Appalachian province 131. Kilpatrick, John Clark, surveyor of Cherokee boundary lines 5: 165, 168. Kilts ceremonial, of Tusayan 15: 263, 295. on Antelope priests 16: 293. of CuÑopavi Snake priests 16: 288. of Oraibi Snake dancers 16: 294. of the katcinas, description of 47: 869 sq. of Tusayan, description of 16: 297 sq. Seri, characters of 17: 224* sq. Seri, origin of 17: 231* sq. use of, by girls, in Hopi festivals 21: 118. Kilu 33: 626, 654. Kimball, Mrs. F. A., on California pictography 4: 229. Kimball, Dr. J. P., material collected by 24: 173. Kimberline, Jacob, capture of 42: 769. Kimiown, Menomini treaty signer 14: 28. Kimiti, panpipes 38: § 566. Kimmswick, Mo. occurrence of salt-making vessels a
ndx">Ki´satc information furnished by 26: 18. on communication with the dead 26: 253. on dreams 26: 254, 256. Kishei, seed necklace 38: § 535. Kishkawbawee cession of reserve at 18: 764. reservation at 18: 698. Kishoni or uncovered shade 8: 217 sq. Kishyuba, a Hopi ruin 17: 591. Kisi and cavate houses, comparison of 17: 544. and cliff dwellings analogous 16: 198. construction of 8: 217 sqq. description and origin of 19: 973, 1005. erection of, in Cipaulovi ceremony 16: 281. for containing the reptiles used in Snake dance 19: 973, 977. function of, in Snake dance 16: 285. how constructed at CuÑopavi 16: 288. of Tusayan, description of 16: 297. on brush shelter 16: 92. K?sÍn?his, a Kiowa Apache synonym 17: 245. Kisiwi, Ala clan at 19: 590. Kiskakon, on site of Fort Wayne 42: 786. Kiskedee Bird, headdress of, origin of 30: 212.
ub1">fruit of, eaten 38: § 247. seed pod for baby cot 38: § 458. seeds carved into rings 38: § 542. source of oil 38: § 25, 925. source of salt 38: § 250. Kokerite, nature of 30: 186. K?k-k? admission of women into the 5: 540-555. involuntary initiation into the 5: 547-553. the ZuÑi order of the 5: 540-548. voluntary initiation into the 5: 553 sqq. Kok´ko A´wa, all the gods, food offering to 23: 141. Kok´ko ?hlan´na group known as 23: 407. initiation of members by 23: 411. ZuÑi order of 23: 487-490. Kok´ko Ko´han. See White Gods. Kokle description of 21: 95. facial markings of 21: 95. Koko and katcina, comparison of 15: 265. reference to meaning of 15: 307. use of the word 47: 847. ZuÑi supernatural 47: 843. Kokokci and ÁÑakatcina, comparison of 15: 303, 306 sq. probable derivation of, from Patki clans 21: 94. resemblance of, to AÑya katcinas 21: 94. Kokolak 46: 208. Kokolik 46: 208. Kokop (Firewood) Clan advent of, at Walpi 19: 585 sq. former homes, migrations and census of 19: 604 sqq. Hopi katcinas derived from 21: 125. war-god image belonging to 21: 26. Kokop Family, mask of Eototo possessed by 21: 77. Kokop Group, component clans of 19: 584. Kokopeli, a Hopi deity 17: 663. Kokopelli derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 86. introduction of, by Asa clan 21: 62, 86. Kokopelli Mana derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 86. Kokshi, dance of AÑya katcinas called 21: 45. Koksoagmiut Eskimo. See Eskimo, Koksoagmiut. Koksoagmyut, description of 11: 184. Koksoak River description of 11: 170. ethnology of 11: 167. Kokyan. See Spider Clan. Kokyan WÜqti appearance of, in PalÜlÜkoÑti festival 21: 43. description of 21: 90. resemblance between, and Hahai wÜqti 21: 68. the Spider Maid, legends concerning 22, i: 81, 82. worship of 21: 21, 25. Kolben, Peter, cited on Hottentot customs 9: 485, 536. K’Ólin TÉhuli of ZuÑi mythology 13: 381. Kolokanaro, land camudi 38: § 219. Kololo, Oyana term for wooden bench 38: § 328. Kolon Clan, census of 19: 617 sq., 622. Ko´loowisi coming of an initiation into Ko´tikili 23: 94-102. dry painting of 23: 96, 97. description of 23: 94. performances of 23: 101. visit of, to the Ki´wi?sin? 23: 101. Koluschan equivalent of Tlingit 26: 396. family, mention of 7: 85 sqq. stock, instruments employed by, in stick game 24: 227. stock, tribes of the 24: Chilkat 243, 287. Stikine 244. Taku 244. Tlingit 130, 245, 288, 709. Yakutat 740, 793. Kolusio acknowledgment to 17: 14, 21. connection with SeÑor Encinas of 17: 109. description of 17: 98. knowledge of Seri language possessed by 17: 99. outlawry of 17: 113. vocabularies given by 17: 95 sq., 97 sqq., 102, 107, 296*. Ko´?uwala´wa, a mythic locality 30: 50, 54. Kolyma, fossil ivory culture 46: 174. Kolyma River 46: 211. Komantci. See TÜrtumsi. Komatari, the first medicine-man, legend of 30: 366 sqq. Komeska-K`iÑahyup, Kiowa name of the Arapaho 14: 954. Kominkey, Menomini treaty signer 14: 28. Ko´mokÄtsi, a ZuÑi goddess 30: 44, 52. Komoktotokya, ceremonial day of 21: 20. Ko´mosona, reception of water by 23: 129. KÓmpabÍ?nt?, a Kiowa synonym 17: 149, 152. KompÁgo, a Kiowa synonym 17: 149. Kona, description of 21: 115, 116. Konabaro. See Phyllanthus. KÓÑabÍÑate medicine stick of 17: 302. wounding of 17: 303. Konami. See Clibadium. Konane 33: 619, 652, 653. Konapamik. See Shell. KoÑate. See KÓÑabÍÑate. Ko?´Çe Gens custodian of Sacred Pipes 27: 459, 461. general account of 27: 169 sqq. part in ball game 27: 366. See also names of subdivisions. Konehu. See Brer Rabbit. Koneso. See Brer Rabbit. Kongiganak 46: 193. Koniak; Kaniagmiut, skulls 46: 232, 234. KoÑigungumiut ceremonial objects from 18: 412 sq. clothing from 18: 32 sq. implements and utensils from 18: 68, 99, 103, 105, 106, 109, 140, 142, 143, 151. inhospitality of people of 18: 297. ornaments from 18: 45, 54, 58. tobacco implements from 18: 275. toys from 18: 345. transportation apparatus from 18: 226. KonÍhÄ?likwi initiation of witches by 23: 127, 128. prayer plumes deposited by 23: 127. Konkau hand game of the 24: 296 sq. number names of the 19: 871. See also Round Valley Reserve. K?n?´`?’, reference to 40: 501. Konoko-kuyuha, legends concerning 30: 185, 188, 189 sq., 193. on Chiriquian methods of plaiting 6: 39. on use of insects as models in casting metals 6: 38. Kupreanof Island, people of 26: 410, 411. Kupua 33: 300 sqq., 306, 620, 625, 629. KupÛÑmiun, habitat of 9: 45, 48, 49. Kurahus articles furnished by, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 20. ceremony and dress of 22, ii: 26, 58, 59, 60, 296. duties of 22, ii: 19, 26. gifts to 22, ii: 260. meaning of title 22, ii: 15. preparation for Hako ceremony by 22, ii: 26. preparation of, for journey to the sun 22, ii: 59, 60. Kuraua, Bromelia cultivation of 38: § 246. for bow-strings 38: § 127. for hammocks 38: § 459. for leg ornaments 38: § 552. for nets 38: § 201.
ns from 18: 856. Lachesis Mutus. See Bush-master Snake. Lachimi River mention of 14: 553. See also Yaqui; Yaquimi. Lacinaria, species of, used medicinally 42: 660. Lacinaria Pycnostachya, a life symbol 36: 135. Lacinaria Scariosa mention of 33: 133 sq. use of 44: 290, 366. Lackey, J. W., grant of land to 18: 671. Lacombe, Rev. Albert on Cree forms 28: 243, 246, 247, 248, 250, 252, 290. on etymology of pemmican 14: 1067. on jeu de hasard 24: 69. reference to 28: 239, 241. reference to work of 40: 28. Lacooche, Fla., excavations at 47: 2. Lacrosse borrowed by the whites 24: 32. ceremonial 37: 190. game of 37: 120 sq. origin of game of 14: 130. played at adoption feast 40: 359. played by the 24: Chippewa 567. Hurons 563, 564. Miami 569. Penobscot 571. Sauk and Foxes 572. Shawnee 573. Skokomish 609. Winnebago 616. played by the Menomini 14: 244. Lactuca Canadensis medicinal constituents of 44: 304. medicinal properties of 44: 301. use of 44: 290, 350. Lad and the Chestnuts, Iroquois tale 2: 97. Ladd, G. T., on reality 20: CLXXXVIII. Ladd, H. O. on Pecos 29: 476. on Picuris 29: 193. on Puaray 29: 524. on San Lazaro 29: 491. on San Marcos 29: 551. Ladder Design 41: 319, 320. Ladders arrangement of, in Tusayan kiva 8: 121. bush-rope 38: § 787. description of 8: 156-162. for kivas, description of 47: 31. openings for, in roofs 8: 205. second-story terrace of Tusayan reached principally by 8: 182. significance of position of, in kivas 8: 135. used to enter houses 47: 29. Ladles clay, from Wolpi 2: 385. clay, from ZuÑi 2: 360. collection of Indian 3: 56, 575. from Awatobi, description of 17: 624. from Pueblo ruins in Arizona, features of 22, i: 63 sq. from Pueblo ruins in Arizona, figures showing 22, i: 62, 63. from Sikyatki, description of 17: 655. Gulf Coast group 20: 106, 109, 110. of the Eskimo 18: 65-70. of the Eskimo, of bone 9: 104 sq. of the Eskimo, of horn 9: 104. of the Kwakiutl 35: 258, 259, 261, 276, 277, 292, 301, 333, 337, 339, 340, 341, 357, 362, 757. of the Nenenot 11: 302. of the Omaha 13: 277. wooden 42: 689. See also Pottery. Ladley, Lieut. O. D., time chart loaned by 4: 94. Lady Fern. See Athyrium Felixfemina. Lady Slipper in Cherokee lore 19: 420. use of 44: 289; 45: 506. See also Cypripedium Hirsutum. Lady’s Bouquet 33: 115. Laet, Juan de 25: 68. Lafitau, Joseph FranÇois cited 1: 182; 12: 668, 674. cited on sacred powder of Indians 9: 512. illustration by, of council mats 13: 19. illustrations of uses of earthenware vessels from 20: 26, 32. on earthenware drums among Iroquois 20: 34. on Indian burial customs 5: 29. on Indian sugar making 20: 32 sq. on Pamunkey initiatory shelters 13: 14. on the use of shell pendants 2: 256. on the use of wampum 2: 243. on the use of wampum belts 2: 250. on tossed ball, Abnaki 24: 708. Laguna, Juan Bautista de, on Tarasco numerals 19: 909. Laguna abandonment of 13: 261. arrival of Asanyumu at 8: 30. clanship at 47: 352. collection from 2: 399. division in 47: 348. immigrants from, at Isleta 47: 205. migration from 47: 348 sq. moiety traits of 47: 351 sq. population of 7: 83. pueblo, act of Congress affecting 18: 922. pueblo of 14: 525. reference to katcinas of 47: 1020, 1056, 1079. Snake rites at 16: 310. work at 19: XIV. Laguna Colony of Oraibi 47: 348-537. Laguna Dictionary 36: 28. Laguna Fathers initiation ceremony of 47: 315 sqq. names of 47: 268. specialists among 47: 267. Laguna Fathers Society origin of 47: 267. specialization within 47: 266. Laguna Immigrants assimilation of 47: 353. list of 47: 349 sq. Laguna Immigration, comparison of, with Tewa 47: 357. Laguna Indians, Tewa name for 29: 574. Lahannas, probable identification of 14: 732. Lahontan. See Arikara. Laidlaw Brothers, Iroquoian pottery collected by 20: 170. Laielohelohe 33: 332, 628. LÄitanes, a synonym of the Comanche 14: 1043. L?k?-?n. See Klukwan. Lake, E. R., on absence of wild rice in Oregon 19: 1031. Lake Andes, S. Dak., reference to 27: 73. Lake Champlain occurrence of Iroquoian pottery near 20: 168. stone implements at 13: 63. Lake Chapala, Cherokee in vicinity of 19: 146. Lake Chelan, pictographs at 4: 26. Lake Dwellings corn-crushers from 13: 87. fabrics from Swiss 3: 403, 412, 413, 418, 420. throwing-stones in 13: 99. Lake Erie, trail to 42: 786, 840. Lake Erie Region
ub1">Osage, present use of 36: 46 sq. Paiute, characteristics of 14: 1050. Pima, vocabularies of 26: 269 sq. primitive egoism reflected in 19: 831 sq. primitive theories upon 1: 282. processes of 1: 3-8. progress of research in 17: XXXIV sq. Seri 17: 10, 78, 95 sq., 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 296*-344*. Sioux, characteristics of 14: 1060. Sioux, dialects of the 14: 1058. Tewa, reference to 29: 37. Tlingit, relationship with Haida 26: conclusions 485. lexical similarities 475-485. phonetics 472. roots and stems 472 sqq. structure of sentence 475. word composition 474 sq. Unalit, examples of 18: 232-241, 348, 475-479. written, evolution of 20: CLXV-CLXIX.
i class="isub1">Tewa 29: 151 sq., 357. See also Legend; Migration Legends; Myths. Legerdemain. See Jugglery; Magic. Leggings appearance of, in representations of Hopi katcinas 21: 61, 72, 73. description of 27: 354 sq.; 42: 682; 45: 69, 71. for men 45: 335. for women 45: 234, 336. of the Nenenot 11: 283, 291. pattern of, Winnebago 37: 106. Legs in folklore 30: 173, 262-265. ornaments for, Guiana Indian 38: § 552. Serian and Yuman names for 17: 333* sq. spears formed from 30: 195 sq. Legs of vessels eastern United States, manner of modeling 20: 51. eastern United States, recentness of 20: 62. Iroquoian province, absence of 20: 162. Middle Atlantic province, absence of 20: 145, 151. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 93. See also Bases. Lehi day schools, symbols at 26: 34. Lehigh County, aboriginal quarries in 15: 78. Leibnitz on signs connected with philology 1: 349. on signs connected with syntax 1: 369. Leibold, Miss Clara, cooperation of 46: 6. Leida, Dr. Liborio, on duhos 25: 202. Leidy, Jos., on Shoshoni scraper-making 13: 169. Leiper’s Fork, trail near 42: 813, 814. Leland, Charles G. cited 4: 190. communication from 10: 346. on Algonquian myths 19: 451. ?e?eg?d 35: 820. LeleÑti description of 21: 57. duration of 21: 20. Le´lentu, finding of, by Mu´`kwe 23: 413. Lelo, farm of, at Sikyatki 17: 640. Lem, meaning of 16: 235. Lembi. See Lambi. Lemhi Indians, cession of land for use of 18: 928. Lemhi Reserve authority for establishment of 18: 828. establishment of 18: 878. Lemlaghet, meaning of 16: 236. Lemoine, —— Algonkin modes from 28: 262, 264. on Montagnais forms 28: 248. reference to 28: 227. work of, cited 28: 247. LenapÉ Indians or Delawares and their legends, reference to 4: 84, 188, 233. arrival of, on the coast 43: 219. paper on physical anthropology of 37: 27. L!Ê´naxx??´daq, Property woman 26: 412, 460. Lenbaki Society of Tusayan 8: 18. L!en?´dÎ, Tlingit clan crests of 26: 418. history of 26: 412. names of 26: 422. phratry and tribe of 26: 399. standing of 26: 408. Lennan, Cyrus, account of 26: 50 sq. LennÉ LenapÉ record 4: 158, 207. Lenoir, myths concerning 19: 414. Lenoir, Rufus T., burial pit on land of, North Carolina 5: 68-71; 12: 342. Lenoir County, N. C., pottery from, showing fabric impressions 20: 70, 72 sq. Lenoir Manufacturing Company, mounds on land of, Tennessee 12: 396. Lenoir Mounds, Caldwell County, N. C. mingling of wares in 20: 147. pottery from 20: 144. Lenox Library acknowledgment to 14: LV, 339, 413. visited 15: XL. LeÑpaki. See LeleÑti. Len’s Creek, mounds in valley of 42: 755. Lenti, Bautista, chief of the Black Eyes 47: 263. Lenya description of 21: 21, 101. See also Flute. LeÑya Clan mythic origin of 19: 590. possible advent of, into Tusayan 19: 626. Lenya Fraternity, ceremonies celebrated by 21: 23. LeÑyanobi Ala clan at 19: 590. founding of 19: 586. Leon, Francisco Ponce de, campaign against Seri by 17: 88-93. Leon, Juan de, copy of evidence made by 14: 598. LÉon, Dr. Nicholas acknowledgment to 28: 55. on Tarascan and Chiapanecan number names 19: 874. on Tarasco numerals 19: 919. on Zapotecan number names 19: 872. Leon y Gama cited as to calendars 3: 47, 63. mention of 1: 232. Leonardo da Vinci 1: 292. Leontodon Taraxacum, of recent introduction 33: 59. Leopard. See Wildcat. Leopoldina Major, a source of salt 38: § 25. Leopoldina Piassaba, for cables and ropes 38: § 72. Lepage, name applied to John Day River 14: 743. Lepargyrea Argentea 33: 106; 45: 489. Lepargyrea Canadensis 45: 472. Lepe 33: 320, 662. Leporinus Friderici, fish caught with poison 38: § 211. Lepsius, cited 6: 413. Leptandra Virginica medicinal constituents of 44: 304. medicinal properties of 44: 301. use of 44: 290, 346, 354. Leptarrhenia Amplexifolia 45: 465. Leptotaenia Dissecta 45: 472, 480, 513. Leptotaenia Nuttallii, used medicinally 42: 667. Lepus Alleni. See Jack Rabbits. Lepus Arizonas, account of 26: 82. Lepus Texianus. See Jack Rabbits. L?q!em 35: 817. Leroux, A. cited as to tribal relationship 28: 216. ruins in Verde Valley mentioned by 13: 186. Verde ruins discovered by 17: 530. Lescarbot, Marc, on dice games, Hurons 24: 108. Les Cayes, Haiti, nodule from 34: 185. Leslie, Lieutenant ——, and the Pontiac conspiracy 14: 130. L’Espagnol, Menomini treaty signer 14: 28. Lespedeza Capitata 33: 97. : 87, 88. ?ikatcka a Red town 42: 255. allocation of clans in beds at 42: 201-204. arrangement of square ground of 42: 229, 276. clans of, furnishing chiefs and henihas 42: 193. clans, phratries, and moieties of 42: 161. position of beds at 42: 199. residence of Little Prince 42: 310. Likin symbol in Maya codices 16: 263. symbol, meaning of 16: 235. Lililiaceae 33: 71. Lilium Canadense, use of 44: 290, 352. Lilium Columbianum 45: 475. Lilium Parviflorum 45: 482. Lilium Umbellatum 33: 71. Lillooet Tribe basketry of 41: 133, 142, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 165, 177, 178, 180, 182, 184, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 222, 223, 225, 229, 230, 231, 233, 237, 240, 241, 242, 245, 275, 335-344, 350 sq., 361, 362, 370, 372, 373, 384, 414 sq., 421, 424 sqq., 443 sqq.
sub1">on Antillean workshop 25: 91 sq. on skulls from Santo Domingo 25: 83. Llopa. See Yupa. Lloyd, ——, map, 1862, on influence of wild rice on geographic nomenclature 19: 1118. Lloyd, H. Evans, reference to work of 11: 501. Llunas, Juan Antonio, Pima chief 26: 240. Loach Sign on Eskimo implements 18: 326 sq. Loans among the Eskimo 18: 294 sq. Loasaceae 33: 103. Lobate Stone 34: 229. Lobed Figures, significance of 20: 100. Lobed Vases, Northwestern group 20: 191 sq. Lobelia medicinal use of 44: 322. red 33: 129. Lobelia Cardinalis human transportation of 33: 60. mention of 33: 129. Locality, sense of 38: § 784. Location of the Pima 26: 19, 20. of the Tlingit 26: 396 sq. Lochaber, S. C., treaty at 42: 758. Lock and Key of wood, how made 8: 187. Lockanok 46: 189. Locke, John allusion to investigations of 12: 440. estimate by, of cubic contents of walls at Fort Ancient 12: 492. Indian law of North Carolina drawn up by 18: 627. Locked Pattern of weaving 38: § 114. Lockhard Farm, flint on 44: 510 sqq. Lockhart, —— instructions to, concerning Walker River reserve 18: 873. recommendation concerning reserves by 18: 837. Lockport, N. Y., Indian trade in maple sugar at 20: 33. Lockwood, James H., on Dakota wild rice thanksgiving feast 19: 1091. Lockwood, Miss Mary 1: 224. Loclumne land cessions and reservations 18: 786. Loco Weed a forage plant 45: 516. use of 45: 468, 473 sq., 507. Locomotive, myth concerning 19: 351. Locust, Honey, medicinal use of 42: 669. Locust Tree. See Hymenaea Courbaril. Lodge burial 1: 152. burial, Crow 1: 153. burial, Esquimaux 1: 156. burial, Indians of Bellingham Bay 1: 154. burial, Indians of Costa Rica 1: 154. burial, Sioux 1: 152, 153. ceremonies and beliefs respecting 11: 274, 458, 487. destruction of, by fire 32: 417, 445, 755. entrance way to, treatment of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 36, 37. erection of, by magic 32: 214, 349, 350, 392. for reception of dead 32: 547. for storing utensils 44: 308. for sugar making 44: 308. location of, among the Assiniboin 15: 224. of the Siouan Indians 15: 172. of the Winnebago 15: 241. sites 44: 433 sq. sites along Saline River 42: 808. Smohalla ceremonial 14: 726. the father’s, diagrams of 22, ii: 59, 62. the son’s, consecration of 22, ii: 309 sqq. the son’s, diagram of, before taking the child 22, ii: 210. the son’s, diagram of, during the preparation of the child 22, ii: 214. the son’s, diagram of, during the presentation of the Hako 22, ii: 257. treatment of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 33, 34. turned to red-hot flint 32: 205, 398, 405, 409, 428. use of, in Sacred Pole ceremony 27: 231. See also Earth Lodge; Houses; Lodges; Sweat Lodge; Wikiup. Lodge-shaped Baskets, term for 41: 397. Lodgepole Pine, use of 45: 461, 483, 496, 504. Lodges bark 45: 61, 228 sq., 332 sq. brush 45: 62. burial in 46: 573. burned after a death 45: 174. ceremonial, of the Winnebago 14: 110. conical mat 45: 227. conical, or tent 45: 332. construction of 46: 577 sq. for women and girls 45: 62, 228. fumigation of, after a death 45: 174. furnishing of 45: 63 sq. long 45: 58-61, 227 sq., 331. manner of using 46: 578. mat, description of 45: 58. of earth, use of 13: 271. of the Eskimo 18: 242, 260-263. of the Menomini 14: 253. of the Winnebago 37: arrangement of, for War-bundle feast 530. bark 104. ceremonial 105. ceremonial circuit of 432. construction of, by women 106. council 163. erection of 481. gable 104, 105. of Bear clan, diagram of 229. of Bear clan, position of 229. of chief, a refuge 320. orientation of 443. purification of 445, 532. reed matting 104. sweat, form of 105. Omaha, how constructed 13: 269. orderly life in 46: 507 sq. skin 45: 58, 229. soldiers’ 46: 436. square or square-topped 45: 227. underground 45: 62, 226 sq., 331. See also Council Lodge; Earth Lodge; Jugglery; Lodge; Medicine Lodge; Sacred Lodge. Loew, Dr. Oscar on Acoma 29: 543. on Astialakwa 29: 397. on Chilili 29: 531. on Jemez 29: 401, 403. on Laguna 29: 540. on Patoqua 29: 397. on pictographs 4: 31. on Poguate 39: 538, 539. on Pojuaque 29: 335. on San Felipe 29: 499. on Santa Ana 29: 520. on Sia 29: 518. on Taos 29: 181. on Yuqueyunque 29: 227. Lofkas 46: 138. Loft, William K., assistance of 36: 14. Log Burial Danish 1: 139. in trees, Loucheux 1: 166. mention of 1: 138, 139. See also Logs. Logan, Mrs. ——, story of 2: 100. Logan, James , gestures of 1: 279. Lower Blue Licks, location of 42: 787. Lower BrulÉ, Ponca name for 27: 103. Lower BrulÉ Agency, control of Indians at 14: 849. Lower BrulÉ Reserve addition to 18: 938. establishment of 18: 934. Lower California colony in, under CortÉs 14: 351. Cortes’ colony recalled from 14: 369. early name of 14: 351. native population of, unknown 7: 138. petroglyphs in 10: 683. rock paintings in 10: 131. use of medicine tubes in 13: 127. Lower California Tribes calendar term of 26: 35 sq. human hair used by 26: 116. Lower Creeks location of 42: 315. origin of the name 42: 307. Lower Eufaula clan councils of 42: 126. Lower Creek Red town 42: 126.
. See also Jugglery; Legerdemain; Magical Power; etc.; Magicians; Medicine-men; Occult Powers; Sleight of Hand; Sorcery; Theurgy; Witchcraft. Magic Fly, Kwakiutl 35: 1224. Magical Objects of the Tsimshian 31: 464-467. Magical Power, criterion of 47: 285. Magical Practices of Midewiwin 7: 205 sq. Magicians, existence of 30: 351 sqq. Magiguadavic River, Me., rock carvings on 10: 32. Magimiut. See Magi. Maginus, on labrets of South America 3: 83, 84. Magnioca. See Cassava. Mago Opata word for poisonous plant 14: 538. See also Yerba de Flecha. Magpie feathers, ceremonial use of 14: 999. feathers, presented by Wovoka 14: 901. feathers, prized by Paiute 14: 775. held sacred in Ghost dance 14: 823, 982. Magpies a Black Corn group 47: 270 sq. officials of 47: 270 sq. Magpietail Boy, story about 43: 297-313. Maguagua Reserve cession of 18: 690. establishment of 18: 676. Maguck, a Shawnee town 42: 786. Maguey fiber, Papago article of trade 26: 93. fiber, preparation of 26: 142 sq. use of, for clothing by Indians 14: 569. Maguire, —— cited on Eskimo reindeer hunting 9: 268. cited on Eskimo salutations 9: 422. commander of ship “Plover,” report of, consulted 9: 23. visit of, to Point Barrow, Alaska 9: 52. Maha; Mahahs, variants of Omaha 27: 80 sq., 622. Mahadeo, a Hindu god, worship of 10: 196 sqq. Mahan, I. L., on Chippewan mourning 1: 184. Mahanarva. See Manarwa. Mahchesaw’s Band cession of reserve by 18: 758. reservation for 18: 740. Mahican association of, with Delawares 19: 498. population of 7: 51. relation of, to Pequot 43: 215. separation of, from Delawares 19: 19. See also Mohegan. Mahican, Hudson River, affinities of, with Mohegan-Pequot 43: 213-219. Mahican-Wappinger Indians, connection of, with southern New England tribes 43: 214 sq. Mahlemute crania 46: 254. mention of 46: 89, 150, 162, 217, 218, 227. skulls 46: 233, 234. See also Malemut. Mahler. See Maler. Maho. See Hibiscus. Mahoc, a Monakan division 15: 164. Mahui. See Kanaima. Mah-vip-pah. See BabÍ`pa. Maiauhoalenalenaupena 33: 663. Maichoppa, legend of 38: § 601. Maiden Spring, Va., pictographs at 4: 33. Maidu hand games of the 24: 297 sq. language, grammar and vocabulary of 23: XXXV. language, grammatical notes on 26: XXI. Maihisikiri. See Mansinskiri. Maikang, Makusi term for indigenous dog 38: § 717. Maillard, L’AbbÉ ——, work of, on Micmac 28: 269. Maiming practice of, by Siouan tribes 15: 169. Wyandot law for 1: 66. See also Mutilation. Maine antiquities from 30: 22. field work in 20: IX, X; 21: IX, X; 22, i: IX, X; 23: IX, XIV. Indian policy of 18: 609 sqq. occurrence of exotic types of decoration in pottery of 20: 176, 188. petroglyphs in 10: 81 sqq. pottery of 20: 146, 179. work in 19: XIII, XVII sq. work on pictographs in 10: XII. Maine Historical Society, extract from Proceedings of 18: 609. Maios. See Mute Dogs. Maipure Indians, legends of, on creation 30: 142, 145. Maipuri. See Tapir. Maiyatcotimiti, second assistant war chief 47: 45. Maize a life symbol 43: 60. ceremonies connected with 45: 624. cultivation of 27: 112, 269, 635; 38: § 244. cultivation of, by mound-builders 12: 683. description of 14: 518. feast of, completing ceremony 43: 58. for cigar wrappers 38: § 283. for drink 38: § 264. found in Pueblo ruins on Little Colorado River, character of 22, i: 101. mention of 33: 67, 136. origin of 27: 71, 76 sqq., 147. parts and preparation of 27: 269 sq. Pima product 26: 68, 90. red ears of, taboo of 27: 147 sq. remains of store of 41: 566 sq. rites connected with 27: 155, 159, 200, 261-269, 596. rites connected with, Ponca 27: 45. varieties of, cultivated by the Indians 12: 617. See also Corn. Majagua, bark for making trumpets 38: § 558. Makah basketry of the 41: 136. ceremonials of the 3: 107, 111. dance 3: 108. games of the 24: archery 383, 395. bean shooter 761. cat’s cradle 762, 776. dice games 197. hand games 321 sq. hoop and pole 421, 522. ring and pin 528, 559 sq. shinny 616, 643 sq. shuttlecock 718 sq. stick games 263 sqq. tops 748. habitat of the 7: 130. land cessions and reservations 18: 800, 860, 866. manuscript on music of the 42: 15. masks of the 3: 106-
Rio Mancos. Mancos Canyon, Colo. cliff ruins in 16: 81. objects from 24: 47, 228, 427, 648, 667. Mancos River, cavate lodges on 13: 222. Mancos Valley, mention of 4: 315. Mandan account of the 15: 196; 17: 159. and Hidatsa Indians, work among, of Miss Densmore 37: 21 sq. ceremonial among the 11: 437. ceremonial scarification of 46: 430. chronology of the 17: 370. chungke game among the 13: 99. cults of the 11: 501. dance of the 3: 332. dance of the, description of 11: 463. divisions of the 15: 163. epidemic among the 46: 406. feast of the 3: 273. games of the 24: archery 393. dice games 187. hand and foot ball 705, 707. hoop and pole 421, 511 sqq. running races 807, 808. similarity of, to Blackfeet games 58. snow-snake 419. Ghost dance among the 14: 817. “Golgothas” 1: 170. habitat of the 7: 116; 17: 158. Kiowa horse trade with 17: 251. Kiowa intercourse with 17: 156, 158. Kiowa name of 17: 159. ladder, described and figured 8: 158. land cessions and reservations 18: 786, 852, 900, 942. mention of 4: 101, 102, 107, 114, 119, 131, 186. modern pottery making by the 20: 58, 195. myths of the 19: 429.
sub1">binas for 30: 285-288. by proxy 42: 369. ceremonial, Kwakiutl 35: 1054-1058, 1067. ceremony, absence of 47: 540. ceremony, Tsimshian, description of 31: 531-534. ceremony used in 42: 368 sq. chieftainship by 38: § 744. clandestine, Tsimshian 31: 441. communal form of, Guiana Indian 30: 190 sq., 200 sq., 222. cousin, Tsimshian 31: 412, 440. cross cousin, Fox 40: 376, 377. customs, Acoma 47: 135 sq. customs, Biloxi 15: 244. customs, Cherokee 19: 481 sq. customs, Chickasaw 44: 199, 210, 211, 225-228. customs, Coeur d’AlÊne 45: 40, 161, 170 sqq. customs, Creek 42: 79, 368-384, 699. customs, Eskimo 9: 410-413; 18: 291 sq.; 46: 107. customs, Flathead 45: 382. customs, Fox 40: 185 sqq., 295, 311-315, 342, 344. customs, Guiana Indian 30: 314-318. customs, Kiowa 17: 231. customs, Okanagan 45: 287 sq. customs, Pueblo 13: 197. customs, Seri 17: 11, 87, 92, 158*, 279*-287*. customs, Seri, parallels to 17: 282* sq. customs, Thompson Indians 45: 406. customs, Upper Missouri 46: 504, 506, 507, 510 sqq., 522. customs, Wawenock 43: 177. customs, Winnebago 37: 138 sq. customs, ZuÑi 23: 304 sq. debt 35: 964, 1352. debt, payment of 35: 777, 779, 1085, 1087. determined by relationship 27: 313. endogamous, Creek 42: 355. evolution of 15: 201 sqq. feasts, Omaha 3: 260. forbidden within gens 27: 137. general account of 27: 318, 327, 641. gift, as insult 35: 1030. gifts, Fox 40: 315, 342. gifts, Kwakiutl 35: 432, 777, 840, 843, 845, 860, 862, 864, 865, 866, 867, 876, 880, 882, 886, 887, 888, 889, 894, 896, 901 sq., 984, 1033, 1352 sq. Guiana Indian 38: p. 666-672. illegitimate 35: 1075, 1094, 1097, 1105, 1108 sq., 1111. in clan or gens, prohibition of 15: 203. in savagery 15: CXIII. influenced by clan 42: 166 sq. laws, Kwakiutl 35: 1344 sq. laws, Omaha 3: mention of 255-258. permissive 257. prohibitory 256. remarriage 258. rights of parents 268. widowers 268. widows 267. mat, Kwakiutl 35: 1059. names transmitted 35: 824. of chief prevented by tribe 35: 977. of settlers favored by government 14: 374. of the Hopituh within phratries and gentes 8: 24. official and unofficial 42: 376. ordeals, Guiana Indian 30: 308, 309, 314-318. out of the tribe 35: 782. outside the clan 31: 441. payment in 35: 892, 901, 955, 961, 968, 969, 987; 42: 369. prerequisites for 30: 187. presage of 30: 275. regulated by twofold division 37: 183. regulations concerning, Creek 42: 165. regulations concerning, Wyandot 1: 63, 64. relationships, terms used in 42: 82. relative importance of 47: 476. requirements for 36: 48, 51. separation after 42: 371, 373, 374, 376. sham 35: 1013. sham battle at 35: 968, 1022. showing clan affiliations 47: 35. signs for 1: 290. tasks 30: 131 sq., 187, 316 sqq. temporary 42: 368, 371, 376. trial, Creek 42: 369, 374, 375. types of, Tsimshian 31: 440. with the Camos 35: 951. with the N?k!wax·da?x? 35: 1003. within Corn groups 47: 269. women instructed for, Winnebago 37: 177 sq. See also Celibacy; Divorce; Exogamy; Incest; Intermarriage; Polyandry; Polygamy. Marriage Bread customary offering, twenty loaves 32: 747, 752. offering of 32: 115, 123, 124, 139, 166, 167, 168, 191, 195, 196, 377, 463, 544, 555, 746. preparation of 32: 751. Marriage Ceremony. See Marriage, ceremony. Marriageability denoted by head ornament 13: 126. Married Couple attitude of, toward each other 42: 451. residence of 35: 1082. separation of 35: 895, 960, 1000, 1020, 1031, 1038, 1348. Marrow extraction of 11: 278. medicinal use of 43: 266. Marrying Dance description of 45: 191, 293, 388. reference to 45: 185. Marsh, Cutting, reference to 40: 546. Marsh, R. O. donation by, to United States National Museum 42: 10. with Tule Indians in Washington 42: 10. Marsh Marigold, use of 45: 467. Marshall, ——, 46: 72, 134, 136, 141, 142, 162, 239, 251, 252, 256. Marshall, B., wealth of 42: 333. Marshall, John, decision of, in Worcester v. State of Georgia 19: 119 sq. Marshall, J. R., architectural researches of 26: XI. Marshall, Park, quoted on Natchez Trace 42: 813. Marshals. See Soldiers. Marshlocks use of 44: 291. See also Potentilla Palustris. Marston Plantation, mounds on 44: 436. Marten among the Tlingit 26: clan name 398. house group name 401. in calendar 427. names for 476. source of personal names 422. myths concerning 11: 338. Martin, chief of Ottawa, on importance of wild rice to Indians 19: 1096. Martin, —— on expedition from Virginia through Cherokee country 19: 30. surveys by 18: 671. Martin, General ——, expedition against Cherokee country under 19: 65. Martin, Mrs. Ada, pottery p
reservations 18: 784. Mast 35: 99, 100. Mast-hole 35: 101. Masta, Abnaki chief, cited 4: 152. Masta, Henry, information furnished by 43: 177. Mastcomo, Hopi festival performed at 21: 36. Master of Breath mention of 42: 514, 584. See also Hisagita Immisi. Master of Ceremonies 38: § 278, 588. Master of Life, mention of 32: 61. Master of the Park, duties of 46: 443. “Masters of Waters,” beliefs concerning 42: 490. Mastication, effect of, on the Eskimo skull 46: 359. Mastodon bones of, found at Big Bone Lick 42: 790. bones of, found at Saltville 42: 752. in Potawatomi myth 14: 209. Mastodon Disease, basis for name of 42: 649. Maswick Katcinas appearance of, in PowamÛ festival 21: 36, 38. chorus of 21: 77. Mat
dgment to 42: 32. cited on naming customs 42: 98. cited on punishment for adultery 42: 353 sq. cited on Roly McIntosh 42: 331. information furnished by 42: 107, 145, 529, 532, 644. myth related by 42: 112, 113, 114. names furnished by 42: 99. McCormick, L. M., photographs of pictographs supplied by 25: 157 sq. McCormick Place, flint on 44: 517. McCoy, ——, survey by 18: 727. McCoy, A., grant of land to 18: 671. McCoy, Isaac, on Osage devotions 36: 50. McCoy, J. C., survey by 18: 709. McCue, J. M., killed at Wounded Knee 14: 872. McCulloch, Benjamin, Confederate commander in Cherokee country 5: 326. McCulloch, Charles E., mound on land of 12: 436; 42: 756. McCulloch, J. H., advocates Indian origin of mounds 5: 84. McCullogh, ——, on De Soto’s route 19: 193. McCullogh, John, Delaware captive 14: 668. McCullogh Farm, flint on 44: 510. McCulloh, ——, 46: 218. McCulloh, James H., ascribes the mounds to Indians 12: 600. McCurtain, Zeno beliefs recorded by 44: 195. information from 44: 178, 270. McCusker, Philip interpreter at Medicine Lodge treaty 17: 186, 321. surrender of Kiowa to 17: 211. McCutheonsville, treaty of 18: 734. M’Donald, A., cited 6: 410. McDonald, Dr. A. J., on rock fissure burial 1: 127. McDonald, W. J. 46: 35. McDowell, —— defeat of Ferguson by 19: 57. on Ohio Cherokee 19: 79. McDuffie, ——, report concerning Fresno River reserve by 18: 822. McElmel Valley 4: 315. McElmo Bluff, masonry of buildings on 40: 3. McElmo Canyon, exploration in 40: 2 sq. McElmo District, visit to ruin of 39: 12. McElwee, Judge W. E. acknowledgment to 42: 841. cited 42: 846. McEwen, Lieut. Norman, assistance rendered by 41: 89. McFarland, Colonel ——, expedition under 19: 75. McGavock, J. Williamson, acknowledgment to 42: 759. McGee, Mrs. Ann, mound on land of, Tennessee 12: 377. McGee, Dr. W. J. acknowledgments to 13: 378; 15: 18; 19: 1020; 20: 17; 25: 18. acting director of Bureau 24: LX sq. administrative report by 22, i: IX-XLIV. appointment of 15: XIX. ceremonies among Yaki Indians witnessed by 22, i: XXXIV. cited on Seri “Second harvest” 26: 71. collections made by 20: XXIV. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. directed to examine Casa Grande 15: 347. ethnologic collection made by 22, i: XXXVIII sq. examination of Casa Grande by 15: 329. examination of Casa Grande recommended by 15: 344-347. examination of quarry shops by 15: 52. field work by 20: X; 22, i: XI sq., XXVII sq. letter of transmittal by 22, i: III. material collected by 24: 146, 148, 354. memoirs by 15: XCVII, 153-204; 17: LVI, LXIII-LXVII, 1-344*; 19: XLIII sq. mention of 34: 249. notes by 18: 649, 869. obituary of 48: 1221. office work by 20: XIV, XVI, XVII sqq., XXII; 22, i: XV sq., XXIV. on archeology of District of Columbia 15: 31. on beginnings of agriculture 19: 1056. on beginnings of mathematics 19: 874 sq., 877. on California number names 19: 871. on cult of the Quarters 19: 948 sq. on dice games, Papago 24: 148. on geology of workshop sites 15: 31. on hidden ball, Papago 24: 354 sq. on influence of bison on migration of Siouan stock 19: 1043. on Maya method of computation 19: 933. on Mayan arithmetical methods 22, i: 282. on origin of Assiniboin tribe 19: 1054. on primitive numbers 19: 821-851. on relation between barefoot and sandal-wearing people and the vigesimal system 19: 925. on saguaro hook 26: 103. paper prepared on invitation of 24: 30. papers on primitive psychology by 23: XXII. psychologic studies of 23: XX. reconnaissances of, in Colorado 23: XVI. report on Casa Grande by 15: 348 sq. researches of 14: XXXVIII; 16: XXVI, XXIX, XXX, XXXIII sqq., L, LIII, LIV, LX, LXII, LXVIII, LXXVII. resignation of 25: IX. Seri language recorded by 21: XXV. sketch of J. Owen Dorsey by 15: 207. sociologic studies of 23: XVI. source of implement material traced by 15: 101. study of Seri by 21: XIV, XVII. work of 15: XXIV, XXVI, XXXI, XXXV, XLVI, LVIII, LIX, LXII, LXXIV, LXXX; 17: XL-XLV, LI; 18: XXVIII, XXXII, XXXVI-XLI, X
>Medicinal Plants of the Pima 26: 79 sq. of the ZuÑi 30: 39-64. Medicinal Springs, reference to 29: 197, 549. Medicine a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 175. administered by bird 32: 275. administered to war chiefs 47: 49. ancient Peruvian knowledge of 16: 11. ceremonial use of 47: 122. definition of 14: 105. disposition of, after use 8: 259. emancipation of, from religion 20: LI. Eskimo 9: 422 sq. evil, odor associated with 40: 38. experts in 35: 644. explanation of the term 43: 610 sq. for bringing dead to life 32: 274. for children 47: 218. for the hunt 44: 240. for war gens only 40: 159, 161. from bright-colored flowers 47: 874. fundamental control of 20: XLIX sq. history of 20: L-LVII. hunting, of the Menomini 14: 213. instructions concerning 44: 326. Iroquois myth giving origin of 2: 18. Iroquoian myth giving origin of Seneca 2: 70. meaning of term 21: 15, 16. mystery in Potawatomi myth 14: 208. mystic origin of 14: 89, 90, 92 sq., 119, 208, 209. myths concerning 19: 250 sqq., 435 sq. notable use of 47: 285. plants used as 44: 322-368. practice of 44: 263-272; 46: 422-426. practice of, by jugglery 14: 140. practice of, by Shakers 14: 761. prayers for collecting 47: 830-834. preparations of the Menomini 14: 153. primitive 11: XXVIII, 269, 274, 325, 417, 427, 454, 495. quantity prepared 44: 325. rites of, before battle 15: 689. sanctuario visited for 47: 244 sq. season for gathering 44: 325. secrecy concerning 44: 324. signs for 1: 386. size of dose 44: 329. small dose 32: 491. symbolism of 9: 582. thaumaturgic 11: 75, 97, 104, 125, 134, 194. to induce child-bearing 40: 337, 605. to prevent conception 40: 329. tribal, of the Cherokee 19: 396 sq., 503. tubes for, in Navaho ceremonial 8: 241, 244, 246, 250, 257, 258, 264. use of pottery in, by American aborigines 20: 25. use of the word 46: 486. used in ball game 14: 136. used to kill witch 32: 555.
ss="isub1">time of year when they consume wild rice 19: 1087. vocabulary of the, recorded 15: LXXXV. wild rice gathered by 19: 1062, 1063. wild rice thrashing stick 19: 1068. winnowing wild rice by the 19: 1071. work among the 43: 10 sq. Menomini(ee) Language certain forms of 28: 239. consonantic clusters in 28: 283. description of 28: 249-252. examples in comparison with 28: Abnaki 239, 283, 284. Algonkin 243, 244, 245, 259, 261, 262, 265, 267, 271, 273. Cree 238, 239, 243, 244, 245, 259, 261, 267, 268, 269, 271, 279, 284, 286. Cree-Montagnais 259, 261, 262, 273, 277, 278, 279, 286. Delaware 239, 243, 244, 257, 260 sq., 267, 270, 273, 279. Eastern Algonkin 257, 270. Fox 239, 243, 244, 257, 259, 261, 262, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279, 283, 284. Kickapoo 259, 267, 272. Micmac 273. Minsi 239. Montagnais 259, 261, 267, 279, 286. Moose Cree 262. Natick 239, 243, 244, 265, 268, 273. Ojibwa 238, 239, 243, 244, 245, 257, 259, 261, 262, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 279, 283, 284. Ottawa 245, 259, 261, 262, 265, 267. Passamaquoddy 239, 243, 267, 283, 284, 286. Penobscot 238 sq., 267, 283, 284. Peoria 239, 244, 257, 259, 261, 262, 265, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 279, 283, 284. Potawatomi 259, 262, 265. Sauk 259, 267, 272. Shawnee 239, 243, 244, 245, 257, 259, 261, 262, 267, 270, 272, 273, 279, 283, 284. Stockbridge 290. Turtle Mountain (Ojibwa dialect) 239. independent mode in 28: 231, 259, 265, 268. indicative mode in 28: 273. noun endings in 28: 272. pronunciation of 28: 227. relationship of 28: 231, 238, 244, 289. subjunctive mode in 28: 246, 269. suppositive mode in 28: 273. Menomini River Menomini name of 14: 39. wild rice in 19: 1033. Menomini(ee)’s Band, reservation for 18: 740. Menoquet’s Band cession of reserve for 18: 762, 764. reservation for 18: 742. Menstruation action of ZuÑi women during 23: 303. among the Kwakiutl 35: 521, 647. among the Pima 26: 183. beliefs concerning, Creek 42: 651. beliefs regarding effect of 35: 608, 719, 733, 747. customs concerning, Chickasaw 44: 220. customs concerning, Creek 42: 356. customs concerning, Isleta 47: 242. customs concerning, Flathead 45: 382. customs concerning, Okanagon 45: 288. hut for women during 30: 250, 311 sqq. in Cherokee myth and belief 19: 319 sq., 469. inducing of 30: 52. influence of 35: 1173. irregularity in, remedies used for 42: 660, 662. mythic origin of 14: 173. ordeals at 30: 308 sq., 310 sq. restrictions at time of 30: 199 sq., 241, 250, 311 sqq. spirit amativeness at time of 30: 241, 248 sq. See also Catamenial Customs; Puberty. Mental Disorder, gestures in 1: 276. Mentality, Western Eskimo 46: 83, 92, 94, 107, 134, 213-228, 240, 250. Mentasta Pass, Indians 46: 124. Mentha Canadensis 33: 112; 45: 475, 502, 503, 507. Menthaceae 33: 111. Mentuig, Father Juan reference to 28: 56. See also Rudo Ensayo. Mentzelia Laevicaulis 45: 474. Menunkatuck’s Squaw, reference to 18: 613. Menzies, ——, acknowledgment to 34: 66. Mercator, G., map by, cited 14: 403. Mercer, H. C. examination of quarry shops by 15: 52. jasper quarries discovered by 15: 89, 140. Mercer, Henry C., material collected by 24: 541. Mercer, W. A., assigned as officer in charge at Indian Congress at Omaha 20: XVI. Merchandising, element of 20: XLVI sq. Meredith, —— on adoption of Cherokee constitution 19: 113. on John Ross 19: 114, 224. Meredith Place, flint on 44: 509. MeriÑo, Archbishop ——, archeological collection of 25: 17 sq. MeriÑo Collection, mention of 34: 227. Meriwether, D. on Cochiti 29: 439. on Pojoaque 29: 334. on Sandia 29: 527. on Sia 29: 518. Mermaid, legends concerning 30: 251. Merostachys sp., for basketry 38: § 100. Merrell, Henry, on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1023. Merriam, Dr. C. Hart assistance rendered by 47: 4. collection of 24: 139. material collected by 24: 139, 143, 596. on dice games, Miwok 24: 143. on dice games, Wiktchamne 24: 139 sq. on racket, Miwok 24: 596 sq. petroglyph photographed by 10: 61. Merriam, Col. Henry C. description of petroglyph by 10: 122 sq. discovery of petroglyph by 4: 26. operation of, against Big Foot 14: 865. troops under, in Sioux outbreak 14: 850. Merrick, J. L., cited on Mohammedanism 14: 932. Merrill, G. P., reference to 44: 370. Merritt, J. K. cited 6: 14, 16, 49. exploration of Bugaba cemetery by 6: 17, 18, 20. Merriwether, —— report on boundaries by 18: 789. treaty concluded by 18: 849. Merriwether, Gen. David commissioner for Cherokee treaty 5: 209, 212, 216, 235. treaty signed by 19: 103. Merriwether, James, commissioner to extinguish Indian title in Georgia 5: 233, 235. Mesa, Spanish soldier cured by quince juice 14: 538. Mesa, Ariz. railroad extended to 26: 64. references to 28: 51, 55. work on 32: 29. Miami Language, relation of, to Peoria 28: 270. Miami-Peoria Dictionary, translation of part of 36: 28. Miami River Seminole settlement 5: 477, 478. treaties of 18: 650, 684, 688. Miami River Ottawa, treaty with 18: 748. Miami Valley mound burial in 1: 120. pottery 20: 184 sqq. pottery, probable gradation of East Tennessee pottery into 20: 182. Miantonomi, sale of land by 18: 620 sqq. Miantonomoh, allied to Nehantic 43: 217. Mica deposit of 29: 158. Eskimo ornaments made of 18: 54. plates, finding of, in Pueblo ruins 22, i: 111. plates, frauds 4: 247. Tewa name for 29: 581 sq. use of, as tempering material 20: eastern United States pottery 48. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 84. Gulf Coast pottery 111. South Appalachian pottery 138. use of, in inlaying, eastern United States pottery 20: 52. use of, in utensil making 15: 105.
rom 34: 164. Mills among the Cherokee 19: 85, 104. for grinding, development of 20: XL. of Pueblo women 14: 522. Millsborough, Pa., petroglyphs at 4: 20, 224; 10: 110. Millspaugh, ——, cited 30: 48. Milu 33: 299, 620, 660. Milwaukee, Indians at, in 1673 14: 18. Milwaukee Public Museum, acknowledgment to 37: 48. Milwaukee River Chippewa, Ottawa and Potawatomi, treaties with 18: 680 sqq., 722 sqq. Mimbeu, panpipe 38: § 566. Mimble Apache, disposal of land claimed by 18: 922. Mimbres Valley Lower, report on archeology of 36: 11. pottery of 41: 82. Mimicking, anger of spirit at 30: 194. Mimicry, part played by, in athletics 19: LXIV, LXV sq. Mimosaceae 33: 89. Mimusops 38: § 23. Minabozho an Ojibwa deity 7: 166. tradition of 10: 252. Mind, responsivity of the 17: 268* sq. Mindeleff, Cosmos acknowledgments to 8: 14, 15. collection from Casa Grande 28: 119 sq., 122. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. description of Casa Grande by 28: 72, 79 sqq., 86. Homolobi group of pueblos identified by 22, i: 22. Homolobi ruins examined by 17: 532. localization of Tusayan clans by 19: 635-653. memoirs by 16: LXXXVIII, XCI, 73-198; 17: LXIII sqq., LXX sq., 469-517; 19: XXIX, XLI; 28: 119. monographs by 28: 185. obituary of 48: 1221. office work of 6: XLVII, XLVIII. on aboriginal remains in Arizona 13: LIII, 185-261. on absence of kivas in Verde ruins 17: 561. on Casa Grande ruin 13: LVII, 289-319. on cavate houses 17: 543. on function of cavate lodges 17: 544. on kivas at Mishongnovi 19: 966. on migration in Verde Valley 28: 158. on origin of circular kivas 17: 576. on researches of F. H. Cushing 28: 72. on ruins on Verde River 28: 217 sq. on similarity of cliff dwellings and pueblos 17: 537. on Snake dance at Mishongnovi 16: 273; 19: 973. on traditional history of Tusayan 8: 16-41. on Verde Valley ruins 17: 535. operations of 13: XXVI, XXVIII, XXXVII. papers by 28: 21 sq. published Snake dance in 1886 19: 965. publication of memoirs by 17: LVI, LVII. references to 28: 88, 188, 211. repair of Casa Grande, paper on, by 15: CII, 315-349. researches by 14: XXXVII; 16: XIX, XX, XXII, XXIII, XXVI, XXVII, XXX, XXXV, XXXVIII, XL, XLIII, XLVII, LXI, LXVII. summary of work of 15: LXX, LXXVI. tcuhuki found by 28: 101. work of 5: XXV, XXXVI; 7: XXV-XXVIII, XXXIII; 8: XXVI, XXVII; 9: XXX sq., XL sq.; 10: XXII sq.; 11: XXXVI; 15: XXI, XXV, XXVIII, XXXIII, XXXVII, XLI, XLIII, XLV, XLVII, L, LII, LIV, LVI, LVIII, LX, LXII, LXIII, LXV, LXVI; 22, i: 125. Mindeleff, Victor architecture, study of Tusayan, reference to 19: 579. Awatobi described by 17: 602. collections of 4: 293, 311, 338; 6: XLIX. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. data by, on Navaho houses 17: 476. description of Pueblo prayer ceremonies by 10: 511. ground plan of Chukabi by 17: 583. ground plan of Hawikuh by 14: 363. ground plan of Mishiptonga by 17: 590. Kintiel ruin described by 22, i: 125. material collected by 24: 634. notice of paper on pueblo architecture of 8: XXXIV. obituary of 48: 1221. office work of 6: XLVII, XLVIII. on antiquity of kiva forms 19: 988. on Awatobi kivas 17: 612. on ceremonial use of colors by Pueblo Indians 10: 622. on development of rectangular architecture 4: 475. on distribution of Tusayan ruins 17: 577. on former sites of Walpi 17: 585. on Horn-house and Bat-house 17: 590. on kivas at Mishongnovi 19: 966. on notched doorways 13: 254. on origin of circular kivas 17: 576. on origin of Pueblo house benches 17: 496. on Pueblo farming outlooks 13: 303. on Pueblo kivas 13: 257. on Pueblo mealing trough 14: 522. paper on Pueblo architecture by 8: 3-228. reference to memoir by 14: XLVIII. report by, on Casa Grande 15: 327. Shitaimovi mentioned by 17: 582. Sikyatki described by 17: 632. sketches and models made by 23: 18. study of Pueblo architec
references to 27: 57, 91, 626, 627, 629, 630. sign for 1: 477. trading post on 27: 81, 612. Missouri River Railroad Co., sale of land to 18: 823, 840. Missouri Valley abundance of pottery in 20: 23. pottery making by Indians of 20: 58. pottery of 20: 187 sq., 194, 201. probable origin of Hopewell mounds obsidian in 20: 195. relations of pottery of 20: 147, 194. See also Northwestern Pottery. Missouria, removed to Indian territory 5: 364. Mist, terms relating to 29: 54. M?´stÄvi?´nÛt, a Cheyenne division 14: 1026. Mistletoe abundant along Gila 26: 71. in Cherokee lore 19: 420. medicinal use of 42: 659. Misyahu, investigation of site of 43: 9. Mitaui, sketch of the 14: 734. Mitawit ceremonies, decline of 14: 137, 157, 158. form of procession in 14: 102 sq. list of members of 14: 84 sq. of the Menomini 14: 66-138. origin of the 14: 114. Mitawok and Wadenoak, comparison of 14: 155. Mitchell, ——, on seat of government 42: 310. Mitchell, D. P., survey of Cherokee boundary by 5: 365. Mitchell, J. A. material collected by 24: 68, 230, 403 sq., 536, 652, 791. on dice game, Cree 24: 68 sq. on double ball, Cree 24: 652. on European games, Cree, Chippewa 24: 791. on hand game, Cree 24: 270. on hidden ball, Cree 24: 342. on ring and pin, Cree 24: 536. Mitchell, John, on influence of wild rice on geographic nomenclature 24: 1120, 1121, 1122.
. on Spanish encouragement of Indian hostility 19: 67. on Thomas Walker’s expedition 19: 39. Money as an element of commerce 20: XLVII sq. introduction of 27: 617. Kiowa chronology of 17: 254. shell, use of 42: 721 sq. sign for 1: 297. Mongolian Skulls 46: 261. Mongolian Spot, cause of 30: 326. Mongoloid affinities of the Eskimo 46: 299. features of the Western Eskimo 46: 214-227. Mongols, magic drums of the 10: 514-517. MongÚba Tree, bark of, for rough hammocks 38: § 458. Mo?´hi?Çi, keeper of Sacred Pipe ritual 27: 187. Mo?´hi?thi?ge, keeper of Tent of War 27: 452 sqq. Moniac, Sam, Creek name of 42: 105. Moniko Indians, modeling among the 30: 140. Mo?i?ka Gens of the Kansa 27: 67. Monkey basketry design of 38: § 445. beliefs concerning 30: 366. head of clay 34: 68. hunting of 38: § 170. in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 214. in Mexican mythology 16: 221. in Quicha mythology 16: 243. string figure of 38: § 672. taming of, and in captivity 38: § 722. use of, for food 30: 295, 297. See also Baboons; Howler Monkey; Orang-utans. Monkey-God of the Hindus 16: 221. “Monkey” Teapot from Barbados 34: 86. Monkey Throat Box 38: § 385. Monkey Vases made by negroes 34: 164. MoÑkohu, use of, in representations of Hopi katcinas 21: 59. Mo?ko?´ Gens of the Ponca 27: 44, 48, 439. Monk’s Mound, examination of 13: XXIX. Mono games of the 24: ball race 666, 679. bean shooter 760. buzz 756. dice games 166. European games 796. football 698, 704. hand game 310, 311. hoop and pole 498. hot ball 714. shinny 617, 635. Monocacy Creek, rhyolite quarries on 15: 79. Monogamic Character of Seri marriages 17: 285*. Monogamy, observance of 47: 135. Monolepis Chenopoides, preparation of, for food 26: 70. Monolithic animal at Quirigua 22, i: figure showing part of 211. great cycle symbol from 266. celts 34: 173, 174, 176. Monominee Cashee, Ojibwa treaty signer 14: 28. Monongahela River, pictographs on 4: 21. Monongahela Valley, character of pottery of 20: 183. Monotheism definition of 1: 30, 32, 142. See also God; Gods. MoÑpa, Ala clan at 19: 590. Monroe, E., surveys by 18: 872. Monroe, Pres. James approval of allotment project by 19: 114. on relations of Cherokee and Georgia 5: 238, 239. protest to, by Georgia delegation in Congress 19: 115. reply to Georgia’s protest by 19: 115 sq. Monroe, Thomas, inclosure on land of 12: 468. Monroe County, Tenn., vessel from 20: 182. Monsoni population of 7: 49. reference to 28: 234. Mo?so´tsemo?i?, an Osage gens 27: 39. Monster Myths 11: 42. Monsters believed in by the Eskimo 18: 441-449. in Oceanic mythology 16: 214. significance of representations of 20: 100. Montagnais efforts of the, to establish peace 43: 455. games of the 24: archery 383, 384 sq. ring and pin 538 sq. tossed ball 708. of the Ungava district 11: 181. population of the 7: 49. Montagnais Language cluster st in 28: 234. description of 28: 247 sqq. examples in comparison with 28: Algonkin 267, 272. Cheyenne 286. Cree 247, 248, 260, 261, 267, 269, 272, 279, 286. Delaware 259, 260 sq., 267, 269, 279, 286. Fox 247, 248, 260, 261, 267, 272, 279. Kickapoo 267. Malecite 269, 279. Menominee 261, 267, 279, 286. Natick 286. Ojibwa 261, 267, 269, 272, 279, 286. Ottawa 267. Passamaquoddy 267, 286. Penobscot 267, 269, 279. Peoria 267, 272. Sauk 267. Shawnee 267, 279. independent mode in 28: 259 sq. pronunciation of 28: 227. references to 28: 225, 239. relationships of 28: 238, 243. subjunctive mood in 28: 260. “suppositif” of the “subjonctif” in 28: 260. See also Cree-Montagnais; Rupert’s House Cree. Montana Kiowa formerly in 17: 155. military posts, etc., in 17: 384. pictured rocks in 10: 90. MontanÉ, Dr. Luis, collections under directorship of 34: 248. Montauk Tribe, contacts of the 43: 210. Montcalm consideration of, for Pontiac 11: 669. Menomini at fall of 14: 16. Monte y Tejada, Antonio del diary of Columbus republished by 25: 203. on Dominican amulets 25: 139. Monteith, ——, agreement concluded by 18: 847. Montejo, ——, feats of, in Tabasco 14: 540. Monterey, Calif., natives of 7: 71. Monterey, Tenn., standing stone at 42: 834. Montesano, population of 7: 105. Montesinos, Fernando on lovers’ idol 25: 143. on Peruvian sacred flour 9: 511. Montezuma, Dr. Carlos incident relating to 26: 55. reference to 28: 35. Montezuma: 50. Morales, Bachiller y. See Bachiller. Morality of the Point Barrow Eskimo 9: 31. Morals of the Pima 26: 197 sqq. of the Tlingit 26: 427 sq. See also Ideals; Morality. Moran, J. M. 46: 370. Moran, Thomas, Canyon de Chelly ruins visited by 16: 80. Morancy, F. W., aid rendered by 2: 429. Moravian among the Cherokee 19: 83 sq. mourning 1: 166. Moravian Indians. See Christian Indians. Moravian Missionaries, cited 6: 463. Morchella Esculenta 33: 63. MorÉ, wooden bench 38: § 328. Morel 33: 63. Morelli, D. Cyriaci on Quivira 29: 566. on San Juan 29: 213. Moreno, Honduras, method of forming numbers 19: 914. More’s Landing, asphalt from 44: 105. Mores, number of specimens from 34: 50. Morfi, Padre —— history of Texas by 23: XLI. manuscript history of Texas by, work on translation of 22, i: XXXVIII. Morfi, Juan A. de on Hopi pueblos in 1782 17: 579. on Quivira 29: 566. on settlement of Sandia 17: 584. Morgan, ——, enigmatic objects found by 34: 115.
li> general observations respecting 12: 595. houses of the 12: 17, 203, 208, 227, 229, 587, 661-664. identification of the 13: L. made use of fiber in burial ceremonies 12: 17. Mayas were not the 12: 18. mention of 4: 406; 25: 231. methods of, in art 2: 149. Mexicans were not the 12: 18. mode of lathing houses by 12: 206, 209. not addicted to human sacrifice 12: 676. of Ohio, identity of 20: 183, 194. of Mississippi Valley 28: 15 sq. often buried dead in a sitting posture 12: 674. probably Cherokee 5: 87-107. probably practiced burning captives 12: 676. probably tortured captives 12: 676. Pueblo tribes were not the 12: 18. relation of, to the Indians, discussion of 12: 595-730. removed flesh before burial 12: 17. section of, defined 12: 524. shell ornaments of, similar to those of the Indians 12: 684. skill of, in sculpture 2: 148. structures of, mound containing fragments of 12: 400 sq. study of the 13: XLV. usually interred their dead 12: 672. wars among, proof of tribal divisions 12: 603. were Indians 12: 610. were they Indians? 12: 596. works of, compared with those of the Indians 12: 651, 659-671. Mound Burial Choctaw 1: 120. Creek 42: 701. Florida 1: 119, 120. Miami Valley 1: 120. mention of 1: 115. Ohio 1: 117, 118. Mound Canyon, Ariz., petroglyphs in 10: 51. Mound Explorations 5: XX sq.; 7: XVI sqq.; 9: XXV sq.; 10: X sq., XXII; 11: XXV; 13: XXII, XXVI; 15: XX, XXIV, XXVII, XXXVI, XLII. Mound Prairie, west group 37: 91. Mound Villages, Utah 4: 287 sq. Mounds absence of 46: 576. age of 12: 626, 627; 37: 79, 84 sq. and other ancient work, various types of 12: 602. animal 2: 152. artificial, in center of settlements 42: 174 sq. at Casa Grande, general description of 28: 86 sq. bone implements from 12: 153, 382. buildings on 41: 501. builders of 37: 76. burial in 5: 3-119; 44: 416-421, 424, 427, 447 sqq., 453-463, 465 sq. character of pottery of 20: Florida Peninsula 117. Gulf Coast 104, 106. Middle Mississippi Valley 82. Cherokee legends concerning 19: 395 sq., 501 sq. Chickasaw explanation of 42: 64. Chickasaw name for 44: 178. clay casts of maize from 12: 205, 207. conical, definition of 12: 29. conical, excavation of 44: 415. conical, in rows or lines 12: 537. connected (chain mounds) 12: 52, 536. containing altars (so called) 12: 130, 570. containing evidence of contact with European civilization 12: 18, 42, 45, 51, 59, 65, 67, 73, 78, 80, 120, 154, 163, 274, 275, 314, 319-324, 337, 371, 376, 393, 398, 403, 431, 486. copper articles from 12: 76, 81, 145, 285, 303-307, 309, 320, 324, 336, 338, 339, 351 sq., 376, 383, 710-714. cultivation of surface of 41: 574. description of 41: 499 sqq., 509 sq., 559 sq., 561 sq., 588 sq., 590. destruction of, by badgers 33: 185, 188. distribution of 37: 77, 78. dome-shaped or beehive vaults in 12: 554. dome-shaped or conical 44: 414. double 12: 253, 254. effect of earthquake on 12: 199. elongate or wall-like 12: 30, 35, 55, 533, 534. engraved shells from 3: 61, 62; 12: 306, 307, 338, 339, 376, 377, 383, 384, 402, 575. European pottery from 12: 321, 326. examination of 43: 13 sq. excavated near Safety Harbor, Fla. 47: 2. excavation of, at Lacooche, Fla. 47: 2. excavation of, in Cuba 34: 247. explorations in 3: XXIV; 14: XXXVII; 41: 38. fires at erection of 41: 499 sq. fish-shaped vessels from 12: 192. flat-topped, purpose of 44: 449. glass from 12: 163, 275, 321. gourd-shaped vessel from 12: 190. great number of 44: 410. houses of chiefs placed on 12: 649, 650. Illinois 1: 118, 119. image vessels from 12: 188, 205, 221, 235, 237, 263, 279. in Alaska 46: 172, 183, 184, 206. in Allen County, Kansas 44: 488-491. in Mason County, Ky. 42: 755 sq. in northern Honduras 19: XLI sq. in vicinity of Alexandria, La. 44: 409. investigated by Dr. Roberts 47: 6. iron articles from 12: 163, 274, 275, 319, 320, 337. iron knife from 12: 275. Mexican 25: near Antigua 243, 244. near Tampico, general remarks 271-275. near Tampico, ruins near Altamira 276. near Tampico, ruins near Champayan lagoon 277. near Tampico, shell heaps 275. types of 271. moccasin-shaped pot from 12: 376. mode of depositing dirt in, shown 12: 270-274. near Barrow 46: 166, 169. near Burton Mound 44: 68. near Kimmswick, Mo. 44: 487 sq. near Marksville, La. 44: 406, 410-433. near Pikeville, Tenn. 42: 838. near Shreveport, La. 44: 406 sqq. near Waverly, Ohio 44: 499-505. number of, explored 12: 23. occurrence of European wares in 20: 120, 130. of Santa Rita 19: characteristics of 663 sqq. classification 662 sq. paintings on the walls of 665-670. of stone 1: 118; 12: 544. Mumtrak Crania basiofacial diameters 46: 279-282. dental arch 46: 275. facial 46: 266. facial angles 46: 285. means 46: 286. mention of 46: 257, 259, 262, 263. orbits 46: 274. skulls of children 46: 295. Mundurucu 38: § 510, 517, 577. Mung-kiva of Mashongnavi 8: 127. of Shupaulovi 8: 113, 122. of Tusayan 8: 134. Muniri Ants 38: § 926. MuÑiz, Antonio collection by 19: XXIX. publication of memoir by 17: LVI. MuÑiz, M. A. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. obituary of 48: 1221. preparation of memoir by 15: XXXI, XLI. MuÑiz, M. A., and McGee, W. J., memoir on primitive trephining by 16: LXXXVIII sq., 3-72. Munn & Co., gift by, to bureau 34: 29. MuÑoz, ——
also Ceremonial Observances; Myth; Myths; Religion; Religious Ceremonies; War Gods; and various tribal names. Mytho-Sociologic Organization of the ZuÑi 13: 367. Myths analysis of 32: 58. and folktales, Guiana Indian, list of 30: 109 sqq. and mythic animals, pictured 10: 468-490. and songs from South Pacific, cited on tattooing 4: 76. and tales 47: 142-190. Antillean 25: 72-76. Cherokee, memoir on 19: XXXVII sqq., 3-548. Cherokee, work on 19: XXVI; 22, i: XXXIV sq. comparative study of 22, i: XXIX sq. concerning Corn Maids 47: 914-919. concerning Katcinas 47: 922, 925, 938, 984, 986, 991, 1003, 1012, 1020, 1026, 1028, 1032, 1036, 1040, 1042, 1048, 1051, 1058, 1078. concerning Menomini totems 14: 39 sqq. concerning the buffalo 11: 476. creation 11: 430, 513, 519. creation, of the ZuÑi 13: XXXVIII, XLIV, LVII, 321-447. defense of 20: CLXXVII-CLXXXIV. definition of 32: 66. development of 19: LXXXII sqq. explaining use of eagle feathers 47: 864-867. fictitious only in form 32: 61. interchange of, among tribes 19: 234 sq. Iroquois, work on 19: XXVI; 22, i: XXXV sq. Isleta emergence 47: 359-363. language, Hebrew 1: 28. language, Kaibabit 1: 28. of Buffalo spirits 37: 437. of Katcina dancing 47: 497. of the Creek 42: creation 487 sq. confused with tales 2. illustrating diseases and remedies 636 sqq. ritualization of 63. of the Eskimo 11: 195; 18: 450-518. of the Fox Indians 40: reflect Fox ethnology 37. ritualistic origin, importance of 37. written by Alfred Kiyana 27. of the Iroquois 4: 190; 43: 464-469. of the Mandans 11: 506. of the Pima 26: abstracts 247-250. Children of Cloud 239 sq. coyote 230-237. creation myth 206-230, 237 sq. mention of 206-242. origin of the horse 241 sq. preservation of 206. Skull and his magic 241. of the Sia Indians 11: 19, 146. origin and emergence 47: 147 sq., 547. origin-migration 47: 24. origin, story from 47: 134. Pueblo, work on 22, i: XXXVI. relating of 46: 607 sq. used by Peyote members 37: 424 sq. ZuÑi, work on 22, i: XXXVI. See also Creation Myths; Myth; Mythology; Origin Myths. N Na. See Eagle Phratry, Tlingit. Naa day symbol, discussion of 16: 250. Naacnaiya or NaÁcnaiya ceremony of the Hopi 15: 263. description of 21: 21. duration of 21: 20. fraternities taking part in 21: 23. Na-aputk`t`, in fight with Apache 26: 53 sq. Naas, use of labrets among 3: 88. Naaxtadji, derivation of 21: 126. Nababish, cession of reserve at 18: 764. NÄ´bai-dÄ´cho, a Caddo division 14: 1092. NabakobÁhi, Warrau name for banab 38: § 293. Nabedache a Caddo division 14: 1092. custom of the 42: 702. Nabobask, reservation at residence of 18: 698. Nacab Kiva bird dance in, in PamÜrti festival 21: 29. dances in, in SoyaluÑa 21: 25. display of war-god image in, in SoyaluÑa 21: 26. PalÜlÜkoÑti festival at, in 1893 21: 27. participants from, in PamÜrti 21: 27. personation of Malo Katcina in 21: 30. PowamÛ bird dance performed by men of 21: 32. Nacameri, location and duration of 17: 69 sq. Nachan, meaning of 16: 222. Nacogdoches a Caddo division 14: 1092. founding of 42: 829. Indians, mission among 42: 832. road starting from 42: 831 sq. trail to 42: 829. Nacogdoches Archives, reference to 28: 16. Nacoochee mound, collections from 37: 30. mound, excavation of 37: 1 sqq. origin of name 37: 1 sq. pseudomyth concerning 19: 416. See also Cauchi. Nacochtank, quarry work by inhabitants of 15: 71. Nacti, legendary Pima maid 28: 46. Nadaillac, Marquis de cited 6: 14, 38; 12: 565, 611, 620, 683, 729. mention of 46: 333, 355, 371. on Chiriquian methods of casting 6: 38. on Mexican arrow chipping 13: 142. statement by, correction of 12: 530. work by, cited 28: 62. NÄda´ko or Nadako a Caddo division 14: 1092. early mention of the 14: 1094. in Texas, union of, with Cherokee 19: 143. See also Anadarko. Nadal, Pedro, exploration by 17: 51. Nadi´isha-de´na, native name of Kiowa Apache 14: 1081. NadÍishaÑ-dÉna native name of Kiowa Apache 17: 156, 245. meaning of 17: 246. Nadouessi, a synonym of Sioux 14: 1050. Nadowesi, a synonym of Sioux 14: 1057. Nadowesiu, a synonym of Sioux 14: 1057. Nadowessioux, meaning of 15: 158. Naensx·Ä of the Koskimo, story of the 35: 1256. Nafudi. See Tamuchi. Nagache, meaning of 16: 228. Nagranda method of forming numbers
1">use of, by Point Barrow Eskimo 9: 65-72. use of, by ZuÑi 30: 37, 41, 46. Narragansett assimilation of, by Mohegan-Pequot 43: 208 sq. extermination of, by English and Mohegan 43: 207. games of the 24: dice games 80 sq. football 697, 699. stick games 231. land cessions and reservations 18: 619, 623 sq. related to the Nehantic 43: 217. Narrative of an Expedition to St. Peter’s River, quoted 4: 150. Narratives in sign language 1: 500. Narrow-leaf Cottonwood, use of, in ceremonies 30: 96 sq. Narrows of Pitman Creek, Ky., fortifications at 42: 803. Narvaez, Panfilo de authority for explorations granted to 14: 346. drowned off mouth of Mississippi 14: 347. expedition of 14: 349. expedition, rumors of survivors of, heard by Coronado 14: 507, 590. imprisoned in Mexico 14: 346. loses vessel on voyage from Spain 14: 346.
sub1">use of, in decoration of TcutckutÛ 21: 67. See also Shell; Turquoise. Necks Eastern United States, development of 20: 62. Gulf Coast pottery 20: 105, 108. Iroquoian pottery 20: 161. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 90-93. New Jersey-New England pottery 20: 175. Northwestern pottery 20: 196. Ohio Valley pottery 20: 185. Piedmont-Virginia pottery 20: 149. Piedmont-Virginia pottery, prominence of band around 20: 150. Potomac-Chesapeake pottery 20: 151. South Appalachian pottery 20: 140. Southern and Northern pottery 20: 145, 147. Spanish olive jars 20: 129. Necotowance, act of Virginia assembly affecting 18: 565. Necrology Frank Frederick Hilder 22, i: XL sqq. Garrick Mallery 16: LXXX. James Constantine Pilling 17: LIX-LXII. Necromancy development of 19: LXXXV sq. in savagery 16: 21. See also Magic. Nectandra Rodiei. See Greenheart. Neebosh’s Band cession of reserve by 18: 758. reservation for 18: 740. Needle bone, of Oregon Indians 13: 117. bone, used with kuraua 38: § 70. decoration of pipes by 20: 55. flat split eye 38: § 47, 48. of the Nenenot 11: 310. rounded split eye 38: § 51, 52. use of, among Indians 14: 562. wooden, hooked 38: § 49, 50. See also Needles; Perforator. Needle cases fossil ivory 46: 174. of Chiriqui 6: 150. of the Eskimo 9: 318, 320 sqq.; 18: 103 sq. Needle Grass, mention of 33: 66. Needle-like Implements of bone, from Pueblo ruin, finding of 22, i: 94. Needles bone, from Awatobi 17: 627. Eskimo 18: 106 sqq. netting, from Guadeloupe 34: 136. netting, from Porto Rico 34: 131. netting, of the Eskimo 9: 312 sq. sewing, of the Eskimo 9: 318 sq. splint-bone, from mule deer 44: 133 sq. used by Eskimo in making nets 18: 192 sq. used to apply medicine 44: 333. See also Needle. Needlework of Eskimo women 18: 197. Neeswaughgee’s Band cession of reserve by 18: 758. reservation for 18: 740. Neff, P., boat-shape stone in possession of 13: 116. Negation gesture sign for 10: 644. of affirmative, in sign language 1: 391. of affirmative, signs for 1: 290, 299, 300, 304, 355, 440, 494. Negative Verb, formation of 28: 261, 270, 274. Neglect of aged and feeble 38: § 917. Negro-cop. See Mycteria. Negroes blood of, in Eskimo at Point Barrow 46: 111. death of, accompanying Coronado 14: 555, 564. in Cherokee nation 19: education of 155. myth concerning 351. myths of 448, 450, 452, 483. number of 155, 157. relation of myths of, to Indian myths 231, 233-236. influence on, of Indian culture 34: 12. Island of 14: 545. mention of, in New Spain 14: 348, 379, 402, 406. Omaha name for 27: 612. payment for murder of 42: 344. raquette played by 24: 604 sq. slave, Estevan a purchaser of 14: 348. slavery of 38: § 776. Tewa name for 29: 575. with Coronado 14: 506, 592. Nehantic absorbed by the Mohegan 43: 207, 209. account of the 18: 613. division of the 43: 217. ethnological survivals of 43: 209. habitat of the 43: 217. incorporation of, with the Narragansett 43: 217. synonyms for 43: 221. Neighbors, Robert S., on hand game, Comanche 24: 309. Neil, Hugh, inclosure on land of, New York 12: 512. Neil, Col. T. H., surrender of Cheyenne to 17: 212. Neill, ——, on trade of Omaha 27: 80 sq. Neill, Rev. Edward Duffield on course of Dakota migration from wild rice fields 19: 1044. on Dakota curing wild rice 19: 1064. on Dakota eating wild rice 19: 1083. on Dakota storing wild rice 19: 1072. on Dakota threshing wild rice 19: 1068. on Dakota tying wild rice 19: 1058. on Dakota villages 19: 1045. on Dakota wild rice moon 19: 1090. on hidden ball, Dakota 24: 365. on influence of wild rice on geographic nomenclature 19: 1023. on Ojibwa eating human flesh with wild rice 19: 1084. on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1023. on racket, Santee Dakota 24: 614. on Stephen BrulÉ as first white man to visit Ojibwa 19: 1059. Nelaton, ——, cited on primitive trephining 16: 28. Nelson, Aven, on absence of wild rice in Wyoming 19: 1032. Nelson, Prof. Edward William collection of earthenware vessels from eastern central Arizona by 6: L. collection of stone-closes by 8: 193. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. Eskimo research of 7: 73. graves unearthed by 8: 86. material collected by 24: 103, 474, 701, 729. memoir by 18: LI-LIV, 19-518. mention of 46: 165, 169, 171, 173, 174, 177, 181, 210, 213, 225, 322, 371. mention of exploration in Alaska of 46: 30, 32. obituary of 48: 1221. on Athapascan habitat 7: 53. on certain ruined Pueblo features 13: 202. on football, Western Eskimo 24: 701. on hand-and-foot ball 24: 706 sq. on hoop and pole, Western Eskimo 24: 474. on jackstraw
ves near 12: 547. Wyoming County, Dunn Farm, inclosure on 12: 513, 514. New York Academy of Science, archeological work of 34: 51. New York Bay pottery of 20: 178. resemblance of pottery of, to that of Norfolk 20: 176. New York City, treaties of 18: 652, 656. New York Colonial Documents on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1023. New York Indians cessions for 18: 728, 742 sqq. land cessions and reservations by 18: 768-772, 860, 876, 892. land cession to 14: 25, 26. land treaty with 14: 29. westward removal of 14: 23. See also Brothertown; Five Nations; Iroquois; Mohawk; Munsee; Oneida; Seneca; Seven Nations of Canada; Six Nations; Stockbridge; Tuscarora. New Zealand and Central American linguistic similarities 16: 236. and Zapotec terms, comparison of 16: 262. color, religious and ceremonial use of, in 10: 627 sq. grave effigies in 4: 200, 201; 10: 525 sq. petroglyphs in 10: 165 sqq.
f 42: 61. name for white people 42: 61. Nokfilalgi application of the name 42: 121. name for white people 42: 68, 121. Nokomis in Menomini myth 14: 87, 114, 126. No´koni; Nokoni a Comanche band 14: 1044. surrender of, in 1874 17: 204. Nokosi, Judge —— mention of 42: 491. myth related by 42: 65. Nokos?am?a, information obtained from 42: 655. Nokotlik 46: 208. Nolan, Captain ——, on Kiowa buffalo hunt 17: 344. N??em Dance 35: 834. Nome beaches 46: 81. Eskimo 46: 228. remains near 46: 89. remnants of Eskimo in 46: 89. visits of Asiatics to 46: 97. See also Cape Nome. Nome Cult land cessions and reservations 18: 794. See also Round Valley Reserve. Nomenclature mention of 1: 211, 220. of linguistic families, paper on 7: 1-142. of Navaho house building 17: 491, 514-517. of Serian stock 17: 9, 123*-130*. of Seriland 17: 15-20. of Sikyatki 17: 636. of Siouan tribes 15: 166. of stone objects 13: 57, 62. of the Awatobi 17: 594. of the Eskimo of Northern Alaska 9: 42 sq., 46 sqq. of Tusayan 8: 220-223. peculiarities of Indian 8: XXIX. social and family, Guiana Indian 38: § 887-880. See also Mound Nomenclature. Nominal Forms, Arapaho 28: 235. Non-ideographic Elements of decoration 4: 453. Non-Pueblo Indian, Tewa name for 29: 575. Non-Tewa Indian, Tewa name for 29: 575. Nonabokuanna, old time Arawak shield 38: § 116. Nonconnah Creek, description of 42: 817 sq. Nondacao. See Anadarko. None. See Nothing. No?´-ho?-zhi?-ga approach of, to place of ceremony 39: 100. belief of 39: 42. ceremonies performed by 39: 175, 316, 322. designated Holy Men 39: 102. duties of women emphasized by 39: 283. food for entertaining 39: 44, 46, 61. invitation to 39: 52. organization of the 36: 48. painting and dressing of 39: 243. reverence due to 39: 97. rites formulated by 39: 83, 91. smoking ceremony performed by 39: 53, 58, 61. wi´-gi-e taught by 39: 46. See also Little Old Men. Non?em Ceremonial Dance 35: 1034-1037. Nonsuch, Mercy, mention of 43: 209. No?xthe´bitube, subdivision of the Nini´ bato subgens 27: 148, 149, 151 sq., 254. No?´zhi?-zho? Rite account of 27: 128-133. description of 39: 41 sq. importance of 39: 38. Nook 46: 90, 196. Nookchoo land cessions and reservations 18: 782, 822. Nookwachahmish. See Dwamish. Noorvik 46: 204. Nooses, Eskimo use of, in capturing animals 18: 119, 122, 124, 131. Nootka games of the 24: dice game 198. hand game 322. hidden ball 370. hoop and pole 523. tops 749. legend of the 10: 44. method of felling trees 13: 72. method of drilling wood 13: 165. or Aht Indians, in Vancouver Island, British Columbia 10: 44. tattooing of the 10: 407. Nootka-Columbian Family of Scouler 7: 129, 130. Nootsak Indians, coiled basketry made by 41: 133. Noowhaha. See Dwamish. Noquet, habitat of the 14: 36. Norcok, acknowledgment to 14: 655. NordenskiÖld, Adolph Eric cited 46: 332, 333, 353, 371. on character of Eskimo children 9: 418. on clothing of Eskimo 9: 110, 122. on Eskimo amulets 9: 441. on Eskimo bolas 9: 246. on Eskimo burials 9: 426. on Eskimo dog harness 9: 359, 360. on Eskimo drawings 9: 410. on Eskimo drums 9: 385. on Eskimo fishing 9: 283, 285, 286. on Eskimo government 9: 430. on Eskimo harpoons 9: 220. on Eskimo ice-picks 9: 304. on Eskimo ice-scoop 9: 309. on Eskimo kaiaks 9: 333. on Eskimo labrets 9: 148. on Eskimo masks 9: 370. on Eskimo seal catching 9: 270. on Eskimo seal rattle 9: 254. on Eskimo skin-scrapers 9: 298. on Eskimo sledge-shoes 9: 353. on Eskimo superstitions 9: 434. on fire-making by Eskimo 9: 289. on indoor habits of Eskimo 9: 420, 421. work of, consulted 9: 24. NordenskiÖld, Erland, cited 30: 328. NordenskiÖld, Baron G. archeological work of 41: 29. bone implements found by, in cliff houses at Mesa Verde, reference to 22, i: 95. cited 33: 164, 166, 167, 170, 172, 174, 176. cliff ruins classified by 16: 92. cliff ruins described by 16: 81. features of Mesa Verde ruins described and figured by 22, i: 105, 124. on affinity of cliff dwellings and pueblos 17: 532. on an oval kiva 16: 177. on chimney-like structures 16: 188, 189. on evolution of pottery design 17: 716, 727. on kiva decorations 16: 181. on Mesa Verde masonry 16: 163. on Mesa Verde villages 17: 555, 563, 578. on origin of round kivas 17: 575. on openings in Mancos ruins 16: 165. on platforms in Mesa Verde kivas 17: 541. prayer-stick found by 17: 736. work of, cited 15: LIII. <
hchugaluk description of 18: 252. implements from 18: 106, 109, 110, 113, 140, 149, 159, 171, 173, 191. people of 18: 26. tobacco implements from 18: 275, 283. NÜcaki, Spanish mission house at old Walpi 19: 580. Nuceka?´yÎ, Tlingit clan history of 26: 412 sqq. phratry and tribe of 26: 400. Nuda?axa, acknowledgment to 11: 362. Nudity attitude toward 46: 560. explanation of 30: 303. shame of 30: 381. Nu´do?ho?ga, head of lodge, Shell society 27: 516. Nuga´xti, significance of the name 27: 144. Nuge´teune. See Buffalo Hunt, Annual. Nugumiut Eskimo Tribe, situation of 6: 424.
8. Ogden Land Co. effect of Stambaugh treaty on 14: 30. operations of 14: 22, 23. Ogden Mounds, location of 37: 99. Ogechee River Creeks on 42: 51. Muskogee settled on 42: 45. Ogilby, Jno. on Acoma 29: 543. on Jemez 29: 402. Oglala (Ogalala; Ogalalla) battle with Omaha 27: 100, 101. definition of 4: 98. mention of 4: 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146. Omaha name for 27: 102. Ponca name for 27: 103. roster 4: 169, 174 sqq.; 10: 420-424. roster, description and history of 10: 420 sq. roster, pictographs from 10: 641, 642, 652. Winter counts 4: 129. See also Ogalala. Oglala Dakota individual designation of 10: 424. See also Dakota, Oglala. Oglemute Crania 46: 235. Oglethorpe, Governor —— Cherokee participation in expedition of 19: 36. references to 42: 33, 38. Oglethorpe, James, Indian policy of 18: 634-637. Ogue hi?i ?m??a, story told by 42: 492. OhenoÑpa, a Teton division 14: 1059. Ohiju-hobi, Warrau name for ite drink 38: § 269. Ohio archeologic work in 8: XIX, XX; 13: XXVII; 14: XXXVII. bunts from 13: 169. celts from 13: 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82. character of flint quarries in 13: XXVIII. character of pottery of 20: 22, 188. Cherokee band in 19: 79. chipped flints from 13: 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 176, 177. chisels from 13: 84. collection of Indian relics from 3: 490. cores from Flint Ridge 13: 171. culture of tribes of 20: 194. discoidal stones from 13: 108, 109. distribution of stone art in 13: 61. district 12: archeology of 561-573. burial mounds of 566 sq. cemeteries and pits of 572. inclosure in 562. limits and characteristics of 561. mounds wholly or partly of stone in 569. ornaments, brass, from mound 80. pyramidal mounds of 571. eastern, trail in 42: 749. explorations in 11: XXVI. explorations in 12: Adams County, Serpent mound 493. Brown County, mounds and stone graves in 451-457. Brownsville, mound near 458-469. Coshocton County, flint digging in 457, 458. Flint Ridge 572. Franklin County, ancient work in 449 sqq. Hocking County, ancient works in 446, 447. Knox County, mounds in 440-446. Licking County, ancient works in 458-469. Madisonville, mound near, containing skeletons surrounded by stones 570. mention of 440-493. Mount Vernon, cemetery mound 464. Mount Vernon, mound at 444. Newark, works at 459-468. Perry County, antiquities of 470. Pike County, antiquities of 489-492. Ripley, stone grave near 455. Ross County, antiquities of 472-488. Warren County, Fort Ancient 492, 561. fabric from mound in 13: 36. flakes from 13: 172, 174. gorgets from 13: 118, 119, 120. Great Indian Warpath in 42: 751-758. grooved axes from 13: 65, 66, 67, 69. grooved stones from 13: 96. hammerstone from, described and figured 13: 94. mica plate frauds 4: 247. mortars from, description of 13: 96. mound burial in 1: 117. mound district 5: 45-60. mounds 5: 10, 12, 13, 45-60. mounds at Madisonville 4: 406. mounds in, examination of 13: XXIX. occurrence of earthenware spools in 20: 44. occurrence of salt-making vessels in 20: 28. pestles from 13: 88, 89, 90, 91. petroglyphs in 10: 101-104. pipe from, description of 13: 131. plummet from, described and figured 13: 112. polisher from 13: 85. pottery of 20: 41 sq., 193. pottery of, decoration in color of 20: 167. rock carvings in 4: 21. Serpent earthwork in Adams County in 4: 402. slate pick from, description of 13: 125. stemless perforators from 13: 166. stemless scrapers from 13: 170. stemmed flints from 13: 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164. stemmed perforators from 13: 167, 168. stemmed scrapers from 13: 169. stone axes from Butler County 13: 64. tube from, description of 13: 128. turtlebacks from near Chillicothe 13: 137. work in 9: XXVI. See also Appalachee-Ohio; Ohio Valley. Ohio Falls, trail to 42: 804. Ohio River mention of 42: 44. references to 27: 36, 72, 94. trails of 42: 757, 785 sq. Ohio State Museum, Middle Mississippi Valley pottery in 20: 184. Ohio Valley abundance of pottery in 20: 23. ceramic complications in 20: 146. character of pottery of 20: 146. groups of pottery in 20: 21, 183. occurrence of altars of baked clay in 20: 37. physiography of 20: 183. pipes of 20: 45. pottery of 20: 182-186. pottery of area between Appalachian mountains and 20: 180 sqq. resemblance between pottery of, and that of East Tennessee 20: 180, 182. spool-like earthenware objects from 20: 43 sq. See also Appalachee-Ohio; Ohio. Ohke. See San Juan. Oh-sah-ke-uck 1: 94. Ohwachira, definition of 21: 255. Oil and water mixed 35: 301, 1317.<
Old Bracket, plates described by 42: 504. Old Cayes, near Flagstaff, Ariz., description of 22, i: 36 sq. Old Cherokee Path to Virginia 42: 771, 772. Old Chillicothe, mention of 42: 788. Old Dance, performance of 42: 602, 606, 610. Old Enterprise, Fla., occurrence of fiber-tempered wares at 20: 122. Old Giant, story about 43: 331-339. Old Gray-headed Decorah’s Village, location of 37: 51. Old Hamilton burials at 46: 182. skull at 46: 68, 74, 75. “Old Igloos” 46: 209. Old Kasaan, restoration of 43: 12 sq. Old Keowee Town, trail to 42: 772.
>: 353. Opposition in sign language 1: 364. pictograph for 10: 597 sq. Opukahonua 33: 635. Opuntia Arborescens, Pima food plant 26: 69, 71, 78, 103. Opuntia Engelmanni, Pima food plant 26: 75. Opuntia Humifusa 33: 104. Opuntia Polycantha 45: 480, 498. Opuntia sp. 45: 484. Opuntia Tuna. See Tuna. Opuntia Versicolor, Pima food plant 26: 78. O´pxo? group, Osage 27: 63. O´pxo? Gens life symbol of 36: 113. wi´-gi-e of 36: 112-115. O´pxo? Inikashikithe Gens, Kansa 27: 67. Oqomiut Eskimo tribe, situation and subdivisions of 6: 424-440. Oquanoxa’s Village cession of reserve at 18: 734. reservation at 18: 686. Oquil, meaning of 16: 241. Orache, use of, as food 30: 66. Oracles, belief in 11: 510, 516. Oraibi affray between the Walpi and 8: 35. age of 17: 607. architectural character of 13: 195. ceremonial organization 47: 353-357. corral walls at, laid without mortar 8: 147. corrals at, large size of 8: 214. departure of Ketchina and Paroquet peoples from 8: 27. description of 8: 76 sq. description of Star katcina of 21: 89. direction of kivas of 8: 115 sq. distribution of gentes of 8: 104 sq. families occupying 8: 105-108. Flute altar, comparison with, of Mishongnovi Flute altar 19: 993 sq. home of Honani clans 9: 606. in 1782 17: 580. kiva for women 8: 134. kiva, hatchway of 8: 201. Laguna colony of 47: 348-357. legendary origin of 17: 634. list of kivas of 8: 137. location and settlement of, in Hopi country 19: 579 sq. masked dances at 47: 354 sq. myth 1: 27. name of, discussion of 47: 350. Natackas at 21: 71. notched ladders described and figured 8: 157 sq. PowamÛ festival most complicated at 21: 31. rare use of plastering on outer walls of 8: 144. retirement of Sikyatki inhabitants to 8: 24. sacred stone 4: 58. secular government of 47: 353. settlement by the Bears of 8: 27. settlement of the Water people at 8: 33. site of 17: 578. Snake ceremony at 16: 273, 290-295, 296. Snake dance, in 1896 19: 964. Snake dance, most primitive form 19: 986. social organization of 47: 357. stone steps at, figured 8: 161. town chief of 47: 354. traditions regarding first settlement of 8: 27. type of basketry, from Chevlon, cut showing 22, i: 98, 99. use of extramural receptacles for serpent effigies by 21: 51. variant of Coto in 21: 89. Oraibi Chief Tubi 4: 29, 46, 194. Oraibi-Shumopavi Boundary Stone 8: 28. Oraibi Village, reference to 28: 58. Oraibi Wash, ruins on the 8: 54 sqq. Oral Language definition of 1: 273. development of 22, i: XXXI. evolution of 20: CXLIV sq. primitive 1: 274. Orang-utans, fables of 30: 363, 366. Orange, cultivation of 38: § 246. Orange Mound, Fla., occurrence of fiber-tempered wares in 20: 122. Orator of the Plains, name applied to Set-t’aiÑte 17: 206, 207. Orators, Modern, gestures used by the 1: 311. Oratory a ZuÑi art 47: 618. as an agency of instruction 20: CXCV sq. of the Creeks 42: 313 sq. of the Indians 46: 526, 596-602. See also Speeches. Orbigignia for pegalls 38: § 100. Orbits and head form 46: 277. of the Eskimo 46: 234-237, 264, 270-274. of the Yukon Eskimo 46: 162, 163. of the Yukon Indians 46: 152, 154, 155, 157. Orchard, William C., quillwork described by 41: 365 sq. Orchard Party of Oneida, treaty with 18: 772. Ordeal of sacred bags, Omaha 3: 328. Ordeals customs connected with 11: 414, 499. for chieftainship 38: § 745-748. for hunting 38: § 162. for puberty and marriage 38: § 884. nature of 30: 277-281, 308-325, 338-341. See also Children; Marriage; Medicine Men; Ordeal; Puberty. Order of the Bow 3: XIX. Ordinals Unalit, table of 18: 239. See also Numbers; Numerals; etc. Ore, Major ——, expedition against Chickamauga towns under 19: 78 sq. Oregon coast of, explored by Cabrillo 14: 411. collection of Indian relics from 3: 492 sqq. explorations in 11: XXXII. field work in 23: IX, XIV; 27: 7. petroglyphs in 10: 104 sqq. researches in 28: 15; 30: 11. rock carvings in 4: 25. Oregon Crab, use of 45: 487. Oregon Grape, use of, in basketry 41: 145. Oregon Hollygrape, use of 45: 490, 502. Oregon Indians ceremonial weapons of 13: 116. land cessions and reservations by 18: 808, 812, 814, 838. O’Reilly, Alex., decree concerning land grants by 18: 545. Orenda definition of 21: 339. discussion of 43: 608. discussion of, by J. N. B. Hewitt 37: 282. Organ made of gourds 38: § 571. Organization , Casa Blanca photographed by 16: 80. OtaopabinÈ, an Assiniboin division 15: 161. Otariyatiqui, De Soto’s visit to 19: 28. OtÄ´s-itÄ´niuw’, a Caddo synonym 14: 1092. Otciapofa allocation of clans in beds at 42: 201-204. an Upper Creek White town 42: 123, 254. arrangement of square ground of 42: 208, 211. busk ceremonial of 42: 581, 583 sq., 604. clan councils of 42: 123.
meetings with Ponca 27: 79 sq. party to peace treaty 27: 81. reference to 27: 49. village on Dismal River 27: 88. See also Comanche. Pads, ZuÑi head 2: 369. Paducah, pottery from 4: 426. Padus Melanocarpa 33: 89. Padus Nana 33: 88. Paederastia among the Omahas 3: 365. See also Schoopanism; Sodomy. Paez, Juan, report of Cabrillo’s voyage by 14: 411. PÄg?nÄvo, Shoshoni and Comanche name of the Cheyenne 14: 1023. PÄ´gatsÛ, a Comanche band 14: 1045. Page, Professor ——, on Grave Creek tablet 12: 632. Paget, John, mention of 34: 80. Pa-guadal, native name of Red Buffalo 14: 1083. PÁ-guÑhÉÑte death of 17: 323. in expedition against Navaho 17: 323. Pah Utes, a synonym of Paiute 14: 1048. Pah Vant Uta, establishment of reserve for 18: 825. Paha´na, Hopi name of the whites 14: 978. Paho, prayer stick at Mishongnovi CakwaleÑya altar 19: 992. at Walpi Snake altar 19: 983. See also Pahos; Prayer Stick. Pahos definition of 15: 261. in Hopi ceremonies 15: 261, 267. reference to 14: 573. season for making 15: 258. See also Paho; Prayer Stick. Pahosa Clan, associations of 42: 148. Pahu´tho?datho?, location of 27: 100. Pahvant confounded with Paiute 14: 1048. Pai Ute. See Paiute. PaiakyamÛ or Paiakyamu appearance of, in dramatization of growth of corn 21: 93. appearance of, in Hopi festivals 21: 24. appearance of, in pictures of Nakopan hoya 21: 117. association of, with Kaisale mana 21: 120. figures on Hopi pottery 17: 659. Pail-shaped Baskets, decoration of 41: 228. Paimut ceremonial objects from 18: 403. conditions observed by E. W. Nelson at 18: 248. implements and utensils from 18: 67 sq., 82, 143, 180, 192. legends from 18: 483 sqq. people of 18: 26. tobacco implements from 18: 285. visited by E. W. Nelson 18: 19. Paimute (Paimiut) 46: 66, 129, 132, 134. Pain, B. H. 46: 306, 308. Pain development of 19: LIX sq., LXVI sqq., XCII. mention of 46: 230, 231. origin of 32: 179. PÁ-iÑgya or Pa-iÑgya a Kiowa prophet 14: 1083. account of 17: 220, 350, 356. reputed powers of 14: 906, 907. Paint black 35: 58, 94 sq. black body 38: § 30. blue, origin of 22, ii: 46. blue, symbolism of 22, ii: 233. blue, use of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 37, 42. color of, indicative of gens 40: 358. found in graves in Sikyatki 14: 519. grinding of 23: 221. how regarded by Cheyenne and Arapaho 14: 779. in Cherokee myth 19: 290, 320. Kiowa method of mixing 41: 596 sq. mixed with salmon spawn 35: 236. mortars from Pueblo ruins 22, i: 104, 184, 185. mortuary use of 14: 879. obtained from Wovoka 14: 775, 778. of Tusayan Indians 15: 275, 301. on Ghost shirts 14: 790. presented by Wovoka 14: 797, 900, 901. red, symbolic use of 43: 67. red, symbolism of 22, ii: 228, 353. red, use of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 26. sacred origin of 14: 91. use of, by Arapaho 14: 971. use of, by Cheyenne 14: 1029. use of, by Indians 19: 455, 469. use of, by Pima 26: 104. use of, by Tlingit 26: 455, 464. use of, in Ghost dance 14: 798, 814, 821, 823, 919, 922, 997, 1098. See also Decoration; Dyes; Painting; Paints; Pigments; Resin. Paint Boxes, Eskimo 18: 199 sqq. Paint Clan of the Cherokee 42: 118. Paint Creek, trail up 42: 767. Paint Cups made of clay, from ZuÑi 2: 362. made of shark vertebra 44: 136. made of shells 44: 137. natural concretions used as 41: 596. Paint Grinders, Casa Grande 28: 126 sq. Paint Jars, collection of Indian 3: 573. Paint Lick Mountain, Va. 4: 33. Paint Medicine made of Water-Spirit bones 37: 473. use of 37: 475. Paint Mortars, cupped stones used as 13: 93. Paint Pots, collection of Indian 3: 570-573. Paint Rock, N. C., petroglyphs on 10: 99 sqq. Paint Rock Ferry, collection from 3: 461. Paint Sticks mention of 11: 297. use of, among Northern Indians 11: 296. use of, in workshop 11: 438. Paint Stones, description of 13: 94, 115. Paint Town, purchase of 19: 161. Painted Boards Bonasila, Ghost Creek 46: 63. of burial boxes, Auk Point 46: 33, 64. Unalaklik 46: 64. Painted Caves, Crockett County, Texas 10: 116. Painted Cup, use of 44: 288, 362. Painted House archeological work on 41: 6, 27 sq. excavation and repair of 37: 7. Painted Kiva House, partial excavation of 41: 29 sq. Painted Lips. See T?pinÄvÓn. Painted Pottery 4: 282, 302-307, 434. Painted Rock, Indian personal name 10: 35. Painted Rocks 38: § 782. Painting adornment in Shell society 27: 522 sq. amon
sub1">Hopi festival 21: 24. katcinas appearing in 21: 16. personation of Sio Humis taamÛ in 21: 64. purpose of 21: 16. significance of introduction of Tcakwaina in 21: 62. PamÜryawÛ, ceremonies celebrated in 21: 21. Pan American Scientific Congress mention of 30: 12. reference to 29: 11. Pan Pacific Convention, mention of 41: 40, 48. Pana, identification of 17: 248. Panachika, Makusi barbed composite arrow 38: § 139. Panama 46: 175. Panamint Indians stone arrow-point of the 14: 282. vocabulary of the, obtained 5: XXX. Panax Quinquefolium 33: 106. Pancakes, superstitions concerning 9: 541, 542, 543. Pancassa, identification of 17: 248. Pandora, Cherokee parallel to myth of 19: 436. Pandosy, ——, on definition of Yakima hand game 24: 307. Pane, Ramon account by, of making zemis 34: 208.
class="isub1">use of bolas in 13: 95. work among natives of 18: XXIX. work in 19: XVIII. Pataoua, tripod for slinging hammock 38: § 482. Pataua Oil 38: § 25. Patcosk, description of 21: 99. Pateatlan. See Petatlan. Patents to Indian tribes, title under 18: 642 sq. Pa-tepte or Patepte a Kiowa leader 24: 285. dÓ-Á game led by 17: 347. effort of, to restore buffalo 17: 349. See also DÁtekÂÑ. Pater Noster. See Lord’s Prayer. Paternal Social Organization, study of 18: XXXIX, XLI. Paternity, indefinite, among the Indians 11: 271. Paterramett, a Wawenock at Falmouth conference 43: 174. Path of Life in rituals 39: 259. Pa´th?sk?, account of 14: 700. Pa´thi?gahige, group under 27: 178, 181. P?a´-thi?-wa-we-xta, an informant 36: 272. Pathkiller, relief of 19: 90. Pathology of bones 46: 109, 320, 366. of teeth 46: 309. Pathway, obstruction of 38: § 291. Patient arrangement of room for 35: 734. articles extracted from bodies of 23: 501. practicing upon 23: 493. PatiÑo, Alonzo, on Cempoalan ruins 25: 233. Patki AhÜlani, the returning sun of the 21: 122. introduction of AÑya katcinas by 21: 45. Patki or Cloud Clan advent of, at Walpi 19: 585. affiliation of, with Walpi 21: 29. altar in house of 21: 29. and Walpi relations 19: 597. dramatization of return of ancients of 21: 16. Hopi katcinas derived from 21: 124. original home of 19: 596. participants in Tawa PaholawÛ members of 21: 31. prayer-stick making of the old house of 21: 31. throwing of meal at, by Pautiwa 21: 26. Patki Clans abandonment of pueblos on Little Colorado River by, causes of 22, i: 22. advent of, into Tusayan 19: 626. census of 19: 599 sqq. chiefs of 22, i: 24. former habitat of 22, i: 23, 24. Hopi, references to 28: 142, 218. house of, entrance of PamÜrti procession into 21: 28. house of, LalakoÑtÛ winter assemblage held in 21: 39. house of, serpent effigies kept in 21: 51. introduction of LalakoÑti into Tusayan by the 21: 58. mention of 19: 596-603. migrations of 19: 596 sq. Pima, reference to 28: 35. probable derivation of AÑya katcina and ZuÑi Kokokci from 21: 94. See also Patki Clan. Patki Group, component clans of 19: 583. Patki People early migrations of the 17: 574. southern origin of the 17: 529, 568. Pat-ki-nyÛmÚ, the Hopi Water-House phratry 13: 188. Patne in Antelope altar 19: 968. Patois Fish, string figure of 38: § 705. Patol, game of 24: 122, 146, 148, 151, 152, 190-194. Patos Island. See Isla Patos. Patricio, narrative of, in signs 1: 505. Patrick, ——, quoted on Potawatomi Prophet’s dance 14: 706. Patrick, Daniel, purchase of land by 18: 616. Patrick, H. R., on ancient irrigation ditches 28: 114. Patrick, Dr. John B. collection of 12: 133. peculiar arrangement of shells in a mound mentioned by 12: 361. time chart sent by 4: 93. Patrilineal Descent among the Foxes 40: 341. among the Quapaw 42: 696. reference to 40: 161. Patriot, Ind., mention of mound at 42: 789. Patriotism of the Indians 7: 36. PÄtso`gÁte, death of 17: 349. Patszro appearance of, in SoyaluÑa 21: 25. description of 21: 80. personation of, in PowamÛ 21: 32. Patszro Katcina, comparison of, with others 21: 81. Patten’s Valley, origin of rock etchings in 4: 25, 26. Patterns bitten in birch-bark 44: 390-395. for beadwork 44: 390. in basketry 38: § 444. in pottery 38: § 94. in weaving 38: § 105-114. Patterson, Roger on amounts of wild rice harvested 19: 1077. on destruction of wild rice by storms 19: 1100. on drowning of wild rice 19: 1099. on Ojibwa curing wild rice 19: 1066. on Ojibwa gathering wild rice 19: 1062. on Ojibwa thrashing wild rice 19: 1068, 1069, 1070. on Ojibwa tying wild rice 19: 1059. on reliability of wild rice crop 19: 1099. on winnowing of wild rice 19: 1070. Patterson and Brown Mission 14: 946. Patties, The journeys of 26: 30. reference to 28: 62. Patton, Rev. F., tradition related by 44: 177. PatuÑ, description of 21: 116. PatuÑ or Squash Clan advent of, at Walpi 19: 585. advent of, into Tusayan 19: 626. migrations of, in ceremonials 19: 595 sq. original home and migrations of 19: 595 sq. PatuÑ Group, component clans of 19: 583. PatuÑ People, former inhabitants of Homolobi 22, i: 24. PatuÑ Phratry, southern origin of 17: 529. PatuÑ-Piba-Patki Societies 19: 627-630. Patuxent River operations along 13: XXVI. quartz tools found on the 15: 137. steatite quarries on the 15: 125. Pauixiana employ curare to stupefy toucan 38: § 122. Pegs deer horn used as, in ZuÑi 8: 111. for suspending kiva fuel 8: 121. of the Kwakiutl 35: 74 sq., 88, 90. Pehtuck. See Klamath. PeÏto, male unit, warrior, etc. 38: § 740. Pejequde, tent of 13: 273, 274. Pek symbol in Maya Codex 16: 229. Pekokalil, application of the term 16: 248. Pekwin altar of 47: 659. duties of 47: 512 sq. priest of the sun 47: 512, 659. retreat of 47: 659. Pe´kw?n, meal painting made by 23: 115. Pela-Pillaana, meaning of 16: 231. Pele 33: 295, 303, 638, 644, 645. Pelican a life symbol 36: 85. sacred symbol of old age 36: 71. Seri method of catching and eating 17: 190* sq. Seri use of skin of, in making clothing 17: 171*, 231* sq. vision of the aged 36: 84-88.
li class="indx"> Peruke Feather Crowns 38: § 518. Peruvian belief of Messiah 14: 660. characters connected with signs 1: 371. obsidian working 13: 172. relics presented by George Hurlbut 5: XXXVI. use of perforated stones 13: 98. Peruvians, Ancient, illustration of ornamentation by 6: 211, 212, 214, 228, 230, 231, 235, 236, 237, 242, 243, 248. Pescado a ZuÑi summer village 13: 206, 261; 16: 92, 156. comparison of, with Kintiel 8: 91. corral walls at, how constructed 8: 147. description of 8: 95 sq. fragment of stone close in steps of 8: 193. outside steps at 8: 160. ovens at, described and figured 8: 165 sq. pottery 4: 494. springs, poisoned by the ZuÑi 13: 331. stone inclosure in court of 8: 214. Peschel, O. 46: 330, 333, 335, 371. Pe´shÄ?silo`kwe. See Cimex Fraternity. Pesheu’s Village, location of 37: 51. Peso. See Pacer. Pestles and mortars, Guiana Indian 38: § 380 sqq. Antillean 25: general description of 99-105. in connection with three-pointed stones 128. wooden 210 sq. Casa Grande 28: 128. comparison of, from different areas 34: 263. described and figured 15: 103. description of 13: 87. development of 20: XV. distribution of 15: 141, 142. for crushing food, Eskimo 18: 73. for preparing snuff, Eskimo 18: 272. found at Little Falls 15: 68. found in Lesser Antilles 34: 228. from Guadeloupe 34: 134, 154-158. from St. Vincent region 34: 112 sq. from Trinidad 34: 74 sq. how finished 15: 26. mention of 44: 79-82. of the Menomini 14: 257. of the Omaha 13: 276. of the Porto Rico area 34: 220, 226-229. or crushers used in Pueblo mortars 8: 212. plummet-shaped stones used as 13: 111. stone, mention of 45: 41, 217. used among Northern Indians 11: 280, 302. variations of 34: 74. See also Grinders; Mortars. Pet´?kuk, Pima village 26: 22. Petalostemum Candidum 33: 94. Petalostemum Purpureum mention of 34: 94. use of 44: 291, 338. Petatlan or Petlatlan description of 14: 514, 538. description of, by Jaramillo 14: 583. description of Indians of 14: 568, 572. friendly Indians at river of 14: 548. Indian from, captive and interpreter at Cibola 14: 563. Indian settlement in New Galicia 14: 355. river of, in Sinaloa 14: 348. “Pet-chi-É-ri” 1: 200. Peteatlan. See Petatlan. Peten, number names of 19: 862. Peter Martyr as a historian 25: 19 sq. on Antillean zemis 25: 55, 56, 57, 58, 140. on gods of Haitians 25: 67. on Haitian creation legends 25: 74. on Haitian idols 25: 146. on sentiments of Antilleans 25: 32. Petermanns Mitteilungen, cited 6: 409, note. Peters, Edward, on composition of wild rice 19: 1080 sqq. Peters, Jim, reference to 40: 501, 549. Peters, Joe reference to 40: 356, 501. syllabary text by 40: 378. Peters, Miss Mary Eleanor, acknowledgment to 42: 830. Peters, Sam reference to 40: 356, 503. syllabary text by 40: 378. Peters Family, reference to 40: 502. Petersburg, Va., trails 42: 764, 775. Peterson, —— 46: 118. Peterson, Charles, acknowledgment to 18: 22. Petitot, Father Emile FortunÉ Stanislas Joseph cited 6: 412, 516; 46: 329, 333, 371. description of Eskimo clothing by 9: 120, 123, 129, 138. description of Eskimo house by 9: 77. description of Eskimo lamps by 9: 106. description of method of carrying Eskimo infants by 9: 416. nomenclature of the Eskimo people by 9: 46 sqq., 51. on Eskimo amulets 9: 440. on Eskimo labrets 9: 143. on Eskimo mode of wearing the hair 9: 140, 141. on Eskimo sledge shoes 9: 353. on hand game, Chippewa 24: 272. on hand game, Kawchodinne 24: 272. on hand game, Kutchin 24: 272. on hand game, Takulli 24: 273. works of, on the Eskimo 9: 24. Petlatlan. See Petatlan. Pe´to? Inikashiha Group, Quapaw 27: 68. Petrel, among the Tlingit crest animal 26: 416. mythological being 26: 416. name of gaming stick 26: 444. source of personal names 26: 422. Petrification after death, belief in 30: 152. how regarded by the Hopi 15: 277. Petrified Forest near Holbrook, ancient habitations in 22, i: 135 sq. references to 29: 553, 581. Petrified Wood, Tewa name for 29: 580. Petrof. See Petroff, Ivan. Petroff, Ivan Eskimo researches of 7: 73. mention of 46: 124, 130, 131, 132, 133, 177, 181 (spelling given as Petrof). on Eskimo burial 9: 427. on Eskimo chiefs 9: 429. on Eskimo wolf-killer 9: 259. on population of the Koluschan tribes 7: 87. on quoits, Eskimo 24: 723. work of, consulted 9: 24. Petroglyphs at ruined pueblo at Black Falls of Little Colorado River 22, i: 49. in cliff villages 16: 138. in Kanawha Valley 42: 756. in North America 4
="isub1">on defeat of d’Artaguette 19: 477. on De Soto’s route 19: 193, 195, 196, 197, 198 sq. on Fort Mims massacre 19: 216. nuts, use of, as food 14: 517, 518. red, use of 44: 291, 378. rosin, used medicinally 42: 659. tree, appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 78, 95, 112, 119. use of 44: 378. use of, as screens in Hopi festivals 21: 46, 47. use of, at Casa Grande 28: 146. use of, by Hopi katcinas 21: 76, 97, 106. use of, to represent hair and beard 21: 105. western white, use of 45: 493. western yellow, use of 45: 466, 483, 484, 499, 508, 514. white, medicinal use of 43: 264. white, use of 44: 291, 352. whitebark, use of 45: 492. yellow, use of, for food 45: 491. See also Lodgepole Pine. Pine Bird, flight of, to Bad Lands 14: 884. Pine Ridge Agency arrival of troops at 14: 850. attacked by BrulÉs 14: 873, 875. changes in boundaries of 14: 830. delegates from, to Wovoka 14: 820. delegation from, to Washington 14: 891. destruction of property at 14: 892. dissatisfaction of Indians at 14: 844. flight of Indians of, to Bad Lands 14: 850. Ghost dance at 14: 846. Ghost dance council held at 14: 820. Ghost dance excitement at 14: 848. Indians of, meet commissioners 14: 841. mission on, abandoned 14: 874. pictograph letter of 4: 160 sq. pictographs at 4: 176. reduction of rations at 14: 832, 845. report of Sioux delegates at 14: 820. restlessness of Indians at 14: 845. return of Sioux hostiles to 14: 861. visit of ÄpiataÑ to 14: 911. Pine Ridge Reserve, establishment of 18: 932. Pine Ridge Sioux, reference to 27: 101. Pineapple cultivation of 38: § 246. drink from 38: § 266. mention of 38: § 246. Pineau; Pinot, a source of salt 38: § 250. Pineda, Juan de, campaign against Seri by 17: 75. Pinedale Ruins age of 22, i: 167. bone implements from 22, i: 166 sq. buildings of 22, i: 164 sqq. collections from 19: XXI; 22, i: 166 sq. examination of 22, i: 121. excavation of 19: XVI. form of 22, i: 165. location of 22, i: 165. pottery from, character and decoration of 22, i: 166. reference to 22, i: 121. skeletons from 22, i: 166. work at 22, i: 164. Pineville, Ky., trails of 42: 781, 782, 797. Pinewood Tongs 35: 229. Piney River, fortified Indian town on 41: 496. Pingasoogarook 46: 207. Pingishuguruk 46: 206. Pingo 46: 205. Pinini a dwarf race 29: 435, 500, 501. See also Pygmies. Pinitu Dance ceremony of 47: 332-335. story of origin of 47: 372. Pink Clay, use of, in house decorations 8: 146. Pinkerton, John, on Virginia mummies 1: 131. Pinksey Matehah, a Chickasaw 42: 811. Pinole an Indian food 23: XII. description of 26: 67. PiÑon nuts, how regarded by Cheyenne and Arapaho 14: 779. nuts, use of, as food 14: 517, 522. nuts, use of, in Hopi festivals 21: 30. preparation of, for food 30: 70. use of, in ceremonies 30: 96. use of, in medicine 30: 42, 43, 57. Pinoshuragin 46: 208. Pinot. See Pineau. Pins cut from body of shell 2: 216. examples of 2: 213, 218. made by Indians and mound-builders 12: 686. made from columellae of shell 2: 213, 218. obtained from mounds 2: 213-218. of shell 2: 213, 218. use of, as ear ornaments 12: 686. use of, bone 2: 217. use of, problematical 2: 213, 217. See also Pin. Pinto Tribe, habitat of the 7: 68. Pinus, use of 44: 378. Pinus Albicaulis 45: 492. Pinus Contorta 45: 461, 496, 504. Pinus Monticola 45: 493. Pinus Murrayana 33: 63; 45: 483, 496, 504. Pinus Ponderosa 45: 466, 483, 484, 491, 499, 508, 514. Pinus Resinosa, use of 44: 291, 378. Pinus Strobus, use of 44: 291, 352. P?nÛtgÛ´, a Cheyenne division 14: 1026. Piny Branch Quarries description of 15: 31, 33, 52. excavations in 15: 36. Piny Branch Valley, geology of 15: 32. PiojÉ Indians, vomiting of the 30: 95. Piokot, description of 21: 105. Piomingo, Chickasaw chief 42: 812. Pioneers, Kentucky, trails of 42: 793-802. Pipe, Captain ——, grant including village of 18: 688. Pipe animated 32: 129, 134. as a symbol 39: 50. as credential of office 39: 52. beliefs concerning the 11: 511. ceremonial relating to 11: 373, 377, 425, 435, 458, 487. ceremonial, ritual of 37: 469 sqq. ceremonial use of 17: 297; 37: 142, 145, 148, 149, 158, 429; 39: 53 sq., 58, 244, 247, 295. collected by J. P. Harrington 47: 13. extemporized, by an Eskimo 9: 68. of the Nenenot 11: 302. official badge of the Sho´-ka 43: 33, 59, 67. sacred, in Pima mythology 26: 229. sacred, in Pima song 26: 278. sacred, of the Arapaho 17: 242. sacred, of the Cherokee 19: 397, 503. sculpture of the mound-builders 2: 124. symbolic 36: 61. symbolic, carried by singer 39:
i class="isub1">fertile and sterile 44: 325. folklore of 30: 84 sq. human factor in distribution of 33: 59. idea of sex in 45: 453 sq. in mythology 45: 510 sq. index list of 30: 101 sq. Indian knowledge of 45: 454. list of, used for medicines 45: 293 sq. lists of 44: 286-299. magic power attributed to 47: 915. male and female 45: 508. man derived from 30: 144 sq., 228. materials for personal adornment 33: 58. medicinal properties of 44: 299-303. medicinal use of 42: 655-670. mention of 11: 390. mythic origin of 30: 46. myths and lore concerning 19: 231, 240, 252, 420-427, 505. named from special characteristics 45: 448. named from taste 45: 450.
Polygonum Punctatum, use of 44: 291, 344. Polygyny, Sororal, only one case mentioned 31: 422. Polynesia tattooing in 10: 408. See also Malay. Polynesian loan words 15: LXIV. ornamentation, illustrations of 6: 249, 250. Polynesians absence of clans among the 17: 227. myth of the 19: 431. Polypodium, source of salt 38: § 250. Polyporaceae 33: 62. Polyporpus Abietinea 45: 504. Polystichum Munitum 45: 499. Polystictus Versicolor 33: 62. Polytheism among the Siouan tribes 11: 502. See also Gods. Pomeroon District, of British Guiana, excavations in 34: 76 sq. Pomme Blanche definition of 4: 102. mention of 33: 92. Pomo Indian basket making among the 20: XVI. games of the 24: cat’s cradle 771. dice games 131-136. hand game 289 sqq. hoop and pole 478 sq. racket 562, 594 sq. ring and pin 528, 550. snow-snake 413 sq. stick games 247. land cessions and reservations 18: 784. See also Camelelpoma. Pompey, N. Y., site of former Onondaga village 43: 454. Pompin, Tewa name of San Francisco mountains 21: 105. Ponca arrow-making among the 27: 42, 43, 452. belief as to ghosts 27: 216. ceremony of conferring war honors 27: 439 sqq. conception of Day and Night 27: 507. customs in the eighteenth century 27: 50. data on scalp and war dances of 40: 548. divisions of the 37: 181. feast of soldiers 27: 309, 500. food supply of the 27: 45. games of the 24: archery 383, 394. dice games 188 sq. hoop and pole 517. shinny 641. snow-snake 419. tops 747. general account of the 27: 41 sq., 452. gens of several tribes 27: 47, 67, 217. Ghost dance among the 14: 816, 902. habitat of the 7: 113, 115. hunting ground of the 27: 89. legends of the 27: 47-50, 446. linguistic classification of the 27: 605. manner of wearing hair 27: 132. “mark of honor” among the 27: 506, 507. meaning of term lost 27: 40. murder among the 27: 216. name applied to English by the 27: 611. Omaha name for the 27: 101. party to treaties 27: 73, 74, 218, 376. personal names of the 27: 51-57. population and villages of 27: 51. population of the 7: 117. punishment of offenders among 27: 48. recent history of the 27: 51. references to 27: 29, 67, 73, 194, 217. relation of, with other tribes 27: 35, 37 sq., 39; 36: 45, 46. removal of 27: 635 sq. removal of, to Indian territory 5: 364. report of, on Hako ceremony among Pawnees 22, ii: 13. rites and customs of gentes 27: 42-47. ritual connected with tribal hunt 27: 442-446. separation from Omaha 27: 78 sqq. separation from Osage 27: 38. Thunder society 27: 490 sq. traditions of the 27: 38, 40, 41. tribal circle of the 27: 42. tribal customs of the 43: 94. tribal organization of the 27: 48, 61, 140. visit of, to Washington 34: 28. warfare with Omaha 27: 87. Wa´wa? ceremony 27: 400 sq. We´to? waa? among the 27: 423. See also Ponka; and names of gentes and of other divisions. Ponca City, Iowa, reference to 27: 86. Ponca Dialect, word of, in Osage rituals 39: 186 sq. Ponca River, reference to 27: 92. Po?´caxti, gens of Ponca account of the 27: 44 sq. personal names of 27: 54 sq. reference to 27: 41, 42, 48. Ponce, Juan cacique shot by 25: 146. slayer of Aguebana the Second 25: 38. Ponce de Leon defeat of natives by 25: 40. native name assumed by 25: 34. relations of, with Aguebana the First 25: 36. Ponceau, du —— 46: 340. Ponchos as neck wraps 45: 233. description of 45: 77. use of 45: 235. Pond, G. H. cited on beliefs 11: 375. quoted on beliefs 11: 446. quoted on Heyoka gods 11: 468. quoted on Indian beliefs 11: 432, 494. quoted on mystery dance 11: 440. quoted on Sun dance 11: 450. reference to work of 11: 363. Pond Lily, large yellow 33: 79. Ponderas. See Pend d’Oreille. Po´nepoyann?, description of 23: 417. Ponera Clavata. See Counterirritants. Ponio war symbols 4: 88. Ponka a ?egiha division 15: 162. armor not used by the 13: 287. arrows of the 13: 287. bark baskets of the 13: 278. belief of, as to future life 11: 419. chiefs, initiation of 3: 359 sq. cults, description of 11: 371. dancing societies 3: 355. dwellings, furniture and implements of 13: 269. early history of the 15: 192. games 3: 334, 336, 337, 339, 340. gentile system of the 15: 228. land cessions and reservations 18: 818, 836, 886, 888, 892, 904, 938. mention of the 4: 131, 133, 134. migrations of the 3: 212 sq. mode of camping 3: 219. only one pipe in Pipe dance of 3: 282. personal names
Ottawa intermarriage 14: 44. and Ottawa relationship 14: 44. at Braddock’s defeat 14: 16. ceremony of, similar to Fox 40: 504. culture hero of 40: 375. dance introduced by the 40: 356. disciples of KÄnakuk 14: 696 sq. Dreamer society of the 14: 157. eat wild rice 19: 1083. games of the 24: archery 383, 385. dice games 85. hidden ball 344, 385. stick games 231. Ghost dance among the 14: 902. habitat of the 28: 290. habitat of the, in 1634 14: 15.
1">return of AhÜl from 21: 122. significance of 21: 16. variation in 21: 19. PowamÛ Katcinas, festival of 21: 38. PowamÜryawÛ, Hopi ceremony in 21: 22. Powder hair, used by Indians 9: 535 sq. of grass and straw used as food 9: 519 sq. sacred, general use of, among Indians 9: 528 sq. sacred, on dance ground 14: 918. sacred, use of, by various peoples 9: 513-517. sacred, use of, in battle 14: 790. See also Pollen. Powder Chargers, Eskimo 18: 164 sq. Powder Flasks, Eskimo 18: 165. Powell, Dr. J. W., material collected by 24: 259, 263. Powell, Maj. John Wesley acknowledgments to 13: 378; 15: 18; 25: 18. administrative report by 20: VIII-XXV. American linguistic stock of, cited 19: 932. archeological reconnaissance by 25: XXVI. Bureau of American Ethnology founded by 41: 99, 103; 48: 1187. cited 30: 35. cited on Indian beliefs 11: 524. cited on Indian personal names 10: 444. classification of Creek Indians by 20: 130. classification of languages by 11: XXX, 10. classification of primitive beliefs by 15: 178; 16: 22. classification of Seri by 17: 108. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. copper obtained by 12: 308. death of 24: IX. definition of state by 3: 215. early records of Indians collated by 15: 186. examination of quarry shops by 15: 52. field work by 20: XI; 21: X, XIII; 22, i: X. influence of, on American philologic research 24: XXII. learned real name of Indian 4: 171. linguistic classification by 26: XXIII. linguistic data collected by 25: XIX. material collected by 24: 166, 311, 335, 358, 495, 633, 743, 791. mention of 48: 1187, 1188. monument to 30: 15. Mutsun researches of 7: 70. Noje vocabulary of 7: 135. nose ornaments collected by 2: 227. obituary of 24: XXXV sqq.; 48: 1221. obtained Moki dolls with headdresses 3: 105. office work by 20: XII, XIII sq., XVII, XX, XXI; 22, i: XXIV, XXX sq., XXXIII. on ancient people of Upper Verde-Walnut Creek region 28: 186. on Arizona cavate lodges 13: 223. on California number names 19: 871. on classification of Indians 4: 97. on classification of sociology 15: 199, 200, 201, 203. on Cochiti 29: 439. on H?chnom numerals 19: 912. on Indian linguistic stocks 14: 525. on Indian orthography 1: 484. on inflexions in Indian languages 1: 351. on inhabitants of cavate dwellings near Flagstaff 22, i: 35. on kinship terms 13: 372. on Laguna 29: 540. on law of activital similarities 19: 827. on linguistic classification 1: 403. on linguistic literature 7: 22, 23, 24. on mystical numbers 19: 835. on Navaho gods 8: 244. on Picuris 29: 193. on Santa Clara cavate lodges 13: 224. on Taos 29: 181. on the chief Kanats 17: 325. on Tyuonyi 29: 411. on word Nahuatl 19: 866. Oraibi ceremony described by 16: 290. paper on Indian linguistic families by 7: 1-142. philology, or the science of activities designed for expression 20: CXXXIX-CLXX. plate of copper from Illinois mounds obtained by 5: 105. publications in charge of 24: XXV. quoted on the Paiute 14: 1084. report of 5: XV-LIII; 6: XXIII-LVIII. ruins found by 17: 532. separated the Yuki language 7: 136. shell disk collected by 2: 273. shell spoon collected by 2: 199. sociological studies of 21: XX. sociology, or the science of institutions 20: LIX-CXXXVIII. sophiology, or the science of activities designed to give instruction 20: CLXXI-CXCVII. spider myth obtained by 2: 286. stone graves or cists mentioned by 1: 113. stone knives collected by 14: 283. technology, or the science of industries 20: XXIX-LVII. Tusayan secret ceremonials described by 11: 13. Wishoskan researches of 7: 133. work of 7: XVIII-XXIV; 8: XXIII; 9: XXVII, XXXV; 10: XVIII. work of, in comparative philology 21: XXIII. Powell Valley, trail through 42: 795, 796. Power Myth, development of 19: LXXXIII sq. Powers, Miss Emma B., work of 39: 24, 28; 40: 18; 41: 18, 42, 70, 93, 114; 42: 17; 43: 16; 44: 16; 45: 17; 46: 14; 47: 12; 48: 18. Powers, John, minister of Shaker church 14: 758. Powers, Stephen Cahroc tribe of 7: 100. cited on artificial boundaries of Indian hunting and fishing claims 7: 42. cited on Pacific Coast tribes 7: 54. description of shell beads by 2: 239. description of shell ornaments by 2: 233. linguistic literature of 7: 22. Prescott, William H. cited as to Casa Grande 28: 53. on effect of civilization in Peru 14: 659. on golden age of Anahuac 14: 658. on route of CortÉs 25: 245. Prescott, Ariz. mines discovered near 13: 185. references to 28: 202, 204, 215. ruins near 28: 218. visit of Espejo to vicinity of 13: 185. Prescott, Ontario, Iroquoian pottery found near 20: 170. Prescott National Forest, Ariz. 28: 211. Present. See Modern. Presents distribution of, at Mitawit ceremony 14: 104. giving of, among Eskimo 18: 286 sq. the giving and taking of 38: § 818. See also Gifts. Preservation and cooking of animal food 38: § 163. of baskets 41: 196. of Casa Grande ruin, Arizona 28: 17, 18. of dead, Macrobian Ethiopians 1: 136, 137. of dead, Werowance of Virginia 1: 131, 132.
correspondence relating to 34: 27. description of 28: 17, 19 sq. distribution of 34: 27; 40: 18; 41: 18, 42, 70, 93, 114; 42: 17; 43: 16; 45: 17; 47: 12; 48: 18 sq. editorial work on 20: XXIII; 47: 11. in press 41: 17, 41 sq., 70, 93, 114; 45: 16 sq.; 47: 11; 48: 18. issued 10: X; 41: 17, 41, 70, 92 sq., 113; 45: 16; 47: 11; 48: 17 sq. list of 16: CI-CXIX; 17: LXXV-XCIII; 18: LIX-LXXVIII; 20: CXIX-CXXIV. policy regarding 41: 2. progress of 15: XXVII, XXXII, XXXVI, XL, XLVI, XLIX, LIV, LXII, LXV, LXVIII; 16: XXI, XXV, XXIX, XXXII, XXXVII, XL, XLVI, LIV, LX, LXXVII. report on 2: XVI; 3: XIV; 5: XVIII, XIX; 8: XVIII; 9: XXIV sq.; 11: XXIV; 13: XLII; 14: XLVIII; 23: XLII sq.; 24: XXX-XXXIII; 26: XXIX; 27: 12, 13; 29: 21 sq.; 30: 22; 32: 30; 36: 29; 37: 27 sq.; 39: 23 sqq.; 40: 17 sq.; 42: 16; 44: 15 sq. status of 43: 15 sq. summary of progress of 15: LXXXVIII. work on 17: LVI sq.; 18: XLVIII sq.; 19: XXIX sq.; 22, i: XXXVIII. Puccoon root, used to color the hair 42: 684. use of 44: 290, 369, 377. use of, in ceremonials 30: 93 sq. use of, in medicine 30: 56. use of, in war 30: 94. Puchah, definition of 16: 247. Pucherum. See Kai-appa. Puddling for Fish 38: § 207. Pueblo art, mention of 4: 266. buildings, mode of addition to 8: 70, 97, 98, 102, 148 sq. coiled ware 4: 273 sqq. construction in Tusayan and Cibola, details of 8: 37-223. culture, geographic extension of 15: 252. definition of the term 22, i: 193. method of building 14: 520. of ZuÑi, location of 5: 539. openings, carelessness in placing 8: 196. pictographs connected with signs 11: 373. pit house 46: 82. primitive habitations 4: 475. Seri, brief history of 17: 93 sq. Seri, establishment of 17: 72 sq. Seri, Mexicanization of 17: 84. stone ax 46: 147. term defined 28: 189. totem marks 4: 167. tribal sign for 1: 473. use of term, by Niza 14: 358. Pueblo Architecture Hopi 19: 579-582. influence of agriculture on 19: 640, 642. influence of war raids on 19: 641. notice of V. Mindeleff’s paper on 8: XXX, XXXIV. study of, by V. Mindeleff 8: 3-228. types of, evolution of 22, i: 193 sqq. work on 10: XXII. Pueblo Bonito additions to 8: 70. finish of roof of 8: 150. skill shown in masonry of 8: 195. stairway of, description of 8: 160. symmetry of arrangement of outer openings of 8: 195. Pueblo Creek origin of name 28: 207, 210. reference to 28: 209. Pueblo de la Laguna, synonym for Syujtun 44: 43. Pueblo de San Pedro de la Conquista. See Pueblo, Seri. Pueblo Grande excavation of 19: XIII sq. See also Kintiel. Pueblo Indian absence of Ghost dance among the 14: 805, 926. adobe construction used by 28: 80. animal fetishes among the 28: 122. bibliography of the 36: 9; 37: 4; 39: 12. building materials used by 22, i: 29, 176, 177. ceremonial use of colors by 10: 624. character of pottery of 20: 20. collection from the 18: XLVII. colors for war and peace used by the 10: 681. cosmology of the 10: 467 sq. decorative designs in pottery of 20: 86. descended from cliff dwellers 17: 531, 532. devotional tendency of 19: XXVIII. divisions of the 28: 189. frequency of shoe shape in pottery of 20: 182. games of the 24: tops 733. tor stick 668. influence of art of, on Lower Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 102. Kiowa performance of dance of 17: 377. Kiowa trade with 17: 165. land cessions and reservations 18: 916, 920 sqq. map made by the 10: 341. memoir on pottery of, in preparation 20: XIII. methods of manufacture used by 20: 50, 51, 56, 68. migrations of the 18: XXXII. motion pictures of ceremonies of 22, i: XIV. myths of, work on 22, i: XXXVI. names for cloud 29: 54. names for star 29: 48. names for sun and moon 29: 46. New-fire ceremony among the 19: 503. origin of the 22, i: 7: 105. reserve, changes in 18: 798. reserve, establishment of 18: 818, 864. Puzzles string, etc. 38: p. 549 ff., Chapter XXIV, passim. to deceive spirits 30: 180 sq., 197. PyÄtwÄy?, reference to 40: 503. Pygmies and the greedy hunters, Iroquois myth 2: 65. power of the 2: 65. references to 29: 418, 435, 500, 501, 549. See also Pinini. Pygmy’s Mission, Iroquois myth 2: 67. Pygocentrus tooth as a scraper 38: § 18. tooth for cutting hair 38: § 14. tooth for sharpening darts 38: § 120. voracity of, thwarted 38: § 195. Pyramid Lake, Nev. battle of, in 1860 14: 771. establishment of reserve at 18: 872. petroglyphs at 10: 92. rock carvings near 4: 24. Pyramid Lake Paiute, establishment of timber reserve for 18: 832. Pyramidal Mounds definition of 12: 30. of Arkansas 12: 588. Pyramidal Form of pueblo house rows 8: 61. Pyrite. See Iron Pyrite. Pyromancy among Algonquian tribes 14: 153. Pyrula Perversa, range of the 2: 143. Pyrus Sitchensis 45: 486, 488. Q QaÇÀli or Navaho chanter 5: 385, 387. QailertÉtang, fabulous people in Eskimo tradition 6: 640.
ecklaces, in decoration of Hopi katcinas 21: 67. See also Brer Rabbit; Gods; Hare. Rabbit Brush blossoms of, used for basketry 30: 81. stems of, used for dyeing 30: 80. Rabbit Clan native names for 42: 115. use of the term 42: 145. See also Tabo Clan. Rabbit Dance description of 42: 533. mention of 42: 524. Rabbit Disease, treatment for 42: 641. Rabbit-foot 33: 97. Rabbit Lake cession of reserve at 18: 830. reservation at 18: 802. Rabbit People, former inhabitants of Homolobi 22, i: 24. Rabbit Rock, myth of the 14: 117. Rabbit Sticks, appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 67. Rabbits, a Kiowa military order 14: 989; 17: 230. Racaciri. See Protium aracouchili. Raccoon a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 202. and the blind men, folk tale of 14: 211. eaten by the Pima 26: 82. effigy vessel, from house circle 41: 594. myths concerning 19: 289 sq., 449. special connection of, with woman 27: 512. suggestion of figure of, on vessel from Four-mile ruin 22, i: 145. Raccoon Clan busk name of 42: 614. facial painting of 42: 170. native names for 42: 115. of the Natchez 42: 118. story concerning 42: 108; 44: 199. Tukabahchee chief selected from 42: 148. Raccoon Disease, children affected by 42: 641. Raccoon River, reference to 27: 88. Race Course through street 47: 210. Race, Eskimo purity of 46: 365. unity or plurality of 46: 356. yellow-brown 43: 357. Race Sense, Seri 17: 154* sq., 160*-163*. Race Tracks of NambÉ 29: 362. of San Juan 29: 211, 217. See also Race Course. Race Types, Seri 17: 160*. Races (1) of people, definition of 15: XVII. See also Peoples. Races (2) among the Jicarilla Apache 26: 173. among the Menomini 14: 245. among the Pima 26: 172 sqq. among the Sobaipuri 26: 173. betting on 46: 566. foot, Guiana Indian 38: § 591. in Pima mythology 26: 241, 249. in Pima song 26: 298. nonritualistic 47: 329 sq. Papago with Pima 26: 172. ritual 47: 283. time of 47: 289. to help the sun 47: 324-329, 342. See also Foot-race; Racing. Racine, Wis., mounds near 5: 14. Racing among the Eskimo 18: 340. among the Indians 19: 494. foot, reference to 27: 88. in Hopi ceremonials 15: 261. in Seneca myth 19: 369. vogue of 45: 260. See also Races (2). Racing Katcina in Tusayan 15: 298. See also Wawac. Racket borrowed by the whites 24: 32. general description of 24: 562 sq. played by the 24: Abnaki 571, 708. Assiniboin 610 sq. Caughnawaga 573 sq. Cherokee 562, 563, 574-588. Cheyenne 563. Chickasaw 597. Chinook 562, 563, 573. Chippewa 562, 563, 564-567, 568, 573, 611, 616. Choctaw 562, 563, 598-605. Cree 573. Dakota 562. Dakota, Santee 563, 611-614. Dakota, Yanktonai 614. Delawares 567. Gualala 594 sq. Hurons 563, 588 sq. Iowa 615. Iroquois 590 sq., 592 sq. Menomini 567 sq. Miami 563, 569. Missisauga 563, 565, 569. Miwok 596 sq. Mohawk 563, 590 sqq. Muskogee 562, 605 sqq. Nipissing 570. Nishinam 608 sq. Onondaga 592. Oto 615. Passamaquoddy 570 sq. Penobscot 571. Pomo 562, 594 sq. St. Regis 592. Salish 562. Santee 562, 563. Sauk and Foxes 564, 572 sq. Seminole 562, 608. Seneca 562, 563, 592 sqq. Shawnee 573. Sioux 573. Skokomish 609. Thompson Indians 562, 609 sq. Topinagugim 597. Winnebago 562, 615 sq. Yokuts 595. referable to net-shield 24: 33. See also Lacrosse; Raquette. Racks for drying 35: 233, 238. for holding baskets 35: 171. for suspending clothes 8: 208, 214. Radin, Dr. Max, acknowledgment to 37: 48. Radin, Dr. Paul appointment of 31: 17. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. ethnologic research by 32: 21. manuscript by 30: 24. manuscript by, on Huave 37: 21. mention of 32: 9. on Ojibwa dialect 28: 290a. reference to 40: 504, 548. systematic research by 33: 29. work of 31: 17. Radio Acoma attitude toward 47: 34. mention of 46: 107. Radisson, Peter Esprit on Dakota eating wild rice 19: 1083. on Dakota gathering wild rice 19: 1061. on Dakota use of wild rice 19: 1046. on location of Huron Indians in Wisconsin 19: 1055. on Menomini use of wild rice 19: 1048. on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1046. on synonym for Menomini Indians 19: 1048. on time of year Dakota consume wild rice 19: 1087. Radius<
i> distribution of, in PowamÛ festival 21: 31. gourd, appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 82. gourd, from Pueblo ruins, description of 22, i: 163. gourd, of the Guiana Indians 38: § 573.
inald, a Menomini genealogy of 14: 49. Regional Divisions in tribal society 15: CXVII, CXVIII. See also Cardinal Points; Directions. Regulative Industries of the Omaha 3: 356-363. Rehearsal of Songs 39: 68 sq. Reichard, D. L., collection secured by 42: 18. Reichard, Dr. Gladys A. assistance rendered by 45: 26, 27, 153. reference to 41: 387. Reichel, E. H., on Cherokee missions 19: 84. Reid, E. D., fish bones studied by 44: 135. Reid, Henry, acknowledgment to 14: 665. Reid, Jesse, East Cherokee chief 19: 180. Reincarnation belief in 37: 314 sqq., 426; 42: 710. Cherokee doctrine of 19: 261 sq., 472, 474. See also Soul. Reindeer camps, Norton Sound 46: 80. camps, Point Hope 46: 101. Eskimo method of hunting and trapping 9: 264-268; 18: 118 sqq., 122. fawn skin, value of, among Eskimo 18: 232. hair thread, Eskimo ceremonial objects made of 18: 419. hunting of 11: 276, 313. in Alaska, extermination of 18: 24, 118, 119, 229. meat of 46: 80, 81, 92, 116. mention of 46: 111. myths concerning 11: 200. skin of 18: ceremonial objects made of 396, 398, 404, 415-419. Eskimo clothing made of 30-41. Eskimo houses built of 258. Eskimo implements made of 104, 105. Eskimo method of making cord from 110. Eskimo method of tanning 117. Eskimo musical instruments made of 350. Eskimo tobacco implements made of 285. Eskimo transportation apparatus made of 217. value of, among Eskimo 229, 232. uses of 11: 276. See also Deer. Reinecky, F. T., killed at Wounded Knee 14: 872. Reinhardt, ——, on Spanish mines 19: 202. Reinoso, Alvaro, on Haitian agriculture 25: 51. Reiss and StÜbel, Peruvian cuts of, cited 3: 84. Reithrodontomys sp. (?), finding of, in PimerÍa 26: 80. Rejection, signs for 1: 298, 299. Rejects confusion of, with implements 15: 80. distribution of 15: 137, 138, 142. number of, in Piny Branch quarry 15: 57. of quarry shops 15: 55, 57, 147. Rejuvenation, legends concerning 30: 149 sq., 151. Relations between sexes, among the Pima 26: 182. governmental, with Indians, discussion of 46: 470-474. See also Intertribal Relations. Relations des JÉsuites on Dakota use of wild rice 19: 1046. on duck at Green Bay 19: 1099. on Indian population in wild rice district 19: 1107. on location of Potawatomi 19: 1053. on location of Winnebago 19: 1052. on Maskotin eating wild rice 19: 1085. on Ottawa gathering wild rice 19: 1063. on Ottawa storing wild rice in birch-bark boxes 19: 1072. on Ottawa thrashing wild rice 19: 1068. on Ottawa tying wild rice 19: 1059. on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1023. Relationship among the Menomini 14: 43. among the Pima 26: 19, 23 sq., 144, 164. discussion of terms of 42: 87 sq., 96 sq. family and marital 38: § 877-880. joking, Creek 42: 168. joking, Winnebago 37: 133 sq. linguistic, of the Cherokee 19: 16. supplementary terms of 42: 84, 93. tables of 42: 85 sq., 89 sq., 94 sq. terms of 27: 313-318; 37: 128-131. terms of, among the Tlingit and Haida 26: 424 sq. terms of, among the Tsimshian 31: 489 sq. terms of, applied to tribes 42: 96. terms of, Tsimshian, compared with Tlingit and Haida 31: 490 sq. terms of, used by men 42: 80-83, 91 sqq. terms of, used by women 42: 83, 84, 93. Tsimshian, compared with Kwakiutl 31: 492 sqq. See also Clans; Joking Relationship; Kinship; Terms of Relationship. Relative Mode, Delaware 28: 279. Release, Arrow 14: 280; 38: § 145. Relics frauds in 4: 247-253. from Burton Mound, reburial of 44: 63, 70. of the dead, Eskimo disposal of 18: 311. Relief, development of 19: LXXV. Relief Ornaments 4: 271, 282, 374. Relieved Decoration Appalachee-Ohio pottery 20: 180 sqq. Eastern United States pottery 20: 52, 65, 66. Florida Peninsula pottery 20: 118, 124. Gulf Coast pottery 20: 106, 107, 108. Gulf Coast pottery, relation of, to engraved designs 20: 114. Iroquoian pipes 20: 173. Iroquoian pottery 20: 162 sq., 171 sq. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 85 sq., 88, 89. Ohio Valley pottery 20: 184 sq. South Appalachian pottery 20: 141, 144. See also Fillets; Forms; Handles; Life Forms; Modeling; Nodes; Ridges. Religion acculturation in 19: XXIII. and ethics 27: affected by advent of traders 614 sq. conception of cosmic order 134 sq. conception of life 357 sq. interrelation of men and animals 599 sqq. keeper 595. position of chiefs 601 sq. proverbs 604. relation to warfare 402 sq. religion and political unity 196, 199 sq. terms for bad traits and bad conduct 614 sq. terms for good traits and good conduct 603. totems 602. veneration for the ancients 601. We´waÇpe 596 sq. development of 20: CXXXIII-CXXXVII. discussion of attempted cha
"isub1">use of, for flaking 15: 29. use of, for implement making 15: 125. use of, in aboriginal art 15: 24. Rhys-Davids, Prof. T. W., quotation from 15: CXVIII. Rhythm in Indian music 27: 375. See also Music; Song. Riana, a Kiowa synonym 17: 149. Ri-api-laha, definition of 16: 262. Ribas, Father —— on southern Pima 28: 70 sq., 152. Ribas, AndrÉs Perez de on cannibalism among Mexican Indians 17: 56. on Petlatlan 14: 515. on Seri 17: 56. on Seri population 17: 135*. Ribault, ——, reliance of narrative of 42: 679. Riberos, el Factor, companion of Coronado 14: 477. Ribes, use of 44: 292, 348. Ribes Americanum 33: 84. Ribes Cereum 45: 487. Ribes Glandulosum, use of 44: 292, 307, 348, 358. Ribes Hudsonianum 45: 471, 489, 509, 514, 515. Ribes Lacustre 45: 469, 488. Ribes Sanguineum 45: 487. Ribes Viscosissimum 45: 489. Ribs human, mention of 46: 159.
agent of Tennessee with Cherokee 5: 179. appointment of, as Cherokee agent 19: 53. burning of Coldwater by 19: 67. commissioner of Cherokee treaty 5: 194. emigration under 19: 56. expedition against Chickamauga under (1794) 19: 78-99. killing of brother of 19: 67. life of 19: 204 sq. on Cherokee-American conflicts (1785-1794) 19: 67. on French and Spanish encouragement of Cherokee hostility 19: 62, 67. on Nancy Ward 19: 204. repulse of Indians by garrison under 19: 48. warning of invasions given by 19: 55. Robertson, R. S. on salt-making vessels 20: 30 sq. on surface burial 1: 139. Robertson, Mrs. S. A., work of, among Creeks 19: 218. Robes gift of, to the poor 22, ii: 256. of skin 45: 230 sq. woven, use of 45: 334. See also Dress. Robin Cherokee name for 19: 281. description of house of 31: 457. name of Tlingit gaming stick 26: 444. Robinia Nicou. See Haiari. Robins, Thomas, owner of Burton Mound 44: 57. Robin’s Nest, a fancy basket 41: 204. Robinson, ——, aid given Dr. J. W. Fewkes by 22, i: 39. Robinson, Lieutenant ——, scouts under in Sioux outbreak 14: 850. Robinson, Alfred on shinny, Santa Barbara 24: 628 sq. visit of, to Santa Barbara 44: 55 sq. Robinson, A. W., material furnished by 24: 257. Robinson, Doane, acknowledgment to 29: 12. Robinson, Rev. John, Oglala gentes obtained by 15: 220. Robinson, Richard, assistance rendered by 33: 46. Robinson, Thomas acknowledgment to 19: 13. on dry channel of Chattahoochee 19: 200. Robinson, Sir W., mention of 34: 68. Robinson Episode, history of 17: 117. Roblet, Surgeon ——, material furnished by 24: 262. Roca Foca, features of 17: 49. Roche de Boeuf Ottawa land cessions and reservations 18: 826, 842, 858. Roche PercÉ, Souris River, Manitoba 10: 43. Rochefort, —— historical work of 25: 31, 68. history of Antilles by 19: 202. on the Carib 25: 218. Rochefort, C. de and Poincy, L. de cited 30: 153, 161, 163, 167, 177, 254, 259, 269, 272, 278, 280, 295, 296, 297, 303, 304, 306, 307, 320, 353, 369, 371. on medicine-men 30: 351. Rock feet turned into 30: 194. forming wall across country 32: 173, 271. heaps of, significance of 30: 238. man created from 30: 145, 222, 237 sq. man transformed into 30: 152, 235, 237 sq. markings on, description of certain 23: 444, 445. pulverized, use of, as tempering material 20: Eastern United States pottery 46, 47, 59, 60. Iroquoian pottery 161. Northern pottery 187. Northwestern pottery 199. stone or hill transformation 33: 302, 617, 637, 638, 639, 643, 652, 656, 658. submerged, tests for 30: 220, 361. superstitious use of 47: 125. transformation into 35: 1147. See also Materials; Quartz; Quartzite; Steatite. Rock Carvings mention of 4: 16, 20-33; 38: § 780, 781; 47: 131. See also Rock Etchings; etc. Rock Creek, Colo., petroglyphs on 10: 72. Rock Creek Valley ancient quarries in 15: 66. geology of 15: 32. Rock Elm 33: 75. Rock Etchings in Kanawha Valley 42: 756. See also Petroglyphs. Rock Hill, Calif., petroglyphs on 10: 52. Rock-Manikin. See Cock-of-the-Rock. Rock Medicine, use of 42: 658. Rock-oyster Shell beads of 44: 160, 161 sqq. use of 44: 147. Rock Paintings explanation of 45: 283, 284, 285, 286, 287. Indian superstition concerning 10: 466 sq. making of 45: 283 sq. mention of 4: 58; 38: § 782. purpose of 45: 194. See also Petroglyphs. Rock River Mounds and Village Site 37: 99. Rock River Sauk land cessions and reservations 18: 680. Rock Sculptures, origin of 30: 136, 237, 242. Rock Shelters on trails 42: 843 sq. Rock Spiraea, use of 45: 497, 499. Rock Spirits, propitiation of 30: 300. Rock Village, purchase of reserve at 18: 766. Rockcress, use of 45: 464. Rockhill, Hon. W. W. acknowledgment to 17: 20. cited on flour throwing by Tibetans 9: 516. notice of Paul Vial’s work by 10: 674. Rocking Tools. See Roulette. Rocks. See Rock. Rockwall, Tex., sandstone formation at 37: 7. Rockwell, ——, on Williamson’s expedition 19: 50. Rocky Dell Creek, N. Mex. pictographs on 4: 33. rock paintings at 10: 96. Rocky Mountain Bee Plant use of, for decorating pottery 30: 82. use of, in ceremonies 30: 96. Rocky Mountain Maple, use of 45: 475, 499, 500. Rocky Mountains in Pima tradition 27: 79. known to the Omaha 27: 102. name given to 42: 52, 53. Roddy, T. R. material collected by 24: 189, 565, 615. on ring and pin, Winnebago 24: 557. Rodman, Capt. N. D. on amount of wild rice harvested 19: 1077. on drowning wild rice 19: 1099. on Ojibwa tying wild rice 19: 1058. on winnowing wild rice 19: 1070. RodrÍguez, Fray Augustine, Acoma
und Rock, Tex., aboriginal workshops at 40: 4. Round Tail, Gila fish 26: 83. Round Valley Indians, burial among the 1: 124. Round Valley Reserve act authorizing 18: 830. changes in 18: 852, 862, 880, 886. establishment of 18: 816. removal of Indians of 18: 850. Roundhouses, detached 47: 209. Routes to Casa Grande, description of 28: 34-37. trade, mention of 38: § 823. Rowan, Captain ——, on preserved skulls 3: 97. Rowe Canyon, Ariz., petroglyphs in 10: 356 sq. Rowland, Thomas, land treaty witness 14: 29. Rows of houses forming Shumopavi 8: 74. Roxana Petroleum Co., collection presented by 40: 20. Roy, J. B., grant of land to 18: 792. Royal, number of specimens from 34: 49.
/b>: 38, 115, 155, 157, 181, 189. carried on back in war 40: 115. description of 27: 226 sqq. of Fox Indians, acquired by National Museum 34: 16. of Fox Indians, purchased by Dr. T. Michelson 34: 30. on right front hoof 40: 249-265. on the right side 40: 267, 281. owners of 40: 501. taken down by ceremonial attendant 40: 123. White Buffalo’s left hoof 40: 209-227. White Tiny-hoof 40: 229-247. Sacred Packs of War. See Packs of War. Sacred Pipes keepers of the 3: 222, 223, 358, 363. of the Omaha 3: 221-224. See also Pipes. Sacred Places at Pima 26: 254 sqq. Sacred Plates. See Plates, copper and brass. Sacred Pole anointing ceremony of 27: 213, 230-233, 244, 273, 363. ceremonies of the 27: 243-251, 596. description of 27: 224 sq. in annual buffalo hunt 27: 280. in He´dewachi ceremony 27: 251-260. keeper of the 27: 208. legend of the 27: 44, 223 sq. made of cottonwood 33: 58. “mark of honor” 27: 219 sqq. of the Omaha 3: 234, 293. origin of the 27: 44, 73, 74, 217 sqq. references to the 27: 70, 160, 279, 458, 494, 609. ritual songs of the 27: 233-242. symbolism of the 27: 236, 243. tent of 27: 154, 195. See also Sacred Packs; Sacred Tents. Sacred Rock Paintings 10: 466 sq. Sacred Room mention of 35: 748, 869, 874, 1006, 1007, 1073, 1132, 1165, 1169, 1199, 1211. of Cannibal and his companions 35: 1244 sqq. of novice 35: 738. Sacred Shell account of 27: 200, 454-458, 494. reference to 27: 194. Sacred Song of war dancer 35: 1136. Sacred Songs mention of 35: 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 745, 872, 874, 892, 929, 936, 955, 962, 1004, 1005, 1025, 1053, 1131, 1137, 1138, 1241. of shaman 35: 708, 722, 726. Sacred Tents account of the 27: 221 sq. contents of 27: 278 sq. custody of 27: 154. in Turning the Child 27: 118. of the Omahas 3: 221, 226, 233; 11: 413. on annual buffalo hunt 27: 278 sq. references to 27: 155, 194 sq., 277, 487. See also Tent of War; White Buffalo Hide. Sacred Things, Cherokee 19: 396 sq. Sacred Tree, origin of 27: 49. Sacred Tribal Pipes. See Pipes. Sacred White Buffalo Hide. See White Buffalo Hide. Sacrifice after death 35: 709. among the Hopi 17: 738. among the Siouan Indians 15: 184. amputation of fingers as 46: 427 sq. as a wager 24: 180. custom of making 42: 708. during mourning 17: 363. indications of fire erroneously taken as proof of 12: 604. influence of, on development of drama 19: LXXVIII. made by hunters 46: 535. mention of 1: 187; 42: 516 sq. mortuary, by Prairie tribes 14: 782. of blood, to the earth 47: 92. of clothing 35: 707. of dog image 16: 211. of food 35: 705. of food in Tusayan house building 8: 101, 102. of game 44: 252. of property among the Kiowa 17: 223. pole of the Sioux 14: 822. primitive 11: 196, 373, 380, 426, 435, 459, 502, 521. propitiatory, among the Kiowa 17: 310. scarification as a 14: 898. to fire 35: 1331 sqq. to souls 35: 722. to Spirit of Fire 35: 706. to the river 46: 536. to WakoÑda 46: 489. See also Ceremonial; Mortuary; Offerings; Sacrifice, Human. Sacrifice, Human among Aztecs 47: 903. discussion of 47: 846 sq. in Hopi legend 16: 297. mention of 42: 702, 712. Pawnee and Sioux cases of 47: 847. seldom practiced by Indians 12: 676. was it practiced by mound-builders? 12: 678. See also Sacrifice. Sacrificial Basins, use of baked clay vessel as, Eastern United States 20: 36 sq. Sacrificial Caves. See Graham Mountains; Nantacks. Sacrificial Knives 34: 107 sq. SÁdalsÓmte-K`ÍÄgo, a Kiowa Apache synonym 17: 245. Sa´d?lso´mte-K`iÑiago, Kiowa name of the Kiowa Apache 14: 1081. Saddlebag, basket used as 41: 208. Saddles of the Omaha 13: 280. Sad-dy-yo. See SÄ´riyo. Safety, signals for 1: 536. Safety Harbor, Fla. archeological sites at 48: 3. mound near, excavation of 47: 2. Safford, William E. acknowledgments to 36: 55; 41: 494. aid of, in arranging and verifying nomenclature 33: 46. remains examined by 41: 540, 541. report made by 41: 566. Safford, Mrs. W. E., gift from 43: 18. Sagadahock forms of the name with meanings 43: 170. the territory of the Wawenock 43: 170. use of the word 43: 171. Sagard, Theodat G., cited 12: 618, 624; 30: 20. Sagdlirmiut Eskimo tribe, situation of 6: 444. of Southampton Island 6: 451. Sage acknowledgment to 14: 655. See also Nakash. Sage little wild 33: 134. prairie, use of 44: 287. seeds and roots of, used in tzoalli 9: 526 sq. wild, mention of 33: 134. See also Artemisia Frigida. stick game 261. marriage customs of the 17: 286*. materials used by the 41: 154, 155. mention of the 41: 136. mourning colors of the 10: 630. of Puget Sound 7: 130. population of the 7: 105. tattooing among the 10: 407. work on language of 10: XXIII. See also Salishan Stock. Salishan Languages bibliography of, by James Pilling 13: XLI; 14: XLIII; 15: XXVI, XXXI, XXXV. preparation of paper on 37: 19. superseded by Yakima dialect 41: 384. Salishan Stock absence of Ghost dance among tribes of 14: 805. hand games of the 24: 273. implements employed in stick game by 24: 227. mention of the 7: 102-105.
st pottery 148, 151, 155, 179. Southwestern pottery 193, 199, 200. South Appalachian pottery 138. use of, in drilling 13: 165. use of, in Tusayan ceremony 15: 279, 288. See also Materials; Quartz; Rock; Sand Mounds; Sand Painting; Sand Pictures; Sandstorms. Sand Burial, as protection against mosquitoes 38: § 933. Sand Canyon, ruins in 40: 3. Sand Cherry 33: 88. Sand Clan same as NÄn clan 19: 615, 616, 620. See also TÜwa Clan. Sand Fleas, plague of, a possible cause of abandonment of pueblos on Little Colorado River 22, i: 22. Sand Mounds at altars 19: 990, 991. burial, of Calusa origin 48: 4. Florida Peninsula, burial in 20: 119. Florida Peninsula, pottery of 20: 127. Gulf Coast, pottery of 20: 107. See also MÜiyiÑwÜ. Sand Paintings among the Navaho 17: 501, 513. among the Sia 11: 77. antiquity of 23: 415. colors used in 8: 237. description of 8: 260, 261, 262, 264, 265. disposition of sand after the ceremony 8: 241, 261, 264. made for naming ceremony 47: 133. made for scalp dance 47: 100. manner of laying on colors 8: 239-248. Navaho ceremonial, learned by the Navahos from the Pueblos 8: 236. ZuÑi, making of 23: 491. Sand Pictures at Cipaulovi 16: 278. at CuÑopavi 16: 287. at Hopi altars 19: 966, 968, 982, 995. at Oraibi altar 16: 291. ceremonial 5: 422, 423, 427, 428, 429. Sand-spits of Seriland, features of 17: 42. Sandals found in Honanki 17: 573. in cavate lodges 13: 228. of fiber 13: 358. of rare form 44: 9. of the Guiana Indians 38: § 553. of yucca found in Canyon de Chelly 8: 133. use of 30: 212. woven, described and figured 13: 34, 35. See also Shoes; Slippers. Sandbar Willow 33: 73. Sanderson, J. G., acknowledgment to 44: 437. Sanderson, J. O., collection secured by 42: 19. Sandhill Crane Beans, use of, in folklore 30: 85. Sandia Hopi name for 17: 584. inhabitants of, descent of 22, i: 19. lands of, deed to Isleta 47: 204. masked dance of 47: 344. name for Acoma at 14: 492. population of 7: 123. population of, reduced by influenza 47: 204. pueblo of, act of Congress affecting 18: 922. pueblo of, mention of 2: 433. settled by Tanoan people from Tusayan 17: 584. visit to 22, i: 18, 19. Sandia, N. Mex., collection from 2: 458. Sandia Indians, references to 29: 37, 477. Sandpaper. See Curatella. Sandstone for grinding berry cakes 35: 267. for rubbing down horn 35: 103, 109, 127, 144, 157. for sawing 35: 109. Tewa name for 29: 582. used in Pueblo construction, method of quarrying 8: 225. Sandstorms effect of, at Casa Grande 28: 42. in Canyon de Chelly 16: 94. Sandusky Bay, trail to 42: 757, 786. Sandy Desert, legend of 43: 259. Sandy Lake cession of reserve at 18: 830. reservation at 18: 802. Sanford, Colonel ——, troops under, in Sioux outbreak 14: 850. Sanford’s Mill, Ariz., description of 28: 34 sq. Sanger, Col. J. P., on population of Porto Rico 25: 25. Sanger Beaver, information from 42: 545, 547. Sanguinaria Canadensis medicinal constituents of 44: 305. medicinal properties of 44: 302. mention of 33: 83. use of 44: 293, 344, 369. ?SÄn´iak?akwe (Hunter’s Fraternity) and gods, dancing of 23: 90. peculiarity of 23: 417. See also Hunter’s Fraternity. Sanicula Canadensis medicinal constituents of 44: 305. medicinal properties of 44: 302. use of 44: 293, 358, 360. Sanitary Regulations among Cherokee Indians, neglect of 7: 332, 333. Sanitation at Acoma 47: 30. Guiana Indian 38: § 935. Sanitika, Pawnee name of the Arapaho 14: 954. Sanjurgo, Alvaro de, representative of De Soto in Mexico 14: 380. SÄnko, Kiowa name of the Comanche 14: 1043. Sanpoil Indians or Tribe and Nespelim affinity 14: 724. and Spokan affinity 14: 733. basketry of 41: 154, 155, 157, 414. derivation of the name 45: 198. divisions of the 45: 208. Flathead name for 45: 300. imbrication learned by 41: 140. Indian names for 45: 198, 199, 200. intercourse of, with other tribes 45: 215. population of the 45: 212. shapes made by 41: 141. sketch of the 14: 733. trays made by 41: 138. See also Sans Puelle. Sans Arcs a Teton division 14: 1059. definition of 4: 98. definition and habitat of 15: 160. mention of 4: 93, 94, 109, 118, 122, 134. Sans Puelle a Sanpoil synonym 14: 733. population of 7: 105. See also Sanpoil. Sanson d’Abbeville, N. on Pecos 29: 476. on Taos 29: 182. Sanssouci, Louis cited on beliefs 11: 370. reference to 27: 626. Sanssouci, village of 13: 271. Santa Ana, General —— barracks of 25: 243. def
uk County, effigy mounds in 37: 98. Sauk Language certain forms in 28: 239. description of 28: 252-255, 258-261. examples in comparison with 28: Cree, Micmac 288. Eastern-Central Algonquian 237. Fox, Peoria 272, 288. Kickapoo, Menomini, Ojibwa, Shawnee 272.
1">influence of 47: 56. missionary, influence on Eskimo of 18: 21. organization of, as corporation for expression 20: LXXVI sqq. See also Carlisle; Civilization; Education; School Attendance; etc. Schoopanism among the Omahas 3: 365. See also Paederastia. Schrenck, L. von 46: 372. Schrooyelpi, a Colville synonym 14: 732. Schulz-Lorentzen 46: 372. Schultz-Sellack, K. cited 6: 278. cited on Mexican calendars 3: 7, 38, 40, 46, 48, 49, 50, 54. Schultze, Fritz, cited on Indian medicine-men and women 9: 470, 471. Schumacher, Paul on arrow-straightening 13: 126. on California pot stones 13: 99. on California steatite 15: 107. on Indian manufacture of tubes 13: 127. on Klamath stone working 13: 141, 172. on mode of mortar making in California 13: 96. on Santa Barbara shell drilling 13: 165. on use of chisel in steatite working 13: 72. on use of perforated stones in California 13: 98. shell objects collected by 2: 209, 217. SchÜrmann, —— acknowledgment to 17: 559. ruins near ranch of 17: 550-553. Schuyler, P. P., license to purchase land issued to 18: 579. Schwalbe, G. 46: 372. Schwartzia Tomentosa use of, for bows 38: § 125. use of, for clubs 38: § 150. Schwatka, Lieut. Frederic cited 6: 445, 457, 458, 459, 464, 465, 470; 46: 128, 150. on bones for hand game, Han Kutcin 24: 272. on hand game, Chilkat 24: 287 sq. Schweinfurth, George A., cited on African customs 9: 488, 560. Schwenkey, P., killed at Wounded Knee 14: 872. Schwertz, Fr. 46: 372. Schwing, ——, acknowledgment to 44: 3. Schwogelpi, a Colville synonym 14: 732. Schwoyelpi, a Colville synonym 14: 732. Science, quoted on relic frauds 4: 247. Science and the arts among the Eskimo 6: 643-658. modern, stepping-stones to 19: 825, 826. origin of 20: CXCII sqq. Scientific Results accomplished by the Bureau of American Ethnology 48: 1187 sq. Scientific Staff of the Bureau list of, in 1931 48: 1188 sq. mention of 24: X. Scillacio, Nicolo, on character of Antilleans 25: 32. Scioto County, Ohio, occurrence of earthenware spools in 20: 44. Scioto Prong of Warrior’s Path 42: 784 sqq. Scioto River Indian settlements at mouth of 42: 785. trails from mouth of 52: 785. Scioto Valley, trail through 42: 786. Scirpus sp. 45: 481, 484, 497. Scirpus Validus mention of 33: 69. use of 44: 293, 307, 320, 378. Scissor-tail in Cherokee myth 19: 285. Scocciane, Italian sign for 1: 298. Scoops, Ice, of the Eskimo 9: 308 sq.; 18: 175. Scoparia Dulcis, febrifuge 38: § 927. Scores, hunting, of the Eskimo 9: 361-364. Scoring Implements used by the Eskimo 18: 80 sq. Scoresky, Capt. William cited on Eskimo 9: 207. cited on Eskimo burials 9: 426. work of, consulted 9: 25. Scorpions, talismans from 30: 289. Scotch Blood among the Cherokee 19: 83. Scotland, cup sculptures in 10: 193. Scoton land cessions and reservations 18: 796. See also Siletz Reserve. Scott, Capt. H. L. acknowledgments to 14: 655; 17: 147. delegate to Washington in 1894 17: 225. disturbance among Kiowa quieted by 17: 360. DohÁsÄn calendar obtained by 17: 143. Indian troops commanded by 17: 223, 362. information furnished by 17: 146. on Ghost dance doctrine 14: 785. on Kiowa 17: 346. on Moon-Head 14: 904. on reported power of Sitting Bull 14: 896, 897. on Sitting Bull 14: 895. ordered to investigate Ghost dance 14: 900. portrait of 17: 224. report of, on whipping of Kiowa boys 17: 361. Set-t’aiÑte shield willed to 17: 210. Scott, Col. H. L. material collected by 24: 124. on dice game, Kiowa 24: 125 sq. Scott, Col. H. S., work of 19: XXVI sq. Scott, John an Alabama chief 42: 193. information furnished by 42: 402. Scott, John, mound on land of 44: 407. Scott, S. M., collections by, in Peru 16: XXXI. Scott, S. S., report on East Cherokee affairs by 19: 170 sq. Scott, Thomas, reference to 40: 545. Scott, Sir Walter cited on lycanthropy 9: 459. quoted on lightning-riven wood 9: 287. Scott, William, inclosure on land of, New York 12: 509. Scott, William killing of party under 19: 76 sq., 100 sq. legend told by 19: 482. Scott, Prof. William A., acknowledgment to 19: 1019. Scott, Gen. Winfield appointment of, to effect Removal 19: 129. compromise with Cherokee refugees by 19: 157. ordered to command troops in Cherokee country 5: 291. part taken by, in Removal 19: 130 sqq. proclamation to Cherokee by 19: 129 sq. Scott County, Ark., remains in 44: 464. Scott County, Iowa pottery from 20: 193. See also Davenport. Scottish marriage customs 17: 285*. See also Scotland. reservation at 18: 716. Seemann, Dr. Berthold description of Piedra Pintal by 6: 21, 22. mention of 46: 215, 218, 219, 372. pictographs described by 25: 151 sq. remarks by, on cup sculptures 10: 193 sq. Seginsiwin’s Village cession of reserve at 18: 718. reservation at 18: 676. Segresser, Father Felipe, settler in Arizona 26: 28. Segura, JosÉ, on Isleta 29: 529. S?´hiwÛq, native name of Weasel Bear 14: 959. S?icha, an Arapaho sacred pipe 14: 960. Seines, Eskimo 18: 186, 187. Seiyo, SeÑor ——, specimens purchased from 30: 50, 221. Sekani
aincy by 17: 338. surrender of 17: 206. tipi symbolism of 14: 911. treaty signed by, in 1867 17: 185. war party led by 17: 181. Set-t’aiÑti. See Set-t’aiÑte. Set-t’an acknowledgment to 17: 147. data concerning 17: 146. portrait of 17: 254. presentation of calendar by 17: 145. Set-t’an Calendar description of 17: 144. period covered by 17: 143. whereabouts of 17: 146. Settlement, notice of approach to 38: § 803. Setzler, Frank M., work of 48: 17. Seuvarit Uta, establishment of reservation for 18: 825. Sevier, Gen. John defeat of Fergusson by 19: 57. defeat of Indian raiders by, in 1781 19: 59. expeditions against Cherokee under (1780-81, 1788, 1793) 19: 65, 66, 75, 82. expedition against Chickamauga towns under (1782) 19: 60. expedition against Hiwassee towns under (1786) 19: 58 sq. expedition against Overhill towns under (1781) 19: 58 sq. fort built by 42: 841. life of 19: 210 sq. prevention of burning of Chilhowee by 19: 73. Sevier County, Tenn. collection of relics from 3: 441-456. vessel from 20: 181. Seven in Cherokee myth 19: 431, 433. sacred number of the Cherokee 42: 603. Seven Chiefs. See Council of Seven Chiefs. Seven Cities of Cibola attempt to locate 5: XXVII. expedition to, under Guzman 14: 473. stories and legends concerning 14: 363, 553. See also Cibola. Seven Council-Fires application of the term 15: 167. of the Dakota 15: 221. Sevenmile Ford, Va., trail by 42: 759. Seven Nations of Canada, land cessions and reservations by 18: 656. Seven Sisters possessors of tobacco 32: 82. warfare against 32: 93. Seven Songs a part of No?´-zhi?-zho? ritual 39: 41, 205. explanation of 39: 77. songs comprising 39: 78. Seven Stars, The, legends concerning 30: 262-266. Severalty, change from communal property to titles in, slow process of 23: XXXIII. Severalty Act, references to 27: 33, 41, 624, 636. Severn, European ware from site of wreck of 20: 130. Sewall, ——, reference to map by 18: 844. Seward, Indian baskets at 46: 36. Seward Peninsula archeology of 46: 88, 363. burials in 46: 90. crania from 46: 260, 364. Eskimo of 46: 217, 255, 357, 361. fossil ivory culture of 46: 174. mapping of 46: 176. mention of 46: 115. old sites of 46: 90, 196, 202, 203. skeletal parts from 46: 314-317, 323, 327, 328. stone dwellings of 46: 172. Sewatpalla, a PÄ´lus synonym 14: 735. Sewing among Siouan tribes 13: 274. instruction in 40: 297, 309. materials used in 45: 46. method of, in basketry 41: 160. of wood 35: 77, 88, 93. primitive method of 11: 207, 282. symbol in Dresden Codex 16: 237. unknown to Pima 26: 150. Sex conception in cosmic order, Omaha 27: 134 sq., 502. conception in tribal organization, Omaha 27: 138 sqq., 196 sqq. conception in tribal organization, Osage 27: 141. conception in tribal organization, Ponca 27: 140, 507. differences in cranial module and capacity 46: 258. forecasting of 30: 274. influencing of 30: 84, 96. of trephined subjects 16: 63. prenatal knowledge of 40: 47, 131. restrictions 40: 259. taboos 47: 503. See also Sexes; Sexual Abstinence; etc. Sex Relations. See Marriage Customs. Sexes relations between 42: 386, 388. segregation of the 40: 340; 42: 384 sq. See also Sex. Sexual Abstinence while on war party 42: 412. Sexual Freedom among Guiana Indians 38: § 733. Sexual Intercourse effect of 35: 719. public procession of men who have had, with the deceased 38: § 849. Sexual Life, customs of 30: 309-326. Sexual Looseness, attitude toward 42: 354. Sexual Mutilation among Guiana Indians 38: § 507. Sexuality of Universe, concept of 47: 488. Seyffarth, Doctor ——, attempt of, to explain Davenport Tablets 12: 624. Seymour, E. S. on Ojibwa curing wild rice 19: 1065. on Ojibwa gathering wild rice 19: 1062. on Ojibwa threshing wild rice 19: 1067. on Ojibwa tying wild rice 19: 1059. on use of birch-bark winnowing fans 19: 1071. on wild rice in Lake of the Woods 19: 1035. Sfaganukb 46: 193. Sfani. See Ishpani. Sfugunugumut implements and utensils from 18: 67, 68, 74, 94, 97 sqq., 106, 109, 178. ornaments from 18: 56. shamanic rites witnessed at 18: 432. transportation apparatus from 18: 226, 227. Sh?´aw?, a Yakima chief 14: 727. Sha´be. See Ni´kagahi Sha´be. Shabehnay, reservation for 18: 724. Sha´`chid?´ni, a former Caddo Village 14: 1094. Shadbush use of 44: 286, 321. See also Amelanchier Canadensis. Shademah, J. B., reservation for 18: 740. Shades Eskimo belief concerning 18: 394, 422-425. Eskimo kinds of 18: 422. masks made by Eskimo to represent 18: 394. of animals, Eskimo be
30. Shaw-wawa Kootiacan. See Sh?´aw?. Shaytee’s Village, reservation at 18: 724. Shea, John Gilmary aid of 5: XXXV. on Cabeza de Vaca’s route 14: 348. on curing wild rice 19: 1065. on Dakota eating wild rice 19: 1085. on De Soto’s route 19: 193, 198. on early habitat of the Kaskaskias 7: 113. on early Spanish settlements 19: 27. on Menomini language 14: 60. on Menomini native name 14: 12. on Menomini population 14: 33. on migrations of the Huron 19: 1055. on NambÉ Pueblo 29: 360. on Patoqua 29: 398. on possible conjunction of Coronado and De Soto 14: 371. on Rogel’s expedition 19: 201 sq. on San Gabriel 29: 228. on San Juan 29: 213. on San Pablo ruin 29: 508. on Spanish mission among Cherokee 19: 29. on thrashing wild rice 19: 1068. on wild rice eaten with grease 19: 1084. on Winnebago and Illinois hostility 15: 196. quoted on Indian beliefs 11: 431. reference to work of 11: 363. Shea’s Linguistics, NambÉ grammar in 26: 20.
dance 3: 345. “Shooting” of Members in Pebble society 27: 566. in Shell society 27: 530 sqq., 553, 537. Shooting Ritual of the Medicine dance 37: 370, 372. Shooting Star Eskimo belief concerning 18: 449. use of 45: 506, 507. See also Meteor; Stars. Shore Pine. See Lodgepole Pine. Shoreland Environment, influence of, on pottery 20: 159 sq. Short, John T. cited 12: 565, 599, 601, 602, 603, 606. on mound-builders 5: 83. Short, pictographs for 10: 600. Short Bull arrest of band of 14: 876. assistance rendered by 33: 46. continued retreat of 14: 867. delegate to Wovoka 14: 820. flights of, to Bad Lands 14: 850, 852, 884. Ghost dance led by 14: 788, 817, 847, 1064. Indians urged to dance by 14: 849. operations of, in Sioux outbreak 14: 881. Pine Ridge agency attacked by 14: 873. portrait of 14: 851. surrender of 14: 868. surrender of, demanded 14: 887. visit of, to Wovoka 14: 797, 819, 843, 894. Short-cut Trail 42: 817 sqq. Shoshonean Stock information concerning the 26: XXV. mention of the 7: 108 sqq. method of counting of the 19: 879. numbers of the 19: 868 sqq., 876, 878, 929. regarded by Buschmann as identical with Nahuatlan 7: 140. tribes of the 24: Bannock 159, 307, 495, 678, 713, 728, 742. Comanche 159, 309. Hopi 160, 357, 390, 495, 633, 678, 731, 743, 755, 760, 774, 794, 807. Kawia 165, 310. Mono 166, 310, 498, 635, 679, 704, 714, 756, 760, 796. Paiute 166, 311, 333, 498, 553, 662, 704, 744. Saboba 171, 313. Shoshoni 168-171, 178, 309, 313, 499, 554, 635, 662, 713, 732, 744. Tobikhar 172, 314, 500, 680. Ute 501, 554. Ute, Uinta 172, 315, 500, 636, 663, 713. Ute, Uncompahgre 501. Ute, Yampa 315. unknown to the Omaha 27: 102. Shoshoni Indian or Tribe and Arapaho warfare 14: 954. and Comanche affinity 14: 1043. association of, with other tribes 45: 320. biographical record of the 10: 578. burial lodges of 1: 153, 154. cairn burial of 1: 143. ceremonial of, reference to 11: 375. characteristics of 45: 325. collections from the 13: XXXIII. dialect of the, recorded 23: XIV. displacement of the 45: 317. divisions of the 45: 304. driven out by the Crow 45: 318. early knowledge of the Messiah by 14: 797. Flathead name for the 45: 301. games of the 24: ball juggling 712, 713. dice games 168-171, 178. double ball 648, 662. hand game 276, 309, 313. hoop and pole 421, 422, 499 sq. ring and pin 554. shinny 635. stilts 732. tops 744. gesture signs of, for cold 10: 606. Ghost dance among the 14: 805, 806, 807, 809, 817, 894. habitat of the 45: 304 sq. habitat of the, in about 1896 14: 806. influence of Ghost dance over the 14: 926. Kiowa name of the 17: 160. land cessions and reservations 18: 822, 828, 846, 850, 854, 858, 874, 878, 880, 884, 890, 894, 898, 904, 906, 924, 926, 928. linguistic affinity of the 14: 525. mention of the 4: 140, 141, 229. Messiah delegates among the 14: 818, 894. method of scraper making 13: 169. myth of the 1: 26, 27. name for Ghost dance 14: 791, 920. name for the whites 14: 703, 978. name of, in sign language 45: 147. name of the Arapaho 14: 954. name of the Cheyenne 14: 1023. name of the Comanche 14: 1043. name of the Gros Ventres 14: 955. name of the Paiute 14: 1048. name of the Sioux 14: 1057. petroglyphs by the 4: 227, 228; 10: 680 sqq. petroglyphs interpreted by 10: 128, 129. pictographic notice of guidance by 10: 353 sq. pictographic notice of hunt by 10: 331. pictographs of the 4: 25, 155, 215, 216, 231. population of the 7: 110. reception of, into Mormon church 14: 790. stone arrowpoints of the 14: 282. stone-chipping by the 13: 141, 173. study of language of 23: XXXV. study of the 14: 654. TÄvibo among the 14: 701. tribal designations of the 10: 387 sq. tribal signs for the 1: 474. use of hammerstones by the 13: 95. use of notched sticks by, for recording time 10: 227. visit of ÄpiataÑ to 14: 911. visit of, to Washington 34: 28. visit of, to Wovoka 14: 818, 894. war of, with the Salish 45: 126 sq. Shoshoni-Goship land cessions and reservations 18: 830. See also Paiute; Uta. Shoshoni Language, grammatical notes on 26: XXII. Sho´tik?anna, Arrow Order arrow swallowing by members of 23: 513. arrows, description of 23: 513. closing ceremony of 23: 515. decoration of members of 23: 512. indoor dance of 23: 512. men, washing of heads of 23: 512. novice, arrow ceremony over 23: 513. origin of 23: 511-515. time of holding ceremonial 23: 511. Shouting and advertising 38: § 822. Shovel-like Tools in steatite working 15: 171. Shovels Casa Grande, of stone 28: 131 sq. Casa Grande, of wood 28: 115, 146. of the Eskimo 18: 78 sq. snow, of the Eskimo 9: 305. Apache pictographs connected with 1: 372. archeologic research connected with 1: 368. arrangement in description of signs in 1: 546. as medium of Ghost dance communication 14: 808. Australian 1: 306. authorities in, list of 1: 401. Chinese characters connected with 1: 356, 357. collaborators in, list of 1: 401.
i class="isub1">house of the Eskimo 6: 600 sqq. See also Music; Songs. Singing-around Rite details of 40: 589-595, 597 sqq., 605, 607 sqq., 609 sqq. members of 40: 549. mortuary customs of 40: 356. Singing Masters 35: 342. Single-ply cotton twine 38: § 33. Single-pole Game, mention of 44: 243. Sinhumanish, a Spokan synonym 14: 732. Siniak 46: 200. Sinimiut Eskimo Tribe, situation of 6: 451. Sinipouals, a Sanpoil synonym 14: 733. Sinker for Eskimo fish line 9: 282. from Little Falls 15: 103. Sinker-like Objects of steatite 15: 133. Sinkers axlike objects used as 13: 71. classified and described 13: 97. discoidal stones used as 13: 100. distribution of 15: 142. for nets and fishing lines, Eskimo 18: 126 sqq., 175-183, 188, 189. made of steatite 15: 109. perforated stones used as 13: 98. round stones used as 13: 95. spheroidal, of sandstone 44: 90. See also Sinker. Sinking Magician on Pima religion 26: 251. Sinkoman, a Spokan synonym 14: 732. Sinola river and settlement of 14: 515. See also Cinaloa. Sinpaivelish, a Sanpoil synonym 14: 733. Sinpohellechach a Sanpoil synonym 14: 733. an Okanagon division 14: 734. Sinpoilsehne, a Sanpoil synonym 14: 733. Sinrazat 46: 202. Sinsiuse an Isle de Pierre synonym 14: 734. Sinspeelish, a Nespelim synonym 14: 733. Sintakai-an, leaf basket 38: § 453. Sinti a Kiowa hero god 14: 1064, 1080. Kiowa myths of 19: 434, 449. Sintootoo, a Middle Spokan synonym 14: 732. Sinuk 46: 200. Sinwhoyelppetook, an Okanagon division 14: 734. Sio derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 107, 112. Sio Avatc Hoya derivation of 21: 125. description and picture of 21: 64. difference of, from Hopi Avatc Hoya 21: 83. Sio Calako or SÍocÁlako ceremony of, description of 15: 296. derivation of 21: 125. representation of, by Hopi katcinas 21: 66. Sio Humis derivation of 21: 125. description of picture of 21: 63. Sio Humis Katcina, appearance of, in PamÜrti festival 21: 39. Sio Humis Taadta, derivation of 21: 125. Sio Humis TaamÛ, description of picture of 21: 64. Sio Katcinas, PowamÛ dance by 21: 32. Sio Mana derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 107. SiocÁlako See Sio Calako. Sioki home of the Asa clan 19: 610. See also ZuÑi. Siouan adopted as a family term 4: 97, 108, 114. alphabet 11: 363. cults, preparation of memoir on 15: XXXIX, XLIV. cults, study of 11: XXXII, XLIII, 351. definition of 11: 361; 15: 157. Indians, memoir on 15: XCVII, 152-204. sociology, memoir on 15: XCIX, 205-244. Siouan Culture Area, eastern, features of 42: 714 sq. Siouan Languages dialects of, work in 10: XIX. dictionary of, manuscript of 29: 23. influence of, on geographic nomenclature 19: 1115. studies in 13: XXXIX. Siouan Music, study of, by Miss F. Densmore 34: 21 sq. Siouan Stock a custom of the 41: 546. connection of, with 20: Lower Mississippi Valley pottery 102. Middle Atlantic Coast pottery 150. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 81. Northwestern pottery 157-188, 195, 197. South Appalachian pottery 131 sq., 142 sq. divisions of the 10: 272. games of the 24: hoop and pole 420, 421. popgun 758. ring and pin 528, 529. snow-snake 400. Ghost dance among the 24: 438. implements employed by, in stick game 24: 227. mention of the 7: 111-118. migrations of the 37: 49 sq. morphological studies of languages of 24: XXIII. partial occupation of South Appalachian province by 20: 131. Plains Indians 19: 1043 sq. publication of memoir on 17: LI, LVI. study of the 19: XXIX. tribes of the 24: Assiniboin 173, 258, 316, 391, 415, 502, 544, 555 sq., 610, 636, 707, 710, 728. Catawba 611, 704. Congaree 258. Crows 177, 317, 391, 415, 502, 637, 707, 745, 756, 807. Dakota, BrulÉ 179, 556. Dakota, Oglala 179, 364, 391, 415 sq., 503, 556, 637, 745, 750, 756, 759. Dakota, Santee 180, 365, 611, 663. Dakota, Sisseton 183. Dakota, Teton 181, 258, 392, 416 sqq., 508, 557, 638, 721, 728, 731, 746, 750, 757, 759. Dakota, Wahpeton 183. Dakota, Yankton 184, 317, 418, 508, 639, 728, 746. Dakota, Yanktonai 185, 614. Eno 510. Hidatsa 186, 318, 419, 487, 511, 641, 710, 729, 747. Iowa 186, 365, 615. Mandan 187, 393, 419, 511, 707, 808. Missouri 394. Omaha 187, 259, 366, 393, 419, 514, 649, 663, 747, 750, 759, 797. Osage 188, 516, 642. Oto 615. Ponca 188, 517. Winnebago 189, 366, 557, 615, 708, 809. See also Biloxi; Catawba; Dakota; Mandan; Plains Indians; Sioux; and names of other Siouan tribes. 46: 315. Seward Peninsula and Northwestern Eskimo 46: 327. Western Eskimo 46: 313, 363, 364. Yukon Eskimo 46: 327. Yukon Indians 46: 315. Skeletal Remains Antillean 25: 29 sq., 83. Barrow 46: 110, 166. below Barrow 46: 109. Bering Sea and Arctic 46: 254. Bonasila 46: 60, 61, 83, 142, 144, 156, 160. Cape Nome 46: 90, 197. care in collection of 46: 65. Chiukak 46: 196. conclusions drawn from 41: 613 sq. destruction of 46: 65. Eskimo attitude toward 46: 70, 76, 78, 97, 103, 109, 111, 113, 114, 184. from Elden Pueblo 43: 3. from Gordon site and Fewkes group 41: 612 sqq. from Louisiana 43: 14.
/b>: 123. Pima grammar edited by 26: 20. quotation from documents printed by 14: 590. references to 28: 55, 56. translation of Elvas’s narrative by 19: 193. Smith, B. H., mounds on farm of 5: 51. Smith, Charles M. description of flint quarries by 12: 572. work of 7: XVII, XVIII. Smith, Daniel, commissioner for treaty with Cherokee 5: 183, 187, 190. Smith, Mrs. Erminnie A. collections of 6: XLIX, L. contributor to Bureau 48: 1189. field work of 6: XXX, XXXI. office work of 6: XLV. obituary of 48: 1221. on Iroquoian myths 19: 436, 439, 443, 448, 469, 473. study of Iroquoian myths by 2: 51; 4: 190; 19: XLVII. wampum belt loaned by 2: 251. work of 2: XXII, XXIX; 3: XXV; 7: XXXI. work of, on Iroquoian dialect 5: XXIX, XXXII. Smith, E. E., cited on Eskimo whale fishery 9: 276. Smith, Felix, mound on farm of, Arkansas 12: 241. Smith, George, quoted on Pennsylvania’s Indian policy 18: 591, 592, 594, 595, 596. Smith, Harlan J. material collected by 24: 320. on hand game, Kwakiutl 24: 320. Smith, Harry on Natchez among Cherokee 19: 387. on traditional predecessors of Cherokee 19: 23. Smith, James, on Indian bark-stripping 13: 109. Smith, Col. James on dice game, Caughnawaga 24: 105. on racket, Caughnawaga 24: 573 sq. Smith, John (1) cited 12: 668. description of shell ornaments by 2: 232. History of Virginia by, copy of figure from 12: 622, 623. on Indian costume 13: 22. on Indian method of spinning 13: 23. on Indian shields 13: 18. on name Rickahockan 19: 183 sq. on popular synonym for wild rice 19: 1022. on Powhatan arrow chipping 13: 141. on Powhatan stone flaking 15: 62. on sacred meat of Indians 9: 511, 512. on use of stone knives 15: 84. on Virginia arrow points 15: 84, 85. on Virginia Indian costume 15: 44. on Virginia Indian embroidery 13: 28. on Virginia Indian feather-work 13: 27. on Virginia Indian fish-weirs 13: 14. on Virginia Indian sieves 13: 17. on Virginia Indian wattled houses 13: 13. on wild rice planted in Lincolnshire 19: 1037. region explored by 15: 20, 135. reference to village on Potomac Creek site by 20: 155. villages mentioned by, identification of 13: XXVI. Smith, John (2) elected elder of Shaker church 14: 758. purchase of land by 18: 564. trading with Kiowa by 17: 318. Smith, Capt. John, on tattooing 4: 63. Smith, J. C., survey by 18: 944. Smith, John J., flint on farm of 44: 517 sqq. Smith, Gen. Kirby, attempt to enlist Cherokee by 19: 168 sq. Smith, Lynn, ornate stone lamp in possession of 46: 34. Smith, N. J. acknowledgment to 19: 13. Cherokee story teller 19: 237. clerk of East Cherokee council 19: 173. East Cherokee chief 19: 175. life of 19: 178. myths told by 19: 462, 474. on East Cherokee civil war 19: 170 sq. on East Cherokee schools 19: 176. work of, among East Cherokee 19: 177. Smith, N. W. 46: 31, 36, 38. Smith, Q. C., Richwood Mounds, Mo., referred to by 12: 175. Smith, Sibbald, acknowledgment to 19: 13. Smith, Thomas E., commissioner to appraise Indian lands 5: 363. Smith, William, grant of land to 18: 580. Smith, W. R., cited 12: 658, 659. Smith County, Tenn., remains in 41: 496. Smith River Reserve act authorizing 18: 831. discontinuance of 18: 850. removal of Indians to 18: 815, 851. Smith Sound Crania basiofacial diameters 46: 280 sqq. dental arch 46: 276. Eskimo 46: 230. facial 46: 266. facial angles 46: 285. lower jaw 46: 308, 310. means 46: 286. mention of 46: 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264. nose 46: 268, 270. orbits 46: 274. skulls of children 46: 297. Smith Sound Eskimo long bones of 46: 317. mention of 6: 459, 460; 46: 230, 357, 359. Smithsonian Institution acknowledgment to 19: 12. archeological collections of 25: 17, 18, 19. explorations under, in Alaska 46: 29, 30. field work under 25: 231. Latimer Collection received by 25: 90. manuscripts from Gustav Eisen received by 3: 64. paintings destroyed in fire at 42: 527. researches of 27: 8. Smithsonian Report, paper on Iroquoian pottery in 20: 170. Smohalla account of 14: 708. religion, account of the 14: 708. religion, doctrine of 14: 716. religion, tribes under influence of 14: 731. Smohaller, a Smohalla synonym 14: 717. Smohallow, a Smohalla synonym 14: 717. Smohanlee, a Smohalla synonym 14: 717. Smohollie, a Smohalla synonym 14: 717. Smoke, John, songs recorded by 47: 9. Smoke a protection against mosquitoes 38: § 933. ceremonial in PowamÛ festival 21: 36. escape through roof opening and transoms 8<
"isub2">Hidatsa 419. Huron 409. Iroquois 404, 410 sq., 412. Kiowa 400, 413. Mandan 419. Menomini 404 sq. Missisauga 405. Omaha 419 sq. Passamaquoddy 406. Pawnee 409. Penobscot 406 sq. Pomo 413 sq. Ponca 419. Sauk and Foxes 407 sq. Seneca 410-413. Siouan stock 400. Takulli 409.
ies 21: 44. use of, in ceremony 30: 43, 55. use of, in Flute ceremony 21: 30. use of, in PamÜrti 21: 27. victory 45: 676 sq. Wolf 45: 606 sq. See also Chant; Music; Songs. Song Cycles of Great Fire Society 47: 496. Song Keepers 35: 1162. Song Leader 35: 769, 893, 1007, 1010, 1045. Songish Indians or Tribe burial customs and remains of 6: XLII. games of the 24: cat’s cradle 773. dice games 157. hand game 302. hoop and pole 491. shinny 632. stick games 248, 254. mention of the 41: 136. Songs accompanying ceremonies 46: 496. accompanying dances 42: 522 sq. among the Indians 19: 463. archaic songs, Pima 26: 271-281. associated with clans 37: 240. at door of House of Mystery 36: 289. at potlatches, Tlingit 26: 437-443. attached to rites 47: 282. bear 27: 487. black bear 39: 185-192, 344-347; 45: 644 sqq. blue jay 39: 220. bow making 39: 271-274. Buffalo 36: 141 sqq., 293 sq.; 39: 192-205, 283-289; 45: 640-643. Buffalo, meaning of 36: 143 sq. burial 1: 194. butchering 39: 134. captive 27: 427-431, 603. carrying 39: 135. ceremonial feast 39: 226. Cherokee 19: 400, 435, 468, 472 sq. circling, Pima 26: 289-297. classes of, recorded 47: 10. classification of, Pima 26: 270 sq. connected with harvesting corn 47: 277. connected with societies or rites 27: 502 sq. corn planting 39: 196-205. cradle 42: 362 sq. crow 39: 127 sqq., 182-185, 316; 45: 621 sqq. dance, kinds of 47: 495. dance, of societies 47: 495. deer 36: 185-191; 39: 129-137, 322-326; 45: 643 sq. deer call 43: 397. early morning 45: 566-571. elk 39: 338-344. Eskimo, examples of 18: 348 sq., 364, 367, 369, 374 sq. Eskimo, kinds of 18: 347 sq. Eskimo, method of learning 18: 348. esoteric meaning of 40: 97. explanation of 10: 231 sq. farewell 37: 385. feast 35: 1045, 1061, 1293. festal, Pima 26: 271, 283 sq. fire-drill 39: 224. fire-making 39: 225. fireplace 39: 278, 280. fish-turtle 45: 605 sq. Flute, at Walpi 19: 1002 sq. for deer disease 42: 639 sq. for dog disease 42: 641 sq. for feast 35: 320, 325. for grinding corn 47: 496 sq. for periwinkle disease 42: 647 sq. for rain 33: 119. for rat or mouse disease 42: 642 sq. for snake sickness 42: 646. for winter ceremonial 35: 342. four-day practice of 47: 332. from Guardian Spirits 45: 186. funeral 27: 593. game, Pima 26: 271, 297 sqq. general description of 27: 373 sqq. Ghost dance, rehearsal of 14: 918. gray owl 39: 227. Great Evening 45: 659 sqq. Great Rain 45: 665-668. Herucka 37: 384. host 35: 812. hunting, Pima 26: 271, 299 sqq. in Smohalla 14: 730. in treatment of disease 27: 582 sq., 585. in Tusayan ceremony 16: 280, 283. incidental, on changing a man’s name 22, ii: 272, 273, 366 sqq. incidental, to quiet a child 22, ii: 261 sqq., 363. Indian, study of 15: XXXVIII. individual ownership of 47: 495. learning of 47: 889. list of 46: 618 sq.; 47: 496. little evening 39: 220; 45: 661 sqq. little, of the gathering 36: 253. little, of the sun 36: 63 sq.; 39: 280; 45: 602-605. little rain 45: 669-672. love 27: 319 sqq., 375; 35: 1298, 1301, 1306. lullaby 38: § 910; 46: 620. magical, use of 42: 503. making Cannibal spirit sleep 35: 1246. medicine, Pima 26: 261-267, 271, 302-330. mention of 35: 772, 1279-1315. midday 39: 318-321. mode of singing, description of 7: 289 sq. mode of writing 7: 286-289. mourning 35: 1292. Navaho, necessity for correctness of 17: 506. necessary in use of medicines 42: 668. night 37: 553. of act of weeping 39: 137 sq. of approach to ceremonial house 36: 82. of approach to the house 39: 79. of approach to the House of Mystery 36: 287. of awakening the Wa-xo´-be 39: 89. of Bear clan 37: 321, 548, 549. of Buffalo clan 37: 245. of Buffalo feast 37: 345. of Cannibal dance 35: 930-934. of Chief’s daughter 35: 1314. of closing the ceremony 45: 677 sq. of clouds 39: 351-355. of counting the o-do?´ 39: 172. of crossing a river 39: 218. of daughter of working man 35: 1313. of death 36: 252. of decorating club 39: 355-358. of dedication by Navaho 17: 505-508. of drawing the arrows 39: 233 sq., 364-369. of ?wanux?dz? 35: 1285. of fight for charcoal 39: 213, 327. of gathering wood 39: 220. of Ghost dancer 35: 915 sqq. of gray owl 39: 227. of greeting the Holy Men 39: 102 sq. of greeting the Symbolic Man 39: 101 sq. of Grizzly-bear dan
exotic wares of 20: 132, 137 sq. extension of northern ware into 20: 145. extent of 20: 130. intermingling of wares in 20: 137 sqq. occurrence of engravings of human heads on shell in 20: 138. See also South Appalachian Pottery. South Canadian River, mention of 42: 491. South Carolina aboriginal steatite quarrying in 15: 106. archives of 30: 18. cession of East Cherokee lands in 19: 97. character of pottery of 20: 147. Cherokee relations with 19: 31-35. chipped flints from 13: 146, 147, 148. coastward extension of South Appalachian ware in 20: 139. discoidal stone from 13: 106. distribution of stone art in 13: 61. endeavors of, to extinguish Cherokee title 5: 204, 205. expedition from, in 1776 19: 49 sq. explorations in 11: XXV; 12: 326. first settlement in 19: 31. Indian policy of 18: 630-634. intermingling of northern and South Appalachian ware in 20: 148. Kershaw district, mounds in 12: 317-326.
ia Mountain 29: 513. on Santa Ana 29: 520. on Santa Clara 29: 241, 242. on Santa Cruz Creek 29: 251. on Santo Domingo 29: 448. on Taos 29: 181. on Tesuque 29: 388. on Tewa 29: 576. on trail from Taos to Picuris 29: 195. on We?to?ta 29: 196. reference to 29: 574. See also Will and Spinden. Spindle form of 30: 77. mention of 38: § 34. sockets, probable use of cupped stones as 13: 92. Spindle Whorls as evidence of textile manufacture 13: 11. Casa Grande, description of 28: 136. clay, Eastern United States 20: 33, 43. disk probably used as, Iroquoian province 20: 170. of Chiriqui 6: 149, 150. Spines. See Nodes. Spink, R. C. material collected by 24: 203. on stick game, Modoc 24: 293. Spinks, Dr. W. H. pottery fragment collected by 47: 13. toys collected by 48: 20. Spinner for making sinew cord 18: 111. Spinning among the Cherokee 19: 82, 101, 105, 214. among the East Cherokee 19: 176. among the Pima 26: 148 sq. among the Southern Indians 20: 33. development of 13: 21. Indian method of 13: 23. of dog’s hair 35: 1318. Spinosa Antillean words collected by 25: 77. See also Espinosa. Spinosa Valley. See Valley, Spinosa. Spiraea Pyramidata 45: 471, 494. Spiraea, Rock, use of 45: 497, 499. Spiral design in Pima basketry 26: 136, 140. design on pottery from Pueblo ruins, cuts showing 22, i: 151. ornament from coils 4: 456. pattern feather fixation on arrows 38: § 132. Spirals, use of, in pottery painting, Eastern United States 20: 67. Spirit absence of concept of 11: 365, 371, 423, 431, 501, 521. attributed to inanimate objects 47: 483. belief in 11: 194, 272, 333, 342, 374, 475, 507, 542. Pawnee belief concerning 22, ii: 52. Pawnee conception of 22, ii: 290. use of the term 15: 253. See also Great Spirit; Spirits. Spirit Dance of the Apache 9: 582 sqq., 585 sq. Spirit, Evil, misfortunes caused by 42: 485. Spirit Folk of the Cherokee 19: 475 sqq. Spirit House, incantations performed in 30: 334, 335. Spirit Medicine, use of 42: 661. Spirit of Fire a Chickasaw deity 44: 248. belief in 42: 483 sq. feeding of 35: 774. first fruit offering to 42: 595. mention of 35: 705, 1209, 1331 sqq. reference to 40: 71, 87, 109, 127, 364, 397, 473, 502, 513. Spirit-of-his-Feet, Tlingit 26: 465. Spirit of War Disease, symptoms and treatment of 42: 650. Spirit of Wood 35: 733. Spirit-put-on, Tlingit 26: 465. Spirit Road, recognition of 30: 126, 177. Spirit Songs 39: 103-106; 45: 596-599. Spirit World conception of 42: 514. location of 14: 982, 983. See also Immortality; Soul. Spiritism, definition of 1: 35, 36. Spirits animal, propitiated by dances 42: 549. anthropomorphic, belief in 30: 149, 161 sqq. bad, conception of 42: 510, 511. belief in 44: 256. brought into relation with man 37: 310 sq. characterization of 37: 436 sqq. concept of nature of 37: 147, 283-288. corporeality of 37: 284. cure by 35: 736. dance of the 42: 629. Eskimo beliefs concerning 18: 394, 422. Eskimo masks to represent 18: 394. evil, exorcism of 44: 269. frightened by fire-brands 35: 614. frightened by painted face 35: 615. good, conception of 42: 510 sq. house of 35: 1119 sq. in Tlingit conception 26: 451 sqq., 460. in Tlingit conception, evil spirits 26: 436. in Tlingit conception, in control of medicine-men 26: 464 sqq. indefinite number of 37: 284. of the cardinal points 37: 168. offerings to 37: 319, 429, 438. place of, in Iroquois myth 2: 53. power of localization of 37: 288 sq. prayer to 37: 469. primitive belief in existence of, after death 21: 15, 16. relation of, with man 37: 289. village of 35: 1119. See also Ghosts; Guardian Spirits; Magic; Religion; Shades; Soul; Spirit; etc.; Spirits of the Body; etc.; Supernatural Beings. Spirits of the Body abiding place of 30: 266. cult of 30: 137-140. exorcism of 30: 149, 163 sq., 168. fear of 30: 155 sq., 159 sq., 182, 197. future life of 30: 160-163, 175, 266. goodness or badness of 30: 149, 162 sq. immortality of 30: 149, 154. invocation of 30: 167 sq., 192. nature of 30: 149, 152 sqq. propitiation of 30: 149, 155 sq., 163 sq., 270. recognition of 30: 176 sq. references to 30: 239 sq., 263. remaining of, in grave 30: 149. transformation of 30: 158, 175. See also Spirits. Spirits of the Dead, Guiana Indian 38: § 840. Spirits, “Water-air,” in Tewa belief 29: 151. Spiritualism, primitive 11: 497. Spirituality among the Indians 14: 39, 66. Spirogyra 33: 61. Spirogyra sp. 45: 515. Spits for winter provisions 35: 194. from which to watch acouri 38: § 164. from which to watch fish 38: § 190. Stahkan, population of 7: 87. Stahl, Dr. Augustin archeological work of 34: 170. cited 30: 42. collection of 25: 22. on Antillean dance plazas 25: 83 sq. on Antillean pueblo 25: 33. on Antillean stone implements 25: 92. on game of batey 25: 85. on juegos de bola 25: 79, 81. on Porto Rican pictographs 25: 149, 151. on Porto Rican shell heaps 25: 22, 86. on prehistoric Porto Rico 25: 40. on religion of BorinqueÑos 25: 129. on stone collars 25: 168. Stains use of, in color decoration, Eastern United States pottery 20: 67, 86. See also Dyes; Paints.
48: 1189. death of 36: 16, 34. ethnological research by 32: 19. explorations by 11: XXX. material collected by 24: 495; 40: 10. memoir by, on the Sia 11: 3. memoir revised by 14: XLVIII. memoir of, reference to 19: 971. mention of 32: 9. mention of Hotcauni by 21: 100. model of shrine of ZuÑi War-god arranged by 24: 33 sq. model of ZuÑi altar by 19: XLVIII. myth recorded by 47: 547, 548. obituary of 48: 1221. office work by 20: XXII. on a ZuÑi spring 29: 310. on archery, ZuÑi 24: 396 sqq., 398 sq. on ball race, ZuÑi 24: 689-695, 697. on “Beast-gods” 29: 43. on cardinal birds 29: 43. on cardinal colors 29: 42. on cardinal identifications 29: 44. on cardinal mountains 29: 44. on cardinal serpents 29: 43. on cardinal trees 29: 44. on creation myth 31: 12. on dice games, Keres 24: 123 sq. on dice games, ZuÑi 24: 217 sqq., 222, 223. on earth deity 29: 51 sq. on European games, ZuÑi 24: 801. on hidden ball, Keres 24: 353. on hidden ball, ZuÑi 24: 381 sq. on hoop and pole, ZuÑi 24: 526 sq. on Keresan Cannibal giants 17: 665. on Keresan Snake dance 16: 305, 309, 310. on quoits, ZuÑi 24: 727. on Salt Mother 29: 537. on sanctity of mountain peaks 31: 12. on Sandia Mountains 29: 513, 514. on Santo Domingo 29: 449. on shinny, ZuÑi 24: 647. on shuttlecock, ZuÑi 24: 720 sq. on Sia 29: 519. on Stone Lion’s shrine 29: 419 sq. on Tewa philosophy 31: 13. on Tewa rain priests 31: 13. on Tewa religion 31: 13 sq. on the Sia kisi 16: 297. on tossed ball 24: 711. on unclassified games, ZuÑi 24: 787. on ZuÑi ceremonials 15: 265, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312. on ZuÑi claim to Sichumovi 21: 26. on ZuÑi color symbolism 15: 308. on ZuÑi name for sun 29: 46. paper by 34: 26; 36: 30; 37: 27. paper on textile fabrics and dress of Pueblo Indians by 31: 15. previous writings of, on ZuÑi 23: XLVI. references to 19: 982; 29: 11. researches of 6: XXIX; 14: XLIV, 359; 16: XX, XXIV, XXVIII, XXXII, XXXVII, XXXIX, XLI, XLIV, XLVIII, LII, LVI, LXXV. review of report by 11: XXXIX. specimens collected by 36: 33. studies of, in Amerindian symbolism 20: 100. study of fraternities and cults by 19: XLVII. study of ZuÑi myths and ceremonials by 23: XI. systematic research by 33: 19. work of 7: XXV; 13: XXVI, XXX, XXXVIII; 15: XXII, XXIV, XXV, XXVII, XXX, XXXIV, XXXVIII, XLI, XLIV, XLVI, XLVIII, LIII, LVI, LXI, LXIV, LXVII, LXXXVII, XCI; 17: LIV; 18: XXVII sq., XXXII, XLIV, XLVII; 19: XXVII sq.; 22, i: XXXVI; 23: 18, 19; 24: XIV sqq., XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXXII; 25: X, XV sq., XXII; 26: XVII sq., XXVIII; 27: 7 sq.; 28: 10 sq.; 30: 10, 15, 25, 31-102; 34: 14 sq.; 35: 22; 36: 16 sq. ZuÑi studies of 21: XXX. Stevenson, Matthew F., material collected by 24: 97. Stevenson, Mrs. Tilly E. on the religious life of the ZuÑi child 5: L-LIII, 533-555 See also Stevenson, Mrs. Matilda C. Stewart, Rev. T. C., teacher to the Chickasaw 44: 177. Stewart, T. Dale collection by 48: 20. mention of 46: 164, 238, 247, 254, 295, 296. work of 45: 14 sqq. Stick and Ring Game, Omaha 3: 337; 24: 514. Stick Counting Game 3: 338; 24: 229, 259. Stick Games description of 45: 130. general account of 24: 44. implements for 24: 33. played by the 24: Achomawi 257. Ataakut 233. Chinook 240 sq. Clallam 249. Dakota 228 sq. Dakota, Teton 258. Haida 259-263. Hupa 233-236. Hurons 241 sqq. Klamath 248. Kwakiutl 263. Makah 264. Omaha 259. Pomo 247. Puyallup 250 sqq. Saklan 248. Songish 254. Stikine 244. Takulli 236 sqq. Tlingit 245, 246. Twana 256 sq. Washo 265. Yurok 265. ZuÑi 266. from Yukon 46: 58, 134. in cavate lodges 13: 223, 224. of Arizona tribes 14: 256. of the Menomini 14: 266. of the Potomac-Chesapeake province 15: XXV, XXXVII, XCIV, 13-152. on Oraibi altar 16: 291. Seri, census of 17: 248*. Seri, classes of 17: 10, 234* sq., 248*, 255*. Seri, specimens of 17: 235*-247*. Steiner collections of 21: XXXIV. study of 13: XXXVI. use of, in trephining 16: 59. See also Archeological Objects; Implements; Stone Articles; Stones; Tools. Stone Indians, an Assiniboin band 46: 430. Stone Man. See NÛÑyunu´w?. Stone Masks Antillean 25: 83. mention of 3: 76. Stone Necklace, death of 17: 283. Stone Objects collection of 3: 431, 442, 453, 457, 465, 470, 478, 490, 520-587. See also Stone Implements; and references given there. Stone of the Giants, Mexico 10: 133. Stone Pipes Eastern United States 20: 44, 140, 172. variation in form of 20: 174. Stone Rings mention of 25: 219, 251 sqq. See also Stone Collars. Stone-slab Graves beneath floor 41: 499, 519, 520, 601. construction of 41: 549. description of 41: 520 sq., 523, 528 sq., 537, 541. double 41: 532. in mound 41: 510.
of 38: § 396. Sumdum, Tlingit tribe clans and house groups of 26: 402. mention of 26: 396. phratries and clans of 26: 399. Summary Eskimo 46: 361. of work on Yukon 46: 81. Summer clans of the ZuÑi 13: 426, 428. prayer-stick making in 21: 83. ZuÑi mythic origin of 13: 384. Summer Dance description of 47: 82 sqq. preparations for 47: 82. Summer Houses, Eskimo types of 18: 242, 247 sq., 253, 255 sq., 259. Summer Seat, Kwakiutl 35: 310, 744. Summer Shelters of the Navaho 17: 494. Summer Solstice observance of 47: 84 sq. setting of the date for 47: 636. See also Solstice Ceremonies. Summer Sun Prayer-stick-making, fraternities taking part in 21: 23. Summer Village of the Pueblos 16: 92, 156. ruins of, on Rio Verde 13: 206. Summers, L. P., acknowledgment to 42: 759. Sumner, Col. E. V. ordered to arrest Big Foot 14: 864. troops under, in Sioux outbreak 14: 850. Sumner County, Tenn., remains in 41: 496. Sumo, Honduras, method of forming numbers 19: 914 sq. Sumo, Nicaragua, method of forming numbers 19: 915. Sun a life symbol 43: 60, 68. a sky deity 43: 73, 74. a supernatural 47: 341. among Navaho, in mythology 26: 239. among the Pima 26: disease caused by 265. in mythology 207, 223, 238, 247, 248, 342, 343, 366. in religion 250 sq. in song 273, 284, 306, 321. among the Tlingit 26: house group name 402, 405. in mythology 448, 452, 453. mask of 436. name of gaming-stick 444. and moon, Eskimo legend of 18: 481 sq. and moon pyramid 25: 249. and moon, Tsimshian myth of 31: 113-116, 117, 727. and the young hunter, folktale of 14: 18. appeals to, for aid 39: 280, 281. as the God of Day 39: 87, 120. association of, with success in war 37: 433. beliefs concerning 11: 29, 35, 43, 71, 266, 423, 449, 513; 42: 479; 46: 415; 47: 511. bringing of Buffalo Maid to Tusayan by 21: 31. called “Father” 45: 176. ceremonies determined by position of 14: 111; 15: 258. ceremony of drawing down 47: 292-300. ceremony of Tusayan 15: 272. characterization of 37: 440. conception of, as a deity 37: 286. dramatization of movements of 39: 53. dramatization of return of 21: 21. drying of pottery in, Eastern United States 20: 52, 54, 56, 59. eclipses of 30: 254 sqq. emblem of, description of bearer of 19: 998. emblem of never-ending life 36: 61. emblem on pottery from Pueblo ruins, reference to 22, i: 82. Eskimo belief in influence of, on men 18: 431. greetings to 30: 254. in creation legend 27: 570. in Menomini mythology 14: 92, 132, 209. in Osage legends 27: 63. Indian explanation of 1: 24. Indian myth concerning 14: 971. infants presented to 47: 635. Kiowa deification of 17: 237. legends concerning 39: 130-136. little songs of the 45: 603-605. moon, star myth, Oraibi 1: 25. myth of the Ute 1: 24. myths concerning 19: 240, 252-257, 259, 295, 297, 363, 409, 421, 436 sqq., 440, 441; 45: 177, 178. names for, in Pueblo language 29: 46. Navaho myth concerning creation of 8: 275, 277. object of prayers to 43: 38. objective embodiment of spirit of 21: 16. offering to, in War-bundle feast 37: 429, 430, 449, 457, 467, 505, 535. offerings to 47: 319, 527. origin of 30: 255 sq. painting of, on house 35: 807. Paiute notion concerning 14: 773. personation of, in eagle form 21: 122. personification of 14: 1097; 36: 41. place of, in Indian religion 42: 482. pole, description of the 11: 453, 457. prayer sticks made for 47: 274. prayer sticks offered to 47: 527. prayers to the 14: 915; 47: 47, 48, 125, 635-642. primitive conception of 15: 180, 183, 184. prominent in Flute ceremony 19: 1005. pushed back by pole 32: 352. representation of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 21, 42. representation of, in Hopi pictures 21: 120. representations of, Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 91, 100. reverence shown to 45: 566. sacred regard for 14: 919. sacrifice to, among the Kiowa 17: 297. Serian and Yuman names for 17: 341* sq. shield of Tusayan 15: 269, 271. signs for 1: 344, 370. similarity of symbolism of, to that of Wupamau 21: 91. song of the rising 5: 465. spirit of 30: 254 sqq. stations of 47: 342. string figure of 38: § 659. supplication to 39: 120. symbol among the Sia 11: 36. symbol, cross allied to 17: 623. symbol in Hopi drama 16: 300. symbol in the codices 16: 222, 233, 235. symbol of Tusayan 15: 272, 286. symbol on Sikyatki pottery 17: 699 sqq. symbolism of 14: 905. symbolism of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 42. symbolized in Shell society 27: 512, 513, 559, 562. symbolized in tattooing 27: 504. symbols of, in Hopi pictures 21: 41 sqq. Tewa conception of 29: 45-48, 54. treatment of, in Hako ceremony 22, ii: 30. woodpecker associated with 27: 207. worship by the Hopi 17: 699. worship by the Plains Indians 14: 578. worship by the Pu
es of 23: XVIII; 32: 18. Haida texts, studies of 23: XXXV. linguistic researches of 23: XXXIII. mention of 31: 523, 525, 528; 32: 9; 47: 14. on archery, Haida 24: 295. on dice game, Haida 24: 190. on hand game, Haida 24: 318. on hoop and pole, Haida 24: 517 sq. on ring and pin, Haida 24: 557 sq. on stick games, Haida 24: 261 sq. papers by 40: 18; 42: 17; 43: 16; 44: 15. references to 28: 226; 40: 375; 41: 571. study of Alabama, Hitchiti and Choctaw by 35: 18. systematic research by 33: 18. translation by 41: 507.
nd meat 15: 284. of tcindi hogan 17: 487. of women 38: § 857. of work during snake hunt 17: 639. to the taÍme 17: 243, 323. See also Taboos; and references given there. Taboos against killing rattlesnakes 42: 169. against killing totem animals 42: 168 sq. at summer solstice 47: 538. at winter solstice 47: 623. children instructed as to 27: 122. concerning dancers 47: 184. concerning initiation ceremonies 47: 74. concerning masks 47: 845. concerning offerings 47: 501. concerning sacred objects 47: 502. concerning smoking 47: 100. concerning town chief 47: 257. concerning women 46: 524. concerning work 47: 799. connected with busk 42: 554, 563, 573, 591, 601. connected with fire 42: 599. connected with hunting 42: 445, 516 sq. discussion of 44: 254. distribution of 27: 137. during ceremonies 47: 132. during retreat 47: 515. effect of violation of 42: 630. fire 47: 535. food 44: 254; 47: 502, 530. for doctors 47: 111. for house for sick people 35: 719. for medicine-men 42: 621. for participants in ceremonies 47: 93. for pregnant women 47: 213. for prospective fathers 47: 214. hunting 47: 257, 338. meaning of the term 27: 136. mention of 42: 517-521. of birds 27: 42, 161, 365. of black bear 27: 160. of buffalo, head of 27: 149, 159, 162. of buffalo, tongue of 27: 155, 283. of buffalo-horn spoons 27: 339. of buffalo (male) 27: 47. of canoe builder 35: 615. of charcoal 27: 148, 178, 254. of clay 27: 172. of corn, red ear of 27: 147, 252, 254, 261. of crane 27: 154. of creeping insects, bugs, worms, etc. 27: 186, 188. of deers 27: 358. of elk 27: 143, 144, 145, 194, 358, 589. of fetus of animals 27: 175, 176, 184. of hunter 35: 639. of hunter’s wife 35: 637. of husband of pregnant woman 35: 649. of paint, green or blue 27: 43. of parents of twins 35: 673, 685. of snakes 27: 45, 172. of soot 27: 172. of swan 27: 154, 273. of tezhu´ 27: 161. of the Cherokee 19: 462. of the Corn clan ceremony 47: 94. of the Eskimo 18: 440. of the Omaha gentes 3: 225, 230, 231, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 248. of verdigris 27: 169, 178. on killing 47: 286, 338 sq. periods of 47: 534. Pima, during puberty period, women 26: 182. Pima, eating of salt 26: 191. Pima, ground squirrels 26: 81. Pima, in lustration ceremonies 26: 204 sq. Pima, in pregnancy 26: 185. Pima, neglect of, fatal 26: 193. Pima, regarding myths 26: 206. Pima, top knot quail 26: 80. place 47: 502. punishment for violation of 27: 144. regarding names, exception to 47: 647. regarding pregnancy 47: 132 sq. relating to death 47: 504. result of breaking 47: 236. sexual 47: 50, 236, 286, 503. sexual, Kwakiutl 35: 521, 522, 615, 639 sqq., 741. Tlingit, pertaining to warfare 26: 449, 450. ZuÑi, discussion of 47: 501-506. See also Animals; Food; Mother-in-law; Poison; Rattle; Taboo; Totem-animal; Water; Women. Taboui, large meeting house of Cayenne 38: § 312. Tabu(s), See Taboo(s). Tabulu, drum 38: § 579. Tabusera See Genipa. Tacab description of 21: 98. part taken by, in PamÜrti festival 21: 29. personation of, at Nacab kiva in 1893 21: 50. representation of, by Telavai 21: 81. resemblance of, to Tacab Yebitcai 21: 98. Tacab AÑya, description of 21: 88. Tacab AÑya Katcina Manas, appearance of, in PalÜlÜkoÑti festival 21: 44. Tacab Katcinas dance of, in PalÜlÜkoÑti 21: 50. personification of, in Wikwaliobi kiva 21: 30. PowamÛ dance by 21: 33. similarity of mask of TeÜk to that of 21: 108. Tacab Naactadji, description of 21: 97. Tacab Tenebidji, description of 21: 97, 98. Tacab Yebitcai description of 21: 98. resemblance of, to Tacab 21: 98. Tacaca, a preparation of cassava 38: § 248. Tache land cessions and reservations 18: 782. Tachikuga 46: 194. Taciturnity of the Indians 46: 326. Tade´ata subdivision (Kon?´Çe), account of 27: 169, 170, 197 sq. Tadpole Dance, performance of 42: 577, 603. Tadpole Type of mounds 37: 100. Tadpoles appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 96. figures of, on Sikyatki pottery 17: 658, 677. in Pima song 26: 294. myth concerning 19: 311. use of, in decoration in Hopi festivals 21: 47. Taensa customs of the 42: 687, 701, 702. regarded by Du Pratz as kindred to the Na´htchi 7: 66. temple of 41: 507. tribe and language of 7: 96. tribe, habitat of 7: 97. Tag, Game of played by the Eskimo 18: 338. played by the Fox 40: 299, 339. TÄgish, language of 26: 396. T´gugala, Kiowa Apache synonym 17: 245. Tagu´i or TagÚi, Kiowa name of the Kiowa Apache 14: 1081; 17: 245. TÁguker&
b>18: 116 sqq. primitive method of 11: 294. process of 27: 342, 345. Tanning Stones 13: 94. Tano Indians a Pueblo tribe 14: 523. agriculture of the 29: 512 sq. clan of, compulsory migration of 19: 605 sq. early homes of 29: 469, 471, 479, 481, 508 sqq., 512 sq., 548 sqq., 551 sq., 553. general data on the 29: 254 sqq. history of Galistea 29: 483. migrations of 19: 611. ownership of turquoise deposits by 29: 493. pottery of the 29: 466. Tewa name for 29: 576. Tanoan clans, reference to 28: 159. colonists, introduction of East Mesa Natackas into Tusayan by 21: 71. migrations to Tusayan 17: 578, 600, 636. names for Hopi katcinas 21: 122 sqq. no Tewa equivalent for 29: 576. pueblo, buffalo dance at 21: 43. pueblos, Katcina cult in 47: 900. Tanoan AÑya Katcinas, dance of, in PalÜlÜkoÑti 21: 50. Tanoan Katcinas adoption of, among the Hopi 21: 18. NÜvak regarded as one of the 21: 83. Tanoan Pueblos. See Tanoan, pueblo.
>, similarity of symbolism of, to that of SowiÑwÛ 21: 103. TcÜbkwitcalobi name of, origin of 22, i: 33. See also Chaves Pass Ruins; Jettipehika. TcÜbwimpkia, a religious society from Tokonabi, at Walpi 19: 623 sq. TcÛelawÛ, derivation of 21: 125. Tcuf´-Haowo-o, Pima chief 26: 24. Tcuhu in Pima legend 28: 48 sq., 50, 51, 52. Tcuhuki, description of 28: 101, 149. Tcuka Falaha, a warlike people 44: 195. Tcuka Falaha Division, house groups of 44: 204. Tc?kane´dÎ, Tlingit clan crest of 26: 416, 432. history of 26: 412 sq. names of 26: 422. phratry and tribe of 26: 399. standing of 26: 408, 427. Tcukapelli, description of 21: 115. Tcukilissa, a peaceful timber people 44: 195. Tcukilissa Division, house groups of 44: 204 sq. Tcukubi foundation of 19: 596. founded by PatuÑ clan 19: 626. settlement of 19: 595. Tcukubot, description of 21: 91. Tcukuwimpkya appearance of, in Hopi festivals 21: 24. cult, mention of 19: 631. Tcu´narsat, Pima chief at Gila Crossing 26: 24. Tcu´ny?m, Pima spirit of disease 26: 106. TcupatÄk, Pima village 26: 22. TcurikvÁaki, ruin near Adamsville, Ariz. 28: 35. TcutckutÛ appearance of, in Hopi festivals 21: 24. description of 21: 67. Tcu-unarsat`, Pueblo chief 26: 279. TcÜwimpkia, a religious society from Tokonabi, at Walpi 19: 623 sq. Tcuwut HakÛtÄny, exploit of 26: 41. Tcuwut Marka. See Earth Doctor. Tcu´wutukawutÛk, Pima village 26: 22. Te Clan, mask of. See Pohaha. Te Ika a Maui, or New Zealand, by Rev. R. Taylor, cited 4: 49, 56, 57, 74, 76, 88, 164. Tea, Indian, mention of 33: 102. Teaching among the Indians 7: 35. Teams, Dog, mention of 11: 241. Teamster’s Tea beverage made of 30: 67. Pima medicine 26: 80. use of, in medicine 30: 49. Teapot, vessels resembling, Middle Mississippi Valley group 20: 93 sq. Teayo. See Castillo de Teayo. Tebenkof, M. D. 46: 127, 209. T`Ébodal acknowledgment to 17: 147. age and position of 17: 163. distribution of property of 17: 354. in Cheyenne massacre 17: 272. in war raids 17: 258, 259. information furnished by 17: 146. on the K’Úato massacre 17: 157. TebowÚki, an early pueblo of the Fire people of Tusayan 8: 20. Tebugkihu, or Fire house description of 8: 57. fragments of passage wall at 8: 181. Tebungki River, visited by Dr. J. W. Fewkes 37: 7. TeÇi?´de Gens account of 27: 175 sqq. birth customs of 27: 115. See also names of the several divisions. Technic activities, research in 17: XXX sq. development of Seri 17: 10, 115, 198* sqq., 205* sq., 215*. Technique modification of ornament by 4: 460-465. of basket-making, coiling 41: 159-167. of basket-making, terms used for 41: 390 sqq. of basket-making, types of 41: 138. pottery-making, methods of gaining knowledge of 20: 48 sq. value of study of pottery-making in study of evolution of 20: 48. Technolithic Stage definition of 15: 251 sq., 253; 18: XXXVIII. features of 19: XXI sq. Technology classification of 15: XIX. collation of early records of 23: XXXII. definition of 16: XVII; 20: XXIX. earliest stages of 21: XVII, XVIII. office work in 22, i: XIX-XXIII. paper on, by J. W. Powell 20: XXIX-LVIII. relation of, to esthetology 18: XXXIX. subject matter of 19: XII. work in 18: XXXIV-XXXIX; 19: XX sqq.; 20: XIII-XVII; 23: XXVI-XXXII. Tecolotl day symbol, discussion of 16: 252. definition of 16: 252. Tecoma sp. See Hackia. TeÇo?´ha. See White Buffalo Hide. Tecpatl day symbol, discussion of 16: 258. meaning of 16: 228. Tecpila Nahuatl day symbol, discussion of 16: 254. Tecumseh incident from life of 42: 76 sq. mention of 42: 735. Tecumtha account of 14: 681. address of, to Harrison 14: 721. among the Menomini 14: 55. defeat of 14: 689. end of 14: 691. etymology of 14: 681. joins the British army 14: 690. later career of 14: 690. life of 19: 215 sq. meaning of name of 19: 442. pipe of 14: 248. war message to Menomini by 14: 18. work of, among the Creeks 19: 87 sq. Teecomwas Family, mention of 43: 224. Tee-Lao, definition of 16: 240. Teeth blackening of 42: 685. deformation of 38: § 502. Eskimo 46: 213-228, 264 sq., 309, 359. Eskimo ceremonial objects made of 18: 399. Eskimo, decay
imo, direction of front of 9: 79. Eskimo, use of, as summer dwellings 9: 83. Eskimo, use of, for sewing rooms 9: 86. Eskimo, use of, for women during confinement 9: 86. for boats 38: § 795. mention of 46: 98, 101, 182. of Northern Indians 11: 226, 273, 298. of Plains Indians, description of 14: 504, 578, 581, 583, 588, 591. powers of keepers of the sacred 3: 362. rules for pitching 3: 220 sq. the property of women 27: 362. the sacred 3: 221, 226, 233. See also Lodges; Tent Covers; Tent of War, Sacred; Tipi. Tenu´ga, Omaha priest 27: 249. Tenu´gano?pewathe, Omaha warrior 27: 99. Tenu´gano?pewathe Shko?thaitho?, location of 27: 99. TenÜk Clan, census of 19: 619, 622. Tenure, Land, aboriginal idea of 23: XXXII sq. Teocomo, river and settlement of 14: 515. Teocuauhxicalli, Mexican sculptured stones 10: 135 sq. Teotleco and Tusayan god, comparison of 15: 268. ceremony of Mexico 15: 272. Teotl-itonal day symbol, discussion of 16: 252. Teoyamiqui, mention of 1: 229. TÉpahaian tÉhuli of ZuÑi mythology 13: 383. Te´pa itazhi, subgens (Tha´tada), account of 27: 159, 161 sq., 167, 168, 169, 209. TÉpd?´ or Tepda, a Kiowa synonym 14: 1087; 17: 149, 152. Teepee. See Tipi. Tepehuan games of the 24: dice games 153 sq. double ball 660. numbers of the 19: 868, 929.
n class="x-small">XXVI sqq., XXX. illustration of clay plastering from 20: 37. introduction to memoir on Indian land cessions by 18: 527-647. material for Indian cyclopedia collected by 23: XL. Mayan calendar system, paper on, by 19: 693-819; 22, i: 197-305; 23: XXXVII, XLIII. Mayan and Mexican calendar systems investigated by 21: XXXI. memoirs by 19: XLII sq., XLIV sq. mention of 46: 173. mound exploration by 13: 9. notes on Mayan and Mexican manuscripts by 3: 1-65. numeral systems of Mexico and Central America by 19: 853-955. obituary of 48: 1221. office work of 6: XLVII; 20: XXII. on day symbols of the Maya year 16: LXXXVIII-XCV, 199-265. on finding of unusual boat-shape stone 13: 116. on Han-it numeration 19: 138. on Mayan calendar period 19: 675. on Mexican and Mayan symbolic colors 10: 625. on Polynesian loan words 15: LXIV. paper by, on aids to study of Maya codices 6: 253-371. paper by, on burial mounds in northern United States 5: XXXVIII-XLIII, 3-119. papers by, cited or referred to 12: 308, 562, 718, 721. preparation of memoir by 15: XLI. proposed association of work on Eastern United States pottery with report of 20: 15. publication of papers by 11: XXIV; 17: LVII. reference to 28: 226. report on opening of Georgia mound in work of 20: 139. researches by 14: XXXVII; 16: XIX, XXII, XXVI, XXX, XXXV, XXXVIII, XL, XLII, XLVII, L, LV, LXXII. study of Mexican and Maya codices by 23: XXXVII. summary of work of 15: LXXVII. translation of description of burial ceremonies of the Hurons by 5: 110-119. work of 5: XX sqq., XXXVII; 7: XVI sqq., XXX sq.; 8: XIX, XXIII; 9: XXV sqq., XXXVIII; 10: X, XXI, XXII; 11: XXIV; 13: XXVI, XXIX, XXXVI; 15: LXXVII; 17: XLVIII sq.; 18: XLVI, LVI; 19: XXIX; 24: XVII sq., XXVI, XXXII; 25: XIX, XX; 26: XVI, XXIII; 27: 9; 28: 11 sq.; 29: 17 sq.; 30: 10, 17, 19. work of, in linguistic classification 23: XXXIV. work of, on hieroglyphic records 22, i: XXXVI. work of, on mounds 37: 76. Thomas, Mrs. E. P., steatite collection of 15: 125. Thomas, Miss Jessie E. librarian of the Bureau 23: XLII. Mayan vocabulary transcribed by 21: XXVII. obituary notice of 24: XXXVIII. work of 24: XXIII-XXXVIII. work of, on Diccionario de Motul 22, i: XXXIII; 23: XLII. Thomas, John S., burial place on farm of, Tennessee 12: 355. Thomas, Juan calendar history by 26: 35. cure song by 26: 302-306. in flight at Santan 26: 57. in Geronimo campaign 26: 60. information furnished by 26: 18. on legerdemain of medicine-men 26: 261. Thomas, Mrs. L. V., work of 7: XXXI. Thomas, Mary B., collection of 15: 130. Thomas, Col. W. H. acknowledgment to 19: 13. arrangements by, for stay of East Cherokee in the east 19: 158 sq. connection of, with East Cherokee affairs 19: 162, 163, 165, 166-172. difficulty over estates of 19: 173 sq. killing of Indian women by men under 19: 52. legend told by 19: 491. life of 19: 159-162. mission of, to U´tsÂla and Charley 19: 157 sq. on Baptist preachers among East Cherokee 19: 165. on Cherokee round-up 19: 131. on Junaluska 19: 165. on traditional predecessors of Cherokee 19: 23. on Rutherford’s route 19: 205. on smallpox among East Cherokee 19: 23. on Swimmer’s knowledge of Cherokee myths 19: 236. purchase of lands for East Cherokee by 19: 159. retirement of 19: 172. Thomas, William H., agent for Cherokee 5: 315. Thomas Legion, organization of 19: 161 sq., 169 sq. Thomas Place, flint on 44: 516. Thompson, ——, arrest of 19: 119. Thompson, Captain ——, defeat of Cherokee by Americans under 19: 48. Thompson, A. H. account of TÄvibo by 14: 703. acknowledgment to 14: 655. on the Paiute prophet 14: 702. reference to 29: 350. Thompson, Benjamin information furnished by 26: 18. steatite quarry on land of 15: 126. Thompson, Charlie, information furnished by 42: 402. Thompson, E. H., on Andromaro Molina 23: XXXVII. Thompson, Gilbert on pictographs 4: 27, 33, 34, 229, 245. petroglyphs reported by 10: 92.
19: 680, 684, 687. found in Cibola by Coronado 14: 560. legends of 30: 123, 133 sq., 178, 202 sqq., 205 sq., 210 sq., 216 sq., 218 sq., 223 sqq., 342, 373 sqq. man created from 30: 143. markings on, origin of 30: 224. teeth of, talismans 30: 289. See also Black Tiger; Tiger; Warracaba Tiger. Tigtitig Bird. See Tikitiki. Tigua Indians games of the 24: cat’s cradle 775. dice games 190 sqq., 195. European games 798. hidden ball 369 sq. hoop and pole 420, 421, 518 sq. shinny 642 sq. tops 748. name of Acoma among the 14: 492. reference to 28: 159. See also Tiwa. Tiguas, Mesa de las, site of PayÜpki so called by Menchero 22, i: 19. Tiguex cartographic history of 14: 403. death of Friar Juan at 14: 401. description of 14: 519, 520. description of, by companions of Coronado 14: 569, 575. description of, by Jaramillo 14: 587. discovery of, by Alvarado 14: LVII, 390, 491, 594. Indians of, refusal of, to trust Spaniards 14: 499, 503. river of, identified with Rio Grande 14: 390. siege of, by Spaniards 14: 497, 500. Tihax day symbol, discussion of 16: 258. definition of 16: 259. T? hÎt tan, Tlingit clan
ima legend 28: 49, 50, 51. Toilet articles of the Eskimo 9: 149 sq. plants used for 30: 83, 88. See also Adornment; Dress; Ornament. Tok, meaning of 16: 232. Toka, legendary Pima game 28: 46. Toka´lo Society, account of 27: 486. Tokens of authority 4: 168. T’Ó-k`iÑÄhyup, division of the Kiowa 17: 227. Toklat River, mention of 46: 125. Toklik, mention of 46: 72. Tokoanu (Hopi) Clan, reference to 19: 583. Tokonabi, Southern Utah clans from 19: 587-594. pueblo of, reference to 19: 586. references to 28: 159; 42: 5. religious societies from, at Walpi 19: 623 sq. Tokoroi-mo, evil due to 30: 349. Tokotci, picture of, in house of war god 21: 25. Tokotcpatcuba, garment worn by Yehoho 21: 106. Tokowari, Carib name for clay goblet 38: § 389. Tolageak, mention of 46: 207, 208. Toldt, C., jr., mention of 46: 373. Tolentino SeÑor ——, amulet found by 25: 144. Tolkotin, cremation among the 1: 144, 146. Tollunteeskee Cherokee chief 42: 833. death of 19: 136. invitation to missionaries by 19: 136. reservation for 19: 85. treaty signed by, in 1806 19: 85. Tolete, hook used in catching alligator 38: § 217. Tolmie, W. F. Chimmesyan vocabulary of, cited 7: 64. Salishan researches of 7: 104. Shahaptian vocabularies of 7: 107. Tolmie, W. F., and Dawson, G. M. linguistic literature of 7: 25. map of, cited 7: 53, 64. on boundaries of the Haeltzuk 7: 130. Tolome, tribe of the Choctaw Confederacy 19: 500. Tolovana, mention of 46: 41, 126. Tolow, burial superstition of 1: 200. Tolumne land cessions and reservations 18: 782. See also Yolumne. Toltecs, nationality of, not asserted 12: 598. “Tom Fuller,” nature of 19: 452. Tomahawk Pipes, collection of 18: XLVII. Tomahawks burial of, with the dead 44: 458. manner of using 46: 555. of the Omaha 13: 284. use of, by the Okanagon 45: 255. Tomahitan Indians, mention of 42: 745. Tomai-en, Carib name for ordinary clay buck-pot 38: § 389. Tomanawas Ceremonies 4: 70, 73. TomÁs de CÓrdova, Pedro, on Porto Rico 25: 20. Tomassee, encounter at 19: 51 sq. Tomatilla use of, as food 30: 68. use of, in ceremonies 30: 94. Tomau death of 14: 55 sq. genealogy of 14: 54, 58. Tombigbee River pottery of 20: 107 sq. trails crossing 42: 823, 824. Tombstone, Ariz. earthquake at 26: 60. reference to 28: 54. Tomcod, Eskimo implements used in catching 18: 175-178, 183. TÓme, a Kiowa trader 17: 172, 262. Tome Tuskumuggee at Coweta 42: 309. Tomechaw Kasihta “war king” 42: 34. name interpreted 42: 34. Tomehuichi, “dog king” of the Hitchiti 42: 34. TÓme-te. See TÓme. Tomlinson, A. B., shell plates described by 2: 264. Tommarthle Micco, chief of Upper Creeks 42: 315 sq. To-mo, “baboon throat” leaf basket 38: § 455. Tomochichi a descendant of the Apalachicola 42: 38. chief of the Yamacraw 42: 38. in England 42: 38, 397. treaties with Georgia by 18: 634, 635. Tompkins, Gen. Charles H., on partial cremation 1: 151. Tompkins, H., census of Cherokee in 1867 by 5: 351. Tomson, Robert on Mexico in 1556 14: 363, 375. quotation from 14: 507. Tomtit. See Titmouse. Ton-a-en-ko. See T’enÉ-angÓpte. TÓn-ak`Á, stealing of woman by 17: 353. Tonala, settlement of, by Guzman 13: 473. Tonawanda Reserve establishment of 18: 660. grant of right to repurchase 18: 818. sale of 18: 772, 776. T?n?´sqet, story of 45: 270 sq. Tondaganie’s Village cession of reserve at 18: 734. reservation at 18: 674. To?deamo?thi?, keeper of Ponca War Honor Pack 27: 43. Toneennili, the water-sprinkler, song addressed to, in Navaho ceremonial 8: 259. Tonga and Central American linguistic similarities 16: 236. and Zapotec term compared 16: 262. Tongas, Tlingit town clans at 26: 409, 410, 416. first settlers of 26: 408. Tongas, Tlingit tribe affinities of 26: 410. clans and house groups of 26: 400-407, 408. mention of 26: 396. phratries and clans of 26: 398. population of 7: 87. Tongass, Alaska, excavations at 43: 13. Tongs for cleaning spruce roots 35: 113, 116, 120. for holding cedar bark 35: 128, 133. for hot stones 35: 73, 75, 88, 89, 105, 107, 258. for lifting boiled fish 35: 315, 317, 318, 321. for roasting 35: 229, 232, 234, 244, 306. mention of 35: 348, 351, 352, 355, 366, 369, 374, 477. of the Omaha 13: 279. small, used for eating 35: 568. Tongue pierced, for blood as therapeutic agent 38: § 924. pierced, in mourning 38: § 853. Serian and Yuman names for 17: 297*
de accompanies Gallego to Corazones 14: 395. appointment of, as ensign 14: 477. at San Hieronimo 14: 502. attack on Seri (?) by 17: 54. discovery of Tusayan by 14: LVII, 390, 488, 562, 574. flight of, from Suya 14: 530, 533. journey of, from Tiguex to Corazon 14: 577. use of papers of, by Mota Padilla 24: 557. wounded by Indians 24: 557. Towa Quaatam Ochse, legendary Pima magician 28: 51.
eno" title="1073"> of December 29, 1835 5: 253. of March 1, 1836, supplementary 5: 257. of August 6, 1846 5: 298. of July 19, 1866 5: 334. of April 27, 1868 5: 340. Sioux, of 1868 14: 824, 839. Sioux, of 1876 14: 825. TawÁkoni, of 1837 17: 251. with Plains tribes in 1835-1837 17: 169. Yakima, of 1855 14: 737. See also Treaties; etc. Treaty and Purchase of 1770 5: 146. of 1772 5: 146. of 1773 5: 148. of 1783 5: 151. See also Treaties and Purchase. Treaty or Ridge Party of Cherokee feuds of 5: 301, 302. mention of 15: 293. payments to 5: 299. propose to remove to Mexico 5: 302. Treaty Pipe illustrated 14: 688. Trebitsch, R. 46: 573. Tree bends and straightens at command 32: 391. boy living under roots of 32: 389, 399. climbing of 38: § 790. felling of, custom relating to 35: 617. in Ghost dance symbolism 14: 789. indicative of cardinal points 38: § 783. magic appearance of 32: 192. man created from roots of 32: 168. obstructing roadway 38: § 789. origin of knots on 32: 448. prayer to 35: 617. roots grown over man 32: 705. Serian and Yuman names for 17: 297*, 338* sqq. signs for 1: 343, 496, 524. sinks into the earth 32: 410. standing in breast of man 32: 190. string figures of 38: § 670, 683-685. use of, in Cohonino ceremony 14: 813. use of, in Ghost dance 14: 802, 823, 916, 979, 1075. used to bring people to life 32: 138. See also Cedar; Cottonwood; Pole; Tree Burial; Trees; and names of different plants and trees. Tree Burial among the ancient nations 1: 165, 166. among the Blackfeet 1: 161. among the Kwakiutl 35: 689, 1120. among the Menomini 14: 241. among the Sioux 1: 161. and scaffold burial 1: 158. and scaffold burial, BrulÉ Sioux 1: 158, 160. of Mikasuki 42: 396. See also Burials; Scaffold Burials. Tree-frog Dance description of 42: 531. mention of 42: 524. Tree Game, Winnebago 37: 123. Tree Men, belief in 45: 180 sq. Tree of life, spirits associated with 30: 228, 229, 233. Tree Rock, myths concerning 19: 317, 467. Trees beliefs concerning 11: 390, 482. ceremonials relating to 11: 456. ceremony over 23: 506. Cherokee explanation of characters of 19: 421. collection of 23: 506. Eskimo account of creation of 18: 456. hemlock, observation of, to ascertain direction 32: 451. in Alaskan-Arctic district 18: 24. in Cherokee myths, power of 19: 231. in Piny Branch quarry 15: 44. known to the Omaha 27: 106. mystic, in Menomini ceremonial 14: 90. of Seriland 17: 32-36. origin of man from 32: 144 sq., 146. pictographs on 4: 59; 10: 213. sacred to He´dewachi ceremony 27: 255. spirits associated with 30: 171 sq., 228. sprinkling of meal upon 23: 507. worship of, in the Antilles 34: 208. See also Cardinal Trees; Tree. Tregear, Edward, cited on mystic water monsters 16: 214. Trejo, Hernando, death of brother of 14: 500. Trelease, William, on Entyloma crastophilum 19: 1027. Trempealeau, Wis., petroglyphs at 10: 127, 128. Trenton, N. J. gravels, study of 14: XXXV. pottery from near 20: 176 sq. Trepanation. See Ancon; Animal; Antiquity; Trephined Skulls; Trephining. Trephined Skulls, collection of 19: XXIX. Trephining in Peru, memoir on 16: LXXXIX, 3-72. preparation of memoir on 15: XXXII, XLI. Trial of Strength 35: 1125. Triangle Spring Hook 38: § 196. Triangles as an element in design 41: 251 sq. false, as an element in design 41: 253. interpretation of 41: 317, 321. on vertical stripes 41: 244. Triangular Baskets coils of 41: 165. term for 41: 397. Triangular Figures appearance of, in pictures of Hopi katcinas 21: 65 sqq., 79, 99 sqq. use of, as rain symbols 21: 66. Triangular Mouth, Hopak distinguished by 21: 89. Triangular Shelter 38: § 294. Tribal features of the Seri 17: 123*, 135*. historical pictographs 4: 207. nomenclature, Siouan, discussion of 15: 166. relations of Seri 17: 67, 77 sq., 83, 87, 95 sq., 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 127*-134*. symbolic designation 4: 165. Tribal Activities, definition of 22, i: X. Tribal Circles Omaha 3: 219, 220, 286. Osage 27: 58-61. Ponca 27: 42. See also Hu´thuga. Tribal Council, Omaha 3: 361. Tribal Divisions movements of 36: 60. of the Osage 39: 82; 45: 549. Tribal Dual Division, references to 40: 42, 43, 275, 361, 363, 365, 385, 475, 505, 517, 548. Tribal Government based on kinship 1: 68, 69. development of 27: 199-202. See also Chieftainship. Tribal Land, classification of 7: 40. Tribal Names, classification of 24:
39: 84. kinship group, Osage 27: 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 sq. one of the two tribal divisions 36: 51. origin of people of the 36: 59. songs belonging to 39: 77. ?si´-zhu Great Division ceremonial position of 36: 83. gentes of 36: 84. origin myth of 36: 238. ?si´-zhu Seven Fireplaces, places of, in ceremony 39: 84. ?si´-zhu Wa-no? Gens a gens of the ?si´-zhu division 39: 43.
alakwayo 21: 77. Turquoise among Indians of the Lower Mississippi 13: 25. brought from the north by Sonora Indians 14: 357. collection of, by Estevan 14: 474. deposit of 29: 492 sqq. found at Honanki 17: 573. gift to gods of war 47: 669. in Pima legend 28: 46 sq. in Pima mythology 26: 222, 248. in shell work 28: 144. mine 2: 433. mine, collection from 2: 450. mosaic work in 28: 131. mosaics of the Hopi 17: 662. necklaces in Tusayan costumery 16: 282. objects from Elden Pueblo 43: 3. objects in Sikyatki graves 17: 641, 733. of Pueblo Indians 14: 489, 518, 549, 561, 573. presents of, made to the Devil 14: 513. Pueblo armlets inlaid with 22, i: 90. Pueblo ornaments of, description of 22, i: 86. Tewa name for 29: 580. use of, as ear pendants, in Hopi pictures 21: 113, 119. use of, as ear pendants, in pictures of Woe 21: 67. use of, as ornaments, by Tcosbuci 21: 85. use of, in medicine 30: 50. value of 47: 871. Turritella Shells, Pueblo articles made of 22, i: 91. Turtle a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 174, 180, 181, 286, 288, 301. amulet from 30: 213. and tiger, story of 38: § 599. basketry design 38: § 445. carapaces from Pueblo ruins at Chevlon, description of 22, i: 95. carapaces, disk of 22, i: 96. carries woman on back 32: 411. connection of, with rites 27: 506. cooking and preserving of 38: § 163. disease caused by 26: 264. drum of shell of 19: 503. effigies of 34: 68, 70, 72 sq. figure made of bowlders 12: 39, 40. heads made of clay 34: 121. in Arapaho mythology 14: 959. in Menomini myth 14: 91, 189, 218. in Pima song 26: 306, 307. in primitive mythology 14: 976. kept alive 38: § 725. legends concerning 25: 197; 30: 212 sq., 223 sq., 226 sq., 272. markings on, origin of 30: 224. method of hunting 38: § 203, 215. Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 94. mystic power of the 14: 148. myths and lore concerning 19: 306, 343, 346, 430, 452, 475, 481, 482; 43: 187 sq. representation of, Eastern United States pottery 20: 41. representation of, Florida Peninsula pottery 20: 124. representation of, Gulf Coast pottery 20: 107. sacred, of the Arapaho 17: 242. Seri method of catching and eating 17: 186*-190*. Seri traps of shell of 17: 185* sq. Seri use of shell of, as jacal covering 17: 222*. shell, a friction musical instrument 38: § 582. size of, a weather prognostication 38: § 938. stone, in MontanÉ’s collection 34: 249. stone specimens of 25: 196 sq. use of, as food 30: 297 sq. wooden, from Battowia 34: 89. wooden, from St. Vincent 34: 249. wooden specimens of 25: 196. See also Terrapin; Tortoise. Turtle-back description of 13: 136. forms, explanation of 15: LIX, 30, 138. in Illinois, source of 13: 171. Turtle Bearers. See Ke´i? Subgens. Turtle Carrier Gens. See ?e´-?’i? Gens. Turtle Clan affiliations of 42: 121. Iroquois myth of the origin of 2: 77. mention of, by J. Adair 42: 119. native names for 42: 116. Turtle Creek, effigy mounds on 37: 98. Turtle Disease, symptoms and treatment of 42: 646 sq. Turtle Dove a Cherokee clan 42: 118. Cherokee name for 19: 281. Turtle-egg Oil for body anointing 38: § 511. mention of 38: § 26. Turtle Mounds mention of 37: 81. not connected with Winnebago clans 37: 98. Turtle Mountain Chippewa land cessions and reservations 18: 908, 916. linguistic investigations among 28: 239. Turtle River, identification of 14: 1029. Turtle-shells in Tusayan ceremony 16: 212. See also Rattle; Turtle. Turtle, Snapping a life symbol 36: 92. See also Snapping Turtle. Turtle Subgens, of several tribes 27: 38. Turtle, the Hero offerings to 37: 441, 542. world ruled by 37: 316. Turtles, A. H., on wild rice in Virginia 19: 1032. TÜrtumsi derivation of, from Comanche tribe 21: 99. description of 21: 99. Turu, Oenocarpus sp. drink made from 38: § 270. fruit of 38: § 247. fruit of, festival at ripening of 30: 138. spinous processes used for darts 38: § 120. use of leaves of, for baskets 38: § 456. use of leaves of, for thatch 38: § 321, 324. Tururi Bark use of, for bowstring 38: § 127. use of, for laps 38: § 547. use of, for “shirts” 38: § 539. Turwi, home of Asa clan 19: 610. Tusayan a Shoshonean tongue 7: 139. ancient villages of 15: LXXI, 305. application of the term 17: 577. architecture of, memoir on 23: XLV. bringing of Buffalo Maid to sun by 21: 31. bringing of helmet of Tcakwaina to 21: 62. ceremonials at 14: 544. collection of fictile products of 16: XLIX. cultivation of cotton at 14: 550. description of 14: 519, 524. d
ource of oil 38: § 25. Uacarra Indians marriage customs of the 30: 314 sq. on the Rio Apaporis 38: § 885. Uah, signification of 16: 229. Uajana. See Oyana. Ualik, mention of 46: 190. Uamma (“snake”), Caribs descended from 30: 143 sq. Úanam Éhkona of ZuÑi mythology 13: 381. Úanam YÁluna of ZuÑi mythology 13: 381. Uanana, a tribe of Betoya stock on the Uapes 38: § 359. Uangeru, ceremony of 37: 387. Uaupes River Indians binas of 30: 284 sq. eclipses among the 30: 258 sq. festivals of 30: 138, 139. food laws of the 30: 297. medicine-men of 30: 341. natal customs of the 30: 322. puberty customs of the 30: 311. resemblance to women 30: 365. storms 30: 269 sq. talismans of the 30: 291. Ubeda, F. Luis de. See Luis. Ubeda y Delgado, Manuel, on area of Porto Rico 25: 21.
nny 636. Ute, Uncompahgre, hoop and pole game of the 24: 501. Ute, Yampa, hand game of the 24: 315. Ute-man mention of 17: 378. See also ÍatÄkÍa. Utensils and furnishings 45: 64 sq. birch-bark 44: 389. cooking, among the Northern Indians 11: 228, 300. cooking and eating 37: 118 sq. from Florida, collection and study of 18: XXX sq. household 45: 229 sq. household, of the Eskimo 9: bone-crushers 93-99. buckets 86 sqq. canteens 86. drinking vessels 101-105. mauls 93-99. meat bowls 89. pots 90-93. trays 99 sqq. tubs 86 sqq. wallets 86. of cut stone 15: 105. of the Eskimo 18: 63-74. of the Flathead 45: 333. of the Menomini 14: 256. of the Omaha 13: 277. of the Paiute 14: 770. of the Seri 17: 10, 182*-186*, 208* sq. of the Siouan tribes 15: 171. See also Bowls; Griddles; Grinders; Implements; Mortars; Pestles; Pottery, Seats; Tools, etc. Utility modifies form in pottery 4: 452. occasional disregard of, Middle Mississippi Valley pottery 20: 85. relation of, to pleasure 19: LXI. Utilla, a Umatilla synonym 14: 744. Utina Tribe, mention of 42: 324. Utkiavik, mention of 46: 319. Utkiavw?Ñ, Alaska description of 9: 79. location of 9: 26. population of 9: 43. signification of name 9: 26. U`tlÛÑ´ta, myth of 19: 316-319, 466. U´ts?l? leader of Removal refuges 19: 157. Thomas’s mission to 19: 157 sq., 408. Uturituc, old Pima village 26: 20; 28: 37, 43. Uu?ita, ceremonial of 11: 458. Uupon Tea. See Black Drink. Uva land cessions and reservations 18: 782, 788. Uvaria Febrifuga, for fever 38: § 927. Uva-ursi Uva-ursi 33: 108. Uweuwelekehau 33: 655. U`wtsÛÑ´ta, myth of 19: 303 sq., 462. U´-xthi Thi?-ge Subgens peace pipe as symbol of 36: 128. wi´-gi-e of 36: 128 sqq. Uyak, mention of 46: 186. Uzhi?´eti (symbolic figure) description of 27: 234, 241 sq., 254. reference to 27: 601. U´zhu explanation of the term 27: 208. officer in Shell society 27: 516, 522 sq., 537 sq., 559. V Va´-af. See White People. Va´aki; VÁaki; Va´-aki in Pima mythology 26: 218. Pima name for Casa Grande 28: 33. See also Casa Blanca. Vaca, Cabeza de cited on clay-eating by Indians 9: 538. cited on Floridan medicine-men 9: 470, 472. cited on galena among the Indians 9: 548. cited on Mexican customs 9: 445. See also Cabeza de Vaca. Vacapa, identification of 14: 355. Vacapan Province, crossing of, by Coronado 14: 487. Vacas Mesa, mention of 29: 416. Vaccination among the Assiniboin 46: 428. among the Western Indians 17: 176, 177. Vaccinium, species of, used medicinally 42: 664. Vaccinium Angustifolium, use of 44: 294, 307, 321, 338. Vaccinium Membranaceum 45: 490. Vaccinium Oreophilum 45: 484. Vaccinium Ovalifolium 45: 490, 495. Vaccinium Ovatum 45: 487. Vaccinium Parvifolium 45: 490, 495. Vaccinium sp. 45: 487, 490. Vachacos, ants made into a paste 38: § 225. Vacus (= Acoma) 29: 543. Vado, mention of 29: 110. Vagina Dentata in Tsimshian myth 31: 809. Vagnera Racemosa mention of 45: 458, 486. use of 44: 294, 356. Vagnera Stellata 45: 486. Valdez, the terminal of the Richardson trail 46: 36. ValdÉz (= Valdez Settlement) 29: 117. Valentine, M. H., archeologic collections of 15: 18. Valentine, M. S., collections of 15: 72. Valentine Museum, mention of 41: 555. Valentini, Doctor ——, paper by, mention of 1: 243 note. Valerian, use of 45: 460, 494, 495, 506, 513. Valeriana Sitchensis 45: 495, 506, 513. Valeriana Sylvatica 45: 495, 506, 513. Vall y Spinosa, Federico, modern Porto Rican legend by 25: 75 sq. Valladolid name for Taos 29: 183. Spanish name for Braba 14: 511, 525. See also Taos. Vallatoa, same as Jemez 29: 401. Valle de los Posos, same as Posos Valley 29: 265. Valle de los Tulares Language 7: 92. Valle de los Vellacos. See Valley of Knaves. Valle de Montezuma, same as Montezuma Valley 29: 564. Valle de San Antonio mention of 29: 98. same as San Antonio Valley 29: 391. Valle de San Luis, same as San Luis Valley 29: 564. Valle de Santa Rosa mention of 29: 98. same as Santa Rosa Valley 29: 264. Valle de Toledo, mention of 29: 408. Valle Grande, mention of 29: 98, 276. Valle Middeldyk, R. A., on slavery in Porto Rico 25: 23. Vallecillo, settlement of 14: 515. Vallecito, mention of 29: 124, 270. Vallecito Creek, mention of 29: 158, 398. Valles Chain, same as Jemez Mountains 29<
ion of 45: 515. Vicissi, duck 38: § 724. Vicksburg, Miss., trail to 42: 822. Victoria, name of a certain boat 46: 86. Victoria Institute, pottery in 34: 68. Victory augury of 30: 271 sq. pictographic record of 10: 557 sq. Victory Dance description of 27: 432. Winnebago 37: 379-383. Victory Songs example of, Omaha 27: 432 sq. of the Osage 45: 676 sq. Victory Stones worn by the Scandinavians 13: 115. Vicuris, same as Picuris 29: 193.
>1: 107-110. Wahpeton Sioux. See Sioux, Wahpeton. Wahuhu. See Sally Wahuhu. WaiÄm, sketch of the 14: 741. WaiÄm-l?ma, a WaiÄm synonym 14: 741. Waidepacan land cessions and reservations 18: 784. Waiictu, the present cacique 47: 44. Waiilatpuan Family, mention of 7: 127 sq. Waikarapa Basket 38: § 413, 414. Waikuri Language, classification of 17: 300*, 343* sq. Wail of L!?l!aq?l, a N?k!wax’da?x? woman 35: 885-891. Wail of L!al! eqwasila, a Gwa?sela woman 35: 836-885. Wailaki. See Round Valley Reserve; Ylacca. Wailakki habitat of 7: 54. relationship of, to Kulanapan tribes 7: 88. Wailatpuan and Shahaptian affinity 15: XLV, XLIX, LIII, LXXXIV. Wai´l?tma, a Cayuse synonym 14: 743, 744. Wail?´tpu, a Cayuse synonym 14: 743. Wailing as a ceremony 39: 54, 244. for the dead 33: 312, 321. object of 45: 614. Wailing Ceremony 45: 715 sq. Wailing Songs mention of 45: 715 sq. reference to 40: 358, 421. Wai?´. See Robe. Wai?´waxube account of 27: 213, 404 sq. See also Packs of War, Sacred. Wainwright, mention of 46: 105, 112, 208. Waiopuka 33: 338. Waip-shwa. See Smohalla. Wait, signs for 1: 291, 299. Waiyari, knapsack 38: § 450. Wajage, a division of the Ponca 37: 181. Wajapa, assistance rendered by 33: 46. Waje´pa acknowledgment to 27: 631. See also Wa’thisnade. Wakac derivation of 21: 126. description of 21: 113. Wakaina 33: 662. Wakan, description of concept of 11: 494. Wa-ka?-da or Wakanda definition of 11: 366, 431; 15: 182 sq. of the Siouan Indians 15: XCIX. worship of 11: 372. See also Wako?´da. Wakanta, the sun a 11: 423. Wakarad, a generic name for baskets 38: § 413, 414. Wakash, habitat of the 7: 129. Wakashan Indians, pictographs by the 10: 215. Wakashan Languages bibliography of 13: XLI; 14: XLIII; 15: XL, XLI, XLV, XLVI, XLIX, LIV, LXII, LXV. family of, mention of 7: 128-131. Wakashan Stock implements employed in stick games by 24: 227. tribes of the 24: Bellabella 263. Clayoquot 196, 319, 558. Hesquiaht 718, 748. Kwakiutl 196, 263, 319, 370, 519, 559, 718, 725, 760, 784. Makah 197, 263, 321, 395, 522, 559, 643, 718, 748, 761, 776. Nimkish 719. Nootka 198, 322, 523, 749. Opitchesaht 719, 761. Wake description of 37: 140-146. origin of, myth of 37: 154 sq. Wake Game, a Seneca hidden ball game 24: 350 sq. Wakea and Papa 33: 300, 314, 619, 634, 635, 652. Wakefield, Jeanne, work of 29: 24. Wake-robin, use of 44: 294, 362. Wa-ke´-stse Gens life symbol of 36: 93. silent during ceremony 36: 94. Wa-?e´-the-dse Gens, office of 39: 93. Waki´dezhi?ga information from 27: 567. ritual used by 27: 571. Waki?ya?, Siouan belief in 11: 441. Waklarok, mention of 46: 198. Wakokai, a White town 42: 254. Wako?´da or Wa-?o?´-da; WakoÑda approach to, through life symbols 36: 61. assurance of, as to buffalo 27: 286, 295, 296. belief in 39: 67. belief in power of 36: 182. dependence upon 36: 49. explanation of 36: 48; 43: 30. food offerings to 27: 335 sq. general account of 27: 597 sqq. in Hethu´shka 27: 465, 466. in origin of No?´zhi?zho? rite 27: 128 sq. in Pebble society ritual 27: 570, 571. in Ponca legend 27: 49. Omaha conception of 27: 128 sq., 130, 133, 134, 589. origin of name 45: 530. power of 39: 310. prayer to, on annual buffalo hunt 27: 281. references to 27: 143, 160, 208, 209, 212, 239, 240, 241, 278, 415, 445, 486, 560 sq., 582, 608, 634 sq. supplications to 39: 41, 42, 58, 107, 109, 111-114, 188. the Creator 39: 38; 46: 414. the supernatural power 46: 486, 487 sq. See also God; Wa-ka?-da. Wako?´mo?thi? account of 27: 283 sq. songs obtained from 27: 249 sq. Wako?´ta Inikashiha Group, Quapaw 27: 68. Wala masking of katcinas at 21: 52. shrine of 21: 33. Wa?a KÅlgi, a Creek clan 42: 116, 119. Walam Olum. See Walum Olum. Walapa, mention of 36: 208. Walapai ancestors of 28: 185, 216, 220. and Havasupai affinity 13: 224. derivation of Tsobuci from 21: 85. effect of, on Pueblo tribes 13: 260. games of the 24: dice games 207. hidden ball 371 sq. hoop and pole 525 sq. shinny 616, 645 sq. Ghost dance among the 14: 785, 786, 805, 814, 921. in Pima mythol
i> failure to produce 32: 265. forms and uses of 10: 228-231. in costumes 2: 232, 234. Indian use of 19: 354, 488, 494. introduction of 42: 685. Iroquois 19: 354. Iroquois myth of origin of 2: 64, 78. literature of 2: 241, 248. making of 2: 226, 236; 32: 216; 42: 721 sq. making of, by whites 2: 238. mention of 32: 158, 159. mnemonic use of 2: 240, 254. modern use of 2: 239, 252. myth concerning 43: 196. origin of mnemonic use of 2: 240. significance of colors in 10: 229, 230. symbolic uses of 2: 241, 248. unsuccessful attempt at disgorging 32: 142. use and abuse of 42: 724. use of, as peace credentials 32: 429. use of, in strings 2: 243, 248. use of, in treaties and councils 2: 242; 10: 231. use of, on Pacific Coast 2: 239. varieties of beads used as 2: 247. See also Wampum Belt. Wampum Beads. See Wampum. Wampum Belt false, used to bribe guards 32: 507. mention of 4: 86 sq. significance of 14: 662, 685. use of, at peace conference 43: 455. See also Belts of Wampum; Wampum. “Wampum Belt, He who Seeks the,” or Hiawatha 2: 54, 64. Wampum Sash, sign of marriage 32: 87. Wana´ghi wa´chipi, Sioux name of Ghost dance 14: 791.
> on Ojibwa ceremonial terms 14: 61. on Shawano religion among Ojibwa 14: 677. on the Shawano prophet 14: 673. Warren County, N. J., pottery from 20: 165. Warren County, Ohio, fragments of pottery from 20: 184. Warrior burial of 46: 570 sq. celebration of the Hopi 15: 260, 268. description of man to represent, in Flute ceremony 19: 999. gentes among Siouan tribes 15: 214. Kwakiutl 35: 1222. position of, in tribe 27: 122 sq. prayer whispered by ZuÑi 23: 579 sq. representation of a 21: 108. rites observed by, after taking scalp 47: 632. saved by pigmies, Iroquois myth 2: 65. Siouan, initiation of 15: 175. the Great, in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 319. throwing of arrows by 23: 602. See also Policemen; War; Warrior Clan, etc.; Warriors; Wars. Warrior Clan effigies representing 37: 214. functions of 37: 200, 219. identical with Hawk clan 37: 192. lodge of 37: 218 sq. not Soldier clan 37: 386. origin myth of 37: 219 sq., 319. privilege of 37: 158. rights of 37: 279. songs of 37: 219, 220. See also Warrior’s Society. Warrior Maid, H?h?e appearing as, in PowamÛ festival 21: 74. Warrior Order of the Kiowa 14: 989. Warrior Society of the Arapaho 14: 986. of the Kiowa 17: 284. of Tusayan 15: 263. Warrior Symbol 36: 63. Warriors Assiniboin, list of 46: 401 sq. assume new names on the way, Omaha and Ponca 3: 324. Cheyenne renowned 14: 1027. crowning of 42: 419 sq. custom of 45: 644. decoration of 23: 599. dress of 46: 553 sq., 586, 589. dress of, when crowned 42: 420. equipment of 46: 548. facial painting of 45: 433-437, 644, 646. first step inaugurated by 23: 579 sq. headdress of 42: 406. insignia of 45: 390; 46: 593. paintings of, on wall in Santa Rita mound 19: 665 sqq. proportion of, to population 14: 33. return of 35: 1374 sq. second class of 42: 301. selection of personators of 23: 579. Sioux, number of 14: 852. tattooing of 46: 592. weapons carried by 42: 406. See also Warrior; and references. Warriors’ Bed one of four beds 42: 191. position of, in various towns 42: 197-200. Warriors’ Path, common use of the name 42: 780. Warriors’ Path in Kentucky connection of, with history of the State 42: 781. maps showing route of 42: 780 sq. mention of 42: 779-788. route followed by 42: 781, 797, 798. Warriors’ Society functions of 47: 51. mention of 11: 71, 121. of the Yuchi, reference to 42: 156. requirements for 47: 96. See also Warrior Clan. Warri-warri, Arawak name for fan 38: § 366. Warrungga, dance stick 38: § 576. Wars between Indians and whites 45: 128, 259, 367-373. early, of the Chickasaw 44: 180. effect of, in reducing Indian population 7: 38. Eskimo-Indian, etc. 46: 86, 117, 118, 170, 171, 358. intertribal 45: 359-367. of the Coeur d’AlÊne 45: 119-130. of the Okanagon group 45: 257 sqq. Omaha 27: intertribal 99. with Cheyenne and Oto 87. with Oglala 100, 101. with Pawnee 87, 88. with Ponca 87. with Santee and Yankton 100. with Sioux 100, 623. with unknown tribes 99. origin of Omaha 3: 312. population decreased by 45: 315. unlike Old World, Indian 3: 312. See also War; etc.; Warfare. Wart Weed, medicinal use of 43: 265. Wartrace, Tenn., trail to 42: 850. Warts, myths concerning 11: 497. Warty, a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 230, 238. Waruschkin, A., mention of 46: 373. W?s, a monster, not described in detail 31: 348, 461. Wa´sa inikashiha Group, Quapaw 27: 68. Wasama games of the 24: ball race 670. double ball 659. hoop and pole 485. shinny 631. Wasash. See Osage. Wasco, treaty of 18: 808. Wasco Indian basketry of the 41: 354, 357. caps worn by the 41: 354. Flathead name for the 45: 301. games of the 24: hand game 282. hoop and pole 420, 422, 472. habitat of the, about 1893 14: 805. land cessions and reservations 18: 808, 838. mention of the 41: 136. population of the 7: 66. sketch of the 14: 741. See also Dalles Indian. Wasco Language grammatical study of 26: XXII. vocabulary of, obtained 23: XIV. Wascopum a Wasco synonym 14: 741. burial sacrifice of 1: 189, 190. Wash, R., Menomini treaty commissioner 14: 21. Washa´be, meaning of the term 27: 154 sq. Washa´be, Staff care of 27: 278. description of 27: 204 sq., 275, 276. on annual buffalo hunt 27: 280, 281, 282. references to 27: 206, 304. Washa´be Gens, Ponca account of 27: 45. references to 27: 41, 42, 48, 5
>Wathe´xe, application of the term 27: 219, 458, 494. Wathi´gizhe Subgens, account of 27: 148 sq., 151 sqq. Wathi?´ethe count of, in Ho?´hewachi 27: 498 sq. description of 27: 202-206, 212, 213, 495 sqq. in connection with Wa´wa? party 27: 378. reference to 27: 208. Wa´thishnade acknowledgment to 27: 631. remarks of 27: 637.
/li> ethnological researches in 24: XIII sq. fauna of 25: 22. flora of 25: 22. geological changes in 25: 219 sq. geological divisions of 34: 59. memoir on antiquities of 36: 11. petroglyphs in 10: 136-140. visit of Dr. J. W. Fewkes to 34: 8. wooden masks of 25: 136. See also Antilleans; Caribbean; Greater Antilles; Lesser Antilles. West Tennessee, trails of 42: 852 sqq. West Tennessee Chickasaw Trail 42: 811, 815 sq. West Virginia archeologic work in 8: XX. banner stones from 13: 121, 122, 123. Barboursville, mound group near 12: 438, 439. bird-shape stones from 13: 126. boat-shape stones from 13: 124. bunts from 13: 169. butterfly gorgets from 13: 124. Cabell County 12: 438. celts from 13: 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86. character of pottery of 20: 149, 150. Charleston, ancient works near 12: 424-434. chipped flints from 13: 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150. chisels from 13: 84. cones from 13: 113, 114. cores from 13: 171. Criel mound, near Charleston 12: 415 sq. design from vase from 20: 171. discoidal stones from 13: 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109. Fayette County, ancient stone wall in 12: 409. Fayette County, inclosure in 12: 407. Fayette County, rock circles in 12: 407, 408, 410. field work in 11: XXXIV. flakes from 13: 173, 174. gorgets from 13: 118, 119, 120. Great Smith mound, near Charleston 12: 425. grooved axes from 13: 65, 66, 67, 69. hematite celts from 13: 86. hemispheric stones from 13: 114, 115. Kanawha County, antiquities of 12: 410-434. Mason County, rock heaps and mounds in 12: 415. mortar from, description of 13: 96, 97. mound exploration in 5: XX, XXI. mounds in 5: 10, 51-60. notched ax-form objects from 13: 71, 72. occurrence of Iroquoian pottery in 20: 164. occurrence of pottery resembling that of East Tennessee in 20: 182. paint stones from 13: 115. pestles from 13: 88, 90, 91. petroglyphs in 10: 124 sqq., 475, 676 sqq. pipes from 13: 120, 130, 132; 20: 173. plummets from, described and figured 13: 111, 112. Putnam County, antiquities of 12: 434. rock carvings in 4: 22, 225. rock wall near Clifton 12: 411. scraper-form implements from 13: 85, 86. scrapers from 13: 84. Southern, trails of 42: 765-771. stemless perforators from 13: 166, 167. stemless scrapers from 13: 170. stemmed flints from 13: 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164. stemmed perforators from 13: 167, 168. stemmed scrapers from 13: 169. totem marks in 4: 17. tubes from 13: 127, 128. West Wind, power of, god of the Iroquois 2: 52. Westermarck, Prof. Edward, on primitive marriage 17: 285*. Western Cherokee East Cherokee suits against 19: 177. history of 19: 146-157. See also Arkansas Cherokee. Western Chokecherry 33: 89. Western Clan House, Casa Grande 28: 112. Western Company, charter of 18: 545 sq. Western DenÉ, stick game of the 24: 273. Western Eskimo. See Eskimo, Western. Western Innuit, population of 7: 75. Western Journal on wild rice in water system of Red River of the North 19: 1035. Western Lancet, cited on claim symbols 4: 159. Western Superintendent of Indian tribes, reference to 27: 622 sq. Western Union Telegraph Co. 46: 128. Westervelt’s Version 33: 305. West’s Mill, N. C., trail to 42: 773. Wetahato, a Kiowa synonym 17: 149. Wetanamow, sale of land by 18: 617. Wetapahato, a Kiowa synonym 17: 149. We´tcu(r)t, Pima village 26: 23. We-te-pÂ-h´-to, a Kiowa synonym 17: 150. We´to? Waa? description of 27: 421 sqq. reference to 27: 583. Wetopahata, a Kiowa synonym 17: 150. Wettaphato, a Kiowa synonym 17: 150. Wettstein, E., mention of 46: 373. Wetumka, Okla., mention of 42: 492. Wetumka Creek, an affluent of Big Uchee 42: 39. Wetumka River. See Owatamka River. Wevokar, name applied to Wovoka 14: 765. We´waÇpe Rites, account of 27: 596 sq., 602, 607. We´wha burial of 23: 313. death of 23: 310-313. description of 23: 310, 311. gathering of potter’s clay by 23: 374. legend related by 23: 135. mention of 23: 20. preparation of body of 23: 312. Wewuk, mention of 46: 207. Weya, Mourera fluviatilis 38: § 190, 210, 250, 257, 284. Weyehhloo, a KlÛ´k?tÄt synonym 14: 738. We´zhi?shte Gens funeral customs of 27: 144, 358, 589. general account of 27: 142-145. in charge of Cedar Pole 27: 457. in charge of war rites 27: 122, 196, 200 sq., 423, 454. in He´dewachi 27: 258. part of, in dispatch of scouts 27: 425. part of, in establishing Nini´bato? divisions 27: 201. personal names of 27: 145 sq. position of, in hu´thuga 27: 122, 141. recapitulation 27: 194. references to 27: 42, 160. taboo 27: 194.
b1">influence of, on Cherokee mythology 19: 235. legends of first contact of Cherokee with 19: 350 sq., 483. rainbow associated with 30: 268. See also White Man; White People; Whites. White Moiety, clans composing 42: 111, 113. White Mountain Apache population of 7: 56. See also Apache, White Mountain. White Mountain Apache Reservation crossing of, by Coronado 14: 387. traversing of, by Niza 14: 359. work in 40: 12 sq. White Mountain Reserve changes in 18: 860, 864, 876, 884, 888, 890, 944. establishment of 18: 854. White Mountains in Pima legend 28: 52. White Oak Chippewa, agreement with 18: 936. White Oak Mountain, trail over 42: 767. White Ox’s Village, location of 37: 51, 99. White Path, rebellion of 19: 113 sq. White People legends of 11: 261. Pima gentes 26: 197. See also Whites. White Pigment 38: § 32. White Raccoon’s Village cession of reserve at 18: 752. reservation at 18: 716.
ophic language 1: 288. Wilkins, Captain ——, mention of 46: 38. Wilkins, Charles, on Kentucky mummies 1: 133. Wilkinson, General ——, mention of 42: 813. Wilkinson, James, commissioner for Cherokee treaty 5: 184. Wilkinson, William I., mound on land of 12: 123. Will, progressive leader 19: 83. Will West, collection of Cherokee songs and words prepared by 7: 317. Will, G. F., and Spinden, H. J., quoted on Siouan migrations 37: 49 sq. Willamette Valley Indians land cessions and reservations 18: 800, 818. Willapa Tribe coiled basketry of 41: 134. mention of 41: 136. Willay land cessions and reservations 18: 786. Willet, Thomas, purchase of land by 18: 607. Willett, Col. Marinus, on racket 24: 607. Willewah, mention of, by Lewis and Clark 14: 745. William, Chief, mention of 45: 270. William II, King of Wurttemberg, International Congress of Americanists received by 26: XI. Williams, —— acknowledgments to 18: 22. on De Soto’s route 19: 193, 198. Williams, A. G. affidavit of 15: 335. contract with, for Casa Grande repair 15: 334. Williams, B. O., mention of 1: 326. Williams, Charlie on cat’s cradle, Makah 24: 776. on string trick, Makah 24: 762. on tops, Makah 24: 749. Williams, C. F., shell gorgets collected by 2: 282. Williams, Eleazer effect of Stambaugh treaty on 14: 30. sketch of 14: 23 sq. Williams, E. H., jr., on Eleazer Williams 14: 23 sq. Williams, F. P., mention of 46: 31, 75, 80, 116. Williams, G. H., report on rhyolite by 15: 74. Williams, L. D., vocabulary obtained from 18: XLIII. Williams, Sir Monier, on Parsee burial 1: 104. Williams, Roger Indian policy of 18: 619-622. on games of the Narragansett 24: 80 sq., 231, 699. on Indian regard for crows 14: 982. on the name wampum 2: 236. on use of shell money 2: 236. reference to 43: 214. Williams, S. A., collection made by 44: 18. Williams, Thomas A., on value of duck to Indians 19: 1098. Williams, Willis, mound on land of 44: 407. Williams River, rock carvings on 4: 29. Williamson, Rev. Doctor ——, cited 4: 119. Williamson, Col. Andrew expedition under 19: 49 sq. presence of Catawba with 19: 381. Williamson, Dempsey, mounds on land of 12: 142. Williamson, John R. on Dakota gathering wild rice 19: 1062. on Dakota thrashing wild rice 19: 1069. on Dakota tying wild rice 19: 1058. on Dakota use of wild rice 19: 1047. Williamson, T. S., on early Dakota habitat 15: 190. Williamson County, Tenn. Indian remains in 41: 496, 559. Indian settlements in 41: 561. Williamson Valley, Ariz. references to 28: 204, 207. ruins in 28: 216. Willing, August, mounds on farm of, Missouri 12: 169. Willis, Bailey, collaboration of 34: 26. Will-o’-the-Wisp in Cherokee lore 19: 476. Willoughbeia Acida for diarrhoea 38: § 927. Willoughby, C. C. acknowledgment to 29: 12. material collected by 24: 406. on ring and pin, Penobscot 24: 541, 542. on snow-snake, Penobscot 24: 406 sq. Willoughby, Lieut. Hugh L., material collected by 24: 608. Willoughby, W. F., acknowledgment to 25: 103, 110. Willoughby, W. W., paper by, on survivals of ancient Indian symbolism 20: 101. Willow bark, Eskimo implements made of 18: 124, 187. collection and ceremony over 23: 571. Eskimo implements made of 18: 288. framework of Pima ki 26: 154. in basketry 26: 135. long leaf, use of 45: 498. medicinal use of 42: 659; 45: 471. mention of 33: 73. mystic character of 33: 57. red, medicinal use of 42: 655, 668. root, Eskimo ceremonial objects made of 18: 398. root, Eskimo implements and utensils made of 18: 111, 145, 171. tree, a symbol of life 39: 195. twigs, Pawnee use of framework of, as mold 20: 59. use of 44: 292. use of, as medicine 30: 42. use of, for basketry 30: 81. use of, for prayer sticks 47: 275. use of, for toasting-forks 30: 70. use of, in manufactures 45: 499. wands, use of, by Hopi katcinas 21: 50. wands, use of, in roof construction 8: 150. See also Salix; Willow Baskets; etc. Willow Baskets, use of, as molds, Eastern United States 20: 58. Willow Creek Indians, a Loh?m synonym 14: 743. Willow Saplings seven, a war symbol 36: 100, 101. seven, meaning of 36: 92. use of, in ceremony 39: 148, 276. Willow Weed, used medicinally 45: 468. Willstown Cherokee refugees at 19: 55, 209. establishment of mission at 19: 105. Will-Usdi´. See Thomas, W. H. W?ls?n?´. See Spray, H. W. Wilson, —— on carving of tropical animals 2: 142. on Rutherford’s route 2: 143. on the conch shell (Pyrula) 2: 143. on the swastika 19: 840. Wilson, Billy, Caddo delegate to Wovoka 14: 903. Wilson, Dr. Daniel cited 12: 527, 675, 683. identification of mound-builders with Aztecs by 12: 599. mention of 46: 231, 232, 237, 33
122. worship of war gods in, in Hano 21: 25. See also SoyaluÑa; Winter Solstice. Winter Sun Prayer-stick-making, fraternities taking part in 21: 23. Wintergreen beverage made from 44: 317. use of 44: 289. See also Gaultheria Procumbens. Winthrop, Governor ——, policy of 43: 462. Winthrop, John, quoted on Indian right to soil 18: 603 sq. Winthrop, Mass., pottery from 20: 168, 179. Wintun games of the 24: double ball 658. hand games 283. tattooing among the 4: 64. Winuta (Flute), Chief, description of, and renewing of tiponi by 19: 1003 sq. Wiogufki allocation of clans in beds at 42: 201-204. arrangement of square ground of 42: 213, 227, 228. clan councils of 42: 124. clans of, furnishing chiefs and henihas 42: 192, 194. clans, phratries and moieties of 42: 158 sq. plan of ceremonial ground of 42: 229. position of beds at 42: 198. Upper Creek White town 42: 124, 254.
s="isub1">presence of, injurious to wounded 27: 582. prohibited from seeing masks 15: 296. prominence of, in Seri funeral rites 17: 287*-292*. prominence of, in Seri socialry 17: 269*-274*. property of 42: 337; 47: 234. property rights of 27: 362 sq.; 45: 161. prostitution among 9: 419. regulations imposed upon 42: 358-362. regulations regarding 44: 220 sq. relation of, to work and labor 38: § 899-903. religious activities of 47: 543 sq. reward of, for bravery 42: 421. roof building performed by 8: 102. separated from members during ceremonies 23: 571. separated from men 42: 384 sq. services of, in ceremonial groups 47: 255. singing of 27: 374. sitting posture of 27: 329. skins always dressed by 45: 154, 161. social standing of Omaha 3: 266. societies of, and kivas for, in Tusayan 8: 134. songs of 27: 320-323, 421. status of 45: 154, 161; 46: 433, 451, 455. status of, among the Assiniboin 15: 224. status of, among the Dakota 15: 222. status of, among the Kansa 15: 232. status of, among the Mandan 15: 241. status of, in medicine society 47: 544. sterile, attitude toward 42: 361. surrender of, by Indians 14: 499. taboos of 30: 303, 304, 319. tasks of, in ritual 47: 501. terms of relationship used by 42: 83. tipis the property of 15: 177. torture of prisoners by 42: 417. transformation of, legend of 30: 172 sq. treatment of, as captives 46: 551, 552, 553. when admitted to kivas 8: 134. winter game of 47: 240. work of 14: 294; 40: 299, 301, 303, 339; 45: 293, 330, 485, 486, 624, 635; 46: 444, 505. work of, in kiva building 8: 129. work of, in Tusayan house building 8: 101, 102. See also Adultery; Chastity; Childbirth; Girls; Man; Menstruation; Pregnancy; Virgin; Virginity; Virgins; Widow; Wife; Wife Beating; Wives; Woman. Women Doctors, function of 47: 111. Women’s Dance at Eufaula busk 42: 581. brief description of 46: 564. description of 42: 571, 671. discussion of 42: 609. mention of 42: 578; 45: 192. performance of 42: 560 sq., 574, 604. preparations for 42: 559 sq. songs accompanying 42: 597 sq. Women’s Game description of 46: 569 sq. of football, Eskimo 18: 336. Women’s Kivas, Eskimo 18: 108 sq. Women’s Songs, description of 27: 320-327. Wona?i´re Uan?kcik characterization of 37: 441. identified with thunderbirds 37: 463. offering to 37: 429, 436, 463. Wood, Major General ——, expedition sent out by 42: 761. Wood, Alvin, on Osage gentes 15: 235. Wood, Dr. George B., cited 30: 62. Wood, George M., work of 16: LXXVII. Wood, H. S., editorial work of 21: XXXII; 22, i: XXXVIII; 23: XLII; 24: XXXIII; 25: XXIII. Wood, Rev. J. G. on African surface burial 1: 125. on Fans of Africa devouring the dead 1: 182. on Maori wood carving 13: 72. on Obongo aquatic burial 1: 180. Wood, Owen, acknowledgment to 29: 38. Wood, William description of shell pendants by 2: 256. on dice game, Massachuset 24: 73. on football, Massachuset 24: 698. on hubbub 24: 54, 230. shell implements mentioned by 2: 205, 207. shell ornaments mentioned by 2: 232. Wood articles of, from Old Pecos 2: 419. beam of, from old court 2: 419. bending of 35: 70-76, 90, 164. carried by women 40: 303, 339. carving by the Eskimo 18: 196 sq. collection of, by fire-maker 23: 115. Eskimo ceremonial objects made of 18: 396-415. Eskimo houses made of 18: 241-263. Eskimo implements and utensils made of 18: 65-86, 88, 90-100, 103, 104, 107, 109, 114, 116, 123, 127 sqq., 131-147, 152-163, 165, 167 sqq., 171-174, 180, 181, 185, 186, 188, 190-196, 288. Eskimo musical instruments made of 18: 350 sq. Eskimo ornaments made of 18: 46-49. Eskimo surgical instruments made of 18: 310. Eskimo tobacco implements made of 18: 273-280, 282 sqq. Eskimo toys made of 18: 341-346. Eskimo transportation apparatus made of 18: 205-228. hardening of, in fire 35: 144, 148, 150. hardening of, with tallow 35: 144, 146, 148, 150, 151, 156, 165. hewn 46: 183. imitation of vessels of, in clay, Florida Peninsula 20: 128. implements of, in cavate lodgings 13: 224. in burials, decay of 46: 184. in Palatki ruin 17: 555. kinds of, used in Tusayan construction 8: 102. manufacture of pipes of, Eastern United States 20: 172. method of working, at Honanki 17: 571. objects of 45: 42 sq. objects of, from Honanki 17: 572. paintings on 4: 59. pictographs on 10: 213 sq. possible suggestion of carved paddle designs by grain of 20: 12. preservation of, in old houses 46: 183. remains of, at Honanki 17: 562, 566. Serian and Yuman names for 17: 297*, 338* sqq. sewing of 35: 77, 88, 93. skin boat 38: § 798. songs of gathering 39: 220. splitting of 35: 168. spoons of, of the Omaha 13: 277. steaming of 35: 71-74, 88 sqq., 94. symbol in the codices 16: 262. history of 26: 412. names of 26: 421. phratry and tribe of 26: 399. Wukkakotk in Pima flood legend 28: 51. Wukoanu (Hopi) Clan, reference to 19: 583. Wukoki Pueblo, by whom built 19: 589. Wukokoti appearance of, in PalÜlÜkoÑti 21: 52. appearance of, in PowamÛ festival 21: 36. description of 21: 85. Wukopakabi, home of Hano clans 19: 614. Wupamau appearance of clown in company of, in PowamÛ 21: 91, 92. appearance of, in PalÜlÜkoÑti 21: 52. derivation of 21: 125. description of 21: 91, 92. resemblance of, to Tanik 21: 95. similarity of mask of TcanaÛ to that of 21: 91. Wupatki National Monument, ruins included in 42: 4. Wurali Poison. See Curare. Wurwurima, secret poison 38: § 734. WushkÛm, Smohalla ceremonial among 14: 727. W?shqÛm, a Tlaqluit synonym 14: 740. Wut-ca´nÎna affinity of 26: 421. Haida clan at Kasaan 26: 412. WÜvoka, a synonym of Wovoka 14: 765. WÜwÜkoti
>adoption of child of 14: 880. responsibility of, for Wounded Knee fight 14: 868. Yellow Bird, among the Pima in mythology 26: 367. in song 26: 303, 305, 334. Yellow Breast, delegate to Wovoka 14: 820. Yellow Cedar mention of 35: 163. preparation of bark of 35: 129 sq. Yellow Corn Clan, size of 47: 35. Yellow Creek Settlement, mention of 5: 183. Yellow Dyes, sources of 30: 80, 97. Yellow Eagle, delegation to Wovoka under 14: 808. Yellow Flax, use of, in medicine 30: 56. Yellow Hair cession of reserve for 18: 748. reservation for 18: 706. Yellow Hammer a man-being in Iroquoian cosmology 21: 175, 202. myth concerning 19: 288 sq. Yellow Hill, purchase of 19: 161. Yellow Jacket, myth concerning 19: 260, 443 sq. Yellow Knife, visit of, to Wovoka 14: 797, 819. Yellow Lotus, mention of 33: 79. Yellow Mountain in Pima mythology 26: 217. Yellow Pigment, mention of 38: § 31. Yellow Pine, use of, in ceremonies 30: 96. Yellow River, treaty of 18: 758. Yellow Smoke, earth lodge of 13: 270. Yellow Thunder’s “Forty,” location of 37: 51. Yellow Thunder’s Village, location of 37: 51. Yellow Ware from Pueblo ruins in Arizona, reference to 22, i: 59. Yellowstone National Park plummet from 13: 112. possible origin of Hopewell mounds obsidian in 20: 194. pottery of 20: 194, 201. Yellowstone River, occupation of, by the Crow 15: 198. Yendestake, clans at 26: 397, 413, 414. YÊnd?´staq!Ê. See Yendestake. Yenesei River, Siberia, petroglyphs on 10: 186. Yeny?´dÎ, Tlingit clan affinity of 26: 412. crests of 26: 415. phratry and tribe of 26: 399. Yeopim Indians, purchase of land from 18: 625. Yerba de Flecha, probable use of, by Seri, as arrow poison 17: 258* sq. Yerba Mansa. See Houttuynia Californica. Yerbatero, a professional poisoner 38: § 735. Yeso, use of, for interior whitewash 8: 74. Yeta, a division of the Kansa 37: 181. Yet´tripih, number names of 19: 871. Yew Pacific, use of 45: 500. use of 44: 293, 362. western, use of 45: 499. wood, mention of 35: 144, 146, 149, 150, 154, 181. Yib, signification of 16: 254. Yibur, sting ray, leaf plate 38: § 453. Yiela del Arispe, Pima chief 26: 21. Yiz. See Balam. Ylacca land cessions and reservations 18: 784. See also Round Valley Reserve. Ymaba visit of Alvarado to 14: 575. See also Braba; Uraba. Ymix. See Imix. Ymolina, Luis de Neve on formation of Othomi numerals 19: 909. on Othomi number names 19: 873. on Othomian numbers 19: 873. on Othomian numerals 19: 909. Yoamocoes, sale of land by 18: 569, 573. Yohozro WÜqti derivation of 21: 126. description of 21: 84. Yokai Indians, basket making among the 20: XVI. Yo-kaÍ-a, a burial dance 1: 192 sqq. Yokcabil definition of 16: 257. Muyal, definition of 21: 258. Yokes breast, used by the Eskimo 18: 211. made by the Menomini 14: 289. stone, of the Totonacs, mention of 34: 169. See also Stone Yokes. Yokol land cessions and reservations 18: 782. Yoku ant bite, counterirritant 38: § 926. punishment 38: § 739. Yokut Indian color used by the 4: 52. games of the 24: dice games 140 sq. European games 793. hand game 293 sq. hoop and pole 483 sq. popgun 751. racket 595. shinny 640. snow snake 414. tops 741. grass figures woven by 4: 78. illustration of ornamentation by 6: 233, 234. pictographs on baskets by 10: 217. use of stone mortars by 13: 96. Yollamer land cessions and reservations 18: 784. Yolumne land cessions and reservations 18: 782. See also Tolumne. Yonaguska adoption of W. H. Thomas by 19: 160. life of 19: 162 sqq. Yoni, cult of the 11: 505. Yonkalla, population of 7: 82. YontoÑwisas Dance, legend concerning 19: 365, 492. Yontz, A. C., references to 29: 467, 488, 489, 492, 553. Yookoomans, a YÄ´k?ma synonym 14: 737. Yopo. See Yupa. Yopone. See Black Drink; Cassine. York, Duke of, grant to 18: 530. York, Pa., trail near 42: 760. York Mountains, mention of 46: 93. Youikcones or Youkone of Lewis and Clark 7: 134. Youkiousme, a Moquelumnan dialect 7: 92. Youkone. See Youikcones. Young, Lieutenant ——, Coweta chief 42: 322. Young, Col. Bennett H., mention of 41: 565. Young, John, on tree burial 1: 161. Young, J. R., agent for Pima 26: 34. Young, John W., on sacred stone of Oraibi 4: 58. Young, William assistance rendered by 7: XXX. cited 10: 378. Young, Serian and Yuman words meaning 17: 336* sq. Young Bear
class="isub1">reference to 28: 228. Zeleny, S. I., mention of 46: 127. Zeltner, A. de cited 6: 20, 22, 27, 43, 45, 140. description of Chiriquian vases by 6: 145 sqq. observations on graves in Chiriqui by 6: 14, 18, 19, 41, 42. Zemis among the Carib 25: 68. amulets used as idols 25: 146. as totemic symbols 34: 232. as totems 25: 59. carried by medicine-men 34: 232. figured by Charlevoix 25: 139. found in Hispaniola 34: 172.