I. The Runaway Car 5
II. The “White Shark” 16
III. A Wonderful Craft 23
IV. More Strange Discoveries 35
V. A Wild Chase 44
VI. Jack Makes a Promise 54
VII. The Launching of the Model 61
VIII. Jupe Battles with a Water Monster 71
IX. Off on the Strangest Craft on Record 85
X. In Dire Danger 92
XI. Tom’s Plan for Rescue 103
XII. A British Skipper 113
XIII. An Important Telegram 119
XIV. The Voice in the Dark 132
XV. The Man Behind the Mystery 142
XVI. Adam Duke’s Methods 150
XVII. The Tables Are Turned 159
XVIII. Heaven’s Intervention 166
XIX. An Insufficient Disguise 174
XX. A Naval Encounter 183
XXI. A Fresh Danger 196
XXII. A Narrow Escape 204
XXIII. The “White Shark” and the Squadron 211
XXIV. A Mystery Adrift 222
XXV. Lost in the Fog 236
XXVI. “A Phantom of Light” 243
XXVII. Land Is Sighted 250
XXVIII. A Single Chance 260
XXIX. A Fortunate Find 269
XXX. A Fish Story 277
XXXI. Facing a Serious Situation 286
XXXII. The “White Shark” to the Rescue 299

The Boy Inventors’
Diving Torpedo Boat


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