
Mr. Hippopotamus Was Having His Bath.

Mr. Hippopotamus Was Having His Bath.

"The hippopotamus who lived in the zoo had a very strange caller the other day," said daddy.

"Into the animal house flew a sparrow. The keeper called out to him:

"'Where are you going, sparrow?' But the sparrow did not answer. He flew right through the animal house until he reached Mr. Hippopotamus' cage. Mr. Hippopotamus was having his bath, and he would not be interrupted.

"The sparrow was rather annoyed that Mr. Hippopotamus didn't want to come right out of the water to talk to him, and he scolded from his perch on the wire of the cage. There he sat scolding away, and the hippopotamus kept on splashing and spluttering as he took his bath.

"Soon the hippopotamus came up from the water and sat in the corner of his cage, and the sparrow hopped over to a wire a little nearer.

"'Mr. Sparrow, I am sorry to be late for your call,' said the hippopotamus, 'but the truth is I wanted to look my best.' And his great, long, funny old face grinned, and he showed his big teeth.

"'That's all right,' cheerfully chirped the sparrow. 'I have plenty of time to-day. My family have gone a-shopping for bread crumbs which they find every day in a certain back-yard. And I have nothing to do. I've come to tell you the news of the world outside.'

"So the sparrow told Mr. Hippopotamus all about the wild scampers the sparrows had been having. He told about their quarrels and how they had made up again. And he bragged about their friends and relations, the song sparrows, who had been very friendly this year. "When Mr. Sparrow began to be boastful, the old hippopotamus said:

"'You think I'm finer than my cousins in that cage over there?' And Mr. Hippopotamus pointed to some other members of his family. They were very much smaller and their coats looked just like chocolate. 'And,' he went on, 'when the children see those silly cousins of mine they always say, "Why, they look just like tins of chocolate taffy left to cool." They never can say anything quite so stupid about me.'

"'Well,' said Mr. Sparrow, 'I must be off now, as it's time the bread crumbs and the family were coming home.' He spoke about the bread crumbs first, you notice. 'But I'll come and see you soon again, old hippo,' and the little sparrow flew off."



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